#include <EwkDQM.h>
DQM offline for SMP V+Jets
EwkDQM::EwkDQM | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | parameters | ) |
Definition at line 51 of file EwkDQM.cc.
References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and cmsCodeRules::cppFunctionSkipper::operator.
{ eJetMin_ = parameters.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EJetMin", 999999.); // riguardare questa sintassi // Get parameters from configuration file theElecTriggerPathToPass_ = parameters.getParameter<string>("elecTriggerPathToPass"); theMuonTriggerPathToPass_ = parameters.getParameter<string>("muonTriggerPathToPass"); //eleTrigPathNames_ = parameters.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<std::string> >("eleTrigPathNames"); //muTrigPathNames_ = parameters.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<std::string> >("muTrigPathNames"); theTriggerResultsCollection_ = parameters.getParameter<InputTag>("triggerResultsCollection"); theMuonCollectionLabel_ = parameters.getParameter<InputTag>("muonCollection"); theElectronCollectionLabel_ = parameters.getParameter<InputTag>("electronCollection"); // theCaloJetCollectionLabel_ = parameters.getParameter<InputTag>("caloJetCollection"); thePFJetCollectionLabel_ = parameters.getParameter<InputTag>("PFJetCollection"); theCaloMETCollectionLabel_ = parameters.getParameter<InputTag>("caloMETCollection"); // just to initialize isValidHltConfig_ = false; // coverity says.. (cos'e` questo?? che variabili sono???) h_vertex_number = 0; h_vertex_chi2 = 0; h_vertex_numTrks = 0; h_vertex_sumTrks = 0; h_vertex_d0 = 0; h_jet_count = 0; h_jet_et = 0; h_jet_pt = 0; // prova h_jet_eta = 0; // aggiunto il 23 maggio h_jet_phi = 0; h_jet2_et = 0; //h_jet2_pt = 0; h_jet2_eta = 0; h_jet2_phi = 0; h_e1_et = 0; h_e2_et = 0; h_e1_eta = 0; h_e2_eta = 0; h_e1_phi = 0; h_e2_phi = 0; h_m1_pt = 0; h_m2_pt = 0; h_m1_eta = 0; h_m2_eta = 0; h_m1_phi = 0; h_m2_phi = 0; //h_t1_et = 0; //h_t1_eta = 0; //h_t1_phi = 0; h_met = 0; h_met_phi = 0; h_e_invWMass = 0; h_m_invWMass = 0; h_mumu_invMass = 0; h_ee_invMass = 0; theDbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); }
void EwkDQM::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Get the analysis.
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 206 of file EwkDQM.cc.
References calcDeltaPhi(), funct::cos(), reco::LeafCandidate::et(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), i, getHLTprescales::index, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), j, metsig::jet, LogTrace, RPCpg::mu, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), pi, edm::Handle< T >::product(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), mathSSE::sqrt(), edm::TriggerNames::triggerName(), edm::Event::triggerNames(), trigNames, v, and GoodVertex_cfg::vertexCollection.
