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CSCIndexer Class Reference

#include <CSCIndexer.h>

Public Types

typedef uint16_t IndexType
typedef uint32_t LongIndexType

Public Member Functions

IndexType chamberIndex (const CSCDetId &id) const
IndexType chamberIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic) const
IndexType chamberLabelFromChamberIndex (IndexType) const
IndexType chambersInRingOfStation (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chipIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType ichip) const
IndexType chipIndex (const CSCDetId &id, IndexType ichip) const
IndexType chipIndex (IndexType istrip) const
IndexType chipsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chipStart (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
 CSCIndexer ()
int dbIndex (const CSCDetId &id, int &channel)
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberIndex (IndexType ici) const
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberIndex_OLD (IndexType ici) const
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberLabel (IndexType ie, IndexType icl) const
std::pair< CSCDetId, IndexTypedetIdFromChipIndex (IndexType ichi) const
CSCDetId detIdFromLayerIndex (IndexType ili) const
std::pair< CSCDetId, IndexTypedetIdFromStripChannelIndex (LongIndexType ichi) const
IndexType gasGainIndex (const CSCDetId &id, IndexType istrip, IndexType iwire) const
IndexType gasGainIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType istrip, IndexType iwire) const
IndexType hvSegmentIndex (IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType iwire) const
IndexType hvSegmentsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType layerIndex (const CSCDetId &id) const
IndexType layerIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il) const
IndexType ringsInStation (IndexType is) const
IndexType sectorsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType sectorStart (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType startChamberIndexInEndcap (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
LongIndexType stripChannelIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType istrip) const
LongIndexType stripChannelIndex (const CSCDetId &id, IndexType istrip) const
IndexType stripChannelsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
LongIndexType stripChannelStart (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
 ~CSCIndexer ()

Private Member Functions

void fillChamberLabel () const

Private Attributes

std::vector< IndexTypechamberLabel

Detailed Description

Creates a linear index for various sublevels of the endcap muon CSC system.

It supplies a linear index for:

  1. Each chamber of the CSC system: range 1-468 (CSC system as installed 2008) 469-540 for ME42
  2. Each layer of the CSC system: range 1-2808 (CSCs 2008) 2809-3240 for ME42
  3. Each strip channel of the CSC system: range 1-217728 (CSCs 2008) 217729-252288 for ME42
  4. Each Buckeye chip (1 for each layer in each CFEB)of the CSC system: range 1-13608 (CSCs 2008) 13609-15768 for ME42
  5. Each Gas Gain Sector (1 for each [CFEB*HV segment] combination in each layer): range 1-45144 (CSCs 2008) 45145-55944 for ME42

The chamber and layer may be specified by CSCDetId or labels for endcap, station, ring, chamber, layer. The strip channel is a value 1-80 (or 64: ME13 chambers have only 64 channels.) The chip number is a value 1-30 (or 24: ME13 chambers have only 24 chips.)

The main user interface is the set of functions
But the other functions are public since they may be useful in contexts other than for Conditions Data for which the above functions are intended.

This class is hard-wired for the CSC system at start-up of CMS in 2008. with rings ME11, ME12, ME13, ME21, ME22, ME31, ME32, ME41 totalling 234 chambers per endcap. But ME42 is appended (to permit simulation studies), so the chamber order is
+z ME11, ME12, ME13, ME21, ME22, ME31, ME32, ME41,
-z ME11, ME12, ME13, ME21, ME22, ME31, ME32, ME41,
+z ME42, -z ME42
This uses magic numbers galore!!

Definition at line 44 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef uint16_t CSCIndexer::IndexType

Definition at line 50 of file CSCIndexer.h.

typedef uint32_t CSCIndexer::LongIndexType

Definition at line 51 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSCIndexer::CSCIndexer ( )

Definition at line 53 of file CSCIndexer.h.

53 {};
CSCIndexer::~CSCIndexer ( )

Definition at line 54 of file CSCIndexer.h.

54 {};

Member Function Documentation

IndexType CSCIndexer::chamberIndex ( const CSCDetId id) const

Linear index to label each CSC in CSC system. Argument is the CSCDetId of some CSCChamber.

