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AlignableDTBarrel Class Reference

#include <AlignableDTBarrel.h>

Inheritance diagram for AlignableDTBarrel:
AlignableComposite Alignable

Public Member Functions

 AlignableDTBarrel (const std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > dtWheels)
 The constructor simply copies the vector of wheels and computes the surface from them. More...
AlignmentErrorsalignmentErrors () const
 Return vector of alignment errors. More...
Alignmentsalignments () const
 Return alignment data. More...
virtual std::vector< Alignable * > components () const
 Return vector of direct components. More...
RotationType computeOrientation ()
 Just initialize to default given by default constructor of a RotationType. More...
PositionType computePosition ()
 Compute average z position from all components (x and y forced to 0) More...
AlignableSurface computeSurface ()
void dump (void) const
 Recursive printout of the muon Barrel structure. More...
AlignableDTWheelwheel (int i)
 Return AlignableBarrelLayer at given index. More...
 ~AlignableDTBarrel ()
 Clean delete of the vector and its elements. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AlignableComposite
virtual void addAlignmentPositionError (const AlignmentPositionError &ape, bool propagateDown)
virtual void addAlignmentPositionErrorFromLocalRotation (const RotationType &rotation, bool propagateDown)
virtual void addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation (const RotationType &rotation, bool propagateDown)
virtual void addComponent (Alignable *component)
virtual void addSurfaceDeformation (const SurfaceDeformation *deformation, bool propagateDown)
 AlignableComposite (align::ID id, StructureType aType, const RotationType &rot=RotationType())
virtual StructureType alignableObjectId () const
 Return the alignable type identifier. More...
virtual void move (const GlobalVector &displacement)
 Move with respect to the global reference frame. More...
virtual void moveComponentLocal (const int i, const LocalVector &localDisplacement)
 Move a single component with respect to the local reference frame. More...
virtual void moveComponentsLocal (const LocalVector &localDisplacement)
 Move with respect to the local reference frame. More...
virtual void recursiveComponents (Alignables &result) const
 Provide all components, subcomponents etc. (cf. description in base class) More...
virtual void rotateInGlobalFrame (const RotationType &rotation)
 Rotation interpreted in global reference frame. More...
virtual void setAlignmentPositionError (const AlignmentPositionError &ape, bool propagateDown)
virtual void setSurfaceDeformation (const SurfaceDeformation *deformation, bool propagateDown)
 Set the surface deformation parameters - if (!propagateDown) do not affect daughters. More...
virtual int surfaceDeformationIdPairs (std::vector< std::pair< int, SurfaceDeformation * > > &) const
 Return surface deformations. More...
virtual ~AlignableComposite ()
 deleting its components More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Alignable
 Alignable (align::ID, const AlignableSurface &)
 Alignable (align::ID, const RotationType &)
AlignmentParametersalignmentParameters () const
 Get the AlignmentParameters. More...
virtual void cacheTransformation ()
 cache the current position, rotation and other parameters (e.g. surface deformations) More...
const AlignablesdeepComponents () const
const GlobalVectordisplacement () const
 Return change of the global position since the creation of the object. More...
bool firstCompsWithParams (Alignables &paramComps) const
const DetIdgeomDetId () const
const PositionTypeglobalPosition () const
 Return the global position of the object. More...
const RotationTypeglobalRotation () const
 Return the global orientation of the object. More...
align::ID id () const
 Return the ID of Alignable, i.e. DetId of 'first' component GeomDet(Unit). More...
Alignablemother () const
 Return pointer to container alignable (if any) More...
virtual void restoreCachedTransformation ()
 restore the previously cached transformation, also for possible components More...
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalAxis (const GlobalVector &axis, Scalar radians)
 Rotation around arbitratry global axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalX (Scalar radians)
 Rotation around global x-axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalY (Scalar radians)
 Rotation around global y-axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundGlobalZ (Scalar radians)
 Rotation around global z-axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundLocalAxis (const LocalVector &axis, Scalar radians)
 Rotation around arbitratry local axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundLocalX (Scalar radians)
 Rotation around local x-axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundLocalY (Scalar radians)
 Rotation around local y-axis. More...
virtual void rotateAroundLocalZ (Scalar radians)
 Rotation around local z-axis. More...
virtual void rotateInLocalFrame (const RotationType &rotation)
 Rotation intepreted in the local reference frame. More...
const RotationTyperotation () const
 Return change of orientation since the creation of the object. More...
void setAlignmentParameters (AlignmentParameters *dap)
 Set the AlignmentParameters. More...
void setMother (Alignable *mother)
 Assign mother to alignable. More...
void setSurvey (const SurveyDet *)
 Set survey info. More...
int size () const
 Return number of direct components. More...
const AlignableSurfacesurface () const
 Return the Surface (global position and orientation) of the object. More...
AlignmentSurfaceDeformationssurfaceDeformations () const
 Return surface deformations, sorted by DetId. More...
const SurveyDetsurvey () const
 Return survey info. More...
virtual ~Alignable ()
 Destructor. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const AlignableDTBarrel &)
 Printout muon Barrel information (not recursive) More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Alignable
typedef align::Alignables Alignables
typedef align::GlobalVector GlobalVector
typedef align::LocalVector LocalVector
typedef align::PositionType PositionType
typedef align::RotationType RotationType
typedef align::Scalar Scalar
typedef align::StructureType StructureType
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AlignableComposite
 AlignableComposite (const GeomDet *geomDet)
 Constructor from GeomDet, only for use in AlignableDet. More...
void setSurface (const AlignableSurface &s)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Alignable
void addDisplacement (const GlobalVector &displacement)
void addRotation (const RotationType &rotation)
- Protected Attributes inherited from AlignableComposite
StructureType theStructureType
- Protected Attributes inherited from Alignable
GlobalVector theCachedDisplacement
RotationType theCachedRotation
AlignableSurface theCachedSurface
Alignables theDeepComponents
DetId theDetId
GlobalVector theDisplacement
align::ID theId
RotationType theRotation
AlignableSurface theSurface

