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AlignableDataIORoot Class Reference

concrete class for ROOT based IO of Alignable positions More...

#include <AlignableDataIORoot.h>

Inheritance diagram for AlignableDataIORoot:
AlignmentIORootBase AlignableDataIO

Private Types

enum  { kMaxNumPar = 20 }
typedef std::map< std::pair
< align::ID,
align::StructureType >, int > 

Private Member Functions

 AlignableDataIORoot (PosType p)
 constructor More...
int close (void)
 close IO More...
void createBranches (void)
 create root branches More...
int findEntry (align::ID, align::StructureType)
int open (const char *filename, int iteration, bool writemode)
 open IO More...
AlignableAbsData readAbsRaw (Alignable *ali, int &ierr)
 read absolute positions More...
AlignableRelData readRelRaw (Alignable *ali, int &ierr)
 read relative positions More...
void setBranchAddresses (void)
 set root branches More...
int writeAbsRaw (const AlignableAbsData &ad)
 write absolute positions More...
int writeRelRaw (const AlignableRelData &ad)
 write relative positions More...

Private Attributes

Float_t deformationValues_ [kMaxNumPar]
align::ID Id
bool newopen
UInt_t numDeformationValues_
align::StructureType ObjId
 root tree contents More...
Double_t Pos [3]
Double_t Rot [9]
treemaptype treemap


class AlignmentIORoot

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from AlignableDataIO
enum  PosType { Abs, Org, Rel }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AlignmentIORootBase
 AlignmentIORootBase ()
 constructor More...
int closeRoot (void)
 close IO More...
int openRoot (const char *filename, int iteration, bool writemode)
 open IO More...
int testFile (const char *filename, const TString &tname)
 test if file is existing and if so, what the highest iteration is More...
TString treeName (int iter, const TString &tname)
 compose tree name More...
virtual ~AlignmentIORootBase ()
 destructor More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AlignableDataIO
 AlignableDataIO (PosType p)
 Constructor. More...
AlignableAbsData readAbsPos (Alignable *ali, int &ierr)
 Read absolute positions of one Alignable. More...
AlignablePositions readAbsPos (const align::Alignables &alivec, int &ierr)
 Read absolute positions of many Alignables. More...
AlignableAbsData readOrgPos (Alignable *ali, int &ierr)
 Read original positions of one Alignable. More...
AlignablePositions readOrgPos (const align::Alignables &alivec, int &ierr)
 Read original positions of many Alignables. More...
AlignableRelData readRelPos (Alignable *ali, int &ierr)
 Read relative positions of one Alignable. More...
AlignableShifts readRelPos (const align::Alignables &alivec, int &ierr)
 Read relative positions of many Alignables. More...
int writeAbsPos (Alignable *ali, bool validCheck)
 Write absolute positions of one Alignable. More...
int writeAbsPos (const align::Alignables &alivec, bool validCheck)
 Write absolute positions of many Alignables. More...
int writeOrgPos (Alignable *ali, bool validCheck)
 Write original positions of one Alignable. More...
int writeOrgPos (const align::Alignables &alivec, bool validCheck)
 Write original positions of many Alignables. More...
int writeRelPos (Alignable *ali, bool validCheck)
 Write relative positions of one Alignable. More...
int writeRelPos (const align::Alignables &alivec, bool validCheck)
 Write relative positions of many Alignables. More...
virtual ~AlignableDataIO ()
 Destructor. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from AlignmentIORootBase
bool bWrite
TTree * tree
TString treename
TString treetxt
- Protected Attributes inherited from AlignableDataIO
PosType thePosType
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from AlignmentIORootBase
static const int itermax = 1000
static const int nParMax = 20

Detailed Description

concrete class for ROOT based IO of Alignable positions

Definition at line 12 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map< std::pair<align::ID, align::StructureType>, int > AlignableDataIORoot::treemaptype

Definition at line 54 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 50 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

50 {kMaxNumPar = 20}; // slighly above 'two bowed surfaces' limit

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlignableDataIORoot::AlignableDataIORoot ( PosType  p)


Definition at line 10 of file

References AlignableDataIO::Abs, AlignableDataIO::Org, AlignableDataIO::Rel, AlignableDataIO::thePosType, AlignmentIORootBase::treename, and AlignmentIORootBase::treetxt.

