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1 //
2 // SiPixelTemplate.h (v8.30)
3 //
4 // Add goodness-of-fit info and spare entries to templates, version number in template header, more error checking
5 // Add correction for (Q_F-Q_L)/(Q_F+Q_L) bias
6 // Add cot(beta) reflection to reduce y-entries and more sophisticated x-interpolation
7 // Fix small index searching bug in interpolate method
8 // Change interpolation indexing to avoid complier complaining about possible un-initialized variables
9 // Replace containers with static arrays in calls to ysigma2 and xsigma2
10 // Add external threshold to calls to ysigma2 and xsigma2, fix parameter signal max for xsigma2
11 // Return to 5 pixel spanning but adjust boundaries to use only when needed
12 // Implement improved (faster) chi2min search that depends on pixel types
13 // Fill template arrays in single calls to this object
14 // Add qmin to the template
15 // Add qscale to match charge scales
16 // Small improvement to x-chisquare interpolation
17 // Enlarge SiPixelTemplateStore to accommodate larger templates and increased alpha acceptance (reduce PT threshold to ~200 MeV)
18 // Store x and y cluster sizes in fractional pixels to facilitate cluster splitting
19 // Keep interpolated central 9 template bins in private storage and expand/shift in the getter functions (faster for speed=2/3) and easier to build 3d templates
20 // Store error and bias information for the simple chi^2 min position analysis (no interpolation or Q_{FB} corrections) to use in cluster splitting
21 // To save time, the gaussian centers and sigma are not interpolated right now (they aren't currently used). They can be restored by un-commenting lines in the interpolate method.
22 // Add a new method to calculate qbin for input cotbeta and cluster charge. To be used for error estimation of merged clusters in PixelCPEGeneric.
23 // Add bias info for Barrel and FPix separately in the header
24 // Improve the charge estimation for larger cot(alpha) tracks
25 // Change interpolate method to return false boolean if track angles are outside of range
26 // Add template info and method for truncation information
27 // Change to allow template sizes to be changed at compile time
28 // Fix bug in track angle checking
29 // Accommodate Dave's new DB pushfile which overloads the old method (file input)
30 // Add CPEGeneric error information and expand qbin method to access useful info for PixelCPEGeneric
31 // Fix large cot(alpha) bug in qmin interpolation
32 // Add second qmin to allow a qbin=5 state
33 // Use interpolated chi^2 info for one-pixel clusters
34 // Separate BPix and FPix charge scales and thresholds
35 // Fix DB pushfile version number checking bug.
36 // Remove assert from qbin method
37 // Replace asserts with exceptions in CMSSW
38 // Change calling sequence to interpolate method to handle cot(beta)<0 for FPix cosmics
39 // Add getter for pixelav Lorentz width estimates to qbin method
40 // Add check on template size to interpolate and qbin methods
41 // Add qbin population information, charge distribution information
42 //
43 // V7.00 - Decouple BPix and FPix information into separate templates
44 // Add methods to facilitate improved cluster splitting
45 // Fix small charge scaling bug (affects FPix only)
46 // Change y-slice used for the x-template to be closer to the actual cotalpha-cotbeta point
47 // (there is some weak breakdown of x-y factorization in the FPix after irradiation)
48 //
49 // V8.00 - Add method to calculate a simple 2D template
50 // Reorganize the interpolate method to extract header info only once per ID
51 // V8.01 - Improve simple template normalization
52 // V8.05 - Change qbin normalization to work better after irradiation
53 // V8.10 - Add Vavilov distribution interpolation
54 // V8.11 - Renormalize the x-templates for Guofan's cluster size calculation
55 // V8.12 - Technical fix to qavg issue.
56 // V8.13 - Fix qbin and fastsim interpolaters to avoid changing class variables
57 // V8.20 - Add methods to identify the central pixels in the x- and y-templates (to help align templates with clusters in radiation damaged detectors)
58 // Rename class variables from pxxxx (private xxxx) to xxxx_ to follow standard convention.
59 // Add compiler option to store the template entries in BOOST multiarrays of structs instead of simple c arrays
60 // (allows dynamic resizing template storage and has bounds checking but costs ~10% in execution time).
