13 import xml.sax.handler
14 from FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList
import LumiList
15 from xml.sax
import SAXParseException
18 from DBSAPI.dbsOptions
import DbsOptionParser
19 from DBSAPI.dbsApi
import DbsApi
20 from pprint
import pprint
26 edmPickEvent.py dataset run1:lumi1:event1 run2:lumi2:event2
30 edmPickEvent.py dataset listOfEvents.txt
33 listOfEvents is a text file:
34 # this line is ignored as a comment
35 # since '#' is a valid comment character
36 run1 lumi_section1 event1
37 run2 lumi_section2 event2
45 run, lumi_section, and event are integers that you can get from
48 dataset: it just a name of the physics dataset, if you don't know exact name
49 you can provide a mask, e.g.: *QCD*RAW
51 For updated information see Wiki:
52 https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/PickEvents
63 splitRE = re.compile (
65 pieces = Event.splitRE.split (line.strip())
67 self[
'run'] = int( pieces[0] )
68 self[
'lumi'] = int( pieces[1] )
69 self[
'event'] = int( pieces[2] )
70 self[
'dataset'] = Event.dataset
72 raise RuntimeError,
"Can not parse '%s' as Event object" \
74 if not self[
75 print "No dataset is defined for '%s'. Aborting." % line.strip()
76 raise RuntimeError,
'Missing dataset'
82 return "run = %(run)i, lumi = %(lumi)i, event = %(event)i, dataset = %(dataset)s" % self
89 class Handler (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
105 self.files.append(str(data))
115 api = DbsApi (dbsOptions)
116 query =
"find file where dataset=%(dataset)s and run=%(run)i and lumi=%(lumi)i" % event
118 xmldata = api.executeQuery(query)
119 except DbsApiException, ex:
120 print "Caught API Exception %s: %s " % (ex.getClassName(), ex.getErrorMessage() )
121 if ex.getErrorCode()
not in (
122 print "DBS Exception Error Code: ", ex.getErrorCode()
128 xml.sax.parseString (xmldata, handler)
129 except SAXParseException, ex:
130 msg =
"Unable to parse XML response from DBS Server"
131 msg +=
"\n Server has not responded as desired, try setting level=DBSDEBUG"
132 raise DbsBadXMLData(args=msg, code=
138 base = os.environ.get (
140 raise RuntimeError,
"CMSSW Environment not set"
141 retval =
"%s/src/PhysicsTools/Utilities/configuration/copyPickMerge_cfg.py" \
143 if os.path.exists (retval):
145 base = os.environ.get (
146 retval =
"%s/src/PhysicsTools/Utilities/configuration/copyPickMerge_cfg.py" \
148 if os.path.exists (retval):
150 raise RuntimeError,
"Could not find copyPickMerge_cfg.py"
153 return '%s@%s' % (commands.getoutput (
154 '.'.
160 crab[
'runEvent'] =
'%s_runEvents.txt' % base
162 crab[
'output'] =
'%s.root' % base
163 crab[
'crabcfg'] =
'%s_crab.config' % base
164 crab[
'json'] =
'%s.json' % base
165 crab[
'dataset'] = Event.dataset
166 crab[
'email'] = options.email
167 if options.crabCondor:
168 crab[
'scheduler'] =
169 crab[
'useServer'] =
171 crab[
'scheduler'] =
172 crab[
'useServer'] =
'use_server = 1'
178 # CRAB documentation:
179 # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideCrab
181 # Once you are happy with this file, please run
182 # crab -create -cfg %(crabcfg)s
183 # crab -submit -cfg %(crabcfg)s
186 pycfg_params = eventsToProcess_load=%(runEvent)s outputFile=%(output)s
189 total_number_of_lumis = -1
191 pset = %(copyPickMerge)s
192 datasetpath = %(dataset)s
193 output_file = %(output)s
199 # if you want to copy the data or put it in a storage element, do it
204 # use "glite" in general; you can "condor" if you run on CAF at FNAL or USG
205 # site AND you know the files are available locally
206 scheduler = %(scheduler)s
218 if __name__ ==
220 parser = optparse.OptionParser (
"Usage: %prog [options] dataset events_or_events.txt", description=
'''This program facilitates picking specific events from a data set. For full details, please visit https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/PickEvents ''')
221 parser.add_option (
'--output', dest=
'base', type=
222 default=
223 help=
'Base name to use for output files (root, JSON, run and event list, etc.; default "%default")')
224 parser.add_option (
'--runInteractive', dest=
'runInteractive', action=
225 help =
'Call "cmsRun" command if possible. Can take a long time.')
