MonitorElement * h_e1_phi
MonitorElement * h_vertex_d0
void beginRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &)
std::vector< std::string > theMuonTriggerPathToPass_
EwkDQM(const edm::ParameterSet &)
MonitorElement * h_jet2_phi
MonitorElement * h_m1_phi
MonitorElement * h_m_invWMass
MonitorElement * h_e1_eta
MonitorElement * h_vertex_numTrks
void endJob(void)
Save the histos.
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
Get the analysis.
edm::InputTag theMuonCollectionLabel_
edm::InputTag thePFJetCollectionLabel_
MonitorElement * h_mumu_invMass
MonitorElement * h_jet_eta
MonitorElement * h_jet_phi
MonitorElement * h_e2_eta
MonitorElement * h_m2_phi
MonitorElement * h_e_invWMass
std::vector< std::string > theElecTriggerPathToPass_
edm::InputTag theCaloMETCollectionLabel_
MonitorElement * h_vertex_sumTrks
MonitorElement * h_m1_eta
void beginJob()
Inizialize parameters for histo binning.
MonitorElement * h_m2_eta
MonitorElement * h_vertex_chi2
MonitorElement * h_ee_invMass
MonitorElement * h_e2_phi
virtual ~EwkDQM()
MonitorElement * h_jet_et
edm::InputTag theTriggerResultsCollection_
MonitorElement * h_met_phi
HLTConfigProvider hltConfigProvider_
MonitorElement * h_jet_pt
double calcDeltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
MonitorElement * h_vertex_number
MonitorElement * h_jet_count
MonitorElement * h_jet2_et
MonitorElement * h_jet2_eta
edm::InputTag theElectronCollectionLabel_