![]() |
![]() |
Definition at line 75 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Herwig6Hadronizer::Herwig6Hadronizer | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | params | ) |
Definition at line 146 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References edm::ParameterSet::exists(), fConvertToPDG, and edm::ParameterSet::getParameter().
: BaseHadronizer(params), needClear(false), parameters(params.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HerwigParameters")), herwigVerbosity(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("herwigVerbosity", 0)), hepmcVerbosity(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("hepmcVerbosity", 0)), maxEventsToPrint(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEventsToPrint", 0)), printCards(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("printCards", false)), emulatePythiaStatusCodes(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("emulatePythiaStatusCodes", false)), comEnergy(params.getParameter<double>("comEnergy")), useJimmy(params.getParameter<bool>("useJimmy")), doMPInteraction(params.getParameter<bool>("doMPInteraction")), numTrials(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("numTrialsMPI", 100)), readMCatNLOfile(false), // added to be able to read external particle spectrum file particleSpecFileName(params.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("ParticleSpectrumFileName","")), readParticleSpecFile(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("readParticleSpecFile", false)) { fConvertToPDG = false; if ( params.exists( "doPDGConvert" ) ) fConvertToPDG = params.getParameter<bool>("doPDGConvert"); }
Herwig6Hadronizer::~Herwig6Hadronizer | ( | ) |
const char* Herwig6Hadronizer::classname | ( | ) | const [inline] |
Definition at line 104 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
{ return "Herwig6Hadronizer"; }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::clear | ( | void | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 177 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::FortranInstance::call(), jmefin, needClear, and useJimmy.
Referenced by initialize(), readSettings(), and ~Herwig6Hadronizer().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::decay | ( | ) |
Definition at line 783 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References conv, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), fConvertToPDG, and wrapper.
{ // hadron decays InstanceWrapper wrapper(this); // safe guard hwdhad(); // unstable particle decays hwdhvy(); // heavy flavour decays hwmevt(); // soft underlying event hwufne(); // finalize event if (hwevnt.IERROR) return false; event().reset(new HepMC::GenEvent); if (!conv.fill_next_event(event().get())) throw cms::Exception("Herwig6Error") << "HepMC Conversion problems in event." << std::endl; // do particle ID conversion Herwig->PDG, if requested if ( fConvertToPDG ) { for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator part = event()->particles_begin(); part != event()->particles_end(); ++part) { if ((*part)->pdg_id() != HepPID::translateHerwigtoPDT((*part)->pdg_id())) (*part)->set_pdg_id(HepPID::translateHerwigtoPDT((*part)->pdg_id())); } } return true; }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::declareSpecialSettings | ( | const std::vector< std::string > | ) |
Definition at line 615 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
{ return true; }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::declareStableParticles | ( | const std::vector< int > & | pdgIds | ) |
Definition at line 585 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
{ markStable(13); // MU+ markStable(-13); // MU- markStable(3112); // SIGMA+ markStable(-3112); // SIGMABAR+ markStable(3222); // SIGMA- markStable(-3222); // SIGMABAR- markStable(3122); // LAMBDA0 markStable(-3122); // LAMBDABAR0 markStable(3312); // XI- markStable(-3312); // XIBAR+ markStable(3322); // XI0 markStable(-3322); // XI0BAR markStable(3334); // OMEGA- markStable(-3334); // OMEGABAR+ markStable(211); // PI+ markStable(-211); // PI- markStable(321); // K+ markStable(-321); // K- markStable(310); // K_S0 markStable(130); // K_L0 for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = pdgIds.begin(); iter != pdgIds.end(); ++iter) if (!markStable(*iter)) return false; return true; }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::finalizeEvent | ( | ) |
Definition at line 677 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References abs, emulatePythiaStatusCodes, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), gen::BaseHadronizer::eventInfo(), externalPartons, lhef::LHEEvent::fillEventInfo(), lhef::LHEEvent::fillPdfInfo(), lhef::LHEEvent::fixHepMCEventTimeOrdering(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, hwuaem_(), hwualf_(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), NULL, and pythiaStatusCodes().
