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smproxy::StateName Struct Referenceabstract

#include <StateMachine.h>

Inheritance diagram for smproxy::StateName:
smproxy::State< MostDerived, Context, InnerInitial, historyMode > smproxy::State< AllOk, StateMachine, Constructed > smproxy::State< Configuring, AllOk > smproxy::State< Constructed, AllOk > smproxy::State< Enabled, AllOk, Starting > smproxy::State< Failed, StateMachine > smproxy::State< Halted, AllOk > smproxy::State< Halting, AllOk > smproxy::State< Ready, AllOk > smproxy::State< Running, Enabled > smproxy::State< Starting, Enabled > smproxy::State< Stopping, AllOk >

Public Member Functions

virtual std::string stateName () const =0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file StateMachine.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::string smproxy::StateName::stateName ( ) const
pure virtual