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BetaCalculatorRPC Class Reference

#include <BetaCalculatorRPC.h>

Public Member Functions

void addInfoToCandidate (susybsm::HSCParticle &candidate, const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void algo (std::vector< susybsm::RPCHit4D > HSCPRPCRecHits)
float beta ()
 BetaCalculatorRPC (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)

Private Member Functions

float dist (float phi1, float phi2)
float dist3 (float phi1, float phi2, float phi3)
float etarange (float eta1, float eta2, float eta3)

Private Attributes

float betavalue
float etavalue
bool foundvalue
float phivalue
edm::InputTag rpcRecHitsLabel

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BetaCalculatorRPC::BetaCalculatorRPC ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig)

Definition at line 6 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter().

6  {
8  rpcRecHitsLabel = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("rpcRecHits");
10 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
edm::InputTag rpcRecHitsLabel

Member Function Documentation

void BetaCalculatorRPC::addInfoToCandidate ( susybsm::HSCParticle candidate,
const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 

Definition at line 116 of file

References algo, susybsm::RPCBetaMeasurement::beta, beta, susybsm::RPCHit4D::bx, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), susybsm::RPCHit4D::gp, susybsm::HSCParticle::hasMuonRef(), susybsm::RPCHit4D::id, susybsm::RPCBetaMeasurement::isCandidate, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), DetId::Muon, susybsm::HSCParticle::muonRef(), point, query::result, MuonSubdetId::RPC, RPCDetId, susybsm::HSCParticle::setRpc(), findQualityFiles::size, python.multivaluedict::sort(), errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::start, GeomDet::surface(), and Surface::toGlobal().

116  {
119  iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(rpcGeo);
122  iEvent.getByLabel(rpcRecHitsLabel,rpcHits);
125  // here we do basically as in, but just for the hits on the muon of interest
127  std::vector<RPCHit4D> hits;
128  // so, loop on the RPC hits of the muon
130  reco::Track track;
132  if( candidate.hasMuonRef() && candidate.muonRef()->combinedMuon() .isNonnull()){
133  start = candidate.muonRef()->combinedMuon()->recHitsBegin();
134  stop = candidate.muonRef()->combinedMuon()->recHitsEnd();
135  }else if(candidate.hasMuonRef() && candidate.muonRef()->standAloneMuon().isNonnull()){ track=*(candidate.muonRef()->standAloneMuon());
136  start = candidate.muonRef()->standAloneMuon()->recHitsBegin();
137  stop = candidate.muonRef()->standAloneMuon()->recHitsEnd();
138  }else return;
139 /*
140  if(candidate.hasMuonCombinedTrack()) {
141  start = candidate.combinedTrack().recHitsBegin();
142  stop = candidate.combinedTrack().recHitsEnd();
143  } else if(candidate.hasMuonStaTrack()) {
144  start = candidate.staTrack().recHitsBegin();
145  stop = candidate.staTrack().recHitsEnd();
146  } else return;
147 */
