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HcalRawDataClient Class Reference

#include <HcalRawDataClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for HcalRawDataClient:

Public Member Functions

void analyze (void)
void beginJob (void)
void beginRun (void)
void calculateProblems (void)
void cleanup (void)
void endJob (void)
void endLuminosityBlock (void)
void endRun (void)
bool hasErrors_Temp (void)
bool hasOther_Temp (void)
bool hasWarnings_Temp (void)
 HcalRawDataClient ()
 Constructors. More...
 HcalRawDataClient (std::string myname)
 HcalRawDataClient (std::string myname, const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
void setup (void)
bool test_enabled (void)
void updateChannelStatus (std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > &myqual)
 ~HcalRawDataClient ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HcalBaseDQClient
 HcalBaseDQClient ()
 HcalBaseDQClient (std::string s, const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual void htmlOutput (std::string htmlDir)
std::string name ()
void setEventSetup (const edm::EventSetup &es)
virtual void setStatusMap (std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > &map)
virtual bool validHtmlOutput ()
virtual ~HcalBaseDQClient (void)

Private Member Functions

void fillProblemCountArray (void)
void getHardwareSpaceHistos (void)
HcalDetId HashToHDI (int thehash)
int hashup (uint32_t d=0, uint32_t s=0, uint32_t c=1)
void mapChannproblem (int dcc, int spigot, int htrchan, float n)
void mapDCCproblem (int dcc, float n)
void mapHTRproblem (int dcc, int spigot, float n)
void normalizeHardwareSpaceHistos (void)
void stashHDI (int thehash, HcalDetId thehcaldetid)

Private Attributes

TH2F * Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_ [32]
TH2F * ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_
TH2F * DataFlowInd_
bool excludeHORing2_
TH2F * HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_
HcalDetId hashedHcalDetId_ [32 *15 *24]
TH2F * LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_
TH2F * meBCNSynch_
TH2F * meCDFErrorFound_
TH2F * meDCCEventFormatError_
TH2F * meEvtNumberSynch_
TH2F * meOrNSynch_
int nevts_
float numTS_ [32 *15]
uint64_t problemcount [85][72][4]
const HcalElectronicsMapreadoutMap_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from HcalBaseDQClient
int badChannelStatusMask_
std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > badstatusmap
const edm::EventSetupc
bool cloneME_
int debug_
bool enableCleanup_
bool enoughevents_
double minerrorrate_
int minevents_
std::string name_
bool Online_
std::string prefixME_
std::vector< std::string > problemnames_
std::string subdir_
bool testenabled_
bool validHtmlOutput_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HcalRawDataClient::HcalRawDataClient ( )


Definition at line 17 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

References HcalBaseDQClient::name_.

17 {name_="";};
HcalRawDataClient::HcalRawDataClient ( std::string  myname)

Definition at line 25 of file

References HcalBaseDQClient::name_.

26 {
27  name_=myname;
28 }
HcalRawDataClient::HcalRawDataClient ( std::string  myname,
const edm::ParameterSet ps 

Definition at line 30 of file

References HcalBaseDQClient::badChannelStatusMask_, HcalBaseDQClient::cloneME_, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, HcalBaseDQClient::enableCleanup_, excludeHORing2_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), HcalBaseDQClient::minerrorrate_, HcalBaseDQClient::minevents_, HcalBaseDQClient::name_, HcalBaseDQClient::Online_, HcalBaseDQClient::prefixME_, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCells, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCellsByDepth, HcalBaseDQClient::subdir_, and HcalBaseDQClient::validHtmlOutput_.

31 {
32  name_=myname;
33  enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup",false);
34  debug_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("debug",0);
35  prefixME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("subSystemFolder","Hcal/");
36  if (prefixME_.substr(prefixME_.size()-1,prefixME_.size())!="/")
37  prefixME_.append("/");
38  subdir_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("RawDataFolder","RawDataMonitor_Hcal/"); // RawDataMonitor
39  if (subdir_.size()>0 && subdir_.substr(subdir_.size()-1,subdir_.size())!="/")
40  subdir_.append("/");
41  subdir_=prefixME_+subdir_;
43  validHtmlOutput_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RawData_validHtmlOutput",true);
44  cloneME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("cloneME", true);
45  badChannelStatusMask_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("RawData_BadChannelStatusMask",
46  ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("BadChannelStatusMask",0));
48  minerrorrate_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("RawData_minerrorrate",
49  ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minerrorrate",0.01));
50  minevents_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("RawData_minevents",
51  ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("minevents",1));
53  excludeHORing2_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("excludeHOring2_backup",false);
54  Online_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("online",false);
56  ProblemCells=0;
58 }
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
MonitorElement * ProblemCells
EtaPhiHists * ProblemCellsByDepth
std::string subdir_
std::string prefixME_
HcalRawDataClient::~HcalRawDataClient ( )


Definition at line 722 of file

723 {}

Member Function Documentation

void HcalRawDataClient::analyze ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 70 of file

References calculateProblems(), gather_cfg::cout, and HcalBaseDQClient::debug_.

Referenced by endRun().

71 {
72  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\tHcalRawDataClient::analyze()"<<std::endl;
74 }
void calculateProblems(void)
tuple cout
void HcalRawDataClient::beginJob ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 208 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, HcalBaseDQClient::dqmStore_, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, and DQMStore::showDirStructure().