Detailed Description

Concrete class for muon DT Barrel alignable.

Misalignment can be de-/reactivated (forwarded to components).

The alignable muon DT barrel.

2011/09/15 10:07:07
Andre Sznajder - UERJ(Brazil)

Definition at line 30 of file AlignableDTBarrel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlignableDTBarrel::AlignableDTBarrel ( const std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * >  dtWheels)

The constructor simply copies the vector of wheels and computes the surface from them.

Definition at line 17 of file

References computeSurface(), AlignableComposite::setSurface(), and theDTWheels.

18  : AlignableComposite(dtWheels[0]->id(), align::AlignableDTBarrel)
19 {
21  theDTWheels.insert( theDTWheels.end(), dtWheels.begin(), dtWheels.end() );
25 }
default constructor hidden
void setSurface(const AlignableSurface &s)
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
AlignableSurface computeSurface()
AlignableDTBarrel::~AlignableDTBarrel ( )

Clean delete of the vector and its elements.

Definition at line 29 of file

References theDTWheels.

30 {
31  for ( std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*>::iterator iter = theDTWheels.begin();
32  iter != theDTWheels.end(); iter++)
33  delete *iter;
35 }
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels

Member Function Documentation

AlignmentErrors * AlignableDTBarrel::alignmentErrors ( void  ) const

Return vector of alignment errors.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 132 of file

References components(), filterCSVwithJSON::copy, i, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, and python.multivaluedict::sort().

133 {
135  std::vector<Alignable*> comp = this->components();
136  AlignmentErrors* m_alignmentErrors = new AlignmentErrors();
138  // Add components recursively
139  for ( std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator i=comp.begin(); i!=comp.end(); i++ )
140  {
141  AlignmentErrors* tmpAlignmentErrors = (*i)->alignmentErrors();
142  std::copy( tmpAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin(), tmpAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.end(),
143  std::back_inserter(m_alignmentErrors->m_alignError) );
144  delete tmpAlignmentErrors;
145  }
147  std::sort( m_alignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin(), m_alignmentErrors->m_alignError.end(),
150  return m_alignmentErrors;
152 }
int i
std::vector< AlignTransformError > m_alignError
virtual std::vector< Alignable * > components() const
Return vector of direct components.
Alignments * AlignableDTBarrel::alignments ( void  ) const

Return alignment data.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 110 of file

References components(), filterCSVwithJSON::copy, i, Alignments::m_align, and python.multivaluedict::sort().

