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8 // reco track and vertex
14 // simulated vertices,..., add <use name=SimDataFormats/Vertex> and <../Track>
25 //generator level + CLHEP
26 #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
27 #include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
30 // TrackingParticle
33 //associator
37 // fit
43 // Root
44 #include <TH1.h>
45 #include <TH2.h>
46 #include <TFile.h>
47 #include <TProfile.h>
49 #include <cmath>
50 #include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
51 #include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
54 // cluster stufff
55 //#include "DataFormats/TrackRecoTrack.h"
60 using namespace edm;
61 using namespace reco;
62 using namespace std;
63 //
64 // constants, enums and typedefs
65 //
67 //
68 // static data member definitions
69 //
71 //
72 // constructors and destructor
73 //
74 PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU(const ParameterSet& iConfig):theTrackFilter(iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TkFilterParameters"))
75 {
76  //now do what ever initialization is needed
77  simG4_=iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>( "simG4" );
78  recoTrackProducer_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("recoTrackProducer");
79  // open output file to store histograms}
80  outputFile_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile");
82  rootFile_ = TFile::Open(outputFile_.c_str(),"RECREATE");
83  verbose_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false);
84  doMatching_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("matching", false);
85  printXBS_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("XBS", false);
86  simUnit_= 1.0; // starting with CMSSW_1_2_x ??
87  if ( (edm::getReleaseVersion()).find("CMSSW_1_1_",0)!=std::string::npos){
88  simUnit_=0.1; // for use in CMSSW_1_1_1 tutorial
89  }
91  dumpPUcandidates_=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("dumpPUcandidates", false);
93  zmatch_=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("zmatch", 0.0500);
94  cout << "PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU: zmatch=" << zmatch_ << endl;
95  eventcounter_=0;
96  dumpcounter_=0;
97  ndump_=10;
98  DEBUG_=false;
99  //DEBUG_=true;
100 }
106 {
107  // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
108  // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
109  delete rootFile_;
110 }
114 //
115 // member functions
116 //
120  std::map<std::string, TH1*> h;
122  // release validation histograms used in DoCompare.C
123  h["nbtksinvtx"] = new TH1F("nbtksinvtx","reconstructed tracks in vertex",40,-0.5,39.5);
124  h["nbtksinvtxPU"] = new TH1F("nbtksinvtxPU","reconstructed tracks in vertex",40,-0.5,39.5);
125  h["nbtksinvtxTag"]= new TH1F("nbtksinvtxTag","reconstructed tracks in vertex",40,-0.5,39.5);
126  h["resx"] = new TH1F("resx","residual x",100,-0.04,0.04);
127  h["resy"] = new TH1F("resy","residual y",100,-0.04,0.04);
128  h["resz"] = new TH1F("resz","residual z",100,-0.1,0.1);
129  h["resz10"] = new TH1F("resz10","residual z",100,-1.0,1.);
130  h["pullx"] = new TH1F("pullx","pull x",100,-25.,25.);
131  h["pully"] = new TH1F("pully","pull y",100,-25.,25.);
132  h["pullz"] = new TH1F("pullz","pull z",100,-25.,25.);
133  h["vtxchi2"] = new TH1F("vtxchi2","chi squared",100,0.,100.);
134  h["vtxndf"] = new TH1F("vtxndf","degrees of freedom",500,0.,100.);
135  h["vtxndfc"] = new TH1F("vtxndfc","expected 2nd highest ndof",500,0.,100.);
137  h["vtxndfvsntk"] = new TH2F("vtxndfvsntk","ndof vs #tracks",20,0.,100, 20, 0., 200.);
138  h["vtxndfoverntk"]= new TH1F("vtxndfoverntk","ndof / #tracks",40,0.,2.);
139  h["vtxndf2overntk"]= new TH1F("vtxndf2overntk","(ndof+2) / #tracks",40,0.,2.);
140  h["tklinks"] = new TH1F("tklinks","Usable track links",2,-0.5,1.5);
141  h["nans"] = new TH1F("nans","Illegal values for x,y,z,xx,xy,xz,yy,yz,zz",9,0.5,9.5);
144  // raw
145  add(h, new TH1F("szRecVtx","size of recvtx collection",20, -0.5, 19.5));
146  add(h, new TH1F("isFake","fake vertex",2, -0.5, 1.5));
147  add(h, new TH1F("isFake1","fake vertex or ndof<0",2, -0.5, 1.5));
148  add(h, new TH1F("bunchCrossing","bunchCrossing",4000, 0., 4000.));
149  add(h, new TH2F("bunchCrossingLogNtk","bunchCrossingLogNtk",4000, 0., 4000.,5,0., 5.));
150  add(h, new TH1F("highpurityTrackFraction","fraction of high purity tracks",20, 0., 1.));
151  add(h, new TH2F("trkchi2vsndof","vertices chi2 vs ndof",50, 0., 100., 50, 0., 200.));
152  add(h, new TH1F("trkchi2overndof","vertices chi2 / ndof",50, 0., 5.));
153  // two track vertices
154  add(h,new TH2F("2trkchi2vsndof","two-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
155  add(h,new TH1F("2trkmassSS","two-track vertices mass (same sign)",100, 0., 2.));
156  add(h,new TH1F("2trkmassOS","two-track vertices mass (opposite sign)",100, 0., 2.));
157  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdphi","two-track vertices delta-phi",360, 0, 2*M_PI));
158  add(h,new TH1F("2trkseta","two-track vertices sum-eta",50, -2., 2.));
159  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdphicurl","two-track vertices delta-phi (sum eta<0.1)",360, 0, 2*M_PI));
160  add(h,new TH1F("2trksetacurl","two-track vertices sum-eta (delta-phi<0.1)",50, -2., 2.));
161  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdetaOS","two-track vertices delta-eta (same sign)",50, -0.5, 0.5));
162  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdetaSS","two-track vertices delta-eta (opposite sign)",50, -0.5, 0.5));
163  // two track PU vertices
164  add(h,new TH1F("2trkmassSSPU","two-track vertices mass (same sign)",100, 0., 2.));
165  add(h,new TH1F("2trkmassOSPU","two-track vertices mass (opposite sign)",100, 0., 2.));
166  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdphiPU","two-track vertices delta-phi",360, 0, 2*M_PI));
