Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

SiPixelTemplate2D Class Reference

#include <SiPixelTemplate2D.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float chi2avg (int i)
 average chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float chi2avgone ()
 //!< average y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float chi2min (int i)
 minimum chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float chi2minone ()
 //!< minimum of y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
void landau_par (float lanpar[2][5])
 Return the Landau probability parameters for this set of cot(alpha, cot(beta)
float lorxwidth ()
 signed lorentz x-width (microns)
float lorywidth ()
 signed lorentz y-width (microns)
float pixmax ()
 maximum pixel charge
bool pushfile (const SiPixelTemplateDBObject &dbobject)
bool pushfile (int filenum)
float qavg ()
 average cluster charge for this set of track angles
float qscale ()
 charge scaling factor
float s50 ()
 1/2 of the pixel threshold signal in adc units
 SiPixelTemplate2D ()
 Default constructor.
int storesize ()
 return the size of the template store (the number of stored IDs
float sxymax ()
 max pixel signal for pixel error calculation
float xsize ()
 pixel x-size (microns)
void xysigma2 (float qpixel, int index, float &xysig2)
bool xytemp (int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float xhit, float yhit, std::vector< bool > &ydouble, std::vector< bool > &xdouble, float template2d[BXM2][BYM2])
float xytemp (int j, int i)
 current 2-d template
bool xytemp (int id, float cotalpha, float cotbeta, float locBz, float xhit, float yhit, std::vector< bool > &ydouble, std::vector< bool > &xdouble, float template2d[BXM2][BYM2])
float ysize ()
 pixel y-size (microns)
float zsize ()
 pixel z-size or thickness (microns)

Private Attributes

float adcota_
 fractional pixel distance of cot(alpha) from jx0_
float adcotb_
 fractional pixel distance of cot(beta) from iy0_
float chi2avg_ [4]
 average chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float chi2avgone_
 average chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float chi2min_ [4]
 minimum of chi^2 in 4 charge bins
float chi2minone_
 minimum of chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters
float cota_current_
 current cot alpha
float cotalpha0_
 minimum cot(alpha) covered
float cotalpha1_
 maximum cot(alpha) covered
float cotb_current_
 current cot beta
float cotbeta0_
 minimum cot(beta) covered
float cotbeta1_
 maximum cot(beta) covered
float deltacota_
 cot(alpha) bin size
float deltacotb_
 cot(beta) bin size
int Dtype_
 flags BPix (=0) or FPix (=1)
int id_current_
 current id
int index_id_
 current index
int iy0_
 index of nearest cot(beta) bin
int iy1_
 index of next-nearest cot(beta) bin
int jx0_
 index of nearest cot(alpha) bin
int jx1_
 index of next-nearest cot(alpha) bin
float lanpar_ [2][5]
 Interpolated Landau parameters.
float lorxwidth_
 Lorentz x-width.
float lorywidth_
 Lorentz y-width (sign corrected for fpix frame)
int Nxx_
 number of cot(alpha)-entries (rows) in template
int Nyx_
 number of cot(beta)-entries (columns) in template
float pixmax_
 maximum pixel charge
float qavg_
 average cluster charge for this set of track angles
float qscale_
 charge scaling factor
float s50_
 1/2 of the pixel threshold signal in adc units
bool success_
 true if cotalpha, cotbeta are inside of the acceptance (dynamically loaded)
float sxymax_
 average pixel signal for y-projection of cluster
< SiPixelTemplateStore2D
float xsize_
 Pixel x-size.
float xypary0x0_ [2][5]
 Polynomial error parameterization at ix0,iy0.
float xypary0x1_ [2][5]
 Polynomial error parameterization at ix1,iy0.
float xypary1x0_ [2][5]
 Polynomial error parameterization at ix0,iy1.
float xytemp_ [BXM2][BYM2]
 templates for y-reconstruction (binned over 5 central pixels)
float ysize_
 Pixel y-size.
float zsize_
 Pixel z-size (thickness)

Detailed Description

A template management class. SiPixelTemplate contains thePixelTemp (a std::vector of SiPixelTemplateStore, each of which is a collection of many SiPixelTemplateEntries). Each SiPixelTemplateStore corresponds to a given detector condition, and is valid for a range of runs. We allow more than one Store since the may change over time.

This class reads templates from files via pushfile() method.

The main functionality of SiPixelTemplate is xytemp(), which produces a template on the fly, given a specific track's alpha and beta. The results are kept in data members and accessed via inline getters.

The resulting template is then used by PixelTempReco2D() (a global function) which get the reference for SiPixelTemplate & templ and uses the current template to reconstruct the SiPixelRecHit.

Definition at line 106 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiPixelTemplate2D::SiPixelTemplate2D ( ) [inline]

Default constructor.

Definition at line 108 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References cota_current_, cotb_current_, id_current_, and index_id_.