{ lhef::LHEEvent::fixHepMCEventTimeOrdering(event().get()); HepMC::PdfInfo pdfInfo; if(externalPartons) { lheEvent()->fillEventInfo( event().get() ); lheEvent()->fillPdfInfo( &pdfInfo ); // for MC@NLO: IDWRUP is not filled... if(event()->signal_process_id()==0) event()->set_signal_process_id( abs(hwproc.IPROC) ); } HepMC::GenParticle* incomingParton = NULL; HepMC::GenParticle* targetParton = NULL; HepMC::GenParticle* incomingProton = NULL; HepMC::GenParticle* targetProton = NULL; // find incoming parton (first entry with IST=121) for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); (it != event()->particles_end() && incomingParton==NULL); it++) if((*it)->status()==121) incomingParton = (*it); // find target parton (first entry with IST=122) for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); (it != event()->particles_end() && targetParton==NULL); it++) if((*it)->status()==122) targetParton = (*it); // find incoming Proton (first entry ID=2212, IST=101) for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); (it != event()->particles_end() && incomingProton==NULL); it++) if((*it)->status()==101 && (*it)->pdg_id()==2212) incomingProton = (*it); // find target Proton (first entry ID=2212, IST=102) for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); (it != event()->particles_end() && targetProton==NULL); it++) if((*it)->status()==102 && (*it)->pdg_id()==2212) targetProton = (*it); // find hard scale Q (computed from colliding partons) if( incomingParton && targetParton ) { math::XYZTLorentzVector totMomentum(0,0,0,0); totMomentum+=incomingParton->momentum(); totMomentum+=targetParton->momentum(); double evScale = totMomentum.mass(); double evScale2 = evScale*evScale; // find alpha_QED & alpha_QCD int one=1; double alphaQCD=hwualf_(&one,&evScale); double alphaQED=hwuaem_(&evScale2); if(!externalPartons || event()->event_scale() < 0) event()->set_event_scale(evScale); if(!externalPartons || event()->alphaQCD() < 0) event()->set_alphaQCD(alphaQCD); if(!externalPartons || event()->alphaQED() < 0) event()->set_alphaQED(alphaQED); if(!externalPartons || pdfInfo.x1() < 0) { // get the PDF information pdfInfo.set_id1( incomingParton->pdg_id()==21 ? 0 : incomingParton->pdg_id()); pdfInfo.set_id2( targetParton->pdg_id()==21 ? 0 : targetParton->pdg_id()); if( incomingProton && targetProton ) { double x1 = incomingParton->momentum().pz()/incomingProton->momentum().pz(); double x2 = targetParton->momentum().pz()/targetProton->momentum().pz(); pdfInfo.set_x1(x1); pdfInfo.set_x2(x2); } // we do not fill pdf1 & pdf2, since they are not easily available (what are they needed for anyways???) pdfInfo.set_scalePDF(evScale); // the same as Q above... does this make sense? } if(!externalPartons || event()->signal_process_id() < 0) event()->set_signal_process_id( abs(hwproc.IPROC) ); event()->set_pdf_info( pdfInfo ); } // add event weight & PDF information if (lheRunInfo() != 0 && std::abs(lheRunInfo()->getHEPRUP()->IDWTUP) == 4) // in LHE weighting mode 4 the weight is an xsec, so convert form HERWIG // to standard CMS unit "picobarn" event()->weights().push_back( 1.0e3 * hwevnt.EVWGT ); else event()->weights().push_back( hwevnt.EVWGT ); // find final parton (first entry with IST=123) HepMC::GenParticle* finalParton = NULL; for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); (it != event()->particles_end() && finalParton==NULL); it++) if((*it)->status()==123) finalParton = (*it); // add GenEventInfo & binning Values eventInfo().reset(new GenEventInfoProduct(event().get())); if(finalParton) { double thisPt=finalParton->momentum().perp(); eventInfo()->setBinningValues(std::vector<double>(1, thisPt)); } // emulate PY6 status codes, if switched on... if (emulatePythiaStatusCodes) pythiaStatusCodes(); }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize | ( | ) | [inline] |
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::hadronize | ( | ) |
Definition at line 636 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::Herwig6Instance::callWithTimeout(), lhef::LHEEvent::count(), doMPInteraction, error, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), hwwarn_(), lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted, lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), useJimmy, and wrapper.
Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().
{ // hard process generation, parton shower, hadron formation InstanceWrapper wrapper(this); // safe guard event().reset(); // call herwig routines to create HEPEVT hwuine(); // initialize event if (callWithTimeout(10, hwepro)) { // process event and PS // We hung for more than 10 seconds int error = 199; hwwarn_("HWHGUP", &error); } hwbgen(); // parton cascades // call jimmy ... only if event is not killed yet by HERWIG if (useJimmy && doMPInteraction && !hwevnt.IERROR && call_hwmsct()) { if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled); return false; } hwdhob(); // heavy quark decays hwcfor(); // cluster formation hwcdec(); // cluster decays // if event *not* killed by HERWIG, return true if (hwevnt.IERROR) { hwufne(); // finalize event, to keep system clean if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled); return false; } if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted); return true; }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::initialize | ( | const lhef::HEPRUP * | heprup | ) |
Definition at line 407 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::ParameterCollector::begin(), gen::FortranInstance::call(), clear(), comEnergy, edm::errors::Configuration, doMPInteraction, alignCSCRings::e, lhef::HEPRUP::EBMUP, gen::ParameterCollector::end(), Exception, externalPartons, lhef::LHERunInfo::findHeader(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), hepmcVerbosity, herwigVerbosity, hwdspn, hwprch, i, lhef::HEPRUP::IDBMUP, info, jimmin, jminit, jmparm, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), geometryCSVtoXML::line, maxEventsToPrint, needClear, gen::Herwig6Instance::openParticleSpecFile(), parameters, particleSpecFileName, lhef::LHERunInfo::pdfSetTranslation(), printCards, readParticleSpecFile, setSLHAFromHeader(), and useJimmy.
{ clear(); externalPartons = (heprup != 0); std::ostringstream info; info << "---------------------------------------------------\n"; info << "Initializing Herwig6Hadronizer for " << (externalPartons ? "external" : "internal") << " partons\n"; info << "---------------------------------------------------\n"; info << " Herwig verbosity level = " << herwigVerbosity << "\n"; info << " HepMC verbosity = " << hepmcVerbosity << "\n"; info << " Number of events to be printed = " << maxEventsToPrint << "\n"; // Call hwudat to set up HERWIG block data hwudat(); // Setting basic parameters if (externalPartons) { hwproc.PBEAM1 = heprup->EBMUP.first; hwproc.PBEAM2 = heprup->EBMUP.second; pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.first, hwbmch.PART1); pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.second, hwbmch.PART2); } else { hwproc.PBEAM1 = 0.5 * comEnergy; hwproc.PBEAM2 = 0.5 * comEnergy; pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART1); pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART2); } if (useJimmy) { info << " HERWIG will be using JIMMY for UE/MI.\n"; jmparm.MSFLAG = 1; if (doMPInteraction) info << " JIMMY trying to generate multiple interactions.\n"; } // set the IPROC already here... needed for VB pairs bool iprocFound=false; for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin(); line != parameters.end(); ++line) { if(!strcmp((line->substr(0,5)).c_str(),"IPROC")) { if (!give(*line)) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \"" << *line << "\"." << std::endl; else iprocFound=true; } } if (!iprocFound && !externalPartons) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "You have to define the process with IPROC." << std::endl; // initialize other common blocks ... call(hwigin); hwevnt.MAXER = 100000000; // O(inf) hwpram.LWSUD = 0; // don't