Output is 1-468 (CSCs 2008) 469-540 (ME42)

WARNING: Do not input ME1a values (i.e. ring '4'): does not consider ME1a and ME1b to be separate, No sanity checking on input value: if you supply an ME1a CSCDetId then you'll get nonsense.

Definition at line 66 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, relativeConstraints::ring, and relativeConstraints::station.

Referenced by CSCBadChambers::isInBadChamber(), CSCChamberTimeCorrections::item(), layerIndex(), CSCChamberTimeCorrectionsValues::prefill(), and cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::summary().

66  {
67  return chamberIndex( id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber() );
68  }
IndexType chamberIndex(const CSCDetId &id) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:66
IndexType CSCIndexer::chamberIndex ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir,
IndexType  ic 
) const

Linear index for chamber 'ic' in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie', in range 1-468 (CSCs 2008) or 469-540 (ME42)

Definition at line 99 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References startChamberIndexInEndcap().

99  {
100  return startChamberIndexInEndcap(ie,is,ir) + ic - 1; // -1 so start index _is_ ic=1
101  }
IndexType startChamberIndexInEndcap(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:88
CSCIndexer::IndexType CSCIndexer::chamberLabelFromChamberIndex ( IndexType  ici) const

Definition at line 86 of file

References chamberLabel, and fillChamberLabel().

86  {
87  // This is just for cross-checking
89  // Expected range of input range argument is 1-540.
90  // 1-468 for CSCs installed at 2008 start-up. 469-540 for ME42.
92  if ( ici > 468 ) {
93  // ME42
94  ici -= 234; // now in range 235-306
95  if ( ici > 270 ) { // -z
96  ici -= 36; // now in range 235-270
97  }
98  }
99  else { // in range 1-468
100  if ( ici > 234 ) { // -z
101  ici -= 234; // now in range 1-234
102  }
103  }
104  if (chamberLabel.empty()) fillChamberLabel();
105  return chamberLabel[ici];
107 }
void fillChamberLabel() const
std::vector< IndexType > chamberLabel
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:413
IndexType CSCIndexer::chambersInRingOfStation ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

How many chambers are there in ring ir of station is?

Works for ME1a (ring 4 of ME1) too.

Definition at line 127 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by fillChamberLabel().

127  {
128  IndexType nc = 36; // most rings have 36 chambers
129  if (is >1 && ir<2 ) nc = 18; // but 21, 31, 41 have 18
130  return nc;
131  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::chipIndex ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir,
IndexType  ic,
IndexType  il,
IndexType  ichip 
) const

Linear index for Buckeye chip 'ichip' in layer 'il' of chamber 'ic' of ring 'ir' in station 'is' of endcap 'ie'.

Output is 1-13608 (CSCs 2008) or 13609-15768 (ME42).

WARNING: Use at your own risk! You must input labels within hardware ranges. No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 237 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References chipsPerLayer(), and chipStart().

Referenced by CSCConditions::chipCorrection(), chipIndex(), gasGainIndex(), CSCDBChipSpeedCorrection::item(), and CSCChipSpeedCorrectionDBConditions::prefillDBChipSpeedCorrection().

237  {
238  //printf("ME%d/%d/%d/%d layer %d chip %d chipindex %d\n",ie,is,ir,ic,il,ichip,chipStart(ie,is,ir)+( (ic-1)*6 + il - 1 )*chipsPerLayer(is,ir) + (ichip-1));
239  return chipStart(ie,is,ir)+( (ic-1)*6 + il - 1 )*chipsPerLayer(is,ir) + (ichip-1);
241  }
IndexType chipsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:202
IndexType chipStart(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:215
IndexType CSCIndexer::chipIndex ( const CSCDetId id,
IndexType  ichip 
) const

Linear index for Buckeye chip 'ichip' in layer labelled by CSCDetId 'id'.

Output is 1-13608 (CSCs 2008) or 13609-15768 (ME42).

WARNING: Use at your own risk! The supplied CSCDetId must be a layer id. No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 252 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References chipIndex(), Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, relativeConstraints::ring, and relativeConstraints::station.

252  {
253  return chipIndex(id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), id.layer(), ichip );
254  }
IndexType chipIndex(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType ichip) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:237
IndexType CSCIndexer::chipIndex ( IndexType  istrip) const

Linear index for Buckeye chip processing strip 'istrip'.