111 {
113  std::vector<Alignable*> comp = this->components();
114  Alignments* m_alignments = new Alignments();
115  // Add components recursively
116  for ( std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator i=comp.begin(); i!=comp.end(); i++ )
117  {
118  Alignments* tmpAlignments = (*i)->alignments();
119  std::copy( tmpAlignments->m_align.begin(), tmpAlignments->m_align.end(),
120  std::back_inserter(m_alignments->m_align) );
121  delete tmpAlignments;
122  }
124  std::sort( m_alignments->m_align.begin(), m_alignments->m_align.end(),
127  return m_alignments;
129 }
int i
std::vector< AlignTransform > m_align
Definition: Alignments.h:14
virtual std::vector< Alignable * > components() const
Return vector of direct components.
virtual std::vector<Alignable*> AlignableDTBarrel::components ( ) const

Return vector of direct components.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 39 of file AlignableDTBarrel.h.

References query::result, and theDTWheels.

Referenced by alignmentErrors(), and alignments().

40  {
42  std::vector<Alignable*> result;
43  result.insert( result.end(), theDTWheels.begin(), theDTWheels.end() );
44  return result;
46  }
tuple result
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
AlignableDTBarrel::RotationType AlignableDTBarrel::computeOrientation ( )

Just initialize to default given by default constructor of a RotationType.

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by computeSurface().

79 {
80  return RotationType();
81 }
align::RotationType RotationType
Definition: Alignable.h:36
AlignableDTBarrel::PositionType AlignableDTBarrel::computePosition ( )

Compute average z position from all components (x and y forced to 0)

Definition at line 61 of file

References theDTWheels, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by computeSurface().

62 {
64  float zz = 0.;
66  for ( std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*>::iterator ilayer = theDTWheels.begin();
67  ilayer != theDTWheels.end(); ilayer++ )
68  zz += (*ilayer)->globalPosition().z();
70  zz /= static_cast<float>(theDTWheels.size());
72  return PositionType( 0.0, 0.0, zz );
74 }
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
align::PositionType PositionType
Definition: Alignable.h:35
AlignableSurface AlignableDTBarrel::computeSurface ( )

Returns surface corresponding to current position and orientation, as given by average on all components

Definition at line 51 of file

References computeOrientation(), and computePosition().

Referenced by AlignableDTBarrel().

52 {
56 }
PositionType computePosition()
Compute average z position from all components (x and y forced to 0)
RotationType computeOrientation()
Just initialize to default given by default constructor of a RotationType.
void AlignableDTBarrel::dump ( void  ) const

Recursive printout of the muon Barrel structure.

Recursive printout of whole Half Barrel structure.

Reimplemented from AlignableComposite.

Definition at line 99 of file

References theDTWheels.

100 {
102  edm::LogInfo("AlignableDump") << (*this);
103  for ( std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*>::const_iterator iWheel = theDTWheels.begin();
104  iWheel != theDTWheels.end(); iWheel++ )
105  (*iWheel)->dump();
107 }
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
AlignableDTWheel & AlignableDTBarrel::wheel ( int  i)

Return AlignableBarrelLayer at given index.

Definition at line 38 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, i, Alignable::size(), and theDTWheels.

Referenced by geometryXMLparser.DTAlignable::index().

39 {
41  if (i >= size() )
42  throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Wheel index (" << i << ") out of range";
44  return *theDTWheels[i];
46 }
int i
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
int size() const
Return number of direct components.
Definition: Alignable.h:67

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const AlignableDTBarrel b 

Printout muon Barrel information (not recursive)

Definition at line 86 of file

87 {
89  os << "This DTBarrel contains " << b.theDTWheels.size() << " Barrel wheels" << std::endl;
90  os << "(phi, r, z) = (" << b.globalPosition().phi() << ","
91  << b.globalPosition().perp() << "," << b.globalPosition().z();
92  os << "), orientation:" << std::endl<< b.globalRotation() << std::endl;
93  return os;
95 }
T perp() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:71
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:68
const RotationType & globalRotation() const
Return the global orientation of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:132
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
std::vector< AlignableDTWheel * > theDTWheels
const PositionType & globalPosition() const
Return the global position of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:129

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<AlignableDTWheel*> AlignableDTBarrel::theDTWheels