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L1GctSimpleJetFinder Class Reference

simple jet finder for test purposes. More...

#include <L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1GctSimpleJetFinder:
L1GctJetFinderBase L1GctProcessor

Public Member Functions

virtual void fetchInput ()
 get input data from sources More...
 L1GctSimpleJetFinder (int id)
 id is 0-8 for -ve Eta jetfinders, 9-17 for +ve Eta, for increasing Phi. More...
virtual void process ()
 process the data, fill output buffers More...
 ~L1GctSimpleJetFinder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from L1GctJetFinderBase
unsigned getCenJetSeed () const
unsigned getEtaBoundry () const
etTotalType getEtSum () const
 Get the scalar sum of Et summed over the input regions. More...
etCompInternJfType getExSum () const
 Get the x component of vector Et summed over the input regions. More...
etCompInternJfType getEySum () const
 Get the y component of vector Et summed over the input regions. More...
unsigned getFwdJetSeed () const
hfTowerSumsType getHfSums () const
 Get the Hf tower Et sums and tower-over-threshold counts. More...
unsigned getHtmSumJetThreshold () const
etHadType getHtSum () const
 Get the scalar sum of Ht summed over jets above threshold. More...
unsigned getHttSumJetThreshold () const
htCompInternJfType getHxSum () const
 Get the x component of vector Ht summed over jets above threshold. More...
htCompInternJfType getHySum () const
 Get the y component of vector Ht summed over jets above threshold. More...
RegionsVector getInputRegions () const
 Return input data. More...
std::vector< L1GctInternEtSumgetInternalEtSums () const
 get et sums in raw format - to be stored in the event More...
std::vector< L1GctInternHtMissgetInternalHtMiss () const
std::vector< L1GctInternJetDatagetInternalJets () const
 get output jets in raw format - to be stored in the event More...
const lutPtrVector getJetEtCalLuts () const
 Return pointers to calibration LUTs. More...
JetVector getJets () const
 Get the located jets. More...
RegionsVector getKeptProtoJets () const
 get protoJets kept More...
RawJetVector getRawJets () const
 get output jets in raw format More...
RegionsVector getRcvdProtoJets () const
 get protoJets received from neighbour More...
RegionsVector getSentProtoJets () const
 get protoJets sent to neighbour More...
unsigned getTauIsolationThreshold () const
unsigned getTauJetSeed () const
 L1GctJetFinderBase (int id)
 id is 0-8 for -ve Eta jetfinders, 9-17 for +ve Eta, for increasing Phi. More...
void setEnergySumMasks (const L1GctChannelMask *chmask)
 Set masks for energy summing. More...
void setInputRegion (const L1CaloRegion &region)
 Set input data. More...
void setJetEtCalibrationLuts (const lutPtrVector &jfluts)
 Set pointer to calibration Lut - needed to complete the setup. More...
void setJetFinderParams (const L1GctJetFinderParams *jfpars)
 Set pointer to parameters - needed to complete the setup. More...
void setNeighbourJetFinders (std::vector< L1GctJetFinderBase * > neighbours)
 Set pointers to neighbours - needed to complete the setup. More...
bool setupOk () const
 Check setup is Ok. More...
void setupTauAlgo (const bool useImprovedAlgo, const bool ignoreVetoBitsForIsolation)
 Setup the tau algorithm parameters. More...
 ~L1GctJetFinderBase ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from L1GctProcessor
 L1GctProcessor ()
void reset ()
 complete reset of processor More...
void setBxRange (const int firstBx, const int numberOfBx)
 define the bunch crossing range to process More...
void setNextBx (const int bxnum)
 clear input data buffers and process a new bunch crossing More...
void setTerse ()
bool setupOk () const
 Method to check the setup for this processor. Returns true by default. More...
void setVerbose ()
 control output messages More...
virtual ~L1GctProcessor ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual unsigned centralCol0 () const
virtual unsigned maxRegionsIn () const
virtual unsigned nCols () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from L1GctJetFinderBase
etTotalType calcEtStrip (const UShort strip) const
 Calculates total (raw) energy in a phi strip. More...
hfTowerSumsType calcHfSums () const
 Calculates Et sum and number of towers over threshold in Hf. More...
etTotalType calcHtStrip (const UShort strip) const
 Calculates total calibrated energy in jets (Ht) sum. More...
void doEnergySums ()
 Fill the Et strip sums and Ht sum. All jetFinders should call this in process(). More...
void doEtSums ()
 Calculates scalar and vector sum of Et over input regions. More...
void doHtSums ()
 Calculates scalar and vector sum of Ht over calibrated jets. More...
void fetchProtoJetsFromNeighbour (const fetchType ft)
 fetch the protoJets from neighbour jetFinder More...
virtual void resetPipelines ()
virtual void resetProcessor ()
 Separate reset methods for the processor itself and any data stored in pipelines. More...
virtual void setupObjects ()
 Initialise inputs with null objects for the correct bunch crossing if required. More...
void sortJets ()
 Sort the found jets. All jetFinders should call this in process(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from L1GctProcessor
int bxAbs () const
int bxMax () const
int bxMin () const
 Support for multiple beam crossing operation. More...
int bxRel () const
int numOfBx () const