{ // short-circuit if hlt problems if( ! isValidHltConfig_ ) return; // non mi e` chiaro come faccia a "ciclare" sugli eventi LogTrace(logTraceName)<<"Analysis of event # "; // Did it pass certain HLT path? Handle<TriggerResults> HLTresults; iEvent.getByLabel(theTriggerResultsCollection_, HLTresults); if ( !HLTresults.isValid() ) return; const edm::TriggerNames & trigNames = iEvent.triggerNames(*HLTresults); // a temporary, until we have a list of triggers of interest std::vector<std::string> eleTrigPathNames; std::vector<std::string> muTrigPathNames; eleTrigPathNames.push_back(theElecTriggerPathToPass_); muTrigPathNames.push_back(theMuonTriggerPathToPass_); // end of temporary bool passed_electron_HLT = false; bool passed_muon_HLT = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i<HLTresults->size(); i++) { const std::string trigName = trigNames.triggerName(i); // check if triggerName matches electronPath for(unsigned int index=0; index<eleTrigPathNames.size() && !passed_electron_HLT; index++) { size_t trigPath = trigName.find(eleTrigPathNames[index]); // 0 if found, pos if not if (trigPath==0) { passed_electron_HLT = HLTresults->accept(i); } } // check if triggerName matches muonPath for(unsigned int index=0; index<muTrigPathNames.size() && !passed_muon_HLT; index++) { size_t trigPath = trigName.find(muTrigPathNames[index]); // 0 if found, pos if not if (trigPath==0) { passed_muon_HLT = HLTresults->accept(i); } } } // we are interested in events with a valid electron or muon if ( !(passed_electron_HLT || passed_muon_HLT) ) return; //Vertex information Handle<VertexCollection> vertexHandle; iEvent.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVertices", vertexHandle); if ( !vertexHandle.isValid() ) return; VertexCollection vertexCollection = *(vertexHandle.product()); int vertex_number = vertexCollection.size(); VertexCollection::const_iterator v = vertexCollection.begin(); double vertex_chi2 = v->normalizedChi2(); //v->chi2(); double vertex_d0 = sqrt(v->x()*v->x()+v->y()*v->y()); //std::cout << "vertex_d0=" << vertex_d0 << "\n"; //double vertex_ndof = v->ndof();cout << "ndof="<<vertex_ndof<<endl; double vertex_numTrks = v->tracksSize(); double vertex_sumTrks = 0.0; for (Vertex::trackRef_iterator vertex_curTrack = v->tracks_begin(); vertex_curTrack!=v->tracks_end(); vertex_curTrack++) { vertex_sumTrks += (*vertex_curTrack)->pt(); } //Missing ET Handle< View<MET> > caloMETCollection; iEvent.getByLabel(theCaloMETCollectionLabel_, caloMETCollection); if ( !caloMETCollection.isValid() ) return; float missing_et = caloMETCollection->begin()->et(); float met_phi = caloMETCollection->begin()->phi(); // grab "gaussian sum fitting" electrons Handle<GsfElectronCollection> electronCollection; iEvent.getByLabel(theElectronCollectionLabel_, electronCollection); if ( !electronCollection.isValid() ) return; // Find the highest and 2nd highest electron float electron_et = -8.0; float electron_eta = -8.0; float electron_phi = -8.0; float electron2_et = -9.0; float electron2_eta = -9.0; float electron2_phi = -9.0; float ee_invMass = -9.0; TLorentzVector e1, e2; // If it passed electron HLT and the collection was found, find electrons near Z mass if( passed_electron_HLT ) { for (reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator recoElectron=electronCollection->begin(); recoElectron!