167  add(h,new TH1F("2trksetaPU","two-track vertices sum-eta",50, -2., 2.));
168  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdphicurlPU","two-track vertices delta-phi (sum eta<0.1)",360, 0, 2*M_PI));
169  add(h,new TH1F("2trksetacurlPU","two-track vertices sum-eta (delta-phi<0.1)",50, -2., 2.));
170  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdetaOSPU","two-track vertices delta-eta (same sign)",50, -0.5, 0.5));
171  add(h,new TH1F("2trkdetaSSPU","two-track vertices delta-eta (opposite sign)",50, -0.5, 0.5));
172  // three track vertices
173  add(h,new TH2F("2trkchi2vsndof","two-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
174  add(h,new TH2F("3trkchi2vsndof","three-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
175  add(h,new TH2F("4trkchi2vsndof","four-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
176  add(h,new TH2F("5trkchi2vsndof","five-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
177  // same for fakes
178  add(h,new TH2F("fake2trkchi2vsndof","fake two-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
179  add(h,new TH2F("fake3trkchi2vsndof","fake three-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
180  add(h,new TH2F("fake4trkchi2vsndof","fake four-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
181  add(h,new TH2F("fake5trkchi2vsndof","fake five-track vertices chi2 vs ndof",40, 0., 10., 20, 0., 20.));
182  h["resxr"] = new TH1F("resxr","relative residual x",100,-0.04,0.04);
183  h["resyr"] = new TH1F("resyr","relative residual y",100,-0.04,0.04);
184  h["reszr"] = new TH1F("reszr","relative residual z",100,-0.1,0.1);
185  h["pullxr"] = new TH1F("pullxr","relative pull x",100,-25.,25.);
186  h["pullyr"] = new TH1F("pullyr","relative pull y",100,-25.,25.);
187  h["pullzr"] = new TH1F("pullzr","relative pull z",100,-25.,25.);
188  h["vtxprob"] = new TH1F("vtxprob","chisquared probability",100,0.,1.);
189  h["eff"] = new TH1F("eff","efficiency",2, -0.5, 1.5);
190  h["efftag"] = new TH1F("efftag","efficiency tagged vertex",2, -0.5, 1.5);
191  h["zdistancetag"] = new TH1F("zdistancetag","z-distance between tagged and generated",100, -0.1, 0.1);
192  h["abszdistancetag"] = new TH1F("abszdistancetag","z-distance between tagged and generated",1000, 0., 1.0);
193  h["abszdistancetagcum"] = new TH1F("abszdistancetagcum","z-distance between tagged and generated",1000, 0., 1.0);
194  h["puritytag"] = new TH1F("puritytag","purity of primary vertex tags",2, -0.5, 1.5);
195  h["effvsptsq"] = new TProfile("effvsptsq","efficiency vs ptsq",20, 0., 10000., 0, 1.);
196  h["effvsnsimtrk"] = new TProfile("effvsnsimtrk","efficiency vs # simtracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.);
197  h["effvsnrectrk"] = new TProfile("effvsnrectrk","efficiency vs # rectracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.);
198  h["effvsnseltrk"] = new TProfile("effvsnseltrk","efficiency vs # selected tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.);
199  h["effvsz"] = new TProfile("effvsz","efficiency vs z",20, -20., 20., 0, 1.);
200  h["effvsz2"] = new TProfile("effvsz2","efficiency vs z (2mm)",20, -20., 20., 0, 1.);
201  h["effvsr"] = new TProfile("effvsr","efficiency vs r",20, 0., 1., 0, 1.);
202  h["xresvsntrk"] = new TProfile("xresvsntrk","xresolution vs # vertex tracks",40, 0., 200., 0, 0.01);
203  h["yresvsntrk"] = new TProfile("yresvsntrk","yresolution vs # vertex tracks",40, 0., 200., 0, 0.01);
204  h["zresvsntrk"] = new TProfile("zresvsntrk","zresolution vs # vertex tracks",40, 0., 200., 0, 0.01);
205  h["cpuvsntrk"] = new TProfile("cpuvsntrk","cpu time vs # of fitted tracks",40, 0., 200., 0, 200.);
206  h["cpucluvsntrk"] = new TProfile("cpucluvsntrk","clustering cpu time # of tracks",40, 0., 200., 0, 10.);
207  h["cpufit"] = new TH1F("cpufit","cpu time for fitting",100, 0., 200.);
208  h["cpuclu"] = new TH1F("cpuclu","cpu time for clustering",100, 0., 200.);
209  h["nbtksinvtx2"] = new TH1F("nbtksinvtx2","reconstructed tracks in vertex",40,0.,200.);
210  h["nbtksinvtxPU2"] = new TH1F("nbtksinvtxPU2","reconstructed tracks in vertex",40,0.,200.);
211  h["nbtksinvtxTag2"] = new TH1F("nbtksinvtxTag2","reconstructed tracks in vertex",40,0.,200.);
213  h["xrec"] = new TH1F("xrec","reconstructed x",100,-0.1,0.1);
214  h["yrec"] = new TH1F("yrec","reconstructed y",100,-0.1,0.1);
215  h["zrec"] = new TH1F("zrec","reconstructed z",100,-20.,20.);
216  h["err1"] = new TH1F("err1","error 1",100,0.,0.1);
217  h["err2"] = new TH1F("err2","error 2",100,0.,0.1);
218  h["errx"] = new TH1F("errx","error x",100,0.,0.1);
219  h["erry"] = new TH1F("erry","error y",100,0.,0.1);
220  h["errz"] = new TH1F("errz","error z",100,0.,2.0);
221  h["errz1"] = new TH1F("errz1","error z",100,0.,0.2);
223  h["zrecNt100"] = new TH1F("zrecNt100","reconstructed z for high multiplicity events",80,-40.,40.);
224  add(h, new TH2F("zrecvsnt","reconstructed z vs number of tracks",100,-50., 50., 20, 0., 200.));
225  add(h, new TH2F("xyrec","reconstructed xy",100, -4., 4., 100, -4., 4.));
226  h["xrecBeam"] = new TH1F("xrecBeam","reconstructed x - beam x",100,-0.1,0.1);
227  h["yrecBeam"] = new TH1F("yrecBeam","reconstructed y - beam y",100,-0.1,0.1);
228  h["zrecBeam"] = new TH1F("zrecBeam","reconstructed z - beam z",100,-20.,20.);
229  h["xrecBeamvsz"] = new TH2F("xrecBeamvsz","reconstructed x - beam x vs z", 20, -20., 20.,100,-0.1,0.1);
230  h["yrecBeamvsz"] = new TH2F("yrecBeamvsz","reconstructed y - beam y vs z", 20, -20., 20.,100,-0.1,0.1);
231  h["xrecBeamvszprof"] = new TProfile("xrecBeamvszprof","reconstructed x - beam x vs z-z0", 20, -20., 20.,-0.1,0.1);
232  h["yrecBeamvszprof"] = new TProfile("yrecBeamvszprof","reconstructed y - beam y vs z-z0", 20, -20., 20.,-0.1,0.1);
233  add(h, new TH2F("xrecBeamvsdxXBS","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",10,0., 0.02, 100, -0.1,0.1)); // just a test