61 // V8.21 - Add new qbin method to use in cluster splitting
62 // V8.23 - Replace chi-min position errors with merged cluster chi2 probability info
63 // V8.25 - Incorporate VI's speed changes into the current version
64 // V8.26 - Modify the Vavilov lookups to work better with the FPix (offset y-templates)
65 // V8.30 - Change the splitting template generation and access to improve speed and eliminate triple index boost::multiarray
66 //
67 // Created by Morris Swartz on 10/27/06.
68 //
69 //
71 // Build the template storage structure from several pieces
73 #ifndef SiPixelTemplate_h
74 #define SiPixelTemplate_h 1
76 #include "SiPixelTemplateDefs.h"
78 #include<vector>
79 #include<cassert>
80 #include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
85 #endif
88  int runnum;
89  float alpha;
90  float cotalpha;
91  float beta;
92  float cotbeta;
93  float costrk[3];
94  float qavg;
95  float pixmax;
96  float symax;
97  float dyone;
98  float syone;
99  float sxmax;
100  float dxone;
101  float sxone;
102  float dytwo;
103  float sytwo;
104  float dxtwo;
105  float sxtwo;
106  float qmin;
107  float qmin2;
108  float clsleny;
109  float clslenx;
110  float mpvvav;
111  float sigmavav;
112  float kappavav;
113  float mpvvav2;
114  float sigmavav2;
115  float kappavav2;
116  float ypar[2][5];
117  float ytemp[9][TYSIZE];
118  float xpar[2][5];
119  float xtemp[9][TXSIZE];
120  float yavg[4];
121  float yrms[4];
122  float ygx0[4];
123  float ygsig[4];
124  float yflpar[4][6];
125  float xavg[4];
126  float xrms[4];
127  float xgx0[4];
128  float xgsig[4];
129  float xflpar[4][6];
130  float chi2yavg[4];
131  float chi2ymin[4];
132  float chi2xavg[4];
133  float chi2xmin[4];
134  float chi2yavgone;
135  float chi2yminone;
136  float chi2xavgone;
137  float chi2xminone;
138  float yavgc2m[4];
139  float yrmsc2m[4];
140  float chi2yavgc2m[4];
141  float chi2yminc2m[4];
142  float xavgc2m[4];
143  float xrmsc2m[4];
144  float chi2xavgc2m[4];
145  float chi2xminc2m[4];
146  float yavggen[4];
147  float yrmsgen[4];
148  float ygx0gen[4];
149  float ygsiggen[4];
150  float xavggen[4];
151  float xrmsgen[4];
152  float xgx0gen[4];
153  float xgsiggen[4];
154  float qbfrac[3];
155  float fracyone;
156  float fracxone;
157  float fracytwo;
158  float fracxtwo;
159  float qavg_avg;
160  float qavg_spare;
161  float spare[1];
162 } ;
168  char title[80];
169  int ID;
171  float Bfield;
172  int NTy;
173  int NTyx;
174  int NTxx;
175  int Dtype;
176  float Vbias;
177  float temperature;
178  float fluence;
179  float qscale;
180  float s50;
181  float lorywidth;
182  float lorxwidth;
183  float xsize;
184  float ysize;
185  float zsize;
186 } ;
195 #else
196  boost::multi_array<SiPixelTemplateEntry,1> enty;
197  boost::multi_array<SiPixelTemplateEntry,2> entx;
198 #endif
199 } ;
202 // ******************************************************************************************
220 // ******************************************************************************************
222  public:
224  bool pushfile(int filenum); // load the private store with info from the
225  // file with the index (int) filenum
228  bool pushfile(const SiPixelTemplateDBObject& dbobject); // load the private store with info from db
229 #endif
232 // Interpolate input alpha and beta angles to produce a working template for each individual hit.
233  bool interpolate(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float locBz);
235 // overload for compatibility.
236  bool interpolate(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta);
238 // retreive interpolated templates.
239  void ytemp(int fybin, int lybin, float ytemplate[41][BYSIZE]);
241  void xtemp(int fxbin, int lxbin, float xtemplate[41][BXSIZE]);
243 //Method to estimate the central pixel of the interpolated y-template
244  int cytemp();
246 //Method to estimate the central pixel of the interpolated x-template
247  int cxtemp();
249 // new methods to build templates from two interpolated clusters (for splitting)
250  void ytemp3d_int(int nypix, int& nybins);
252  void ytemp3d(int j, int k, std::vector<float>& ytemplate);
254  void xtemp3d_int(int nxpix, int& nxbins);
256  void xtemp3d(int j, int k, std::vector<float>& xtemplate);
258 // Convert vector of projected signals into uncertainties for fitting.