=electronCollection->end(); recoElectron++){ // Require electron to pass some basic cuts if ( recoElectron->et() < 20 || fabs(recoElectron->eta())>2.5 ) continue; // Tighter electron cuts if ( recoElectron->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() > 0.58 || recoElectron->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() > 0.01 || recoElectron->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.027 ) continue; if (recoElectron->et() > electron_et){ electron2_et = electron_et; // 2nd highest gets values from current highest electron2_eta = electron_eta; electron2_phi = electron_phi; electron_et = recoElectron->et(); // 1st highest gets values from new highest electron_eta = recoElectron->eta(); electron_phi = recoElectron->phi(); e1 = TLorentzVector(recoElectron->momentum().x(),recoElectron->momentum().y(),recoElectron->momentum().z(),recoElectron->p()); } else if (recoElectron->et() > electron2_et) { electron2_et = recoElectron->et(); electron2_eta = recoElectron->eta(); electron2_phi = recoElectron->phi(); e2 = TLorentzVector(recoElectron->momentum().x(),recoElectron->momentum().y(),recoElectron->momentum().z(),recoElectron->p()); } } // end of loop over electrons if (electron2_et>0.0) { TLorentzVector pair=e1+e2; ee_invMass = pair.M(); } } // end of "are electrons valid" // Take the STA muon container Handle<MuonCollection> muonCollection; iEvent.getByLabel(theMuonCollectionLabel_,muonCollection); if ( !muonCollection.isValid() ) return; // Find the highest pt muons float mm_invMass = -9.0; float muon_pt = -9.0; float muon_eta = -9.0; float muon_phi = -9.0; float muon2_pt = -9.0; float muon2_eta = -9.0; float muon2_phi = -9.0; TLorentzVector m1, m2; if( passed_muon_HLT ) { for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator recoMuon=muonCollection->begin(); recoMuon!=muonCollection->end(); recoMuon++){ // Require muon to pass some basic cuts if ( recoMuon->pt() < 20 || !recoMuon->isGlobalMuon() ) continue; // Some tighter muon cuts if ( recoMuon->globalTrack()->normalizedChi2() > 10 ) continue; if (recoMuon->pt() > muon_pt){ muon2_pt = muon_pt; // 2nd highest gets values from current highest muon2_eta = muon_eta; muon2_phi = muon_phi; muon_pt = recoMuon->pt(); // 1st highest gets values from new highest muon_eta = recoMuon->eta(); muon_phi = recoMuon->phi(); m1 = TLorentzVector(recoMuon->momentum().x(),recoMuon->momentum().y(),recoMuon->momentum().z(),recoMuon->p()); } else if (recoMuon->pt() > muon2_pt) { muon2_pt = recoMuon->pt(); muon2_eta = recoMuon->eta(); muon2_phi = recoMuon->phi(); m2 = TLorentzVector(recoMuon->momentum().x(),recoMuon->momentum().y(),recoMuon->momentum().z(),recoMuon->p()); } } } if (muon2_pt>0.0) { TLorentzVector pair=m1+m2; mm_invMass = pair.M(); } // Find the highest et jet // Handle<CaloJetCollection> caloJetCollection; Handle<View<Jet> > PFJetCollection; // iEvent.getByLabel (theCaloJetCollectionLabel,caloJetCollection); iEvent.getByLabel (thePFJetCollectionLabel_,PFJetCollection); // if ( !caloJetCollection.isValid() ) return; if ( !PFJetCollection.isValid() ) return; unsigned int muonCollectionSize = muonCollection->size(); //unsigned int jetCollectionSize = jetCollection->size(); unsigned int PFJetCollectionSize = PFJetCollection->size(); int jet_count = 0; //int LEADJET=-1; double max_pt=0; float jet_et = -80.0; float jet_pt = -80.0; // prova float jet_eta = -80.0; // now USED float jet_phi = -80.0; // now USED float jet2_et = -90.0; float jet2_eta = -90.0; // now USED float jet2_phi = -90.0; // now USED // for (CaloJetCollection::const_iterator i_calojet = caloJetCollection->begin(); i_calojet != caloJetCollection->end(); i_calojet++) { // for (PFJetCollection::const_iterator i_pfjet = PFJetCollection->begin(); i_pfjet != PFJetCollection->end(); i_pfjet++) { // float jet_current_et = i_calojet->et(); // float jet_current_et = i_pfjet->et(); // e` identico a jet.et() // jet_count++; // cleaning: va messo prima del riempimento dell'istogramma // This is in order to use PFJets for (unsigned int i=0; i<PFJetCollectionSize; i++) { const Jet& jet = PFJetCollection->at(i); // la classe "jet" viene definita qui!!! double minDistance=99999; for (unsigned int j=0; j<muonCollectionSize; j++) { const Muon& mu = muonCollection->at(j); double distance = sqrt( (mu.eta()-jet.eta())*(mu.eta()-jet.eta()) +(mu.phi()-jet.phi())*(mu.phi()-jet.phi()) ); if (minDistance>distance) minDistance=distance; } if (minDistance<0.3) continue; // 0.3 is