234  add(h, new TH2F("yrecBeamvsdyXBS","reconstructed z - beam z vs resolution",10,0., 0.02, 100, -0.1,0.1));
235  add(h, new TH2F("xrecBeamvsdx","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",10,0., 0.02, 100, -0.1,0.1));
236  add(h, new TH2F("yrecBeamvsdy","reconstructed z - beam z vs resolution",10,0., 0.02, 100, -0.1,0.1));
237  add(h, new TH2F("xrecBeamvsdxR2","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",20,0., 0.04, 100, -0.1,0.1));
238  add(h, new TH2F("yrecBeamvsdyR2","reconstructed z - beam z vs resolution",20,0., 0.04, 100, -0.1,0.1));
239  // add(h, new TH2F("xrecBeamvsdx","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",100,-0.1,0.1, 10, 0., 0.04));
240  // add(h, new TH2F("yrecBeamvsdy","reconstructed y - beam y vs resolution",100,-0.1,0.1, 10, 0., 0.04));
241  h["xrecBeamvsdxprof"] = new TProfile("xrecBeamvsdxprof","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",10, 0., 0.04,-0.1,0.1 );
242  h["yrecBeamvsdyprof"] = new TProfile("yrecBeamvsdyprof","reconstructed y - beam y vs resolution",10, 0., 0.04,-0.1,0.1 );
243  add(h, new TProfile("xrecBeam2vsdx2prof","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",10,0., 0.002, 0., 0.01));
244  add(h, new TProfile("yrecBeam2vsdy2prof","reconstructed y - beam y vs resolution",10,0., 0.002, 0., 0.01));
245  add(h,new TH2F("xrecBeamvsdx2","reconstructed x - beam x vs resolution",10,0., 0.002, 100, -0.01, 0.01));
246  add(h,new TH2F("yrecBeamvsdy2","reconstructed y - beam y vs resolution",10,0., 0.002, 100, -0.01, 0.01));
247  h["xrecb"] = new TH1F("xrecb","reconstructed x - beam x",100,-0.01,0.01);
248  h["yrecb"] = new TH1F("yrecb","reconstructed y - beam y",100,-0.01,0.01);
249  h["zrecb"] = new TH1F("zrecb","reconstructed z - beam z",100,-20.,20.);
250  h["xrec1"] = new TH1F("xrec1","reconstructed x",100,-4,4);
251  h["yrec1"] = new TH1F("yrec1","reconstructed y",100,-4,4); // should match the sim histos
252  h["zrec1"] = new TH1F("zrec1","reconstructed z",100,-80.,80.);
253  h["xrec2"] = new TH1F("xrec2","reconstructed x",100,-1,1);
254  h["yrec2"] = new TH1F("yrec2","reconstructed y",100,-1,1);
255  h["zrec2"] = new TH1F("zrec2","reconstructed z",100,-40.,40.);
256  h["xrec3"] = new TH1F("xrec3","reconstructed x",100,-0.1,0.1);
257  h["yrec3"] = new TH1F("yrec3","reconstructed y",100,-0.1,0.1);
258  h["zrec3"] = new TH1F("zrec3","reconstructed z",100,-20.,20.);
259  add(h, new TH1F("xrecBeamPull","normalized residuals reconstructed x - beam x",100,-20,20));
260  add(h, new TH1F("yrecBeamPull","normalized residuals reconstructed y - beam y",100,-20,20));
261  add(h, new TH1F("zdiffrec","z-distance between vertices",200,-20., 20.));
262  add(h, new TH1F("zdiffrec2","z-distance between ndof>2 vertices",200,-20., 20.));
263  add(h, new TH1F("zdiffrec4","z-distance between ndof>4 vertices",200,-20., 20.));
264  add(h, new TH1F("zdiffrec8","z-distance between ndof>8 vertices",200,-20., 20.));
265  add(h, new TH2F("zvszrec2","z positions of multiple vertices",200,-20., 20., 200,-20., 20.));
266  add(h, new TH2F("pzvspz2","prob(z) of multiple vertices",100, 0.,1.,100,0., 1.));
267  add(h, new TH2F("zvszrec4","z positions of multiple vertices",100,-20., 20., 100,-20., 20.));
268  add(h, new TH2F("pzvspz4","prob(z) of multiple vertices",100, 0.,1.,100,0., 1.));
269  add(h, new TH2F("zdiffvsz","z-distance vs z",100,-10.,10.,30,-15.,15.));
270  add(h, new TH2F("zdiffvsz4","z-distance vs z (ndof>4)",100,-10.,10.,30,-15.,15.));
271  add(h, new TProfile("eff0vsntrec","efficiency vs # reconstructed tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.));
272  add(h, new TProfile("eff0vsntsel","efficiency vs # selected tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.));
273  add(h, new TProfile("eff0ndof0vsntsel","efficiency (ndof>0) vs # selected tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.));
274  add(h, new TProfile("eff0ndof8vsntsel","efficiency (ndof>8) vs # selected tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.));
275  add(h, new TProfile("eff0ndof2vsntsel","efficiency (ndof>2) vs # selected tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.));
276  add(h, new TProfile("eff0ndof4vsntsel","efficiency (ndof>4) vs # selected tracks",50, 0., 50., 0, 1.));
277  add(h, new TH1F("xbeamPUcand","x - beam of PU candidates (ndof>4)",100,-1., 1.));
278  add(h, new TH1F("ybeamPUcand","y - beam of PU candidates (ndof>4)",100,-1., 1.));
279  add(h, new TH1F("xbeamPullPUcand","x - beam pull of PU candidates (ndof>4)",100,-20., 20.));
280  add(h, new TH1F("ybeamPullPUcand","y - beam pull of PU candidates (ndof>4)",100,-20., 20.));
281  add(h, new TH1F("ndofOverNtk","ndof / ntk of ndidates (ndof>4)",100,0., 2.));
282  //add(h, new TH1F("sumwOverNtk","sumw / ntk of ndidates (ndof>4)",100,0., 2.));
283  add(h, new TH1F("ndofOverNtkPUcand","ndof / ntk of ndidates (ndof>4)",100,0., 2.));
284  //add(h, new TH1F("sumwOverNtkPUcand","sumw / ntk of ndidates (ndof>4)",100,0., 2.));
285  add(h, new TH1F("zPUcand","z positions of PU candidates (all)",100,-20., 20.));
286  add(h, new TH1F("zPUcand2","z positions of PU candidates (ndof>2)",100,-20., 20.));
287  add(h, new TH1F("zPUcand4","z positions of PU candidates (ndof>4)",100,-20., 20.));
288  add(h, new TH1F("ndofPUcand","ndof of PU candidates (all)",50,0., 100.));
289  add(h, new TH1F("ndofPUcand2","ndof of PU candidates (ndof>2)",50,0., 100.));
290  add(h, new TH1F("ndofPUcand4","ndof of PU candidates (ndof>4)",50,0., 100.));
291  add(h, new TH1F("ndofnr2","second highest ndof",500,0., 100.));
292  add(h, new TH1F("ndofnr2d1cm","second highest ndof (dz>1cm)",500,0., 100.));
293  add(h, new TH1F("ndofnr2d2cm","second highest ndof (dz>2cm)",500,0., 100.));
295  h["nrecvtx"] = new TH1F("nrecvtx","# of reconstructed vertices", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
