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TrackCandidateProducer_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple trackCandidateProducer

Variable Documentation

tuple TrackCandidateProducer_cfi.trackCandidateProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("TrackCandidateProducer",
2  HitProducer = cms.InputTag("siTrackerGaussianSmearingRecHits","TrackerGSMatchedRecHits"),
3  # The smallest number of crossed layers to make a candidate
4  MinNumberOfCrossedLayers = cms.uint32(5),
5  # The number of crossed layers needed before stopping tracking
6  MaxNumberOfCrossedLayers = cms.uint32(999),
7  SeedProducer = cms.InputTag("globalPixelSeeds","GlobalPixel"),
8  # If true, keep the tracks fitted in the previous collection
9  # Just ignore them otherwise
10  KeepFittedTracks = cms.bool(True),
11  # Reject overlapping hits? (GroupedTracking from 170pre2 onwards)
12  OverlapCleaning = cms.bool(False),
13  # Reject copies of tracks from several seeds - take the first seed in that case
14  SeedCleaning = cms.bool(True),
15  # The tracks already fitted - no need to fit them already !
16  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("generalTracks")),
17  # Split matched hits?
18  SplitHits = cms.bool(True),
19  SimTracks = cms.InputTag(''),
20  EstimatorCut = cms.double(0)
21 )

Definition at line 3 of file

Referenced by cms::RoadSearchHelixMaker.produce().