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ClusterProducerFP420 Class Reference

#include <ClusterProducerFP420.h>

Public Types

typedef std::vector
< HDigiFP420 >::const_iterator 

Public Member Functions

float channelThresholdInNoiseSigma () const
std::vector< ClusterFP420clusterizeDetUnit (HDigiFP420Iter begin, HDigiFP420Iter end, unsigned int detid, const ElectrodNoiseVector &vnoise)
std::vector< ClusterFP420clusterizeDetUnitPixels (HDigiFP420Iter begin, HDigiFP420Iter end, unsigned int detid, const ElectrodNoiseVector &vnoise, unsigned int xytype, int verb)
 ClusterProducerFP420 (float electrode_thr, float seed_thr, float clust_thr, int max_voids)
float clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma () const
int difNarr (unsigned int xytype, HDigiFP420Iter ichannel, HDigiFP420Iter jchannel)
int difWide (unsigned int xytype, HDigiFP420Iter ichannel, HDigiFP420Iter jchannel)
float seedThresholdInNoiseSigma () const

Private Member Functions

bool badChannel (int channel, const std::vector< short > &badChannels) const

Private Attributes

int max_voids_
float theChannelThreshold
float theClusterThreshold
float theSeedThreshold

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<HDigiFP420>::const_iterator ClusterProducerFP420::HDigiFP420Iter

Definition at line 17 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ClusterProducerFP420::ClusterProducerFP420 ( float  electrode_thr,
float  seed_thr,
float  clust_thr,
int  max_voids 

Definition at line 19 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

19  :
20  theChannelThreshold(electrode_thr),
21  theSeedThreshold(seed_thr),
22  theClusterThreshold(clust_thr),
23  max_voids_(max_voids){};

Member Function Documentation

bool ClusterProducerFP420::badChannel ( int  channel,
const std::vector< short > &  badChannels 
) const

Definition at line 12 of file

References spr::find().

14 {
15  const std::vector<short>::size_type linearCutoff = 20;// number of possible bad channels
16  // check: is it bad cnannel or not
17  /*
18  std::cout
19  << "badChannel: badChannels.size()= " << badChannels.size() << " \t"
20  << "badChannel: hardcoded linearCutoff= " << linearCutoff << " \t"
21  << "badChannel: channel= " << channel << " \t"
22  << std::endl;
23 */
24  if (badChannels.size() < linearCutoff) {
25  return (std::find( badChannels.begin(), badChannels.end(), channel) != badChannels.end());
26  }
27  else return std::binary_search( badChannels.begin(), badChannels.end(), channel);
30 }
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
uint16_t size_type
float ClusterProducerFP420::channelThresholdInNoiseSigma ( ) const

Definition at line 36 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

References theChannelThreshold.

std::vector< ClusterFP420 > ClusterProducerFP420::clusterizeDetUnit ( HDigiFP420Iter  begin,
HDigiFP420Iter  end,
unsigned int  detid,
const ElectrodNoiseVector vnoise 

Definition at line 43 of file

References begin, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), gather_cfg::cout, i, j, and mathSSE::sqrt().

