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1 import os
2 import coral
3 import IdGenerator, Node, DBImpl
4 class tagTree(object):
5  """Class manages tag tree. Note: tree name is not case sensitive.
6  Tree name is always converted to upper case
7  """
8  def __init__( self, session, treename ):
9  self.__session = session
10  self.__tagTreeTableName = 'TAGTREE_TABLE_'+str.upper(treename)
11  self.__tagTreeIDs = 'TAGTREE_'+str.upper(treename)+'_IDS'
12  self.__tagInventoryTableName = 'TAGINVENTORY_TABLE'
13  self.__tagTreeTableColumns = {'nodeid':'unsigned long', 'nodelabel':'string', 'lft':'unsigned long', 'rgt':'unsigned long', 'parentid':'unsigned long', 'tagid':'unsigned long', 'globalsince':'unsigned long long', 'globaltill':'unsigned long long'}
14  self.__tagTreeTableNotNullColumns = ['nodelabel','lft','rgt','parentid']
15  self.__tagTreeTableUniqueColumns = ['nodelabel']
16  self.__tagTreeTablePK = ('nodeid')
17  def existTagTreeTable( self ):
18  """Check if tree table exists
19  """
20  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
21  try:
22  transaction.start(True)
23  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
24  result=schema.existsTable(self.__tagTreeTableName)
25  transaction.commit()
26  #print result
27  except Exception, er:
28  transaction.rollback()
29  raise Exception, str(er)
30  return result
31  def createTagTreeTable( self ):
32  """Create tag tree table. Existing table will be deleted.
33  """
34  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
35  try:
36  transaction.start(False)
37  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
38  schema.dropIfExistsTable( self.__tagTreeTableName )
39  description = coral.TableDescription();
40  description.setName( self.__tagTreeTableName )
41  for columnName, columnType in self.__tagTreeTableColumns.items():
42  description.insertColumn(columnName, columnType)
43  for columnName in self.__tagTreeTableNotNullColumns :
44  description.setNotNullConstraint(columnName,True)
45  for columnName in self.__tagTreeTableUniqueColumns :
46  description.setUniqueConstraint(columnName)
47  description.setPrimaryKey( self.__tagTreeTablePK )
48  #description.createForeignKey('tagid_FK','tagid',self.__tagInventoryTableName,'tagid')
49  self.__tagTreeTableHandle = schema.createTable( description )
50  self.__tagTreeTableHandle.privilegeManager().grantToPublic( coral.privilege_Select )
51  self.__tagTreeTableHandle.privilegeManager().grantToPublic( coral.privilege_Select )
52  self.__tagTreeTableHandle.privilegeManager().grantToPublic( coral.privilege_Select )
53  self.__tagTreeTableHandle.privilegeManager().grantToPublic( coral.privilege_Select )
54  #create also the associated id table
55  generator=IdGenerator.IdGenerator(self.__session.nominalSchema())
56  generator.createIDTable(self.__tagTreeIDs,True)
57  transaction.commit()
58  except Exception, er:
59  transaction.rollback()
60  raise Exception, str(er)
62  def importFromTree( self, sourcetreename ):
63  """fill up this tree by cloning from the given source tree
64  in the SAME database
65  """
66  sourcetagTreeTableName = 'TAGTREE_TABLE_'+str.upper(sourcetreename)
67  sourcetagTreeIDs = 'TAGTREE_'+str.upper(sourcetreename)+'_IDS'
69  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
70  transaction.start(True)
71  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
72  r1=schema.existsTable(sourcetagTreeTableName)
73  r2=schema.existsTable(sourcetagTreeIDs)
74  r3=schema.existsTable(self.__tagTreeTableName)
75  r4=schema.existsTable(self.__tagTreeIDs)
76  transaction.commit()
77  if r1 and r2 is False:
78  raise "source tag tree doesn't exist "+str(sourcetreename)
79  if r3 and r4 is True:
80  transaction.start(False)
81  schema.truncateTable(self.__tagTreeTableName)
82  schema.truncateTable(self.__tagTreeIDs)
83  transaction.commit()
84  else:
85  self.createTagTreeTable()
86  transaction.start(False)
87  schema.truncateTable(self.__tagTreeIDs)
88  transaction.commit()
89  nresult=0
90  try:
91  transaction.start(False)
92  insertwtQuery=schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).dataEditor().insertWithQuery()
93  insertwtQuery.query().addToTableList(sourcetagTreeTableName)
94  nresult=insertwtQuery.execute()