148  for(trackingRecHit_iterator recHit = start; recHit != stop; ++recHit) {
149  if ( (*recHit)->geographicalId().subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::RPC ) continue;
150  if ( (*recHit)->geographicalId().det() != DetId::Muon ) continue;
151  if (!(*recHit)->isValid()) continue; //Is Valid?
153  RPCDetId rollId = (RPCDetId)(*recHit)->geographicalId();
155  typedef std::pair<RPCRecHitCollection::const_iterator, RPCRecHitCollection::const_iterator> rangeRecHits;
156  rangeRecHits recHitCollection = rpcHits->get(rollId);
158  int size = 0;
159  int clusterS=0;
160  for(recHitC = recHitCollection.first; recHitC != recHitCollection.second ; recHitC++) {
161  clusterS=(*recHitC).clusterSize();
162 // RPCDetId rollId = (RPCDetId)(*recHitC).geographicalId();
163 // std::cout<<"\t \t \t \t"<<rollId<<" bx "<<(*recHitC).BunchX()<<std::endl;
164  size++;
165  }
166  if(size>1) continue; //Is the only RecHit in this roll.?
167  if(clusterS>4) continue; //Is the Cluster Size 5 or bigger?
169  LocalPoint recHitPos=(*recHit)->localPosition();
170  const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(rollId);
171  const BoundPlane & RPCSurface = rollasociated->surface();
173  RPCHit4D ThisHit;
174  ThisHit.bx = ((RPCRecHit*)(&(**recHit)))->BunchX();
175 = RPCSurface.toGlobal(recHitPos);
176 = (RPCDetId)(*recHit)->geographicalId().rawId();
177  hits.push_back(ThisHit);
179  }
180  // here we go on with the RPC procedure
181  std::sort(hits.begin(), hits.end());
182  int lastbx=-7;
183  bool increasing = true;
184  bool outOfTime = false;
185  for(std::vector<RPCHit4D>::iterator point = hits.begin(); point < hits.end(); ++point) {
186  outOfTime |= (point->bx!=0); //condition 1: at least one measurement must have BX!=0
187  increasing &= (point->bx>=lastbx); //condition 2: BX must increase when going inside-out.
188  lastbx = point->bx;
189  }
190  result.isCandidate = (outOfTime&&increasing);
192  //result.beta = 1; // here we should get some pattern-based estimate
193  algo(hits);
194  result.beta = beta();
195  candidate.setRpc(result);
196 }
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:78
GlobalPoint gp
Definition: HSCParticle.h:28
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:250
C::const_iterator const_iterator
constant access iterator type
Definition: RangeMap.h:45
edm::InputTag rpcRecHitsLabel
tuple result
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:356
reco::MuonRef muonRef() const
Definition: HSCParticle.h:72
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:55
const BoundPlane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:35
static const int RPC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:16
void setRpc(const RPCBetaMeasurement &data)
Definition: HSCParticle.h:65
void algo(std::vector< susybsm::RPCHit4D > HSCPRPCRecHits)
bool hasMuonRef() const
Definition: HSCParticle.h:55
tuple size
Write out results.
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
void BetaCalculatorRPC::algo ( std::vector< susybsm::RPCHit4D HSCPRPCRecHits)

