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edm::ConfigurableInputSource Class Referenceabstract

#include <ConfigurableInputSource.h>

Inheritance diagram for edm::ConfigurableInputSource:
edm::InputSource edm::ProductRegistryHelper cond::EmptyIOVSource edm::ExternalInputSource edm::GeneratedInputSource LmfSource AlpgenSource edm::H2RootNtplSource edm::MCFileSource ErrorStreamSource HcalTBSource L1MuGMTHWFileReader LHESource MCatNLOSource PixelSLinkDataInputSource EcalSimpleSource edm::BaseFlatGunSource edm::BeamHaloSource edm::CosMuoGenSource edm::EmptySource edm::FlatBaseThetaGunSource LaserAlignmentSource

Public Member Functions

 ConfigurableInputSource (ParameterSet const &pset, InputSourceDescription const &desc, bool realData=true)
EventNumber_t event () const
unsigned int eventCreationDelay () const
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock () const
unsigned int numberEventsInLumi () const
unsigned int numberEventsInRun () const
unsigned int numberEventsInThisLumi () const
unsigned int numberEventsInThisRun () const
TimeValue_t presentTime () const
RunNumber_t run () const
unsigned int timeBetweenEvents () const
virtual ~ConfigurableInputSource ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::InputSource
< ActivityRegistry
actReg () const
 Accessor for Activity Registry. More...
void closeFile (boost::shared_ptr< FileBlock >, bool cleaningUpAfterException)
 close current file More...
void doBeginJob ()
 Called by framework at beginning of job. More...
void doBeginLumi (LuminosityBlockPrincipal &lbp)
 Called by framework at beginning of lumi block. More...
void doBeginRun (RunPrincipal &rp)
 Called by framework at beginning of run. More...
void doEndJob ()
 Called by framework at end of job. More...
void doEndLumi (LuminosityBlockPrincipal &lbp, bool cleaningUpAfterException)
 Called by framework at end of lumi block. More...
void doEndRun (RunPrincipal &rp, bool cleaningUpAfterException)
 Called by framework at end of run. More...
void doPostForkReacquireResources (boost::shared_ptr< multicore::MessageReceiverForSource >)
void doPreForkReleaseResources ()
 Called by the framework before forking the process. More...
ProcessingController::ForwardState forwardState () const
bool goToEvent (EventID const &eventID)
 InputSource (ParameterSet const &, InputSourceDescription const &)
 Constructor. More...
void issueReports (EventID const &eventID)
 issue an event report More...
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock () const
 Accessor for current luminosity block number. More...
< LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
luminosityBlockAuxiliary () const
 Called by the framework to merge or insert lumi in principal cache. More...
int markLumi ()
 Mark lumi as read. More...
int markRun ()
 Mark run as read. More...
int maxEvents () const
int maxLuminosityBlocks () const
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
 Accessor for 'module' description. More...
ItemType nextItemType ()
bool primary () const
 Accessor for primary input source flag. More...
ProcessConfiguration const & processConfiguration () const
 Accessor for Process Configuration. More...
std::string const & processGUID () const
 Accessor for global process identifier. More...
ProcessingMode processingMode () const
 RunsLumisAndEvents (default), RunsAndLumis, or Runs. More...
< ProductRegistry const > 
productRegistry () const
 Accessor for product registry. More...
bool randomAccess () const
void readAndCacheLumi (bool merge, HistoryAppender &historyAppender)
 Read next luminosity block. More...
void readAndCacheRun (bool merge, HistoryAppender &historyAppender)
 Read next run. More...
EventPrincipalreadEvent (boost::shared_ptr< LuminosityBlockPrincipal > lbCache)
EventPrincipalreadEvent (EventID const &)
 Read a specific event. More...
boost::shared_ptr< FileBlockreadFile ()
 Read next file. More...
< LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary ()
 Read next luminosity block Auxilary. More...
boost::shared_ptr< RunAuxiliaryreadRunAuxiliary ()
 Read next run Auxiliary. More...
ProcessHistoryID const & reducedProcessHistoryID () const
void registerProducts ()
 Register any produced products. More...
int remainingEvents () const
int remainingLuminosityBlocks () const
void repeat ()
 Reset the remaining number of events/lumis to the maximum number. More...
ProcessingController::ReverseState reverseState () const
void rewind ()
 Begin again at the first event. More...
RunNumber_t run () const
 Accessor for current run number. More...
boost::shared_ptr< RunAuxiliaryrunAuxiliary () const
 Called by the framework to merge or insert run in principal cache. More...
void setLuminosityBlockNumber_t (LuminosityBlockNumber_t lb)
 Set the luminosity block ID. More...
void setRunNumber (RunNumber_t r)
 Set the run number. More...
void skipEvents (int offset)
Timestamp const & timestamp () const
 Accessor for the current time, as seen by the input source. More...
virtual ~InputSource ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescription (ParameterSetDescription &desc)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::InputSource
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescription (ParameterSetDescription &desc)
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &)

