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TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation Class Reference

#include <TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h>

Inheritance diagram for TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation:

Public Member Functions

virtual bool add (const SurfaceDeformation &other)
clone () const
virtual std::vector< double > parameters () const
 parameters - see constructor for meaning More...
virtual Local2DVector positionCorrection (const Local2DPoint &localPos, const LocalTrackAngles &localAngles, double length, double width) const
 TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation (const std::vector< double > &parameters)
virtual int type () const
 specific type, i.e. SurfaceDeformationFactory::kTwoBowedSurfaces More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SurfaceDeformation
virtual ~SurfaceDeformation ()

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned int k_ySplit ()
static unsigned int maxParameterSize ()
 maximum size of vector that is accepted by constructor from vector More...
static unsigned int minParameterSize ()
 minimum size of vector that is accepted by constructor from vector More...
static unsigned int parameterSize ()

Static Public Attributes

static unsigned int parSize = 13

Private Attributes

double theParameters [parSize]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SurfaceDeformation
typedef Topology::Local2DPoint Local2DPoint
typedef Vector2DBase< double,
typedef Topology::LocalTrackAngles LocalTrackAngles
typedef Topology::MathVector2D MathVector2D
typedef Topology::Vector2D Vector2D

Detailed Description


Class to apply corrections to local positions resulting from two surfaces chained in local y. Possible bows are parametrised using Legendre polynomials up to second order, excluding 0th and 1st order that are already treated by local w shift and rotations around local u and v axes. In addition store relative shifts and rotations of the two surfaces.

Definition at line 19 of file TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation ( const std::vector< double > &  pars)

Constructor from vector of parameters, its size() must be between minParameterSize() and maxParameterSize(). The parameters are (in that order)

  • mean sagittaX of both surfaces
  • mean sagittaXY
  • mean sagittaY
  • 'delta' u of both surfaces (shift surface at lower/higher y by +u/-u)
  • 'delta' v of both surfaces
  • 'delta' w of both surfaces
  • 'delta' alpha of both surfaces (rotate around local x)
  • 'delta' beta
  • 'delta' gamma
  • 'delta' sagittaX of both surfaces (add/subtract for surfaces at lower/higher y)
  • 'delta' sagittaXY
  • 'delta' sagittaY
  • ySplit: y-value where surfaces are split
: Gero Flucke date : October 2010
2012/01/28 10:13:18

(last update by



Definition at line 16 of file

References i, min, parameterSize(), and theParameters.

Referenced by clone().

17 {
18  if (pars.size() != parameterSize()) {
19  edm::LogError("BadSetup") << "@SUB=TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation"
20  << "Input vector of wrong size " << pars.size()
21  << " instead of " << parameterSize() << ", add zeros to fill up!";
22  }
23  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=std::min((unsigned int)(pars.size()), parameterSize()); ++i ) theParameters[i]=pars[i];
24  for (unsigned int i=pars.size(); i!=parameterSize(); ++i ) theParameters[i]=0;
26 }
int i
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161

Member Function Documentation

bool TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::add ( const SurfaceDeformation other)

update information with parameters of 'other', false in case the type or some parameters do not match and thus the information cannot be used (then no changes are done), true if merge was successful

Implements SurfaceDeformation.

Definition at line 99 of file

References i, k_ySplit(), LogDebug, SurfaceDeformation::parameters(), parameterSize(), theParameters, SurfaceDeformation::type(), and type().

100 {
101  if (this->type() == other.type()) {
102  const std::vector<double> otherParameters(other.parameters());
103  if (otherParameters.size() ==parameterSize() ) {
104  if (theParameters[k_ySplit()] == otherParameters[k_ySplit()]) {
105  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != parameterSize()-1; ++i) {// -1 for ySplit
106  // mean bows, delta shifts, delta angles and delta bows can simply be added up
107  theParameters[i] += otherParameters[i];
108  }
109  return true;
110  } else { // ySplit values are different!
111  LogDebug("Alignment") << "@SUB=TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::add"
112  << "Different ySplit: this " << theParameters[k_ySplit()]
113  << ", to add " << otherParameters[k_ySplit()];
114  }
115  } // same size
116  } // same type
118  return false;
119 }
#define LogDebug(id)
int i
virtual int type() const
specific type, i.e. SurfaceDeformationFactory::kTwoBowedSurfaces
virtual std::vector< double > parameters() const =0
parameters - interpretation left to the concrete implementation
virtual int type() const =0
specific type, i.e. SurfaceDeformationFactory::Type
TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation * TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::clone ( void  ) const

Implements SurfaceDeformation.

Definition at line 29 of file

References TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation().

30 {
31  return new TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation(*this);
32 }
TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation(const std::vector< double > &parameters)
static unsigned int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::k_ySplit ( )

Definition at line 75 of file TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h.

