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SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree:
ConditionDBWriter< SiStripBadStrip > edm::EDAnalyzer

Public Member Functions

 SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripBadStrip >
 ConditionDBWriter (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
virtual ~ConditionDBWriter ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
 EDAnalyzer ()
std::string workerType () const
virtual ~EDAnalyzer ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void algoAnalyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
virtual void algoBeginJob ()
virtual void algoEndJob ()
float calcPhi (float x, float y)
SiStripBadStripgetNewObject ()
void makeHotColdMaps ()
void makeSQLite ()
void makeSummary ()
void makeTKMap ()
void SetBadComponents (int i, int component, SiStripQuality::BadComponent &BC, std::stringstream ssV[4][19], int NBadComponent[4][19][4])
void totalStatistics ()

Private Attributes

unsigned int _bunchx
float _ResXSig
int alllayerfound [35]
int alllayertotal [35]
map< unsigned int, double > BadModules
TTree * CalibTree
TFile * CalibTreeFile
TString CalibTreeFilename
unsigned int doSummary
edm::FileInPath FileInPath_
edm::Service< TFileServicefs
int goodlayerfound [35]
int goodlayertotal [35]
vector< hithits [23]
vector< TH2F * > HotColdMaps
int layerfound [23]
int layertotal [23]
map< unsigned int, pair
< unsigned int, unsigned int > > 
modCounter [23]
unsigned int nModsMin
float threshold

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
typedef EDAnalyzer ModuleType
typedef WorkerT< EDAnalyzerWorkerType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripBadStrip >
void setDoStore (const bool doStore)
 When set to false the payload will not be written to the db. More...
void storeOnDbNow ()
cond::Time_t timeOfLastIOV ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
CurrentProcessingContext const * currentContext () const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 94 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree ( const edm::ParameterSet conf)

Definition at line 139 of file

References _bunchx, _ResXSig, CalibTreeFilename, doSummary, FileInPath_, edm::FileInPath::fullPath(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), nModsMin, quality_, reader, OfflineSiStripConfigDb_cff::SiStripDetInfoFileReader, AlCaHarvesting_cff::SiStripQuality, and threshold.

139  :
141  FileInPath_("CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/data/SiStripDetInfo.dat")
142 {
143  CalibTreeFilename = conf.getParameter<std::string>("CalibTreeFilename");
144  threshold = conf.getParameter<double>("Threshold");
145  nModsMin = conf.getParameter<int>("nModsMin");
146  doSummary = conf.getParameter<int>("doSummary");
147  _ResXSig = conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ResXSig",-1);
148  _bunchx = conf.getUntrackedParameter<int>("BunchCrossing",0);
151  quality_ = new SiStripQuality;
152 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
SiStripDetInfoFileReader * reader
tuple conf
std::string fullPath() const
SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::~SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree ( )

Definition at line 154 of file

154 { }

Member Function Documentation

void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::algoAnalyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 

Reimplemented from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripBadStrip >.

Definition at line 166 of file

References _bunchx, _ResXSig, a, accept(), alllayerfound, alllayertotal, CalibTree, CalibTreeFile, CalibTreeFilename, gather_cfg::cout, SiStripBadStrip::decode(), cond::rpcobgas::detid, end, edm::EventID::event(), SiStripQuality::getBadComponentList(), SiStripBadStrip::getDataVectorBegin(), SiStripDetInfoFileReader::getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(), SiStripBadStrip::getRegistryVectorBegin(), SiStripBadStrip::getRegistryVectorEnd(), goodlayerfound, goodlayertotal, hits, i, edm::EventBase::id(), hit::id, errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::id, j, gen::k, prof2calltree::l, TOBDetId::layer(), TIBDetId::layer(), edm::EventBase::luminosityBlock(), makeHotColdMaps(), makeSQLite(), makeSummary(), makeTKMap(), modCounter, nevents, nModsMin, quality_, SiStripBadStrip::data::range, reader, edm::EventID::run(), SetBadComponents(), TIDDetId::side(), TECDetId::side(), DetId::subdetId(), SiStripDetId::TEC, threshold, SiStripDetId::TIB, SiStripDetId::TID, edm::EventBase::time(), SiStripDetId::TOB, totalStatistics(), edm::Timestamp::value(), TIDDetId::wheel(), TECDetId::wheel(), hit::x, vdt::x, detailsBasic3DVector::y, hit::y, detailsBasic3DVector::z, and hit::z.