44  {
45 // const std::vector<short>& badChannels)
47  //reminder: int zScale=2; unsigned int detID = sScale*(sector - 1)+zScale*(zmodule - 1)+xytype;
48  // const int maxBadChannels_ = 1;
49  HDigiFP420Iter ibeg, iend, ihigh, itest, i;
50  ibeg = iend = begin;
51  std::vector<HDigiFP420> cluster_digis;
52  // reserve 15 possible channels for one cluster
53  cluster_digis.reserve(15);
54  // reserve one third of digiRange for number of clusters
55  std::vector<ClusterFP420> rhits; rhits.reserve( (end - begin)/3 + 1);
56  // predicate(declare): take noise above seed_thr
57  AboveSeed predicate(seedThresholdInNoiseSigma(),vnoise);
58  //Check if channel is lower than vnoise.size()
59  itest = end - 1;
60  int vnoisesize = vnoise.size();
61  // if (vnoise.size()<=itest->channel()) // old
62  if (vnoisesize<=itest->channel())
63  {
64  std::cout << "WARNING for detid " << detid << " there will be a request for noise for channel seed" << itest->channel() << " but this detid has vnoise.size= " << vnoise.size() << "\nskip"<< std::endl;
65  return rhits;
66  }
67  //
68  // loop in elements above seed_thr
69  // find seed with seed noise above seed_thr
70  while ( ibeg != end && (ihigh = find_if( ibeg, end, predicate)) != end) {
71  // The seed electrode is ihigh. Scan up and down from it, finding nearby(sosednie) electrodes above
72  // threshold, allowing for some voids. The accepted cluster runs from electrode ibeg
73  // to iend, and itest is the electrode under study, not yet accepted.
75  // go to right side:
76  iend = ihigh;
77  itest = iend + 1;
78  while ( itest != end && (itest->channel() - iend->channel() <= max_voids_ + 1 )) {
79  float channelNoise = vnoise[itest->channel()].getNoise();
80  bool IsBadChannel = vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable();
81  if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise)) {
82  iend = itest;
83  }
84  ++itest;
85  }
86  //if the next digi after iend is an adjacent bad(!) digi then insert into candidate cluster
87  itest=iend+1;
88  if ( itest != end && (itest->channel() - iend->channel() == 1) && vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable() ) {
89  std::cout << "Inserted bad electrode at the end edge iend->channel()= " << iend->channel() << " itest->channel() = " << itest->channel() << std::endl;
90  iend++;
91  }
92  // go to left side:
93  ibeg = ihigh;
94  itest = ibeg - 1;
95  while ( itest >= begin && (ibeg->channel() - itest->channel() <= max_voids_ + 1 )) {
96  float channelNoise = vnoise[itest->channel()].getNoise();
97  bool IsBadChannel = vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable();
98  if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise)) {
99  ibeg = itest;
100  }
101  --itest;
102  }
103  //if the next digi after ibeg is an adiacent bad digi then insert into candidate cluster
104  itest=ibeg-1;
105  if ( itest >= begin && (ibeg->channel() - itest->channel() == 1) && vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable() ) {
106  std::cout << "Inserted bad electrode at the begin edge ibeg->channel()= " << ibeg->channel() << " itest->channel() = " << itest->channel() << std::endl;
107  ibeg--;
108  }
109  //============================================================================================================
110  int charge = 0;
111  float sigmaNoise2=0;
112  cluster_digis.clear();
113  for (i=ibeg; i<=iend; ++i) {
114  float channelNoise = vnoise[i->channel()].getNoise();
115  bool IsBadChannel = vnoise[i->channel()].getDisable();
116  //just check for consecutive digis
117  if (i!=ibeg && i->channel()-(i-1)->channel()!=1){
118  //digits: *(i-1) and *i are not consecutive(we asked !=1-> it means 2...),so create an equivalent number of Digis with zero amp
119  for (int j=(i-1)->channel()+1;j<i->channel();++j){
120  cluster_digis.push_back(HDigiFP420(j,0)); //if electrode bad or under threshold set HDigiFP420.adc_=0
121  }
122  }
123  //
125 // FIXME: should the digi be tested for badChannel before using the adc?
127  if (!IsBadChannel && i->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma()*channelNoise)) {
128  charge += i->adc();
129  sigmaNoise2 += channelNoise*channelNoise; //
130  cluster_digis.push_back(*i);// put into cluster_digis good i info
131  } else {
132  cluster_digis.push_back(HDigiFP420(i->channel(),0)); //if electrode bad or under threshold set HDigiFP420.adc_=0
133  }
134  //
135  }//for i++
136  float sigmaNoise = sqrt(sigmaNoise2);
137  // define here cog,err,xytype not used
138  float cog;
139  float err;
140  unsigned int xytype=2;// it can be even =1,although we are working with =2(Xtypes of planes)
141  if (charge >= static_cast<int>( clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma()*sigmaNoise)) {
142  rhits.push_back( ClusterFP420( detid, xytype, ClusterFP420::HDigiFP420Range( cluster_digis.begin(),
143  cluster_digis.end()),
144  cog, err));
145  // std::cout << "Looking at cog and err : cog " << cog << " err " << err << std::endl;
146  }
147  ibeg = iend+1;
148  } // while ( ibeg
149  return rhits;
150 }
float channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() const
int i
double charge(const std::vector< uint8_t > &Ampls)
std::pair< HDigiFP420Iter, HDigiFP420Iter > HDigiFP420Range
Definition: ClusterFP420.h:11
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
int j
std::vector< HDigiFP420 >::const_iterator HDigiFP420Iter
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:38
float clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma() const
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:31
float seedThresholdInNoiseSigma() const
tuple cout
std::vector< ClusterFP420 > ClusterProducerFP420::clusterizeDetUnitPixels ( HDigiFP420Iter  begin,
HDigiFP420Iter  end,
unsigned int  detid,
const ElectrodNoiseVector vnoise,
unsigned int  xytype,
int  verb 

