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MuonAssociatorByHits Class Reference

#include <MuonAssociatorByHits.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonAssociatorByHits:


struct  IndexMatch
struct  RefToBaseSort

Public Types

typedef boost::ptr_vector
< uint_SimHitIdpr_pair
typedef std::map
< edm::RefToBase< reco::Muon >
, std::vector< std::pair
< TrackingParticleRef, double >
>, RefToBaseSort
enum  MuonTrackType { InnerTk, OuterTk, GlobalTk, Segments }
typedef std::pair< uint32_t,
typedef std::map
< TrackingParticleRef,
std::vector< std::pair
< edm::RefToBase< reco::Muon >
, double > > > 
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, std::vector< SimHitIdpr > > 

Public Member Functions

void associateMuons (MuonToSimCollection &recoToSim, SimToMuonCollection &simToReco, const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Muon > &, MuonTrackType, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
void associateMuons (MuonToSimCollection &recoToSim, SimToMuonCollection &simToReco, const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Muon > > &, MuonTrackType, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
reco::RecoToSimCollection associateRecoToSim (const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Track > &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
 Association Reco To Sim with Collections. More...
reco::SimToRecoCollection associateSimToReco (const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Track > &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
 Association Sim To Reco with Collections. More...
void getMatchedIds (MapOfMatchedIds &tracker_matchedIds_valid, MapOfMatchedIds &muon_matchedIds_valid, MapOfMatchedIds &tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, MapOfMatchedIds &muon_matchedIds_INVALID, int &n_tracker_valid, int &n_dt_valid, int &n_csc_valid, int &n_rpc_valid, int &n_tracker_matched_valid, int &n_dt_matched_valid, int &n_csc_matched_valid, int &n_rpc_matched_valid, int &n_tracker_INVALID, int &n_dt_INVALID, int &n_csc_INVALID, int &n_rpc_INVALID, int &n_tracker_matched_INVALID, int &n_dt_matched_INVALID, int &n_csc_matched_INVALID, int &n_rpc_matched_INVALID, trackingRecHit_iterator begin, trackingRecHit_iterator end, TrackerHitAssociator *trackertruth, DTHitAssociator &dttruth, MuonTruth &csctruth, RPCHitAssociator &rpctruth, bool printRts) const
int getShared (MapOfMatchedIds &matchedIds, TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator trpart) const
 MuonAssociatorByHits (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~MuonAssociatorByHits ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrackAssociatorBase
virtual reco::RecoToSimCollection associateRecoToSim (edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
 compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections More...
associateRecoToSim (const edm::Handle< edm::View< TrajectorySeed > > &, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
associateRecoToSim (const edm::Handle< TrackCandidateCollection > &, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
virtual reco::SimToRecoCollection associateSimToReco (edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
 compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections More...
associateSimToReco (const edm::Handle< edm::View< TrajectorySeed > > &, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
associateSimToReco (const edm::Handle< TrackCandidateCollection > &, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
 TrackAssociatorBase ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~TrackAssociatorBase ()
 Destructor. More...

Private Types

typedef std::map< size_t,
std::vector< IndexMatch > > 
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< trackingRecHit_iterator,
trackingRecHit_iterator > > 

Private Member Functions

IndexAssociation associateRecoToSimIndices (const TrackHitsCollection &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
IndexAssociation associateSimToRecoIndices (const TrackHitsCollection &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
const TrackingRecHitgetHitPtr (edm::OwnVector< TrackingRecHit >::const_iterator iter) const
const TrackingRecHitgetHitPtr (trackingRecHit_iterator iter) const
int LayerFromDetid (const DetId &) const
std::string write_matched_simtracks (const std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &) const

Private Attributes

const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track
const bool acceptOneStubMatchings
const edm::ParameterSetconf_
const bool crossingframe
const bool dumpDT
const bool dumpInputCollections
double EfficiencyCut_muon
double EfficiencyCut_track
const bool includeZeroHitMuons
unsigned int NHitCut_muon
unsigned int NHitCut_track
double PurityCut_muon
double PurityCut_track
edm::InputTag simtracksTag
edm::InputTag simtracksXFTag
const bool ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial
const bool UseGrouped
bool UseMuon
const bool UsePixels
const bool UseSplitting
bool UseTracker

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<size_t, std::vector<IndexMatch> > MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation

Definition at line 124 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Definition at line 32 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Definition at line 73 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

typedef std::pair<uint32_t, EncodedEventId> MuonAssociatorByHits::SimHitIdpr

Definition at line 29 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

typedef std::map<TrackingParticleRef, std::vector<std::pair<edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon>, double> > > MuonAssociatorByHits::SimToMuonCollection

Definition at line 74 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Definition at line 118 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int,std::vector<SimHitIdpr> > MuonAssociatorByHits::uint_SimHitIdpr_pair

Definition at line 31 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonAssociatorByHits::MuonAssociatorByHits ( const edm::ParameterSet conf)

Definition at line 25 of file

References conf_, edm::ParameterSet::dump(), EfficiencyCut_muon, includeZeroHitMuons, NHitCut_muon, PurityCut_muon, UseMuon, and UseTracker.

25  :
26  includeZeroHitMuons(conf.getParameter<bool>("includeZeroHitMuons")),
27  acceptOneStubMatchings(conf.getParameter<bool>("acceptOneStubMatchings")),
28  UseTracker(conf.getParameter<bool>("UseTracker")),
29  UseMuon(conf.getParameter<bool>("UseMuon")),
30  AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track(conf.getParameter<bool>("AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track")),
31  NHitCut_track(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("NHitCut_track")),
32  EfficiencyCut_track(conf.getParameter<double>("EfficiencyCut_track")),
33  PurityCut_track(conf.getParameter<double>("PurityCut_track")),
34  AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon(conf.getParameter<bool>("AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon")),
35  NHitCut_muon(conf.getParameter<unsigned int>("NHitCut_muon")),
36  EfficiencyCut_muon(conf.getParameter<double>("EfficiencyCut_muon")),
37  PurityCut_muon(conf.getParameter<double>("PurityCut_muon")),
38  UsePixels(conf.getParameter<bool>("UsePixels")),
39  UseGrouped(conf.getParameter<bool>("UseGrouped")),
40  UseSplitting(conf.getParameter<bool>("UseSplitting")),
41  ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial(conf.getParameter<bool>("ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial")),
42  dumpDT(conf.getParameter<bool>("dumpDT")),
43  dumpInputCollections(conf.getParameter<bool>("dumpInputCollections")),
44  crossingframe(conf.getParameter<bool>("crossingframe")),
45  simtracksTag(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("simtracksTag")),
46  simtracksXFTag(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("simtracksXFTag")),
47  conf_(conf)
48 {
49  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") << "constructing MuonAssociatorByHits" << conf_.dump();
51  // up to the user in the other cases - print a message
52  if (UseTracker) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n UseTracker = TRUE : Tracker SimHits and RecHits WILL be counted";
53  else edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") <<"\n UseTracker = FALSE : Tracker SimHits and RecHits WILL NOT be counted";
55  // up to the user in the other cases - print a message
56  if (UseMuon) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<" UseMuon = TRUE : Muon SimHits and RecHits WILL be counted";
57  else edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") <<" UseMuon = FALSE : Muon SimHits and RecHits WILL NOT be counted"<<endl;
59  // check consistency of the configuration when allowing zero-hit muon matching (counting invalid hits)
60  if (includeZeroHitMuons) {
61  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
62  <<"\n includeZeroHitMuons = TRUE"
63  <<"\n ==> (re)set NHitCut_muon = 0, PurityCut_muon = 0, EfficiencyCut_muon = 0"<<endl;
64  NHitCut_muon = 0;
65  PurityCut_muon = 0.;
66  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.;
67  }
69 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
const edm::ParameterSet & conf_
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track
std::string dump() const
MuonAssociatorByHits::~MuonAssociatorByHits ( )

Definition at line 71 of file

72 {
73 }

Member Function Documentation

void MuonAssociatorByHits::associateMuons ( MuonToSimCollection recoToSim,
SimToMuonCollection simToReco,
const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Muon > &  muons,
MuonTrackType  trackType,
const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &  tPC,
const edm::Event event = 0,
const edm::EventSetup setup = 0 
) const

PART 1: Fill MuonAssociatorByHits::TrackHitsCollection

PART 2: call the association routines

Definition at line 1388 of file

References associateRecoToSimIndices(), associateSimToRecoIndices(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::begin(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), conf_, edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::end(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), TrackerMuonHitExtractor::getMuonHits(), GlobalTk, reco::Muon::globalTrack(), i, errorMatrix2Lands::indices, TrackerMuonHitExtractor::init(), InnerTk, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), n, OuterTk, reco::Muon::outerTrack(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::push_back(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::push_back(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), Segments, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::size(), and reco::Muon::track().

Referenced by RecoMuonValidator::analyze(), associateMuons(), and MuonMCClassifier::produce().

