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SiPixelTrackerMap Class Reference

#include <SiPixelTrackerMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for SiPixelTrackerMap:

Public Member Functions

void drawModule (TmModule *mod, int key, int nlay, bool print_total)
void print (bool print_total=true, std::string TKType="Averages", float minval=0., float maxval=0.)
 SiPixelTrackerMap (std::string s=" ", int xsize1=340, int ysize1=200)
 ~SiPixelTrackerMap (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrackerMap
void addPixel (bool addPixelfl)
void build ()
void defcwindow (int num_crate)
void deffecwindow (int num_crate)
void defpsuwindow (int num_rack)
void defwindow (int num_lay)
void drawApvPair (int crate, int numfed_incrate, bool total, TmApvPair *apvPair, std::ofstream *file, bool useApvPairValue)
void drawCcu (int crate, int numfed_incrate, bool total, TmCcu *ccu, std::ofstream *file, bool useCcuValue)
void drawHV2 (int rack, int numcrate_inrack, bool print_total, TmPsu *psu, ofstream *svgfile, bool usePsuValue)
void drawHV3 (int rack, int numcrate_inrack, bool print_total, TmPsu *psu, ofstream *svgfile, bool usePsuValue)
void drawModule (TmModule *mod, int key, int layer, bool total, std::ofstream *file)
void drawPalette (std::ofstream *file)
void drawPsu (int rack, int numcrate_inrack, bool print_total, TmPsu *psu, ofstream *svgfile, bool usePsuValue)
void fill (int layer, int ring, int nmod, float x)
void fill (int idmod, float qty)
void fill_all_blank ()
void fill_current_val (int idmod, float current_val)
void fill_current_val_fed_channel (int fedId, int fedCh, float current_val)
void fill_fec_channel (int crate, int slot, int ring, int addr, float qty)
void fill_fed_channel (int fedId, int fedCh, float qty)
void fill_fed_channel (int modId, float qty)
void fill_hv_channel2 (int rack, int crate, int board, float qty)
void fill_hv_channel3 (int rack, int crate, int board, float qty)
void fill_lv_channel (int rack, int crate, int board, float qty)
void fillc (int idmod, int RGBcode)
void fillc (int idmod, int red, int green, int blue)
void fillc (int layer, int ring, int nmod, int red, int green, int blue)
void fillc_all_blank ()
void fillc_fec_channel (int crate, int slot, int ring, int addr, int red, int green, int blue)
void fillc_fed_channel (int fedId, int fedCh, int red, int green, int blue)
void fillc_hv_channel2 (int rack, int crate, int board, int red, int green, int blue)
void fillc_hv_channel3 (int rack, int crate, int board, int red, int green, int blue)
void fillc_lv_channel (int rack, int crate, int board, int red, int green, int blue)
int find_layer (int ix, int iy)
std::ifstream * findfile (std::string filename)
int getcolor (float value, int palette)
int getlayerCount (int subdet, int partdet)
int getmoduleCount (int subdet, int partdet, int layer, int ring)
int getNumMod ()
int getringCount (int subdet, int partdet, int layer)
int getxsize ()
int getysize ()
void init ()
std::string layername (int layer)
void load (std::string s="tmap.svg")
int module (int fedId, int fedCh)
int nlayer (int det, int part, int lay)
double phival (double x, double y)
void print (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="svgmap")
void printall (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="svgmap")
void printlayers (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="layer")
void printonline ()
void reset ()
void save (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="svgmap.svg", int width=1500, int height=800)
void save_as_fectrackermap (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="fec_svgmap.svg", int width=1500, int height=800)
void save_as_fedtrackermap (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="fed_svgmap.svg", int width=1500, int height=800)
void save_as_HVtrackermap (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="psu_svgmap.svg", int width=1500, int height=800)
void save_as_psutrackermap (bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="psu_svgmap.svg", int width=1500, int height=800)
void setPalette (int numpalette)
void setRange (float min, float max)
void setText (int idmod, std::string s)
void setText (int layer, int ring, int nmod, std::string s)
void setTitle (std::string s)
void showPalette (bool printflag1)
 TrackerMap (std::string s=" ", int xsize1=340, int ysize1=200)
 TrackerMap (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
 TrackerMap (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig, const edm::ESHandle< SiStripFedCabling > tkFed)
double xdpixel (double x)
double xdpixelc (double x)
double xdpixelfec (double x)
double xdpixelpsu (double x)
double ydpixel (double y)
double ydpixelc (double y)
double ydpixelfec (double y)
double ydpixelpsu (double y)
 ~TrackerMap ()
 default destructor More...