95  transaction.commit()
96  del insertwtQuery
97  except Exception, er:
98  transaction.rollback()
99  raise Exception, str(er)
100  #print nresult,' rows copied from ',sourcetagTreeTableName
102  try:
103  transaction.start(False)
104  insertwtQuery=schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeIDs).dataEditor().insertWithQuery()
105  insertwtQuery.query().addToTableList(sourcetagTreeIDs)
106  nresult=insertwtQuery.execute()
107  transaction.commit()
108  del insertwtQuery
109  except Exception, er:
110  transaction.rollback()
111  raise Exception, str(er)
112  #print nresult,' rows copied from ',sourcetagTreeIDs
114  def replaceLeafLinks(self, leafnodelinks ):
115  """modify the tagid link in leafnodes
116  Input: {oldtagid:newtagid , oldtagid:newtagid}
117  This function does not check if the nodes are all really leafs. User has to check before passing the input argument
118  """
119  if len(leafnodelinks.keys())==0:
120  raise 'TagTree::replaceLeafLinks: empty input '
122  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
123  transaction.start(False)
124  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
125  try:
126  updateAction="tagid = :newtagid"
127  updateCondition="tagid = :oldtagid"
128  updateData=coral.AttributeList()
129  updateData.extend('newtagid','unsigned long')
130  updateData.extend('oldtagid','unsigned long')
131  mybulkOperation=schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).dataEditor().bulkUpdateRows("tagid = :newtagid","tagid = :oldtagid",updateData,1000)
132  for oldtagid in leafnodelinks.keys():
133  updateData['newtagid'].setData(leafnodelinks[oldtagid])
134  updateData['oldtagid'].setData(oldtagid)
135  mybulkOperation.processNextIteration()
136  mybulkOperation.flush()
137  transaction.commit()
138  del mybulkOperation
139  except Exception, er:
140  transaction.rollback()
141  raise Exception, str(er)
143  def insertNode( self, node, parentLabel='ROOT' ):
144  """Append a new node to specified parent. \n
145  Silently ignore duplicate entry \n
146  Input: new node. \n
147  Input: name of the parent node. \n
148  Output: result nodeid
149  """
150  nodeid=node.nodeid
151  nodelabel=node.nodelabel
152  parentid=0
153  tagid=node.tagid
154  lft=1
155  rgt=2
156  globalsince=node.globalsince
157  globaltill=node.globaltill
158  duplicate=False
159  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
160  try:
161  if parentLabel != 'ROOT':
162  parentNode=self.getNode(parentLabel)
163  if parentNode.empty():
164  raise ValueError,"non-existing parent node "+parentLabel
165  parentid=parentNode.nodeid
166  lft=parentNode.rgt
167  rgt=parentNode.rgt+1
168  ##start readonly transaction
169  transaction.start(False)
170  condition='nodelabel=:nodelabel'
171  conditionbindDict=coral.AttributeList()
172  conditionbindDict.extend('nodelabel','string')
173  conditionbindDict['nodelabel'].setData(nodelabel)
174  dbop=DBImpl.DBImpl(self.__session.nominalSchema())
175  duplicate=dbop.existRow(self.__tagTreeTableName,condition,conditionbindDict)
176  if duplicate is False:
177  generator=IdGenerator.IdGenerator(self.__session.nominalSchema())
178  nodeid=generator.getNewID(self.__tagTreeIDs)
179  if duplicate is False:
180  tabrowValueDict={'nodeid':nodeid, 'nodelabel':nodelabel,
181  'lft':lft, 'rgt':rgt, 'parentid':parentid,
182  'tagid':tagid, 'globalsince':globalsince,
183  'globaltill':globaltill
184  }
185  if parentLabel != 'ROOT':
186  self.__openGap(self.__session.nominalSchema().tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName),parentNode.rgt,1 )
187  dbop.insertOneRow(self.__tagTreeTableName,
189  tabrowValueDict)
190  generator.incrementNextID(self.__tagTreeIDs)
191  transaction.commit()
192  return nodeid
193  except coral.Exception, er:
194  transaction.rollback()
195  raise Exception, str(er)
196  except Exception, er:
197  transaction.rollback()
198  raise Exception, str(er)
200  def renameNodes( self, nodenamemap):
201  """
202  rename selected nodes \n
203  Input: {oldnodename:newnodename}
204  Output: [renamednodeid]
205  """
206  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
207  allnodes={}
208  try:
209  transaction.start(True)
210  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