166  {
167  //Open the ROOT Calib Tree
168  CalibTreeFile = TFile::Open(CalibTreeFilename,"READ");
169  CalibTreeFile->cd("anEff");
170  CalibTree = (TTree*)(gDirectory->Get("traj")) ;
171  TLeaf* BadLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("ModIsBad");
172  TLeaf* sistripLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("SiStripQualBad");
173  TLeaf* idLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("Id");
174  TLeaf* acceptLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("withinAcceptance");
175  TLeaf* layerLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("layer");
176  TLeaf* nHitsLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("nHits");
177  TLeaf* xLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("TrajGlbX");
178  TLeaf* yLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("TrajGlbY");
179  TLeaf* zLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("TrajGlbZ");
180  TLeaf* ResXSigLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("ResXSig");
181  TLeaf* BunchLf(0);
182  for(int l=0; l < 35; l++) {
183  goodlayertotal[l] = 0;
184  goodlayerfound[l] = 0;
185  alllayertotal[l] = 0;
186  alllayerfound[l] = 0;
187  }
188  if(_bunchx != 0) {
189  BunchLf = CalibTree->GetLeaf("bunchx");
190  }
191  int nevents = CalibTree->GetEntries();
192  cout << "Successfully loaded analyze function with " << nevents << " events!\n";
193  cout << "A module is bad if efficiency < " << threshold << " and has at least " << nModsMin << " nModsMin." << endl;
195  //Loop through all of the events
196  for(int j =0; j < nevents; j++) {
197  CalibTree->GetEvent(j);
198  unsigned int isBad = (unsigned int)BadLf->GetValue();
199  unsigned int quality = (unsigned int)sistripLf->GetValue();
200  unsigned int id = (unsigned int)idLf->GetValue();
201  unsigned int accept = (unsigned int)acceptLf->GetValue();
202  unsigned int layer = (unsigned int)layerLf->GetValue();
203  unsigned int nHits = (unsigned int)nHitsLf->GetValue();
204  double x = xLf->GetValue();
205  double y = yLf->GetValue();
206  double z = zLf->GetValue();
207  double resxsig = ResXSigLf->GetValue();
208  bool badquality = false;
209  if(_bunchx != 0) {
210  if(_bunchx != BunchLf->GetValue()) continue;
211  }
212  //We have two things we want to do, both an XY color plot, and the efficiency measurement
213  //First, ignore anything that isn't in acceptance and isn't good quality
215  //if(quality == 1 || accept != 1 || nHits < 8) continue;
216  if(accept != 1 || nHits < 8) continue;
217  if(quality == 1) badquality = true;
219  //Now that we have a good event, we need to look at if we expected it or not, and the location
220  //if we didn't
221  //Fill the missing hit information first
222  bool badflag = false;
223  if(_ResXSig < 0) {
224  if(isBad == 1) badflag = true;
225  }
226  else {
227  if(isBad == 1 || resxsig > _ResXSig) badflag = true;
228  }
229  if(badflag && !badquality) {
230  hit temphit;
231  temphit.x = x;
232  temphit.y = y;
233  temphit.z = z;
234 = id;
235  hits[layer].push_back(temphit);
236  }
237  pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> newgoodpair (1,1);
238  pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> newbadpair (1,0);
239  //First, figure out if the module already exists in the map of maps
240  map< unsigned int, pair< unsigned int, unsigned int> >::iterator it = modCounter[layer].find(id);
241  if(!badquality) {
242  if(it == modCounter[layer].end()) {
243  if(badflag) modCounter[layer][id] = newbadpair;
244  else modCounter[layer][id] = newgoodpair;
245  }
246  else {
247  ((*it).second.first)++;
248  if(!badflag) ((*it).second.second)++;
249  }
250  //Have to do the decoding for which side to go on (ugh)
251  if(layer <= 10) {
252  if(!badflag) goodlayerfound[layer]++;
253  goodlayertotal[layer]++;
254  }
255  else if(layer > 10 && layer < 14) {
256  if( ((id>>13)&0x3) == 1) {
257  if(!badflag) goodlayerfound[layer]++;
258  goodlayertotal[layer]++;
259  }
260  else if( ((id>>13)&0x3) == 2) {
261  if(!badflag) goodlayerfound[layer+3]++;
262  goodlayertotal[layer+3]++;
263  }
264  }
265  else if(layer > 13 && layer <= 22) {
266  if( ((id>>18)&0x3) == 1) {
267  if(!badflag) goodlayerfound[layer+3]++;
268  goodlayertotal[layer+3]++;
269  }
270  else if( ((id>>18)&0x3) == 2) {
271  if(!badflag) goodlayerfound[layer+12]++;
272  goodlayertotal[layer+12]++;
273  }
274  }
275  }
276  //Do the one where we don't exclude bad modules!
277  if(layer <= 10) {
278  if(!badflag) alllayerfound[layer]++;
279  alllayertotal[layer]++;
280  }
281  else if(layer > 10 && layer < 14) {
282  if( ((id>>13)&0x3) == 1) {
283  if(!badflag) alllayerfound[layer]++;
284  alllayertotal[layer]++;
285  }
286  else if( ((id>>13)&0x3) == 2) {
287  if(!badflag) alllayerfound[layer+3]++;
288  alllayertotal[layer+3]++;
289  }
290  }
291  else if(layer > 13 && layer <= 22) {
292  if( ((id>>18)&0x3) == 1) {
293  if(!badflag) alllayerfound[layer+3]++;
294  alllayertotal[layer+3]++;
295  }
296  else if( ((id>>18)&0x3) == 2) {
297  if(!badflag) alllayerfound[layer+12]++;
298  alllayertotal[layer+12]++;
299  }
300  }
301  //At this point, both of our maps are loaded with the correct information
302  }
303  //CalibTreeFile->Close();
304  makeHotColdMaps();
305  makeTKMap();
306  makeSQLite();
307  totalStatistics();
308  makeSummary();
311  //try to write out what's in the quality record
313  int NTkBadComponent[4]; //k: 0=BadModule, 1=BadFiber, 2=BadApv, 3=BadStrips
314  int NBadComponent[4][19][4];
315  //legend: NBadComponent[i][j][k]= SubSystem i, layer/disk/wheel j, BadModule/Fiber/Apv k
316  // i: 0=TIB, 1=TID, 2=TOB, 3=TEC
317  // k: 0=BadModule, 1=BadFiber, 2=BadApv, 3=BadStrips
318  std::stringstream ssV[4][19];
320  for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
321  NTkBadComponent[i]=0;
322  for(int j=0;j<19;++j){
323  ssV[i][j].str("");
324  for(int k=0;k<4;++k)
325  NBadComponent[i][j][k]=0;
326  }
327  }
330  std::vector<SiStripQuality::BadComponent> BC = quality_->getBadComponentList();
332  for (size_t i=0;i<BC.size();++i){
334  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&
335  //Full Tk
336  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&
338  if (BC[i].BadModule)
339  NTkBadComponent[0]++;
340  if (BC[i].BadFibers)
341  NTkBadComponent[1]+= ( (BC[i].BadFibers>>2)&0x1 )+ ( (BC[i].BadFibers>>1)&0x1 ) + ( (BC[i].BadFibers)&0x1 );
342  if (BC[i].BadApvs)
343  NTkBadComponent[2]+= ( (BC[i].BadApvs>>5)&0x1 )+ ( (BC[i].BadApvs>>4)&0x1 ) + ( (BC[i].BadApvs>>3)&0x1 ) +
344  ( (BC[i].BadApvs>>2)&0x1 )+ ( (BC[i].BadApvs>>1)&0x1 ) + ( (BC[i].BadApvs)&0x1 );
346  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
347  //Single SubSystem
348  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
350  int component;
351  SiStripDetId a(BC[i].detid);
352  if ( a.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TIB ){
353  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
354  //TIB
355  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
357  component=TIBDetId(BC[i].detid).layer();
358  SetBadComponents(0, component, BC[i], ssV, NBadComponent);
360  } else if ( a.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TID ) {
361  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
362  //TID
363  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
365  component=TIDDetId(BC[i].detid).side()==2?TIDDetId(BC[i].detid).wheel():TIDDetId(BC[i].detid).wheel()+3;
366  SetBadComponents(1, component, BC[i], ssV, NBadComponent);
368  } else if ( a.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TOB ) {
369  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