10  :
12 {
13  if (thePosType == Abs) {
14  treename = "AlignablesAbsPos";
15  treetxt = "Alignables abs.Pos";
16  }
17  else if (thePosType == Org) {
18  treename = "AlignablesOrgPos";
19  treetxt = "Alignables org.Pos";
20  }
21  else if (thePosType == Rel) {
22  treename = "AlignablesRelPos";
23  treetxt = "Alignables rel.Pos";
24  }
25 }
AlignableDataIO(PosType p)

Member Function Documentation

int AlignableDataIORoot::close ( void  )
void AlignableDataIORoot::createBranches ( void  )

create root branches

Implements AlignmentIORootBase.

Definition at line 30 of file

References deformationValues_, Id, numDeformationValues_, ObjId, Pos, Rot, and AlignmentIORootBase::tree.

31 {
32  tree->Branch("Id", &Id, "Id/i");
33  tree->Branch("ObjId", &ObjId, "ObjId/I");
34  tree->Branch("Pos", &Pos, "Pos[3]/D");
35  tree->Branch("Rot", &Rot, "Rot[9]/D");
37  tree->Branch("NumDeform", &numDeformationValues_, "NumDeform/i");
38  tree->Branch("DeformValues", deformationValues_, "DeformValues[NumDeform]/F");
39 }
Float_t deformationValues_[kMaxNumPar]
align::StructureType ObjId
root tree contents
int AlignableDataIORoot::findEntry ( align::ID  id,
align::StructureType  comp 

Definition at line 58 of file

References Id, newopen, ObjId, query::result, AlignmentIORootBase::tree, and treemap.

Referenced by readAbsRaw(), and readRelRaw().

59 {
60  if (newopen) { // we're here first time
61  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignableDataIORoot::findEntry"
62  << "Filling map ...";
63  treemap.erase(treemap.begin(),treemap.end());
64  for (int ev = 0;ev<tree->GetEntries();ev++) {
65  tree->GetEntry(ev);
66  treemap[ std::make_pair(Id,ObjId) ] = ev;
67  }
68  newopen=false;
69  }
71  // now we have filled the map
72  treemaptype::iterator imap = treemap.find( std::make_pair(id,comp) );
73  int result=-1;
74  if (imap != treemap.end()) result=(*imap).second;
75  return result;
77 }
tuple result
align::StructureType ObjId
root tree contents
int AlignableDataIORoot::open ( const char *  filename,
int  iteration,
bool  writemode 
AlignableAbsData AlignableDataIORoot::readAbsRaw ( Alignable ali,
int &  ierr 

read absolute positions

Implements AlignableDataIO.

Definition at line 124 of file

References Alignable::alignableObjectId(), findEntry(), Alignable::id(), pos, Pos, Rot, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, and AlignmentIORootBase::tree.

125 {
129  align::StructureType typeId = ali->alignableObjectId();
130  align::ID id = ali->id();
131  int entry = findEntry(id,typeId);
132  if(entry!=-1) {
133  tree->GetEntry(entry);
134  align::GlobalPoint pos2(Pos[0],Pos[1],Pos[2]);
135  align::RotationType rot2(Rot[0],Rot[1],Rot[2],
136  Rot[3],Rot[4],Rot[5],
137  Rot[6],Rot[7],Rot[8]);
138  pos=pos2;
139  rot=rot2;
141  // FIXME: Should add reading of deformation values?
142  // Then call Alignable::setSurfaceDeformation(..) ...
143  ierr=0;
144  }
145  else ierr=-1;
147  return AlignableAbsData(pos,rot,id,typeId);
148 }
align::ID id() const
Return the ID of Alignable, i.e. DetId of &#39;first&#39; component GeomDet(Unit).
Definition: Alignable.h:180
uint32_t ID
Definition: Definitions.h:26
std::pair< std::string, MonitorElement * > entry
Definition: ME_MAP.h:8
int findEntry(align::ID, align::StructureType)
virtual StructureType alignableObjectId() const =0
Return the alignable type identifier.
AlignableData< align::GlobalPoint > AlignableAbsData
Absolute position/rotation.
Definition: AlignableData.h:47
AlignableRelData AlignableDataIORoot::readRelRaw ( Alignable ali,
int &  ierr 

