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pos Namespace Reference




class  PixelAliasList
class  PixelCalibBase
class  PixelCalibConfiguration
 This class implements the steps that are used in a scan over Threshold and CalDelay. More...
class  PixelChannel
class  PixelConfig
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelConfigAlias
class  PixelConfigBase
 This file contains the base class for "pixel configuration data" management. More...
class  PixelConfigFile
class  PixelConfigKey
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelConfigList
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelConfigurationVerifier
 This class performs various tests to make sure that configurations are consistent. More...
class  PixelDACScanRange
class  PixelDACSettings
 This class is responsible for manipulating the DACsettings of a ROC. More...
class  PixelDelay25Calib
 This class manages data and files used in the Delay25 calibration. More...
class  PixelDetectorConfig
 This is the documentation about PixelDetectorConfig... More...
class  PixelFECConfig
 This class specifies which FEC boards are used and how they are addressed. More...
class  PixelFECConfigInterface
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelFECParameters
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelFEDCard
 This is the documentation about PixelFEDCard... More...
class  PixelFEDConfig
 This is the documentation about PixelFEDConfig... More...
class  PixelFEDParameters
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelFEDTestDAC
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelGlobalDelay25
 This class specifies which delay25 channels are delayed over the entire pixel detector and by how much. More...
class  PixelHdwAddress
 Store mfec, mfecchannel etc. More...
class  PixelLowVoltageMap
 This is the documentation about PixelLowVoltageMap... More...
class  PixelLTCConfig
 This is the documentation about PixelLTCConfig... More...
class  PixelMaskAllPixels
 This is the documentation about PixelMaskAllPixels... More...
class  PixelMaskBase
 This is the documentation about PixelMaskBase... More...
class  PixelMaskOverride
 This is the documentation about PixelMaskOverride... More...
class  PixelMaskOverrideBase
 This is the documentation about PixelMaskOverrideBase... More...
class  PixelMaxVsf
 This is the documentation about PixelMaxVsf... More...
class  PixelModuleName
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelNameTranslation
 This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation... More...
class  PixelPortCardConfig
 This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation... More...
class  PixelPortcardMap
class  PixelROCDACSettings
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelROCInfo
class  PixelROCMaskBits
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelROCName
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelROCStatus
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelROCTrimBits
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelTBMChannel
 Simple class to hold either "A" or "B" for the TBM channel. More...
class  PixelTBMSettings
 This is the documentation about PixelTBMSettings... More...
class  PixelTimeFormatter
class  PixelTKFECConfig
 This class specifies which TKFEC boards are used and how they are addressed. More...
class  PixelTKFECParameters
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelTrimAllPixels
class  PixelTrimBase
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelTrimCommon
 This class implements.. More...
class  PixelTrimOverride
class  PixelTrimOverrideBase
class  PixelTTCciConfig
class  PixelVersionAlias


typedef unsigned char bits4
typedef unsigned char bits8
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::vector
< versionAliasPair
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, std::string > 


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelFECParameters &pFECp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelFEDParameters &pFEDp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelROCName &pixelroc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelHdwAddress &pixelroc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelTBMChannel &TBMChannel)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelTKFECParameters &pTKFECp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelModuleName &pixelroc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PixelCalibConfiguration &calib)


const unsigned int k_DACAddress_CalDel =26
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_ChipContReg =253
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_TempRange =27
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vana =2
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VbiasOp =16
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vcal =25
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vcomp =4
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VcThr =12
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vdd =1
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VHldDel =10
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIbias_bus =13
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIbias_DAC =20
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIbias_PH =19
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIbias_roc =21
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIbias_sf =14
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIColOr =22
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VIon =18
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vleak =5
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vnpix =23
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VOffsetOp =15
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VOffsetRO =17
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VrgPr =6
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VrgSh =8
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vsf =3
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VsumCol =24
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_Vtrim =11
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VwllPr =7
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_VwllSh =9
const unsigned int k_DACAddress_WBC =254
const std::string k_DACName_CalDel ="CalDel"
const std::string k_DACName_ChipContReg ="ChipContReg"
const std::string k_DACName_TempRange ="TempRange"
const std::string k_DACName_Vana ="Vana"
const std::string k_DACName_VbiasOp ="VbiasOp"
const std::string k_DACName_Vcal ="Vcal"
const std::string k_DACName_Vcomp ="Vcomp"
const std::string k_DACName_VcThr ="VcThr"
const std::string k_DACName_Vdd ="Vdd"
const std::string k_DACName_VHldDel ="VHldDel"
const std::string k_DACName_VIbias_bus ="VIbias_bus"
const std::string k_DACName_VIbias_DAC ="VIbias_DAC"
const std::string k_DACName_VIbias_PH ="VIbias_PH"
const std::string k_DACName_VIbias_roc ="VIbias_roc"
const std::string k_DACName_VIbias_sf ="VIbias_sf"
const std::string k_DACName_VIColOr ="VIColOr"
const std::string k_DACName_VIon ="VIon"
const std::string k_DACName_Vleak ="Vleak"
const std::string k_DACName_Vnpix ="Vnpix"
const std::string k_DACName_VOffsetOp ="VOffsetOp"
const std::string k_DACName_VOffsetRO ="VOffsetRO"
const std::string k_DACName_VrgPr ="VrgPr"
const std::string k_DACName_VrgSh ="VrgSh"
const std::string k_DACName_Vsf ="Vsf"
const std::string k_DACName_VsumCol ="VsumCol"
const std::string k_DACName_Vtrim ="Vtrim"
const std::string k_DACName_VwllPr ="VwllPr"
const std::string k_DACName_VwllSh ="VwllSh"
const std::string k_DACName_WBC ="WBC"