370  //TOB
371  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
373  component=TOBDetId(BC[i].detid).layer();
374  SetBadComponents(2, component, BC[i], ssV, NBadComponent);
376  } else if ( a.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TEC ) {
377  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
378  //TEC
379  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
381  component=TECDetId(BC[i].detid).side()==2?TECDetId(BC[i].detid).wheel():TECDetId(BC[i].detid).wheel()+9;
382  SetBadComponents(3, component, BC[i], ssV, NBadComponent);
384  }
385  }
387  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
388  // Single Strip Info
389  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
390  float percentage=0;
395  for (SiStripBadStrip::RegistryIterator rp=rbegin; rp != rend; ++rp) {
396  unsigned int detid=rp->detid;
398  int subdet=-999; int component=-999;
399  SiStripDetId a(detid);
400  if ( a.subdetId() == 3 ){
401  subdet=0;
402  component=TIBDetId(detid).layer();
403  } else if ( a.subdetId() == 4 ) {
404  subdet=1;
405  component=TIDDetId(detid).side()==2?TIDDetId(detid).wheel():TIDDetId(detid).wheel()+3;
406  } else if ( a.subdetId() == 5 ) {
407  subdet=2;
408  component=TOBDetId(detid).layer();
409  } else if ( a.subdetId() == 6 ) {
410  subdet=3;
411  component=TECDetId(detid).side()==2?TECDetId(detid).wheel():TECDetId(detid).wheel()+9;
412  }
416  percentage=0;
417  for(int it=0;it<sqrange.second-sqrange.first;it++){
418  unsigned int range=quality_->decode( *(sqrange.first+it) ).range;
419  NTkBadComponent[3]+=range;
420  NBadComponent[subdet][0][3]+=range;
421  NBadComponent[subdet][component][3]+=range;
422  percentage+=range;
423  }
424  if(percentage!=0)
425  percentage/=128.*reader->getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(detid).first;
426  if(percentage>1)
427  edm::LogError("SiStripQualityStatistics") << "PROBLEM detid " << detid << " value " << percentage<< std::endl;
428  }
429  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
430  // printout
431  //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
433  cout << "\n-----------------\nNew IOV starting from run " << << " event " << << " lumiBlock " << e.luminosityBlock() << " time " << e.time().value() << "\n-----------------\n";
434  cout << "\n-----------------\nGlobal Info\n-----------------";
435  cout << "\nBadComponent \t Modules \tFibers \tApvs\tStrips\n----------------------------------------------------------------";
436  cout << "\nTracker:\t\t"<<NTkBadComponent[0]<<"\t"<<NTkBadComponent[1]<<"\t"<<NTkBadComponent[2]<<"\t"<<NTkBadComponent[3];
437  cout << endl;
438  cout << "\nTIB:\t\t\t"<<NBadComponent[0][0][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[0][0][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[0][0][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[0][0][3];
439  cout << "\nTID:\t\t\t"<<NBadComponent[1][0][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][0][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][0][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][0][3];
440  cout << "\nTOB:\t\t\t"<<NBadComponent[2][0][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[2][0][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[2][0][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[2][0][3];
441  cout << "\nTEC:\t\t\t"<<NBadComponent[3][0][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][0][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][0][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][0][3];
442  cout << "\n";
444  for (int i=1;i<5;++i)
445  cout << "\nTIB Layer " << i << " :\t\t"<<NBadComponent[0][i][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[0][i][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[0][i][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[0][i][3];
446  cout << "\n";
447  for (int i=1;i<4;++i)
448  cout << "\nTID+ Disk " << i << " :\t\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][3];
449  for (int i=4;i<7;++i)
450  cout << "\nTID- Disk " << i-3 << " :\t\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[1][i][3];
451  cout << "\n";
452  for (int i=1;i<7;++i)
453  cout << "\nTOB Layer " << i << " :\t\t"<<NBadComponent[2][i][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[2][i][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[2][i][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[2][i][3];
454  cout << "\n";
455  for (int i=1;i<10;++i)
456  cout << "\nTEC+ Disk " << i << " :\t\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][3];
457  for (int i=10;i<19;++i)
458  cout << "\nTEC- Disk " << i-9 << " :\t\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][0]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][1]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][2]<<"\t"<<NBadComponent[3][i][3];
459  cout << "\n";
461  cout << "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t Detid \tModules Fibers Apvs\n----------------------------------------------------------------";
462  for (int i=1;i<5;++i)
463  cout << "\nTIB Layer " << i << " :" << ssV[0][i].str();
464  cout << "\n";
465  for (int i=1;i<4;++i)
466  cout << "\nTID+ Disk " << i << " :" << ssV[1][i].str();
467  for (int i=4;i<7;++i)
468  cout << "\nTID- Disk " << i-3 << " :" << ssV[1][i].str();
469  cout << "\n";
470  for (int i=1;i<7;++i)
471  cout << "\nTOB Layer " << i << " :" << ssV[2][i].str();
472  cout << "\n";
473  for (int i=1;i<10;++i)
474  cout << "\nTEC+ Disk " << i << " :" << ssV[3][i].str();
475  for (int i=10;i<19;++i)
476  cout << "\nTEC- Disk " << i-9 << " :" << ssV[3][i].str();
478 }
unsigned short range
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:44
int i
const std::vector< BadComponent > & getBadComponentList() const
unsigned int layer() const
layer id
Definition: TOBDetId.h:39
const std::pair< unsigned short, double > getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(uint32_t detId) const
edm::LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventBase.h:59
void SetBadComponents(int i, int component, SiStripQuality::BadComponent &BC, std::stringstream ssV[4][19], int NBadComponent[4][19][4])
Registry::const_iterator RegistryIterator
SiStripDetInfoFileReader * reader
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::TriggerResults &triggerTable, const std::string &triggerPath)
Definition: TopDQMHelpers.h:22
double double double z
unsigned int side() const
positive or negative id
Definition: TECDetId.h:47
RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorEnd() const
int j
int nevents
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:38
map< unsigned int, pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > modCounter[23]
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
unsigned int id
ContainerIterator getDataVectorBegin() const
Detector identifier class for the strip tracker.
Definition: SiStripDetId.h:17
TimeValue_t value() const
unsigned int side() const
positive or negative id
Definition: TIDDetId.h:45
unsigned int wheel() const
wheel id
Definition: TECDetId.h:52
unsigned int layer() const
layer id
Definition: TIBDetId.h:41
RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorBegin() const
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:56
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
tuple cout
Definition: VDTMath.h:216
edm::Timestamp time() const
Definition: EventBase.h:57
data decode(const unsigned int &value) const
unsigned int wheel() const
wheel id
Definition: TIDDetId.h:50
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::algoBeginJob ( )