259  void ysigma2(int fypix, int lypix, float sythr, float ysum[BYSIZE], float ysig2[BYSIZE]);
261  void ysigma2(float qpixel, int index, float& ysig2);
263  void xsigma2(int fxpix, int lxpix, float sxthr, float xsum[BXSIZE], float xsig2[BXSIZE]);
265 // Interpolate qfl correction in y.
266  float yflcorr(int binq, float qfly);
268 // Interpolate qfl correction in x.
269  float xflcorr(int binq, float qflx);
271 // Interpolate input beta angle to estimate the average charge. return qbin flag for input cluster charge, and estimate y/x errors and biases for the Generic Algorithm.
272  int qbin(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float locBz, float qclus, float& pixmx, float& sigmay, float& deltay, float& sigmax, float& deltax,
273  float& sy1, float& dy1, float& sy2, float& dy2, float& sx1, float& dx1, float& sx2, float& dx2, float& lorywidth, float& lorxwidth);
275 // Overload for backward compatibility.
276  int qbin(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float locBz, float qclus, float& pixmx, float& sigmay, float& deltay, float& sigmax, float& deltax,
277  float& sy1, float& dy1, float& sy2, float& dy2, float& sx1, float& dx1, float& sx2, float& dx2);
279 // Overload to use for cluster splitting
280  int qbin(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float qclus);
282 // Overload to keep legacy interface
283  int qbin(int id, float cotbeta, float qclus);
285 // Method to return template errors for fastsim
286  void temperrors(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, int qBin, float& sigmay, float& sigmax, float& sy1, float& sy2, float& sx1, float& sx2);
288 //Method to return qbin and size probabilities for fastsim
289  void qbin_dist(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float qbin_frac[4], float& ny1_frac, float& ny2_frac, float& nx1_frac, float& nx2_frac);
291 //Method to calculate simple 2D templates
292  bool simpletemplate2D(float xhitp, float yhitp, std::vector<bool>& ydouble, std::vector<bool>& xdouble, float template2d[BXM2][BYM2]);
294 //Method to interpolate Vavilov distribution parameters
295  void vavilov_pars(double& mpv, double& sigma, double& kappa);
297 //Method to interpolate 2-cluster Vavilov distribution parameters
298  void vavilov2_pars(double& mpv, double& sigma, double& kappa);
301  float qavg() {return qavg_;}
302  float pixmax() {return pixmax_;}
303  float qscale() {return qscale_;}
304  float s50() {return s50_;}
305  float symax() {return symax_;}
306  float dyone() {return dyone_;}
307  float syone() {return syone_;}
308  float dytwo() {return dytwo_;}
309  float sytwo() {return sytwo_;}
310  float sxmax() {return sxmax_;}
311  float dxone() {return dxone_;}
312  float sxone() {return sxone_;}
313  float dxtwo() {return dxtwo_;}
314  float sxtwo() {return sxtwo_;}
315  float qmin() {return qmin_;}
316  float qmin(int i) {
318  if(i < 0 || i > 1) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::qmin called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
319 #else
320  assert(i>=0 && i<2);
321 #endif
322  if(i==0){return qmin_;}else{return qmin2_;}}
323  float clsleny() {return clsleny_;}
324  float clslenx() {return clslenx_;}
325  float yratio() {return yratio_;}
326  float yxratio() {return yxratio_;}
327  float xxratio() {return xxratio_;}
328  float yavg(int i) {
330  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::yavg called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
331 #else
332  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
333 #endif
334  return yavg_[i];}
335  float yrms(int i) {
337  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::yrms called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
338 #else
339  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
340 #endif
341  return yrms_[i];}
342  float ygx0(int i) {
344  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::ygx0 called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
345 #else
346  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
347 #endif
348  return ygx0_[i];}
349  float ygsig(int i) {
351  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::ygsig called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
352 #else
353  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
354 #endif
355  return ygsig_[i];}
356  float xavg(int i) {
358  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::xavg called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
359 #else
360  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
361 #endif
362  return xavg_[i];}
363  float xrms(int i) {
365  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::xrms called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
366 #else
367  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
368 #endif
369  return xrms_[i];}
370  float xgx0(int i) {
372  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::xgx0 called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
373 #else
374  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