the isolation cone around the muon // se la distanza muone-cono del jet e` minore di 0.3, passo avanti e non conteggio il mio jet // If it overlaps with ELECTRON, it is not a jet if ( electron_et>0.0 && fabs(jet.eta()-electron_eta ) < 0.2 && calcDeltaPhi(jet.phi(), electron_phi ) < 0.2) continue; if ( electron2_et>0.0&& fabs(jet.eta()-electron2_eta) < 0.2 && calcDeltaPhi(jet.phi(), electron2_phi) < 0.2) continue; // provo a cambiare la parte degli elettroni in modo simmetrico alla parte per i muoni // ... // ... // if it has too low Et, throw away if (jet.et() < eJetMin_) continue; jet_count ++; // ovvero: incrementa jet_count se: // - non c'e un muone entro 0.3 di distanza dal cono del jet; // - se il jet non si sovrappone ad un elettrone; // - se l'energia trasversa e` maggiore della soglia impostata (15?) //if(jet.et()>max_pt) { LEADJET=i; max_pt=jet.et();} // se l'energia del jet e` maggiore di max_pt, diventa "i" l'indice del jet piu` energetico e max_pt la sua energia // riguardare questo!!! // fino ad ora, jet_et era inizializzato a -8.0 if (jet.et() > jet_et) { jet2_et = jet_et; // 2nd highest jet gets et from current highest // perche` prende l'energia del primo jet?? jet2_eta = jet_eta; // now USED jet2_phi = jet_phi; // now USED // jet_et = i_calojet->et(); // current highest jet gets et from the new highest jet_et = jet.et(); // current highest jet gets et from the new highest // ah, ok! lo riaggiorna solo dopo! jet_pt = jet.pt(); // e` il pT del leading jet jet_eta = jet.eta(); // now USED jet_phi = jet.phi()*(Geom::pi()/180.); // now USED } else if (jet.et() > jet2_et) { // jet2_et = i_calojet->et(); jet2_et = jet.et(); // jet2_eta = i_calojet->eta(); // UNUSED // jet2_phi = i_calojet->phi(); // UNUSED jet2_eta = jet.eta(); // now USED jet2_phi = jet.phi(); // now USED } // questo elseif funziona } // Fill Histograms // bool fill_e1 = false; bool fill_e2 = false; bool fill_m1 = false; bool fill_m2 = false; bool fill_met = false; // Was Z->ee found? if (ee_invMass>0.0) { h_ee_invMass ->Fill(ee_invMass); fill_e1 = true; fill_e2 = true; } // Was Z->mu mu found? if (mm_invMass > 0.0) { h_mumu_invMass->Fill(mm_invMass); fill_m1 = true; fill_m2 = true; h_jet2_et ->Fill(jet2_et); } // Was W->e nu found? if (electron_et>0.0&&missing_et>20.0) { float dphiW = fabs(met_phi-electron_phi); float W_mt_e = sqrt(2*missing_et*electron_et*(1-cos(dphiW))); h_e_invWMass ->Fill(W_mt_e); fill_e1 = true; fill_met = true; } // Was W->mu nu found? if (muon_pt>0.0&&missing_et>20.0) { float dphiW = fabs(met_phi-muon_phi); float W_mt_m = sqrt(2*missing_et*muon_pt*(1-cos(dphiW))); h_m_invWMass ->Fill(W_mt_m); fill_m1 = true; fill_met = true; } if (jet_et>-10.0) { h_jet_et ->Fill(jet_et); h_jet_count->Fill(jet_count); } if (jet_pt>0.) { h_jet_pt ->Fill(jet_pt); } if (jet_eta>-50.) { h_jet_eta ->Fill(jet_eta); } if (jet_phi>-10.) { h_jet_phi ->Fill(jet_phi); } if (jet2_et>-10.0) { h_jet2_et ->Fill(jet2_et); } //if (jet2_pt>0.) { // h_jet2_pt ->Fill(jet2_pt); //} if (jet2_eta>-50.) { h_jet2_eta ->Fill(jet2_eta); } if (jet2_phi>-10.) { h_jet2_phi ->Fill(jet2_phi); } if (fill_e1 || fill_m1) { h_vertex_number->Fill(vertex_number); h_vertex_chi2->Fill(vertex_chi2); h_vertex_d0 ->Fill(vertex_d0); h_vertex_numTrks->Fill(vertex_numTrks); h_vertex_sumTrks->Fill(vertex_sumTrks); } if (fill_e1) { h_e1_et ->Fill(electron_et); h_e1_eta ->Fill(electron_eta); h_e1_phi ->Fill(electron_phi); } if (fill_e2) { h_e2_et ->Fill(electron2_et); h_e2_eta ->Fill(electron2_eta); h_e2_phi ->Fill(electron2_phi); } if (fill_m1) { h_m1_pt ->Fill(muon_pt); h_m1_eta ->Fill(muon_eta); h_m1_phi ->Fill(muon_phi); } if (fill_m2) { h_m2_pt ->Fill(muon2_pt); h_m2_eta ->Fill(muon2_eta); h_m2_phi ->Fill(muon2_phi); } if (fill_met) { h_met ->Fill(missing_et); h_met_phi ->Fill(met_phi); } }
void EwkDQM::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Inizialize parameters for histo binning.
