32 #define NCRYSEB 1700 // Number of crystals per EB supermodule
33 #define NMODEB 9 // Number of EB submodules
34 #define NPNPERMOD 2 // Number of PN per module
37 #define NCRYSEE 830 // Number of crystals per EE supermodule
38 #define NMODEE 21 // Number of EE submodules
40 #define NSIDES 2 // Number of sides
41 #define NREFCHAN 2 // Ref number for APDB
42 #define NSAMPSHAPES 250
58 int apdRefTT,
int channel,
int lmr);
59 void setGeomEE(
int etaG,
int phiG,
int iX,
int iY,
int iZ,
int module,
int tower,
60 int ch ,
int apdRefTT,
int channel,
int lmr);
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
std::vector< int > dccMEM
std::map< int, int > channelMapEE
std::string digiProducer_
unsigned int _timingcuthigh
TTree * ADCtrees[NCRYSEB]
void setGeomEE(int etaG, int phiG, int iX, int iY, int iZ, int module, int tower, int ch, int apdRefTT, int channel, int lmr)
unsigned int _timingquallow
std::string digiPNCollection_
unsigned int _presamplePN
double shapes[NSAMPSHAPES]
std::string eventHeaderCollection_
int IsThereDataADC[NCRYSEB][nColor]
EcalLaserAnalyzer2(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
std::vector< int > modules
bool wasTimingOK[NCRYSEB]
TTree * APDtrees[NCRYSEB]
void setGeomEB(int etaG, int phiG, int module, int tower, int strip, int xtal, int apdRefTT, int channel, int lmr)
unsigned int firstChanMod[NMODEE]
TAPD * APDFirstAnal[NCRYSEB][nColor]
unsigned int nSamplesShapes
unsigned int iModule[NCRYSEB]
std::string digiCollection_
unsigned int isFirstChanModFilled[NMODEE]
TTree * respntrees[nColor]
unsigned int _firstsamplePN
std::vector< double > shapesVec
std::vector< int > colors
unsigned int _firstsample
unsigned int _timingcutlow
std::string eventHeaderProducer_
std::map< int, unsigned int > apdRefMap[2]
int nEvtBadTiming[NCRYSEB]
unsigned int _timingqualhigh
unsigned int _lastsamplePN
double adcMean[NCRYSEB][10]