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char pos::bits4

Definition at line 20 of file PixelROCDACSettings.h.

typedef unsigned char pos::bits8

Definition at line 19 of file PixelROCDACSettings.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, pathAliasPair> pos::pathAliasMmap

Definition at line 23 of file PixelAliasList.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> pos::pathAliasPair

Definition at line 22 of file PixelAliasList.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, vectorVAPairs > pos::pathVersionAliasMmap

Definition at line 21 of file PixelAliasList.h.

typedef std::vector<versionAliasPair> pos::vectorVAPairs

Definition at line 20 of file PixelAliasList.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int, std::string > pos::versionAliasPair

Definition at line 19 of file PixelAliasList.h.

Function Documentation

std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelFECParameters pFECp 

Definition at line 71 of file

References pos::PixelFECParameters::crate_, pos::PixelFECParameters::fecnumber_, alignCSCRings::s, and pos::PixelFECParameters::vmebaseaddress_.

71  {
73 s <<"FEC Number:"<<pFECp.fecnumber_<<std::endl;
74 s <<"Crate Number:"<<pFECp.crate_<<std::endl;
75 s <<"VME Base Address:"<<pFECp.vmebaseaddress_<<std::endl;
77 return s;
79 }
std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelFEDParameters pFEDp 

Definition at line 70 of file

References pos::PixelFEDParameters::crate_, pos::PixelFEDParameters::fednumber_, alignCSCRings::s, and pos::PixelFEDParameters::vmebaseaddress_.

70  {
72 s <<"FED Number:"<<pFEDp.fednumber_<<std::endl;
73 s <<"Crate Number:"<<pFEDp.crate_<<std::endl;
74 s <<"VME Base Address:"<<pFEDp.vmebaseaddress_<<std::endl;
76 return s;
78 }
std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelHdwAddress pixelroc 

Definition at line 48 of file

References pos::PixelHdwAddress::fecnumber_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fedchannel_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fednumber_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::fedrocnumber_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::hubaddress_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::mfec_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::mfecchannel_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::portaddress_, pos::PixelHdwAddress::rocid_, and alignCSCRings::s.

48  {
50  s<< "[PixelHdwAddress::operator<<]" <<std::endl;
51  s<< "fecnumber :" << pixelroc.fecnumber_ <<std::endl;
52  s<< "mfec :" << pixelroc.mfec_ <<std::endl;
53  s<< "mfecchannel :" << pixelroc.mfecchannel_ <<std::endl;
54  s<< "portaddress :" << pixelroc.portaddress_ <<std::endl;
55  s<< "hubaddress :" << pixelroc.hubaddress_ <<std::endl;
56  s<< "rocid :" << pixelroc.rocid_ <<std::endl;
57  s<< "fednumber :" << pixelroc.fednumber_ <<std::endl;
58  s<< "fedchannel :" << pixelroc.fedchannel_ <<std::endl;
59  s<< "fedrocnumber:" << pixelroc.fedrocnumber_ <<std::endl;
61  return s;
62 }
unsigned int hubaddress_
unsigned int fednumber_
unsigned int mfecchannel_
unsigned int portaddress_
unsigned int fedchannel_
unsigned int fecnumber_
unsigned int fedrocnumber_
std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelROCName pixelroc 

Definition at line 311 of file

References pos::PixelROCName::rocname(), and alignCSCRings::s.

311  {
314  // FPix_BpR_D1_BLD1_PNL1_PLQ1_ROC1
316  s<<pixelroc.rocname();
318  return s;
319 }
std::string rocname() const
std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelTBMChannel TBMChannel 

Definition at line 23 of file

References alignCSCRings::s, and pos::PixelTBMChannel::string().

24 {
25  s << TBMChannel.string();
26  return s;
27 }
std::string string() const
std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelTKFECParameters pTKFECp 

Definition at line 70 of file

References pos::PixelTKFECParameters::address_, pos::PixelTKFECParameters::crate_, alignCSCRings::s, pos::PixelTKFECParameters::TKFECID_, and pos::PixelTKFECParameters::type_.