Definition at line 156 of file

156  {
157  //I have no idea what goes here
158  //fs->make<TTree>("HitEffHistos","Tree of the inefficient hit histograms");
159 }
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::algoEndJob ( )

Reimplemented from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripBadStrip >.

Definition at line 161 of file

161  {
162  //Still have no idea what goes here
164 }
float SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::calcPhi ( float  x,
float  y 

Definition at line 838 of file

References phi, and Pi.

Referenced by makeHotColdMaps().

838  {
839  float phi = 0;
840  float Pi = 3.14159;
841  if((x>=0)&&(y>=0)) phi = atan(y/x);
842  else if((x>=0)&&(y<=0)) phi = atan(y/x) + 2*Pi;
843  else if((x<=0)&&(y>=0)) phi = atan(y/x) + Pi;
844  else phi = atan(y/x) + Pi;
845  phi = phi*180.0/Pi;
847  return phi;
848 }
const double Pi
Definition: VDTMath.h:216
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
SiStripBadStrip * SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::getNewObject ( )

Implements ConditionDBWriter< SiStripBadStrip >.

Definition at line 821 of file

References SiStripBadStrip::getDataVectorBegin(), SiStripBadStrip::getRegistryVectorBegin(), SiStripBadStrip::getRegistryVectorEnd(), getGTfromDQMFile::obj, SiStripBadStrip::put(), and quality_.

821  {
822  //Need this for a Condition DB Writer
823  //Initialize a return variable
829  for(;rIter!=rIterEnd;++rIter){
830  SiStripBadStrip::Range range(quality_->getDataVectorBegin()+rIter->ibegin,quality_->getDataVectorBegin()+rIter->iend);
831  if ( ! obj->put(rIter->detid,range) )
832  edm::LogError("SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree")<<"[SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::getNewObject] detid already exists"<<std::endl;
833  }
835  return obj;
836 }
Registry::const_iterator RegistryIterator
RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorEnd() const
ContainerIterator getDataVectorBegin() const
RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorBegin() const
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
bool put(const uint32_t &detID, const InputVector &vect)
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::makeHotColdMaps ( )

Definition at line 480 of file

References begin, calcPhi(), gather_cfg::cout, fs, hits, HotColdMaps, TFileDirectory::make(), and phi.