1391  {
1395  edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> allTMRecHits; // this I will fill in only for tracker muon hits from segments
1396  TrackingRecHitRefVector hitRefVector; // same as above, plus used to get null iterators for muons without a track
1397  switch (trackType) {
1398  case InnerTk:
1399  for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Muon>::const_iterator it = muons.begin(), ed = muons.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
1400  edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon> mur = *it;
1401  if (mur->track().isNonnull()) {
1402  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(mur->track()->recHitsBegin(), mur->track()->recHitsEnd()));
1403  } else {
1404  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(hitRefVector.begin(), hitRefVector.end()));
1405  }
1406  }
1407  break;
1408  case OuterTk:
1409  for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Muon>::const_iterator it = muons.begin(), ed = muons.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
1410  edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon> mur = *it;
1411  if (mur->outerTrack().isNonnull()) {
1412  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(mur->outerTrack()->recHitsBegin(), mur->outerTrack()->recHitsEnd()));
1413  } else {
1414  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(hitRefVector.begin(), hitRefVector.end()));
1415  }
1416  }
1417  break;
1418  case GlobalTk:
1419  for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Muon>::const_iterator it = muons.begin(), ed = muons.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
1420  edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon> mur = *it;
1421  if (mur->globalTrack().isNonnull()) {
1422  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(mur->globalTrack()->recHitsBegin(), mur->globalTrack()->recHitsEnd()));
1423  } else {
1424  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(hitRefVector.begin(), hitRefVector.end()));
1425  }
1426  }
1427  break;
1428  case Segments: {
1429  TrackerMuonHitExtractor hitExtractor(conf_);
1430  hitExtractor.init(*event, *setup);
1431  // puts hits in the vector, and record indices
1432  std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > muonHitIndices;
1433  for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Muon>::const_iterator it = muons.begin(), ed = muons.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
1434  edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon> mur = *it;
1435  std::pair<size_t, size_t> indices(allTMRecHits.size(), allTMRecHits.size());
1436  if (mur->isTrackerMuon()) {
1437  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit *> hits = hitExtractor.getMuonHits(*mur);
1438  for (std::vector<const TrackingRecHit *>::const_iterator ith = hits.begin(), edh = hits.end(); ith != edh; ++ith) {
1439  allTMRecHits.push_back(**ith);
1440  }
1441  indices.second += hits.size();
1442  }
1443  muonHitIndices.push_back(indices);
1444  }
1445  // puts hits in the ref-vector
1446  for (size_t i = 0, n = allTMRecHits.size(); i < n; ++i) {
1447  hitRefVector.push_back(TrackingRecHitRef(& allTMRecHits, i));
1448  }
1449  // convert indices into pairs of iterators to references
1450  typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> index_pair;
1451  trackingRecHit_iterator hitRefBegin = hitRefVector.begin();
1452  for (std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> >::const_iterator idxs = muonHitIndices.begin(), idxend = muonHitIndices.end(); idxs != idxend; ++idxs) {
1453  muonHitRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(hitRefBegin+idxs->first,
1454  hitRefBegin+idxs->second));
1455  }
1457  }
1458  break;
1459  }
1462  MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation recSimColl = associateRecoToSimIndices(muonHitRefs,tPC,event,setup);
1463  for (MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation::const_iterator it = recSimColl.begin(), ed = recSimColl.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
1464  edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon> rec = muons[it->first];
1465  const std::vector<MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexMatch> & idxAss = it->second;
1466  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > & tpAss = recToSim[rec];
1467  for (std::vector<MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexMatch>::const_iterator ita = idxAss.begin(), eda = idxAss.end(); ita != eda; ++ita) {
1468  tpAss.push_back(std::make_pair(tPC[ita->idx], ita->quality));
1469  }
1470  }
1471  MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation simRecColl = associateSimToRecoIndices(muonHitRefs,tPC,event,setup);
1472  for (MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation::const_iterator it = simRecColl.begin(), ed = simRecColl.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
1473  TrackingParticleRef sim = tPC[it->first];
1474  const std::vector<MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexMatch> & idxAss = it->second;
1475  std::vector<std::pair<edm::RefToBase<reco::Muon>, double> > & recAss = simToRec[sim];
1476  for (std::vector<MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexMatch>::const_iterator ita = idxAss.begin(), eda = idxAss.end(); ita != eda; ++ita) {
1477  recAss.push_back(std::make_pair(muons[ita->idx], ita->quality));
1478  }
1479  }
1481 }
int i
bool isTrackerMuon() const
Definition: Muon.h:212
size_type size() const
Definition: OwnVector.h:247
const_iterator end() const
virtual TrackRef track() const
reference to a Track
Definition: Muon.h:50
const edm::ParameterSet & conf_
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:249
Definition: sim.h:19
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:244
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:250
void push_back(D *&d)
Definition: OwnVector.h:273
edm::Ref< TrackingRecHitCollection > TrackingRecHitRef
persistent reference to a TrackingRecHit
virtual TrackRef outerTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in the muon detector only
Definition: Muon.h:52
std::vector< std::pair< trackingRecHit_iterator, trackingRecHit_iterator > > TrackHitsCollection
IndexAssociation associateRecoToSimIndices(const TrackHitsCollection &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
const_iterator begin() const
void push_back(const RefToBase< T > &)
void push_back(value_type const &ref)
Add a Ref&lt;C, T&gt; to the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:64
IndexAssociation associateSimToRecoIndices(const TrackHitsCollection &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
std::map< size_t, std::vector< IndexMatch > > IndexAssociation
virtual TrackRef globalTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector
Definition: Muon.h:55
void MuonAssociatorByHits::associateMuons ( MuonToSimCollection recoToSim,
SimToMuonCollection simToReco,
const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Muon > > &  tCH,
MuonTrackType  type,
const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &  tPCH,
const edm::Event event = 0,
const edm::EventSetup setup = 0 
) const

Definition at line 1376 of file

References associateMuons(), event(), edm::HandleBase::id(), j, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::push_back(), and HcalObjRepresent::setup().

1379  {
1382  for (unsigned int j=0; j<tPCH->size();j++)
1385  associateMuons(recToSim, simToRec, tCH->refVector(),type,tpc,event,setup);
1386 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
ProductID id() const
void associateMuons(MuonToSimCollection &recoToSim, SimToMuonCollection &simToReco, const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Muon > &, MuonTrackType, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
int j
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
void push_back(value_type const &ref)
Add a Ref&lt;C, T&gt; to the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:64
void setup(std::vector< TH2F > &depth, std::string name, std::string units="")
RecoToSimCollection MuonAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSim ( const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Track > &  tC,
const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &  TPCollectionH,
const edm::Event event = 0,
const edm::EventSetup setup = 0 
) const

Association Reco To Sim with Collections.

Implements TrackAssociatorBase.

Definition at line 76 of file

References associateRecoToSimIndices(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::begin(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::end(), edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::insert(), and edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::post_insert().

Referenced by MuonAssociatorEDProducer::produce().

78  {
79  RecoToSimCollection outputCollection;
82  for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Track>::const_iterator it = tC.begin(), ed = tC.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
83  tH.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->recHitsBegin(), (*it)->recHitsEnd()));
84  }
86  IndexAssociation bareAssoc = associateRecoToSimIndices(tH, TPCollectionH, e, setup);
87  for (IndexAssociation::const_iterator it = bareAssoc.begin(), ed = bareAssoc.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
88  for (std::vector<IndexMatch>::const_iterator itma = it->second.begin(), edma = it->second.end(); itma != edma; ++itma) {
89  outputCollection.insert(tC[it->first], std::make_pair(edm::Ref<TrackingParticleCollection>(TPCollectionH, itma->idx), itma->quality));
90  }
91  }
93  outputCollection.post_insert(); // perhaps not even necessary
94  return outputCollection;
95 }
const_iterator end() const
void post_insert()
post insert action
std::vector< std::pair< trackingRecHit_iterator, trackingRecHit_iterator > > TrackHitsCollection
void insert(const key_type &k, const data_type &v)
insert an association
IndexAssociation associateRecoToSimIndices(const TrackHitsCollection &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
const_iterator begin() const
std::map< size_t, std::vector< IndexMatch > > IndexAssociation
MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation MuonAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSimIndices ( const TrackHitsCollection tC,
const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &  TPCollectionH,
const edm::Event event = 0,
const edm::EventSetup setup = 0 
) const

Definition at line 98 of file

References AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon, AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track, acceptOneStubMatchings, conf_, crossingframe, dumpInputCollections, edm::Event::getByLabel(), getMatchedIds(), getShared(), includeZeroHitMuons, j, gen::k, NHitCut_muon, NHitCut_track, edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::product(), PurityCut_muon, PurityCut_track, simtracksTag, simtracksXFTag, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), python.multivaluedict::sort(), and ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial.

Referenced by associateMuons(), and associateRecoToSim().