211  query = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
212  query.addToOutputList('nodelabel')
213  cursor = query.execute()
214  while ( ):
215  nodelabel=cursor.currentRow()['nodelabel'].data()
216  if nodenamemap.has_key(nodelabel):
217  allnodes[nodelabel]=nodenamemap[nodelabel]
218  else:
219  allnodes[nodelabel]=nodelabel
220  transaction.commit()
221  del query
222  if len(allnodes.values())!=len(set(allnodes.values())):
223  raise "new node labels are not unique in the tree"
224  transaction.start(False)
225  editor = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).dataEditor()
226  inputData = coral.AttributeList()
227  inputData.extend('oldnodelabel','string')
228  inputData.extend('newnodelabel','string')
229  for nodelabelpair in nodenamemap.items():
230  inputData['oldnodelabel'].setData(nodelabelpair[0])
231  inputData['newnodelabel'].setData(nodelabelpair[1])
232  editor.updateRows( "nodelabel = :newnodelabel", "nodelabel = :oldnodelabel", inputData )
233  transaction.commit()
234  except coral.Exception, er:
235  transaction.rollback()
236  del query
237  raise Exception, str(er)
238  except Exception, er:
239  transaction.rollback()
240  del query
241  raise Exception, str(er)
243  def getNodeById( self, nodeid ):
244  """return result of query "select * from treetable where nodeid=:nodeid" in Node structure \n
245  Input: id of the node to get.\n
246  Output: selected node
247  """
248  result=Node.Node()
249  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
250  try:
251  transaction.start(True)
252  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
253  query = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
254  condition = 'nodeid =:nodeid'
255  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
256  conditionData.extend( 'nodeid','unsigned int' )
257  conditionData['nodeid'].setData(nodeid)
258  query.setCondition( condition, conditionData)
259  cursor = query.execute()
260  while ( ):
261  result.tagid=cursor.currentRow()['tagid'].data()
262  result.nodeid=cursor.currentRow()['nodeid'].data()
263  result.nodelabel=cursor.currentRow()['nodelabel'].data()
264  result.lft=cursor.currentRow()['lft'].data()
265  result.rgt=cursor.currentRow()['rgt'].data()
266  result.parentid=cursor.currentRow()['parentid'].data()
267  result.globalsince=cursor.currentRow()['globalsince'].data()
268  result.globaltill=cursor.currentRow()['globaltill'].data()
269  transaction.commit()
270  del query
271  return result
272  except coral.Exception, er:
273  transaction.rollback()
274  raise Exception, str(er)
275  except Exception, er:
276  transaction.rollback()
277  raise Exception, str(er)
279  def getNode( self, label='ROOT' ):
280  """return result of query "select * from treetable where nodelabel=label" in Node structure \n
281  Input: name of the node to get. Default to 'ROOT' \n
282  Output: selected node
283  """
284  result=Node.Node()
285  if label=='ROOT':
286  return result
287  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
288  try:
289  transaction.start(True)
290  query=self.__session.nominalSchema().tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
291  condition = 'nodelabel =:nodelabel'
292  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
293  conditionData.extend( 'nodelabel','string' )
294  query.setCondition( condition, conditionData)
295  conditionData['nodelabel'].setData(label)
296  cursor = query.execute()
297  while ( ):
298  result.tagid=cursor.currentRow()['tagid'].data()
299  result.nodeid=cursor.currentRow()['nodeid'].data()
300  result.nodelabel=cursor.currentRow()['nodelabel'].data()
301  result.lft=cursor.currentRow()['lft'].data()
302  result.rgt=cursor.currentRow()['rgt'].data()
303  result.parentid=cursor.currentRow()['parentid'].data()
304  result.globalsince=cursor.currentRow()['globalsince'].data()
305  result.globaltill=cursor.currentRow()['globaltill'].data()
306  transaction.commit()
307  del query
308  return result
309  except coral.Exception, er:
310  transaction.rollback()
311  raise Exception, str(er)
312  except Exception, er:
313  transaction.rollback()
314  raise Exception, str(er)
315  def getPath( self, label ):
316  """Get the path to arrive from ROOT to the given node.\n
