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LandauFP420 Class Reference

#include <LandauFP420.h>

Public Member Functions

 LandauFP420 ()
double SampleFluctuations (const double momentum, const double mass, double &tmax, const double length, const double meanLoss)
 ~LandauFP420 ()

Private Attributes

double alim
double chargeSquare
double e0
double e1Fluct
double e1LogFluct
double e2Fluct
double e2LogFluct
double electronDensity
double f1Fluct
double f2Fluct
double ipotFluct
double ipotLogFluct
double minLoss
double minNumberInteractionsBohr
int nmaxCont1
int nmaxCont2
double particleMass
double problim
double rateFluct
double sumalim
double theBohrBeta2

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file LandauFP420.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LandauFP420::LandauFP420 ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

References chargeSquare, e0, e1Fluct, e1LogFluct, e2Fluct, e2LogFluct, electronDensity, f1Fluct, f2Fluct, ipotFluct, ipotLogFluct, create_public_lumi_plots::log, problim, rateFluct, and sumalim.

68  theBohrBeta2(50.0*keV/proton_mass_c2),
69  minLoss(0.000001*eV),
70  problim(0.01),
71  alim(10.),
72  nmaxCont1(4),
73  nmaxCont2(16)
74 {
75  sumalim = -log(problim);
77  chargeSquare = 1.; //Assume all particles have charge 1
78  // Taken from Geant4 printout, HARDWIRED for Silicon.
79  ipotFluct = 0.0001736; //material->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy();
80  electronDensity = 6.797E+20; // material->GetElectronDensity();
81  f1Fluct = 0.8571; // material->GetIonisation()->GetF1fluct();
82  f2Fluct = 0.1429; //material->GetIonisation()->GetF2fluct();
83  e1Fluct = 0.000116;// material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy1fluct();
84  e2Fluct = 0.00196; //material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy2fluct();
85  e1LogFluct = -9.063; //material->GetIonisation()->GetLogEnergy1fluct();
86  e2LogFluct = -6.235; //material->GetIonisation()->GetLogEnergy2fluct();
87  rateFluct = 0.4; //material->GetIonisation()->GetRateionexcfluct();
88  ipotLogFluct = -8.659; //material->GetIonisation()->GetLogMeanExcEnergy();
89  e0 = 1.E-5; //material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy0fluct();
91 }
double e1Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:94
double e2LogFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:98
double e1LogFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:97
double chargeSquare
Definition: LandauFP420.h:85
double rateFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:96
double minLoss
Definition: LandauFP420.h:104
double alim
Definition: LandauFP420.h:107
double sumalim
Definition: LandauFP420.h:106
double electronDensity
Definition: LandauFP420.h:89
double minNumberInteractionsBohr
Definition: LandauFP420.h:102
double ipotFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:88
double e2Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:95
double f1Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:92
double f2Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:93
double problim
Definition: LandauFP420.h:105
double ipotLogFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:99
double theBohrBeta2
Definition: LandauFP420.h:103
LandauFP420::~LandauFP420 ( )

Definition at line 93 of file

94 {}

Member Function Documentation

double LandauFP420::SampleFluctuations ( const double  momentum,
const double  mass,
double &  tmax,
const double  length,
const double  meanLoss 

Definition at line 99 of file

References alim, funct::C, chargeSquare, e0, e1Fluct, e1LogFluct, e2Fluct, e2LogFluct, electronDensity, f1Fluct, f2Fluct, i, ipotFluct, ipotLogFluct, gen::k, create_public_lumi_plots::log, scaleCards::mass, max(), minLoss, minNumberInteractionsBohr, nmaxCont1, nmaxCont2, p1, p2, p3, particleMass, rateFluct, mathSSE::sqrt(), sumalim, w(), and w2.