Member Function Documentation

float SiPixelTemplate2D::chi2avg ( int  i) [inline]

average chi^2 in 4 charge bins

Definition at line 145 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References chi2avg_, Exception, and i.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::chi2avgone ( ) [inline]

//!< average y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters

Definition at line 159 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References chi2avgone_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::chi2min ( int  i) [inline]

minimum chi^2 in 4 charge bins

Definition at line 152 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References chi2min_, Exception, and i.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::chi2minone ( ) [inline]

//!< minimum of y chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters

Definition at line 160 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References chi2minone_.

void SiPixelTemplate2D::landau_par ( float  lanpar[2][5])

Return the Landau probability parameters for this set of cot(alpha, cot(beta)

Definition at line 784 of file

References i, and j.

Referenced by SiPixelTemplateSplit::PixelTempSplit().

        // Interpolate using quantities already stored in the private variables
        // Local variables 
        int i,j;
        for(i=0; i<2; ++i) {
                for(j=0; j<5; ++j) {
                        lanpar[i][j] = lanpar_[i][j];
} // End lan_par
float SiPixelTemplate2D::lorxwidth ( ) [inline]

signed lorentz x-width (microns)

Definition at line 162 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References lorxwidth_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::lorywidth ( ) [inline]

signed lorentz y-width (microns)

Definition at line 161 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References lorywidth_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::pixmax ( ) [inline]

maximum pixel charge

Definition at line 134 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References pixmax_.

bool SiPixelTemplate2D::pushfile ( const SiPixelTemplateDBObject dbobject)

This routine initializes the global template structures from an external file template_summary_zpNNNN where NNNN are four digits

dbobject- db storing multiple template calibrations

Definition at line 225 of file

References SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::Bfield, SiPixelTemplateDBObject::char2float::c, EcalCondDB::db, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::Dtype, ENDL, SiPixelTemplateStore2D::entry, SiPixelTemplateDBObject::char2float::f, SiPixelTemplateDBObject::fail(), SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::fluence, SiPixelTemplateStore2D::head, i, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::ID, SiPixelTemplateDBObject::incrementIndex(), SiPixelTemplateDBObject::index(), j, gen::k, prof2calltree::l, LOGERROR, LOGINFO, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::lorxwidth, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::lorywidth, m, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::NTxx, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::NTy, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::NTyx, SiPixelTemplateDBObject::numOfTempl(), SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::qscale, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::s50, SiPixelTemplateDBObject::sVector(), T2XSIZE, T2YSIZE, groupFilesInBlocks::temp, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::temperature, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::templ_version, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::title, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::Vbias, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::xsize, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::ysize, and SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::zsize.

        // Add template stored in external dbobject to theTemplateStore
        // Local variables 
        int i, j, k, l, iy, jx;
        //      const char *tempfile;
        const int code_version={16};
        // We must create a new object because dbobject must be a const and our stream must not be
        SiPixelTemplateDBObject db = dbobject;
        // Create a local template storage entry
        SiPixelTemplateStore2D theCurrentTemp;
        // Fill the template storage for each template calibration stored in the db
        for(int m=0; m<db.numOfTempl(); ++m)
                // Read-in a header string first and print it    
                SiPixelTemplateDBObject::char2float temp;
                for (i=0; i<20; ++i) {
                        temp.f = db.sVector()[db.index()];
                        theCurrentTemp.head.title[4*i] = temp.c[0];
                        theCurrentTemp.head.title[4*i+1] = temp.c[1];
                        theCurrentTemp.head.title[4*i+2] = temp.c[2];
                        theCurrentTemp.head.title[4*i+3] = temp.c[3];
                theCurrentTemp.head.title[79] = '\0';
                LOGINFO("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Loading Pixel Template File - " << theCurrentTemp.head.title << ENDL;
                // next, the header information     
                db >> theCurrentTemp.head.ID  >> theCurrentTemp.head.templ_version >> theCurrentTemp.head.Bfield >> theCurrentTemp.head.NTy >> theCurrentTemp.head.NTyx >> theCurrentTemp.head.NTxx
                >> theCurrentTemp.head.Dtype >> theCurrentTemp.head.Vbias >> theCurrentTemp.head.temperature >> theCurrentTemp.head.fluence >> theCurrentTemp.head.qscale
                >> theCurrentTemp.head.s50 >> theCurrentTemp.head.lorywidth >> theCurrentTemp.head.lorxwidth >> theCurrentTemp.head.ysize >> theCurrentTemp.head.xsize >> theCurrentTemp.head.zsize;
                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file, no template load" << ENDL; return false;}
                LOGINFO("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Template ID = " << theCurrentTemp.head.ID << ", Template Version " << theCurrentTemp.head.templ_version << ", Bfield = " << theCurrentTemp.head.Bfield 