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

480  {
481  cout << "Entering hot cold map generation!\n";
482  TStyle* gStyle = new TStyle("gStyle","myStyle");
483  gStyle->cd();
484  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
485  gStyle->SetCanvasColor(kWhite);
486  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
487  //Here we make the hot/cold color maps that we love so very much
488  //Already have access to the data as a private variable
489  //Create all of the histograms in the TFileService
490  TH2F *temph2;
491  for(Long_t maplayer = 1; maplayer <=22; maplayer++) {
492  //Initialize all of the histograms
493  if(maplayer > 0 && maplayer <= 4) {
494  //We are in the TIB
495  temph2 = fs->make<TH2F>(Form("%s%i","TIB",(int)(maplayer)),"TIB",100,-1,361,100,-100,100);
496  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi");
497  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("360"));
498  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("180"));
499  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("0"));
500  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Global Z");
501  temph2->SetOption("colz");
502  HotColdMaps.push_back(temph2);
503  }
504  else if(maplayer > 4 && maplayer <= 10) {
505  //We are in the TOB
506  temph2 = fs->make<TH2F>(Form("%s%i","TOB",(int)(maplayer-4)),"TOB",100,-1,361,100,-120,120);
507  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi");
508  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("360"));
509  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("180"));
510  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("0"));
511  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Global Z");
512  temph2->SetOption("colz");
513  HotColdMaps.push_back(temph2);
514  }
515  else if(maplayer > 10 && maplayer <= 13) {
516  //We are in the TID
517  //Split by +/-
518  temph2 = fs->make<TH2F>(Form("%s%i","TID-",(int)(maplayer-10)),"TID-",100,-100,100,100,-100,100);
519  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Global Y");
520  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("+Y"));
521  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
522  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("-Y"));
523  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Global X");
524  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("-X"));
525  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
526  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("+X"));
527  temph2->SetOption("colz");
528  HotColdMaps.push_back(temph2);
529  temph2 = fs->make<TH2F>(Form("%s%i","TID+",(int)(maplayer-10)),"TID+",100,-100,100,100,-100,100);
530  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Global Y");
531  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("+Y"));
532  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
533  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("-Y"));
534  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Global X");
535  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("-X"));
536  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
537  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("+X"));
538  temph2->SetOption("colz");
539  HotColdMaps.push_back(temph2);
540  }
541  else if(maplayer > 13) {
542  //We are in the TEC
543  //Split by +/-
544  temph2 = fs->make<TH2F>(Form("%s%i","TEC-",(int)(maplayer-13)),"TEC-",100,-120,120,100,-120,120);
545  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Global Y");
546  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("+Y"));
547  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
548  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("-Y"));
549  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Global X");
550  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("-X"));
551  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
552  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("+X"));
553  temph2->SetOption("colz");
554  HotColdMaps.push_back(temph2);
555  temph2 = fs->make<TH2F>(Form("%s%i","TEC+",(int)(maplayer-13)),"TEC+",100,-120,120,100,-120,120);
556  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Global Y");
557  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("+Y"));
558  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
559  temph2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("-Y"));
560  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Global X");
561  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,TString("-X"));
562  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(50,TString("0"));
563  temph2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(100,TString("+X"));
564  temph2->SetOption("colz");
565  HotColdMaps.push_back(temph2);
566  }
567  }
568  for(Long_t mylayer = 1; mylayer <= 22; mylayer++) {
569  //Determine what kind of plot we want to write out
570  //Loop through the entirety of each layer
571  //Create an array of the histograms
572  vector<hit>::const_iterator iter;
573  for(iter = hits[mylayer].begin(); iter != hits[mylayer].end(); iter++) {
574  //Looping over the particular layer
575  //Fill by 360-x to get the proper location to compare with TKMaps of phi
576  //Also global xy is messed up
577  if(mylayer > 0 && mylayer <= 4) {
578  //We are in the TIB
579  float phi = calcPhi(iter->x, iter->y);
580  HotColdMaps[mylayer - 1]->Fill(360.-phi,iter->z,1.);
581  }
582  else if(mylayer > 4 && mylayer <= 10) {
583  //We are in the TOB
584  float phi = calcPhi(iter->x,iter->y);
585  HotColdMaps[mylayer - 1]->Fill(360.-phi,iter->z,1.);
586  }
587  else if(mylayer > 10 && mylayer <= 13) {
588  //We are in the TID
589  //There are 2 different maps here
590  int side = (((iter->id)>>13) & 0x3);
591  if(side == 1) HotColdMaps[(mylayer - 1) + (mylayer - 11)]->Fill(-iter->y,iter->x,1.);
592  else if(side == 2) HotColdMaps[(mylayer - 1) + (mylayer - 10)]->Fill(-iter->y,iter->x,1.);
593  //if(side == 1) HotColdMaps[(mylayer - 1) + (mylayer - 11)]->Fill(iter->x,iter->y,1.);
594  //else if(side == 2) HotColdMaps[(mylayer - 1) + (mylayer - 10)]->Fill(iter->x,iter->y,1.);
595  }
596  else if(mylayer > 13) {
597  //We are in the TEC
598  //There are 2 different maps here
599  int side = (((iter->id)>>18) & 0x3);
600  if(side == 1) HotColdMaps[(mylayer + 2) + (mylayer - 14)]->Fill(-iter->y,iter->x,1.);
601  else if(side == 2) HotColdMaps[(mylayer + 2) + (mylayer - 13)]->Fill(-iter->y,iter->x,1.);
602  //if(side == 1) HotColdMaps[(mylayer + 2) + (mylayer - 14)]->Fill(iter->x,iter->y,1.);
603  //else if(side == 2) HotColdMaps[(mylayer + 2) + (mylayer - 13)]->Fill(iter->x,iter->y,1.);
604  }
605  }
606  }
607  cout << "Finished HotCold Map Generation\n";
608 }
edm::Service< TFileService > fs
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:31
T * make() const
make new ROOT object
tuple cout
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::makeSQLite ( )

Definition at line 654 of file

References BadModules, SiStripQuality::compact(), gather_cfg::cout, SiStripBadStrip::encode(), SiStripQuality::fillBadComponents(), SiStripDetInfoFileReader::getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(), SiStripBadStrip::put(), quality_, reader, and AlCaHarvesting_cff::SiStripQuality.