Output is 1-5.

WARNING: Use at your own risk! The supplied CSCDetId must be a strip id 1-80 ME1/1a strips must be 65-80 No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 266 of file CSCIndexer.h.

266  {
267  return (istrip-1)/16+1;
268  }
IndexType CSCIndexer::chipsPerLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of Buckeye chips per layer in a chamber in ring ir of station is.

Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 1 of the 5 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.
Considers ME42 as standard 5 chip per layer chambers.

Definition at line 202 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by chipIndex(), gasGainIndex(), and sectorsPerLayer().

202  {
203  const IndexType nCinL[12] = { 5,5,4, 5,5,0, 5,5,0, 5,5,0 };
204  return nCinL[(is-1)*3 + ir - 1];
205  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::chipStart ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Linear index for 1st Buckey chip in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie'.

Endcap label range 1-2, Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 1 of the 5 chips total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.

Definition at line 215 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by chipIndex().

215  {
217  // These are in the ranges 1-13608 (CSCs 2008) and 13609-15768 (ME42).
218  // There are 1-6804 chips per endcap (CSCs 2008) and 1080 channels per endcap (ME42).
219  // Start of -z channels (CSCs 2008) is 6804 + 1 = 6805
220  // Start of +z (ME42) is 13608 + 1 = 13609
221  // Start of -z (ME42) is 13608 + 1 + 1080 = 14689
222  const IndexType nStart[24] = {1, 1081, 2161, 3025, 3565, 0, 4645, 5185, 0, 6265, 13609,0,
223  6805, 7885, 8965, 9829, 10369,0, 11449, 11989, 0, 13069, 14689 ,0 };
225  return nStart[(ie-1)*12 + (is-1)*3 + ir - 1];
226  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
int CSCIndexer::dbIndex ( const CSCDetId id,
int &  channel 

Build index used internally in online CSC conditions databases (the 'Igor Index')

This is the decimal integer ie*100000 + is*10000 + ir*1000 + ic*10 + il
(ie=1-2, is=1-4, ir=1-4, ic=1-36, il=1-6)
Channels 1-16 in ME1A (is=1, ir=4) are reset to channels 65-80 of ME11.

Definition at line 240 of file

Referenced by CSCValidation::doADCTiming(), CSCValidation::doAFEBTiming(), CSCValidation::doCompTiming(), CSCValidation::doGasGain(), CSCPedestals::item(), CSCGains::item(), CSCNoiseMatrix::item(), and CSCcrosstalk::item().

241 {
242  int ec = id.endcap();
243  int st = id.station();
244  int rg = id.ring();
245  int ch = id.chamber();
246  int la = id.layer();
248  // The channels of ME1A are channels 65-80 of ME11
249  if(st == 1 && rg == 4)
250  {
251  rg = 1;
252  if(channel <= 16) channel += 64; // no trapping for any bizarreness
253  }
254  return ec*100000 + st*10000 + rg*1000 + ch*10 + la;
255 }
CSCDetId CSCIndexer::detIdFromChamberIndex ( IndexType  ici) const

Definition at line 62 of file

References chamberLabel, detIdFromChamberLabel(), fillChamberLabel(), and diffTwoXMLs::label.

Referenced by detIdFromLayerIndex(), CSCConditions::fillBadStripWords(), CSCConditions::fillBadWireWords(), CSCChipSpeedCorrectionDBConditions::prefillDBChipSpeedCorrection(), and cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::summary().

62  {
63  // Expected range of input range argument is 1-540.
64  // 1-468 for CSCs installed at 2008 start-up. 469-540 for ME42.
66  IndexType ie = 1;
67  if ( ici > 468 ) {
68  // ME42
69  ici -= 234; // now in range 235-306
70  if ( ici > 270 ) { // -z
71  ie = 2;
72  ici -= 36; // now in range 235-270
73  }
74  }
75  else { // in range 1-468
76  if ( ici > 234 ) { // -z
77  ie = 2;
78  ici -= 234; // now in range 1-234
79  }
80  }
81  if (chamberLabel.empty()) fillChamberLabel();
83  return detIdFromChamberLabel( ie, label );
84 }
void fillChamberLabel() const
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberLabel(IndexType ie, IndexType icl) const
std::vector< IndexType > chamberLabel
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:413
CSCDetId CSCIndexer::detIdFromChamberIndex_OLD ( IndexType  ici) const

Definition at line 24 of file

References CSCDetId, i, relativeConstraints::ring, startChamberIndexInEndcap(), and relativeConstraints::station.