                << ", NTy = " << theCurrentTemp.head.NTy << ", NTyx = " << theCurrentTemp.head.NTyx<< ", NTxx = " << theCurrentTemp.head.NTxx << ", Dtype = " << theCurrentTemp.head.Dtype
                << ", Bias voltage " << theCurrentTemp.head.Vbias << ", temperature "
                << theCurrentTemp.head.temperature << ", fluence " << theCurrentTemp.head.fluence << ", Q-scaling factor " << theCurrentTemp.head.qscale
                << ", 1/2 threshold " << theCurrentTemp.head.s50 << ", y Lorentz Width " << theCurrentTemp.head.lorywidth << ", x Lorentz width " << theCurrentTemp.head.lorxwidth    
                << ", pixel x-size " << theCurrentTemp.head.xsize << ", y-size " << theCurrentTemp.head.ysize << ", zsize " << theCurrentTemp.head.zsize << ENDL;
                if(theCurrentTemp.head.templ_version != code_version) {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "code expects version " << code_version << ", no template load" << ENDL; return false;}
                if(theCurrentTemp.head.NTy != 0) {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Trying to load 1-d template info into the 2-d template object, check your DB/global tag!" << ENDL; return false;}
                // next, layout the 2-d structure needed to store template
                // Read in the file info
                for (iy=0; iy < theCurrentTemp.head.NTyx; ++iy) {    
                        for(jx=0; jx < theCurrentTemp.head.NTxx; ++jx) {
                                db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[0] 
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[1] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[2]; 
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 1, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                                // Calculate cot(alpha) and cot(beta) for this entry 
                                theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].cotalpha = theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[0]/theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[2];
                                theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].cotbeta = theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[1]/theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[2];
                                db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].qavg >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].pixmax >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].sxymax >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].iymin
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].iymax >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].jxmin >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].jxmax;
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 2, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                                for (k=0; k<2; ++k) {
                                        db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][1] 
                                        >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][3] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][4];
                                        if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 3, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                                for (k=0; k<2; ++k) {
                                        db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][1] 
                                        >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][3] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][4];
                                        if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 4, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                                for (l=0; l<7; ++l) {   
                                        for (k=0; k<7; ++k) {
                                                for (j=0; j<T2XSIZE; ++j) {
                                                        for (i=0; i<T2YSIZE; ++i) {db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xytemp[k][l][i][j];}
                                                        if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 5, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                                db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2minone >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avgone >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[0]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[1] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[1]>> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[2]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[3] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[3];
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 6, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[1] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[3]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[4] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[5] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[6] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[7]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[8]  >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[9];
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 7, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           db >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[10] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[11] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[12] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[13]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[14] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[15] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[16] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[17]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[18]  >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[19];
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 8, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
// Add this template to the store
        return true;
} // TempInit 
bool SiPixelTemplate2D::pushfile ( int  filenum)