375 #endif
376  return xgx0_[i];}
377  float xgsig(int i) {
379  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::xgsig called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
380 #else
381  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
382 #endif
383  return xgsig_[i];}
384  float chi2yavg(int i) {
386  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2yavg called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
387 #else
388  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
389 #endif
390  return chi2yavg_[i];}
391  float chi2ymin(int i) {
393  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2ymin called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
394 #else
395  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
396 #endif
397  return chi2ymin_[i];}
398  float chi2xavg(int i) {
400  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2xavg called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
401 #else
402  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
403 #endif
404  return chi2xavg_[i];}
405  float chi2xmin(int i) {
407  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2xmin called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
408 #else
409  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
410 #endif
411  return chi2xmin_[i];}
412  float yavgc2m(int i) {
414  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::yavgc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
415 #else
416  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
417 #endif
418  return yavgc2m_[i];}
419  float yrmsc2m(int i) {
421  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::yrmsc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
422 #else
423  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
424 #endif
425  return yrmsc2m_[i];}
426  float chi2yavgc2m(int i) {
428  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2yavgc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
429 #else
430  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
431 #endif
432  return chi2yavgc2m_[i];}
433  float chi2yminc2m(int i) {
435  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2yminc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
436 #else
437  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
438 #endif
439  return chi2yminc2m_[i];}
440  float xavgc2m(int i) {
442  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::xavgc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
443 #else
444  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
445 #endif
446  return xavgc2m_[i];}
447  float xrmsc2m(int i) {
449  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::xrmsc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
450 #else
451  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
452 #endif
453  return xrmsc2m_[i];}
454  float chi2xavgc2m(int i) {
456  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2xavgc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
457 #else
458  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
459 #endif
460  return chi2xavgc2m_[i];}
461  float chi2xminc2m(int i) {
463  if(i < 0 || i > 3) {throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate::chi2xminc2m called with illegal index = " << i << std::endl;}
464 #else
465  assert(i>=0 && i<4);
466 #endif
467  return chi2xminc2m_[i];}
468  float chi2yavgone() {return chi2yavgone_;}
469  float chi2yminone() {return chi2yminone_;}
470  float chi2xavgone() {return chi2xavgone_;}
471  float chi2xminone() {return chi2xminone_;}
472  float lorywidth() {return lorywidth_;}
473  float lorxwidth() {return lorxwidth_;}
474  float mpvvav() {return mpvvav_;}
475  float sigmavav() {return sigmavav_;}
476  float kappavav() {return kappavav_;}
477  float mpvvav2() {return mpvvav2_;}
478  float sigmavav2() {return sigmavav2_;}
479  float kappavav2() {return kappavav2_;}
480  float xsize() {return xsize_;}
481  float ysize() {return ysize_;}
482  float zsize() {return zsize_;}
483 // float yspare(int i) {assert(i>=0 && i<5); return pyspare[i];} //!< vector of 5 spares interpolated in beta only
484 // float xspare(int i) {assert(i>=0 && i<10); return pxspare[i];} //!< vector of 10 spares interpolated in alpha and beta
487  private:
489  // Keep current template interpolaion parameters
492  int index_id_;
495  float abs_cotb_;
496  bool success_;
499  // Keep results of last interpolation to return through member functions
501  float qavg_;
502  float pixmax_;
503  float qscale_;
504  float s50_;
505  float symax_;
506  float syparmax_;
507  float dyone_;
508  float syone_;
509  float dytwo_;
510  float sytwo_;
511  float sxmax_;
512  float sxparmax_;
513  float dxone_;
514  float sxone_;
515  float dxtwo_;
516  float sxtwo_;
517  float qmin_;
518  float clsleny_;
519  float clslenx_;
520  float yratio_;
521  float yparl_[2][5];
522  float yparh_[2][5];
523  float xparly0_[2][5];
524  float xparhy0_[2][5];
525  float ytemp_[9][BYSIZE];
526  float yxratio_;