24  {
26  // Will not work as is for ME42
27  // ============================
29  IndexType ie = 1;
30  if (ici > 234 ) {
31  ie = 2;
32  ici -= 234;
33  }
34  // Now ici is in range 1-234 (assuming valid input in range 1-468)
36  // MEij pairs...
37  const IndexType station[] = {0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4};
38  const IndexType ring[] = {0,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1};
40  // MEij preceding a given MEij matching linear index above
41  const IndexType prevs[] = {0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3};
42  const IndexType prevr[] = {0,0,1,2,3,1,2,1,2};
44  IndexType is = 4;
45  IndexType ir = 1;
46  for ( IndexType i = 2; i<=8; ++i) {
47  IndexType js = station[i];
48  IndexType jr = ring[i];
49  // if it's before start of MEjs/jr then it's in the previous MEis/ir
50  if ( ici < startChamberIndexInEndcap(ie,js,jr) ) {
51  is = prevs[i];
52  ir = prevr[i];
53  break;
54  }
55  // otherwise it's in ME41
56  }
57  IndexType ic = ici - startChamberIndexInEndcap(ie,is,ir) + 1;
59  return CSCDetId( ie, is, ir, ic );
60 }
int i
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType startChamberIndexInEndcap(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:88
CSCDetId CSCIndexer::detIdFromChamberLabel ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  icl 
) const

Definition at line 109 of file

References CSCDetId, and diffTwoXMLs::label.

Referenced by detIdFromChamberIndex().

109  {
111  IndexType is = label/1000;
112  label -= is*1000;
113  IndexType ir = label/100;
114  label -= ir*100;
115  IndexType ic = label;
117  return CSCDetId( ie, is, ir, ic );
118 }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
std::pair< CSCDetId, CSCIndexer::IndexType > CSCIndexer::detIdFromChipIndex ( IndexType  ichi) const

Definition at line 185 of file

References detIdFromLayerIndex().

185  {
187  const LongIndexType lastnonme42 = 13608; // chips in 2008 installed chambers
188  const LongIndexType lastplusznonme42 = 6804; // = 13608/2
189  const LongIndexType firstme13 = 2161; // First channel of ME13
190  const LongIndexType lastme13 = 3024; // Last channel of ME13
192  const IndexType lastnonme42layer = 2808;
193  const IndexType lastplusznonme42layer = 1404; // = 2808/2
194  const IndexType firstme13layer = 433; // = 72*6 + 1 (ME13 chambers are 72-108 in range 1-234)
195  const IndexType lastme13layer = 648; // = 108*6
197  // All chambers but ME13 have 5 chips/layer
198  IndexType nchipPerLayer = 5;
200  // Set endcap to +z. This should work for ME42 channels too, since we don't need to calculate its endcap explicitly.
201  IndexType ie = 1;
203  LongIndexType istart = 0;
204  IndexType layerOffset = 0;
206  if ( ici <= lastnonme42 ) {
207  // Chambers as of 2008 Installation
209  if ( ici > lastplusznonme42 ) {
210  ie = 2;
211  ici -= lastplusznonme42;
212  }
214  if ( ici > lastme13 ) { // after ME13
215  istart = lastme13;
216  layerOffset = lastme13layer;
217  }
218  else if ( ici >= firstme13 ) { // ME13
219  istart = firstme13 - 1;
220  layerOffset = firstme13layer - 1;
221  nchipPerLayer = 4;
222  }
223  }
224  else {
225  // ME42 chambers
227  istart = lastnonme42;
228  layerOffset = lastnonme42layer;
229  }
231  ici -= istart; // remove earlier group(s)
232  IndexType ichip = (ici-1)%nchipPerLayer + 1;
233  IndexType ili = (ici-1)/nchipPerLayer + 1;
234  ili += layerOffset; // add appropriate offset for earlier group(s)
235  if ( ie != 1 ) ili+= lastplusznonme42layer; // add offset to -z endcap; ME42 doesn't need this.
237  return std::pair<CSCDetId, IndexType>(detIdFromLayerIndex(ili), ichip);
238 }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
uint32_t LongIndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:51
CSCDetId detIdFromLayerIndex(IndexType ili) const
CSCDetId CSCIndexer::detIdFromLayerIndex ( IndexType  ili) const

Decode CSCDetId from various indexes and labels

Definition at line 120 of file

References CSCDetId, detIdFromChamberIndex(), Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, relativeConstraints::ring, and relativeConstraints::station.