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

654  {
655  //Generate the SQLite file for use in the Database of the bad modules!
656  cout << "Entering SQLite file generation!\n";
657  std::vector<unsigned int> BadStripList;
658  unsigned short NStrips;
659  unsigned int id1;
660  SiStripQuality* pQuality = new SiStripQuality;
661  //This is the list of the bad strips, use to mask out entire APVs
662  //Now simply go through the bad hit list and mask out things that
663  //are bad!
664  map< unsigned int, double >::const_iterator it;
665  for(it = BadModules.begin(); it != BadModules.end(); it++) {
666  //We need to figure out how many strips are in this particular module
667  //To Mask correctly!
668  NStrips=reader->getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength((*it).first).first*128;
669  cout << "Number of strips module " << (*it).first << " is " << NStrips << endl;
670  BadStripList.push_back(pQuality->encode(0,NStrips,0));
671  //Now compact into a single bad module
672  id1=(unsigned int)(*it).first;
673  cout << "ID1 shoudl match list of modules above " << id1 << endl;
674  quality_->compact(id1,BadStripList);
675  SiStripQuality::Range range(BadStripList.begin(),BadStripList.end());
676  quality_->put(id1,range);
677  BadStripList.clear();
678  }
679  //Fill all the bad components now
681 }
const std::pair< unsigned short, double > getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(uint32_t detId) const
SiStripDetInfoFileReader * reader
void compact(unsigned int &, std::vector< unsigned int > &)
void fillBadComponents()
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
tuple cout
map< unsigned int, double > BadModules
bool put(const uint32_t &detID, const InputVector &vect)
unsigned int encode(const unsigned short &first, const unsigned short &NconsecutiveBadStrips, const unsigned short &flag=0)
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::makeSummary ( )

Definition at line 697 of file

References cond::ecalcond::all, alllayerfound, alllayertotal, gather_cfg::cout, newFWLiteAna::found, fs, goodlayerfound, goodlayertotal, i, j, gen::k, diffTwoXMLs::label, create_public_lumi_plots::leg, and TFileDirectory::make().

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

697  {
698  //setTDRStyle();
700  int nLayers = 34;
702  TH1F *found = fs->make<TH1F>("found","found",nLayers+1,0,nLayers+1);
703  TH1F *all = fs->make<TH1F>("all","all",nLayers+1,0,nLayers+1);
704  TH1F *found2 = fs->make<TH1F>("found2","found2",nLayers+1,0,nLayers+1);
705  TH1F *all2 = fs->make<TH1F>("all2","all2",nLayers+1,0,nLayers+1);
706  // first bin only to keep real data off the y axis so set to -1
707  found->SetBinContent(0,-1);
708  all->SetBinContent(0,1);
710  TCanvas *c7 =new TCanvas("c7"," test ",10,10,800,600);
711  c7->SetFillColor(0);
712  c7->SetGrid();
714  for (Long_t i=1; i< nLayers+1; ++i) {
715  if (i==10) i++;
716  if (i==25) i++;
717  if (i==34) break;
719  cout << "Fill only good modules layer " << i << ": S = " << goodlayerfound[i] << " B = " << goodlayertotal[i] << endl;
720  if (goodlayertotal[i] > 5) {
721  found->SetBinContent(i,goodlayerfound[i]);
722  all->SetBinContent(i,goodlayertotal[i]);
723  } else {
724  found->SetBinContent(i,0);
725  all->SetBinContent(i,10);
726  }
728  cout << "Filling all modules layer " << i << ": S = " << alllayerfound[i] << " B = " << alllayertotal[i] << endl;
729  if (alllayertotal[i] > 5) {
730  found2->SetBinContent(i,alllayerfound[i]);
731  all2->SetBinContent(i,alllayertotal[i]);
732  } else {
733  found2->SetBinContent(i,0);
734  all2->SetBinContent(i,10);
735  }
737  }
739  found->Sumw2();
740  all->Sumw2();
742  found2->Sumw2();
743  all2->Sumw2();
745  TGraphAsymmErrors *gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nLayers+1);
746  gr->BayesDivide(found,all);
748  TGraphAsymmErrors *gr2 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nLayers+1);
749  gr2->BayesDivide(found2,all2);
751  for(int j = 0; j<nLayers+1; j++){
752  gr->SetPointError(j, 0., 0., gr->GetErrorYlow(j),gr->GetErrorYhigh(j) );
753  gr2->SetPointError(j, 0., 0., gr2->GetErrorYlow(j),gr2->GetErrorYhigh(j) );
754  }
756  gr->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0,nLayers);
757  gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
758  gr->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
759  gr->SetLineColor(2);
760  gr->SetLineWidth(4);
761  gr->SetMarkerStyle(20);
762  gr->SetMinimum(0.90);
763  gr->SetMaximum(1.001);
764  gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
766  gr2->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0,nLayers);
767  gr2->SetMarkerColor(1);
768  gr2->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
769  gr2->SetLineColor(1);
770  gr2->SetLineWidth(4);
771  gr2->SetMarkerStyle(21);
772  gr2->SetMinimum(0.90);
773  gr2->SetMaximum(1.001);
774  gr2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
775  //cout << "starting labels" << endl;
776  //for ( int k=1; k<nLayers+1; k++) {
777  for ( Long_t k=1; k<nLayers+1; k++) {
778  if (k==10) k++;
779  if (k==25) k++;
780  if (k==34) break;
781  TString label;
782  if (k<5) {
783  label = TString("TIB ") + k;
784  } else if (k>4&&k<11) {
785  label = TString("TOB ")+(k-4);
786  } else if (k>10&&k<14) {
787  label = TString("TID- ")+(k-10);
788  } else if (k>13&&k<17) {
789  label = TString("TID+ ")+(k-13);
790  } else if (k>16&&k<26) {
791  label = TString("TEC- ")+(k-16);
792  } else if (k>25) {
793  label = TString("TEC+ ")+(k-25);
794  }
795  gr->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(((k+1)*100)/(nLayers)-2,label);
796  gr2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(((k+1)*100)/(nLayers)-2,label);
797  }
799  gr->Draw("AP");
800  gr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(36);
802  c7->cd();
803  TPad *overlay = new TPad("overlay","",0,0,1,1);
804  overlay->SetFillStyle(4000);
805  overlay->SetFillColor(0);
806  overlay->SetFrameFillStyle(4000);
807  overlay->Draw("same");
808  overlay->cd();
809  gr2->Draw("AP");
811  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.70,0.20,0.92,0.39);
812  leg->AddEntry(gr,"Good Modules","p");
813  leg->AddEntry(gr2,"All Modules","p");
814  leg->SetTextSize(0.020);
815  leg->SetFillColor(0);
816  leg->Draw("same");
818  c7->SaveAs("Summary.png");
819 }
int i
edm::Service< TFileService > fs
int j
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
T * make() const
make new ROOT object
tuple cout
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::makeTKMap ( )