Protected Member Functions

void reallyReadEvent ()
void setEventNumber (EventNumber_t e)
void setTime (TimeValue_t t)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::InputSource
void decreaseRemainingEventsBy (int iSkipped)
EventPrincipaleventPrincipalCache ()
< LuminosityBlockPrincipal >
luminosityBlockPrincipal () const
PrincipalCache const & principalCache () const
PrincipalCacheprincipalCache ()
ProductRegistryproductRegistryUpdate () const
void reset () const
void resetLuminosityBlockAuxiliary () const
void resetRunAuxiliary () const
< RunPrincipal > const 
runPrincipal () const
void setLuminosityBlockAuxiliary (LuminosityBlockAuxiliary *lbp)
void setRunAuxiliary (RunAuxiliary *rp)
void setTimestamp (Timestamp const &theTime)
 To set the current time, as seen by the input source. More...
ItemType state () const

Private Member Functions

void advanceToNext ()
virtual void beginLuminosityBlock (LuminosityBlock &)
virtual void beginRun (Run &)
virtual void endLuminosityBlock (LuminosityBlock &)
virtual void endRun (Run &)
virtual size_t fileIndex () const
virtual ItemType getNextItemType ()
virtual void nextEvent ()
virtual void postForkReacquireResources (boost::shared_ptr< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource >)
virtual bool produce (Event &e)=0
virtual EventPrincipalreadEvent_ ()
virtual boost::shared_ptr
< LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_ ()
virtual boost::shared_ptr
< RunAuxiliary
readRunAuxiliary_ ()
void retreatToPrevious ()
virtual void rewind_ ()
virtual void setLumi (LuminosityBlockNumber_t lb)
virtual void setRun (RunNumber_t r)
virtual void setRunAndEventInfo ()
virtual void skip (int offset)

Private Attributes

EventAuxiliary::ExperimentType eType_
bool eventCached_
unsigned int eventCreationDelay_
EventID eventID_
bool eventSet_
bool isRealData_
bool lumiSet_
bool newLumi_
bool newRun_
unsigned int numberEventsInLumi_
unsigned int numberEventsInRun_
unsigned int numberEventsInThisLumi_
unsigned int numberEventsInThisRun_
unsigned int numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_
unsigned int numberOfSequentialEvents_
EventID origEventID_
TimeValue_t origTime_
TimeValue_t presentTime_
< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource
TimeValue_t timeBetweenEvents_
unsigned int const zerothEvent_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from edm::InputSource
enum  ItemType {
  IsInvalid, IsStop, IsFile, IsRun,
  IsLumi, IsEvent, IsRepeat
enum  ProcessingMode { Runs, RunsAndLumis, RunsLumisAndEvents }

Detailed Description

Definition at line 19 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

edm::ConfigurableInputSource::ConfigurableInputSource ( ParameterSet const &  pset,
InputSourceDescription const &  desc,
bool  realData = true 

Definition at line 20 of file

References presentTime_, and edm::InputSource::setTimestamp().