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 121 of file EwkDQM.cc.
{ char chtitle[256] = ""; logTraceName = "EwkAnalyzer"; LogTrace(logTraceName)<<"Parameters initialization"; theDbe->setCurrentFolder("Physics/EwkDQM"); // Use folder with name of PAG const float pi = 4*atan(1); // Keep the number of plots and number of bins to a minimum! h_vertex_number = theDbe->book1D("vertex_number", "Number of event vertices in collection", 10,-0.5, 9.5 ); h_vertex_chi2 = theDbe->book1D("vertex_chi2" , "Event Vertex #chi^{2}/n.d.o.f." , 20, 0.0, 2.0 ); h_vertex_numTrks = theDbe->book1D("vertex_numTrks", "Event Vertex, number of tracks" , 20, -0.5, 59.5 ); h_vertex_sumTrks = theDbe->book1D("vertex_sumTrks", "Event Vertex, sum of track pt" , 20, 0.0, 100.0 ); h_vertex_d0 = theDbe->book1D("vertex_d0" , "Event Vertex d0" , 20, 0.0, 0.05); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Number of %s (E_{T} > 15 GeV);Number of Jets",thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet_count = theDbe->book1D("jet_count", chtitle, 8, -0.5, 7.5); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Leading jet E_{T} (from %s);E_{T}(1^{st} jet) (GeV)", thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet_et = theDbe->book1D("jet_et", chtitle, 20, 0., 200.0); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Leading jet p_{T} (from %s);p_{T}(1^{st} jet) (GeV/c)", thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet_pt = theDbe->book1D("jet_pt", chtitle, 20, 0., 200.0); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Leading jet #eta (from %s); #eta (1^{st} jet)",thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet_eta = theDbe->book1D("jet_eta", chtitle, 20, -10., 10.0); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Leading jet #phi (from %s); #phi(1^{st} jet)", thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet_phi = theDbe->book1D("jet_phi", chtitle, 22, -1.1*pi, 1.1*pi); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "2^{nd} leading jet E_{T} (from %s);E_{T}(2^{nd} jet) (GeV)",thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet2_et = theDbe->book1D("jet2_et", chtitle, 20, 0., 200.0); //snprintf(chtitle, 255, "2^{nd} leading jet p_{T} (from %s);p_{T}(2^{nd} jet) (GeV/c)", thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); //h_jet2_pt = theDbe->book1D("jet2_pt", chtitle, 20, 0., 200.0); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "2^{nd} leading jet #eta (from %s); #eta (2^{nd} jet)",thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet2_eta = theDbe->book1D("jet2_eta", chtitle, 20, -10., 10.0); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "2^{nd} leading jet #phi (from %s); #phi(2^{nd} jet)", thePFJetCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_jet2_phi = theDbe->book1D("jet2_phi", chtitle, 22, -1.1*pi, 1.1*pi); h_e1_et = theDbe->book1D("e1_et", "E_{T} of Leading Electron;E_{T} (GeV)" , 20, 0.0 , 100.0); h_e2_et = theDbe->book1D("e2_et", "E_{T} of Second Electron;E_{T} (GeV)" , 20, 0.0 , 100.0); h_e1_eta = theDbe->book1D("e1_eta", "#eta of Leading Electron;#eta" , 20, -4.0 , 4.0); h_e2_eta = theDbe->book1D("e2_eta", "#eta of Second Electron;#eta" , 20, -4.0 , 4.0); h_e1_phi = theDbe->book1D("e1_phi", "#phi of Leading Electron;#phi" , 22, -1.1*pi, 1.1*pi ); h_e2_phi = theDbe->book1D("e2_phi", "#phi of Second Electron;#phi" , 22, -1.1*pi, 1.1*pi ); h_m1_pt = theDbe->book1D("m1_pt", "p_{T} of Leading Muon;p_{T}(1^{st} #mu) (GeV)", 20, 0.0 , 100.0); h_m2_pt = theDbe->book1D("m2_pt", "p_{T} of Second Muon;p_{T}(2^{nd} #mu) (GeV)" , 20, 0.0 , 100.0); h_m1_eta = theDbe->book1D("m1_eta", "#eta of Leading Muon;#eta(1^{st} #mu)" , 20, -4.0 , 4.0); h_m2_eta = theDbe->book1D("m2_eta", "#eta of Second Muon;#eta(2^{nd} #mu)" , 20, -4.0 , 4.0); h_m1_phi = theDbe->book1D("m1_phi", "#phi of Leading Muon;#phi(1^{st} #mu)" , 20, (-1.-1./10.)*pi, (1.+1./10.)*pi); h_m2_phi = theDbe->book1D("m2_phi", "#phi of Second Muon;#phi(2^{nd} #mu)" , 20, (-1.