100  {
102  int tracker_nshared = 0;
103  int muon_nshared = 0;
104  int global_nshared = 0;
106  double tracker_quality = 0;
107  double tracker_quality_cut;
108  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track) tracker_quality_cut = static_cast<double>(NHitCut_track);
109  else tracker_quality_cut = PurityCut_track;
111  double muon_quality = 0;
112  double muon_quality_cut;
113  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon) muon_quality_cut = static_cast<double>(NHitCut_muon);
114  else muon_quality_cut = PurityCut_muon;
116  double global_quality = 0;
118  MapOfMatchedIds tracker_matchedIds_valid, muon_matchedIds_valid;
119  MapOfMatchedIds tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, muon_matchedIds_INVALID;
121  IndexAssociation outputCollection;
122  bool printRtS(true);
124  // Tracker hit association
125  TrackerHitAssociator * trackertruth = new TrackerHitAssociator(*e, conf_);
126  // CSC hit association
127  MuonTruth csctruth(*e,*setup,conf_);
128  // DT hit association
129  printRtS = true;
130  DTHitAssociator dttruth(*e,*setup,conf_,printRtS);
131  // RPC hit association
132  RPCHitAssociator rpctruth(*e,*setup,conf_);
135  if (TPCollectionH.size()!=0) tPC = *(TPCollectionH.product());
137  if (dumpInputCollections) {
138  // reco::Track collection
139  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n"<<"reco::Track collection --- size = "<<tC.size();
142  // TrackingParticle collection
143  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n"<<"TrackingParticle collection --- size = "<<tPC.size();
144  int j = 0;
145  for(TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator ITER=tPC.begin(); ITER!=tPC.end(); ITER++, j++) {
146  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
147  <<"TrackingParticle "<<j<<", q = "<<ITER->charge()<<", p = "<<ITER->p()
148  <<", pT = "<<ITER->pt()<<", eta = "<<ITER->eta()<<", phi = "<<ITER->phi();
150  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
151  <<"\t pdg code = "<<ITER->pdgId()<<", made of "<<ITER->trackPSimHit().size()<<" PSimHit"
152  <<" (in "<<ITER->matchedHit()<<" layers)"
153  <<" from "<<ITER->g4Tracks().size()<<" SimTrack:";
154  for (TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T=ITER->g4Track_begin(); g4T!=ITER->g4Track_end(); g4T++) {
155  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
156  <<"\t\t Id:"<<g4T->trackId()<<"/Evt:("<<g4T->eventId().event()<<","<<g4T->eventId().bunchCrossing()<<")";
157  }
158  }
160  // SimTrack collection
162  edm::Handle<edm::SimTrackContainer> simTrackCollection;
164  // SimVertex collection
165  edm::Handle<CrossingFrame<SimVertex> > cf_simvertices;
166  edm::Handle<edm::SimVertexContainer> simVertexCollection;
168  if (crossingframe) {
169  e->getByLabel(simtracksXFTag,cf_simtracks);
170  auto_ptr<MixCollection<SimTrack> > SimTk( new MixCollection<SimTrack>(cf_simtracks.product()) );
171  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n"<<"CrossingFrame<SimTrack> collection with InputTag = "<<simtracksXFTag
172  <<" has size = "<<SimTk->size();
173  int k = 0;
174  for (MixCollection<SimTrack>::MixItr ITER=SimTk->begin(); ITER!=SimTk->end(); ITER++, k++) {
175  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
176  <<"SimTrack "<<k
177  <<" - Id:"<<ITER->trackId()<<"/Evt:("<<ITER->eventId().event()<<","<<ITER->eventId().bunchCrossing()<<")"
178  <<" pdgId = "<<ITER->type()<<", q = "<<ITER->charge()<<", p = "<<ITER->momentum().P()
179  <<", pT = "<<ITER->momentum().Pt()<<", eta = "<<ITER->momentum().Eta()<<", phi = "<<ITER->momentum().Phi()
180  <<"\n * "<<*ITER <<endl;
181  }
182  e->getByLabel(simtracksXFTag,cf_simvertices);
183  auto_ptr<MixCollection<SimVertex> > SimVtx( new MixCollection<SimVertex>(cf_simvertices.product()) );
184  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n"<<"CrossingFrame<SimVertex> collection with InputTag = "<<simtracksXFTag
185  <<" has size = "<<SimVtx->size();
186  int kv = 0;
187  for (MixCollection<SimVertex>::MixItr VITER=SimVtx->begin(); VITER!=SimVtx->end(); VITER++, kv++){
188  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
189  <<"SimVertex "<<kv
190  << " : "<< *VITER <<endl;
191  }
192  }
193  else {
194  e->getByLabel(simtracksTag,simTrackCollection);
195  const edm::SimTrackContainer simTC = *(simTrackCollection.product());
196  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n"<<"SimTrack collection with InputTag = "<<simtracksTag
197  <<" has size = "<<simTC.size()<<endl;
198  int k = 0;
199  for(edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator ITER=simTC.begin(); ITER!=simTC.end(); ITER++, k++){
200  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
201  <<"SimTrack "<<k
202  <<" - Id:"<<ITER->trackId()<<"/Evt:("<<ITER->eventId().event()<<","<<ITER->eventId().bunchCrossing()<<")"
203  <<" pdgId = "<<ITER->type()<<", q = "<<ITER->charge()<<", p = "<<ITER->momentum().P()
204  <<", pT = "<<ITER->momentum().Pt()<<", eta = "<<ITER->momentum().Eta()<<", phi = "<<ITER->momentum().Phi()
205  <<"\n * "<<*ITER <<endl;
206  }
207  e->getByLabel("g4SimHits",simVertexCollection);
208  const edm::SimVertexContainer simVC = *(simVertexCollection.product());
209  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"\n"<<"SimVertex collection with InputTag = "<<"g4SimHits"
210  <<" has size = "<<simVC.size()<<endl;
211  int kv = 0;
212  for (edm::SimVertexContainer::const_iterator VITER=simVC.begin(); VITER!=simVC.end(); VITER++, kv++){
213  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
214  <<"SimVertex "<<kv
215  << " : "<< *VITER <<endl;
216  }
217  }
218  }
220  int tindex=0;
221  for (TrackHitsCollection::const_iterator track=tC.begin(); track!=tC.end(); track++, tindex++) {
222  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
223  <<"\n"<<"reco::Track "<<tindex
224  <<", number of RecHits = "<< (track->second - track->first) << "\n";
225  tracker_matchedIds_valid.clear();
226  muon_matchedIds_valid.clear();
228  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID.clear();
229  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.clear();
231  bool this_track_matched = false;
232  int n_matching_simhits = 0;
234  // all hits = valid +INVALID
235  int n_all = 0;
236  int n_tracker_all = 0;
237  int n_dt_all = 0;
238  int n_csc_all = 0;
239  int n_rpc_all = 0;
241  int n_valid = 0;
242  int n_tracker_valid = 0;
243  int n_muon_valid = 0;
244  int n_dt_valid = 0;
245  int n_csc_valid = 0;
246  int n_rpc_valid = 0;
248  int n_tracker_matched_valid = 0;
249  int n_muon_matched_valid = 0;
250  int n_dt_matched_valid = 0;
251  int n_csc_matched_valid = 0;
252  int n_rpc_matched_valid = 0;
254  int n_INVALID = 0;
255  int n_tracker_INVALID = 0;
256  int n_muon_INVALID = 0;
257  int n_dt_INVALID = 0;
258  int n_csc_INVALID = 0;
259  int n_rpc_INVALID = 0;
261  int n_tracker_matched_INVALID = 0;
262  int n_muon_matched_INVALID = 0;
263  int n_dt_matched_INVALID = 0;
264  int n_csc_matched_INVALID = 0;
265  int n_rpc_matched_INVALID = 0;
267  printRtS = true;
268  getMatchedIds(tracker_matchedIds_valid, muon_matchedIds_valid,
269  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, muon_matchedIds_INVALID,
270  n_tracker_valid, n_dt_valid, n_csc_valid, n_rpc_valid,
271  n_tracker_matched_valid, n_dt_matched_valid, n_csc_matched_valid, n_rpc_matched_valid,
272  n_tracker_INVALID, n_dt_INVALID, n_csc_INVALID, n_rpc_INVALID,
273  n_tracker_matched_INVALID, n_dt_matched_INVALID, n_csc_matched_INVALID, n_rpc_matched_INVALID,
274  track->first, track->second,
275  trackertruth, dttruth, csctruth, rpctruth,
276  printRtS);
278  n_matching_simhits = tracker_matchedIds_valid.size() + muon_matchedIds_valid.size() +
279  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID.size() +muon_matchedIds_INVALID.size();
281  n_muon_valid = n_dt_valid + n_csc_valid + n_rpc_valid;
282  n_valid = n_tracker_valid + n_muon_valid;
283  n_muon_INVALID = n_dt_INVALID + n_csc_INVALID + n_rpc_INVALID;
284  n_INVALID = n_tracker_INVALID + n_muon_INVALID;
286  // all used hits (valid+INVALID), defined by UseTracker, UseMuon
287  n_tracker_all = n_tracker_valid + n_tracker_INVALID;
288  n_dt_all = n_dt_valid + n_dt_INVALID;
289  n_csc_all = n_csc_valid + n_csc_INVALID;
290  n_rpc_all = n_rpc_valid + n_rpc_INVALID;
291  n_all = n_valid + n_INVALID;
293  n_muon_matched_valid = n_dt_matched_valid + n_csc_matched_valid + n_rpc_matched_valid;
294  n_muon_matched_INVALID = n_dt_matched_INVALID + n_csc_matched_INVALID + n_rpc_matched_INVALID;
296  // selected hits are set initially to valid hits
297  int n_tracker_selected_hits = n_tracker_valid;
298  int n_muon_selected_hits = n_muon_valid;
299  int n_dt_selected_hits = n_dt_valid;
300  int n_csc_selected_hits = n_csc_valid;
301  int n_rpc_selected_hits = n_rpc_valid;
303  // matched hits are a subsample of the selected hits
304  int n_tracker_matched = n_tracker_matched_valid;
305  int n_muon_matched = n_muon_matched_valid;
306  int n_dt_matched = n_dt_matched_valid;
307  int n_csc_matched = n_csc_matched_valid;
308  int n_rpc_matched = n_rpc_matched_valid;
310  std::string InvMuonHits, ZeroHitMuon;
312  if (includeZeroHitMuons && n_muon_valid==0 && n_muon_INVALID!=0) {
313  // selected muon hits = INVALID when (useZeroHitMuons == True) and track has no valid muon hits
315  InvMuonHits = " ***INVALID MUON HITS***";
316  ZeroHitMuon = " ***ZERO-HIT MUON***";
318  n_muon_selected_hits = n_muon_INVALID;
319  n_dt_selected_hits = n_dt_INVALID;
320  n_csc_selected_hits = n_csc_INVALID;
321  n_rpc_selected_hits = n_rpc_INVALID;
323  n_muon_matched = n_muon_matched_INVALID;
324  n_dt_matched = n_dt_matched_INVALID;
325  n_csc_matched = n_csc_matched_INVALID;
326  n_rpc_matched = n_rpc_matched_INVALID;
327  }
329  int n_selected_hits = n_tracker_selected_hits + n_muon_selected_hits;
330  int n_matched = n_tracker_matched + n_muon_matched;
332  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
333  <<"\n"<<"# TrackingRecHits: "<<(track->second - track->first)
334  <<"\n"<< "# used RecHits = " << n_all <<" ("<<n_tracker_all<<"/"
335  <<n_dt_all<<"/"<<n_csc_all<<"/"<<n_rpc_all<<" in Tracker/DT/CSC/RPC)"<<", obtained from " << n_matching_simhits << " SimHits"
336  <<"\n"<< "# selected RecHits = " <<n_selected_hits <<" (" <<n_tracker_selected_hits<<"/"
337  <<n_dt_selected_hits<<"/"<<n_csc_selected_hits<<"/"<<n_rpc_selected_hits<<" in Tracker/DT/CSC/RPC)"<<InvMuonHits
338  <<"\n"<< "# matched RecHits = " <<n_matched<<" ("<<n_tracker_matched<<"/"
339  <<n_dt_matched<<"/"<<n_csc_matched<<"/"<<n_rpc_matched<<" in Tracker/DT/CSC/RPC)";
341  if (n_all>0 && n_matching_simhits == 0)
342  edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
343  <<"*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSim: no matching PSimHit found for this reco::Track !";
345  if (n_matching_simhits != 0) {
346  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
347  <<"\n"<< "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
348  <<"\n"<< "reco::Track "<<tindex<<ZeroHitMuon
349  <<"\n\t"<< "made of "<<n_selected_hits<<" selected RecHits (tracker:"<<n_tracker_selected_hits<<"/muons:"<<n_muon_selected_hits<<")";
351  int tpindex = 0;
352  for (TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator trpart = tPC.begin(); trpart != tPC.end(); ++trpart, ++tpindex) {
353  tracker_nshared = getShared(tracker_matchedIds_valid, trpart);
354  muon_nshared = getShared(muon_matchedIds_valid, trpart);
356  if (includeZeroHitMuons && n_muon_valid==0 && n_muon_INVALID!=0)
357  muon_nshared = getShared(muon_matchedIds_INVALID, trpart);
359  global_nshared = tracker_nshared + muon_nshared;
361  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track) tracker_quality = static_cast<double>(tracker_nshared);
362  else if(n_tracker_selected_hits != 0) tracker_quality = (static_cast<double>(tracker_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_tracker_selected_hits));
363  else tracker_quality = 0;
365  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon) muon_quality = static_cast<double>(muon_nshared);
366  else if(n_muon_selected_hits != 0) muon_quality = (static_cast<double>(muon_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_muon_selected_hits));
367  else muon_quality = 0;
369  // global_quality used to order the matching TPs
370  if (n_selected_hits != 0) {
372  global_quality = global_nshared;
373  else
374  global_quality = (static_cast<double>(global_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_selected_hits));
375  } else global_quality = 0;
377  bool trackerOk = false;
378  if (n_tracker_selected_hits != 0) {
379  if (tracker_quality > tracker_quality_cut) trackerOk = true;
380  //if a track has just 3 hits in the Tracker we require that all 3 hits are shared
381  if (ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial && n_tracker_selected_hits==3 && tracker_nshared<3) trackerOk = false;
382  }
384  bool muonOk = false;
385  if (n_muon_selected_hits != 0) {
386  if (muon_quality > muon_quality_cut) muonOk = true;
387  }
389  // (matchOk) has to account for different track types (tracker-only, standalone muons, global muons)
390  bool matchOk = trackerOk || muonOk;
392  // only for global muons: match both tracker and muon stub unless (acceptOneStubMatchings==true)
393  if (!acceptOneStubMatchings && n_tracker_selected_hits!=0 && n_muon_selected_hits!=0)
394  matchOk = trackerOk && muonOk;
396  if (matchOk) {
398  outputCollection[tindex].push_back(IndexMatch(tpindex, global_quality));
399  this_track_matched = true;
401  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
402  << "\n\t"<<" **MATCHED** with quality = "<<global_quality<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_quality<<" / muon: "<<muon_quality<<")"
403  << "\n\t"<<" N shared hits = "<<global_nshared<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_nshared<<" / muon: "<<muon_nshared<<")"
404  <<"\n"<< " to: TrackingParticle " <<tpindex<<", q = "<<(*trpart).charge()<<", p = "<<(*trpart).p()
405  <<", pT = "<<(*trpart).pt()<<", eta = "<<(*trpart).eta()<<", phi = "<<(*trpart).phi()
406  <<"\n\t"<< " pdg code = "<<(*trpart).pdgId()<<", made of "<<(*trpart).trackPSimHit().size()<<" PSimHits"
407  <<" from "<<(*trpart).g4Tracks().size()<<" SimTrack:";
408  for(TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T=(*trpart).g4Track_begin();
409  g4T!=(*trpart).g4Track_end();
410  ++g4T) {
411  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
412  <<"\t"<< " Id:"<<(*g4T).trackId()<<"/Evt:("<<(*g4T).eventId().event()<<","<<(*g4T).eventId().bunchCrossing()<<")";
413  }
414  }
415  else {
416  // print something only if this TrackingParticle shares some hits with the current reco::Track
417  if (global_nshared != 0)
418  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
419  <<"\n\t"<<" NOT matched to TrackingParticle "<<tpindex
420  << " with quality = "<<global_quality<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_quality<<" / muon: "<<muon_quality<<")"
421  << "\n"<< " N shared hits = "<<global_nshared<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_nshared<<" / muon: "<<muon_nshared<<")";
422  }
424  } // loop over TrackingParticle
426  if (!this_track_matched) {
427  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
428  <<"\n"<<" NOT matched to any TrackingParticle";
429  }
431  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
432  <<"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"<<"\n";
434  } // if(n_matching_simhits != 0)
436  } // loop over reco::Track
438  if (!tC.size())
439  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"0 reconstructed tracks (-->> 0 associated !)";
441  delete trackertruth;
442  for (IndexAssociation::iterator it = outputCollection.begin(), ed = outputCollection.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
443  std::sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
444  }
445  return outputCollection;
446 }
std::vector< TrackingParticle > TrackingParticleCollection
C const * product() const
Accessor for product collection.
Definition: RefVector.h:272
boost::ptr_vector< uint_SimHitIdpr_pair > MapOfMatchedIds
const edm::ParameterSet & conf_
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon
int getShared(MapOfMatchedIds &matchedIds, TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator trpart) const
int j
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
std::vector< SimTrack >::const_iterator g4t_iterator
void getMatchedIds(MapOfMatchedIds &tracker_matchedIds_valid, MapOfMatchedIds &muon_matchedIds_valid, MapOfMatchedIds &tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, MapOfMatchedIds &muon_matchedIds_INVALID, int &n_tracker_valid, int &n_dt_valid, int &n_csc_valid, int &n_rpc_valid, int &n_tracker_matched_valid, int &n_dt_matched_valid, int &n_csc_matched_valid, int &n_rpc_matched_valid, int &n_tracker_INVALID, int &n_dt_INVALID, int &n_csc_INVALID, int &n_rpc_INVALID, int &n_tracker_matched_INVALID, int &n_dt_matched_INVALID, int &n_csc_matched_INVALID, int &n_rpc_matched_INVALID, trackingRecHit_iterator begin, trackingRecHit_iterator end, TrackerHitAssociator *trackertruth, DTHitAssociator &dttruth, MuonTruth &csctruth, RPCHitAssociator &rpctruth, bool printRts) const
std::vector< SimVertex > SimVertexContainer
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:74
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:89
std::vector< SimTrack > SimTrackContainer
std::map< size_t, std::vector< IndexMatch > > IndexAssociation
SimToRecoCollection MuonAssociatorByHits::associateSimToReco ( const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Track > &  tC,
const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &  TPCollectionH,
const edm::Event event = 0,
const edm::EventSetup setup = 0 
) const