21  :
22  InputSource(pset, desc),
23  numberEventsInRun_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("numberEventsInRun", remainingEvents())),
24  numberEventsInLumi_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("numberEventsInLuminosityBlock", remainingEvents())),
25  presentTime_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned long long>("firstTime", 1ULL)), //time in ns
27  timeBetweenEvents_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned long long>("timeBetweenEvents", kNanoSecPerSec/kAveEventPerSec)),
28  eventCreationDelay_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("eventCreationDelay", 0)),
31  zerothEvent_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstEvent", 1) - 1),
32  eventID_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstRun", 1), pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("firstLuminosityBlock", 1), zerothEvent_),
34  newRun_(true),
35  newLumi_(true),
36  eventCached_(false),
37  lumiSet_(false),
38  eventSet_(false),
39  isRealData_(realData),
43  {
46  // We need to map this string to the EventAuxiliary::ExperimentType enumeration
47  // std::string eType = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("experimentType", std::string("Any"))),
48  }
EventAuxiliary::ExperimentType eType_
static unsigned long long const kNanoSecPerSec
void setTimestamp(Timestamp const &theTime)
To set the current time, as seen by the input source.
Definition: InputSource.h:293
int remainingEvents() const
Definition: InputSource.h:170
static unsigned long long const kAveEventPerSec
InputSource(ParameterSet const &, InputSourceDescription const &)
edm::ConfigurableInputSource::~ConfigurableInputSource ( )

Definition at line 50 of file

50  {
51  }

Member Function Documentation

void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::advanceToNext ( )

Definition at line 233 of file

References eventID_, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), edm::EventID::next(), edm::EventID::nextRunFirstEvent(), numberEventsInLumi_, numberEventsInRun_, numberEventsInThisLumi_, numberEventsInThisRun_, origEventID_, presentTime_, and timeBetweenEvents_.

Referenced by setRunAndEventInfo(), and skip().

233  {
235  // same run
238  // new lumi
241  } else {
244  }
245  } else {
246  // new run
250  }
252  }
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
EventID next(LuminosityBlockNumber_t const &lumi) const
Definition: EventID.h:47
EventID nextRunFirstEvent(LuminosityBlockNumber_t const &lumi) const
Definition: EventID.h:56
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::beginLuminosityBlock ( LuminosityBlock )

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Reimplemented in ErrorStreamSource.

Definition at line 123 of file

123  {
124  }
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::beginRun ( Run )

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Reimplemented in ErrorStreamSource, MCatNLOSource, AlpgenSource, and LHESource.

Definition at line 115 of file

115  {
116  }
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::endLuminosityBlock ( LuminosityBlock )

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Reimplemented in ErrorStreamSource.

Definition at line 127 of file

127  {
128  }
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::endRun ( Run )

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Reimplemented in ErrorStreamSource, LHESource, and edm::CosMuoGenSource.

Definition at line 119 of file

119  {
120  }
EventNumber_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::event ( ) const
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::eventCreationDelay ( ) const

Definition at line 28 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References eventCreationDelay_.

virtual size_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::fileIndex ( ) const

Reimplemented in edm::ExternalInputSource.

Definition at line 62 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by getNextItemType().

62 {return 0UL;}
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::fillDescription ( ParameterSetDescription desc)

Definition at line 299 of file

References edm::ParameterSetDescription::addOptionalUntracked(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::addUntracked(), edm::InputSource::fillDescription(), edm::kAveEventPerSec, and edm::kNanoSecPerSec.

Referenced by edm::ExternalInputSource::fillDescription(), and edm::EmptySource::fillDescriptions().

