24 : theConfig(cfg), theService(0), theRegionBuilder(0), theTkSeedGenerator(0), theSeedCleaner(0)
26 produces<L3MuonTrajectorySeedCollection>();
39 if (!regionBuilderPSet.empty()){
47 std::string seedGenName = seedGenPSet.
54 if (!trackerSeedCleanerPSet.
95 unsigned int imuMax=l2muonH->size();
96 LogDebug(
" l2 tracks.";
98 for (;imu!=imuMax;++imu){
104 || muRef->innerMomentum().Rho() <
105 || muRef->innerMomentum().R() <
thePCut )
116 std::vector<TrajectorySeed> tkSeeds;
118 std::pair<const Trajectory*,reco::TrackRef> staCand((
Trajectory*)(0), muRef);
125 LogDebug(
"TSGFromL2Muon") << tkSeeds.size() <<
" seeds for this L2 afther cleaning.";
129 unsigned int isMax=tkSeeds.size();
130 LogDebug(
" seeds for this L2.";
131 for (;is!=isMax;++is){
141 LogDebug(
" trajectory seeds to the events";
void update(const edm::EventSetup &setup)
update the services each event
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion * region(const reco::TrackRef &) const
define tracking region
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
MuonTrackingRegionBuilder * theRegionBuilder
TrackerSeedCleaner * theSeedCleaner
virtual void setEvent(const edm::Event &)
pass the Event to the algo at each event
std::vector< L3MuonTrajectorySeed > L3MuonTrajectorySeedCollection
TSGFromL2Muon(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
virtual void setEvent(const edm::Event &)
edm::InputTag theL2CollectionLabel
virtual void beginRun(edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &es)
MuonServiceProxy * theService
virtual void init(const MuonServiceProxy *service)
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::auto_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
edm::ParameterSet theConfig
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
virtual void produce(edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &es)
virtual void trackerSeeds(const TrackCand &, const TrackingRegion &, BTSeedCollection &)
void init(const MuonServiceProxy *)
virtual void init(const MuonServiceProxy *service)
TrackerSeedGenerator * theTkSeedGenerator
virtual void setEvent(const edm::Event &)
T get(const Candidate &c)
virtual void clean(const reco::TrackRef &, const RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion ®ion, tkSeeds &)
the cleaner