This routine initializes the global template structures from an external file template_summary_zpNNNN where NNNN are four digits of filenum.

filenum- an integer NNNN used in the filename template_summary_zpNNNN

Definition at line 52 of file

References SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::Bfield, trackerHits::c, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::Dtype, ENDL, SiPixelTemplateStore2D::entry, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::fluence, SiPixelTemplateStore2D::head, i, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::ID, recoMuon::in, j, gen::k, prof2calltree::l, LOGERROR, LOGINFO, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::lorxwidth, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::lorywidth, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::NTxx, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::NTy, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::NTyx, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::qscale, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::s50, T2XSIZE, T2YSIZE, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::temperature, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::templ_version, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::title, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::Vbias, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::xsize, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::ysize, and SiPixelTemplateHeader2D::zsize.

Referenced by PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition(), and TrackClusterSplitter::TrackClusterSplitter().

    // Add template stored in external file numbered filenum to theTemplateStore
    // Local variables 
    int i, j, k, l, iy, jx;
        const char *tempfile;
        //      char title[80]; remove this
    char c;
        const int code_version={16};
        //  Create a filename for this run 
        std::ostringstream tout;
        //  Create different path in CMSSW than standalone
        tout << "CalibTracker/SiPixelESProducers/data/template_summary2D_zp" 
        << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::right << filenum << ".out" << std::ends;
        std::string tempf = tout.str();
        edm::FileInPath file( tempf.c_str() );
        tempfile = (file.fullPath()).c_str();
        tout << "template_summary2D_zp" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::right << filenum << ".out" << std::ends;
        std::string tempf = tout.str();
        tempfile = tempf.c_str();
        //  open the template file 
        std::ifstream in_file(tempfile, std::ios::in);
        if(in_file.is_open()) {
                // Create a local template storage entry
                SiPixelTemplateStore2D theCurrentTemp;
                // Read-in a header string first and print it    
                for (i=0; (c=in_file.get()) != '\n'; ++i) {
                        if(i < 79) {theCurrentTemp.head.title[i] = c;}
                if(i > 78) {i=78;}
                theCurrentTemp.head.title[i+1] ='\0';
                LOGINFO("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Loading Pixel Template File - " << theCurrentTemp.head.title << ENDL;
                // next, the header information     
                in_file >> theCurrentTemp.head.ID  >> theCurrentTemp.head.templ_version >> theCurrentTemp.head.Bfield >> theCurrentTemp.head.NTy >> theCurrentTemp.head.NTyx >> theCurrentTemp.head.NTxx
                >> theCurrentTemp.head.Dtype >> theCurrentTemp.head.Vbias >> theCurrentTemp.head.temperature >> theCurrentTemp.head.fluence >> theCurrentTemp.head.qscale
                >> theCurrentTemp.head.s50 >> theCurrentTemp.head.lorywidth >> theCurrentTemp.head.lorxwidth >> theCurrentTemp.head.ysize >> theCurrentTemp.head.xsize >> theCurrentTemp.head.zsize;
                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file, no template load" << ENDL; return false;}
                LOGINFO("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Template ID = " << theCurrentTemp.head.ID << ", Template Version " << theCurrentTemp.head.templ_version << ", Bfield = " << theCurrentTemp.head.Bfield 
                << ", NTy = " << theCurrentTemp.head.NTy << ", NTyx = " << theCurrentTemp.head.NTyx<< ", NTxx = " << theCurrentTemp.head.NTxx << ", Dtype = " << theCurrentTemp.head.Dtype
                << ", Bias voltage " << theCurrentTemp.head.Vbias << ", temperature "
                << theCurrentTemp.head.temperature << ", fluence " << theCurrentTemp.head.fluence << ", Q-scaling factor " << theCurrentTemp.head.qscale
                << ", 1/2 threshold " << theCurrentTemp.head.s50 << ", y Lorentz Width " << theCurrentTemp.head.lorywidth << ", x Lorentz width " << theCurrentTemp.head.lorxwidth    
                << ", pixel x-size " << theCurrentTemp.head.xsize << ", y-size " << theCurrentTemp.head.ysize << ", zsize " << theCurrentTemp.head.zsize << ENDL;
                if(theCurrentTemp.head.templ_version != code_version) {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "code expects version " << code_version << ", no template load" << ENDL; return false;}
                if(theCurrentTemp.head.NTy != 0) {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Trying to load 1-d template info into the 2-d template object, check your DB/global tag!" << ENDL; return false;}
                // next, layout the 2-d structure needed to store template
                // Read in the file info
                for (iy=0; iy < theCurrentTemp.head.NTyx; ++iy) {    
                        for(jx=0; jx < theCurrentTemp.head.NTxx; ++jx) {
                           in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[0] 
                           >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[1] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[2]; 
                           if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 1, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                        // Calculate cot(alpha) and cot(beta) for this entry 
                           theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].cotalpha = theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[0]/theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[2];
                           theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].cotbeta = theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[1]/theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].costrk[2];
                           in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].qavg >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].pixmax >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].sxymax >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].iymin
                           >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].iymax >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].jxmin >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].jxmax;
                           if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 2, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           for (k=0; k<2; ++k) {
                                  in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][1] 
                                  >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][3] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xypar[k][4];
                                  if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 3, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           for (k=0; k<2; ++k) {
                                  in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][1] 
                                  >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][3] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].lanpar[k][4];
                                  if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 4, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           for (l=0; l<7; ++l) {        
                              for (k=0; k<7; ++k) {
                                                for (j=0; j<T2XSIZE; ++j) {
                                        for (i=0; i<T2YSIZE; ++i) {in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].xytemp[k][l][i][j];}
                                        if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 5, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2minone >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avgone >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[0]
                                   >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[1] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[1]>> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[2]
                                   >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2min[3] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].chi2avg[3];
                           if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 6, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[0] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[1] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[2] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[3]
                                    >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[4] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[5] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[6] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[7]
                                    >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[8]  >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[9];
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 7, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                           in_file >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[10] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[11] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[12] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[13]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[14] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[15] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[16] >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[17]
                                >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[18]  >> theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].spare[19];
                                if( {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error reading file 8, no template load, run # " << theCurrentTemp.entry[iy][jx].runnum << ENDL; return false;}
                // Add this template to the store
                return true;
        } else {
                // If file didn't open, report this
                LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "Error opening File" << tempfile << ENDL;
                return false;
} // TempInit 
float SiPixelTemplate2D::qavg ( ) [inline]

average cluster charge for this set of track angles

Definition at line 133 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References qavg_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::qscale ( ) [inline]

charge scaling factor

Definition at line 135 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References qscale_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::s50 ( ) [inline]

1/2 of the pixel threshold signal in adc units

Definition at line 136 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References s50_.

int SiPixelTemplate2D::storesize ( ) [inline]

return the size of the template store (the number of stored IDs

Definition at line 166 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References thePixelTemp_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::sxymax ( ) [inline]

max pixel signal for pixel error calculation

Definition at line 137 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References sxymax_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::xsize ( ) [inline]

pixel x-size (microns)

Definition at line 163 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References xsize_.

void SiPixelTemplate2D::xysigma2 ( float  qpixel,
int  index,
float &  xysig2 

Return y error (squared) for an input signal and yindex Add large Q scaling for use in cluster splitting.

qpixel- (input) pixel charge
index- (input) y-index index of pixel
xysig2- (output) square error

Definition at line 731 of file

References BYM2, ENDL, Exception, f, LOGERROR, and THXP1.