Private Attributes

int dummy
std::string title

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TrackerMap
typedef std::multimap< TmCcu
*, TmModule * > 
typedef std::map< const int,
TmModule * > 
typedef std::map< const int,
TmCcu * > 
typedef std::map< const int,
TmPsu * > 
typedef std::multimap< const
int, TmApvPair * > 
typedef std::multimap< TmPsu
*, TmModule * > 
typedef std::map< const int,
TmModule * > 
typedef std::map< const int,
TmApvPair * > 
typedef std::map< const int, int > SvgFed
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TrackerMap
static bool isRingStereo (int key)
static int layerno (int subdet, int leftright, int layer)
- Public Attributes inherited from TrackerMap
SvgApvPair apvMap
ModApvPair apvModuleMap
MapCcu ccuMap
bool enableFecProcessing
bool enableFedProcessing
bool enableHVProcessing
bool enableLVProcessing
FecModule fecModuleMap
SvgFed fedMap
int firstRing [43]
ImoduleMap imoduleMap
std::string infilename
std::string jsfilename
std::string jsPath
int ndet
int npart
int ntotRing [43]
int palette
bool printflag
bool psetAvailable
MapPsu psuMap
PsuModule psuModuleMap
SmoduleMap smoduleMap
std::string title
std::vector< TColor * > vc
- Protected Attributes inherited from TrackerMap
std::ifstream * ccufile
bool firstcall
float gmaxvalue
float gminvalue
std::ifstream * inputfile
int ix
int iy
std::ifstream * jsfile
float maxvalue
float minvalue
int ncrate
int ncrates
int nfeccrates
int nlay
int npsuracks
int nrack
int number_modules
bool posrel
std::ofstream * savefile
std::ofstream * svgfile
bool temporary_file
double xmax
double xmin
int xsize
double ymax
double ymin
int ysize

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file SiPixelTrackerMap.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiPixelTrackerMap::SiPixelTrackerMap ( std::string  s = " ",
int  xsize1 = 340,
int  ysize1 = 200 

Definition at line 34 of file

References alignCSCRings::s, and title.

34  : TrackerMap(s,xsize1,ysize1)
35 {
36 // cout << ACBlue << ACBold
37 // << "[SiPixelTrackerMap::SiPixelTrackerMap()]"
38 // << endl ;
39  title = s ;
40  // cout<<"created a new Tracker Map! the title is: "<<s<<endl;
41 }
TrackerMap(std::string s=" ", int xsize1=340, int ysize1=200)
SiPixelTrackerMap::~SiPixelTrackerMap ( void  )

Definition at line 31 of file SiPixelTrackerMap.h.

31 {;}

Member Function Documentation

void SiPixelTrackerMap::drawModule ( TmModule mod,
int  key,
int  nlay,
bool  print_total 

Definition at line 44 of file

References funct::cos(), funct::false, TmModule::idex, TmModule::idModule, TrackerMap::isRingStereo(), j, gen::k, TmModule::length, M_PI, TmModule::name, np, phi, TrackerMap::phival(), TrackerMap::posrel, TmModule::posx, TmModule::posy, TmModule::posz, alignCSCRings::r, hitfit::return, TmModule::ring, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), TrackerMap::svgfile, TmModule::text, TmModule::width, TmModule::widthAtHalfLength, TrackerMap::xdpixel(), and TrackerMap::ydpixel().

Referenced by print().