Association Sim To Reco with Collections.

Implements TrackAssociatorBase.

Definition at line 450 of file

References associateSimToRecoIndices(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::begin(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::end(), edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::insert(), and edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::post_insert().

Referenced by MuonAssociatorEDProducer::produce().

452  {
454  SimToRecoCollection outputCollection;
456  for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Track>::const_iterator it = tC.begin(), ed = tC.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
457  tH.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->recHitsBegin(), (*it)->recHitsEnd()));
458  }
460  IndexAssociation bareAssoc = associateSimToRecoIndices(tH, TPCollectionH, e, setup);
461  for (IndexAssociation::const_iterator it = bareAssoc.begin(), ed = bareAssoc.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
462  for (std::vector<IndexMatch>::const_iterator itma = it->second.begin(), edma = it->second.end(); itma != edma; ++itma) {
463  outputCollection.insert(edm::Ref<TrackingParticleCollection>(TPCollectionH, it->first),
464  std::make_pair(tC[itma->idx], itma->quality));
465  }
466  }
468  outputCollection.post_insert(); // perhaps not even necessary
469  return outputCollection;
470 }
const_iterator end() const
void post_insert()
post insert action
std::vector< std::pair< trackingRecHit_iterator, trackingRecHit_iterator > > TrackHitsCollection
void insert(const key_type &k, const data_type &v)
insert an association
const_iterator begin() const
IndexAssociation associateSimToRecoIndices(const TrackHitsCollection &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
std::map< size_t, std::vector< IndexMatch > > IndexAssociation
MuonAssociatorByHits::IndexAssociation MuonAssociatorByHits::associateSimToRecoIndices ( const TrackHitsCollection tC,
const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &  TPCollectionH,
const edm::Event event = 0,
const edm::EventSetup setup = 0 
) const

Definition at line 473 of file

References AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon, AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track, acceptOneStubMatchings, conf_, MuonSubdetId::CSC, MuonTruth::cscBadChambers, DetId::det(), EfficiencyCut_muon, EfficiencyCut_track, getMatchedIds(), getShared(), includeZeroHitMuons, CSCBadChambers::isInBadChamber(), LayerFromDetid(), DetId::Muon, NHitCut_muon, NHitCut_track, SiStripDetId::partnerDetId(), PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::product(), PurityCut_muon, PurityCut_track, DetId::rawId(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), python.multivaluedict::sort(), DetId::subdetId(), SiStripDetId::TEC, ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial, SiStripDetId::TIB, SiStripDetId::TID, SiStripDetId::TOB, DetId::Tracker, UseGrouped, UseMuon, UsePixels, UseSplitting, and UseTracker.

Referenced by associateMuons(), and associateSimToReco().