Private Member Functions

void findJets ()

Static Private Attributes

static const unsigned int CENTRAL_COL0
static const unsigned int MAX_REGIONS_IN
 The real jetFinders must define these constants. More...
static const unsigned int N_COLS


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const L1GctSimpleJetFinder &algo)
 Overload << operator. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from L1GctJetFinderBase
typedef L1GctTwosComplement
< L1GctInternEtSum::kJetMissEtNBits
typedef L1GctUnsignedInt
< L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits
typedef L1GctUnsignedInt
< L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits
typedef L1GctTwosComplement
< L1GctInternHtMiss::kJetMissHtNBits
typedef std::vector< L1GctJetCandJetVector
typedef L1GctJet::lutPtr lutPtr
typedef std::vector< lutPtrlutPtrVector
enum  maxValues { etTotalMaxValue = L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtMaxValue, htTotalMaxValue = L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtMaxValue }
typedef Pipeline< L1GctJetRawJetPipeline
typedef std::vector< L1GctJetRawJetVector
typedef std::vector< L1GctRegionRegionsVector
typedef unsigned long int ULong
typedef unsigned short int UShort
- Static Public Attributes inherited from L1GctJetFinderBase
static const unsigned int COL_OFFSET = L1GctJetFinderParams::NUMBER_ETA_VALUES+N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00
 The index offset between columns. More...
static const unsigned int MAX_JETS_OUT = 6
 Max of 6 jets found per jetfinder in a 2*11 search area. More...
static const unsigned int N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00 = 2
 Number of additional regions to process on the "wrong" side of eta=0 (determines COL_OFFSET) More...
static const unsigned int N_JF_PER_WHEEL = ((L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI)/2)
 No of jetFinders per Wheel. More...
- Protected Types inherited from L1GctJetFinderBase
enum  fetchType { TOP, BOT, TOPBOT }
 different ways of getting the neighbour data More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from L1GctJetFinderBase
unsigned m_CenJetSeed
unsigned m_EtaBoundry
bool m_EtmMask [11]
bool m_EttMask [11]
unsigned m_FwdJetSeed
bool m_gotChannelMask
 Remember whether channel mask have been stored. More...
bool m_gotJetEtCalLuts
 Remember whether jet Et calibration Lut pointers have been stored. More...
bool m_gotJetFinderParams
 Remember whether jetfinder parameters have been stored. More...
bool m_gotNeighbourPointers
 Remember whether the neighbour pointers have been stored. More...
bool m_HtmMask [11]
unsigned m_HtmSumJetThreshold
bool m_HttMask [11]
unsigned m_HttSumJetThreshold
int m_id
 algo ID More...
bool m_idInRange
 Remember whether range check on the input ID was ok. More...
bool m_ignoreTauVetoBitsForIsolation
RegionsVector m_inputRegions
lutPtrVector m_jetEtCalLuts
 Jet Et Conversion LUT pointer. More...
RegionsVector m_keptProtoJets
 List of pre-clustered jets retained locally as input to the final clustering. More...
unsigned m_minColThisJf
 parameter to determine which Regions belong in our acceptance More...
std::vector< L1GctJetFinderBase * > m_neighbourJetFinders
 Store neighbour pointers. More...
etTotalType m_outputEtSum
 output Et strip sums and Ht - refactored More...
etCompInternJfType m_outputExSum
etCompInternJfType m_outputEySum
hfTowerSumsType m_outputHfSums
etHadType m_outputHtSum
htCompInternJfType m_outputHxSum
htCompInternJfType m_outputHySum
RawJetVector m_outputJets
 output jets More...
bool m_positiveEtaWheel
RegionsVector m_rcvdProtoJets
 List of pre-clustered jets received from neighbour before the final stage of clustering. More...
RegionsVector m_sentProtoJets
 List of pre-clustered jets to be sent to neighbour after the first stage of clustering. More...
JetVector m_sortedJets
unsigned m_tauIsolationThreshold
unsigned m_TauJetSeed
bool m_useImprovedTauAlgo
 Setup parameters for the tau jet algorithm. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from L1GctProcessor
bool m_verbose
 Flag to control output messages. More...