45 {
46  //int x,y;
47  double phi,r,dx,dy, dy1;
48  double xp[4],yp[4],xp1,yp1;
49  double vhbot,vhtop,vhapo;
50  double rmedio[]={0.041,0.0701,0.0988,0.255,0.340,0.430,0.520,0.610,0.696,0.782,0.868,0.965,1.080};
51  double xt1,yt1,xs1=0.,ys1=0.,xt2,yt2,xs2,ys2,pv1,pv2;
52 // int green = 0;
53  double xd[4],yd[4];
54  int np = 4;
55  //int numrec=0;
56  int numod=0;
57  phi = phival(mod->posx,mod->posy);
58  r = sqrt(mod->posx*mod->posx+mod->posy*mod->posy);
59  vhbot = mod->width;
60  vhtop=mod->width;
61  vhapo=mod->length;
62  if(nlay < 31){ //endcap
63  vhbot = mod->widthAtHalfLength/2.-(mod->width/2.-mod->widthAtHalfLength/2.);
64  vhtop=mod->width/2.;
65  vhapo=mod->length/2.;
66  if(nlay >12 && nlay <19){
67  if(posrel)r = r+r;
68  xp[0]=r-vhtop;yp[0]=-vhapo;
69  xp[1]=r+vhtop;yp[1]=-vhapo;
70  xp[2]=r+vhtop;yp[2]=vhapo;
71  xp[3]=r-vhtop;yp[3]=vhapo;
72  }else{
73  if(posrel)r = r + r/3.;
74  xp[0]=r-vhapo;yp[0]=-vhbot;
75  xp[1]=r+vhapo;yp[1]=-vhtop;
76  xp[2]=r+vhapo;yp[2]=vhtop;
77  xp[3]=r-vhapo;yp[3]=vhbot;
78  }
79  for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
80  xp1 = xp[j]*cos(phi)-yp[j]*sin(phi);
81  yp1 = xp[j]*sin(phi)+yp[j]*cos(phi);
82  xp[j] = xp1;yp[j]=yp1;
83  }
84  } else { //barrel
85  numod=mod->idModule;if(numod>100)numod=numod-100;
86  int vane = mod->ring;
87  if(posrel){
88  dx = vhapo;
89  phi=M_PI;
90  xt1=rmedio[nlay-31]; yt1=-vhtop/2.;
91  xs1 = xt1*cos(phi)-yt1*sin(phi);
92  ys1 = xt1*sin(phi)+yt1*cos(phi);
93  xt2=rmedio[nlay-31]; yt2=vhtop/2.;
94  xs2 = xt2*cos(phi)-yt2*sin(phi);
95  ys2 = xt2*sin(phi)+yt2*cos(phi);
96  dy=phival(xs2,ys2)-phival(xs1,ys1);
97  dy1 = dy;
98  if(nlay==31)dy1=0.39;
99  if(nlay==32)dy1=0.23;
100  if(nlay==33)dy1=0.16;
101  xp[0]=vane*(dx+dx/8.);yp[0]=numod*(dy1);
102  xp[1]=vane*(dx+dx/8.)+dx;yp[1]=numod*(dy1);
103  xp[2]=vane*(dx+dx/8.)+dx;yp[2]=numod*(dy1)+dy;
104  xp[3]=vane*(dx+dx/8.);yp[3]=numod*(dy1)+dy;
105  }else{
106  xt1=r; yt1=-vhtop/2.;
107  xs1 = xt1*cos(phi)-yt1*sin(phi);
108  ys1 = xt1*sin(phi)+yt1*cos(phi);
109  xt2=r; yt2=vhtop/2.;
110  xs2 = xt2*cos(phi)-yt2*sin(phi);
111  ys2 = xt2*sin(phi)+yt2*cos(phi);
112  pv1=phival(xs1,ys1);
113  pv2=phival(xs2,ys2);
114  if(fabs(pv1-pv2)>M_PI && numod==1)pv1=pv1-2.*M_PI;
115  if(fabs(pv1-pv2)>M_PI && numod!=1)pv2=pv2+2.*M_PI;
116  xp[0]=mod->posz-vhapo/2.;yp[0]=4.2*pv1;
117  xp[1]=mod->posz+vhapo/2.;yp[1]=4.2*pv1;
118  xp[2]=mod->posz+vhapo/2. ;yp[2]=4.2*pv2;
119  xp[3]=mod->posz-vhapo/2.;yp[3]=4.2*pv2;
120  }
121  }
122  if(isRingStereo(key))
123  {
124  np = 3;
125  if(mod->idModule>100 ){for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
126  xd[j]=xdpixel(xp[j]);yd[j]=ydpixel(yp[j]);
127  }
128  }else {
129  xd[0]=xdpixel(xp[2]);yd[0]=ydpixel(yp[2]);
130  xd[1]=xdpixel(xp[3]);yd[1]=ydpixel(yp[3]);
131  xd[2]=xdpixel(xp[0]);yd[2]=ydpixel(yp[0]);
132  }
133  } else {
134  for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
135  xd[j]=xdpixel(xp[j]);yd[j]=ydpixel(yp[j]);
136  }
137  }
138  char buffer [20];
139  sprintf(buffer,"%X",mod->idex);
141 //cout<<"drawModule: xp= "<<xp<<" , yp= "<<yp<<endl;
142  bool FPIX_M_1 = false ;
143  bool FPIX_M_2 = false ;
144  bool FPIX_P_1 = false ;
145  bool FPIX_P_2 = false ;
146  bool BPIX_L_1 = false ;
147  bool BPIX_L_2 = false ;
148  bool BPIX_L_3 = false ;
149  string moduleName = mod->name;
150  if(moduleName.find("PixelEndcap")!=string::npos || moduleName.find("PixelBarrel")!=string::npos) {