Definition at line 185 of file

References begin, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), gather_cfg::cout, i, j, and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by FP420ClusterMain::run().

186  {
187 // const std::vector<short>& badChannels)
189  //reminder: int zScale=2; unsigned int detID = sScale*(sector - 1)+zScale*(zmodule - 1)+xytype;
191  // const int maxBadChannels_ = 1;
193  HDigiFP420Iter ibeg, iend, ihigh, itest, i;
194  ibeg = iend = begin;
195  std::vector<HDigiFP420> cluster_digis;
197  // reserve 25 possible channels for one cluster
198  cluster_digis.reserve(25);
200  // reserve one third of digiRange for number of clusters
201  std::vector<ClusterFP420> rhits; rhits.reserve( (end - begin)/3 + 1);
203  // predicate(declare): take noise above seed_thr
204  AboveSeed predicate(seedThresholdInNoiseSigma(),vnoise);
206  //Check if no channels with digis at all
207  /*
208  HDigiFP420Iter abeg, aend;
209  abeg = begin; aend = end;
210  std::vector<HDigiFP420> a_digis;
211  for ( ;abeg != aend; ++abeg ) {
212  a_digis.push_back(*abeg);
213  } // for
214  if (a_digis.size()<1) return rhits;;
215 */
216  //Check if channel is lower than vnoise.size()
217  itest = end - 1;
218  int vnoisesize = vnoise.size();
219  if (vnoisesize<=itest->channel())
220  {
221 // std::cout << "WARNING for detid " << detid << " there will be a request for noise for channel seed" << itest->channel() << " but this detid has vnoise.size= " << vnoise.size() << "\nskip"<< std::endl;
222  return rhits;
223  }
224  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
226  // std::cout << "before while loop..." << std::endl;
228  // loop in elements above seed_thr
229  // find seed with seed noise above seed_thr
230  while ( ibeg != end && (ihigh = find_if( ibeg, end, predicate)) != end) {
233  // The seed electrode is ihigh. Scan up and down from it, finding nearby(sosednie) electrodes above
234  // threshold, allowing for some voids. The accepted cluster runs from electrode ibeg
235  // to iend, and itest is the electrode under study, not yet accepted.
237  // go to right side:
238  iend = ihigh;
239  itest = iend + 1;
240  // while ( itest != end && (itest->channel() - iend->channel() <= max_voids_ + 1 )) {
241  while ( itest != end && (difNarr(xytype,itest,iend)<= max_voids_ + 1 ) && (difWide(xytype,itest,iend)<= 1) ) {
242  float channelNoise = vnoise[itest->channel()].getNoise();
243  bool IsBadChannel = vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable();
244  if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise)) {
245  iend = itest;
246  if(verb>2){
247  std::cout << "=========================================================================== " << std::endl;
248  std::cout << "Right side: itest->adc()= " << itest->adc() << " channel_noise = " << static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise) << std::endl;
249  }
250  }
251  ++itest;
252  }
253  //if the next digi after iend is an adjacent bad(!) digi then insert into candidate cluster
254  itest=iend+1;
255  if ( itest != end && (difNarr(xytype,itest,iend) == 1) && (difWide(xytype,itest,iend)< 1) && vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable() ) {
256  if(verb>2){
257  std::cout << "Inserted bad electrode at the end edge iend->channel()= " << iend->channel() << " itest->channel() = " << itest->channel() << std::endl;
258  }
259  iend++;
260  }
261  if(verb>2){
262  std::cout << "Result of going to right side iend->channel()= " << iend->channel() << " itest->channel() = " << itest->channel() << std::endl;
263  }
265  // go to left side:
266  ibeg = ihigh;
267  itest = ibeg - 1;
268  // while ( itest >= begin && (ibeg->channel() - itest->channel() <= max_voids_ + 1 )) {
269  while ( itest >= begin && (difNarr(xytype,ibeg,itest) <= max_voids_ + 1 ) && (difWide(xytype,ibeg,itest) <= 1) ) {
270  float channelNoise = vnoise[itest->channel()].getNoise();
271  bool IsBadChannel = vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable();
272  if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise)) {
273  ibeg = itest;
274  if(verb>2){
275  std::cout << "Left side: itest->adc()= " << itest->adc() << " channel_noise = " << static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise) << std::endl;
276  }
277  }
278  --itest;
279  }
280  //if the next digi after ibeg is an adjacent bad digi then insert into candidate cluster
281  itest=ibeg-1;
282  if ( itest >= begin && (difNarr(xytype,ibeg,itest) == 1) && (difWide(xytype,ibeg,itest) < 1) && vnoise[itest->channel()].getDisable() ) {