209 {
211  if (debug_>0)
212  {
213  std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::beginJob()> Displaying dqmStore directory structure:"<<std::endl;
215  }
216 }
tuple cout
void showDirStructure(void) const
DQMStore * dqmStore_
void HcalRawDataClient::beginRun ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 227 of file

References HcalElectronicsMap::allElectronicsIdPrecision(), DQMStore::book2D(), HcalBaseDQClient::c, gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, EtaPhiHists::depth, DetId::det(), HcalBaseDQClient::dqmStore_, HcalBaseDQClient::enoughevents_, edm::EventSetup::get(), MonitorElement::getName(), hashup(), HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, HcalOuter, i, HcalElectronicsMap::lookup(), nevts_, DetId::null(), HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCells, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCellsByDepth, HcalBaseDQClient::problemnames_, readoutMap_, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), EtaPhiHists::setup(), stashHDI(), DetId::subdetId(), and HcalBaseDQClient::subdir_.

228 {
229  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::beginRun>"<<std::endl;
231  c->get<HcalDbRecord>().get( pSetup );
233  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t<HcalRawDataClient::beginRun> Get Hcal mapping"<<std::endl;
234  readoutMap_=pSetup->getHcalMapping();
235  DetId detid_;
236  HcalDetId hcaldetid_;
238  // Build a map of readout hardware unit to calorimeter channel
239  std::vector <HcalElectronicsId> AllElIds = readoutMap_->allElectronicsIdPrecision();
240  uint32_t itsdcc =0;
241  uint32_t itsspigot =0;
242  uint32_t itshtrchan=0;
244  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t<HcalRawDataClient::beginRun> Loop over AllEIds"<<std::endl;
245  // by looping over all precision (non-trigger) items.
246  for (std::vector <HcalElectronicsId>::iterator eid = AllElIds.begin();
247  eid != AllElIds.end();
248  eid++) {
250  //Get the HcalDetId from the HcalElectronicsId
251  detid_ = readoutMap_->lookup(*eid);
252  // NULL if illegal; ignore
253  if (!detid_.null()) {
254  if (detid_.det()!=4) continue; //not Hcal
255  if (detid_.subdetId()!=HcalBarrel &&
256  detid_.subdetId()!=HcalEndcap &&
257  detid_.subdetId()!=HcalOuter &&
258  detid_.subdetId()!=HcalForward) continue;
260  itsdcc =(uint32_t) eid->dccid();
261  itsspigot =(uint32_t) eid->spigot();
262  itshtrchan=(uint32_t) eid->htrChanId();
263  hcaldetid_ = HcalDetId(detid_);
264  stashHDI(hashup(itsdcc,itsspigot,itshtrchan),
265  hcaldetid_);
266  } // if (!detid_.null())
267  }
269  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t<HcalRawDataClient::beginRun> Completed loop."<<std::endl;
271  enoughevents_=false;
272  if (!dqmStore_)
273  {
274  if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::beginRun> dqmStore does not exist!"<<std::endl;
275  return;
276  }
279  problemnames_.clear();
280  // Put the appropriate name of your problem summary here
281  ProblemCells=dqmStore_->book2D(" ProblemRawData",
282  " Problem Raw Data Rate for all HCAL;ieta;iphi",
283  85,-42.5,42.5,
284  72,0.5,72.5);
285  problemnames_.push_back(ProblemCells->getName());
286  if (debug_>1)
287  std::cout << "Tried to create ProblemCells Monitor Element in directory "<<subdir_<<" \t Failed? "<<(ProblemCells==0)<<std::endl;
288  dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(subdir_+"problem_rawdata");
291  ProblemCells->getTH2F()->SetMinimum(0);
292  ProblemCells->getTH2F()->SetMaximum(1.05);
294  ProblemCellsByDepth->setup(dqmStore_," Problem Raw Data Rate");
295  for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++i)
296  problemnames_.push_back(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[i]->getName());
298  nevts_=0;
299 }
const std::string & getName(void) const
get name of ME
int i
MonitorElement * ProblemCells
std::vector< HcalElectronicsId > allElectronicsIdPrecision() const
void stashHDI(int thehash, HcalDetId thehcaldetid)
void setup(DQMStore *&m_dbe, std::string Name, std::string Units="")
const edm::EventSetup * c
int hashup(uint32_t d=0, uint32_t s=0, uint32_t c=1)
std::vector< MonitorElement * > depth
std::vector< std::string > problemnames_
EtaPhiHists * ProblemCellsByDepth
const HcalElectronicsMap * readoutMap_
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:39
Definition: DetId.h:20
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:55
bool null() const
is this a null id ?
Definition: DetId.h:47
std::string subdir_
tuple cout
MonitorElement * book2D(const char *name, const char *title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)
Book 2D histogram.
Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:37
DQMStore * dqmStore_
const DetId lookup(HcalElectronicsId fId) const
lookup the logical detid associated with the given electronics id
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
void HcalRawDataClient::calculateProblems ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 76 of file

References HcalBaseDQClient::badstatusmap, HcalObjRepresent::CalcIeta(), gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, EtaPhiHists::depth, HcalBaseDQClient::dqmStore_, HcalBaseDQClient::enoughevents_, eta(), excludeHORing2_, MonitorElement::Fill(), fillProblemCountArray(), HcalObjRepresent::FillUnphysicalHEHFBins(), DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), MonitorElement::getIntValue(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), HcalBarrel, HcalEmpty, HcalEndcap, HcalEtaPhiHistNames(), HcalForward, HcalOuter, isHB(), isHE(), isHF(), isHO(), min, HcalBaseDQClient::minerrorrate_, HcalBaseDQClient::minevents_, HcalBaseDQClient::name(), phi, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCells, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCellsByDepth, problemcount, MonitorElement::Reset(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), and HcalBaseDQClient::subdir_.

Referenced by analyze(), and endLuminosityBlock().