Definition at line 12 of file

References configurableAnalysis::Candidate, point, and python.multivaluedict::sort().

12  {
14  int lastbx=-7;
15  bool outOfTime = false;
16  bool increasing = true;
17  bool anydifferentzero = true;
18  bool anydifferentone = true;
20  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t Preliminar loop on the RPCHit4D!!!"<<std::endl;
22  std::sort(HSCPRPCRecHits.begin(), HSCPRPCRecHits.end()); //Organizing them
24  for(std::vector<susybsm::RPCHit4D>::iterator point = HSCPRPCRecHits.begin(); point < HSCPRPCRecHits.end(); ++point) {
25  outOfTime |= (point->bx!=0); //condition 1: at least one measurement must have BX!=0
26  increasing &= (point->bx>=lastbx); //condition 2: BX must be increase when going inside-out.
27  anydifferentzero &= (!point->bx==0); //to check one knee withoutzeros
28  anydifferentone &= (!point->bx==1); //to check one knee withoutones
29  lastbx = point->bx;
30  //float r=point->gp.mag();
31  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t r="<<r<<" phi="<<point->gp.phi()<<" eta="<<point->gp.eta()<<" bx="<<point->bx<<" outOfTime"<<outOfTime<<" increasing"<<increasing<<" anydifferentzero"<<anydifferentzero<<std::endl;
32  }
34  bool Candidate = (outOfTime&&increasing);
36  // here we should get some pattern-based estimate
38  //Counting knees
40  float delay=12.5;
41  lastbx=-7; //already declared for the preliminar loop
42  int knees=0;
43  float maginknee = 0;
44  float maginfirstknee = 0;
45  for(std::vector<susybsm::RPCHit4D>::iterator point = HSCPRPCRecHits.begin(); point < HSCPRPCRecHits.end(); ++point) {
46  if(lastbx==-7){
47  maginfirstknee = point->gp.mag();
48  }else if((lastbx!=point->bx)){
49  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t one knee between"<<lastbx<<point->bx<<std::endl;
50  maginknee=point->gp.mag();
51  knees++;
52  }
53  lastbx=point->bx;
54  }
56  if(knees==0){
57  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t knees="<<knees<<std::endl;
58  betavalue=maginfirstknee/(25.-delay+maginfirstknee/30.)/30.;
59  }else if(knees==1){
60  float betavalue1=0;
61  float betavalue2=0;
62  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t knees="<<knees<<std::endl;
63  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t anydifferentzero="<<anydifferentzero<<" anydifferentone="<<anydifferentone<<std::endl;
64  if(!anydifferentzero){
65  betavalue=maginknee/(25-delay+maginknee/30.)/30.;
66  }else if(!anydifferentone){//i.e non zeros and no ones
67  betavalue=maginknee/(50-delay+maginknee/30.)/30.;
68  }else{
69  betavalue1=maginknee/(25-delay+maginknee/30.)/30.;
70  float dr =(maginknee-maginfirstknee);
71  betavalue2 = dr/(25.-delay+dr/30.);
72  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t \t not zero neither ones betavalue1="<<betavalue1<<" betavalue2="<<betavalue2<<std::endl;
73  betavalue = (betavalue1 + betavalue2)*0.5;
74  }
75  }else if(knees==2){
76  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t knees="<<knees<<std::endl;
77  knees=0;
78  float betavalue1=0;
79  float betavalue2=0;
80  lastbx=-7;
81  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t looping again on the RPCRecHits4D="<<knees<<std::endl;
82  for(std::vector<susybsm::RPCHit4D>::iterator point = HSCPRPCRecHits.begin(); point < HSCPRPCRecHits.end(); ++point) {
83  if(lastbx==-7){
84  maginfirstknee = point->gp.mag();
85  }else if((lastbx!=point->bx)){
86  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t \t one knee between"<<lastbx<<point->bx<<std::endl;
87  knees++;
88  if(knees==2){
89  float maginsecondknee=point->gp.mag();
90  betavalue1=maginknee/(25-delay+maginknee/30.)/30.;
91  float dr =(maginknee-maginsecondknee);
92  betavalue2 = dr/(25.+dr/30.);
93  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t \t \t betavalue1="<<betavalue1<<" betavalue2="<<betavalue2<<std::endl;
94  }
95  }
96  lastbx=point->bx;
97  }
98  betavalue = (betavalue1 + betavalue2)*0.5;
99  }
101  if(Candidate){
102  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t yes! We found an HSCPs let's try to estimate beta"<<std::endl;
103  }else{
104  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t \t \t seems that there is no RPC HSCP Candidate in the set of RPC4DHit"<<std::endl;
105  betavalue = 1.;
106  }
108  if(HSCPRPCRecHits.size()==0){
109  //std::cout<<"Inside BetaCalculatorRPC \t WARINNG EMPTY RPC4DRecHits CONTAINER!!!"<<std::endl;
110  betavalue = 1.;
111  }
112 }
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
float BetaCalculatorRPC::beta ( )

Definition at line 34 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.

References betavalue.

34 {return betavalue;}
float BetaCalculatorRPC::dist ( float  phi1,
float  phi2 
float BetaCalculatorRPC::dist3 ( float  phi1,
float  phi2,
float  phi3 
float BetaCalculatorRPC::etarange ( float  eta1,
float  eta2,
float  eta3 

Member Data Documentation

float BetaCalculatorRPC::betavalue

Definition at line 40 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.

Referenced by beta().

float BetaCalculatorRPC::etavalue

Definition at line 39 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.

bool BetaCalculatorRPC::foundvalue

Definition at line 37 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.

float BetaCalculatorRPC::phivalue

Definition at line 38 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.

edm::InputTag BetaCalculatorRPC::rpcRecHitsLabel

Definition at line 46 of file BetaCalculatorRPC.h.