1 #ifndef EventFilter_L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi_L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi_h
2 #define EventFilter_L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi_L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi_h
132 #endif // EventFilter_L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi_L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi_h
int m_bstLengthBytes
length of BST record (in bytes)
int m_verbosity
verbosity level
int m_totalBxInEvent
number of Bx for a board, obtained from GTFE block (record length & alternative)
void produceEmptyProducts(edm::Event &)
produce empty products in case of problems
virtual void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
void dumpFedRawData(const unsigned char *, int, std::ostream &)
dump FED raw data
virtual ~L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi()
cms_uint16_t m_activeBoardsMaskGt
mask for active boards
unsigned short cms_uint16_t
void unpackHeader(const unsigned char *, FEDHeader &)
block unpackers
L1GtfeExtWord * m_gtfeWord
int m_recordLength1
corresponding to alternative 1 in altNrBxBoard()
int m_recordLength0
total Bx's in the event, obtained from GTFE block
L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi(const edm::ParameterSet &)
L1GtFdlWord * m_gtFdlWord
void unpackTrailer(const unsigned char *, FEDTrailer &)
unpack trailer word
edm::InputTag m_evmGtInputTag
input tags for GT EVM record