Referenced by detIdFromChipIndex(), and detIdFromStripChannelIndex().

120  {
122  IndexType il = (ili-1)%6 + 1;
123  IndexType ici = (ili-1)/6 + 1;
124  CSCDetId id = detIdFromChamberIndex( ici );
126  return CSCDetId(id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), il);
127 }
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberIndex(IndexType ici) const
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
std::pair< CSCDetId, CSCIndexer::IndexType > CSCIndexer::detIdFromStripChannelIndex ( LongIndexType  ichi) const

Definition at line 129 of file

References detIdFromLayerIndex(), and nchan.

Referenced by operator<<().

129  {
131  const LongIndexType lastnonme42 = 217728; // channels in 2008 installed chambers
132  const LongIndexType lastplusznonme42 = 108864; // = 217728/2
133  const LongIndexType firstme13 = 34561; // First channel of ME13
134  const LongIndexType lastme13 = 48384; // Last channel of ME13
136  const IndexType lastnonme42layer = 2808;
137  const IndexType lastplusznonme42layer = 1404; // = 2808/2
138  const IndexType firstme13layer = 433; // = 72*6 + 1 (ME13 chambers are 72-108 in range 1-234)
139  const IndexType lastme13layer = 648; // = 108*6
141  // All chambers but ME13 have 80 channels
142  IndexType nchan = 80;
144  // Set endcap to +z. This should work for ME42 channels too, since we don't need to calculate its endcap explicitly.
145  IndexType ie = 1;
147  LongIndexType istart = 0;
148  IndexType layerOffset = 0;
150  if ( isi <= lastnonme42 ) {
151  // Chambers as of 2008 Installation
153  if ( isi > lastplusznonme42 ) {
154  ie = 2;
155  isi -= lastplusznonme42;
156  }
158  if ( isi > lastme13 ) { // after ME13
159  istart = lastme13;
160  layerOffset = lastme13layer;
161  }
162  else if ( isi >= firstme13 ) { // ME13
163  istart = firstme13 - 1;
164  layerOffset = firstme13layer - 1;
165  nchan = 64;
166  }
167  }
168  else {
169  // ME42 chambers
171  istart = lastnonme42;
172  layerOffset = lastnonme42layer;
173  }
175  isi -= istart; // remove earlier group(s)
176  IndexType ichan = (isi-1)%nchan + 1;
177  IndexType ili = (isi-1)/nchan + 1;
178  ili += layerOffset; // add appropriate offset for earlier group(s)
179  if ( ie != 1 ) ili+= lastplusznonme42layer; // add offset to -z endcap; ME42 doesn't need this.
181  return std::pair<CSCDetId, IndexType>(detIdFromLayerIndex(ili), ichan);
182 }
int nchan
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:80
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
uint32_t LongIndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:51
CSCDetId detIdFromLayerIndex(IndexType ili) const
void CSCIndexer::fillChamberLabel ( ) const

Definition at line 4 of file

References chamberLabel, chambersInRingOfStation(), prof2calltree::count, and ringsInStation().

Referenced by chamberLabelFromChamberIndex(), and detIdFromChamberIndex().