read relative positions

Implements AlignableDataIO.

Definition at line 152 of file

References Alignable::alignableObjectId(), findEntry(), Alignable::id(), pos, Pos, Rot, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, and AlignmentIORootBase::tree.

153 {
157  align::StructureType typeId = ali->alignableObjectId();
158  align::ID id = ali->id();
159  int entry = findEntry(id,typeId);
160  if(entry!=-1) {
161  tree->GetEntry(entry);
162  align::GlobalVector pos2(Pos[0],Pos[1],Pos[2]);
163  align::RotationType rot2(Rot[0],Rot[1],Rot[2],
164  Rot[3],Rot[4],Rot[5],
165  Rot[6],Rot[7],Rot[8]);
166  pos=pos2;
167  rot=rot2;
169  // FIXME: Should add reading of deformation values?
170  // Then call Alignable::setSurfaceDeformation(..) ...
171  ierr=0;
172  }
173  else ierr=-1;
175  return AlignableRelData(pos,rot,id,typeId);
176 }
align::ID id() const
Return the ID of Alignable, i.e. DetId of &#39;first&#39; component GeomDet(Unit).
Definition: Alignable.h:180
uint32_t ID
Definition: Definitions.h:26
AlignableData< align::GlobalVector > AlignableRelData
relative position/rotation
Definition: AlignableData.h:49
std::pair< std::string, MonitorElement * > entry
Definition: ME_MAP.h:8
int findEntry(align::ID, align::StructureType)
virtual StructureType alignableObjectId() const =0
Return the alignable type identifier.
void AlignableDataIORoot::setBranchAddresses ( void  )

set root branches

Implements AlignmentIORootBase.

Definition at line 44 of file

References deformationValues_, Id, numDeformationValues_, ObjId, Pos, Rot, and AlignmentIORootBase::tree.

45 {
46  tree->SetBranchAddress("Id", &Id);
47  tree->SetBranchAddress("ObjId", &ObjId);
48  tree->SetBranchAddress("Pos", &Pos);
49  tree->SetBranchAddress("Rot", &Rot);
51  tree->SetBranchAddress("NumDeform", &numDeformationValues_);
52  tree->SetBranchAddress("DeformValues", deformationValues_);
53 }
Float_t deformationValues_[kMaxNumPar]
align::StructureType ObjId
root tree contents
int AlignableDataIORoot::writeAbsRaw ( const AlignableAbsData ad)

write absolute positions

Implements AlignableDataIO.

Definition at line 80 of file

References AlignableData< T >::deformationParameters(), deformationValues_, i, AlignableData< T >::id(), Id, kMaxNumPar, numDeformationValues_, AlignableData< T >::objId(), ObjId, pos, AlignableData< T >::pos(), Pos, AlignableData< T >::rot(), Rot, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, AlignmentIORootBase::tree, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