475  {
478  int tracker_nshared = 0;
479  int muon_nshared = 0;
480  int global_nshared = 0;
482  double tracker_quality = 0;
483  double tracker_quality_cut;
484  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track) tracker_quality_cut = static_cast<double>(NHitCut_track);
485  else tracker_quality_cut = EfficiencyCut_track;
487  double muon_quality = 0;
488  double muon_quality_cut;
489  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon) muon_quality_cut = static_cast<double>(NHitCut_muon);
490  else muon_quality_cut = EfficiencyCut_muon;
492  double global_quality = 0;
494  double tracker_purity = 0;
495  double muon_purity = 0;
496  double global_purity = 0;
498  MapOfMatchedIds tracker_matchedIds_valid, muon_matchedIds_valid;
499  MapOfMatchedIds tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, muon_matchedIds_INVALID;
501  IndexAssociation outputCollection;
503  bool printRtS(true);
505  // Tracker hit association
506  TrackerHitAssociator * trackertruth = new TrackerHitAssociator(*e, conf_);
507  // CSC hit association
508  MuonTruth csctruth(*e,*setup,conf_);
509  // DT hit association
510  printRtS = false;
511  DTHitAssociator dttruth(*e,*setup,conf_,printRtS);
512  // RPC hit association
513  RPCHitAssociator rpctruth(*e,*setup,conf_);
516  if (TPCollectionH.size()!=0) tPC = *(TPCollectionH.product());
518  bool any_trackingParticle_matched = false;
520  int tindex=0;
521  for (TrackHitsCollection::const_iterator track=tC.begin(); track!=tC.end(); track++, tindex++) {
522  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
523  <<"\n"<<"reco::Track "<<tindex
524  <<", number of RecHits = "<< (track->second - track->first) << "\n";
526  tracker_matchedIds_valid.clear();
527  muon_matchedIds_valid.clear();
529  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID.clear();
530  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.clear();
532  int n_matching_simhits = 0;
534  // all hits = valid +INVALID
535  int n_all = 0;
536  int n_tracker_all = 0;
537  int n_dt_all = 0;
538  int n_csc_all = 0;
539  int n_rpc_all = 0;
541  int n_valid = 0;
542  int n_tracker_valid = 0;
543  int n_muon_valid = 0;
544  int n_dt_valid = 0;
545  int n_csc_valid = 0;
546  int n_rpc_valid = 0;
548  int n_tracker_matched_valid = 0;
549  int n_muon_matched_valid = 0;
550  int n_dt_matched_valid = 0;
551  int n_csc_matched_valid = 0;
552  int n_rpc_matched_valid = 0;
554  int n_INVALID = 0;
555  int n_tracker_INVALID = 0;
556  int n_muon_INVALID = 0;
557  int n_dt_INVALID = 0;
558  int n_csc_INVALID = 0;
559  int n_rpc_INVALID = 0;
561  int n_tracker_matched_INVALID = 0;
562  int n_muon_matched_INVALID = 0;
563  int n_dt_matched_INVALID = 0;
564  int n_csc_matched_INVALID = 0;
565  int n_rpc_matched_INVALID = 0;
567  printRtS = false;
568  getMatchedIds(tracker_matchedIds_valid, muon_matchedIds_valid,
569  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, muon_matchedIds_INVALID,
570  n_tracker_valid, n_dt_valid, n_csc_valid, n_rpc_valid,
571  n_tracker_matched_valid, n_dt_matched_valid, n_csc_matched_valid, n_rpc_matched_valid,
572  n_tracker_INVALID, n_dt_INVALID, n_csc_INVALID, n_rpc_INVALID,
573  n_tracker_matched_INVALID, n_dt_matched_INVALID, n_csc_matched_INVALID, n_rpc_matched_INVALID,
574  track->first, track->second,
575  trackertruth, dttruth, csctruth, rpctruth,
576  printRtS);
578  n_matching_simhits = tracker_matchedIds_valid.size() + muon_matchedIds_valid.size() +
579  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID.size() +muon_matchedIds_INVALID.size();
581  n_muon_valid = n_dt_valid + n_csc_valid + n_rpc_valid;
582  n_valid = n_tracker_valid + n_muon_valid;
583  n_muon_INVALID = n_dt_INVALID + n_csc_INVALID + n_rpc_INVALID;
584  n_INVALID = n_tracker_INVALID + n_muon_INVALID;
586  // all used hits (valid+INVALID), defined by UseTracker, UseMuon
587  n_tracker_all = n_tracker_valid + n_tracker_INVALID;
588  n_dt_all = n_dt_valid + n_dt_INVALID;
589  n_csc_all = n_csc_valid + n_csc_INVALID;
590  n_rpc_all = n_rpc_valid + n_rpc_INVALID;
591  n_all = n_valid + n_INVALID;
593  n_muon_matched_valid = n_dt_matched_valid + n_csc_matched_valid + n_rpc_matched_valid;
594  n_muon_matched_INVALID = n_dt_matched_INVALID + n_csc_matched_INVALID + n_rpc_matched_INVALID;
596  // selected hits are set initially to valid hits
597  int n_tracker_selected_hits = n_tracker_valid;
598  int n_muon_selected_hits = n_muon_valid;
599  int n_dt_selected_hits = n_dt_valid;
600  int n_csc_selected_hits = n_csc_valid;
601  int n_rpc_selected_hits = n_rpc_valid;
603  // matched hits are a subsample of the selected hits
604  int n_tracker_matched = n_tracker_matched_valid;
605  int n_muon_matched = n_muon_matched_valid;
606  int n_dt_matched = n_dt_matched_valid;
607  int n_csc_matched = n_csc_matched_valid;
608  int n_rpc_matched = n_rpc_matched_valid;
610  std::string InvMuonHits, ZeroHitMuon;
612  if (includeZeroHitMuons && n_muon_valid==0 && n_muon_INVALID!=0) {
613  // selected muon hits = INVALID when (useZeroHitMuons == True) and track has no valid muon hits
615  InvMuonHits = " ***INVALID MUON HITS***";
616  ZeroHitMuon = " ***ZERO-HIT MUON***";
618  n_muon_selected_hits = n_muon_INVALID;
619  n_dt_selected_hits = n_dt_INVALID;
620  n_csc_selected_hits = n_csc_INVALID;
621  n_rpc_selected_hits = n_rpc_INVALID;
623  n_muon_matched = n_muon_matched_INVALID;
624  n_dt_matched = n_dt_matched_INVALID;
625  n_csc_matched = n_csc_matched_INVALID;
626  n_rpc_matched = n_rpc_matched_INVALID;
627  }
629  int n_selected_hits = n_tracker_selected_hits + n_muon_selected_hits;
630  int n_matched = n_tracker_matched + n_muon_matched;
632  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
633  <<"\n"<<"# TrackingRecHits: "<<(track->second - track->first)
634  <<"\n"<< "# used RecHits = " <<n_all <<" ("<<n_tracker_all<<"/"
635  <<n_dt_all<<"/"<<n_csc_all<<"/"<<n_rpc_all<<" in Tracker/DT/CSC/RPC)"<<", obtained from " << n_matching_simhits << " SimHits"
636  <<"\n"<< "# selected RecHits = " <<n_selected_hits <<" (" <<n_tracker_selected_hits<<"/"
637  <<n_dt_selected_hits<<"/"<<n_csc_selected_hits<<"/"<<n_rpc_selected_hits<<" in Tracker/DT/CSC/RPC)"<<InvMuonHits
638  <<"\n"<< "# matched RecHits = " <<n_matched<<" ("<<n_tracker_matched<<"/"
639  <<n_dt_matched<<"/"<<n_csc_matched<<"/"<<n_rpc_matched<<" in Tracker/DT/CSC/RPC)";
641  if (printRtS && n_all>0 && n_matching_simhits==0)
642  edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
643  <<"*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::associateSimToReco: no matching PSimHit found for this reco::Track !";
645  if (n_matching_simhits != 0) {
646  int tpindex =0;
647  for (TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator trpart = tPC.begin(); trpart != tPC.end(); ++trpart, ++tpindex) {
649  int n_tracker_simhits = 0;
650  int n_tracker_recounted_simhits = 0;
651  int n_muon_simhits = 0;
652  int n_global_simhits = 0;
653  std::vector<PSimHit> tphits;
655  int n_tracker_selected_simhits = 0;
656  int n_muon_selected_simhits = 0;
657  int n_global_selected_simhits = 0;
659  // shared hits are counted over the selected ones
660  tracker_nshared = getShared(tracker_matchedIds_valid, trpart);
661  muon_nshared = getShared(muon_matchedIds_valid, trpart);
663  if (includeZeroHitMuons && n_muon_valid==0 && n_muon_INVALID!=0)
664  muon_nshared = getShared(muon_matchedIds_INVALID, trpart);
666  global_nshared = tracker_nshared + muon_nshared;
667  if (global_nshared == 0) continue; // if this TP shares no hits with the current reco::Track loop over
669  for(std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator TPhit = trpart->pSimHit_begin(); TPhit != trpart->pSimHit_end(); TPhit++) {
670  DetId dId = DetId(TPhit->detUnitId());
671  DetId::Detector detector = dId.det();
673  if (detector == DetId::Tracker) {
674  n_tracker_simhits++;
676  unsigned int subdetId = static_cast<unsigned int>(dId.subdetId());
678  continue;
680  SiStripDetId* stripDetId = 0;
681  if (subdetId==SiStripDetId::TIB||subdetId==SiStripDetId::TOB||
682  subdetId==SiStripDetId::TID||subdetId==SiStripDetId::TEC)
683  stripDetId= new SiStripDetId(dId);
685  bool newhit = true;
686  for(std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator TPhitOK = tphits.begin(); TPhitOK != tphits.end(); TPhitOK++) {
687  DetId dIdOK = DetId(TPhitOK->detUnitId());
688  //no grouped, no splitting
689  if (!UseGrouped && !UseSplitting)
690  if (LayerFromDetid(dId)==LayerFromDetid(dIdOK) &&
691  dId.subdetId()==dIdOK.subdetId()) newhit = false;
692  //no grouped, splitting
693  if (!UseGrouped && UseSplitting)
694  if (LayerFromDetid(dId)==LayerFromDetid(dIdOK) &&
695  dId.subdetId()==dIdOK.subdetId() &&
696  (stripDetId==0 || stripDetId->partnerDetId()!=dIdOK.rawId()))
697  newhit = false;
698  //grouped, no splitting
699  if (UseGrouped && !UseSplitting)
700  if (LayerFromDetid(dId)==LayerFromDetid(dIdOK) &&
701  dId.subdetId()==dIdOK.subdetId() &&
702  stripDetId!=0 && stripDetId->partnerDetId()==dIdOK.rawId())
703  newhit = false;
704  //grouped, splitting
705  if (UseGrouped && UseSplitting)
706  newhit = true;
707  }
708  if (newhit) {
709  tphits.push_back(*TPhit);
710  }
711  delete stripDetId;
712  }
713  else if (detector == DetId::Muon) {
714  n_muon_simhits++;
716  // discard BAD CSC chambers (ME4/2) from hit counting
717  if (dId.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC) {
718  if (csctruth.cscBadChambers->isInBadChamber(CSCDetId(dId))) {
719  // edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")<<"This PSimHit is in a BAD CSC chamber, CSCDetId = "<<CSCDetId(dId);
720  n_muon_simhits--;
721  }
722  }
724  }
725  }
727  n_tracker_recounted_simhits = tphits.size();
728  // Handle the case of TrackingParticles that don't have PSimHits inside, e.g. because they were made on RECOSIM only.
729  if (trpart->trackPSimHit().empty()) {
730  // FIXME this can be made better, counting the digiSimLinks associated to this TP, but perhaps it's not worth it
731  n_tracker_recounted_simhits = tracker_nshared;
732  n_muon_simhits = muon_nshared;
733  }
734  n_global_simhits = n_tracker_recounted_simhits + n_muon_simhits;
736  if (UseMuon) {
737  n_muon_selected_simhits = n_muon_simhits;
738  n_global_selected_simhits = n_muon_selected_simhits;
739  }
740  if (UseTracker) {
741  n_tracker_selected_simhits = n_tracker_recounted_simhits;
742  n_global_selected_simhits += n_tracker_selected_simhits;
743  }
745  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track) tracker_quality = static_cast<double>(tracker_nshared);
746  else if (n_tracker_selected_simhits!=0)
747  tracker_quality = static_cast<double>(tracker_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_tracker_selected_simhits);
748  else tracker_quality = 0;
750  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon) muon_quality = static_cast<double>(muon_nshared);
751  else if (n_muon_selected_simhits!=0)
752  muon_quality = static_cast<double>(muon_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_muon_selected_simhits);
753  else muon_quality = 0;
755  // global_quality used to order the matching tracks
756  if (n_global_selected_simhits != 0) {
758  global_quality = global_nshared;
759  else
760  global_quality = static_cast<double>(global_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_global_selected_simhits);
761  }
762  else global_quality = 0;
764  // global purity
765  if (n_selected_hits != 0) {
767  global_purity = global_nshared;
768  else
769  global_purity = static_cast<double>(global_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_selected_hits);
770  }
771  else global_purity = 0;
773  bool trackerOk = false;
774  if (n_tracker_selected_hits != 0) {
775  if (tracker_quality > tracker_quality_cut) trackerOk = true;
777  tracker_purity = static_cast<double>(tracker_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_tracker_selected_hits);
778  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track) tracker_purity = static_cast<double>(tracker_nshared);
780  if ((!AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track) && tracker_purity <= PurityCut_track) trackerOk = false;
782  //if a track has just 3 hits in the Tracker we require that all 3 hits are shared
783  if (ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial && n_tracker_selected_hits==3 && tracker_nshared<3) trackerOk = false;
784  }
786  bool muonOk = false;
787  if (n_muon_selected_hits != 0) {
788  if (muon_quality > muon_quality_cut) muonOk = true;
790  muon_purity = static_cast<double>(muon_nshared)/static_cast<double>(n_muon_selected_hits);
791  if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon) muon_purity = static_cast<double>(muon_nshared);
793  if ((!AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon) && muon_purity <= PurityCut_muon) muonOk = false;
794  }
796  // (matchOk) has to account for different track types (tracker-only, standalone muons, global muons)
797  bool matchOk = trackerOk || muonOk;
799  // only for global muons: match both tracker and muon stub unless (acceptOneStubMatchings==true)
800  if (!acceptOneStubMatchings && n_tracker_selected_hits!=0 && n_muon_selected_hits!=0)
801  matchOk = trackerOk && muonOk;
803  if (matchOk) {
805  outputCollection[tpindex].push_back(IndexMatch(tindex,global_quality));
806  any_trackingParticle_matched = true;
808  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
809  <<"************************************************************************************************************************"
810  <<"\n"<< "TrackingParticle " << tpindex <<", q = "<<(*trpart).charge()<<", p = "<<(*trpart).p()
811  <<", pT = "<<(*trpart).pt()<<", eta = "<<(*trpart).eta()<<", phi = "<<(*trpart).phi()
812  <<"\n"<<" pdg code = "<<(*trpart).pdgId()
813  <<", made of "<<(*trpart).trackPSimHit().size()<<" PSimHits, recounted "<<n_global_simhits<<" PSimHits"
814  <<" (tracker:"<<n_tracker_recounted_simhits<<"/muons:"<<n_muon_simhits<<")"
815  <<", from "<<(*trpart).g4Tracks().size()<<" SimTrack:";
816  for(TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T=(*trpart).g4Track_begin();
817  g4T!=(*trpart).g4Track_end();
818  ++g4T) {
819  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
820  <<" Id:"<<(*g4T).trackId()<<"/Evt:("<<(*g4T).eventId().event()<<","<<(*g4T).eventId().bunchCrossing()<<")";
821  }
822  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
823  <<"\t selected "<<n_global_selected_simhits<<" PSimHits"
824  <<" (tracker:"<<n_tracker_selected_simhits<<"/muons:"<<n_muon_selected_simhits<<")"
825  << "\n\t **MATCHED** with quality = "<<global_quality<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_quality<<" / muon: "<<muon_quality<<")"
826  << "\n\t and purity = "<<global_purity<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_purity<<" / muon: "<<muon_purity<<")"
827  << "\n\t N shared hits = "<<global_nshared<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_nshared<<" / muon: "<<muon_nshared<<")"
828  <<"\n" <<" to: reco::Track "<<tindex<<ZeroHitMuon
829  <<"\n\t"<< " made of "<<n_selected_hits<<" RecHits (tracker:"<<n_tracker_valid<<"/muons:"<<n_muon_selected_hits<<")";
830  }
831  else {
832  // print something only if this TrackingParticle shares some hits with the current reco::Track
833  if (global_nshared != 0) {
834  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
835  <<"************************************************************************************************************************"
836  <<"\n"<<"TrackingParticle " << tpindex <<", q = "<<(*trpart).charge()<<", p = "<<(*trpart).p()
837  <<", pT = "<<(*trpart).pt()<<", eta = "<<(*trpart).eta()<<", phi = "<<(*trpart).phi()
838  <<"\n"<<" pdg code = "<<(*trpart).pdgId()
839  <<", made of "<<(*trpart).trackPSimHit().size()<<" PSimHits, recounted "<<n_global_simhits<<" PSimHits"
840  <<" (tracker:"<<n_tracker_recounted_simhits<<"/muons:"<<n_muon_simhits<<")"
841  <<", from "<<(*trpart).g4Tracks().size()<<" SimTrack:";
842  for(TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T=(*trpart).g4Track_begin();
843  g4T!=(*trpart).g4Track_end();
844  ++g4T) {
845  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
846  <<" Id:"<<(*g4T).trackId()<<"/Evt:("<<(*g4T).eventId().event()<<","<<(*g4T).eventId().bunchCrossing()<<")";
847  }
848  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
849  <<"\t selected "<<n_global_selected_simhits<<" PSimHits"
850  <<" (tracker:"<<n_tracker_selected_simhits<<"/muons:"<<n_muon_selected_simhits<<")"
851  <<"\n\t NOT matched to reco::Track "<<tindex<<ZeroHitMuon
852  <<" with quality = "<<global_quality<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_quality<<" / muon: "<<muon_quality<<")"
853  <<"\n\t and purity = "<<global_purity<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_purity<<" / muon: "<<muon_purity<<")"
854  <<"\n\t N shared hits = "<<global_nshared<<" (tracker: "<<tracker_nshared<<" / muon: "<<muon_nshared<<")";
855  }
856  }
857  } // loop over TrackingParticle's
858  } // if(n_matching_simhits != 0)
859  } // loop over reco Tracks
861  if (!any_trackingParticle_matched) {
862  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
863  <<"\n"
864  <<"************************************************************************************************************************"
865  << "\n NO TrackingParticle associated to ANY input reco::Track ! \n"
866  <<"************************************************************************************************************************"<<"\n";
867  } else {
868  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
869  <<"************************************************************************************************************************"<<"\n";
870  }
872  delete trackertruth;
873  for (IndexAssociation::iterator it = outputCollection.begin(), ed = outputCollection.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
874  std::sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
875  }
876  return outputCollection;
877 }
std::vector< TrackingParticle > TrackingParticleCollection
C const * product() const
Accessor for product collection.
Definition: RefVector.h:272
boost::ptr_vector< uint_SimHitIdpr_pair > MapOfMatchedIds
const edm::ParameterSet & conf_
int LayerFromDetid(const DetId &) const
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:45
static const int CSC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:15
int getShared(MapOfMatchedIds &matchedIds, TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator trpart) const
uint32_t partnerDetId() const
Definition: SiStripDetId.h:168
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:39
const bool AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track
std::vector< SimTrack >::const_iterator g4t_iterator
Detector identifier class for the strip tracker.
Definition: SiStripDetId.h:17
void getMatchedIds(MapOfMatchedIds &tracker_matchedIds_valid, MapOfMatchedIds &muon_matchedIds_valid, MapOfMatchedIds &tracker_matchedIds_INVALID, MapOfMatchedIds &muon_matchedIds_INVALID, int &n_tracker_valid, int &n_dt_valid, int &n_csc_valid, int &n_rpc_valid, int &n_tracker_matched_valid, int &n_dt_matched_valid, int &n_csc_matched_valid, int &n_rpc_matched_valid, int &n_tracker_INVALID, int &n_dt_INVALID, int &n_csc_INVALID, int &n_rpc_INVALID, int &n_tracker_matched_INVALID, int &n_dt_matched_INVALID, int &n_csc_matched_INVALID, int &n_rpc_matched_INVALID, trackingRecHit_iterator begin, trackingRecHit_iterator end, TrackerHitAssociator *trackertruth, DTHitAssociator &dttruth, MuonTruth &csctruth, RPCHitAssociator &rpctruth, bool printRts) const
Definition: DetId.h:20
Definition: DetId.h:26
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:89
Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:37
std::map< size_t, std::vector< IndexMatch > > IndexAssociation
const TrackingRecHit* MuonAssociatorByHits::getHitPtr ( edm::OwnVector< TrackingRecHit >::const_iterator  iter) const