70  {
72 s <<"TKFEC ID:"<<pTKFECp.TKFECID_<<std::endl;
73 s <<"Crate Number:"<<pTKFECp.crate_<<std::endl;
74 s <<pTKFECp.type_<<std::endl;
75 s <<"Address:"<<pTKFECp.address_<<std::endl;
77 return s;
79 }
std::ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelCalibConfiguration calib 

Definition at line 1406 of file

References pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::cols_, pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::dacs_, i, j, pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::ntrigger_, pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::parameters_, pos::PixelCalibConfiguration::rows_, and alignCSCRings::s.

1406  {
1407  if (!calib.parameters_.empty())
1408  {
1409  s<< "Parameters:"<<std::endl;
1410  for ( std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator paramItr = calib.parameters_.begin(); paramItr != calib.parameters_.end(); ++paramItr )
1411  {
1412  s<< paramItr->first << " " << paramItr->second << std::endl;
1413  }
1414  }
1416  s<< "Rows:"<<std::endl;
1417  for (unsigned int i=0;i<calib.rows_.size();i++){
1418  for (unsigned int j=0;j<calib.rows_[i].size();j++){
1419  s<<calib.rows_[i][j]<<" "<<std::endl;
1420  }
1421  s<< "|"<<std::endl;
1422  }
1424  s<< "Cols:"<<std::endl;
1425  for (unsigned int i=0;i<calib.cols_.size();i++){
1426  for (unsigned int j=0;j<calib.cols_[i].size();j++){
1427  s<<calib.cols_[i][j]<<" "<<std::endl;
1428  }
1429  s<< "|"<<std::endl;
1430  }
1432  s << "Vcal:"<<std::endl;
1434  //s << calib.vcal_<<std::endl;
1436  s << "Vcthr:"<<std::endl;
1438  s << calib.dacs_[0].first() << " " << calib.dacs_[0].last()
1439  << " "<< calib.dacs_[0].step()<<std::endl;
1441  s << "CalDel:"<<std::endl;
1443  s << calib.dacs_[1].first() << " " << calib.dacs_[0].last()
1444  << " "<< calib.dacs_[1].step()<<std::endl;
1446  s << "Repeat:"<<std::endl;
1448  s << calib.ntrigger_<<std::endl;
1450  return s;
1452 }
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > rows_
int i
std::vector< PixelDACScanRange > dacs_
int j
std::map< std::string, std::string > parameters_
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > cols_
ostream & pos::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PixelModuleName pixelroc 

Definition at line 272 of file

References pos::PixelModuleName::modulename(), and alignCSCRings::s.

272  {
275  // FPix_BpR_D1_BLD1_PNL1_PLQ1_ROC1
277  s<<pixelroc.modulename();
279  return s;
280 }
std::string modulename() const

Variable Documentation

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_CalDel =26

Definition at line 68 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_ChipContReg =253

Definition at line 71 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_TempRange =27

Definition at line 69 of file PixelDACNames.h.

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vana =2

Definition at line 44 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VbiasOp =16

Definition at line 58 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vcal =25

Definition at line 67 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vcomp =4

Definition at line 46 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VcThr =12

Definition at line 54 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vdd =1

Definition at line 43 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VHldDel =10

Definition at line 52 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIbias_bus =13

Definition at line 55 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIbias_DAC =20

Definition at line 62 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIbias_PH =19

Definition at line 61 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIbias_roc =21

Definition at line 63 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIbias_sf =14

Definition at line 56 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIColOr =22

Definition at line 64 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VIon =18

Definition at line 60 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vleak =5

Definition at line 47 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vnpix =23

Definition at line 65 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VOffsetOp =15

Definition at line 57 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VOffsetRO =17

Definition at line 59 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VrgPr =6

Definition at line 48 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VrgSh =8

Definition at line 50 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vsf =3

Definition at line 45 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VsumCol =24

Definition at line 66 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_Vtrim =11

Definition at line 53 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VwllPr =7

Definition at line 49 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_VwllSh =9

Definition at line 51 of file PixelDACNames.h.

Referenced by pos::PixelDACScanRange::setDACChannel().

const unsigned int pos::k_DACAddress_WBC =254
const std::string pos::k_DACName_CalDel ="CalDel"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_ChipContReg ="ChipContReg"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_TempRange ="TempRange"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vana ="Vana"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VbiasOp ="VbiasOp"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vcal ="Vcal"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vcomp ="Vcomp"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VcThr ="VcThr"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vdd ="Vdd"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VHldDel ="VHldDel"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIbias_bus ="VIbias_bus"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIbias_DAC ="VIbias_DAC"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIbias_PH ="VIbias_PH"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIbias_roc ="VIbias_roc"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIbias_sf ="VIbias_sf"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIColOr ="VIColOr"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VIon ="VIon"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vleak ="Vleak"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vnpix ="Vnpix"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VOffsetOp ="VOffsetOp"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VOffsetRO ="VOffsetRO"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VrgPr ="VrgPr"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VrgSh ="VrgSh"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vsf ="Vsf"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VsumCol ="VsumCol"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_Vtrim ="Vtrim"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VwllPr ="VwllPr"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_VwllSh ="VwllSh"
const std::string pos::k_DACName_WBC ="WBC"