1 #ifndef EESummaryClient_H
2 #define EESummaryClient_H
17 #include "TProfile2D.h"
void beginJob(void)
float synchErrorThreshold_
MonitorElement * meLaserL4Ampl_
MonitorElement * meTestPulseG12_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL4Timing_
void cleanup(void)
MonitorElement * meLaserL3Err_
MonitorElement * meTimingRMS_
std::vector< int > MGPAGainsPN_
std::vector< int > superModules_
void analyze(void)
MonitorElement * meTestPulsePNG01_
MonitorElement * mePedestalOnlineErr_
float timingNHitThreshold_
MonitorElement * meTiming_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL1Ampl_
MonitorElement * meLedL1AmplOverPN_
MonitorElement * mePedestalOnlineRMSMap_[2]
MonitorElement * meLedL1_[2]
MonitorElement * mePedestalPNG16_
MonitorElement * meLaserL3AmplOverPN_
MonitorElement * meLaserL3Timing_
MonitorElement * meTestPulseAmplG01_
MonitorElement * meTestPulseAmplG06_
virtual ~EESummaryClient()
MonitorElement * mePedestalG01_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL4_[2]
MonitorElement * meTestPulseG01_[2]
MonitorElement * meLedL1Err_
MonitorElement * meLaserL4AmplOverPN_
MonitorElement * meLaserL3PNErr_
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL2AmplOverPN_
MonitorElement * mePedestalG12_[2]
void setFriends(const std::vector< EEClient * > &clients)
Set Clients.
MonitorElement * meTriggerTowerEmulError_[2]
MonitorElement * meSummaryErr_
MonitorElement * meLaserL2_[2]
MonitorElement * meLedL2PN_
MonitorElement * meIntegrityPN_
MonitorElement * meIntegrity_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL4PN_
MonitorElement * meRecHitEnergy_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL3_[2]
MonitorElement * meTimingRMS1D_[2]
MonitorElement * mePedestalOnline_[2]
MonitorElement * meStatusFlags_[2]
Ecal Barrel Monitor Client mom class.
MonitorElement * meLaserL4Err_
MonitorElement * meLedL2PNErr_
MonitorElement * meTriggerTowerTiming_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL1PNErr_
void beginRun(void)
MonitorElement * meLaserL1Timing_
MonitorElement * meLaserL3PN_
MonitorElement * meTriggerTowerEtSpectrum_[2]
MonitorElement * meLedL1Ampl_
MonitorElement * meLaserL1_[2]
MonitorElement * meTimingMean_
MonitorElement * meTriggerTowerNonSingleTiming_[2]
MonitorElement * meLedL2Timing_
MonitorElement * meLedL1PN_
MonitorElement * meLaserL4PNErr_
std::vector< EEClient * > clients_
MonitorElement * meTimingMean1D_[2]
std::vector< int > laserWavelengths_
int getEvtPerJob()
Get Functions.
MonitorElement * meTestPulsePNG16_
MonitorElement * meLedL1Timing_
MonitorElement * mePedestalPNG01_
EESummaryClient(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
MonitorElement * meLedL1PNErr_
MonitorElement * meStatusFlagsErr_
MonitorElement * meTriggerTowerEt_[2]
std::vector< int > MGPAGains_
MonitorElement * mePedestalG06_[2]
MonitorElement * meOccupancyPN_
MonitorElement * meLedL2AmplOverPN_
MonitorElement * mePedestalOnlineRMS_
MonitorElement * meLaserL2Timing_
MonitorElement * meLaserL2Err_
MonitorElement * meLaserL2Ampl_
int getEvtPerRun()
Returns the number of processed events in this Run.
MonitorElement * meLaserL1AmplOverPN_
MonitorElement * meLaserL2PN_
std::vector< int > ledWavelengths_
MonitorElement * meLedL2Err_
MonitorElement * meTestPulseG06_[2]
MonitorElement * meLaserL3Ampl_
MonitorElement * meLaserL1PN_
MonitorElement * meLedL2Ampl_
MonitorElement * meGlobalSummary_[2]
MonitorElement * mePedestalOnlineMean_
MonitorElement * meOccupancy1D_
MonitorElement * meLedL2_[2]
MonitorElement * meTestPulseAmplG12_
MonitorElement * meLaserL2PNErr_
MonitorElement * meLaserL1Err_
MonitorElement * meIntegrityErr_