81 {
82  align::GlobalPoint pos = ad.pos();
84  Id =;
85  ObjId = ad.objId();
86  Pos[0]=pos.x(); Pos[1]=pos.y(); Pos[2]=pos.z();
87  Rot[0]=rot.xx(); Rot[1]=rot.xy(); Rot[2]=rot.xz();
88  Rot[3]=rot.yx(); Rot[4]=rot.yy(); Rot[5]=rot.yz();
89  Rot[6]=rot.zx(); Rot[7]=rot.zy(); Rot[8]=rot.zz();
91  const std::vector<double> &deformPars = ad.deformationParameters();
92  numDeformationValues_ = (deformPars.size() > kMaxNumPar ? kMaxNumPar : deformPars.size());
93  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDeformationValues_; ++i) {
94  deformationValues_[i] = deformPars[i];
95  }
97  tree->Fill();
98  return 0;
99 }
T xx() const
align::StructureType objId() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:30
int i
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
T yx() const
T zx() const
T xy() const
T zz() const
Float_t deformationValues_[kMaxNumPar]
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
T zy() const
T yy() const
align::StructureType ObjId
root tree contents
T xz() const
const std::vector< double > deformationParameters() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:32
const T & pos() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:28
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
T yz() const
const align::RotationType & rot() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:29
align::ID id() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:31
int AlignableDataIORoot::writeRelRaw ( const AlignableRelData ad)

write relative positions

Implements AlignableDataIO.

Definition at line 102 of file

References AlignableData< T >::deformationParameters(), deformationValues_, i, AlignableData< T >::id(), Id, kMaxNumPar, numDeformationValues_, AlignableData< T >::objId(), ObjId, pos, AlignableData< T >::pos(), Pos, AlignableData< T >::rot(), Rot, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, AlignmentIORootBase::tree, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

103 {
104  align::GlobalVector pos = ad.pos();
105  align::RotationType rot = ad.rot();
106  Id =;
107  ObjId = ad.objId();
108  Pos[0]=pos.x(); Pos[1]=pos.y(); Pos[2]=pos.z();
109  Rot[0]=rot.xx(); Rot[1]=rot.xy(); Rot[2]=rot.xz();
110  Rot[3]=rot.yx(); Rot[4]=rot.yy(); Rot[5]=rot.yz();
111  Rot[6]=rot.zx(); Rot[7]=rot.zy(); Rot[8]=rot.zz();
113  const std::vector<double> &deformPars = ad.deformationParameters();
114  numDeformationValues_ = (deformPars.size() > kMaxNumPar ? kMaxNumPar : deformPars.size());
115  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDeformationValues_; ++i) {
116  deformationValues_[i] = deformPars[i];
117  }
119  tree->Fill();
120  return 0;
121 }
T xx() const
align::StructureType objId() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:30
int i
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
T yx() const
T zx() const
T xy() const
T zz() const
Float_t deformationValues_[kMaxNumPar]
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
T zy() const
T yy() const
align::StructureType ObjId
root tree contents
T xz() const
const std::vector< double > deformationParameters() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:32
const T & pos() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:28
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
T yz() const
const align::RotationType & rot() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:29
align::ID id() const
Definition: AlignableData.h:31

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class AlignmentIORoot

Definition at line 15 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Member Data Documentation

Float_t AlignableDataIORoot::deformationValues_[kMaxNumPar]

Definition at line 51 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Referenced by createBranches(), setBranchAddresses(), writeAbsRaw(), and writeRelRaw().

align::ID AlignableDataIORoot::Id
bool AlignableDataIORoot::newopen

Definition at line 53 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Referenced by findEntry(), and open().

UInt_t AlignableDataIORoot::numDeformationValues_

Definition at line 49 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Referenced by createBranches(), setBranchAddresses(), writeAbsRaw(), and writeRelRaw().

align::StructureType AlignableDataIORoot::ObjId

root tree contents

Definition at line 44 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Referenced by createBranches(), findEntry(), setBranchAddresses(), writeAbsRaw(), and writeRelRaw().

Double_t AlignableDataIORoot::Pos[3]
Double_t AlignableDataIORoot::Rot[9]
treemaptype AlignableDataIORoot::treemap

Definition at line 55 of file AlignableDataIORoot.h.

Referenced by findEntry().