283  if(verb>2){
284  std::cout << "Inserted bad electrode at the begin edge ibeg->channel()= " << ibeg->channel() << " itest->channel() = " << itest->channel() << std::endl;
285  }
286  ibeg--;
287  }
288  if(verb>2){
289  std::cout << "Result of going to left side ibeg->channel()= " << ibeg->channel() << " itest->channel() = " << itest->channel() << std::endl;
290  }
291  //============================================================================================================
297  //============================================================================================================
298  int charge = 0;
299  float sigmaNoise2=0;
300  cluster_digis.clear();
301  // HDigiFP420Iter ilast=ibeg; // AZ
302  if(verb>2){
303  std::cout << "check for consecutive digis ibeg->channel()= " << ibeg->channel() << " iend->channel() = " << iend->channel() << std::endl;
304  }
305  for (i=ibeg; i<=iend; ++i) {
306  float channelNoise = vnoise[i->channel()].getNoise();
307  bool IsBadChannel = vnoise[i->channel()].getDisable();
308  if(verb>2){
309  std::cout << "Looking at cluster digis: detid " << detid << " digis " << i->channel()
310  << " adc " << i->adc() << " channelNoise " << channelNoise << " IsBadChannel " << IsBadChannel << std::endl;
311  }
313  //just check for consecutive digis
314  // if (i!=ibeg && i->channel()-(i-1)->channel()!=1){
315  //if (i!=ibeg && difNarr(xytype,i,i-1) !=1 && difWide(xytype,i,i-1) !=1){
316  if(verb>2){
317  std::cout << "difNarr(xytype,i,i-1) = " << difNarr(xytype,i,i-1) << std::endl;
318  std::cout << "difWide(xytype,i,i-1) = " << difWide(xytype,i,i-1) << std::endl;
319  }
320  // in fact, no sense in this check, but still keep if something wrong is going:
321  // if (i!=ibeg && (difNarr(xytype,i,i-1) > 1 || difWide(xytype,i,i-1) > 1) ){
322  if (i!=ibeg && (difNarr(xytype,i,i-1) > 1 && difWide(xytype,i,i-1) > 1) ){
323  //digits: *(i-1) and *i are not consecutive(we asked !=1-> it means 2...),so create an equivalent number of Digis with zero amp
324  for (int j=(i-1)->channel()+1;j<i->channel();++j){
325  if(verb>2){
326  std::cout << "not consecutive digis: set HDigiFP420.adc_=0 : j = " << j << std::endl;
327  }
328  cluster_digis.push_back(HDigiFP420(j,0)); //if not consecutive digis set HDigiFP420.adc_=0
329  }//for
330  }//if
333  if (!IsBadChannel && i->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma()*channelNoise)) {
334  charge += i->adc();
335  sigmaNoise2 += channelNoise*channelNoise; //
336  cluster_digis.push_back(*i);// put into cluster_digis good i info
337  if(verb>2){
338  std::cout << "put into cluster_digis good i info: i->channel() = " << i->channel() << std::endl;
339  }
340  } else {
341  cluster_digis.push_back(HDigiFP420(i->channel(),0)); //if electrode bad or under threshold set HDigiFP420.adc_=0
342  if(verb>2){
343  std::cout << "else if electrode bad or under threshold set HDigiFP420.adc_=0: i->channel() = " << i->channel() << std::endl;
344  }
345  }//if else
347  }//for i++
352  float sigmaNoise = sqrt(sigmaNoise2);
353  float cog;
354  float err;
355  if (charge >= static_cast<int>( clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma()*sigmaNoise)) {
356  rhits.push_back( ClusterFP420( detid, xytype, ClusterFP420::HDigiFP420Range( cluster_digis.begin(),
357  cluster_digis.end()),
358  cog, err));
359  if(verb>2){
360  std::cout << "Looking at cog and err : cog " << cog << " err " << err << std::endl;
361  std::cout << "=========================================================================== " << std::endl;
362  }
363  }
366  ibeg = iend+1;
367  } // while ( ibeg
370  return rhits;
372 }
float channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() const
int i
double charge(const std::vector< uint8_t > &Ampls)
std::pair< HDigiFP420Iter, HDigiFP420Iter > HDigiFP420Range
Definition: ClusterFP420.h:11
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
int j
std::vector< HDigiFP420 >::const_iterator HDigiFP420Iter
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:38
int difNarr(unsigned int xytype, HDigiFP420Iter ichannel, HDigiFP420Iter jchannel)
float clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma() const
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:31
float seedThresholdInNoiseSigma() const
int difWide(unsigned int xytype, HDigiFP420Iter ichannel, HDigiFP420Iter jchannel)
tuple cout
float ClusterProducerFP420::clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma ( ) const