226 parser.add_option (
'--printInteractive', dest=
'printInteractive', action=
227 help =
'Print "cmsRun" command instead of running it.')
228 parser.add_option (
'--crab', dest=
'crab', action=
229 help =
'Force CRAB setup instead of interactive mode')
230 parser.add_option (
'--crabCondor', dest=
'crabCondor', action=
231 help =
'Tell CRAB to use Condor scheduler (FNAL or OSG sites).')
232 parser.add_option (
'--email', dest=
'email', type=
234 help=
"Specify email for CRAB (default '%s')" % email )
235 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
242 if not options.email:
243 options.email = email
245 Event.dataset = args.pop(0)
246 commentRE = re.compile (
247 colonRE = re.compile (
249 if len (args) > 1
or colonRE.search (args[0]):
253 event = Event (piece)
255 raise RuntimeError,
"'%s' is not a proper event" % piece
256 eventList.append (event)
259 source = open(args[0],
261 line = commentRE.sub (
'', line)
265 print "Skipping '%s'." % line.strip()
267 eventList.append(event)
270 if len (eventList) > 20:
278 if options.runInteractive:
279 raise RuntimeError,
"This job is can not be run interactive, but rather by crab. Please call without '--runInteractive' flag."
280 runsAndLumis = [ (event.run, event.lumi)
for event
in eventList]
281 json = LumiList (lumis = runsAndLumis)
283 sorted( [
"%d:%d" % (event.run, event.event)
for event
in eventList ] ) )
284 crabDict = setupCrabDict (options)
285 json.writeJSON (crabDict[
286 target = open (crabDict[
287 target.write (
"%s\n" % eventsToProcess)
289 target = open (crabDict[
290 target.write (crabTemplate % crabDict)
292 print "Please visit CRAB twiki for instructions on how to setup environment for CRAB:\nhttps://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/SWGuideCrab\n"
293 if options.crabCondor:
294 print "You are running on condor. Please make sure you have read instructions on\nhttps://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CRABonLPCCAF\n"
295 if not os.path.exists (
'%s/.profile' % os.environ.get(
296 print "** WARNING: ** You are missing ~/.profile file. Please see CRABonLPCCAF instructions above.\n"
297 print "Setup your environment for CRAB. Then edit %(crabcfg)s to make any desired changed. The run:\n\ncrab -create -cfg %(crabcfg)s\ncrab -submit\n" % crabDict
305 for event
in eventList:
306 files.extend( getFileNames (event) )
308 print "No events defind. Aborting."
313 for filename
in files:
314 if filename
in fileSet:
316 fileSet.add (filename)
317 uniqueFiles.append (filename)
318 source =
','.join (uniqueFiles) +
319 eventsToProcess =
320 sorted( [
"%d:%d" % (event.run, event.event)
for event
in eventList ] ) )
321 command =
'edmCopyPickMerge outputFile=%s.root \\\n eventsToProcess=%s \\\n inputFiles=%s' \
322 % (options.base, eventsToProcess, source)
323 print "\n%s" % command
324 if options.runInteractive
and not options.printInteractive:
def getFileNames
Subroutines ##.
static std::string join(char **cmd)
void set(const std::string &name, int value)
set the flag, with a run-time name