write Sudakov form factors hwdspn.LWDEC = 0; // don't write three/four body decays // (no fort.77 and fort.88 ...) // init LHAPDF glue std::memset(hwprch.AUTPDF, ' ', sizeof hwprch.AUTPDF); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -111; std::memcpy(hwprch.AUTPDF[i], "HWLHAPDF", 8); } if (useJimmy) call(jimmin); hwevnt.MAXPR = maxEventsToPrint; hwpram.IPRINT = herwigVerbosity; // hwprop.RMASS[6] = 175.0; //FIXME if (printCards) { info << "\n"; info << "------------------------------------\n"; info << "Reading HERWIG parameters\n"; info << "------------------------------------\n"; } for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin(); line != parameters.end(); ++line) { if (printCards) info << " " << *line << "\n"; if (!give(*line)) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \"" << *line << "\"." << std::endl; } if (printCards) info << "\n"; if (externalPartons) { std::vector<std::string> slha = lheRunInfo()->findHeader("slha"); if (!slha.empty()) setSLHAFromHeader(slha); } needClear = true; std::pair<int, int> pdfs(-1, -1); if (externalPartons) pdfs = lheRunInfo()->pdfSetTranslation(); if (hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 || hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (hwpram.MODPDF[i] == -111) hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -1; if (pdfs.first != -1 || pdfs.second != -1) edm::LogError("Generator|Herwig6Hadronzier") << "Both external Les Houches event and " "config file specify a PDF set. " "User PDF will override external one." << std::endl; pdfs.first = hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[0] : -1; pdfs.second = hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[1] : -1; } hwpram.MODPDF[0] = pdfs.first; hwpram.MODPDF[1] = pdfs.second; if (externalPartons) hwproc.IPROC = -1; //Lars: lower EFFMIN threshold, to continue execution of IPROC=4000, lambda'_211=0.01 at LM7,10 if( readParticleSpecFile ) { openParticleSpecFile(particleSpecFileName.c_str()); hwpram.EFFMIN = 1e-5; } // HERWIG preparations ... call(hwuinc); markStable(13); // MU+ markStable(-13); // MU- markStable(3112); // SIGMA+ markStable(-3112); // SIGMABAR+ markStable(3222); // SIGMA- markStable(-3222); // SIGMABAR- markStable(3122); // LAMBDA0 markStable(-3122); // LAMBDABAR0 markStable(3312); // XI- markStable(-3312); // XIBAR+ markStable(3322); // XI0 markStable(-3322); // XI0BAR markStable(3334); // OMEGA- markStable(-3334); // OMEGABAR+ markStable(211); // PI+ markStable(-211); // PI- markStable(321); // K+ markStable(-321); // K- markStable(310); // K_S0 markStable(130); // K_L0 // better: merge with declareStableParticles // and get the list from configuration / Geant4 / Core somewhere // initialize HERWIG event generation call(hweini); if (useJimmy) call(jminit); edm::LogInfo(info.str()); return true; }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::initializeForExternalPartons | ( | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 90 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References initializeForInternalPartons().
{ return initializeForInternalPartons(); }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::initializeForInternalPartons | ( | ) |
Definition at line 390 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::FortranInstance::call(), jimmin, jminit, and useJimmy.
Referenced by initializeForExternalPartons().
int Herwig6Hadronizer::pythiaStatusCode | ( | const HepMC::GenParticle * | p | ) | const [private] |
Definition at line 862 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References externalPartons, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, lumiQueryAPI::q, and ntuplemaker::status.
Referenced by pythiaStatusCodes().