References parameterSize().

Referenced by add(), and positionCorrection().

75 { return parameterSize()-1;}
static unsigned int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::maxParameterSize ( )

maximum size of vector that is accepted by constructor from vector

Definition at line 72 of file TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h.

References parameterSize().

Referenced by SurfaceDeformationFactory::create().

72 { return parameterSize();}
static unsigned int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::minParameterSize ( )

minimum size of vector that is accepted by constructor from vector

Definition at line 70 of file TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h.

References parameterSize().

Referenced by SurfaceDeformationFactory::create().

70 { return parameterSize(); }
std::vector< double > TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::parameters ( void  ) const

parameters - see constructor for meaning

Implements SurfaceDeformation.

Definition at line 122 of file

References parameterSize(), and theParameters.

123 {
124  return std::vector<double>(theParameters,theParameters+parameterSize());
125 }
static unsigned int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::parameterSize ( )
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::positionCorrection ( const Local2DPoint localPos,
const LocalTrackAngles localAngles,
double  length,
double  width 
) const

correction to add to local position depending on

  • track parameters in local frame (from LocalTrajectoryParameters):
    • track position as Local2DPoint(x,y)
    • track angles as LocalTrackAngles(dxdz, dydz)
  • length of surface (local y-coordinate)
  • width of surface (local x-coordinate)

Implements SurfaceDeformation.

Definition at line 42 of file

References Topology::LocalTrackAngles::dxdz(), Topology::LocalTrackAngles::dydz(), k_ySplit(), theParameters, tablePrinter::width, PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), vdt::x, detailsBasic3DVector::y, and PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y().

45 {
46  const double ySplit = theParameters[k_ySplit()];
48 // treatment of different widthes at high/low y could be done by theRelWidthLowY or so
49 // if (widthLowY > 0. && widthHighY != widthLowY) {
50 // std::cout << "SurfaceDeformation::positionCorrection2Bowed: Cannot yet deal "
51 // << " with different widthes, take " << widthHighY << " not " << widthLowY
52 // << std::endl;
53 // }
54 // const double width = widthHighY;
56  // Some signs depend on whether we are in surface part below or above ySplit:
57  const double sign = (localPos.y() < ySplit ? +1. : -1.);
58  const double yMiddle = ySplit * 0.5 - sign * length * .25;
59  // 'calibrate' y length and transform y to be w.r.t. surface middle
60  const double myY = localPos.y() - yMiddle;
61  const double myLength = length * 0.5 + sign * ySplit;
63  double uRel = 2. * localPos.x() / width; // relative u (-1 .. +1)
64  double vRel = 2. * myY / myLength; // relative v (-1 .. +1)
65  // 'range check':
66  const double cutOff = 1.5;
67  if (uRel < -cutOff) { uRel = -cutOff; } else if (uRel > cutOff) { uRel = cutOff; }
68  if (vRel < -cutOff) { vRel = -cutOff; } else if (vRel > cutOff) { vRel = cutOff; }
70  auto pars = theParameters;
71  // 1st, get dw effect depending
72  // - on the surface sagittas (Legendre polynomials),
73  // see BowedSurfaceAlignmentDerivatives::operator()(..)
74  // - relative dw
75  // - surface specific dalpha (note that this shifts surface specific dw)
76  // - surface specific dbeta
77  const double dw
78  = (uRel * uRel - 1./3.) * (pars[0] + sign * pars[9]) // sagittaX
79  + uRel * vRel * (pars[1] + sign * pars[10]) // sagittaXY
80  + (vRel * vRel - 1./3.) * (pars[2] + sign * pars[11]) // sagittaY
81  + sign * pars[5] // different dw
82  + myY * sign * pars[6] // different dalpha
83  - localPos.x() * sign * pars[7]; // different dbeta
84  // 2nd, translate the dw effect to shifts in x and y
85  // Positive dxdz/dydz and positive dw mean negative shift in x/y:
86  Local2DVector::ScalarType x = -dw * localAngles.dxdz();
87  Local2DVector::ScalarType y = -dw * localAngles.dydz();
88  // 3rd, treat in-plane differences depending on surface from xy-shifts...
89  x += (sign * pars[3]); // different du
90  y += (sign * pars[4]); // different dv
91  // ...and gamma-rotation
92  x -= myY * (sign * pars[8]); // different dgamma for u
93  y += localPos.x() * (sign * pars[8]); // different dgamma for v
95  return Local2DVector(x, y);
96 }
T y() const
Definition: PV2DBase.h:45
Vector2DBase< double, LocalTag > Local2DVector
Definition: VDTMath.h:216
T x() const
Definition: PV2DBase.h:44
int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::type ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::parSize = 13

Definition at line 65 of file TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h.

Referenced by parameterSize().

double TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::theParameters[parSize]