527  float xxratio_;
528  float xpar0_[2][5];
529  float xparl_[2][5];
530  float xparh_[2][5];
531  float xtemp_[9][BXSIZE];
532  float yavg_[4];
533  float yrms_[4];
534  float ygx0_[4];
535  float ygsig_[4];
536  float yflparl_[4][6];
537  float yflparh_[4][6];
538  float xavg_[4];
539  float xrms_[4];
540  float xgx0_[4];
541  float xgsig_[4];
542  float xflparll_[4][6];
543  float xflparlh_[4][6];
544  float xflparhl_[4][6];
545  float xflparhh_[4][6];
546  float chi2yavg_[4];
547  float chi2ymin_[4];
548  float chi2xavg_[4];
549  float chi2xmin_[4];
550  float yavgc2m_[4];
551  float yrmsc2m_[4];
552  float chi2yavgc2m_[4];
553  float chi2yminc2m_[4];
554  float xavgc2m_[4];
555  float xrmsc2m_[4];
556  float chi2xavgc2m_[4];
557  float chi2xminc2m_[4];
558  float chi2yavgone_;
559  float chi2yminone_;
560  float chi2xavgone_;
561  float chi2xminone_;
562  float qmin2_;
563  float mpvvav_;
564  float sigmavav_;
565  float kappavav_;
566  float mpvvav2_;
567  float sigmavav2_;
568  float kappavav2_;
569  float lorywidth_;
570  float lorxwidth_;
571  float xsize_;
572  float ysize_;
573  float zsize_;
574  float qavg_avg_;
575  float nybins_;
576  float nxbins_;
577  boost::multi_array<float,2> temp2dy_;
578  boost::multi_array<float,2> temp2dx_;
581  // The actual template store is a std::vector container
583  std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > thePixelTemp_;
584 } ;
587 #endif
float yrmsc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float cota_current_
current cot alpha
float qavg_avg
average cluster charge of clusters that are less than qavg (normalize 2-D simple templates) ...
float mpvvav_
most probable charge in Vavilov distribution (not actually for larger kappa)
int runnum
&lt; Basic template entry corresponding to a single set of track angles
float xflpar[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized x-correction in 4 charge bins.
int i
float xavg_[4]
average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float xrms[4]
average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
void vavilov2_pars(double &mpv, double &sigma, double &kappa)
float xgx0_[4]
average x0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
#define BXSIZE
float clslenx
cluster x-length in pixels at signal height sxmax/2
float chi2xminone()
//!&lt; minimum of x chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
int qbin(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float locBz, float qclus, float &pixmx, float &sigmay, float &deltay, float &sigmax, float &deltax, float &sy1, float &dy1, float &sy2, float &dy2, float &sx1, float &dx1, float &sx2, float &dx2, float &lorywidth, float &lorxwidth)
float clsleny_
y-cluster length of smaller interpolated template in pixels
float qavg
average cluster charge for this set of track angles (now includes threshold effects) ...
float pixmax_
maximum pixel charge
float chi2yavgc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-chisq for merged clusters
float syone
rms for one pixel y-clusters
float chi2yavgone
average y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float symax()
average pixel signal for y-projection of cluster
float kappavav2()
kappa parameter for 2-cluster Vavilov distribution
float yavg(int i)
average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
int cytemp()
Return central pixel of y template pixels above readout threshold.
float abs_cotb_
absolute value of cot beta
float dyone
mean offset/correction for one pixel y-clusters
#define BYSIZE
float sigmavav
&quot;sigma&quot; scale fctor for Vavilov distribution
float fracxtwo
fraction of double pixel sample with xsize = 1
float xparhy0_[2][5]
projected x-pixel uncertainty parameterization for larger cotbeta (central alpha) ...
float yavggen[4]
generic algorithm: average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float chi2yminc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: minimum y-chisq for merged clusters
float sxmax
average pixel signal for x-projection of cluster
void xsigma2(int fxpix, int lxpix, float sxthr, float xsum[13+4], float xsig2[13+4])
float chi2xavgc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-chisq for merged clusters
float chi2yminc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: minimum of y chi^2 in 4 charge bins (merged clusters)
float xavgc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
#define TXSIZE
float chi2xavgone
average x chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float fracytwo
fraction of double pixel sample with ysize = 1
float yrms[4]
average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float xrmsc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float chi2xmin(int i)
minimum y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
int NTxx
number of Template x-entries in each slice
float mpvvav()
most probable charge in Vavilov distribution (not actually for larger kappa)
float mpvvav2
most probable charge in Vavilov distribution for 2 merged clusters (not actually for larger kappa) ...