299  {
300  desc.addOptionalUntracked<unsigned int>("numberEventsInRun")->setComment("Number of events to generate in each run.");
301  desc.addOptionalUntracked<unsigned int>("numberEventsInLuminosityBlock")->setComment("Number of events to generate in each lumi.");
302  desc.addUntracked<unsigned long long>("firstTime", 1)->setComment("Time before first event (ns) (for timestamp).");
303  desc.addUntracked<unsigned long long>("timeBetweenEvents", kNanoSecPerSec/kAveEventPerSec)->setComment("Time between consecutive events (ns) (for timestamp).");
304  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int>("eventCreationDelay", 0)->setComment("Real time delay between generation of consecutive events (ms).");
305  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int>("firstEvent", 1)->setComment("Event number of first event to generate.");
306  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int>("firstLuminosityBlock", 1)->setComment("Luminosity block number of first lumi to generate.");
307  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int>("firstRun", 1)->setComment("Run number of first run to generate.");
309  }
static unsigned long long const kNanoSecPerSec
static unsigned long long const kAveEventPerSec
static void fillDescription(ParameterSetDescription &desc)
InputSource::ItemType edm::ConfigurableInputSource::getNextItemType ( )

Implements edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 178 of file

References eventCached_, eventID_, eventSet_, fileIndex(), getHLTprescales::index, edm::InputSource::IsEvent, edm::InputSource::IsFile, edm::InputSource::IsLumi, edm::InputSource::IsRun, edm::InputSource::IsStop, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), lumiSet_, newLumi_, newRun_, nextEvent(), origEventID_, edm::InputSource::processingMode(), reallyReadEvent(), edm::EventID::run(), edm::InputSource::Runs, edm::EventID::setLuminosityBlockNumber(), and setRunAndEventInfo().

178  {
179  if (newRun_) {
180  if ( == RunNumber_t()) {
181  eventCached_ = false;
182  return IsStop;
183  }
184  return IsRun;
185  }
186  if (newLumi_) {
187  return IsLumi;
188  }
189  if(eventCached_) {
190  return IsEvent;
191  }
192  EventID oldEventID = eventID_;
194  size_t index = fileIndex();
195  if (!eventSet_) {
196  lumiSet_ = false;
198  eventSet_ = true;
199  nextEvent();
200  }
201  if ( == RunNumber_t()) {
202  eventCached_ = false;
203  return IsStop;
204  }
205  bool newFile = (fileIndex() > index);
206  if ( != {
207  // New Run
208  // If the user did not explicitly set the luminosity block number,
209  // reset it back to the beginning.
210  if (!lumiSet_) {
212  }
213  newRun_ = newLumi_ = true;
214  return newFile ? IsFile : IsRun;
215  }
216  // Same Run
217  if (oldLumi != eventID_.luminosityBlock()) {
218  // New Lumi
219  newLumi_ = true;
220  if (processingMode() != Runs) {
221  return newFile ? IsFile : IsLumi;
222  }
223  }
224  reallyReadEvent();
225  if(!eventCached_) {
226  return IsStop;
227  }
228  eventSet_ = false;
229  return IsEvent;
230  }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
ProcessingMode processingMode() const
RunsLumisAndEvents (default), RunsAndLumis, or Runs.
Definition: InputSource.h:229
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
unsigned int LuminosityBlockNumber_t
Definition: EventID.h:31
void setLuminosityBlockNumber(LuminosityBlockNumber_t const &lb)
Definition: EventID.h:115
virtual size_t fileIndex() const
unsigned int RunNumber_t
Definition: EventRange.h:32
LuminosityBlockNumber_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::luminosityBlock ( ) const

Definition at line 33 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References eventID_, and edm::EventID::luminosityBlock().

Referenced by Types.EventID::cppID(), Types.LuminosityBlockID::cppID(), and setEventNumber().

33 {return eventID_.luminosityBlock();}
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
virtual void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::nextEvent ( )

Reimplemented in MCatNLOSource, and LHESource.

Definition at line 63 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by getNextItemType().

63 {}
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInLumi ( ) const

Definition at line 25 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References numberEventsInLumi_.

unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInRun ( ) const
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInThisLumi ( ) const

Definition at line 30 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References numberEventsInThisLumi_.

unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInThisRun ( ) const

Definition at line 29 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References numberEventsInThisRun_.

void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::postForkReacquireResources ( boost::shared_ptr< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource iReceiver)

Definition at line 146 of file

References numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_, numberOfSequentialEvents_, receiver_, edm::InputSource::repeat(), and edm::InputSource::rewind().