77 {
78  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t\tHcalRawDataClient::calculateProblems()"<<std::endl;
79  if(!dqmStore_) return;
80  double totalevents=0;
81  int etabins=0, phibins=0, zside=0;
82  double problemvalue=0;
84  //Get number of events to normalize by
85  MonitorElement* me;
86  me = dqmStore_->get(subdir_+"Events_Processed_Task_Histogram");
87  if (me) totalevents=me->getBinContent(1);
89  // Clear away old problems
90  if (ProblemCells!=0)
91  {
93  (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->SetMaximum(1.05);
94  (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->SetMinimum(0.);
95  }
96  for (unsigned int d=0;ProblemCellsByDepth!=0 && d<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++d)
97  {
98  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]!=0)
99  {
100  ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->Reset();
101  (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->SetMaximum(1.05);
102  (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->SetMinimum(0.);
103  }
104  for (unsigned int eta=0; eta<85;++eta) //spans largest ieta breadth
105  {
106  for (unsigned int phi=0;phi<72;++phi) //spans largest (only!) iphi breadth
107  {
108  problemcount[eta][phi][d]=0.0;
109  }
110  }
111  }
112  enoughevents_=true;
114  // Try to read excludeHOring2 status from file
116  MonitorElement* temp_exclude = dqmStore_->get(subdir_+"ExcludeHOring2");
118  // If value can't be read from file, keep the excludeHOring2_backup status
119  if (temp_exclude != 0)
120  {
121  if (temp_exclude->getIntValue()>0)
122  excludeHORing2_ = true;
123  else
124  excludeHORing2_ = false;
125  }
129  //Get the plots showing raw data errors,
130  //fill problemcount[][][]
133  std::vector<std::string> name = HcalEtaPhiHistNames();
135  // Because we're clearing and re-forming the problem cell histogram here, we don't need to do any cute
136  // setting of the underflow bin to 0, and we can plot results as a raw rate between 0-1.
138  for (unsigned int d=0;ProblemCellsByDepth!=0 && d<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++d)
139  {
140  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]==0) continue;
142  if (totalevents==0 || totalevents<minevents_) continue;
143  etabins=(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
144  phibins=(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
145  problemvalue=0;
146  for (int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta)
147  {
148  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
149  if (ieta==-9999) continue;
150  for (int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)
151  {
152  problemvalue=0;
153  problemvalue=((uint64_t) problemcount[eta][phi][d] );
155  if (problemvalue==0) continue;
156  problemvalue/=totalevents; // problem value is a rate; should be between 0 and 1
157  problemvalue = std::min(1.,problemvalue);
159  zside=0;
160  if (isHF(eta,d+1)) // shift ieta by 1 for HF
161  ieta<0 ? zside = -1 : zside = 1;
163  if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"problemvalue = "<<problemvalue<<" ieta = "<<zside<<" iphi = "<<phi+1<<" d = "<<d+1<<std::endl;
164  // For problem cells that exceed our allowed rate,
165  // set the values to -1 if the cells are already marked in the status database
167  if (problemvalue>minerrorrate_)
168  {
169  HcalSubdetector subdet=HcalEmpty;
170  if (isHB(eta,d+1))subdet=HcalBarrel;
171  else if (isHE(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalEndcap;
172  else if (isHF(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalForward;
173  else if (isHO(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalOuter;
174  HcalDetId hcalid(subdet, ieta, phi+1, (int)(d+1));
175  if (badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end())
176  problemvalue=999;
177  }
179  ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->setBinContent(eta+1,phi+1,problemvalue);
180  if (ProblemCells!=0) ProblemCells->Fill(ieta+zside,phi+1,problemvalue);
181  } // loop on phi
182  } // loop on eta
183  } // loop on depth
185  if (ProblemCells==0)
186  {
187  if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> ProblemCells histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
188  return;
189  }
191  // Normalization of ProblemCell plot, in the case where there are errors in multiple depths
192  etabins=(ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
193  phibins=(ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
194  for (int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta)
195  {
196  for (int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)
197  {
200  }
201  }
205  return;
206 }
bool isHO(int etabin, int depth)
MonitorElement * ProblemCells
std::string name()
void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
std::vector< std::string > HcalEtaPhiHistNames()
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161
void fillProblemCountArray(void)
bool isHE(int etabin, int depth)
T eta() const
void Fill(long long x)
std::vector< MonitorElement * > depth
int CalcIeta(int subdet, int eta, int depth)
EtaPhiHists * ProblemCellsByDepth
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:32
MonitorElement * get(const std::string &path) const
get ME from full pathname (e.g. &quot;my/long/dir/my_histo&quot;)
bool isHB(int etabin, int depth)
bool isHF(int etabin, int depth)
unsigned long long uint64_t
Definition: Time.h:15
int64_t getIntValue(void) const
uint64_t problemcount[85][72][4]
std::string subdir_
std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > badstatusmap
void FillUnphysicalHEHFBins(std::vector< TH2F > &hh)
double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)
tuple cout
TH2F * getTH2F(void) const
void Reset(void)
reset ME (ie. contents, errors, etc)
DQMStore * dqmStore_
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
void HcalRawDataClient::cleanup ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 304 of file

304 {}
void HcalRawDataClient::endJob ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 217 of file

217 {}
void HcalRawDataClient::endLuminosityBlock ( void  )

Definition at line 60 of file

References calculateProblems(), gather_cfg::cout, and HcalBaseDQClient::debug_.