104 {
105 // calculate actual loss from the mean loss
106 // The model used to get the fluctuation is essentially the same
107 // as in Glandz in Geant3.
109  // shortcut for very very small loss
110  if(meanLoss < minLoss) return meanLoss;
112  //if(dp->GetDefinition() != particle) {
113  particleMass = mass; // dp->GetMass();
114  //G4double q = dp->GetCharge();
115  //chargeSquare = q*q;
116  //}
118  //double gam = (dp->GetKineticEnergy())/particleMass + 1.0;
119  //double gam2 = gam*gam;
120  double gam2 = (momentum*momentum)/(particleMass*particleMass) + 1.0;
121  double beta2 = 1.0 - 1.0/gam2;
123  // Validity range for delta electron cross section
124  double loss, siga;
125  // Gaussian fluctuation
126  if(meanLoss >= minNumberInteractionsBohr*tmax ||
128  {
129  siga = (1.0/beta2 - 0.5) * twopi_mc2_rcl2 * tmax * length
131  siga = sqrt(siga);
132  do {
133  //loss = G4RandGauss::shoot(meanLoss,siga);
134  loss = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(meanLoss,siga);
135  } while (loss < 0. || loss > 2.*meanLoss);
137  return loss;
138  }
140  // Non Gaussian fluctuation
141  double suma,w1,w2,C,lossc,w;
142  double a1,a2,a3;
143  int p1,p2,p3;
144  int nb;
145  double corrfac, na,alfa,rfac,namean,sa,alfa1,ea,sea;
146  double dp3;
148  w1 = tmax/ipotFluct;
149  w2 = log(2.*electron_mass_c2*(gam2 - 1.0));
151  C = meanLoss*(1.-rateFluct)/(w2-ipotLogFluct-beta2);
153  a1 = C*f1Fluct*(w2-e1LogFluct-beta2)/e1Fluct;
154  a2 = C*f2Fluct*(w2-e2LogFluct-beta2)/e2Fluct;
155  a3 = rateFluct*meanLoss*(tmax-ipotFluct)/(ipotFluct*tmax*log(w1));
156  if(a1 < 0.) a1 = 0.;
157  if(a2 < 0.) a2 = 0.;
158  if(a3 < 0.) a3 = 0.;
160  suma = a1+a2+a3;
162  loss = 0. ;
164  if(suma < sumalim) // very small Step
165  {
166  //e0 = material->GetIonisation()->GetEnergy0fluct();//Hardwired in const
167  if(tmax == ipotFluct)
168  {
169  a3 = meanLoss/e0;
171  if(a3>alim)
172  {
173  siga=sqrt(a3) ;
174  //p3 = G4std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
175  p3 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
176  }
177  else
178  p3 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a3);
179  //p3 = G4Poisson(a3);
181  loss = p3*e0 ;
183  if(p3 > 0)
184  //loss += (1.-2.*G4UniformRand())*e0 ;
185  loss += (1.-2.*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot())*e0 ;
187  }
188  else
189  {
190  tmax = tmax-ipotFluct+e0 ;
191  a3 = meanLoss*(tmax-e0)/(tmax*e0*log(tmax/e0));
193  if(a3>alim)
194  {
195  siga=sqrt(a3) ;
196  //p3 = G4std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
197  p3 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
198  }
199  else
200  p3 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a3);
201  //p3 = G4Poisson(a3);
203  if(p3 > 0)
204  {
205  w = (tmax-e0)/tmax ;
206  if(p3 > nmaxCont2)
207  {
208  dp3 = float(p3) ;
209  corrfac = dp3/float(nmaxCont2) ;
210  p3 = nmaxCont2 ;
211  }
212  else
213  corrfac = 1. ;
215  //for(int i=0; i<p3; i++) loss += 1./(1.-w*G4UniformRand()) ;
216  for(int i=0; i<p3; i++) loss += 1./(1.-w*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot()) ;
217  loss *= e0*corrfac ;
218  }
219  }
220  }
222  else // not so small Step
223  {
224  // excitation type 1
225  if(a1>alim)
226  {
227  siga=sqrt(a1) ;
228  //p1 = std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a1,siga)+0.5));
229  p1 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a1,siga)+0.5));
230  }
231  else
232  p1 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a1);
233  //p1 = G4Poisson(a1);
235  // excitation type 2
236  if(a2>alim)
237  {
238  siga=sqrt(a2) ;
239  //p2 = std::max(0,int(G4RandGauss::shoot(a2,siga)+0.5));
240  p2 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a2,siga)+0.5));
241  }
242  else
243  p2 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a2);
244  //p2 = G4Poisson(a2);
246  loss = p1*e1Fluct+p2*e2Fluct;
248  // smearing to avoid unphysical peaks
249  if(p2 > 0)
250  //loss += (1.-2.*G4UniformRand())*e2Fluct;
251  loss += (1.-2.*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot())*e2Fluct;
252  else if (loss>0.)
253  loss += (1.-2.*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot())*e1Fluct;
255  // ionisation .......................................
256  if(a3 > 0.)
257  {
258  if(a3>alim)
259  {
260  siga=sqrt(a3) ;
261  p3 = std::max(0,int(CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(a3,siga)+0.5));