{ int status = p->status(); // weird 9922212 particles... if (status == 3 && !p->end_vertex()) return 2; if (status >= 1 && status <= 3) return status; if (!p->end_vertex()) return 1; // let's prevent particles having status 3, if the identical // particle downstream is a better status 3 candidate int currentId = p->pdg_id(); int orig = status; if (status == 123 || status == 124 || status == 155 || status == 156 || status == 160 || (status >= 195 && status <= 197)) { for(const HepMC::GenParticle *q = p;;) { const HepMC::GenVertex *vtx = q->end_vertex(); if (!vtx) break; HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator iter; for(iter = vtx->particles_out_const_begin(); iter != vtx->particles_out_const_end(); ++iter) if ((*iter)->pdg_id() == currentId) break; if (iter == vtx->particles_out_const_end()) break; q = *iter; if (q->status() == 3 || ((status == 120 || status == 123 || status == 124) && orig > 124)) return 4; } } int nesting = 0; for(;;) { if ((status >= 120 && status <= 122) || status == 3) { // avoid flagging status 3 if there is a // better status 3 candidate upstream if (externalPartons) return ((orig >= 121 && orig <= 124) || orig == 3) ? 3 : 4; else return (nesting || (status != 3 && orig <= 124)) ? 3 : 4; } // check whether we are leaving the hard process // including heavy resonance decays if (!(status == 4 || status == 123 || status == 124 || status == 155 || status == 156 || status == 160 || (status >= 195 && status <= 197))) break; const HepMC::GenVertex *vtx = p->production_vertex(); if (!vtx || !vtx->particles_in_size()) break; p = *vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); status = p->status(); int newId = p->pdg_id(); if (!newId) break; // nesting increases if we move to the next-best mother if (newId != currentId) { if (++nesting > 1 && externalPartons) break; currentId = newId; } } return 2; }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::pythiaStatusCodes | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 948 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), and pythiaStatusCode().
Referenced by finalizeEvent().
{ for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator iter = event()->particles_begin(); iter != event()->particles_end(); iter++) (*iter)->set_status(pythiaStatusCode(*iter)); for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator iter = event()->particles_begin(); iter != event()->particles_end(); iter++) if ((*iter)->status() == 4) (*iter)->set_status(2); }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::readSettings | ( | int | key | ) |
Definition at line 236 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::ParameterCollector::begin(), gen::FortranInstance::call(), clear(), comEnergy, edm::errors::Configuration, doMPInteraction, alignCSCRings::e, lhef::HEPRUP::EBMUP, gen::ParameterCollector::end(), Exception, externalPartons, lhef::LHERunInfo::findHeader(), lhef::LHERunInfo::getHEPRUP(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), hepmcVerbosity, herwigVerbosity, hwdspn, hwprch, i, lhef::HEPRUP::IDBMUP, info, jmparm, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), geometryCSVtoXML::line, maxEventsToPrint, needClear, gen::Herwig6Instance::openParticleSpecFile(), parameters, particleSpecFileName, lhef::LHERunInfo::pdfSetTranslation(), printCards, readParticleSpecFile, setSLHAFromHeader(), and useJimmy.
{ clear(); const lhef::HEPRUP* heprup = lheRunInfo()->getHEPRUP(); externalPartons = ( heprup != 0 ); if ( key == 0 && externalPartons ) return false; if ( key > 0 && !externalPartons ) return false; std::ostringstream info; info << "---------------------------------------------------\n"; info << "Taking in settinsg for Herwig6Hadronizer for " << (externalPartons ? "external" : "internal") << " partons\n"; info << "---------------------------------------------------\n"; info << " Herwig verbosity level = " << herwigVerbosity << "\n"; info << " HepMC verbosity = " << hepmcVerbosity << "\n"; info << " Number of events to be printed = " << maxEventsToPrint << "\n"; // Call hwudat to set up HERWIG block data hwudat(); // Setting basic parameters if (externalPartons) { hwproc.PBEAM1 = heprup->EBMUP.first; hwproc.PBEAM2 = heprup->EBMUP.second; pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.first, hwbmch.PART1); pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.second, hwbmch.PART2); } else { hwproc.PBEAM1 = 0.5 * comEnergy; hwproc.PBEAM2 = 0.5 * comEnergy; pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART1); pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART2); } if (useJimmy) { info << " HERWIG will be using JIMMY for UE/MI.