60  {
61 // if (LBprocessed_==true) return; // LB already processed
62 // UpdateMEs();
63 // LBprocessed_=true;
64  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\tHcalRawDataClient::endLuminosityBlock()"<<std::endl;
66  return;
67 }
void calculateProblems(void)
tuple cout
void HcalRawDataClient::endRun ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 301 of file

References analyze().

301 {analyze();}
void HcalRawDataClient::fillProblemCountArray ( void  )

Definition at line 408 of file

References Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_, ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_, gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, getHardwareSpaceHistos(), HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_, HTRCHANMAX, LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_, mapChannproblem(), mapDCCproblem(), mapHTRproblem(), FEDNumbering::MAXHCALFEDID, meBCNSynch_, meCDFErrorFound_, meDCCEventFormatError_, meEvtNumberSynch_, meOrNSynch_, FEDNumbering::MINHCALFEDID, n, NUMDCCS, NUMSPGS, and numTS_.

Referenced by calculateProblems().

408  {
409  if (debug_>1) std::cout <<"\t<HcalRawDataClient>::fillProblemCountArray(): getHardwareSpaceHistos()"<<std::endl;
411  float n=0.0;
412  int dcc_=-999;
414  bool CheckmeCDFErrorFound_ = false;
415  bool CheckmeDCCEventFormatError_ = false;
416  bool CheckmeOrNSynch_ = false;
417  bool CheckmeBCNSynch_ = false;
418  bool CheckmeEvtNumberSynch_ = false;
419  bool CheckLRBDataCorruptionIndicators_ = false;
420  bool CheckHalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_ = false;
421  bool CheckChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_ = false;
422  bool CheckChann_DataIntegrityCheck_[NUMDCCS] = {false};
424  if (meCDFErrorFound_!=0) CheckmeCDFErrorFound_ = true;
425  if (meDCCEventFormatError_!=0) CheckmeDCCEventFormatError_ = true;
426  if (meOrNSynch_!=0) CheckmeOrNSynch_ = true;
427  if (meBCNSynch_!=0) CheckmeBCNSynch_ = true;
428  if (meEvtNumberSynch_!=0) CheckmeEvtNumberSynch_ = true;
429  if (LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_!=0) CheckLRBDataCorruptionIndicators_ = true;
430  if (HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_!=0) CheckHalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_ = true;
431  if (ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_!=0) CheckChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_ = true;
433  int fed2offset=0;
434  int fed3offset=0;
435  int spg2offset=0;
436  int spg3offset=0;
437  int chn2offset=0;
439  //Project all types of errors in these two plots onto
440  //the x axis to get total errors per FED.
441  TH1D* ProjXmeCDFErrorFound_ = 0;
442  bool CheckProjXmeCDFErrorFound_ = false;
443  if (CheckmeCDFErrorFound_)
444  ProjXmeCDFErrorFound_=meCDFErrorFound_->ProjectionX();
445  if (ProjXmeCDFErrorFound_!=0) CheckProjXmeCDFErrorFound_=true;
446  TH1D* ProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_ = 0;
447  bool CheckProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_ = false;
448  if (CheckmeDCCEventFormatError_)
449  ProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_=meDCCEventFormatError_->ProjectionX();
450  if (ProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_!=0) CheckProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_ = true;
452  for (int dccid=FEDNumbering::MINHCALFEDID; dccid<=FEDNumbering::MAXHCALFEDID; dccid++) {
453  dcc_=dccid-FEDNumbering::MINHCALFEDID; // Numbering FEDS [0:31] is more useful for array indices.
454  if (Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[dcc_]!=0)
455  CheckChann_DataIntegrityCheck_[dcc_] = true;
457  if (CheckProjXmeCDFErrorFound_) {
458  n = ProjXmeCDFErrorFound_->GetBinContent(1+dcc_);
459  if (n>0.0) mapDCCproblem(dcc_,n);
460  }
461  if (CheckProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_) {
462  n = ProjXmeDCCEventFormatError_->GetBinContent(1+dcc_);
463  if (n>0.0) mapDCCproblem(dcc_,n);
464  }
466  fed3offset = 1 + (4*dcc_); //3 bins, plus one of margin, each DCC (FED)
467  fed2offset = 1 + (3*dcc_); //2 bins, plus one of margin, each DCC (FED)
468  for (int spigot=0; spigot<NUMSPGS; spigot++) {
470  if (CheckmeOrNSynch_) {
471  n = meOrNSynch_->GetBinContent(1+dcc_, 1+spigot);
472  if (n>0.0) mapHTRproblem(dcc_,spigot,n);
473  }
474  if (CheckmeBCNSynch_) {
475  n = meBCNSynch_->GetBinContent(1+dcc_, 1+spigot);
476  if (n>0.0) mapHTRproblem(dcc_,spigot,n);
477  }
478  if (CheckmeEvtNumberSynch_) {
479  n = meEvtNumberSynch_->GetBinContent(1+dcc_, 1+spigot);
480  if (n>0.0) mapHTRproblem(dcc_,spigot,n);
481  }
482  spg3offset = 1 + (4*spigot); //3 bins, plus one of margin, each spigot
483  if (CheckLRBDataCorruptionIndicators_ ){
484  n=0.0; //Sum errors of all ten types
485  n+=LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_->GetBinContent(fed3offset,
486  spg3offset);
487  for (int xbin=1; xbin<=3; xbin++) {
488  for (int ybin=1; ybin<=3; ybin++) {
489  n+=LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_->GetBinContent(fed3offset+xbin,
490  spg3offset+ybin);
491  }
492  }
493  if (n>0.0) mapHTRproblem(dcc_,spigot,n);
494  }
495  if (CheckHalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_){
496  n=0.0; //Sum errors of all nine types
497  for (int xbin=1; xbin<=3; xbin++) {
498  for (int ybin=1; ybin<=3; ybin++) {
499  n+=HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_->GetBinContent(fed3offset+xbin,
500  spg3offset+ybin);
501  }
502  }
503  if (n>0.0) mapHTRproblem(dcc_,spigot,n);
504  }
505  spg2offset = 1 + (3*spigot); //2 bins, plus one of margin, each spigot
506  if (CheckChann_DataIntegrityCheck_[dcc_] &&
507  CheckChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_ ){
508  //Each spigot may be configured for its own number of TimeSlices, per event.
509  //Keep an array of the values:
510  numTS_[(dcc_*NUMSPGS)+spigot]=-1.0 * ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->GetBinContent(fed2offset,
511  spg2offset+1);
512  for (int chnnum=0; chnnum<HTRCHANMAX; chnnum++) {
513  chn2offset = 1 + (3*chnnum); //2 bins, plus one of margin, each channel
514  n = 0.0;
515  //Sum errors of all types,
516  //but not !DV, at xbin==1, ybin==2.
517  //Weight less if error can occur every timeslice
518  // or between any two timeslices
519  float tsFactor=numTS_[spigot +(dcc_*NUMSPGS)];
520  float CRweight = 0.0;
521  float Erweight = 0.0;
522  if (tsFactor>0) {
523  CRweight = (1.0 / (tsFactor-1.0));
524  Erweight = (1.0 / (tsFactor ));
525  }
526  int xbin=1; int ybin=1; // Timeslices per event check for error here
527  n += Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[dcc_]->GetBinContent(chn2offset+xbin,
528  spg2offset+ybin);
529  xbin=2; //move right one bin: CapID Rotation here
530  n += CRweight * Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[dcc_]->GetBinContent(chn2offset+xbin,
531  spg2offset+ybin);
532  ybin=2; //move up one bin: Er bit here
533  n += Erweight * Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[dcc_]->GetBinContent(chn2offset+xbin,
534  spg2offset+ybin);
535  if (n>=0.0)
536  mapChannproblem(dcc_,spigot,chnnum,n);
537  } //loop over channels
538  } //check to see if FED had any channel problems
539  } //loop over spigot
540  } //loop over dccid
541 }
TH2F * LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_
TH2F * ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_
void mapDCCproblem(int dcc, float n)
TH2F * Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[32]
#define NUMDCCS
void mapChannproblem(int dcc, int spigot, int htrchan, float n)
void getHardwareSpaceHistos(void)
float numTS_[32 *15]
tuple cout
TH2F * HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_
void mapHTRproblem(int dcc, int spigot, float n)
#define NUMSPGS
void HcalRawDataClient::getHardwareSpaceHistos ( void  )