296  h["nrecvtx8"] = new TH1F("nrecvtx8","# of reconstructed vertices with ndof>8", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
297  h["nrecvtx2"] = new TH1F("nrecvtx2","# of reconstructed vertices with ndof>2", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
298  h["nrecvtx4"] = new TH1F("nrecvtx4","# of reconstructed vertices with ndof>4", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
299  // h["nsimvtx"] = new TH1F("nsimvtx","# of simulated vertices", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
300  h["nrectrk"] = new TH1F("nrectrk","# of reconstructed tracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
301  add(h, new TH1F("nsimtrk","# of simulated tracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5));
302  add(h, new TH1F("nsimtrkSignal","# of simulated tracks (Signal)", 100, -0.5, 99.5));
303  add(h, new TH1F("nsimtrkPU","# of simulated tracks (PU)", 100, -0.5, 99.5));
304  h["nsimtrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
305  h["nsimtrkPU"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
306  h["nsimtrkSignal"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
307  h["xrectag"] = new TH1F("xrectag","reconstructed x, signal vtx",100,-0.05,0.05);
308  h["yrectag"] = new TH1F("yrectag","reconstructed y, signal vtx",100,-0.05,0.05);
309  h["zrectag"] = new TH1F("zrectag","reconstructed z, signal vtx",100,-20.,20.);
310  h["nrectrk0vtx"] = new TH1F("nrectrk0vtx","# rec tracks no vertex ",100,-0.5, 99.5);
311  h["nseltrk0vtx"] = new TH1F("nseltrk0vtx","# rec tracks no vertex ",100,-0.5, 99.5);
312  h["nrecsimtrk"] = new TH1F("nrecsimtrk","# rec tracks matched to sim tracks in vertex",100,-0.5, 99.5);
313  h["nrecnosimtrk"] = new TH1F("nrecsimtrk","# rec tracks not matched to sim tracks in vertex",100,-0.5, 99.5);
314  h["trackAssEffvsPt"] = new TProfile("trackAssEffvsPt","track association efficiency vs pt",20, 0., 100., 0, 1.);
316  // cluster stuff
317  h["nseltrk"] = new TH1F("nseltrk","# of reconstructed tracks selected for PV", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
318  h["nclutrkall"] = new TH1F("nclutrkall","# of reconstructed tracks in clusters", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
319  h["nclutrkvtx"] = new TH1F("nclutrkvtx","# of reconstructed tracks in clusters of reconstructed vertices", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
320  h["nclu"] = new TH1F("nclu","# of clusters", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
321  h["nclu0vtx"] = new TH1F("nclu0vtx","# of clusters in events with no PV", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
322  h["zlost1"] = new TH1F("zlost1","z of lost vertices (bad z)", 100, -20., 20.);
323  h["zlost2"] = new TH1F("zlost2","z of lost vertices (no matching cluster)", 100, -20., 20.);
324  h["zlost3"] = new TH1F("zlost3","z of lost vertices (vertex too far from beam)", 100, -20., 20.);
325  h["zlost4"] = new TH1F("zlost4","z of lost vertices (invalid vertex)", 100, -20., 20.);
326  h["selstat"] = new TH1F("selstat","selstat", 5, -2.5, 2.5);
329  // properties of fake vertices (MC only)_
330  add(h, new TH1F("fakeVtxZNdofgt05","z of fake vertices with ndof>0.5", 100, -20., 20.));
331  add(h, new TH1F("fakeVtxZNdofgt2","z of fake vertices with ndof>2", 100, -20., 20.));
332  add(h, new TH1F("fakeVtxZ","z of fake vertices", 100, -20., 20.));
333  add(h, new TH1F("fakeVtxNdof","ndof of fake vertices", 500,0., 100.));
334  add(h,new TH1F("fakeVtxNtrk","number of tracks in fake vertex",20,-0.5, 19.5));
335  add(h,new TH1F("matchedVtxNdof","ndof of matched vertices", 500,0., 100.));
338  // histograms of track quality (Data and MC)
339  string types[] = {"all","sel","bachelor","sellost","wgt05","wlt05","M","tagged","untagged","ndof4","PUcand","PUfake"};
340  for(int t=0; t<12; t++){
341  add(h, new TH1F(("rapidity_"+types[t]).c_str(),"rapidity ",100,-3., 3.));
342  h["z0_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("z0_"+types[t]).c_str(),"z0 ",80,-40., 40.);
343  h["phi_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("phi_"+types[t]).c_str(),"phi ",80,-3.14159, 3.14159);
344  h["eta_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("eta_"+types[t]).c_str(),"eta ",80,-4., 4.);
345  h["pt_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("pt_"+types[t]).c_str(),"pt ",100,0., 20.);
346  h["found_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("found_"+types[t]).c_str(),"found hits",20, 0., 20.);
347  h["lost_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("lost_"+types[t]).c_str(),"lost hits",20, 0., 20.);
348  h["nchi2_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("nchi2_"+types[t]).c_str(),"normalized track chi2",100, 0., 20.);
349  h["rstart_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("rstart_"+types[t]).c_str(),"start radius",100, 0., 20.);
350  h["tfom_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("tfom_"+types[t]).c_str(),"track figure of merit",100, 0., 100.);
351  h["expectedInner_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("expectedInner_"+types[t]).c_str(),"expected inner hits ",10, 0., 10.);
352  h["expectedOuter_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("expectedOuter_"+types[t]).c_str(),"expected outer hits ",10, 0., 10.);
353  h["logtresxy_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("logtresxy_"+types[t]).c_str(),"log10(track r-phi resolution/um)",100, 0., 5.);
354  h["logtresz_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("logtresz_"+types[t]).c_str(),"log10(track z resolution/um)",100, 0., 5.);
355  h["tpullxy_"+types[t]] = new TH1F(("tpullxy_"+types[t]).c_str(),"track r-phi pull",100, -10., 10.);
356  add(h, new TH2F( ("lvseta_"+types[t]).c_str(),"cluster length vs eta",60,-3., 3., 20, 0., 20));
357  add(h, new TH2F( ("lvstanlambda_"+types[t]).c_str(),"cluster length vs tan lambda",60,-6., 6., 20, 0., 20));
