3 from sys
import argv, stdout, stderr, exit
4 from optparse
import OptionParser
10 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(
12 parser = OptionParser(usage=
"usage: %prog [options] mass \nrun with --help to get list of options")
13 parser.add_option(
"--xsbr", dest=
"xsbr", action=
"store_true", default=
False, help=
"Use correct XS*BR for Higgs (if not enabled, just makes a flat copy)")
14 parser.add_option(
"--ddir", dest=
"ddir", type=
"string", default=
".", help=
"Path to the datacards")
15 parser.add_option(
"--refmasse", dest=
"refmass", type=
"float", default=
"0", help=
"Reference mass to start from (default = nearest one, left in case of ties)")
16 parser.add_option(
"--postfix", dest=
"postfix", type=
"string", default=
"", help=
"Postfix to add to datacard name")
17 parser.add_option(
"--flavour", dest=
"flavour", type=
"string", default=
"BDT", help=
"flavour of datacard (vhbb_DC_ALL_<FLAVOUR>.<MASS.DECIMAL>.txt)")
18 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
19 options.bin =
True; options.stat =
20 if len(args)
not in [1]:
26 refmasses = range(110,135+1,5)
29 if options.refmass == 0:
30 options.refmass = refmasses[0]
31 for m
in refmasses[1:]:
32 if abs(mass-m) <
35 if mass
in refmasses
and options.postfix ==
raise RuntimeError,
"Will not overwrite the reference masses"
37 xsbrR = {
'ZH':1.0 }
38 xsbr = {
'ZH':1.0 }
41 ret = {}; headers = []
44 if len(cols) < 2:
46 headers = [i.strip()
for i
in cols[1:]]
48 fields = [ float(i)
for i
in cols ]
49 ret[fields[0]] =
51 path = os.environ[
55 xsbrR[
'WH'] = whXS[options.refmass][
'XS_pb'] * br[options.refmass][
56 xsbr [
'WH'] = whXS[mass ][
'XS_pb'] * br[mass ][
57 xsbrR[
'ZH'] = zhXS[options.refmass][
'XS_pb'] * br[options.refmass][
58 xsbr [
'ZH'] = zhXS[mass ][
'XS_pb'] * br[mass ][
59 print "Will interpolate %g from %g (XS*BR ratio: %.3f for WH, %.3f for ZH)" % (mass, options.refmass, xsbr[
'WH'], xsbr[
61 print "Will copy %g from %g" % (mass, options.refmass)
63 fileR = options.ddir+
"/%g/vhbb_DC_ALL_%s.%.1f.txt" % (options.refmass, options.flavour, options.refmass)
64 options.fileName = fileR; options.mass = options.refmass;
67 obskeyline = DCR.bins;
68 obsline = [str(DCR.obs[b]) for b
in DCR.bins];
70 keyline = []; expline = []; systlines = {}; systlines2 = {}
71 signals = []; backgrounds = []; shapeLines = [];
72 paramSysts = {}; flatParamNuisances = {}
73 for (name,nf,pdf,args,errline)
in DCR.systs:
74 systlines[name] = [ pdf, args, errline, nf ]
76 for b,p,sig
in DCR.keyline:
79 pTrue =
"WH" if b[0] ==
"W" else "ZH";
80 rate = rate * xsbr[pTrue]/xsbrR[pTrue]
81 keyline.append( (b, p, DCR.isSignal[p]) )
82 expline.append(
"%.4f" % rate )
84 xfile = open(options.ddir+
"/%g/vhbb_DC_ALL_%s%s.%.1f.txt" % (mass, options.flavour, options.postfix, mass),
85 xfile.write(
" ".
"imax %d number of bins" % len(DCR.bins)])+
86 xfile.write(
" ".
"jmax * number of processes minus 1"])+
87 xfile.write(
" ".
"kmax * number of nuisance parameters"])+
88 xfile.write(
" ".
"-" * 130])+
90 cmax =
for l
in obskeyline]+[len(x)
for x
in obsline])
91 cfmt =
92 xfile.write(
" ".
"bin ",
" ".
join([cfmt % x
for x
in obskeyline])])+
93 xfile.write(
" ".
"observation ",
" ".
join([cfmt % x
for x
in obsline])])+
95 xfile.write(
" ".
"-" * 150])+
97 pidline = []; signals = []; backgrounds = []
98 for (b,p,s)
in keyline:
100 if p
not in signals: signals.append(p)
101 pidline.append(-len(DCR.signals)+signals.index(p)+1)
103 if p
not in backgrounds: backgrounds.append(p)
104 pidline.append(1+backgrounds.index(p))
105 cmax =
for p,b,s
in keyline]+[len(e)
for e
in expline])
106 hmax =
max([10] + [len(
"%-12s %s %s" % (l,p,a))
for l,(p,a,e,nf)
in systlines.items()])
107 cfmt =
"s"; hfmt =
"s ";
108 xfile.write(
" ".
join([hfmt %
" ".
join([cfmt % p
for p,b,s
in keyline])])+
109 xfile.write(
" ".
join([hfmt %
" ".
join([cfmt % b
for p,b,s
in keyline])])+
110 xfile.write(
" ".
join([hfmt %
" ".
join([cfmt % x
for x
in pidline])])+
111 xfile.write(
" ".
join([hfmt %
" ".
join([cfmt % x
for x
in expline])])+
112 xfile.write(
" ".
"-" * 150])+
113 sysnamesSorted = systlines.keys(); sysnamesSorted.sort()
114 for name
in sysnamesSorted:
115 (pdf,pdfargs,effect,nofloat) = systlines[name]
116 if nofloat: name +=
118 for b,p,s
in keyline:
120 systline.append(effect[b][p]
if (effect[b][p] != 1.0
or pdf !=
else "-")
122 systline.append(
123 xfile.write(
" ".
join([hfmt % (
"%-28s %s %s" % (name, pdf,
" ".
" ".
join([cfmt % x
for x
in systline])])+
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
static std::string join(char **cmd)