\n"; jmparm.MSFLAG = 1; if (doMPInteraction) info << " JIMMY trying to generate multiple interactions.\n"; } // set the IPROC already here... needed for VB pairs bool iprocFound=false; for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin(); line != parameters.end(); ++line) { if(!strcmp((line->substr(0,5)).c_str(),"IPROC")) { if (!give(*line)) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \"" << *line << "\"." << std::endl; else iprocFound=true; } } if (!iprocFound && !externalPartons) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "You have to define the process with IPROC." << std::endl; // initialize other common blocks ... call(hwigin); // default init hwevnt.MAXER = 100000000; // O(inf) hwpram.LWSUD = 0; // don't write Sudakov form factors hwdspn.LWDEC = 0; // don't write three/four body decays // (no fort.77 and fort.88 ...) // init LHAPDF glue std::memset(hwprch.AUTPDF, ' ', sizeof hwprch.AUTPDF); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -111; std::memcpy(hwprch.AUTPDF[i], "HWLHAPDF", 8); } hwevnt.MAXPR = maxEventsToPrint; hwpram.IPRINT = herwigVerbosity; // hwprop.RMASS[6] = 175.0; //FIXME if (printCards) { info << "\n"; info << "------------------------------------\n"; info << "Reading HERWIG parameters\n"; info << "------------------------------------\n"; } for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin(); line != parameters.end(); ++line) { if (printCards) info << " " << *line << "\n"; if (!give(*line)) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \"" << *line << "\"." << std::endl; } if (printCards) info << "\n"; if (externalPartons) { std::vector<std::string> slha = lheRunInfo()->findHeader("slha"); if (!slha.empty()) setSLHAFromHeader(slha); } needClear = true; std::pair<int, int> pdfs(-1, -1); if (externalPartons) pdfs = lheRunInfo()->pdfSetTranslation(); if (hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 || hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (hwpram.MODPDF[i] == -111) hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -1; if (pdfs.first != -1 || pdfs.second != -1) edm::LogError("Generator|Herwig6Hadronzier") << "Both external Les Houches event and " "config file specify a PDF set. " "User PDF will override external one." << std::endl; pdfs.first = hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[0] : -1; pdfs.second = hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[1] : -1; } hwpram.MODPDF[0] = pdfs.first; hwpram.MODPDF[1] = pdfs.second; if (externalPartons) hwproc.IPROC = -1; //Lars: lower EFFMIN threshold, to continue execution of IPROC=4000, lambda'_211=0.01 at LM7,10 if( readParticleSpecFile ) { openParticleSpecFile(particleSpecFileName.c_str()); hwpram.EFFMIN = 1e-5; } edm::LogInfo(info.str()); return true; }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::residualDecay | ( | ) |
Definition at line 814 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
{ return true; }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::setSLHAFromHeader | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | lines | ) |
Definition at line 190 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References Association::block, gather_cfg::blocks, geometryCSVtoXML::line, pos, and split.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
{ std::set<std::string> blocks; std::string block; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { std::string line = *iter; std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), (int(*)(int))std::toupper); std::string::size_type pos = line.find('#'); if (pos != std::string::npos) line.resize(pos); if (line.empty()) continue; if (!boost::algorithm::is_space()(line[0])) { std::vector<std::string> tokens; boost::split(tokens, line, boost::algorithm::is_space(), boost::token_compress_on); if (!tokens.size()) continue; block.clear(); if (tokens.size() < 2) continue; if (tokens[0] == "BLOCK") block = tokens[1]; else if (tokens[0] == "DECAY") block = "DECAY"; if (block.empty()) continue; if (!blocks.count(block)) { blocks.insert(block); edm::LogWarning("Generator|Herwig6Hadronzier") << "Unsupported SLHA block \"" << block << "\". It will be ignored." << std::endl; } } } }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::statistics | ( | ) |
Definition at line 620 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References gen::BaseHadronizer::runInfo(), and GenRunInfoProduct::setInternalXSec().