Definition at line 610 of file

References BadModules, begin, gather_cfg::cout, TrackerMap::fill(), TrackerMap::fillc(), first, i, layerfound, layertotal, modCounter, nModsMin, TrackerMap::save(), edm::second(), threshold, tkmap, and tkmapbad.

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

610  {
611  cout << "Entering TKMap generation!\n";
612  tkmap = new TrackerMap(" Detector Inefficiency ");
613  tkmapbad = new TrackerMap(" Inefficient Modules ");
614  for(Long_t i = 1; i <= 22; i++) {
615  layertotal[i] = 0;
616  layerfound[i] = 0;
617  //Loop over every layer, extracting the information from
618  //the map of the efficiencies
619  map<unsigned int, pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> >::const_iterator ih;
620  for( ih = modCounter[i].begin(); ih != modCounter[i].end(); ih++) {
621  //We should be in the layer in question, and looping over all of the modules in said layer
622  //Generate the list for the TKmap, and the bad module list
623  double myeff = (double)(((*ih).second).second)/(((*ih).second).first);
624  if ( ((((*ih).second).first) >= nModsMin) && (myeff < threshold) ) {
625  //We have a bad module, put it in the list!
626  BadModules[(*ih).first] = myeff;
627  tkmapbad->fillc((*ih).first,255,0,0);
628  cout << "Layer " << i << " module " << (*ih).first << " efficiency " << myeff << " " << (((*ih).second).second) << "/" << (((*ih).second).first) << endl;
629  }
630  else {
631  //Fill the bad list with empty results for every module
632  tkmapbad->fillc((*ih).first,255,255,255);
633  }
634  if((((*ih).second).first) < 100 ) {
635  cout << "Module " << (*ih).first << " layer " << i << " is under occupancy at " << (((*ih).second).first) << endl;
636  }
637  //Put any module into the TKMap
638  //Should call module ID, and then 1- efficiency for that module
639  //if((*ih).first == 369137820) {
640  // cout << "Module 369137820 has 1-eff of " << 1.-myeff << endl;
641  //cout << "Which is " << ((*ih).second).second << "/" << ((*ih).second).first << endl;
642  //}
643  tkmap->fill((*ih).first,1.-myeff);
644  //Find the total number of hits in the module
645  layertotal[i] += int(((*ih).second).first);
646  layerfound[i] += int(((*ih).second).second);
647  }
648  }
649  tkmap->save(true, 0, 0, "SiStripHitEffTKMap.png");
650  tkmapbad->save(true, 0, 0, "SiStripHitEffTKMapBad.png");
651  cout << "Finished TKMap Generation\n";
652 }
int i
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
void save(bool print_total=true, float minval=0., float maxval=0., std::string s="svgmap.svg", int width=1500, int height=800)
bool first
map< unsigned int, pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > modCounter[23]
void fillc(int idmod, int RGBcode)
Definition: TrackerMap.h:48
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:31
tuple cout
map< unsigned int, double > BadModules
void fill(int layer, int ring, int nmod, float x)
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::SetBadComponents ( int  i,
int  component,
SiStripQuality::BadComponent BC,
std::stringstream  ssV[4][19],
int  NBadComponent[4][19][4] 

Definition at line 850 of file

References SiStripQuality::BadComponent::BadApvs, SiStripQuality::BadComponent::BadFibers, SiStripQuality::BadComponent::BadModule, SiStripQuality::BadComponent::detid, SiStripDetInfoFileReader::getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(), i, and reader.