Definition at line 351 of file

References Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_, ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_, HcalBaseDQClient::cloneME_, gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, HcalBaseDQClient::dqmStore_, DQMStore::get(), HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_, i, LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_, meBCNSynch_, meCDFErrorFound_, meDCCEventFormatError_, meEvtNumberSynch_, meOrNSynch_, NUMDCCS, alignCSCRings::s, and HcalBaseDQClient::subdir_.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray().

351  {
352  MonitorElement* me;
353  std::string s;
354  if (debug_>1) std::cout<<"\t<HcalRawDataClient>: getHardwareSpaceHistos()"<<std::endl;
355  s=subdir_+"Corruption/01 Common Data Format violations";
356  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
357  meCDFErrorFound_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, meCDFErrorFound_, debug_);
358  if (!meCDFErrorFound_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
360  s=subdir_+"Corruption/02 DCC Event Format violation";
361  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
362  meDCCEventFormatError_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, meDCCEventFormatError_, debug_);
363  if (!meDCCEventFormatError_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
365  s=subdir_+"Corruption/03 OrN Inconsistent - HTR vs DCC";
366  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
367  meOrNSynch_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, meOrNSynch_, debug_);
368  if (!meOrNSynch_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
370  s=subdir_+"Corruption/05 BCN Inconsistent - HTR vs DCC";
371  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
372  meBCNSynch_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, meBCNSynch_, debug_);
373  if (!meBCNSynch_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
375  s=subdir_+"Corruption/06 EvN Inconsistent - HTR vs DCC";
376  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
377  meEvtNumberSynch_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, meEvtNumberSynch_, debug_);
378  if (!meEvtNumberSynch_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
380  s=subdir_+"Corruption/07 LRB Data Corruption Indicators";
381  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
382  LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_, debug_);
383  if (!LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
385  s=subdir_+"Corruption/08 Half-HTR Data Corruption Indicators";
386  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
388  if (!HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
390  s=subdir_+"Corruption/09 Channel Integrity Summarized by Spigot";
391  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
392  ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_, debug_);
393  if (!ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_ & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
394  if (ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_)
395  ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->SetMinimum(0);
397  char chararray[150];
398  for (int i=0; i<NUMDCCS; i++) {
399  sprintf(chararray,"Corruption/Channel Data Integrity/FED %03d Channel Integrity", i+700);
400  s=subdir_+std::string(chararray);
401  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
402  Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[i], debug_);
403  if (!Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[i] & (debug_>0)) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::analyze> "<<s<<" histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
404  if (Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[i])
405  Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[i]->SetMinimum(0);
406  }
407 }
TH2F * LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_
int i
TH2F * ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_
TH2F * Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[32]
#define NUMDCCS
MonitorElement * get(const std::string &path) const
get ME from full pathname (e.g. &quot;my/long/dir/my_histo&quot;)
std::string subdir_
tuple cout
TH2F * HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_
DQMStore * dqmStore_
bool HcalRawDataClient::hasErrors_Temp ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 306 of file

References HcalObjRepresent::CalcIeta(), gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, EtaPhiHists::depth, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), HcalBaseDQClient::minerrorrate_, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCells, HcalBaseDQClient::ProblemCellsByDepth, and problemcount.