317  Input: labe of the node
318  Output: list of the labels of the nodes in the path
319  query "SELECT nodelabel FROM treetable WHERE lft<%s AND rgt>%s ORDER BY lft ASC"
320  """
321  result=[]
322  lft=0
323  rgt=0
324  try:
325  me=self.getNode(label)
326  lft=me.lft
327  rgt=me.rgt
328  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
329  transaction.start(True)
330  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
331  query = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
332  query.addToOutputList('nodelabel')
333  condition = 'lft <:lft AND rgt>:rgt'
334  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
335  conditionData.extend( 'lft','unsigned long' )
336  conditionData.extend( 'rgt','unsigned long' )
337  conditionData['lft'].setData(lft)
338  conditionData['rgt'].setData(rgt)
339  query.setCondition( condition, conditionData)
340  query.addToOrderList( 'lft' )
341  cursor = query.execute()
342  while ( ):
343  resultNodeLabel = cursor.currentRow()['nodelabel'].data()
344  result.append( resultNodeLabel )
345  transaction.commit()
346  del query
347  return result
348  except coral.Exception, er:
349  transaction.rollback()
350  raise Exception, str(er)
351  except Exception, er:
352  transaction.rollback()
353  raise Exception, str(er)
354  def getAllLeaves( self ):
355  """Get all leaf nodes.\n
356  Output: list of leaf nodes
357  Query "SELECT * FROM treetable WHERE lft=rgt-1"
358  """
359  result=[]
360  try:
361  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
362  transaction.start(True)
363  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
364  query = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
365  condition = 'lft=rgt-1'
366  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
367  query.setCondition( condition, conditionData)
368  cursor = query.execute()
369  while ( ):
370  resultNode=Node.Node()
371  resultNode.tagid=cursor.currentRow()['tagid'].data()
372  resultNode.nodeid=cursor.currentRow()['nodeid'].data()
373  resultNode.nodelabel=cursor.currentRow()['nodelabel'].data()
374  resultNode.lft=cursor.currentRow()['lft'].data()
375  resultNode.rgt=cursor.currentRow()['rgt'].data()
376  resultNode.parentid=cursor.currentRow()['parentid'].data()
377  resultNode.globalsince=cursor.currentRow()['globalsince'].data()
378  resultNode.globaltill=cursor.currentRow()['globaltill'].data()
379  result.append( resultNode )
380  transaction.commit()
381  del query
382  return result
383  except coral.Exception, er:
384  transaction.rollback()
385  del query
386  raise Exception, str(er)
387  except Exception, er:
388  transaction.rollback()
389  del query
390  raise Exception, str(er)
391  def getSubtree( self, label='ROOT' ):
392  """Get the tree under node(included) with specified label.
393  Input: node label
394  Output: subtree in list of Node
395  Query "SELECT p1.* FROM treetable AS p1, treetable AS p2 WHERE p1.lft BETWEEN p2.lft AND p2.rgt AND p2.nodelabel=%s ORDER BY p1.lft ASC"
396  """
397  result=[]
398  try:
399  if label=='ROOT' :
400  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
401  transaction.start(True)
402  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
403  query = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
404  for columnName in self.__tagTreeTableColumns:
405  query.addToOutputList(columnName)
406  cursor = query.execute()
407  while ( ):
408  resultNode=Node.Node()
409  resultNode.tagid=cursor.currentRow()['tagid'].data()
410  resultNode.nodeid=cursor.currentRow()['nodeid'].data()
411  resultNode.nodelabel=cursor.currentRow()['nodelabel'].data()
412  resultNode.lft=cursor.currentRow()['lft'].data()
413  resultNode.rgt=cursor.currentRow()['rgt'].data()
414  resultNode.parentid=cursor.currentRow()['parentid'].data()
415  resultNode.globalsince=cursor.currentRow()['globalsince'].data()
416  resultNode.globaltill=cursor.currentRow()['globaltill'].data()
417  result.append(resultNode)
418  transaction.commit()
419  del query
420  return result
421  else:
422  me=self.getNode(label)
423  parentlft=me.lft
424  parentrgt=me.rgt
425  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
426  transaction.start(True)
427  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