151  FPIX_M_1 = false ;
152  FPIX_M_2 = false ;
153  FPIX_P_1 = false ;
154  FPIX_P_2 = false ;
155  BPIX_L_1 = false ;
156  BPIX_L_2 = false ;
157  BPIX_L_3 = false ;
158  if( moduleName.find("PixelEndcap 3")!=string::npos ) {FPIX_M_1 = true;}
159  if( moduleName.find("PixelEndcap 4")!=string::npos ) {FPIX_M_2 = true;}
160  if( moduleName.find("PixelEndcap 1")!=string::npos ) {FPIX_P_1 = true;}
161  if( moduleName.find("PixelEndcap 2")!=string::npos ) {FPIX_P_2 = true;}
162  if( moduleName.find("PixelBarrel 1")!=string::npos ) {BPIX_L_1 = true;}
163  if( moduleName.find("PixelBarrel 2")!=string::npos ) {BPIX_L_2 = true;}
164  if( moduleName.find("PixelBarrel 3")!=string::npos ) {BPIX_L_3 = true;}
165  //}
166  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon detid=\""
167  << mod->idex
168  << "\" id=\""
169  << mod->idex
170  << "\" onclick=\"SvgMap.showData(evt);\" onmouseover=\"SvgMap.showData(evt);\" onmouseout=\"SvgMap.showData(evt);\" entries=\""
171  << mod->text
172  << "\" POS=\""
173  << mod->name
174  << " Id "
175  << mod->idex
176  << " \" fill=\"rgb("
177  << 146
178  << ","
179  << 0
180  << ","
181  << 255
182  << ")\" points=\"";
183  for(int k=0;k<np;k++)
184  {
185  if( FPIX_M_1 )
186  {
187  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.8 - 60 ;
188  yd[k] = yd[k] * 2.0 - 30 ;
189  }
190  if( FPIX_M_2 )
191  {
192  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.8 - 60 ;
193  yd[k] = yd[k] * 2.0 - 60 ;
194  }
195  if( FPIX_P_1 )
196  {
197  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.8 - 1020 ;
198  yd[k] = yd[k] * 2.0 - 30 ;
199  }
200  if( FPIX_P_2 )
201  {
202  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.8 - 1020 ;
203  yd[k] = yd[k] * 2.0 - 60 ;
204  }
205  if( BPIX_L_1 )
206  {
207  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.2 - 130 ;
208  }
209  if( BPIX_L_2 )
210  {
211  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.2 - 30 ;
212  }
213  if( BPIX_L_3 )
214  {
215  xd[k] = xd[k] * 1.2 - 240 ;
216  yd[k] = yd[k] - 5 ;
217  }
218  *svgfile << xd[k] << "," << yd[k] << " " ;
219  }
220  *svgfile <<"\" />" <<endl;
221  return ;
222  }
224 }
int idModule
Definition: TmModule.h:26
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
float posz
Definition: TmModule.h:9
float posx
Definition: TmModule.h:9
bool posrel
Definition: TrackerMap.h:434
double phival(double x, double y)
Definition: TrackerMap.h:112
unsigned int idex
Definition: TmModule.h:29
int np
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:33
std::string text
Definition: TmModule.h:14
float posy
Definition: TmModule.h:9
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
int j
std::ofstream * svgfile
Definition: TrackerMap.h:436
double ydpixel(double y)
Definition: TrackerMap.h:180
float width
Definition: TmModule.h:10
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
float widthAtHalfLength
Definition: TmModule.h:10
#define M_PI
double xdpixel(double x)
Definition: TrackerMap.h:174
list key
static bool isRingStereo(int key)
Definition: TrackerMap.h:384
int ring
Definition: TmModule.h:27
float length
Definition: TmModule.h:10
std::string name
Definition: TmModule.h:15
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
void SiPixelTrackerMap::print ( bool  print_total = true,
std::string  TKType = "Averages",
float  minval = 0.,
float  maxval = 0. 