307 {
308  if (!ProblemCells)
309  {
310  if (debug_>1) std::cout <<"<HcalRawDataClient::hasErrors_Temp> ProblemCells histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
311  return false;
312  }
313  int problemcount=0;
314  int ieta=-9999;
316  for (int depth=0;depth<4; ++depth)
317  {
318  int etabins = (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
319  int phibins = (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
320  for (int hist_eta=0;hist_eta<etabins;++hist_eta)
321  {
322  for (int hist_phi=0; hist_phi<phibins;++hist_phi)
323  {
324  ieta=CalcIeta(hist_eta,depth+1);
325  if (ieta==-9999) continue;
326  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[depth]==0)
327  continue;
328  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[depth]->getBinContent(hist_eta,hist_phi)>minerrorrate_)
329  ++problemcount;
330  } // for (int hist_phi=1;...)
331  } // for (int hist_eta=1;...)
332  } // for (int depth=0;...)
334  if (problemcount>0) return true;
335  return false;
336 }
MonitorElement * ProblemCells
std::vector< MonitorElement * > depth
int CalcIeta(int subdet, int eta, int depth)
EtaPhiHists * ProblemCellsByDepth
uint64_t problemcount[85][72][4]
tuple cout
TH2F * getTH2F(void) const
HcalDetId HcalRawDataClient::HashToHDI ( int  thehash)

Definition at line 48 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

References hashedHcalDetId_, HTRCHANMAX, NUMDCCS, NUMSPGS, and HcalDetId::Undefined.

Referenced by mapChannproblem().

48  {
49  return ( ( (thehash<0) || (thehash>(NUMDCCS*NUMSPGS*HTRCHANMAX)) )
51  :(hashedHcalDetId_[thehash]));
52  };
static const HcalDetId Undefined
Definition: HcalDetId.h:66
#define NUMDCCS
HcalDetId hashedHcalDetId_[32 *15 *24]
#define NUMSPGS
int HcalRawDataClient::hashup ( uint32_t  d = 0,
uint32_t  s = 0,
uint32_t  c = 1 

Definition at line 44 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

References HcalBaseDQClient::c, HTRCHANMAX, NUMSPGS, and alignCSCRings::s.

Referenced by beginRun(), mapChannproblem(), mapDCCproblem(), and mapHTRproblem().

44  {
45  return (int) ( (d*NUMSPGS*HTRCHANMAX)+(s*HTRCHANMAX)+(c)); }
const edm::EventSetup * c
#define NUMSPGS
bool HcalRawDataClient::hasOther_Temp ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 339 of file

339 {return false;}
bool HcalRawDataClient::hasWarnings_Temp ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 338 of file

338 {return false;}
void HcalRawDataClient::mapChannproblem ( int  dcc,
int  spigot,
int  htrchan,
float  n 

Definition at line 611 of file

References abs, CalcEtaBin(), gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, HcalDetId::depth(), excludeHORing2_, HashToHDI(), hashup(), i, HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), isSiPM(), n, problemcount, HcalDetId::subdet(), and HcalDetId::Undefined.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray().

611  {
612  int myeta = 0;
613  int myphi =-1;
614  int mydepth = 0;
615  HcalDetId HDI;
616  //Light up the affected cell.
617  int i=hashup(dcc,spigot,htrchan);
618  HDI = HashToHDI(i);
619  if (HDI==HcalDetId::Undefined) {
620  return; // Do nothing at all, instead.
621  }
622  mydepth = HDI.depth();
623  myphi = HDI.iphi();
624  myeta = CalcEtaBin(HDI.subdet(),
625  HDI.ieta(),
626  mydepth);
628  if (myeta>=0 && myeta<85 &&
629  (myphi-1)>=0 && (myphi-1)<72 &&
630  (mydepth-1)>=0 && (mydepth-1)<4){
631  if (problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1]< n) {
632  problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1]=n;
634  //exlcude the decommissioned HO ring2, except SiPMs
635  if(mydepth==4 && excludeHORing2_==true)
636  if (abs(HDI.ieta())>=11 && abs(HDI.ieta())<=15 && !isSiPM(HDI.ieta(),HDI.iphi(),mydepth))
637  problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1] = 0.0;
639  if (debug_>0)
640  std::cout<<" mapChannproblem found error! "<<HDI.subdet()<<"("<<HDI.ieta()<<", "<<HDI.iphi()<<", "<<HDI.depth()<<")"<<std::endl;
641  }
642  }
643 } // void HcalRawDataClient::mapChannproblem(...)
static const HcalDetId Undefined
Definition: HcalDetId.h:66
int i
HcalSubdetector subdet() const
get the subdetector
Definition: HcalDetId.h:32
HcalDetId HashToHDI(int thehash)
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int hashup(uint32_t d=0, uint32_t s=0, uint32_t c=1)
bool isSiPM(int ieta, int iphi, int depth)
int depth() const
get the tower depth
Definition: HcalDetId.h:42
int ieta() const
get the cell ieta
Definition: HcalDetId.h:38
int iphi() const
get the cell iphi
Definition: HcalDetId.h:40
uint64_t problemcount[85][72][4]
int CalcEtaBin(int subdet, int ieta, int depth)
tuple cout
void HcalRawDataClient::mapDCCproblem ( int  dcc,
float  n 

Definition at line 543 of file

References abs, CalcEtaBin(), gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, HcalDetId::depth(), excludeHORing2_, hashedHcalDetId_, hashup(), HTRCHANMAX, i, HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), isSiPM(), n, NUMSPGS, problemcount, HcalDetId::subdet(), and HcalDetId::Undefined.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray().