Definition at line 112 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

112 {return &*iter;}
const TrackingRecHit* MuonAssociatorByHits::getHitPtr ( trackingRecHit_iterator  iter) const

Definition at line 113 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

113 {return &**iter;}
void MuonAssociatorByHits::getMatchedIds ( MapOfMatchedIds tracker_matchedIds_valid,
MapOfMatchedIds muon_matchedIds_valid,
MapOfMatchedIds tracker_matchedIds_INVALID,
MapOfMatchedIds muon_matchedIds_INVALID,
int &  n_tracker_valid,
int &  n_dt_valid,
int &  n_csc_valid,
int &  n_rpc_valid,
int &  n_tracker_matched_valid,
int &  n_dt_matched_valid,
int &  n_csc_matched_valid,
int &  n_rpc_matched_valid,
int &  n_tracker_INVALID,
int &  n_dt_INVALID,
int &  n_csc_INVALID,
int &  n_rpc_INVALID,
int &  n_tracker_matched_INVALID,
int &  n_dt_matched_INVALID,
int &  n_csc_matched_INVALID,
int &  n_rpc_matched_INVALID,
trackingRecHit_iterator  begin,
trackingRecHit_iterator  end,
TrackerHitAssociator trackertruth,
DTHitAssociator dttruth,
MuonTruth csctruth,
RPCHitAssociator rpctruth,
bool  printRts 
) const

Definition at line 922 of file

References MuonTruth::associateCSCHitId(), DTHitAssociator::associateDTHitId(), DTHitAssociator::associateHit(), TrackerHitAssociator::associateHitId(), RPCHitAssociator::associateRecHit(), MuonSubdetId::CSC, CSCDetId, DetId::det(), cond::rpcobgas::detid, MuonSubdetId::DT, end, TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), DTRecSegment4D::hasPhi(), DTRecSegment4D::hasZed(), getHLTprescales::index, TrackingRecHit::isValid(), j, DetId::Muon, DTRecSegment4D::phiSegment(), PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, DetId::rawId(), CSCSegment::recHits(), DTRecSegment2D::recHits(), MuonSubdetId::RPC, RPCDetId, DetId::subdetId(), StripSubdetector::TEC, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, DetId::Tracker, DTRecHit1D::wireId(), and DTRecSegment4D::zSegment().