4  {
5  // Fill the member vector which permits decoding of the linear chamber index
6  // Logically const since initializes cache only,
7  // Beware that the ME42 indices 235-270 within this vector do NOT correspond to
8  // their 'real' linear indices (which are 469-504 for +z)
9  chamberLabel.resize( 271 ); // one more than #chambers per endcap. Includes ME42.
10  IndexType count = 0;
11  chamberLabel[count] = 0;
13  for ( IndexType is = 1 ; is != 5; ++is ) {
14  IndexType irmax = ringsInStation(is);
15  for ( IndexType ir = 1; ir != irmax+1; ++ir ) {
16  IndexType icmax = chambersInRingOfStation(is, ir);
17  for ( IndexType ic = 1; ic != icmax+1; ++ic ) {
18  chamberLabel[ ++count ] = is*1000 + ir*100 + ic ;
19  }
20  }
21  }
22 }
IndexType chambersInRingOfStation(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:127
IndexType ringsInStation(IndexType is) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:117
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
std::vector< IndexType > chamberLabel
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:413
IndexType CSCIndexer::gasGainIndex ( const CSCDetId id,
IndexType  istrip,
IndexType  iwire 
) const

Linear index for Gas gain sector, based on CSCDetId 'id', cathode strip 'istrip' and anode wire 'iwire'

Output is 1-45144 (CSCs 2008) and 45145-55944 (ME42).

WARNING: Use at your own risk! You must input labels within hardware ranges (e.g., 'id' must correspond to a specific layer 1-6). No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 370 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, relativeConstraints::ring, and relativeConstraints::station.

Referenced by CSCDBGasGainCorrection::item().

370  {
371  return gasGainIndex(id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), id.layer(), istrip, iwire);
372  }
IndexType gasGainIndex(const CSCDetId &id, IndexType istrip, IndexType iwire) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:370
IndexType CSCIndexer::gasGainIndex ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir,
IndexType  ic,
IndexType  il,
IndexType  istrip,
IndexType  iwire 
) const

Linear index for Gas gain sector, based on the cathode strip 'istrip' and anode wire 'iwire' located in layer 'il' of chamber 'ic' of ring 'ir' in station 'is' of endcap 'ie'.

Output is 1-45144 (CSCs 2008) and 45145-55944 (ME42).

WARNING: Use at your own risk! You must input labels within hardware ranges. No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 383 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References chipIndex(), chipsPerLayer(), hvSegmentIndex(), sectorsPerLayer(), and sectorStart().

383  {
384  IndexType ichip = this->chipIndex(istrip);
385  IndexType ihvsegment = this->hvSegmentIndex(is,ir,iwire);
386  return sectorStart(ie,is,ir)+( (ic-1)*6 + il - 1 )*sectorsPerLayer(is,ir) + (ihvsegment-1)*chipsPerLayer(is,ir) + (ichip-1);
387  }
IndexType chipsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:202
IndexType hvSegmentIndex(IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType iwire) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:303
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType sectorsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:291
IndexType chipIndex(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType ichip) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:237
IndexType sectorStart(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:342
IndexType CSCIndexer::hvSegmentIndex ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir,
IndexType  iwire 
) const

Linear index for HV segment

Output is 1-5.

WARNING: Use at your own risk! The supplied CSCDetId must be chamber station, ring, and wire. No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 303 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by gasGainIndex().

303  {
305  IndexType hvSegment = 1; // There is only one HV segment in ME1/1
307  if (is > 2 && ir == 1) { // HV segments are the same in ME3/1 and ME4/1
308  if ( iwire >= 33 && iwire <= 64 ) { hvSegment = 2; }
309  else if ( iwire >= 65 && iwire <= 96 ) { hvSegment = 3; }
311  } else if (is > 1 && ir == 2) { // HV segments are the same in ME2/2, ME3/2, and ME4/2
312  if ( iwire >= 17 && iwire <= 28 ) { hvSegment = 2; }
313  else if ( iwire >= 29 && iwire <= 40 ) { hvSegment = 3; }
314  else if ( iwire >= 41 && iwire <= 52 ) { hvSegment = 4; }
315  else if ( iwire >= 53 && iwire <= 64 ) { hvSegment = 5; }
317  } else if (is == 1 && ir == 2) {
318  if ( iwire >= 25 && iwire <= 48 ) { hvSegment = 2; }
319  else if ( iwire >= 49 && iwire <= 64 ) { hvSegment = 3; }
321  } else if (is == 1 && ir == 3) {
322  if ( iwire >= 13 && iwire <= 22 ) { hvSegment = 2; }
323  else if ( iwire >= 23 && iwire <= 32 ) { hvSegment = 3; }
325  } else if (is == 2 && ir == 1) {
326  if ( iwire >= 45 && iwire <= 80 ) { hvSegment = 2; }
327  else if ( iwire >= 81 && iwire <= 112) { hvSegment = 3; }
329  }
331  return hvSegment;
332  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::hvSegmentsPerLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of HV segments per layer in a chamber in ring ir of station is.

Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 1 of the 5 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.

Definition at line 278 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by sectorsPerLayer().

278  {
279  const IndexType nSinL[12] = { 1,3,3, 3,5,0, 3,5,0, 3,5,0 };
280  return nSinL[(is-1)*3 + ir - 1];
281  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::layerIndex ( const CSCDetId id) const

Linear index to label each hardware layer in CSC system. Argument is the CSCDetId of some CSCLayer.

Output is 1-2808 (CSCs 2008) 2809-3240 (ME42)

WARNING: Do not input ME1a values (i.e. ring '4'): does not consider ME1a and ME1b to be separate, No sanity checking on input value: if you supply an ME1a CSCDetId then you'll get nonsense.

Definition at line 80 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, relativeConstraints::ring, and relativeConstraints::station.

Referenced by CSCConditions::badStripWord(), CSCConditions::badWireWord(), CSCConditions::fillBadStripWords(), CSCConditions::fillBadWireWords(), and cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::summary().

80  {
81  return layerIndex(id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), id.layer());
82  }
IndexType layerIndex(const CSCDetId &id) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:80
IndexType CSCIndexer::layerIndex ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir,
IndexType  ic,
IndexType  il 
) const

Linear index for layer 'il' of chamber 'ic' in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie', in range 1-2808 (CSCs 2008) or 2809-3240 (ME42).

Definition at line 107 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References chamberIndex().

107  {
108  const IndexType layersInChamber = 6;
109  return (chamberIndex(ie,is,ir,ic) - 1 ) * layersInChamber + il;
110  }
IndexType chamberIndex(const CSCDetId &id) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:66
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::ringsInStation ( IndexType  is) const

How many rings are there in station is=1, 2, 3, 4 ?

BEWARE! Includes ME42 so claims 2 rings in station 4. There is only 1 at CSC installation 2008.

Definition at line 117 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by fillChamberLabel().

117  {
118  const IndexType nrins[5] = {0,3,2,2,2}; // rings per station
119  return nrins[is];
120  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::sectorsPerLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of Gas Gain sectors per layer in a chamber in ring ir of station is.

Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 1 of the 5 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.

Definition at line 291 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References chipsPerLayer(), and hvSegmentsPerLayer().

Referenced by gasGainIndex().

291  {
292  return chipsPerLayer(is,ir)*hvSegmentsPerLayer(is,ir);
293  }
IndexType chipsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:202
IndexType hvSegmentsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:278
IndexType CSCIndexer::sectorStart ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Linear index for 1st Gas gain sector in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie'.

Endcap label range 1-2, Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 1 of the 5 chips total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.

Definition at line 342 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by gasGainIndex().

342  {
343  // There are 36 chambers * 6 layers * 5 CFEB's * 1 HV segment = 1080 gas-gain sectors in ME1/1
344  // There are 36*6*5*3 = 3240 gas-gain sectors in ME1/2
345  // There are 36*6*4*3 = 2592 gas-gain sectors in ME1/3
346  // There are 18*6*5*3 = 1620 gas-gain sectors in ME[2-4]/1
347  // There are 36*6*5*5 = 5400 gas-gain sectors in ME[2-4]/2
348  // Start of -z channels (CSCs 2008) is 22572 + 1 = 22573
349  // Start of +z (ME42) is 45144 + 1 = 45145
350  // Start of -z (ME42) is 45144 + 1 + 5400 = 50545
351  const IndexType nStart[24] = {1 ,1081 , 4321, //ME+1/1,ME+1/2,ME+1/3
352  6913 ,8533 , 0, //ME+2/1,ME+2/2,ME+2/3
353  13933,15553, 0, //ME+3/1,ME+3/2,ME+3/3
354  20953,45145, 0, //ME+4/1,ME+4/2,ME+4/3 (note, ME+4/2 index follows ME-4/1...)
355  22573,23653,26893, //ME-1/1,ME-1/2,ME-1/3
356  29485,31105 ,0, //ME-2/1,ME-2/2,ME-2/3
357  36505,38125, 0, //ME-3/1,ME-3/2,ME-3/3
358  43525,50545, 0}; //ME-4/1,ME-4/2,ME-4/3 (note, ME-4/2 index follows ME+4/2...)
359  return nStart[(ie-1)*12 + (is-1)*3 + ir - 1];
360  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
IndexType CSCIndexer::startChamberIndexInEndcap ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Starting index for first chamber in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie', in range 1-468 (CSCs 2008) or 469-540 (ME42).