{ if (!runInfo().internalXSec()) { // not set via LHE, so get it from HERWIG // the reason is that HERWIG doesn't compute the xsec // in all LHE modes double RNWGT = 1. / hwevnt.NWGTS; double AVWGT = hwevnt.WGTSUM * RNWGT; double xsec = 1.0e3 * AVWGT; runInfo().setInternalXSec(xsec); } }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::upEvnt | ( | ) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from gen::FortranInstance.
Definition at line 844 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References begin, edm::errors::Configuration, lhef::CommonBlocks::fillHEPEUP(), lhef::LHEEvent::getComments(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), and readMCatNLOfile.
{ lhef::CommonBlocks::fillHEPEUP(lheEvent()->getHEPEUP()); // if MCatNLO external file is read, read comment & pass IHPRO to HERWIG if(readMCatNLOfile) { for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter=lheEvent()->getComments().begin(); iter!=lheEvent()->getComments().end(); ++iter) { std::string toParse(iter->substr(1)); if (!give(toParse)) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \"" << toParse << "\"." << std::endl; } } }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::upInit | ( | ) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from gen::FortranInstance.
Definition at line 819 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
References edm::errors::Configuration, lhef::CommonBlocks::fillHEPRUP(), lhef::LHERunInfo::getHeaders(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), heprup_, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), HEPRUP_::pdfgup, HEPRUP_::pdfsup, and readMCatNLOfile.
{ lhef::CommonBlocks::fillHEPRUP(lheRunInfo()->getHEPRUP()); heprup_.pdfgup[0] = heprup_.pdfgup[1] = -1; heprup_.pdfsup[0] = heprup_.pdfsup[1] = -1; // we set up the PDFs ourselves // pass HERWIG paramaters fomr header (if present) std::string mcnloHeader="herwig6header"; std::vector<lhef::LHERunInfo::Header> headers=lheRunInfo()->getHeaders(); for(std::vector<lhef::LHERunInfo::Header>::const_iterator hIter=headers.begin();hIter!=headers.end(); ++hIter) { if(hIter->tag()==mcnloHeader){ readMCatNLOfile=true; for(lhef::LHERunInfo::Header::const_iterator lIter=hIter->begin(); lIter != hIter->end(); ++lIter) { if((lIter->c_str())[0]!='#' && (lIter->c_str())[0]!='\n') { // it's not a comment) if (!give(*lIter)) throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \"" << *lIter << "\"." << std::endl; } } } } }
double Herwig6Hadronizer::comEnergy [private] |
Definition at line 125 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
HepMC::IO_HERWIG Herwig6Hadronizer::conv [private] |
Definition at line 115 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by decay().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::doMPInteraction [private] |
Definition at line 127 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by hadronize(), initialize(), and readSettings().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::emulatePythiaStatusCodes [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by finalizeEvent().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::externalPartons [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by finalizeEvent(), initialize(), pythiaStatusCode(), and readSettings().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::fConvertToPDG [private] |
Definition at line 129 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by decay(), and Herwig6Hadronizer().
int Herwig6Hadronizer::hepmcVerbosity [private] |
Definition at line 121 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
int Herwig6Hadronizer::herwigVerbosity [private] |
Definition at line 120 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
int Herwig6Hadronizer::maxEventsToPrint [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::needClear [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by clear(), initialize(), and readSettings().
int Herwig6Hadronizer::numTrials [private] |
Definition at line 128 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Definition at line 119 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
std::string Herwig6Hadronizer::particleSpecFileName [private] |
Definition at line 134 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::printCards [private] |
Definition at line 123 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::readMCatNLOfile [private] |
Definition at line 131 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::readParticleSpecFile [private] |
Definition at line 135 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::useJimmy [private] |
Definition at line 126 of file Herwig6Hadronizer.cc.
Referenced by clear(), hadronize(), initialize(), initializeForInternalPartons(), and readSettings().