543  {
544  int myeta = 0;
545  int myphi =-1;
546  int mydepth = 0;
547  HcalDetId HDI;
548  //Light up all affected cells.
549  for (int i=hashup(dcc);
550  i<hashup(dcc)+(NUMSPGS*HTRCHANMAX);
551  i++) {
552  HDI = hashedHcalDetId_[i];
553  if (HDI==HcalDetId::Undefined)
554  continue;
555  mydepth = HDI.depth();
556  myphi = HDI.iphi();
557  myeta = CalcEtaBin(HDI.subdet(),
558  HDI.ieta(),
559  mydepth);
560  if (myeta>=0 && myeta<85 &&
561  (myphi-1)>=0 && (myphi-1)<72 &&
562  (mydepth-1)>=0 && (mydepth-1)<4){
563  if (problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1]< n)
564  problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1]=n;
566  //exclude the decommissioned HO ring2, except SiPMs
567  if(mydepth==4 && excludeHORing2_==true)
568  if (abs(HDI.ieta())>=11 && abs(HDI.ieta())<=15 && !isSiPM(HDI.ieta(),HDI.iphi(),mydepth))
569  problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1] = 0.0;
571  if (debug_>0)
572  std::cout<<" mapDCCproblem found error! "<<HDI.subdet()<<"("<<HDI.ieta()<<", "<<HDI.iphi()<<", "<<HDI.depth()<<")"<<std::endl;
573  }
574  }
575 }
static const HcalDetId Undefined
Definition: HcalDetId.h:66
int i
HcalSubdetector subdet() const
get the subdetector
Definition: HcalDetId.h:32
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int hashup(uint32_t d=0, uint32_t s=0, uint32_t c=1)
bool isSiPM(int ieta, int iphi, int depth)
int depth() const
get the tower depth
Definition: HcalDetId.h:42
int ieta() const
get the cell ieta
Definition: HcalDetId.h:38
int iphi() const
get the cell iphi
Definition: HcalDetId.h:40
uint64_t problemcount[85][72][4]
int CalcEtaBin(int subdet, int ieta, int depth)
HcalDetId hashedHcalDetId_[32 *15 *24]
tuple cout
#define NUMSPGS
void HcalRawDataClient::mapHTRproblem ( int  dcc,
int  spigot,
float  n 

Definition at line 576 of file

References abs, CalcEtaBin(), gather_cfg::cout, HcalBaseDQClient::debug_, HcalDetId::depth(), excludeHORing2_, hashedHcalDetId_, hashup(), HTRCHANMAX, i, HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), isSiPM(), n, problemcount, HcalDetId::subdet(), and HcalDetId::Undefined.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray().

576  {
577  int myeta = 0;
578  int myphi =-1;
579  int mydepth = 0;
580  HcalDetId HDI;
581  //Light up all affected cells.
582  for (int i=hashup(dcc,spigot);
583  i<hashup(dcc,spigot)+(HTRCHANMAX); //nice, linear hash....
584  i++) {
585  HDI = hashedHcalDetId_[i];
586  if (HDI==HcalDetId::Undefined) {
587  continue;
588  }
589  mydepth = HDI.depth();
590  myphi = HDI.iphi();
591  myeta = CalcEtaBin(HDI.subdet(),
592  HDI.ieta(),
593  mydepth);
594  if (myeta>=0 && myeta<85 &&
595  (myphi-1)>=0 && (myphi-1)<72 &&
596  (mydepth-1)>=0 && (mydepth-1)<4){
597  if (problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1]< n)
598  problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1]=n;
600  //exlcude the decommissioned HO ring2, except SiPMs
601  if(mydepth==4 && excludeHORing2_==true)
602  if (abs(HDI.ieta())>=11 && abs(HDI.ieta())<=15 && !isSiPM(HDI.ieta(),HDI.iphi(),mydepth))
603  problemcount[myeta][myphi-1][mydepth-1] = 0.0;
605  if (debug_>0)
606  std::cout<<" mapHTRproblem found error! "<<HDI.subdet()<<"("<<HDI.ieta()<<", "<<HDI.iphi()<<", "<<HDI.depth()<<")"<<std::endl;
607  }
608  }
609 } // void HcalRawDataClient::mapHTRproblem(...)
static const HcalDetId Undefined
Definition: HcalDetId.h:66
int i
HcalSubdetector subdet() const
get the subdetector
Definition: HcalDetId.h:32
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int hashup(uint32_t d=0, uint32_t s=0, uint32_t c=1)
bool isSiPM(int ieta, int iphi, int depth)
int depth() const
get the tower depth
Definition: HcalDetId.h:42
int ieta() const
get the cell ieta
Definition: HcalDetId.h:38
int iphi() const
get the cell iphi
Definition: HcalDetId.h:40
uint64_t problemcount[85][72][4]
int CalcEtaBin(int subdet, int ieta, int depth)
HcalDetId hashedHcalDetId_[32 *15 *24]
tuple cout
void HcalRawDataClient::normalizeHardwareSpaceHistos ( void  )