Definition at line 88 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by chamberIndex(), and detIdFromChamberIndex_OLD().

88  {
89  const IndexType nschin[24] = {1,37,73, 109,127,0, 163,181,0, 217,469,0,
90  235,271,307, 343,361,0, 397,415,0, 451,505,0 };
91  return nschin[(ie-1)*12 + (is-1)*3 + ir-1];
93  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
LongIndexType CSCIndexer::stripChannelIndex ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir,
IndexType  ic,
IndexType  il,
IndexType  istrip 
) const

Linear index for strip channel istrip in layer 'il' of chamber 'ic' of ring 'ir' in station 'is' of endcap 'ie'.

Output is 1-217728 (CSCs 2008) or 217729-252288 (ME42).

WARNING: Use at your own risk! You must input labels within hardware ranges. No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 176 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References stripChannelsPerLayer(), and stripChannelStart().

Referenced by CSCDBNoiseMatrix::item(), CSCDBPedestals::item(), CSCDBGains::item(), CSCDBCrosstalk::item(), and stripChannelIndex().

176  {
177  return stripChannelStart(ie,is,ir)+( (ic-1)*6 + il - 1 )*stripChannelsPerLayer(is,ir) + (istrip-1);
178  }
IndexType stripChannelsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:142
LongIndexType stripChannelStart(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:155
LongIndexType CSCIndexer::stripChannelIndex ( const CSCDetId id,
IndexType  istrip 
) const

Linear index for strip channel 'istrip' in layer labelled by CSCDetId 'id'.

Output is 1-217728 (CSCs 2008) or 217729-252288 (ME42).

WARNING: Use at your own risk! The supplied CSCDetId must be a layer id. No trapping on out-of-range values!

Definition at line 189 of file CSCIndexer.h.

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, relativeConstraints::ring, relativeConstraints::station, and stripChannelIndex().

189  {
190  return stripChannelIndex(id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), id.layer(), istrip );
191  }
LongIndexType stripChannelIndex(IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType istrip) const
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:176
IndexType CSCIndexer::stripChannelsPerLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of strip channels per layer in a chamber in ring ir of station is.

Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 16 of the 80 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.
Considers ME42 as standard 80-strip per layer chambers.

Definition at line 142 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by stripChannelIndex().

142  {
143  const IndexType nSCinC[12] = { 80,80,64, 80,80,0, 80,80,0, 80,80,0 };
144  return nSCinC[(is-1)*3 + ir - 1];
145  }
uint16_t IndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:50
LongIndexType CSCIndexer::stripChannelStart ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Linear index for 1st strip channel in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie'.

Endcap label range 1-2, Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

WARNING: ME1a channels are the last 16 of the 80 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 is invalid and will give nonsense.

Definition at line 155 of file CSCIndexer.h.

Referenced by stripChannelIndex().

155  {
157  // These are in the ranges 1-217728 (CSCs 2008) and 217729-252288 (ME42).
158  // There are 1-108884 channels per endcap (CSCs 2008) and 17280 channels per endcap (ME42).
159  // Start of -z channels (CSCs 2008) is 108864 + 1 = 108865
160  // Start of +z (ME42) is 217728 + 1 = 217729
161  // Start of -z (ME42) is 217728 + 1 + 17280 = 235009
162  const LongIndexType nStart[24] = { 1,17281,34561, 48385,57025,0, 74305,82945,0, 100225,217729,0,
163  108865,126145,143425, 157249,165889,0, 183169,191809,0, 209089,235009,0 };
164  return nStart[(ie-1)*12 + (is-1)*3 + ir - 1];
165  }
uint32_t LongIndexType
Definition: CSCIndexer.h:51

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<IndexType> CSCIndexer::chamberLabel