    // Interpolate using quantities already stored in the private variables
    // Local variables 
        float sigi, sigi2, sigi3, sigi4, qscale, err2, err00;
    // Make sure that input is OK
    if(index < 2 || index >= BYM2) {
                throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate2D::ysigma2 called with index = " << index << std::endl;
        assert(index > 1 && index < BYM2);
        // Define the maximum signal to use in the parameterization 
        // Evaluate pixel-by-pixel uncertainties (weights) for the templ analysis 
                        if(qpixel < sxymax_) {
                                sigi = qpixel;
                                qscale = 1.f;
                        } else {
                                sigi = sxymax_;
                                qscale = qpixel/sxymax_;
                        sigi2 = sigi*sigi; sigi3 = sigi2*sigi; sigi4 = sigi3*sigi;
                        if(index <= THXP1) {
                                err00 = xypary0x0_[0][0]+xypary0x0_[0][1]*sigi+xypary0x0_[0][2]*sigi2+xypary0x0_[0][3]*sigi3+xypary0x0_[0][4]*sigi4;
                                err2 = err00
                                     +adcota_*(xypary0x1_[0][0]+xypary0x1_[0][1]*sigi+xypary0x1_[0][2]*sigi2+xypary0x1_[0][3]*sigi3+xypary0x1_[0][4]*sigi4 - err00)
                                     +adcotb_*(xypary1x0_[0][0]+xypary1x0_[0][1]*sigi+xypary1x0_[0][2]*sigi2+xypary1x0_[0][3]*sigi3+xypary1x0_[0][4]*sigi4 - err00);
                        } else {
                                err00 = xypary0x0_[1][0]+xypary0x0_[1][1]*sigi+xypary0x0_[1][2]*sigi2+xypary0x0_[1][3]*sigi3+xypary0x0_[1][4]*sigi4;
                                err2 = err00
                                     +adcota_*(xypary0x1_[1][0]+xypary0x1_[1][1]*sigi+xypary0x1_[1][2]*sigi2+xypary0x1_[1][3]*sigi3+xypary0x1_[1][4]*sigi4 - err00)
                                     +adcotb_*(xypary1x0_[1][0]+xypary1x0_[1][1]*sigi+xypary1x0_[1][2]*sigi2+xypary1x0_[1][3]*sigi3+xypary1x0_[1][4]*sigi4 - err00);
                        xysig2 =qscale*err2;
                        if(xysig2 <= 0.f) {LOGERROR("SiPixelTemplate2D") << "neg y-error-squared, id = " << id_current_ << ", index = " << index_id_ << 
                        ", cot(alpha) = " << cota_current_ << ", cot(beta) = " << cotb_current_ <<  ", sigi = " << sigi << ENDL;}
} // End xysigma2
bool SiPixelTemplate2D::xytemp ( int  id,
float  cotalpha,
float  cotbeta,
float  locBz,
float  xhit,
float  yhit,
std::vector< bool > &  ydouble,
std::vector< bool > &  xdouble,
float  template2d[BXM2][BYM2] 

Interpolate stored 2-D information for input angles and hit position to make a 2-D template

id- (input) the id of the template
cotalpha- (input) the cotangent of the alpha track angle (see CMS IN 2004/014)
cotbeta- (input) the cotangent of the beta track angle (see CMS IN 2004/014)
locBz- (input) the sign of this quantity is used to determine whether to flip cot(beta)<0 quantities from cot(beta)>0 (FPix only) for FPix IP-related tracks, locBz < 0 for cot(beta) > 0 and locBz > 0 for cot(beta) < 0
xhit- (input) x-position of hit relative to the lower left corner of pixel[1][1] (to allow for the "padding" of the two-d clusters in the splitter)
yhit- (input) y-position of hit relative to the lower left corner of pixel[1][1]
ydouble- (input) STL vector of 21 element array to flag a double-pixel starting at cluster[1][1]
xdouble- (input) STL vector of 11 element array to flag a double-pixel starting at cluster[1][1]
template2d- (output) 2d template of size matched to the cluster. Input must be zeroed since charge is added only.

Definition at line 382 of file

References abs, BXM2, BXM3, BYM2, BYM3, Exception, f, i, j, reco::ParticleMasses::k0, m, edm::max(), edm::min(), n, T2HX, T2HY, and T2YSIZE.

Referenced by SiPixelTemplateSplit::PixelTempSplit(), TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster(), and xytemp().

    // Interpolate for a new set of track angles 
    // Local variables 
        int i, j;
        int pixx, pixy, k0, k1, l0, l1, imidx, deltax, deltay, iflipy, imin, imax, jmin, jmax;
        int m, n;
        float acotb, dcota, dcotb, dx, dy, ddx, ddy, adx, ady, tmpxy;
        bool flip_y;
//      std::vector <float> xrms(4), xgsig(4), xrmsc2m(4), xgsigc2m(4);
        std::vector <float> chi2xavg(4), chi2xmin(4);