Definition at line 230 of file

References SiPixelContinuousPalette::b, TmModule::count, TrackerMap::defwindow(), drawModule(), TrackerMap::firstRing, SiPixelContinuousPalette::g, i, recoMuon::in, j, TrackerMap::jsfile, combine::key, geometryCSVtoXML::line, TrackerMap::maxvalue, TrackerMap::minvalue, text2workspace::mod, TrackerMap::module(), TrackerMap::nlay, TmModule::notInUse(), TrackerMap::ntotRing, dbtoconf::out, SiPixelContinuousPalette::r, relativeConstraints::ring, TrackerMap::smoduleMap, TrackerMap::svgfile, title, TmModule::value, and relativeConstraints::value.

231 {
232 //cout<<"Entering SiPixelTrackerMap::print: "<<endl;
234  minvalue=minval; maxvalue=maxval;
235  svgfile = new ofstream("svgmap.xml",ios::out);
236  jsfile = new ifstream("TrackerMapHeader.txt",ios::in);
238  //copy javascript interface from trackermap.txt file
239  string line;
240  while (getline( *jsfile, line ))
241  {
242  *svgfile << line << endl;
243  }
244  //
246  if(!print_total)
247  {
248  for (int layer=1; layer < 44; layer++)
249  {
250  for (int ring=firstRing[layer-1]; ring < ntotRing[layer-1]+firstRing[layer-1];ring++)
251  {
252  for (int module=1;module<200;module++)
253  {
254  int key=layer*100000+ring*1000+module;
255  TmModule * mod = smoduleMap[key];
256  if(mod !=0 && !mod->notInUse())
257  {
258  mod->value = mod->value / mod->count;
259  }
260  }
261  }
262  }
263  }
265  if(minvalue>=maxvalue)
266  {
267  minvalue=9999999.;
268  maxvalue=-9999999.;
269  for (int layer=1; layer < 44; layer++)
270  {
271  for (int ring=firstRing[layer-1]; ring < ntotRing[layer-1]+firstRing[layer-1];ring++)
272  {
273  for (int module=1;module<200;module++)
274  {
275  int key=layer*100000+ring*1000+module;
276  TmModule * mod = smoduleMap[key];
277  if(mod !=0 && !mod->notInUse())
278  {
279  if (minvalue > mod->value)minvalue=mod->value;
280  if (maxvalue < mod->value)maxvalue=mod->value;
281  }
282  }
283  }
284  }
285  }
287  for (int layer=1; layer < 44; layer++)
288  {
289  nlay=layer;
290  defwindow(nlay);
291  for (int ring=firstRing[layer-1]; ring < ntotRing[layer-1]+firstRing[layer-1];ring++)
292  {
293  for (int module=1;module<200;module++)
294  {
295  int key=layer*100000+ring*1000+module;
296  TmModule * mod = smoduleMap[key];
297  if(mod !=0 && !mod->notInUse())
298  {
299  drawModule(mod,key,layer,print_total);
300  }
301  }
302  }
303  }
305 /* cout << ACYellow << ACBold
306  << "[SiPixelTrackerMap::print()] "
307  << ACPlain
308  << "TKType: |"
309  << TKType
310  << "|"
311  << endl ;
312 */
313  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
315  if( TKType == "Averages" || TKType == "Entries")
316  {
317  *svgfile << " <svg:g id=\"theColorMap\" transform=\"translate(0, 0)\" style=\"visibility: visible;\">" << endl ;
318  } else {
319  *svgfile << " <svg:g id=\"theColorMap\" transform=\"translate(0, 0)\" style=\"visibility: hidden;\">" << endl ;
320  }
322  // this is the color scale on the right hand side of the tracker map:
323  int px = 1370 ;
324  int dx = 25 ;
325  int py = 50 ;
326  int dy = 6 ;
327  int j = 5 ;
328  for( int i=99; i>=0; i--)
329  {
330  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon id=\"map\" fill=\"rgb("
332  << ","
334  << ","
336  << ")\" points=\""
337  << px
338  << ","
339  << py
340  << " "
341  << px+dx
342  << ","
343  << py
344  << " "
345  << px+dx
346  << ","
347  << py+dy
348  << " "
349  << px
350  << ","
351  << py+dy
352  << "\" />"
353  << endl ;
354  if( i == 0 || i==20 || i==40 || i==60 || i==80 || i==99)
355  {
356  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
357  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"colorCodeMark"
358  << j--
359  << "\" class=\"normalText\" x=\""
360  << px+dx+5
361  << "\" y=\""
362  << py + 3
363  << "\" font-size=\"20\">"
364  << i
365  << "%</svg:text>"
366  << endl;
367  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