Definition at line 38 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

References theClusterThreshold.

int ClusterProducerFP420::difNarr ( unsigned int  xytype,
HDigiFP420Iter  ichannel,
HDigiFP420Iter  jchannel 

Definition at line 152 of file

References abs, and gather_cfg::cout.

153  {
154  int d = 9999;
155  if(xytype == 2) {
156  d = ichannel->stripV() - jchannel->stripV();
157  d=std::abs(d);
158  }
159  else if(xytype == 1) {
160  d = ichannel->stripH() - jchannel->stripH();
161  d=std::abs(d);
162  }
163  else{
164  std::cout << "difNarr: wrong xytype = " << xytype << std::endl;
165  }
166  return d;
167 }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
tuple cout
int ClusterProducerFP420::difWide ( unsigned int  xytype,
HDigiFP420Iter  ichannel,
HDigiFP420Iter  jchannel 

Definition at line 168 of file

References abs, and gather_cfg::cout.

169  {
170  int d = 9999;
171  if(xytype == 2) {
172  d = ichannel->stripVW() - jchannel->stripVW();
173  d=std::abs(d);
174  }
175  else if(xytype == 1) {
176  d = ichannel->stripHW() - jchannel->stripHW();
177  d=std::abs(d);
178  }
179  else{
180  std::cout << "difWide: wrong xytype = " << xytype << std::endl;
181  }
182  return d;
183 }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
tuple cout
float ClusterProducerFP420::seedThresholdInNoiseSigma ( ) const

Definition at line 37 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

References theSeedThreshold.

Member Data Documentation

int ClusterProducerFP420::max_voids_

Definition at line 45 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

float ClusterProducerFP420::theChannelThreshold

Definition at line 42 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

Referenced by channelThresholdInNoiseSigma().

float ClusterProducerFP420::theClusterThreshold

Definition at line 44 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

Referenced by clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma().

float ClusterProducerFP420::theSeedThreshold

Definition at line 43 of file ClusterProducerFP420.h.

Referenced by seedThresholdInNoiseSigma().