// Check to see if interpolation is valid     

        if(id != id_current_ || cotalpha != cota_current_ || cotbeta != cotb_current_) {
                cota_current_ = cotalpha; cotb_current_ = cotbeta; success_ = true;
                if(id != id_current_) {
                        // Find the index corresponding to id
                        index_id_ = -1;
                        for(i=0; i<(int)thePixelTemp_.size(); ++i) {
                                if(id == thePixelTemp_[i].head.ID) {
                                        index_id_ = i;
                                        id_current_ = id;
// Copy the charge scaling factor to the private variable     
                                        Dtype_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.Dtype;
// Copy the charge scaling factor to the private variable     
                                        qscale_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.qscale;
// Copy the pseudopixel signal size to the private variable     
                                        s50_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.s50;
// Copy the Lorentz widths to private variables     
                                        lorywidth_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.lorywidth;
                                        lorxwidth_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.lorxwidth;
// Copy the pixel sizes private variables    
                                        xsize_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.xsize;
                                        ysize_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.ysize;
                                        zsize_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.zsize;
// Determine the size of this template    
                                        Nyx_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.NTyx;
                                        Nxx_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].head.NTxx;
                                        if(Nyx_ < 2 || Nxx_ < 2) {
                                                throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "template ID = " << id_current_ << "has too few entries: Nyx/Nxx = " << Nyx_ << "/" << Nxx_ << std::endl;
                                        assert(Nyx_ > 1 && Nxx_ > 1);
                                        imidx = Nxx_/2;
                                        cotalpha0_ =  thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[0][0].cotalpha;
                                        cotalpha1_ =  thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[0][Nxx_-1].cotalpha;
                                        deltacota_ = (cotalpha1_-cotalpha0_)/(float)(Nxx_-1);
                                        cotbeta0_ =  thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[0][imidx].cotbeta;
                                        cotbeta1_ =  thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[Nyx_-1][imidx].cotbeta;
                                        deltacotb_ = (cotbeta1_-cotbeta0_)/(float)(Nyx_-1);
        if(index_id_ < 0 || index_id_ >= (int)thePixelTemp_.size()) {
                throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "SiPixelTemplate2D::interpolate can't find needed template ID = " << id 
                << ", Are you using the correct global tag?" << std::endl;
        assert(index_id_ >= 0 && index_id_ < (int)thePixelTemp_.size());
// Check angle limits and et up interpolation parameters  
        if(cotalpha < cotalpha0_) {
                success_ = false;
                jx0_ = 0;
                jx1_ = 1;
                adcota_ = 0.f;
        } else if(cotalpha > cotalpha1_) {
            success_ = false;
                jx0_ = Nxx_ - 1;
                jx1_ = jx0_ - 1;
                adcota_ = 0.f;
        } else {
           jx0_ = (int)((cotalpha-cotalpha0_)/deltacota_+0.5f);
           dcota = (cotalpha - (cotalpha0_ + jx0_*deltacota_))/deltacota_;
           adcota_ = fabs(dcota);
           if(dcota > 0.f) {jx1_ = jx0_ + 1;if(jx1_ > Nxx_-1) jx1_ = jx0_-1;} else {jx1_ = jx0_ - 1; if(jx1_ < 0) jx1_ = jx0_+1;}               
// Interpolate the absolute value of cot(beta)     
        acotb = std::abs(cotbeta);
        if(acotb < cotbeta0_) {
            success_ = false;
                iy0_ = 0;
                iy1_ = 1;
                adcotb_ = 0.f;
        } else if(acotb > cotbeta1_) {
            success_ = false;
                iy0_ = Nyx_ - 1;
                iy1_ = iy0_ - 1;
                adcotb_ = 0.f;
        } else {
                iy0_ = (int)((acotb-cotbeta0_)/deltacotb_+0.5f);
                dcotb = (acotb - (cotbeta0_ + iy0_*deltacotb_))/deltacotb_;
                adcotb_ = fabs(dcotb);
                if(dcotb > 0.f) {iy1_ = iy0_ + 1; if(iy1_ > Nyx_-1) iy1_ = iy0_-1;} else {iy1_ = iy0_ - 1; if(iy1_ < 0) iy1_ = iy0_+1;}         
// This works only for IP-related tracks 
        flip_y = false;
        if(cotbeta < 0.f) {flip_y = true;}
// If Fpix-related track has wrong cotbeta-field correlation, return false to trigger simple template instead   
        if(Dtype_ == 1) {
                if(cotbeta*locBz > 0.f) success_ = false;
// Interpolate things in cot(alpha)-cot(beta)   
        qavg_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].qavg
        +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].qavg - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].qavg)
        +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].qavg - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].qavg);
        pixmax_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].pixmax
        +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].pixmax - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].pixmax)
        +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].pixmax - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].pixmax);
        sxymax_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].sxymax
        +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].sxymax - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].sxymax)
        +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].sxymax - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].sxymax);
        chi2avgone_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2avgone
        +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].chi2avgone - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2avgone)
        +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].chi2avgone - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2avgone);
        chi2minone_ = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2minone
        +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].chi2minone - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2minone)
        +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].chi2minone - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2minone);
        for(i=0; i<4 ; ++i) {
                chi2avg_[i] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2avg[i]
                +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].chi2avg[i] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2avg[i])
                +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].chi2avg[i] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2avg[i]);
                chi2min_[i] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2min[i]
                +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].chi2min[i] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2min[i])
                +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].chi2min[i] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].chi2min[i]);
        for(i=0; i<2 ; ++i) {
                for(j=0; j<5 ; ++j) {
                        // Charge loss switches sides when cot(beta) changes sign
                        if(flip_y) {
                                xypary0x0_[1-i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xypar[i][j];
                                xypary1x0_[1-i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].xypar[i][j];
                                xypary0x1_[1-i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].xypar[i][j];
                                lanpar_[1-i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j]
                                +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].lanpar[i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j])
                                +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j]);
                        } else {
                                xypary0x0_[i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xypar[i][j];
                                xypary1x0_[i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].xypar[i][j];
                                xypary0x1_[i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].xypar[i][j];
                                lanpar_[i][j] = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j]
                                +adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].lanpar[i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j])
                                +adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].lanpar[i][j]);
// next, determine the indices of the closest point in k (y-displacement), l (x-displacement)
// pixy and pixx are the indices of the struck pixel in the (Ty,Tx) system
// k0,k1 are the k-indices of the closest and next closest point
// l0,l1 are the l-indices of the closest and next closest point