float clslenx()
x-size of smaller interpolated template in pixels
float sxmax_
average pixel signal for x-projection of cluster
boost::multi_array< float, 2 > temp2dx_
2d-primitive for spltting 3-d template
float ygx0gen[4]
generic algorithm: average y0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float xavg[4]
average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float chi2yminone_
minimum of y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float chi2ymin(int i)
minimum y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
bool simpletemplate2D(float xhitp, float yhitp, std::vector< bool > &ydouble, std::vector< bool > &xdouble, float template2d[13+2][21+2])
Make simple 2-D templates from track angles set in interpolate and hit position.
float yratio()
fractional distance in y between cotbeta templates
float fluence
radiation fluence in n_eq/cm^2
float dytwo
mean offset/correction for one double-pixel y-clusters
float xrms(int i)
average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float ysize
pixel size (for future use in upgraded geometry)
float dxone
mean offset/correction for one pixel x-clusters
float chi2xavgone_
average x chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float qmin()
minimum cluster charge for valid hit (keeps 99.9% of simulated hits)
float pixmax
maximum charge for individual pixels in cluster
float zsize()
pixel z-size or thickness (microns)
float xavgc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float qscale
Charge scaling to match cmssw and pixelav.
float chi2xavg_[4]
average x chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float chi2yavgc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average y chi^2 in 4 charge bins (merged clusters)
float qmin
minimum cluster charge for valid hit (keeps 99.9% of simulated hits)
float ytemp_[9][21+4]
templates for y-reconstruction (binned over 5 central pixels)
float chi2xavgc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average x chi^2 in 4 charge bins (merged clusters)
float ygx0_[4]
average y0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float mpvvav2()
most probable charge in 2-cluster Vavilov distribution (not actually for larger kappa) ...
float xflcorr(int binq, float qflx)
float sytwo()
rms for one double-pixel y-clusters
float xgsiggen[4]
generic algorithm: average sigma_x from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float cotb_current_
current cot beta
float s50_
1/2 of the pixel threshold signal in adc units
float chi2xminc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: minimum of x chi^2 in 4 charge bins (merged clusters)
int ID
template ID number
float Bfield
Bfield in Tesla.
float cotalpha
cot(alpha) is proportional to cluster length in x and is basis of interpolation
float temperature
detector temperature in deg K
float yavgc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float chi2xminc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: minimum x-chisq for merged clusters
float chi2yminone()
//!&lt; minimum of y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float ytemp[9][21]
templates for y-reconstruction (binned over 1 central pixel)
bool interpolate(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float locBz)
float sxone()
rms for one pixel x-clusters
float yrmsc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float qavg_
average cluster charge for this set of track angles
float lorywidth
estimate of y-lorentz width from single pixel offset
#define BXM2
float xflparlh_[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized x-correction in 4 charge bins for smaller cotbeta, larger cotalpha.
void ytemp(int fybin, int lybin, float ytemplate[41][21+4])
int cxtemp()
Return central pixel of x-template pixels above readout threshold.
int templ_version
Version number of the template to ensure code compatibility.
float qscale()
charge scaling factor
float xpar[2][5]
projected x-pixel uncertainty parameterization
float chi2xavgc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-chisq for merged clusters
float chi2ymin_[4]
minimum of y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float ygx0[4]
average y0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float xgx0gen[4]
generic algorithm: average x0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float dxone()
mean offset/correction for one pixel x-clusters
float sxparmax_
maximum pixel signal for parameterization of x uncertainties
float kappavav2_
kappa parameter for 2-cluster Vavilov distribution
float symax
average pixel signal for y-projection of cluster
float sigmavav_
&quot;sigma&quot; scale fctor for Vavilov distribution
float kappavav2
kappa parameter for Vavilov distribution for 2 merged clusters
float xgsig[4]
average sigma_x from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > thePixelTemp_
float kappavav()
kappa parameter for Vavilov distribution
float cotbeta
cot(beta) is proportional to cluster length in y and is basis of interpolation
float chi2yavg(int i)
average y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float beta
beta track angle (defined in CMS CMS IN 2004/014)
void vavilov_pars(double &mpv, double &sigma, double &kappa)
float lorxwidth()
signed lorentz x-width (microns)
float lorywidth()
signed lorentz y-width (microns)
float ygsig(int i)
average sigma_y from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float yrms(int i)
average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float lorywidth_
Lorentz y-width (sign corrected for fpix frame)
float clsleny()
y-size of smaller interpolated template in pixels
float yflcorr(int binq, float qfly)
float xrmsc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
void ytemp3d(int j, int k, std::vector< float > &ytemplate)
void temperrors(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, int qBin, float &sigmay, float &sigmax, float &sy1, float &sy2, float &sx1, float &sx2)
float lorxwidth
estimate of x-lorentz width from single pixel offset
float xgx0[4]
average x0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
int j
float xsize()
pixel x-size (microns)
void ysigma2(int fypix, int lypix, float sythr, float ysum[21+4], float ysig2[21+4])
char title[80]
&lt; template header structure
float sigmavav2_
&quot;sigma&quot; scale fctor for 2-cluster Vavilov distribution
#define BYM2
float sigmavav2()
&quot;sigma&quot; scale fctor for 2-cluster Vavilov distribution
float yparl_[2][5]
projected y-pixel uncertainty parameterization for smaller cotbeta
float xpar0_[2][5]
projected x-pixel uncertainty parameterization for central cotalpha
float ygsiggen[4]
generic algorithm: average sigma_y from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float fracxone
fraction of sample with xsize = 1
float sxtwo()
rms for one double-pixel x-clusters
float mpvvav
most probable charge in Vavilov distribution (not actually for larger kappa)
float ysize_
Pixel y-size.