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

932 {
933  tracker_matchedIds_valid.clear();
934  muon_matchedIds_valid.clear();
936  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID.clear();
937  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.clear();
939  n_tracker_valid = 0;
940  n_dt_valid = 0;
941  n_csc_valid = 0;
942  n_rpc_valid = 0;
944  n_tracker_matched_valid = 0;
945  n_dt_matched_valid = 0;
946  n_csc_matched_valid = 0;
947  n_rpc_matched_valid = 0;
949  n_tracker_INVALID = 0;
950  n_dt_INVALID = 0;
951  n_csc_INVALID = 0;
952  n_rpc_INVALID = 0;
954  n_tracker_matched_INVALID = 0;
955  n_dt_matched_INVALID = 0;
956  n_csc_matched_INVALID = 0;
957  n_rpc_matched_INVALID = 0;
959  std::vector<SimHitIdpr> SimTrackIds;
961  // main loop on TrackingRecHits
962  int iloop = 0;
963  int iH = -1;
964  for (trackingRecHit_iterator it = begin; it != end; it++, iloop++) {
965  stringstream hit_index;
966  hit_index<<iloop;
968  const TrackingRecHit * hitp = getHitPtr(it);
969  DetId geoid = hitp->geographicalId();
971  unsigned int detid = geoid.rawId();
972  stringstream detector_id;
973  detector_id<<detid;
975  string hitlog = "TrackingRecHit "+hit_index.str();
976  string wireidlog;
977  std::vector<string> DTSimHits;
979  DetId::Detector det = geoid.det();
980  int subdet = geoid.subdetId();
982  bool valid_Hit = hitp->isValid();
984  // Si-Tracker Hits
985  if (det == DetId::Tracker && UseTracker) {
986  stringstream detector_id;
988  if (subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel) {
989  PXBDetId pxbdetid(detid);
990  detector_id << pxbdetid;
991  }
992  else if (subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap) {
993  PXFDetId pxfdetid(detid);
994  detector_id << pxfdetid;
995  }
996  else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TIB) {
997  TIBDetId tibdetid(detid);
998  detector_id << tibdetid;
999  }
1000  else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TOB) {
1001  TOBDetId tobdetid(detid);
1002  detector_id << tobdetid;
1003  }
1004  else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TID) {
1005  TIDDetId tiddetid(detid);
1006  detector_id << tiddetid;
1007  }
1008  else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TEC) {
1009  TECDetId tecdetid(detid);
1010  detector_id << tecdetid;
1011  }
1013  if (valid_Hit) hitlog = hitlog+" -Tracker - detID = "+detector_id.str();
1014  else hitlog = hitlog+" *** INVALID ***"+" -Tracker - detID = "+detector_id.str();
1016  iH++;
1017  SimTrackIds = trackertruth->associateHitId(*hitp);
1019  if (valid_Hit) {
1020  n_tracker_valid++;
1022  if(!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1023  n_tracker_matched_valid++;
1024  //tracker_matchedIds_valid[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1025  tracker_matchedIds_valid.push_back( new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH, SimTrackIds));
1026  }
1027  } else {
1028  n_tracker_INVALID++;
1030  if(!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1031  n_tracker_matched_INVALID++;
1032  //tracker_matchedIds_INVALID[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1033  tracker_matchedIds_INVALID.push_back( new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH, SimTrackIds));
1034  }
1035  }
1036  }
1037  // Muon detector Hits
1038  else if (det == DetId::Muon && UseMuon) {
1040  // DT Hits
1041  if (subdet == MuonSubdetId::DT) {
1042  DTWireId dtdetid = DTWireId(detid);
1043  stringstream dt_detector_id;
1044  dt_detector_id << dtdetid;
1045  if (valid_Hit) hitlog = hitlog+" -Muon DT - detID = "+dt_detector_id.str();
1046  else hitlog = hitlog+" *** INVALID ***"+" -Muon DT - detID = "+dt_detector_id.str();
1048  const DTRecHit1D * dtrechit = dynamic_cast<const DTRecHit1D *>(hitp);
1050  // single DT hits
1051  if (dtrechit) {
1052  iH++;
1053  SimTrackIds = dttruth.associateDTHitId(dtrechit);
1055  if (valid_Hit) {
1056  n_dt_valid++;
1058  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1059  n_dt_matched_valid++;
1060  //muon_matchedIds_valid[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1061  muon_matchedIds_valid.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,SimTrackIds));
1062  }
1063  } else {
1064  n_dt_INVALID++;
1066  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1067  n_dt_matched_INVALID++;
1068  //muon_matchedIds_INVALID[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1069  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,SimTrackIds));
1070  }
1071  }
1073  if (dumpDT) {
1074  DTWireId wireid = dtrechit->wireId();
1075  stringstream wid;
1076  wid<<wireid;
1077  std::vector<PSimHit> dtSimHits = dttruth.associateHit(*hitp);
1079  stringstream ndthits;
1080  ndthits<<dtSimHits.size();
1081  wireidlog = "\t DTWireId :"+wid.str()+", "+ndthits.str()+" associated PSimHit :";
1083  for (unsigned int j=0; j<dtSimHits.size(); j++) {
1084  stringstream index;
1085  index<<j;
1086  stringstream simhit;
1087  simhit<<dtSimHits[j];
1088  string simhitlog = "\t\t PSimHit "+index.str()+": "+simhit.str();
1089  DTSimHits.push_back(simhitlog);
1090  }
1091  } // if (dumpDT)
1092  }
1094  // DT segments
1095  else {
1096  const DTRecSegment4D * dtsegment = dynamic_cast<const DTRecSegment4D *>(hitp);
1098  if (dtsegment) {
1100  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit *> componentHits, phiHits, zHits;
1101  if (dtsegment->hasPhi()) {
1102  phiHits = dtsegment->phiSegment()->recHits();
1103  componentHits.insert(componentHits.end(),phiHits.begin(),phiHits.end());
1104  }
1105  if (dtsegment->hasZed()) {
1106  zHits = dtsegment->zSegment()->recHits();
1107  componentHits.insert(componentHits.end(),zHits.begin(),zHits.end());
1108  }
1109  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1110  <<"\n\t this TrackingRecHit is a DTRecSegment4D with "
1111  <<componentHits.size()<<" hits (phi:"<<phiHits.size()<<", z:"<<zHits.size()<<")";
1113  std::vector<SimHitIdpr> i_SimTrackIds;
1114  int i_compHit = 0;
1115  for (std::vector<const TrackingRecHit *>::const_iterator ithit =componentHits.begin();
1116  ithit != componentHits.end(); ++ithit) {
1117  i_compHit++;
1119  const DTRecHit1D * dtrechit1D = dynamic_cast<const DTRecHit1D *>(*ithit);
1121  i_SimTrackIds.clear();
1122  if (dtrechit1D) {
1123  iH++;
1124  i_SimTrackIds = dttruth.associateDTHitId(dtrechit1D);
1126  if (valid_Hit) {
1127  // validity check is on the segment, but hits are counted one-by-one
1128  n_dt_valid++;
1130  if (!i_SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1131  n_dt_matched_valid++;
1132  //muon_matchedIds_valid[iH] = i_SimTrackIds;
1133  muon_matchedIds_valid.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,i_SimTrackIds));
1134  }
1135  } else {
1136  n_dt_INVALID++;
1138  if (!i_SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1139  n_dt_matched_INVALID++;
1140  //muon_matchedIds_INVALID[iH] = i_SimTrackIds;
1141  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,i_SimTrackIds));
1143  }
1144  }
1145  } else if (printRtS) edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1146  <<"*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::getMatchedIds, null dynamic_cast of a DT TrackingRecHit !";
1148  unsigned int i_detid = (*ithit)->geographicalId().rawId();
1149  DTWireId i_dtdetid = DTWireId(i_detid);
1151  stringstream i_dt_detector_id;
1152  i_dt_detector_id << i_dtdetid;
1154  stringstream i_ss;
1155  i_ss<<"\t\t hit "<<i_compHit<<" -Muon DT - detID = "<<i_dt_detector_id.str();
1157  string i_hitlog = i_ss.str();
1158  i_hitlog = i_hitlog + write_matched_simtracks(i_SimTrackIds);
1159  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") << i_hitlog;
1161  SimTrackIds.insert(SimTrackIds.end(),i_SimTrackIds.begin(),i_SimTrackIds.end());
1162  }
1163  } // if (dtsegment)
1165  else if (printRtS) edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1166  <<"*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::getMatchedIds, DT TrackingRecHit is neither DTRecHit1D nor DTRecSegment4D ! ";
1167  }
1168  }
1170  // CSC Hits
1171  else if (subdet == MuonSubdetId::CSC) {
1172  CSCDetId cscdetid = CSCDetId(detid);
1173  stringstream csc_detector_id;
1174  csc_detector_id << cscdetid;
1175  if (valid_Hit) hitlog = hitlog+" -Muon CSC- detID = "+csc_detector_id.str();
1176  else hitlog = hitlog+" *** INVALID ***"+" -Muon CSC- detID = "+csc_detector_id.str();
1178  const CSCRecHit2D * cscrechit = dynamic_cast<const CSCRecHit2D *>(hitp);
1180  // single CSC hits
1181  if (cscrechit) {
1182  iH++;
1183  SimTrackIds = csctruth.associateCSCHitId(cscrechit);
1185  if (valid_Hit) {
1186  n_csc_valid++;
1188  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1189  n_csc_matched_valid++;
1190  //muon_matchedIds_valid[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1191  muon_matchedIds_valid.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,SimTrackIds));
1192  }
1193  } else {
1194  n_csc_INVALID++;
1196  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1197  n_csc_matched_INVALID++;
1198  //muon_matchedIds_INVALID[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1199  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,SimTrackIds));
1200  }
1201  }
1202  }
1204  // CSC segments
1205  else {
1206  const CSCSegment * cscsegment = dynamic_cast<const CSCSegment *>(hitp);
1208  if (cscsegment) {
1210  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit *> componentHits = cscsegment->recHits();
1211  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1212  <<"\n\t this TrackingRecHit is a CSCSegment with "<<componentHits.size()<<" hits";
1214  std::vector<SimHitIdpr> i_SimTrackIds;
1215  int i_compHit = 0;
1216  for (std::vector<const TrackingRecHit *>::const_iterator ithit =componentHits.begin();
1217  ithit != componentHits.end(); ++ithit) {
1218  i_compHit++;
1220  const CSCRecHit2D * cscrechit2D = dynamic_cast<const CSCRecHit2D *>(*ithit);
1222  i_SimTrackIds.clear();
1223  if (cscrechit2D) {
1224  iH++;
1225  i_SimTrackIds = csctruth.associateCSCHitId(cscrechit2D);
1227  if (valid_Hit) {
1228  // validity check is on the segment, but hits are counted one-by-one
1229  n_csc_valid++;
1231  if (!i_SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1232  n_csc_matched_valid++;
1233  //muon_matchedIds_valid[iH] = i_SimTrackIds;
1234  muon_matchedIds_valid.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,i_SimTrackIds));
1235  }
1236  } else {
1237  n_csc_INVALID++;
1239  if (!i_SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1240  n_csc_matched_INVALID++;
1241  //muon_matchedIds_INVALID[iH] = i_SimTrackIds;
1242  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,i_SimTrackIds));
1243  }
1244  }
1245  } else if (printRtS) edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1246  <<"*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::getMatchedIds, null dynamic_cast of a CSC TrackingRecHit !";
1248  unsigned int i_detid = (*ithit)->geographicalId().rawId();
1249  CSCDetId i_cscdetid = CSCDetId(i_detid);
1251  stringstream i_csc_detector_id;
1252  i_csc_detector_id << i_cscdetid;
1254  stringstream i_ss;
1255  i_ss<<"\t\t hit "<<i_compHit<<" -Muon CSC- detID = "<<i_csc_detector_id.str();
1257  string i_hitlog = i_ss.str();
1258  i_hitlog = i_hitlog + write_matched_simtracks(i_SimTrackIds);
1259  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") << i_hitlog;
1261  SimTrackIds.insert(SimTrackIds.end(),i_SimTrackIds.begin(),i_SimTrackIds.end());
1262  }
1263  } // if (cscsegment)
1265  else if (printRtS) edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1266  <<"*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::getMatchedIds, CSC TrackingRecHit is neither CSCRecHit2D nor CSCSegment ! ";
1267  }
1268  }
1270  // RPC Hits
1271  else if (subdet == MuonSubdetId::RPC) {
1272  RPCDetId rpcdetid = RPCDetId(detid);
1273  stringstream rpc_detector_id;
1274  rpc_detector_id << rpcdetid;
1275  if (valid_Hit) hitlog = hitlog+" -Muon RPC- detID = "+rpc_detector_id.str();
1276  else hitlog = hitlog+" *** INVALID ***"+" -Muon RPC- detID = "+rpc_detector_id.str();
1278  iH++;
1279  SimTrackIds = rpctruth.associateRecHit(*hitp);
1281  if (valid_Hit) {
1282  n_rpc_valid++;
1284  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1285  n_rpc_matched_valid++;
1286  //muon_matchedIds_valid[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1287  muon_matchedIds_valid.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,SimTrackIds));
1289  }
1290  } else {
1291  n_rpc_INVALID++;
1293  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1294  n_rpc_matched_INVALID++;
1295  //muon_matchedIds_INVALID[iH] = SimTrackIds;
1296  muon_matchedIds_INVALID.push_back (new uint_SimHitIdpr_pair(iH,SimTrackIds));
1297  }
1298  }
1300  } else if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits")
1301  <<"TrackingRecHit "<<iloop<<" *** WARNING *** Unexpected Hit from Detector = "<<det;
1302  }
1303  else continue;
1305  hitlog = hitlog + write_matched_simtracks(SimTrackIds);
1307  if (printRtS) edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") << hitlog;
1308  if (printRtS && dumpDT && det==DetId::Muon && subdet==MuonSubdetId::DT) {
1309  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") <<wireidlog;
1310  for (unsigned int j=0; j<DTSimHits.size(); j++) {
1311  edm::LogVerbatim("MuonAssociatorByHits") <<DTSimHits[j];
1312  }
1313  }
1315  } //trackingRecHit loop
1316 }
std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< SimHitIdpr > > uint_SimHitIdpr_pair
const TrackingRecHit * getHitPtr(edm::OwnVector< TrackingRecHit >::const_iterator iter) const
const DTChamberRecSegment2D * phiSegment() const
The superPhi segment: 0 if no phi projection available.
std::vector< PSimHit > associateHit(const TrackingRecHit &hit)
std::vector< SimHitIdpr > associateHitId(const TrackingRecHit &thit)
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:45
static const int CSC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:15
virtual std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > recHits() const
Access to component RecHits (if any)
std::vector< SimHitIdpr > associateCSCHitId(const CSCRecHit2D *)
int j
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:38
bool hasPhi() const
Does it have the Phi projection?
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:39
std::string write_matched_simtracks(const std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &) const
virtual std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > recHits() const
Access to component RecHits (if any)
bool hasZed() const
Does it have the Z projection?
Definition: DetId.h:20
const DTSLRecSegment2D * zSegment() const
The Z segment: 0 if not zed projection available.
Definition: DetId.h:26
bool isValid() const
std::vector< SimHitIdpr > associateDTHitId(const DTRecHit1D *dtrechit)
static const int RPC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:16
static const int DT
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:14
DetId geographicalId() const
Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:37
std::vector< SimHitIdpr > associateRecHit(const TrackingRecHit &hit)
DTWireId wireId() const
Return the wireId.
Definition: DTRecHit1D.h:109
int MuonAssociatorByHits::getShared ( MapOfMatchedIds matchedIds,
TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator  trpart 
) const