358  add(h, new TH1F( ("restrkz_"+types[t]).c_str(),"z-residuals (track vs vertex)", 200, -5., 5.));
359  add(h, new TH2F( ("restrkzvsphi_"+types[t]).c_str(),"z-residuals (track - vertex)", 12,-3.14159,3.14159,100, -5., 5.));
360  add(h, new TH2F( ("restrkzvseta_"+types[t]).c_str(),"z-residuals (track - vertex)", 12,-3.,3.,200, -5., 5.));
361  add(h, new TH2F( ("pulltrkzvsphi_"+types[t]).c_str(),"normalized z-residuals (track - vertex)", 12,-3.14159,3.14159,100, -5., 5.));
362  add(h, new TH2F( ("pulltrkzvseta_"+types[t]).c_str(),"normalized z-residuals (track - vertex)", 12,-3.,3.,100, -5., 5.));
363  add(h, new TH1F( ("pulltrkz_"+types[t]).c_str(),"normalized z-residuals (track vs vertex)", 100, -5., 5.));
364  add(h, new TH1F( ("sigmatrkz0_"+types[t]).c_str(),"z-resolution (excluding beam)", 100, 0., 5.));
365  add(h, new TH1F( ("sigmatrkz_"+types[t]).c_str(),"z-resolution (including beam)", 100,0., 5.));
366  add(h, new TH1F( ("nbarrelhits_"+types[t]).c_str(),"number of pixel barrel hits", 10, 0., 10.));
367  add(h, new TH1F( ("nbarrelLayers_"+types[t]).c_str(),"number of pixel barrel layers", 10, 0., 10.));
368  add(h, new TH1F( ("nPxLayers_"+types[t]).c_str(),"number of pixel layers (barrel+endcap)", 10, 0., 10.));
369  add(h, new TH1F( ("nSiLayers_"+types[t]).c_str(),"number of Tracker layers ", 20, 0., 20.));
370  add(h, new TH1F( ("trackAlgo_"+types[t]).c_str(),"track algorithm ", 30, 0., 30.));
371  add(h, new TH1F( ("trackQuality_"+types[t]).c_str(),"track quality ", 7, -1., 6.));
372  }
373  add(h, new TH1F("trackWt","track weight in vertex",100,0., 1.));
376  h["nrectrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
377  h["nrectrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
378  h["nrectrk0vtx"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
379  h["nseltrk0vtx"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
380  h["nrecsimtrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
381  h["nrecnosimtrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
382  h["nseltrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
383  h["nbtksinvtx"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
384  h["nbtksinvtxPU"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
385  h["nbtksinvtxTag"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
386  h["nbtksinvtx2"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
387  h["nbtksinvtxPU2"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
388  h["nbtksinvtxTag2"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
390  // pile-up and track assignment related histograms (MC)
391  h["npu0"] =new TH1F("npu0","Number of simulated vertices",40,0.,40.);
392  h["npu1"] =new TH1F("npu1","Number of simulated vertices with >0 track",40,0.,40.);
393  h["npu2"] =new TH1F("npu2","Number of simulated vertices with >1 track",40,0.,40.);
394  h["nrecv"] =new TH1F("nrecv","# of reconstructed vertices", 40, 0, 40);
395  add(h,new TH2F("nrecvsnpu","#rec vertices vs number of sim vertices with >0 tracks", 40, 0., 40, 40, 0, 40));
396  add(h,new TH2F("nrecvsnpu2","#rec vertices vs number of sim vertices with >1 tracks", 40, 0., 40, 40, 0, 40));
397  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt","sumpt of simulated tracks",100,0.,100.));
398  add(h,new TH1F("sumptSignal","sumpt of simulated tracks in Signal events",100,0.,200.));
399  add(h,new TH1F("sumptPU","sumpt of simulated tracks in PU events",100,0.,200.));
400  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2rec","sumpt2 of reconstructed and matched tracks",100,0.,100.));
401  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2","sumpt2 of simulated tracks",100,0.,100.));
402  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2Signal","sumpt2 of simulated tracks in Signal events",100,0.,200.));
403  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2PU","sumpt2 of simulated tracks in PU events",100,0.,200.));
404  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2rec","sumpt2 of reconstructed and matched tracks",100,0.,100.));
405  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2recSignal","sumpt2 of reconstructed and matched tracks in Signal events",100,0.,200.));
406  add(h,new TH1F("sumpt2recPU","sumpt2 of reconstructed and matched tracks in PU events",100,0.,200.));
407  add(h,new TH1F("nRecTrkInSimVtx","number of reco tracks matched to sim-vertex", 101, 0., 100));
408  add(h,new TH1F("nRecTrkInSimVtxSignal","number of reco tracks matched to signal sim-vertex", 101, 0., 100));
409  add(h,new TH1F("nRecTrkInSimVtxPU","number of reco tracks matched to PU-vertex", 101, 0., 100));
410  add(h,new TH1F("nPrimRecTrkInSimVtx","number of reco primary tracks matched to sim-vertex", 101, 0., 100));
411  add(h,new TH1F("nPrimRecTrkInSimVtxSignal","number of reco primary tracks matched to signal sim-vertex", 101, 0., 100));
412  add(h,new TH1F("nPrimRecTrkInSimVtxPU","number of reco primary tracks matched to PU-vertex", 101, 0., 100));
413  // obsolete, scheduled for removal
414  add(h,new TH1F("recPurity","track purity of reconstructed vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
415  add(h,new TH1F("recPuritySignal","track purity of reconstructed Signal vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
416  add(h,new TH1F("recPurityPU","track purity of reconstructed PU vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
417  // end of obsolete
418  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPurity","track purity of all vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
419  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPurityTag","track purity of tagged vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
420  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPurityTagSignal","track purity of tagged Signal vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