146  {
147  receiver_ = iReceiver;
148  receiver_->receive();
149  numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ = receiver_->numberOfConsecutiveIndices() + 1;
150  numberOfSequentialEvents_ = receiver_->numberOfConsecutiveIndices();
151  repeat();
152  rewind();
153  }
boost::shared_ptr< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource > receiver_
void repeat()
Reset the remaining number of events/lumis to the maximum number.
Definition: InputSource.h:158
void rewind()
Begin again at the first event.
TimeValue_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::presentTime ( ) const

Definition at line 26 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References presentTime_.

Referenced by HcalTBSource::setRunAndEventInfo().

virtual bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::produce ( Event e)
privatepure virtual
EventPrincipal * edm::ConfigurableInputSource::readEvent_ ( )

Implements edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 69 of file

References eventCached_, edm::InputSource::eventPrincipalCache(), edm::InputSource::processingMode(), and edm::InputSource::RunsLumisAndEvents.

69  {
71  eventCached_ = false;
72  return eventPrincipalCache();
73  }
ProcessingMode processingMode() const
RunsLumisAndEvents (default), RunsAndLumis, or Runs.
Definition: InputSource.h:229
EventPrincipal * eventPrincipalCache()
boost::shared_ptr< LuminosityBlockAuxiliary > edm::ConfigurableInputSource::readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_ ( )

Implements edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 61 of file

References eventID_, edm::Timestamp::invalidTimestamp(), edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), newLumi_, presentTime_, edm::InputSource::processingMode(), edm::EventID::run(), and edm::InputSource::Runs.

61  {
62  if (processingMode() == Runs) return boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockAuxiliary>();
64  newLumi_ = false;
65  return boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockAuxiliary>(new LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(, eventID_.luminosityBlock(), ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
66  }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
ProcessingMode processingMode() const
RunsLumisAndEvents (default), RunsAndLumis, or Runs.
Definition: InputSource.h:229
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
static Timestamp const & invalidTimestamp()
boost::shared_ptr< RunAuxiliary > edm::ConfigurableInputSource::readRunAuxiliary_ ( )

Implements edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 54 of file

References eventID_, edm::Timestamp::invalidTimestamp(), newRun_, presentTime_, and edm::EventID::run().

54  {
56  newRun_ = false;
57  return boost::shared_ptr<RunAuxiliary>(new RunAuxiliary(, ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
58  }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
static Timestamp const & invalidTimestamp()
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::reallyReadEvent ( )

Definition at line 76 of file

References printConversionInfo::aux, edm::Event::commit_(), alignCSCRings::e, eType_, eventCached_, eventID_, edm::InputSource::eventPrincipalCache(), edm::EventPrincipal::fillEventPrincipal(), isRealData_, edm::InputSource::luminosityBlockPrincipal(), edm::InputSource::moduleDescription(), presentTime_, edm::InputSource::processGUID(), edm::InputSource::processingMode(), produce(), and edm::InputSource::RunsLumisAndEvents.

Referenced by getNextItemType().

76  {
77  if (processingMode() != RunsLumisAndEvents) return;
78  EventSourceSentry sentry(*this);
82  if (!produce(e)) {
83  eventCached_ = false;
84  return;
85  }
86  e.commit_();
87  eventCached_ = true;
88  }
EventAuxiliary::ExperimentType eType_
ProcessingMode processingMode() const
RunsLumisAndEvents (default), RunsAndLumis, or Runs.
Definition: InputSource.h:229
virtual bool produce(Event &e)=0
boost::shared_ptr< LuminosityBlockPrincipal > const luminosityBlockPrincipal() const
std::string const & processGUID() const
Accessor for global process identifier.
Definition: InputSource.h:190
void fillEventPrincipal(EventAuxiliary const &aux, boost::shared_ptr< LuminosityBlockPrincipal > lbp, boost::shared_ptr< EventSelectionIDVector > eventSelectionIDs=boost::shared_ptr< EventSelectionIDVector >(), boost::shared_ptr< BranchListIndexes > branchListIndexes=boost::shared_ptr< BranchListIndexes >(), boost::shared_ptr< BranchMapper > mapper=boost::shared_ptr< BranchMapper >(new BranchMapper), DelayedReader *reader=0)
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription() const
Accessor for &#39;module&#39; description.
Definition: InputSource.h:181
EventPrincipal * eventPrincipalCache()
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::retreatToPrevious ( )