float xsize_
Pixel x-size.
float dytwo()
mean offset/correction for one double-pixel y-clusters
float kappavav_
kappa parameter for Vavilov distribution
float sxtwo
rms for one double-pixel x-clusters
bool success_
true if cotalpha, cotbeta are inside of the acceptance (dynamically loaded)
float syone_
rms for one pixel y-clusters
boost::multi_array< float, 2 > temp2dy_
2d-primitive for spltting 3-d template
int Dtype
detector type (0=BPix, 1=FPix)
float xflparhh_[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized x-correction in 4 charge bins for larger cotbeta, cotalpha.
float chi2yavg[4]
average y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float alpha
alpha track angle (defined in CMS CMS IN 2004/014)
float xtemp[9][13]
templates for x-reconstruction (binned over 1 central pixel)
float chi2yminc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: minimum y-chisq for merged clusters
SiPixelTemplateHeader head
&lt; template storage structure
float s50()
1/2 of the pixel threshold signal in electrons
float chi2xminone
minimum of x chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float yflparl_[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized y-correction in 4 charge bins for smaller cotbeta.
float ypar[2][5]
projected y-pixel uncertainty parameterization
float qavg_spare
spare cluster charge
float chi2yavgone_
average y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
float dyone_
mean offset/correction for one pixel y-clusters
float yavgc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
void xtemp3d(int j, int k, std::vector< float > &xtemplate)
bool pushfile(int filenum)
float sxone_
rms for one pixel x-clusters
float dxtwo_
mean offset/correction for one double-pixel x-clusters
float chi2xminc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: minimum x-chisq for merged clusters
float ygx0(int i)
average y0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float s50
1/2 of the readout threshold in ADC units
#define TYSIZE
float qscale_
charge scaling factor
float xparh_[2][5]
projected x-pixel uncertainty parameterization for larger cotalpha
float qmin(int i)
minimum cluster charge for valid hit (keeps 99.9% or 99.8% of simulated hits)
void xtemp(int fxbin, int lxbin, float xtemplate[41][13+4])
float zsize
pixel size (for future use in upgraded geometry)
void qbin_dist(int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float qbin_frac[4], float &ny1_frac, float &ny2_frac, float &nx1_frac, float &nx2_frac)
float ygsig_[4]
average sigma_y from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float Vbias
detector bias potential in Volts
float qmin2_
tighter minimum cluster charge for valid hit (keeps 99.8% of simulated hits)
float yrms_[4]
average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float xavgc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float xflparll_[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized x-correction in 4 charge bins for smaller cotbeta, cotalpha.