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

850  {
852  int napv=reader->getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(BC.detid).first;
854  ssV[i][component] << "\n\t\t "
855  << BC.detid
856  << " \t " << BC.BadModule << " \t "
857  << ( (BC.BadFibers)&0x1 ) << " ";
858  if (napv==4)
859  ssV[i][component] << "x " <<( (BC.BadFibers>>1)&0x1 );
861  if (napv==6)
862  ssV[i][component] << ( (BC.BadFibers>>1)&0x1 ) << " "
863  << ( (BC.BadFibers>>2)&0x1 );
864  ssV[i][component] << " \t "
865  << ( (BC.BadApvs)&0x1 ) << " "
866  << ( (BC.BadApvs>>1)&0x1 ) << " ";
867  if (napv==4)
868  ssV[i][component] << "x x " << ( (BC.BadApvs>>2)&0x1 ) << " "
869  << ( (BC.BadApvs>>3)&0x1 );
870  if (napv==6)
871  ssV[i][component] << ( (BC.BadApvs>>2)&0x1 ) << " "
872  << ( (BC.BadApvs>>3)&0x1 ) << " "
873  << ( (BC.BadApvs>>4)&0x1 ) << " "
874  << ( (BC.BadApvs>>5)&0x1 ) << " ";
876  if (BC.BadApvs){
877  NBadComponent[i][0][2]+= ( (BC.BadApvs>>5)&0x1 )+ ( (BC.BadApvs>>4)&0x1 ) + ( (BC.BadApvs>>3)&0x1 ) +
878  ( (BC.BadApvs>>2)&0x1 )+ ( (BC.BadApvs>>1)&0x1 ) + ( (BC.BadApvs)&0x1 );
879  NBadComponent[i][component][2]+= ( (BC.BadApvs>>5)&0x1 )+ ( (BC.BadApvs>>4)&0x1 ) + ( (BC.BadApvs>>3)&0x1 ) +
880  ( (BC.BadApvs>>2)&0x1 )+ ( (BC.BadApvs>>1)&0x1 ) + ( (BC.BadApvs)&0x1 );
881  }
882  if (BC.BadFibers){
883  NBadComponent[i][0][1]+= ( (BC.BadFibers>>2)&0x1 )+ ( (BC.BadFibers>>1)&0x1 ) + ( (BC.BadFibers)&0x1 );
884  NBadComponent[i][component][1]+= ( (BC.BadFibers>>2)&0x1 )+ ( (BC.BadFibers>>1)&0x1 ) + ( (BC.BadFibers)&0x1 );
885  }
886  if (BC.BadModule){
887  NBadComponent[i][0][0]++;
888  NBadComponent[i][component][0]++;
889  }
890 }
int i
const std::pair< unsigned short, double > getNumberOfApvsAndStripLength(uint32_t detId) const
SiStripDetInfoFileReader * reader
void SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::totalStatistics ( )

Definition at line 683 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, layerfound, and layertotal.

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

683  {
684  //Calculate the statistics by layer
685  int totalfound = 0;
686  int totaltotal = 0;
687  double layereff;
688  for(Long_t i=1; i<=22; i++) {
689  layereff = double(layerfound[i])/double(layertotal[i]);
690  cout << "Layer " << i << " has total efficiency " << layereff << " " << layerfound[i] << "/" << layertotal[i] << endl;
691  totalfound += layerfound[i];
692  totaltotal += layertotal[i];
693  }
694  cout << "The total efficiency is " << double(totalfound)/double(totaltotal) << endl;
695 }
int i
tuple cout

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::_bunchx

Definition at line 124 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree().

float SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::_ResXSig

Definition at line 123 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree().

int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::alllayerfound[35]

Definition at line 135 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and makeSummary().

int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::alllayertotal[35]

Definition at line 134 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and makeSummary().

map< unsigned int, double > SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::BadModules

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by makeSQLite(), and makeTKMap().

TTree* SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::CalibTree

Definition at line 118 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

TFile* SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::CalibTreeFile

Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze().

TString SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::CalibTreeFilename

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree().

unsigned int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::doSummary

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree().

edm::FileInPath SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::FileInPath_

Definition at line 113 of file

Referenced by SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree().

edm::Service<TFileService> SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::fs

Definition at line 111 of file

Referenced by makeHotColdMaps(), and makeSummary().

int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::goodlayerfound[35]

Definition at line 133 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and makeSummary().

int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::goodlayertotal[35]

Definition at line 132 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and makeSummary().

vector<hit> SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::hits[23]

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and makeHotColdMaps().

vector<TH2F*> SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::HotColdMaps

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by makeHotColdMaps().

int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::layerfound[23]

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by makeTKMap(), and totalStatistics().

int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::layertotal[23]

Definition at line 131 of file

Referenced by makeTKMap(), and totalStatistics().

map< unsigned int, pair< unsigned int, unsigned int> > SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::modCounter[23]

Definition at line 127 of file

Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and makeTKMap().

unsigned int SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::nModsMin
SiStripQuality* SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::quality_
SiStripDetInfoFileReader* SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::reader
float SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::threshold
TrackerMap* SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::tkmap

Definition at line 128 of file

Referenced by makeTKMap().

TrackerMap* SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::tkmapbad

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by makeTKMap().