Definition at line 255 of file

References eventID_, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), numberEventsInLumi_, numberEventsInRun_, numberEventsInThisLumi_, numberEventsInThisRun_, origEventID_, presentTime_, edm::EventID::previous(), edm::EventID::previousRunLastEvent(), edm::EventID::run(), and timeBetweenEvents_.

Referenced by skip().

255  {
256  if (numberEventsInRun_ < 1 || numberEventsInThisRun_ > 0) {
257  // same run
260  if (!(numberEventsInLumi_ < 1 || numberEventsInThisLumi_ > 0)) {
261  // new lumi
264  } else {
266  }
267  } else {
268  // new run
273  }
275  }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
EventID previous(LuminosityBlockNumber_t const &lumi) const
Definition: EventID.h:66
EventID previousRunLastEvent(LuminosityBlockNumber_t const &lumi) const
Definition: EventID.h:59
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::rewind_ ( )

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 156 of file

References edm::InputSource::decreaseRemainingEventsBy(), eventID_, newLumi_, newRun_, numberEventsInThisLumi_, numberEventsInThisRun_, numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_, origEventID_, origTime_, presentTime_, receiver_, and skip().

156  {
162  if(receiver_) {
163  unsigned int numberToSkip = receiver_->numberToSkip();
164  numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ = receiver_->numberOfConsecutiveIndices() + 1;
165  //NOTE: skip() will decrease numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ and therefore we need
166  // to be sure it is large enough so that it never goes to 0 during the skipping
167  if(numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ < numberToSkip) {
168  numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ = numberToSkip+1;
169  }
170  skip(numberToSkip);
171  decreaseRemainingEventsBy(numberToSkip);
172  numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ = receiver_->numberOfConsecutiveIndices() + 1;
173  }
174  newRun_ = newLumi_ = true;
175  }
void decreaseRemainingEventsBy(int iSkipped)
boost::shared_ptr< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource > receiver_
RunNumber_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::run ( void  ) const

Definition at line 31 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References eventID_, and edm::EventID::run().

Referenced by Types.LuminosityBlockID::cppID(), and setEventNumber().

31 {return;}
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::setEventNumber ( EventNumber_t  e)
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::setLumi ( LuminosityBlockNumber_t  lb)

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 131 of file

References eventID_, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), lumiSet_, newLumi_, numberEventsInThisLumi_, origEventID_, and edm::EventID::setLuminosityBlockNumber().

131  {
132  // Protect against invalid lumi.
133  if (lb == LuminosityBlockNumber_t()) {
135  }
136  // Do nothing if the lumi block is not changed.
137  if (lb != eventID_.luminosityBlock()) {
140  newLumi_ = true;
141  }
142  lumiSet_ = true;
143  }
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
unsigned int LuminosityBlockNumber_t
Definition: EventID.h:31
void setLuminosityBlockNumber(LuminosityBlockNumber_t const &lb)
Definition: EventID.h:115
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::setRun ( RunNumber_t  r)

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 102 of file

References eventID_, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), newLumi_, newRun_, numberEventsInThisLumi_, numberEventsInThisRun_, origEventID_, edm::EventID::run(), and zerothEvent_.

102  {
103  // No need to check for invalid (zero) run number,
104  // as this is a legitimate way of stopping the job.
105  // Do nothing if the run is not changed.
106  if (r != {
110  newRun_ = newLumi_ = true;
111  }
112  }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:43
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::setRunAndEventInfo ( )

Reimplemented in L1MuGMTHWFileReader, ErrorStreamSource, LmfSource, HcalTBSource, and cond::EmptyIOVSource.