Definition at line 646 of file

646  {
648 // // Get histograms that are used in testing
649 // getHardwareSpaceHistos();
650 //
651 // int fed2offset=0;
652 // int spg2offset=0;
653 // int chn2offset=0;
654 // float tsFactor=1.0;
655 // float val=0.0;
656 //
657 // if (!ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_) return;
658 // //Normalize by the number of events each channel spake. (Handles ZS!)
659 // for (int fednum=0;fednum<NUMDCCS;fednum++) {
660 // fed2offset = 1 + (3*fednum); //2 bins, plus one of margin, each DCC
661 // for (int spgnum=0; spgnum<15; spgnum++) {
662 // spg2offset = 1 + (3*spgnum); //2 bins, plus one of margin, each spigot
663 // numTS_[(fednum*NUMSPGS)+spgnum]=ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->GetBinContent(fed2offset,
664 // spg2offset+1);
665 //
666 // for (int xbin=1; xbin<=2; xbin++) {
667 // for (int ybin=1; ybin<=2; ybin++) {
668 // val = ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->GetBinContent(fed2offset+xbin,
669 // spg2offset+ybin);
670 // if ( (val) && (nevts_) ) {
671 // //Lower pair of bins don't scale with just the timesamples per event.
672 // if (ybin==2) tsFactor=numTS_[spgnum +(fednum*NUMSPGS)];
673 // else {
674 // if (xbin==2) tsFactor=numTS_[spgnum +(fednum*NUMSPGS)]-1;
675 // else tsFactor=1.0;
676 // }
677 // if (tsFactor)
678 // ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->SetBinContent(fed2offset+xbin,
679 // spg2offset+ybin,
680 // val/(nevts_*tsFactor));
681 // val=0.0;
682 // }
683 // }
684 // }
685 // //Clear the numTS, which clutter the final plot.
686 // ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->SetBinContent(fed2offset ,
687 // spg2offset , 0.0);
688 // ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_->SetBinContent(fed2offset ,
689 // spg2offset+1, 0.0);
690 //
691 // if (!Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[fednum]) continue;
692 // for (int chnnum=0; chnnum<24; chnnum++) {
693 // chn2offset = 1 + (3*chnnum); //2 bins, plus one of margin, each channel
694 // if (! (Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[fednum]))
695 // continue;
696 // for (int xbin=1; xbin<=2; xbin++) {
697 // for (int ybin=1; ybin<=2; ybin++) {
698 // val = Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[fednum]->GetBinContent(chn2offset+xbin,
699 // spg2offset+ybin);
700 // if ( (val) && (nevts_) ) {
701 // //Lower pair of bins don't scale with just the timesamples per event.
702 // if (ybin==2) tsFactor=numTS_[spgnum +(fednum*NUMSPGS)];
703 // else {
704 // if (xbin==2) tsFactor=numTS_[spgnum +(fednum*NUMSPGS)]-1;
705 // else tsFactor=1.0;
706 // }
707 // if (tsFactor)
708 // Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[fednum]->SetBinContent(chn2offset+xbin,
709 // spg2offset+ybin,
710 // val/(nevts_*tsFactor));
711 // }
712 // }
713 // }
714 // //Remove the channel's event count from sight.
715 // Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[fednum]->SetBinContent(chn2offset,
716 // spg2offset,0.0);
717 // }
718 // }
719 // }
720 }
void HcalRawDataClient::setup ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 303 of file

303 {}
void HcalRawDataClient::stashHDI ( int  thehash,
HcalDetId  thehcaldetid 

Definition at line 219 of file

References hashedHcalDetId_, HTRCHANMAX, NUMDCCS, and NUMSPGS.

Referenced by beginRun().

219  {
220  //Let's not allow indexing off the array...
221  if ((thehash<0)||(thehash>=(NUMDCCS*NUMSPGS*HTRCHANMAX)))return;
222  //...but still do the job requested.
223  hashedHcalDetId_[thehash] = thehcaldetid;
224 }
#define NUMDCCS
HcalDetId hashedHcalDetId_[32 *15 *24]
#define NUMSPGS
bool HcalRawDataClient::test_enabled ( void  )

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 340 of file

340 {return true;}
void HcalRawDataClient::updateChannelStatus ( std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > &  myqual)

Reimplemented from HcalBaseDQClient.

Definition at line 343 of file

344 {
345  // This gets called by HcalMonitorClient
346  // see dead or hot cell code for an example
348 } //void HcalRawDataClient::updateChannelStatus

Member Data Documentation

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::Chann_DataIntegrityCheck_[32]

Definition at line 67 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::ChannSumm_DataIntegrityCheck_

Definition at line 65 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::DataFlowInd_

Definition at line 64 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

bool HcalRawDataClient::excludeHORing2_
TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::HalfHTRDataCorruptionIndicators_

Definition at line 63 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

HcalDetId HcalRawDataClient::hashedHcalDetId_[32 *15 *24]

Definition at line 52 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by HashToHDI(), mapDCCproblem(), mapHTRproblem(), and stashHDI().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::LRBDataCorruptionIndicators_

Definition at line 62 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::meBCNSynch_

Definition at line 60 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::meCDFErrorFound_

Definition at line 57 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::meDCCEventFormatError_

Definition at line 58 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::meEvtNumberSynch_

Definition at line 61 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

TH2F* HcalRawDataClient::meOrNSynch_

Definition at line 59 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray(), and getHardwareSpaceHistos().

int HcalRawDataClient::nevts_

Definition at line 40 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by beginRun().

float HcalRawDataClient::numTS_[32 *15]

Definition at line 55 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by fillProblemCountArray().

uint64_t HcalRawDataClient::problemcount[85][72][4]
const HcalElectronicsMap* HcalRawDataClient::readoutMap_

Definition at line 42 of file HcalRawDataClient.h.

Referenced by beginRun().