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fftjetpileupestimator_calo_uncalib_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple dummy_functor
tuple fftjet_pileup_estimator_calo_uncal

Variable Documentation

tuple fftjetpileupestimator_calo_uncalib_cfi.dummy_functor
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  Class = cms.string("Polynomial"),
3  c0 = cms.double(-1.0)
4 )

Definition at line 6 of file

tuple fftjetpileupestimator_calo_uncalib_cfi.fftjet_pileup_estimator_calo_uncal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer(
2  "FFTJetPileupEstimator",
3  #
4  # Label for the input info
5  inputLabel = cms.InputTag("pileupprocessor", "FFTJetPileupCalo"),
6  #
7  # Label for the produced objects
8  outputLabel = cms.string("FFTJetPileupEstimateCaloUncalib"),
9  #
10  # Conversion factor from total pile-up pt to its density
11  # (don't care for uncalibrated run)
12  ptToDensityFactor = cms.double(1.0),
13  #
14  # Fixed cdf value (optimized for CaloJets)
15  cdfvalue = cms.double(0.4),
16  #
17  # Filter number (there is only one filter for production runs)
18  filterNumber = cms.uint32(0),
19  #
20  # Uncertainty zones for the Neyman belt (don't care for uncalibrated run)
21  uncertaintyZones = cms.vdouble(),
22  #
23  # Calibration and uncertainty curves (don't care for uncalibrated run)
24  calibrationCurve = dummy_functor,
25  uncertaintyCurve = dummy_functor
26 )

Definition at line 12 of file