-1./10.)*pi, (1.+1./10.)*pi); // h_t1_et = theDbe->book1D("t1_et", "E_{T} of Leading Tau;E_{T} (GeV)" , 20, 0.0 , 100.0); // h_t1_eta = theDbe->book1D("t1_eta", "#eta of Leading Tau;#eta" , 20, -4.0, 4.0); // h_t1_phi = theDbe->book1D("t1_phi", "#phi of Leading Tau;#phi" , 20, -4.0, 4.0); snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Missing E_{T} (%s); GeV", theCaloMETCollectionLabel_.label().data()); h_met = theDbe->book1D("met", chtitle, 20, 0.0 , 100); h_met_phi = theDbe->book1D("met_phi", "Missing E_{T} #phi;#phi(MET)" , 22, (-1.-1./10.)*pi, (1.+1./10.)*pi ); h_e_invWMass = theDbe->book1D("we_invWMass", "W-> e #nu Transverse Mass;M_{T} (GeV)" , 20, 0.0, 140.0); h_m_invWMass = theDbe->book1D("wm_invWMass", "W-> #mu #nu Transverse Mass;M_{T} (GeV)" , 20, 0.0, 140.0); h_mumu_invMass = theDbe->book1D("z_mm_invMass", "#mu#mu Invariant Mass;InvMass (GeV)" , 20, 40.0, 140.0 ); h_ee_invMass = theDbe->book1D("z_ee_invMass", "ee Invariant Mass;InvMass (Gev)" , 20, 40.0, 140.0 ); }
void EwkDQM::beginRun | ( | const edm::Run & | theRun, |
const edm::EventSetup & | theSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 194 of file EwkDQM.cc.
{ // passed as parameter to HLTConfigProvider::init(), not yet used bool isConfigChanged = false; // isValidHltConfig_ used to short-circuit analyze() in case of problems const std::string hltProcessName( theTriggerResultsCollection_.process() ); isValidHltConfig_ = hltConfigProvider_.init( theRun, theSetup, hltProcessName, isConfigChanged ); }
double EwkDQM::calcDeltaPhi | ( | double | phi1, |
double | phi2 | ||
) |
void EwkDQM::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
double EwkDQM::eJetMin_ [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e1_et [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e1_eta [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e1_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e2_et [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e2_eta [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e2_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_e_invWMass [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_ee_invMass [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet2_et [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet2_eta [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet2_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet_count [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet_et [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet_eta [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_jet_pt [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m1_eta [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m1_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m1_pt [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m2_eta [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m2_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m2_pt [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_m_invWMass [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_met [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_met_phi [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_mumu_invMass [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_vertex_chi2 [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_vertex_d0 [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_vertex_number [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_vertex_numTrks [private] |
MonitorElement* EwkDQM::h_vertex_sumTrks [private] |
HLTConfigProvider EwkDQM::hltConfigProvider_ [private] |
bool EwkDQM::isValidHltConfig_ [private] |
std::string EwkDQM::logTraceName [private] |
DQMStore* EwkDQM::theDbe [private] |
std::string EwkDQM::theElecTriggerPathToPass_ [private] |
edm::InputTag EwkDQM::theMuonCollectionLabel_ [private] |
std::string EwkDQM::theMuonTriggerPathToPass_ [private] |