float qbfrac[3]
fraction of sample in qbin = 0-2 (&gt;=3 is the complement)
float syone()
rms for one pixel y-clusters
float sytwo_
rms for one double-pixel y-clusters
float xsize
pixel size (for future use in upgraded geometry)
void ytemp3d_int(int nypix, int &nybins)
float qavg_avg_
average of cluster charge less than qavg
float fracyone
fraction of sample with ysize = 1
float chi2yavgone()
//!&lt; average y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float qmin2
tighter minimum cluster charge for valid hit (keeps 99.8% of simulated hits)
float yxratio()
fractional distance in y between cotalpha templates slices
float chi2xminone_
minimum of x chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float yavg[4]
average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
void xtemp3d_int(int nxpix, int &nxbins)
float qavg()
average cluster charge for this set of track angles
float xparl_[2][5]
projected x-pixel uncertainty parameterization for smaller cotalpha
float sxtwo_
rms for one double-pixel x-clusters
float sxmax()
average pixel signal for x-projection of cluster
float clslenx_
x-cluster length of smaller interpolated template in pixels
float chi2ymin[4]
minimum of y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float yflparh_[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized y-correction in 4 charge bins for larger cotbeta.
float yavgc2m[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
int NTy
number of Template y entries
float xparly0_[2][5]
projected x-pixel uncertainty parameterization for smaller cotbeta (central alpha) ...
float xrms_[4]
average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float symax_
average pixel signal for y-projection of cluster
float dxtwo
mean offset/correction for one double-pixel x-clusters
float yparh_[2][5]
projected y-pixel uncertainty parameterization for larger cotbeta
float chi2xavgone()
//!&lt; average x chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float pixmax()
maximum pixel charge
float xxratio_
fractional distance in x between cotalpha templates
float chi2yavg_[4]
average y chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float sigmavav()
&quot;sigma&quot; scale fctor for Vavilov distribution
float xflparhl_[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized x-correction in 4 charge bins for larger cotbeta, smaller cotalpha.
int NTyx
number of Template y-slices of x entries
float yflpar[4][6]
Aqfl-parameterized y-correction in 4 charge bins.
float yxratio_
fractional distance in y between x-slices of cotalpha templates
float sxone
rms for one pixel x-clusters
float xgx0(int i)
average x0 from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float qmin_
minimum cluster charge for valid hit (keeps 99.9% of simulated hits)
float dxone_
mean offset/correction for one pixel x-clusters
float chi2xmin[4]
minimum of x chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float lorxwidth_
Lorentz x-width.
float chi2xavg(int i)
averaage x chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float yavg_[4]
average y-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
int index_id_
current index
float chi2yminone
minimum of y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float xgsig(int i)
average sigma_x from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
float costrk[3]
direction cosines of tracks used to generate this entry
float mpvvav2_
most probable charge in 2-cluster Vavilov distribution (not actually for larger kappa) ...
SiPixelTemplateEntry entx[5][29]
29 Barrel x templates spanning cluster lengths from -6px (-1.125Rad) to +6px (+1.125Rad) in each of 5...
float syparmax_
maximum pixel signal for parameterization of y uncertainties
float ygsig[4]
average sigma_y from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
SiPixelTemplateEntry enty[60]
60 Barrel y templates spanning cluster lengths from 0px to +18px [28 entries for fpix] ...
float nxbins_
number of bins in each dimension of the x-splitting template
float yrmsc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float sigmavav2
&quot;sigma&quot; scale fctor for Vavilov distribution for 2 merged clusters
float sytwo
rms for one double-pixel y-clusters
float xtemp_[9][13+4]
templates for x-reconstruction (binned over 5 central pixels)
float dyone()
mean offset/correction for one pixel y-clusters
float xavg(int i)
average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float xrmsgen[4]
generic algorithm: average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float dytwo_
mean offset/correction for one double-pixel y-clusters
float dxtwo()
mean offset/correction for one double-pixel x-clusters
int id_current_
current id
float ysize()
pixel y-size (microns)
float zsize_
Pixel z-size (thickness)
float chi2xavg[4]
average x chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float xrmsc2m(int i)
1st pass chi2 min search: average x-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins ...
float yratio_
fractional distance in y between cotbeta templates
float chi2yavgc2m_[4]
1st pass chi2 min search: average y-chisq for merged clusters
float xxratio()
fractional distance in x between cotalpha templates
float kappavav
kappa parameter for Vavilov distribution
float xavggen[4]
generic algorithm: average x-bias of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float yrmsgen[4]
generic algorithm: average y-rms of reconstruction binned in 4 charge bins
float nybins_
number of bins in each dimension of the y-splitting template
float chi2xmin_[4]
minimum of x chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float clsleny
cluster y-length in pixels at signal height symax/2
float xgsig_[4]
sigma from Gaussian fit binned in 4 charge bins
Default constructor.