428  query = schema.newQuery()
429  query.addToTableList( self.__tagTreeTableName,'p1' )
430  query.addToTableList( self.__tagTreeTableName,'p2' )
431  for columnname in self.__tagTreeTableColumns.keys():
432  query.addToOutputList( 'p1.'+columnname )
433  condition = 'p1.lft BETWEEN p2.lft AND p2.rgt AND p2.nodelabel = :nodelabel'
434  query.addToOrderList( "p1.lft" );
435  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
436  conditionData.extend( 'nodelabel','string' )
437  conditionData['nodelabel'].setData(label)
438  query.setCondition( condition, conditionData)
439  cursor = query.execute()
440  while ( ):
441  resultNode=Node.Node()
442  resultNode.tagid=cursor.currentRow()['p1.tagid'].data()
443  resultNode.nodeid=cursor.currentRow()['p1.nodeid'].data()
444  resultNode.nodelabel=cursor.currentRow()['p1.nodelabel'].data()
445  resultNode.lft=cursor.currentRow()['p1.lft'].data()
446  resultNode.rgt=cursor.currentRow()['p1.rgt'].data()
447  resultNode.parentid=cursor.currentRow()['p1.parentid'].data()
448  resultNode.globalsince=cursor.currentRow()['p1.globalsince'].data()
449  resultNode.globaltill=cursor.currentRow()['p1.globaltill'].data()
450  result.append(resultNode)
451  transaction.commit()
452  del query
453  return result
454  except coral.Exception, er:
455  transaction.rollback()
456  raise Exception, str(er)
457  except Exception, er:
458  transaction.rollback()
459  raise Exception, str(er)
460  def nChildren( self, label='ROOT' ):
461  """Number of children nodes of the given node
462  Input: label of the parent node
463  Output: number of children
464  """
465  if label is 'ROOT' :
466  #"select count(*) from tagTreeTable"
467  try:
468  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
469  transaction.start(True)
470  schema = self.__session.nominalSchema()
471  query = schema.tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName).newQuery()
472  query.addToOutputList('count(*)', 'ct')
473  mycounts=coral.AttributeList()
474  mycounts.extend('ct', 'unsigned long');
475  query.defineOutput( mycounts );
476  cursor = query.execute();
477  while ( ):
478  n= cursor.currentRow()['ct'].data()
479  transaction.commit()
480  del query
481  return n
482  except coral.Exception, er:
483  transaction.rollback()
484  raise Exception, str(er)
485  except Exception, er:
486  transaction.rollback()
487  raise Exception, str(er)
488  else:
489  me=self.getNode(label)
490  return int((me.rgt-me.lft)/2)
491  def deleteSubtree( self, label='ROOT' ):
492  """Delete the subtree under the specified node(included).\n
493  Input: label of the top node
494  query: DELETE FROM treetable WHERE lft >=%me.lft AND rgt<=%me.rgt
495  __closeGap()
496  """
497  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
498  try:
499  if label=='ROOT' :
500  transaction.start(False)
501  self.__session.nominalSchema().dropIfExistsTable(self.__tagTreeTableName)
502  self.__session.nominalSchema().dropIfExistsTable(self.__tagTreeIDs)
503  #editor = tableHandle.dataEditor()
504  #conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
505  #editor.deleteRows('',conditionData)
506  #idtableHandle = self.__session.nominalSchema().tableHandle(self.__tagTreeIDs)
507  #ideditor = idtableHandle.dataEditor()
508  #ideditor.deleteRows('',conditionData)
509  transaction.commit()
510  else :
511  myparent=self.getNodeById(self.getNode(label).nodeid)
512  parentlft=myparent.lft
513  parentrgt=myparent.rgt
514  n=self.nChildren(label)
515  transaction.start(False)
516  tableHandle = self.__session.nominalSchema().tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName)
517  editor = tableHandle.dataEditor()
518  condition = 'lft >= :parentlft AND rgt <= :parentrgt'
519  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
520  conditionData.extend('parentlft','unsigned long')
521  conditionData.extend('parentrgt','unsigned long')
522  conditionData['parentlft'].setData(parentlft)
523  conditionData['parentrgt'].setData(parentrgt)
524  editor.deleteRows( condition, conditionData )
525  self.__closeGap(tableHandle,parentlft,parentrgt,n)
526  transaction.commit()
527  except coral.Exception, er:
528  transaction.rollback()
529  raise Exception, str(er)
530  except Exception, er:
531  transaction.rollback()
532  raise Exception, str(er)
533  def deleteNode( self, label ):
534  """
535  DELETE FROM treetable WHERE nodename=label
536  """
537  assert (label !='ROOT')
538  transaction=self.__session.transaction()
539  try:
540  myparent=self.getNodeById(self.getNode(label).nodeid)
541  parentlft=myparent.lft
542  parentrgt=myparent.rgt
543  transaction.start(False)
544  tableHandle = self.__session.nominalSchema().tableHandle(self.__tagTreeTableName)
545  editor = tableHandle.dataEditor()
546  condition = 'nodelabel = :nodelabel'
547  conditionData = coral.AttributeList()
548  conditionData.extend('nodelabel','string')
549  conditionData['nodelabel'].setData(label)
550  editor.deleteRows( condition, conditionData )
551  self.__closeGap(tableHandle,parentlft,parentrgt,1)
552  transaction.commit()
553  except Exception, er:
554  print str(er)
555  transaction.rollback()
556  raise Exception, str(er)
557  def __openGap(self,tableHandle,parentrgt,n):
558  """Update the parent node after inserting. Must be called inside update transaction.\n
559  Input: rootrgt is the rgt of the parent node. \n
560  Input: n is the number of positions to add
561  """
562  delta=2*n
563  inputData = coral.AttributeList()
564  inputData.extend('parentrgt','unsigned long')
565  inputData['parentrgt'].setData(parentrgt)
566  editor = tableHandle.dataEditor()
567  setClause = 'lft=lft+'+str(delta)
568  condition = 'lft>:parentrgt'
569  editor.updateRows(setClause, condition, inputData)
570  setClause = 'rgt=rgt+'+str(delta)
571  condition = 'rgt>=:parentrgt'
572  editor.updateRows(setClause, condition, inputData)
573  def __closeGap(self, tableHandle,parentlft,parentrgt,n):
574  """Update the node lft rgt values after removing. Must be called inside update transaction.\n
575  """
576  assert (parentlft!=0 and parentrgt!=0 and n!=0)
577  assert (parentrgt>parentlft)
578  delta=2*n
579  editor = tableHandle.dataEditor()
580  setClause1 = 'lft=lft-'+str(delta)
581  condition1 = 'lft>'+str(parentrgt)
582  inputData =coral.AttributeList()
583  editor.updateRows(setClause1,condition1,inputData)
584  setClause2 = 'rgt=rgt-'+str(delta)
585  condition2 = 'rgt>'+str(parentrgt)
586  editor.updateRows(setClause2,condition2,inputData)
587 if __name__ == "__main__":
588  os.putenv( "CORAL_AUTH_PATH", "." )
589  svc = coral.ConnectionService()
590  session = svc.connect( 'sqlite_file:testTree.db',
591  accessMode = coral.access_Update )
592  #session = svc.connect( 'oracle://devdb10/cms_xiezhen_dev',
593  # accessMode = coral.access_Update )
594  try:
595  #create a tree named 'mytest'
596  mytree=tagTree(session,'mytest2')
597  mytree.createTagTreeTable()
598  mynode=Node.Node()
599  mynode.nodelabel='A'
600  mynode.globalsince=1
601  mynode.globaltill=10
602  mytree.insertNode(mynode,'ROOT')
603  result=mytree.getNode('A')
604  print result
605  mynode=Node.Node()
606  mynode.nodelabel='AC1'
607  mynode.globalsince=2
608  mynode.globaltill=5
609  mytree.insertNode(mynode,'A')
610  result=mytree.getNode('A')
611  print result
612  result=mytree.getNode('AC1')
613  print result
614  result=mytree.getPath('AC1')
615  print result
616  result=mytree.getAllLeaves()
617  print 'all leafs',result
618  mynode=Node.Node()
619  mynode.nodelabel='AB2'
620  mynode.globalsince=3
621  mynode.globaltill=7
622  mytree.insertNode(mynode,'A')
623  result=mytree.getNode('A')
624  print 'Node A ',result
625  result=mytree.getNode('AB2')
626  print 'Node AB2 ',result
627  result=mytree.getPath('AB2')
628  print 'Path to AB2 ',result
629  allleafs=mytree.getAllLeaves()
630  print 'all leaves again',allleafs
631  print 'number of children ',mytree.nChildren('A')
632  print 'number of children ',mytree.nChildren('ROOT')
633  result=mytree.getSubtree('A')
634  print 'subtree of A ',result
635  newtree=tagTree(session,'mynewtest')
636  newtree.importFromTree('mytest2')
637  newlinks={}
638  for l in allleafs:
639  newlinks[l.tagid]=1234
640  newtree.replaceLeafLinks(newlinks)
641  del session
642  except Exception, e:
643  print "Failed in unit test"
644  print str(e)
645  del session
list object
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
void set(const std::string &name, int value)
set the flag, with a run-time name