368  }
369  py += dy + 1;
371  // cout<<"inside the polygon loop: i= "<<i<<" , r= "<<SiPixelContinuousPalette::r[i]<<" , g= "<<SiPixelContinuousPalette::g[i]<<" , b= "<<SiPixelContinuousPalette::b[i]<<" , px= "<<px<<" , py= "<<py<<endl;
372  }
373  *svgfile << " </svg:g>" << endl ;
375  if( TKType == "Alarms" )
376  {
377  *svgfile << " <svg:g id=\"theAlarmMap\" transform=\"translate(0, 0)\" style=\"visibility: visible;\">" << endl ;
378  } else {
379  *svgfile << " <svg:g id=\"theAlarmMap\" transform=\"translate(0, 0)\" style=\"visibility: hidden;\">" << endl ;
380  }
381  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
382  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon id=\"map\" fill =\"rgb(255,0,0)\" points=\"1300,300 1325,300 1325,320 1300,320\" />" << endl ;
383  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"ERROR\" class=\"normalText\" x=\"1334\" y=\"317\" font-size=\"20\">ERROR </svg:text>" << endl ;
384  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
385  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon id=\"map\" fill =\"rgb(0,255,0)\" points=\"1300,330 1325,330 1325,350 1300,350\" />" << endl ;
386  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"OK\" class=\"normalText\" x=\"1334\" y=\"347\" font-size=\"20\">OK </svg:text>" << endl ;
387  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
388  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon id=\"map\" fill =\"rgb(255,255,0)\" points=\"1300,360 1325,360 1325,380 1300,380\" />" << endl ;
389  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"WARNING\" class=\"normalText\" x=\"1334\" y=\"377\" font-size=\"20\">WARNING </svg:text>" << endl ;
390  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
391  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon id=\"map\" fill =\"rgb(0,0,255)\" points=\"1300,390 1325,390 1325,410 1300,410\" />" << endl ;
392  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"OTHER\" class=\"normalText\" x=\"1334\" y=\"407\" font-size=\"20\">OTHER </svg:text>" << endl ;
393  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
394  *svgfile << " <svg:polygon id=\"map\" fill =\"rgb(255,255,255)\" points=\"1300,420 1325,420 1325,440 1300,440\" />" << endl ;
395  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"UNDEFINED\" class=\"normalText\" x=\"1334\" y=\"437\" font-size=\"20\">UNDEFINED</svg:text>" << endl ;
396  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
397  *svgfile << " </svg:g>" << endl ;
399  *svgfile << " " << endl ;
401  *svgfile << " <svg:text id=\"colorCodeME\" class=\"normalText\" x=\"1000\" y=\"4000\">"
402  << title
403  << "</svg:text>"
404  << endl;
405  delete jsfile ;
406  jsfile = new ifstream("TrackerMapTrailer.txt",ios::in);
407  while (getline( *jsfile, line ))
408  {
409  *svgfile << line << endl;
410  }
411  delete jsfile ;
413  svgfile->close() ;
414 /* cout << ACYellow << ACBold
415  << "[SiPixelTrackerMap::print( )] "
416  << ACPlain
417  << "svgmap.xml file just closed..."
418  << endl ;
419 */
420  delete svgfile ;
421 }
int i
float minvalue
Definition: TrackerMap.h:442
float value
Definition: TmModule.h:12
SmoduleMap smoduleMap
Definition: TrackerMap.h:83
int module(int fedId, int fedCh)
void defwindow(int num_lay)
Definition: TrackerMap.h:273
void drawModule(TmModule *mod, int key, int nlay, bool print_total)
int firstRing[43]
Definition: TrackerMap.h:423
int j
std::ofstream * svgfile
Definition: TrackerMap.h:436
list mod
Load physics model.
int count
Definition: TmModule.h:13
tuple out
bool notInUse()
Definition: TmModule.h:24
list key
float maxvalue
Definition: TrackerMap.h:442
std::ifstream * jsfile
Definition: TrackerMap.h:438
Definition: vlib.h:209
int ntotRing[43]
Definition: TrackerMap.h:422

Member Data Documentation

int SiPixelTrackerMap::dummy

Definition at line 44 of file SiPixelTrackerMap.h.

std::string SiPixelTrackerMap::title