421  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPurityTagPU","track purity of tagged PU vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
422  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPuritynoTag","track purity of untagged vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
423  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPuritynoTagSignal","track purity of untagged Signal vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
424  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchPuritynoTagPU","track purity of untagged PU vertices", 101, 0., 1.01));
425  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchvtxs","number of sim vertices contributing to recvtx", 10, 0., 10.));
426  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchvtxsTag","number of sim vertices contributing to recvtx", 10, 0., 10.));
427  add(h,new TH1F("recmatchvtxsnoTag","number of sim vertices contributing to recvtx", 10, 0., 10.));
428  //
429  add(h,new TH1F("trkAssignmentEfficiency", "track to vertex assignment efficiency", 101, 0., 1.01) );
430  add(h,new TH1F("trkAssignmentEfficiencySignal", "track to signal vertex assignment efficiency", 101, 0., 1.01) );
431  add(h,new TH1F("trkAssignmentEfficiencyPU", "track to PU vertex assignment efficiency", 101, 0., 1.01) );
432  add(h,new TH1F("primtrkAssignmentEfficiency", "track to vertex assignment efficiency", 101, 0., 1.01) );
433  add(h,new TH1F("primtrkAssignmentEfficiencySignal", "track to signal vertex assignment efficiency", 101, 0., 1.01) );
434  add(h,new TH1F("primtrkAssignmentEfficiencyPU", "track to PU vertex assignment efficiency", 101, 0., 1.01) );
435  add(h,new TH1F("vtxMultiplicity", "number of rec vertices containg tracks from one true vertex", 10, 0., 10.) );
436  add(h,new TH1F("vtxMultiplicitySignal", "number of rec vertices containg tracks from the Signal Vertex", 10, 0., 10.) );
437  add(h,new TH1F("vtxMultiplicityPU", "number of rec vertices containg tracks from a PU Vertex", 10, 0., 10.) );
439  add(h,new TProfile("vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrk","finding efficiency vs number of associated rec tracks",100, 0., 100., 0., 1.) );
440  add(h,new TProfile("vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrkSignal","Signal vertex finding efficiency vs number of associated rec tracks",100, 0., 100., 0., 1.) );
441  add(h,new TProfile("vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrkPU","PU vertex finding efficiency vs number of associated rec tracks",100, 0., 100., 0., 1.) );
443  add(h,new TH1F("TagVtxTrkPurity","TagVtxTrkPurity",100,0.,1.01));
444  add(h,new TH1F("TagVtxTrkEfficiency","TagVtxTrkEfficiency",100,0.,1.01));
446  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxFraction","fraction of sim vertex tracks found in a recvertex",101,0,1.01));
447  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxFractionSignal","fraction of sim vertex tracks found in a recvertex",101,0,1.01));
448  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxFractionPU","fraction of sim vertex tracks found in a recvertex",101,0,1.01));
449  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxFractionCum","fraction of sim vertex tracks found in a recvertex",101,0,1.01));
450  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxFractionCumSignal","fraction of sim vertexs track found in a recvertex",101,0,1.01));
451  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxFractionCumPU","fraction of sim vertex tracks found in a recvertex",101,0,1.01));
452  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex",2,-0.5,1.5));
453  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencySignal","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex",2,-0.5,1.5));
454  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyPU","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex",2,-0.5,1.5));
455  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency2","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex (nt>1)",2,-0.5,1.5));
456  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency2Signal","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex (nt>1)",2,-0.5,1.5));
457  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency2PU","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex (nt>1)",2,-0.5,1.5));
458  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency5","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex (purity>0.5)",2,-0.5,1.5));
459  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency5Signal","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex (purity>0.5)",2,-0.5,1.5));
460  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiency5PU","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex (purity>0.5)",2,-0.5,1.5));
463  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm",2,-0.5,1.5));
464  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZSignal","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm",2,-0.5,1.5));
465  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZPU","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm",2,-0.5,1.5));
467  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ1","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm (nt>0)",2,-0.5,1.5));
468  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ1Signal","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm (nt>0)",2,-0.5,1.5));
469  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ1PU","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm (nt>0)",2,-0.5,1.5));
471  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ2","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm (nt>1)",2,-0.5,1.5));
472  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ2Signal","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm (nt>1)",2,-0.5,1.5));