Definition at line 278 of file

References advanceToNext(), edm::InputSource::decreaseRemainingEventsBy(), eventCreationDelay_, eventID_, numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_, or, receiver_, edm::InputSource::remainingEvents(), edm::InputSource::remainingLuminosityBlocks(), and skip().

Referenced by getNextItemType().

278  {
280  receiver_->receive();
281  unsigned long numberOfEventsToSkip = receiver_->numberToSkip();
282  if (numberOfEventsToSkip !=0) {
283  skip(numberOfEventsToSkip);
284  decreaseRemainingEventsBy(numberOfEventsToSkip);
285  }
286  numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_ = receiver_->numberOfConsecutiveIndices();
287  //Since we decrease 'remaining events' count we need to see if we reached 0 and therefore are at the end
289  //this means we are to stop
290  eventID_ = EventID();
291  return;
292  }
293  }
294  advanceToNext();
295  if (eventCreationDelay_ > 0) {usleep(eventCreationDelay_);}
296  }
void decreaseRemainingEventsBy(int iSkipped)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventIDconst &, edm::Timestampconst & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
boost::shared_ptr< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource > receiver_
int remainingEvents() const
Definition: InputSource.h:170
int remainingLuminosityBlocks() const
Definition: InputSource.h:178
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::setTime ( TimeValue_t  t)
void edm::ConfigurableInputSource::skip ( int  offset)

Reimplemented from edm::InputSource.

Definition at line 91 of file

References advanceToNext(), evf::evtn::offset(), and retreatToPrevious().

Referenced by rewind_(), and setRunAndEventInfo().

91  {
92  for (; offset < 0; ++offset) {
94  }
95  for (; offset > 0; --offset) {
96  advanceToNext();
97  }
98  }
unsigned int offset(bool)
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::timeBetweenEvents ( ) const

Definition at line 27 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

References timeBetweenEvents_.

Referenced by HcalTBSource::setRunAndEventInfo().

Member Data Documentation

EventAuxiliary::ExperimentType edm::ConfigurableInputSource::eType_

Definition at line 87 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by reallyReadEvent().

bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::eventCached_

Definition at line 83 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by getNextItemType(), readEvent_(), and reallyReadEvent().

unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::eventCreationDelay_

Definition at line 74 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by eventCreationDelay(), and setRunAndEventInfo().

EventID edm::ConfigurableInputSource::eventID_
bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::eventSet_

Definition at line 85 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by getNextItemType(), and setEventNumber().

bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::isRealData_

Definition at line 86 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by reallyReadEvent().

bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::lumiSet_

Definition at line 84 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by getNextItemType(), and setLumi().

bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::newLumi_
bool edm::ConfigurableInputSource::newRun_

Definition at line 81 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by getNextItemType(), readRunAuxiliary_(), rewind_(), and setRun().

unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInLumi_

Definition at line 70 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by advanceToNext(), numberEventsInLumi(), and retreatToPrevious().

unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInRun_

Definition at line 69 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by advanceToNext(), numberEventsInRun(), and retreatToPrevious().

unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInThisLumi_
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberEventsInThisRun_
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberOfEventsBeforeBigSkip_
unsigned int edm::ConfigurableInputSource::numberOfSequentialEvents_

Definition at line 92 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by postForkReacquireResources().

EventID edm::ConfigurableInputSource::origEventID_
TimeValue_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::origTime_

Definition at line 72 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by rewind_().

TimeValue_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::presentTime_
boost::shared_ptr<edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource> edm::ConfigurableInputSource::receiver_
TimeValue_t edm::ConfigurableInputSource::timeBetweenEvents_

Definition at line 73 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by advanceToNext(), retreatToPrevious(), and timeBetweenEvents().

unsigned int const edm::ConfigurableInputSource::zerothEvent_

Definition at line 78 of file ConfigurableInputSource.h.

Referenced by setRun().