        pixy = (int)floorf(yhit/ysize_);
        dy = yhit-(pixy+0.5f)*ysize_;
        if(flip_y) {dy = -dy;}
        k0 = (int)(dy/ysize_*6.f+3.5f);
        if(k0 < 0) k0 = 0;
        if(k0 > 6) k0 = 6;
        ddy = 6.f*dy/ysize_ - (k0-3);
        ady = fabs(ddy);
        if(ddy > 0.f) {k1 = k0 + 1; if(k1 > 6) k1 = k0-1;} else {k1 = k0 - 1; if(k1 < 0) k1 = k0+1;}
        pixx = (int)floorf(xhit/xsize_);
        dx = xhit-(pixx+0.5f)*xsize_;
        l0 = (int)(dx/xsize_*6.f+3.5f);
        if(l0 < 0) l0 = 0;
        if(l0 > 6) l0 = 6;
        ddx = 6.f*dx/xsize_ - (l0-3);
        adx = fabs(ddx);
        if(ddx > 0.f) {l1 = l0 + 1; if(l1 > 6) l1 = l0-1;} else {l1 = l0 - 1; if(l1 < 0) l1 = l0+1;}
// OK, lets do the template interpolation.  
// First find the limits of the indices for non-zero pixels
        imin = std::min(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].iymin,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].iymin);
        imin = std::min(imin,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].iymin);
        jmin = std::min(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].jxmin,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].jxmin);
        jmin = std::min(jmin,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].jxmin);
        imax = std::max(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].iymax,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].iymax);
        imax = std::max(imax,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].iymax);
        jmax = std::max(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].jxmax,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].jxmax);
        jmax = std::max(jmax,thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].jxmax);
// Calculate the x and y offsets to make the new template
// First, shift the struck pixel coordinates to the (Ty+2, Tx+2) system
        ++pixy; ++pixx;
// In the template store, the struck pixel is always (THy,THx)
        deltax = pixx - T2HX;
        deltay = pixy - T2HY;
//  First zero the local 2-d template
        for(j=0; j<BXM2; ++j) {for(i=0; i<BYM2; ++i) {xytemp_[j][i] = 0.f;}}
// Loop over the non-zero part of the template index space and interpolate
        for(j=jmin; j<=jmax; ++j) {
           for(i=imin; i<=imax; ++i) {
                        m = deltax+j;
// If cot(beta) < 0, we must flip the cluster, iflipy is the flipped y-index
                        if(flip_y) {iflipy=T2YSIZE-1-i; n = deltay+iflipy;} else {n = deltay+i;}
                        if(m>=0 && m<=BXM3 && n>=0 && n<=BYM3) {
                           tmpxy = thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j] 
                                   + adx*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l1][i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j])
                                   + ady*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k1][l0][i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j])
                                   + adcota_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx1_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j])
                                   + adcotb_*(thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy1_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j] - thePixelTemp_[index_id_].entry[iy0_][jx0_].xytemp[k0][l0][i][j]);
                           if(tmpxy > 0.f) {xytemp_[m][n] = tmpxy;} else {xytemp_[m][n] = 0.f;}
//combine rows and columns to simulate double pixels
        for(n=1; n<BYM3; ++n) {
                if(ydouble[n-1]) {
//  Combine the y-columns
                        for(m=1; m<BXM3; ++m) {
                                xytemp_[m][n] += xytemp_[m][n+1];
//  Now shift the remaining pixels over by one column
                        for(i=n+1; i<BYM3; ++i) {
                           for(m=1; m<BXM3; ++m) {
                                   xytemp_[m][i] = xytemp_[m][i+1];

//combine rows and columns to simulate double pixels
        for(m=1; m<BXM3; ++m) {
                if(xdouble[m-1]) {
//  Combine the x-rows
                        for(n=1; n<BYM3; ++n) {
                                xytemp_[m][n] += xytemp_[m+1][n];
//  Now shift the remaining pixels over by one row
                        for(j=m+1; j<BXM3; ++j) {
                           for(n=1; n<BYM3; ++n) {
                                   xytemp_[j][n] = xytemp_[j+1][n];
//  Finally, loop through and increment the external template

        for(n=1; n<BYM3; ++n) {
                for(m=1; m<BXM3; ++m) {
                        if(xytemp_[m][n] > 0.f) {template2d[m][n] += xytemp_[m][n];}
  return success_;
} // xytemp
float SiPixelTemplate2D::xytemp ( int  j,
int  i 
) [inline]

current 2-d template

< get the 2-d template for pixel j (x), i (y) in BXM2 x BYM2 array (x,y)=(0,0) in lower LH corner of pixel[1][1]

Definition at line 138 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References BXM3, BYM2, BYM3, Exception, i, j, and xytemp_.

bool SiPixelTemplate2D::xytemp ( int  id,
float  cotalpha,
float  cotbeta,
float  xhit,
float  yhit,
std::vector< bool > &  ydouble,
std::vector< bool > &  xdouble,
float  template2d[BXM2][BYM2] 