Definition at line 1318 of file

References newFWLiteAna::found.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

1318  {
1319  int nshared = 0;
1322  // map is indexed over the rechits of the reco::Track (no double-countings allowed)
1323  for (MapOfMatchedIds::const_iterator iRecH=matchedIds.begin(); iRecH!=matchedIds.end(); ++iRecH) {
1325  // vector of associated simhits associated to the current rechit
1326  std::vector<SimHitIdpr> const & SimTrackIds = (*iRecH).second;
1328  bool found = false;
1330  for (std::vector<SimHitIdpr>::const_iterator iSimH=SimTrackIds.begin(); iSimH!=SimTrackIds.end(); ++iSimH) {
1331  uint32_t simtrackId = iSimH->first;
1332  EncodedEventId evtId = iSimH->second;
1334  // look for shared hits with the given TrackingParticle (looping over component SimTracks)
1335  for (TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator simtrack = trpart->g4Track_begin(); simtrack != trpart->g4Track_end(); ++simtrack) {
1336  if (simtrack->trackId() == simtrackId && simtrack->eventId() == evtId) {
1337  found = true;
1338  break;
1339  }
1340  }
1342  if (found) {
1343  nshared++;
1344  break;
1345  }
1346  }
1347  }
1349  return nshared;
1350 }
std::vector< SimTrack >::const_iterator g4t_iterator
int MuonAssociatorByHits::LayerFromDetid ( const DetId detId) const

Definition at line 879 of file

References DetId::det(), PXFDetId::disk(), PXBDetId::layer(), TOBDetId::layer(), TIBDetId::layer(), align::tib::layerNumber(), PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, DetId::rawId(), DetId::subdetId(), StripSubdetector::TEC, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, DetId::Tracker, TIDDetId::wheel(), and TECDetId::wheel().

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices().

880 {
881  int layerNumber=0;
882  if (detId.det() != DetId::Tracker) return layerNumber;
884  unsigned int subdetId = static_cast<unsigned int>(detId.subdetId());
885  if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TIB)
886  {
887  TIBDetId tibid(detId.rawId());
888  layerNumber = tibid.layer();
889  }
890  else if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TOB )
891  {
892  TOBDetId tobid(detId.rawId());
893  layerNumber = tobid.layer();
894  }
895  else if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TID)
896  {
897  TIDDetId tidid(detId.rawId());
898  layerNumber = tidid.wheel();
899  }
900  else if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TEC )
901  {
902  TECDetId tecid(detId.rawId());
903  layerNumber = tecid.wheel();
904  }
905  else if ( subdetId == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel )
906  {
907  PXBDetId pxbid(detId.rawId());
908  layerNumber = pxbid.layer();
909  }
910  else if ( subdetId == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap )
911  {
912  PXFDetId pxfid(detId.rawId());
913  layerNumber = pxfid.disk();
914  }
915  else edm::LogWarning("MuonAssociatorByHits")
916  << "*** WARNING in MuonAssociatorByHits::LayerFromDetid: Unknown Tracker subdetector: subdetId = " << subdetId;
918  return layerNumber;
919 }
unsigned int layer() const
layer id
Definition: TOBDetId.h:39
unsigned int layerNumber(align::ID)
Layer number increases with rho from 1 to 8.
Definition: TIBNameSpace.h:85
unsigned int layer() const
layer id
Definition: PXBDetId.h:35
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:45
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:39
unsigned int disk() const
disk id
Definition: PXFDetId.h:43
unsigned int wheel() const
wheel id
Definition: TECDetId.h:52
unsigned int layer() const
layer id
Definition: TIBDetId.h:41
Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:37
unsigned int wheel() const
wheel id
Definition: TIDDetId.h:50
std::string MuonAssociatorByHits::write_matched_simtracks ( const std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &  SimTrackIds) const

Definition at line 1352 of file

References j.

1352  {
1354  string hitlog;
1356  if (!SimTrackIds.empty()) {
1357  hitlog = " matched to SimTrack";
1359  for(size_t j=0; j<SimTrackIds.size(); j++){
1360  stringstream trackid;
1361  trackid<<SimTrackIds[j].first;
1363  stringstream evtid;
1364  evtid<<SimTrackIds[j].second.event();
1366  stringstream bunchxid;
1367  bunchxid<<SimTrackIds[j].second.bunchCrossing();
1369  hitlog = hitlog+" Id:"+trackid.str()+"/Evt:("+evtid.str()+","+bunchxid.str()+") ";
1370  }
1371  } else hitlog = " *** UNMATCHED ***";
1373  return hitlog;
1374 }
int j

Member Data Documentation

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon

Definition at line 96 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track

Definition at line 92 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::acceptOneStubMatchings

Definition at line 89 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

const edm::ParameterSet& MuonAssociatorByHits::conf_
const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::crossingframe

Definition at line 106 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::dumpDT

Definition at line 104 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::dumpInputCollections

Definition at line 105 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices().

double MuonAssociatorByHits::EfficiencyCut_muon

Definition at line 98 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices(), and MuonAssociatorByHits().

double MuonAssociatorByHits::EfficiencyCut_track

Definition at line 94 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::includeZeroHitMuons
unsigned int MuonAssociatorByHits::NHitCut_muon
unsigned int MuonAssociatorByHits::NHitCut_track

Definition at line 93 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

double MuonAssociatorByHits::PurityCut_muon
double MuonAssociatorByHits::PurityCut_track

Definition at line 95 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

edm::InputTag MuonAssociatorByHits::simtracksTag

Definition at line 107 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices().

edm::InputTag MuonAssociatorByHits::simtracksXFTag

Definition at line 108 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial

Definition at line 103 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateRecoToSimIndices(), and associateSimToRecoIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::UseGrouped

Definition at line 101 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices().

bool MuonAssociatorByHits::UseMuon

Definition at line 91 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices(), and MuonAssociatorByHits().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::UsePixels

Definition at line 100 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices().

const bool MuonAssociatorByHits::UseSplitting

Definition at line 102 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices().

bool MuonAssociatorByHits::UseTracker

Definition at line 90 of file MuonAssociatorByHits.h.

Referenced by associateSimToRecoIndices(), and MuonAssociatorByHits().