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MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple muonErrorMatrixAdjuster

Variable Documentation

tuple MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster_cfi.muonErrorMatrixAdjuster
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster",
2  #if replace is true this means error matrix from reco is replaced by new method of error matrix (reco minus sim of parameters to get the error)
3  #if replace is false this means the error matrix from reco is rescaled by a factor
4  rescale = cms.bool(True),
5  #this is the root file with the TProfile 3D in it of the track collection. Make sure it corresponds to the boolean above
6  errorMatrix_pset = cms.PSet(
7  # use either one of the two following lines
8  #string rootFileName = "errorMatrix_ScaleFactor.root"
9  MuonErrorMatrixValues,
10  action = cms.string('use')
11  ),
12  instanceName = cms.string(''),
13  rechitLabel = cms.InputTag("standAloneMuons"),
14  trackLabel = cms.InputTag("standAloneMuons","UpdatedAtVtx")
15 )

Definition at line 5 of file