473  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxEfficiencyZ2PU","efficiency for finding matching rec vertex within 1 mm (nt>1)",2,-0.5,1.5));
475  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxZ","z distance to matched recvtx",100, -0.1, 0.1));
476  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxZPU","z distance to matched recvtx",100, -0.1, 0.1));
477  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxZSignal","z distance to matched recvtx",100, -0.1, 0.1));
479  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxZCum","z distance to matched recvtx",1001,0, 1.01));
480  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxZCumSignal","z distance to matched recvtx",1001,0, 1.01));
481  add(h,new TH1F("matchVtxZCumPU","z distance to matched recvtx",1001,0, 1.01));
483  add(h, new TH1F("unmatchedVtx","number of unmatched rec vertices (fakes)",10,0.,10.));
484  add(h, new TH1F("unmatchedVtxFrac","fraction of unmatched rec vertices (fakes)",1000,0.,1.0));
485  add(h, new TH1F("unmatchedVtxZ","z of unmached rec vertices (fakes)",100,-20., 20.));
486  add(h, new TH1F("unmatchedVtxNdof","ndof of unmatched rec vertices (fakes)", 500,0., 100.));
487  add(h,new TH2F("correctlyassigned","pt and eta of correctly assigned tracks", 60, -3., 3., 100, 0, 10.));
488  add(h,new TH2F("misassigned","pt and eta of mis assigned tracks", 60, -3., 3., 100, 0, 10.));
490  add(h,new TH1F("ptcat","pt of correctly assigned tracks", 100, 0, 10.));
491  add(h,new TH1F("etacat","eta of correctly assigned tracks", 60, -3., 3.));
492  add(h,new TH1F("phicat","phi of correctly assigned tracks", 100, -3.14159, 3.14159));
493  add(h,new TH1F("dzcat","dz of correctly assigned tracks", 100, 0., 1.));
495  add(h,new TH1F("ptmis","pt of mis-assigned tracks", 100, 0, 10.));
496  add(h,new TH1F("etamis","eta of mis-assigned tracks", 60, -3., 3.));
497  add(h,new TH1F("phimis","phi of mis-assigned tracks",100, -3.14159, 3.14159));
498  add(h,new TH1F("dzmis","dz of mis-assigned tracks", 100, 0., 1.));
501  add(h,new TH1F("Tc","Tc computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,20.));
502  add(h,new TH1F("TcSignal","Tc of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,20.));
503  add(h,new TH1F("TcPU","Tc of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,20.));
505  add(h,new TH1F("logTc","log Tc computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,-2.,8.));
506  add(h,new TH1F("logTcSignal","log Tc of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,-2.,8.));
507  add(h,new TH1F("logTcPU","log Tc of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,-2.,8.));
509  add(h,new TH1F("xTc","Tc of merged clusters",100,0.,20.));
510  add(h,new TH1F("xTcSignal","Tc of signal vertices merged with PU",100,0.,20.));
511  add(h,new TH1F("xTcPU","Tc of merged PU vertices",100,0.,20.));
513  add(h,new TH1F("logxTc","log Tc merged vertices",100,-2.,8.));
514  add(h,new TH1F("logxTcSignal","log Tc of signal vertices merged with PU",100,-2.,8.));
515  add(h,new TH1F("logxTcPU","log Tc of merged PU vertices ",100,-2.,8.));
517  add(h,new TH1F("logChisq","Chisq/ntrk computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,-2.,8.));
518  add(h,new TH1F("logChisqSignal","Chisq/ntrk of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,-2.,8.));
519  add(h,new TH1F("logChisqPU","Chisq/ntrk of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,-2.,8.));
521  add(h,new TH1F("logxChisq","Chisq/ntrk of merged clusters",100,-2.,8.));
522  add(h,new TH1F("logxChisqSignal","Chisq/ntrk of signal vertices merged with PU",100,-2.,8.));
523  add(h,new TH1F("logxChisqPU","Chisq/ntrk of merged PU vertices",100,-2.,8.));
525  add(h,new TH1F("Chisq","Chisq/ntrk computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,20.));
526  add(h,new TH1F("ChisqSignal","Chisq/ntrk of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,20.));
527  add(h,new TH1F("ChisqPU","Chisq/ntrk of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,20.));
529  add(h,new TH1F("xChisq","Chisq/ntrk of merged clusters",100,0.,20.));
530  add(h,new TH1F("xChisqSignal","Chisq/ntrk of signal vertices merged with PU",100,0.,20.));
531  add(h,new TH1F("xChisqPU","Chisq/ntrk of merged PU vertices",100,0.,20.));
533  add(h,new TH1F("dzmax","dzmax computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,2.));
534  add(h,new TH1F("dzmaxSignal","dzmax of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,2.));
535  add(h,new TH1F("dzmaxPU","dzmax of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,2.));
537  add(h,new TH1F("xdzmax","dzmax of merged clusters",100,0.,2.));
538  add(h,new TH1F("xdzmaxSignal","dzmax of signal vertices merged with PU",100,0.,2.));
539  add(h,new TH1F("xdzmaxPU","dzmax of merged PU vertices",100,0.,2.));
541  add(h,new TH1F("dztrim","dzmax computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,2.));
542  add(h,new TH1F("dztrimSignal","dzmax of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,2.));
543  add(h,new TH1F("dztrimPU","dzmax of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,2.));
545  add(h,new TH1F("xdztrim","dzmax of merged clusters",100,0.,2.));
546  add(h,new TH1F("xdztrimSignal","dzmax of signal vertices merged with PU",100,0.,2.));
547  add(h,new TH1F("xdztrimPU","dzmax of merged PU vertices",100,0.,2.));
549  add(h,new TH1F("m4m2","m4m2 computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,100.));
550  add(h,new TH1F("m4m2Signal","m4m2 of signal vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,100.));
551  add(h,new TH1F("m4m2PU","m4m2 of PU vertices computed with Truth matched Reco Tracks",100,0.,100.));
553  add(h,new TH1F("xm4m2","m4m2 of merged clusters",100,0.,100.));
554  add(h,new TH1F("xm4m2Signal","m4m2 of signal vertices merged with PU",100,0.,100.));
555  add(h,new TH1F("xm4m2PU","m4m2 of merged PU vertices",100,0.,100.));
557  return h;
558 }