Interpolate stored 2-D information for input angles and hit position to make a 2-D template

id- (input) the id of the template
cotalpha- (input) the cotangent of the alpha track angle (see CMS IN 2004/014)
cotbeta- (input) the cotangent of the beta track angle (see CMS IN 2004/014)
xhit- (input) x-position of hit relative to the lower left corner of pixel[1][1] (to allow for the "padding" of the two-d clusters in the splitter)
yhit- (input) y-position of hit relative to the lower left corner of pixel[1][1]
ydouble- (input) STL vector of 21 element array to flag a double-pixel starting at cluster[1][1]
xdouble- (input) STL vector of 11 element array to flag a double-pixel starting at cluster[1][1]
template2d- (output) 2d template of size matched to the cluster. Input must be zeroed since charge is added only.

Definition at line 710 of file

References f, and xytemp().

        // Interpolate for a new set of track angles 
        // Local variables 
        float locBz = -1;
        if(cotbeta < 0.f) {locBz = -locBz;}

        return SiPixelTemplate2D::xytemp(id, cotalpha, cotbeta, locBz, xhit, yhit, ydouble, xdouble, template2d);
} // xytemp
float SiPixelTemplate2D::ysize ( ) [inline]

pixel y-size (microns)

Definition at line 164 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References ysize_.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::zsize ( ) [inline]

pixel z-size or thickness (microns)

Definition at line 165 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

References zsize_.

Member Data Documentation

float SiPixelTemplate2D::adcota_ [private]

fractional pixel distance of cot(alpha) from jx0_

Definition at line 190 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::adcotb_ [private]

fractional pixel distance of cot(beta) from iy0_

Definition at line 187 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::chi2avg_[4] [private]

average chi^2 in 4 charge bins

Definition at line 206 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by chi2avg().

average chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters

Definition at line 208 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by chi2avgone().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::chi2min_[4] [private]

minimum of chi^2 in 4 charge bins

Definition at line 207 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by chi2min().

minimum of chi^2 for 1 pixel clusters

Definition at line 209 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by chi2minone().

current cot alpha

Definition at line 174 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by SiPixelTemplate2D().

minimum cot(alpha) covered

Definition at line 182 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

maximum cot(alpha) covered

Definition at line 183 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

current cot beta

Definition at line 175 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by SiPixelTemplate2D().

minimum cot(beta) covered

Definition at line 179 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

maximum cot(beta) covered

Definition at line 180 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

cot(alpha) bin size

Definition at line 184 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

cot(beta) bin size

Definition at line 181 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

flags BPix (=0) or FPix (=1)

Definition at line 178 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

current id

Definition at line 172 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by SiPixelTemplate2D().

current index

Definition at line 173 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by SiPixelTemplate2D().

int SiPixelTemplate2D::iy0_ [private]

index of nearest cot(beta) bin

Definition at line 185 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

int SiPixelTemplate2D::iy1_ [private]

index of next-nearest cot(beta) bin

Definition at line 186 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

int SiPixelTemplate2D::jx0_ [private]

index of nearest cot(alpha) bin

Definition at line 188 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

int SiPixelTemplate2D::jx1_ [private]

index of next-nearest cot(alpha) bin

Definition at line 189 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::lanpar_[2][5] [private]

Interpolated Landau parameters.

Definition at line 205 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Lorentz x-width.

Definition at line 211 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by lorxwidth().

Lorentz y-width (sign corrected for fpix frame)

Definition at line 210 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by lorywidth().

int SiPixelTemplate2D::Nxx_ [private]

number of cot(alpha)-entries (rows) in template

Definition at line 177 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

int SiPixelTemplate2D::Nyx_ [private]

number of cot(beta)-entries (columns) in template

Definition at line 176 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::pixmax_ [private]

maximum pixel charge

Definition at line 197 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by pixmax().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::qavg_ [private]

average cluster charge for this set of track angles

Definition at line 196 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by qavg().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::qscale_ [private]

charge scaling factor

Definition at line 198 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by qscale().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::s50_ [private]

1/2 of the pixel threshold signal in adc units

Definition at line 199 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by s50().

true if cotalpha, cotbeta are inside of the acceptance (dynamically loaded)

Definition at line 191 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::sxymax_ [private]

average pixel signal for y-projection of cluster

Definition at line 200 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by sxymax().

Definition at line 218 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by storesize().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::xsize_ [private]

Pixel x-size.

Definition at line 212 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by xsize().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::xypary0x0_[2][5] [private]

Polynomial error parameterization at ix0,iy0.

Definition at line 202 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::xypary0x1_[2][5] [private]

Polynomial error parameterization at ix1,iy0.

Definition at line 204 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::xypary1x0_[2][5] [private]

Polynomial error parameterization at ix0,iy1.

Definition at line 203 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

float SiPixelTemplate2D::xytemp_[BXM2][BYM2] [private]

templates for y-reconstruction (binned over 5 central pixels)

Definition at line 201 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by xytemp().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::ysize_ [private]

Pixel y-size.

Definition at line 213 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by ysize().

float SiPixelTemplate2D::zsize_ [private]

Pixel z-size (thickness)

Definition at line 214 of file SiPixelTemplate2D.h.

Referenced by zsize().