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1 #include <iomanip>
2 #include <sstream>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <algorithm>
11 using namespace pat;
14 JetCorrFactors::JetCorrFactors(const std::string& label, const std::vector<CorrectionFactor>& jec): label_(label), jec_(jec)
15 {
16  for(std::vector<CorrectionFactor>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec.begin(); corrFactor!=jec.end(); ++corrFactor){
17  if(!isValid(*corrFactor)){
18  throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "You try to create a CorrectionFactor which is neither flavor dependent nor \n"
19  << "flavor independent. The CorrectionFactor should obey the following rules: \n"
20  << "\n"
21  << " * CorrectionFactor is a std::pair<std::string, std::vector<float> >. \n"
22  << " * The std::string holds the label of the correction level (following the \n"
23  << " conventions of JetMET. \n"
24  << " * The std::vector<float> holds the correction factors, these factors are \n"
25  << " up to the given level. They include all previous correction steps. \n"
26  << " * The vector has the length *1* for flavor independent correction factors \n"
27  << " or *5* for flavor dependent correction factors. \n"
28  << " * The expected order of flavor dependent correction factors is: NONE, \n"
29  << " GLUON, UDS, CHARM, BOTTOM. If follows the JetMET conventions and is \n"
30  << " in the Flavor enumerator of the JetCorrFactos class. \n"
31  << " * For flavor depdendent correction factors the first entry in the vector \n"
32  << " (corresponding to NONE) is invalid and should be set to -1. It will not \n"
33  << " be considered by the class structure though. \n"
34  << "\n"
35  << "Make sure that all elements of the argument vector to this contructor are \n"
36  << "in accordance with these rules.\n";
37  }
38  }
39 }
41 std::string
42 JetCorrFactors::jecFlavor(const Flavor& flavor) const
43 {
44  std::map<Flavor, std::string> flavors;
45  flavors[UDS]="uds"; flavors[CHARM]="charm"; flavors[BOTTOM]="bottom"; flavors[GLUON]="gluon"; flavors[NONE]="none";
46  return flavors.find(flavor)->second;
47 }
50 JetCorrFactors::jecFlavor(std::string flavor) const
51 {
52  std::map<std::string, Flavor> flavors;
53  std::transform(flavor.begin(), flavor.end(), flavor.begin(), std::ptr_fun<int,int>(std::tolower));
54  flavors["uds"]=UDS; flavors["charm"]=CHARM; flavors["bottom"]=BOTTOM; flavors["gluon"]=GLUON; flavors["none"]=NONE;
55  if(flavors.find(flavor)==flavors.end()){
56  throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "You ask for a flavor, which does not exist. Available flavors are: \n"
57  << "'uds', 'charm', 'bottom', 'gluon', 'none', (not case sensitive). \n";
58  }
59  return flavors.find(flavor)->second;
60 }
62 int
63 JetCorrFactors::jecLevel(const std::string& level) const
64 {
65  for(std::vector<CorrectionFactor>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec_.begin(); corrFactor!=jec_.end(); ++corrFactor){
66  if(corrFactor->first==level) return (corrFactor-jec_.begin());
67  }
68  return -1;
69 }
71 float
72 JetCorrFactors::correction(unsigned int level, Flavor flavor) const
73 {
74  if(!(level<jec_.size())){
75  throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "You try to call a jet energy correction level wich does not exist. \n"
76  << "Available jet energy correction levels are: \n"
78  }
79  if(flavorDependent( && flavor==NONE){
80  throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "You try to call a flavor dependent jet energy correction level: \n"
81  << "level : " << level << " label: " << << " \n"
82  << "You need to specify one of the following flavors: GLUON, UDS, \n"
83  << "CHARM, BOTTOM. \n";
84  }
85  return flavorDependent( ? :;
86 }
88 std::string
90 {
91  std::string labels;
92  for(std::vector<CorrectionFactor>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec_.begin(); corrFactor!=jec_.end(); ++corrFactor){
93  std::stringstream idx; idx << (corrFactor-jec_.begin());
94  labels.append(idx.str()).append(" ").append(corrFactor->first).append("\n");
95  }
96  return labels;
97 }
99 std::vector<std::string>
101 {
102  std::vector<std::string> labels;
103  for(std::vector<CorrectionFactor>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec_.begin(); corrFactor!=jec_.end(); ++corrFactor){
104  labels.push_back(corrFactor->first);
105  }
106  return labels;
107 }
109 void
111 {
112  edm::LogInfo message( "JetCorrFactors" );
113  for(std::vector<CorrectionFactor>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec_.begin(); corrFactor!=jec_.end(); ++corrFactor){
114  unsigned int corrFactorIdx=corrFactor-jec_.begin();
115  std::stringstream idx; idx << corrFactorIdx;
116  message << std::setw(3) << idx << " " << corrFactor->first;
117  if( flavorDependent(*corrFactor) ){
118  for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator flavor=corrFactor->second.begin(); flavor!=corrFactor->second.end(); ++flavor){
119  unsigned int flavorIdx=flavor-corrFactor->second.begin();
120  message << std::setw(10) << correction(corrFactorIdx, (Flavor)flavorIdx);
121  }
122  }
123  else{
124  message << std::setw(10) << correction (corrFactor-jec_.begin(), NONE);
125  }
126  message << "\n";
127  }
128 }
float correction(unsigned int level, Flavor flavor=NONE) const
std::vector< std::string > correctionLabels() const
std::string jecLevel(const unsigned int &level) const
std::vector< CorrectionFactor > jec_
std::string correctionLabelString() const
bool isValid(const CorrectionFactor &jec) const
std::string jecFlavor(const Flavor &flavor) const
bool flavorDependent(unsigned int level) const
tuple level