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hcalLaserEventFilter_cfi Namespace Reference


list badEvents = []
tuple hcalLaserEventFilter

Variable Documentation

list hcalLaserEventFilter_cfi.badEvents = []

Definition at line 7 of file

tuple hcalLaserEventFilter_cfi.hcalLaserEventFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("HcalLaserEventFilter",
2  vetoByRunEventNumber=cms.untracked.bool(False),
3  # Add each bad event as run #, event # in this list
4  BadRunEventNumbers=cms.untracked.vuint32(badEvents
5  # badEvents file contains 218 bad events, as of 28 Nov. 2011
7  ),
8  vetoByHBHEOccupancy=cms.untracked.bool(True),
9  minOccupiedHBHE=cms.untracked.uint32(4000), # minimum number of HBHErechits that must be present for HBHEOccupancy filter to remove event
11  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
12  reverseFilter = cms.untracked.bool(False), # if True, will select only events failing filter, rather than events passing
13  hbheInputLabel=cms.untracked.InputTag("hbhereco"),
14  hcalNoiseSummaryLabel=cms.untracked.InputTag("hcalnoise"),
15  taggingMode = cms.bool(False),
16  maxerrormessage = cms.untracked.int32(5), # max number of error messages to print
17  forceUseRecHitCollection=cms.untracked.bool(False), # if specified, will attempt to use HBHE RecHit Collection directly; otherwise, will use information as stored in HcalNoiseSummary object for CMSSW_5_2_0 and above. (If CMSSW version is < 5_2_0, RecHit collection will be used automatically, since HcalNoiseSummary in those versions didn't contain this filter info)
18  forceUseHcalNoiseSummary=cms.untracked.bool(False), # Can likewise specify to force the use of Hcal Noise Summary, regardless of CMSSW version. Perhaps this should be the default, since version checked doesn't allow for comparison of patched older versions with new version?
19  )

Definition at line 9 of file