262  }
263  else
264  p3 = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(a3);
266  lossc = 0.;
267  if(p3 > 0)
268  {
269  na = 0.;
270  alfa = 1.;
271  if (p3 > nmaxCont2)
272  {
273  dp3 = float(p3);
274  rfac = dp3/(float(nmaxCont2)+dp3);
275  namean = float(p3)*rfac;
276  sa = float(nmaxCont1)*rfac;
277  na = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(namean,sa);
278  if (na > 0.)
279  {
280  alfa = w1*float(nmaxCont2+p3)/
281  (w1*float(nmaxCont2)+float(p3));
282  alfa1 = alfa*log(alfa)/(alfa-1.);
283  ea = na*ipotFluct*alfa1;
284  sea = ipotFluct*sqrt(na*(alfa-alfa1*alfa1));
285  lossc += CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(ea,sea);
286  }
287  }
289  nb = int(float(p3)-na);
290  if (nb > 0)
291  {
292  w2 = alfa*ipotFluct;
293  w = (tmax-w2)/tmax;
294  for (int k=0; k<nb; k++) lossc += w2/(1.-w*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot());
295  }
296  }
297  loss += lossc;
298  }
299  }
301  return loss;
302 }
int i
double e1Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:94
common ppss p3p6s2 common epss epspn46 common const1 w2
Definition: inclppp.h:1
double e2LogFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:98
double e1LogFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:97
double chargeSquare
Definition: LandauFP420.h:85
double rateFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:96
double minLoss
Definition: LandauFP420.h:104
double alim
Definition: LandauFP420.h:107
double sumalim
Definition: LandauFP420.h:106
double electronDensity
Definition: LandauFP420.h:89
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
double p2[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:90
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
static const double tmax[3]
double minNumberInteractionsBohr
Definition: LandauFP420.h:102
double p1[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:89
tuple mass
double ipotFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:88
double particleMass
Definition: LandauFP420.h:84
double e2Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:95
double f1Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:92
double f2Fluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:93
double ipotLogFluct
Definition: LandauFP420.h:99
T w() const
double p3[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:91

Member Data Documentation

double LandauFP420::alim

Definition at line 107 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::chargeSquare

Definition at line 85 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e0

Definition at line 100 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e1Fluct

Definition at line 94 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e1LogFluct

Definition at line 97 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e2Fluct

Definition at line 95 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::e2LogFluct

Definition at line 98 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::electronDensity

Definition at line 89 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::f1Fluct

Definition at line 92 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::f2Fluct

Definition at line 93 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::ipotFluct

Definition at line 88 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::ipotLogFluct

Definition at line 99 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::minLoss

Definition at line 104 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::minNumberInteractionsBohr

Definition at line 102 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

int LandauFP420::nmaxCont1

Definition at line 108 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

int LandauFP420::nmaxCont2

Definition at line 109 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::particleMass

Definition at line 84 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::problim

Definition at line 105 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420().

double LandauFP420::rateFluct

Definition at line 96 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::sumalim

Definition at line 106 of file LandauFP420.h.

Referenced by LandauFP420(), and SampleFluctuations().

double LandauFP420::theBohrBeta2

Definition at line 103 of file LandauFP420.h.