Detailed Description

simple jet finder for test purposes.

Currently returns no jets The intention is to return local maxima (without clustering)

Definition at line 23 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1GctSimpleJetFinder::L1GctSimpleJetFinder ( int  id)

id is 0-8 for -ve Eta jetfinders, 9-17 for +ve Eta, for increasing Phi.

L1GctSimpleJetFinder::~L1GctSimpleJetFinder ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual unsigned L1GctSimpleJetFinder::centralCol0 ( ) const

Reimplemented from L1GctJetFinderBase.

Definition at line 46 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

References CENTRAL_COL0.

46 { return CENTRAL_COL0; }
static const unsigned int CENTRAL_COL0
virtual void L1GctSimpleJetFinder::fetchInput ( )

get input data from sources

Implements L1GctJetFinderBase.

void L1GctSimpleJetFinder::findJets ( )
virtual unsigned L1GctSimpleJetFinder::maxRegionsIn ( ) const

*** End of event data ***

Reimplemented from L1GctJetFinderBase.

Definition at line 45 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

References MAX_REGIONS_IN.

45 { return MAX_REGIONS_IN; }
static const unsigned int MAX_REGIONS_IN
The real jetFinders must define these constants.
virtual unsigned L1GctSimpleJetFinder::nCols ( ) const

Reimplemented from L1GctJetFinderBase.

Definition at line 47 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

References N_COLS.

47 { return N_COLS; }
static const unsigned int N_COLS
virtual void L1GctSimpleJetFinder::process ( )

process the data, fill output buffers

Implements L1GctJetFinderBase.

Referenced by ConfigBuilder.ConfigBuilder.PrintAllModules::leave().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const L1GctSimpleJetFinder algo 

Overload << operator.

Member Data Documentation

const unsigned int L1GctSimpleJetFinder::CENTRAL_COL0

Definition at line 54 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

Referenced by centralCol0().

const unsigned int L1GctSimpleJetFinder::MAX_REGIONS_IN

The real jetFinders must define these constants.

Dependent on number of rows and columns.

Definition at line 52 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

Referenced by maxRegionsIn().

const unsigned int L1GctSimpleJetFinder::N_COLS

Definition at line 53 of file L1GctSimpleJetFinder.h.

Referenced by nCols().