561 //
562 // member functions
563 //
565  std::cout << " PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::beginJob conversion from sim units to rec units is " << simUnit_ << std::endl;
568  rootFile_->cd();
570  TDirectory *noBS = rootFile_->mkdir("noBS");
571  noBS->cd();
573  for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=hnoBS.begin(); hist!=hnoBS.end(); hist++){
574  hist->second->SetDirectory(noBS);
575  }
577  TDirectory *withBS = rootFile_->mkdir("BS");
578  withBS->cd();
580  for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=hBS.begin(); hist!=hBS.end(); hist++){
581  hist->second->SetDirectory(withBS);
582  }
584  TDirectory *DA = rootFile_->mkdir("DA");
585  DA->cd();
587  for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=hDA.begin(); hist!=hDA.end(); hist++){
588  hist->second->SetDirectory(DA);
589  }
591 // TDirectory *PIX = rootFile_->mkdir("PIX");
592 // PIX->cd();
593 // hPIX=bookVertexHistograms();
594 // for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=hPIX.begin(); hist!=hPIX.end(); hist++){
595 // hist->second->SetDirectory(PIX);
596 // }
598 // TDirectory *MVF = rootFile_->mkdir("MVF");
599 // MVF->cd();
600 // hMVF=bookVertexHistograms();
601 // for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=hMVF.begin(); hist!=hMVF.end(); hist++){
602 // hist->second->SetDirectory(MVF);
603 // }
605  rootFile_->cd();
606  hsimPV["rapidity"] = new TH1F("rapidity","rapidity ",100,-10., 10.);
607  hsimPV["chRapidity"] = new TH1F("chRapidity","charged rapidity ",100,-10., 10.);
608  hsimPV["recRapidity"] = new TH1F("recRapidity","reconstructed rapidity ",100,-10., 10.);
609  hsimPV["pt"] = new TH1F("pt","pt ",100,0., 20.);
611  hsimPV["xsim"] = new TH1F("xsim","simulated x",100,-0.01,0.01); // 0.01cm = 100 um
612  hsimPV["ysim"] = new TH1F("ysim","simulated y",100,-0.01,0.01);
613  hsimPV["zsim"] = new TH1F("zsim","simulated z",100,-20.,20.);
615  hsimPV["xsim1"] = new TH1F("xsim1","simulated x",100,-4.,4.);
616  hsimPV["ysim1"] = new TH1F("ysim1","simulated y",100,-4.,4.);
617  hsimPV["zsim1"] = new TH1F("zsim1","simulated z",100,-40.,40.);
619  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("xsim2PU","simulated x (Pile-up)",100,-1.,1.));
620  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("ysim2PU","simulated y (Pile-up)",100,-1.,1.));
621  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("zsim2PU","simulated z (Pile-up)",100,-20.,20.));
622  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("xsim2Signal","simulated x (Signal)",100,-1.,1.));
623  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("ysim2Signal","simulated y (Signal)",100,-1.,1.));
624  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("zsim2Signal","simulated z (Signal)",100,-20.,20.));
626  hsimPV["xsim2"] = new TH1F("xsim2","simulated x",100,-1,1); // 0.01cm = 100 um
627  hsimPV["ysim2"] = new TH1F("ysim2","simulated y",100,-1,1);
628  hsimPV["zsim2"] = new TH1F("zsim2","simulated z",100,-20.,20.);
629  hsimPV["xsim3"] = new TH1F("xsim3","simulated x",100,-0.1,0.1); // 0.01cm = 100 um
630  hsimPV["ysim3"] = new TH1F("ysim3","simulated y",100,-0.1,0.1);
631  hsimPV["zsim3"] = new TH1F("zsim3","simulated z",100,-20.,20.);
632  hsimPV["xsimb"] = new TH1F("xsimb","simulated x",100,-0.01,0.01); // 0.01cm = 100 um
633  hsimPV["ysimb"] = new TH1F("ysimb","simulated y",100,-0.01,0.01);
634  hsimPV["zsimb"] = new TH1F("zsimb","simulated z",100,-20.,20.);
635  hsimPV["xsimb1"] = new TH1F("xsimb1","simulated x",100,-0.1,0.1); // 0.01cm = 100 um
636  hsimPV["ysimb1"] = new TH1F("ysimb1","simulated y",100,-0.1,0.1);
637  hsimPV["zsimb1"] = new TH1F("zsimb1","simulated z",100,-20.,20.);
638  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("xbeam","beamspot x",100,-1.,1.));
639  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("ybeam","beamspot y",100,-1.,1.));
640  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("zbeam","beamspot z",100,-1.,1.));
641  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("wxbeam","beamspot sigma x",100,-1.,1.));
642  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("wybeam","beamspot sigma y",100,-1.,1.));
643  add(hsimPV, new TH1F("wzbeam","beamspot sigma z",100,-1.,1.));
644  hsimPV["xsim2"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
645  hsimPV["ysim2"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
646  hsimPV["zsim2"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
647  hsimPV["xsimb"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
648  hsimPV["ysimb"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
649  hsimPV["zsimb"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
650  hsimPV["nsimvtx"] = new TH1F("nsimvtx","# of simulated vertices", 50, -0.5, 49.5);
651  // hsimPV["nsimtrk"] = new TH1F("nsimtrk","# of simulated tracks", 100, -0.5, 99.5); // not filled right now, also exists in hBS..
652  // hsimPV["nsimtrk"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
653  hsimPV["nbsimtksinvtx"]= new TH1F("nbsimtksinvtx","simulated tracks in vertex",100,-0.5,99.5);
654  hsimPV["nbsimtksinvtx"]->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
656 }
660  std::cout << "this is void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::endJob() " << std::endl;
661  //cumulate some histos
662  double sumDA=0,sumBS=0,sumnoBS=0;
663  // double sumPIX=0,sumMVF=0;
664  for(int i=101; i>0; i--){
665  sumDA+=hDA["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->GetBinContent(i)/hDA["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->Integral();
666  hDA["matchVtxFractionCumSignal"]->SetBinContent(i,sumDA);
667  sumBS+=hBS["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->GetBinContent(i)/hBS["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->Integral();
668  hBS["matchVtxFractionCumSignal"]->SetBinContent(i,sumBS);
669  sumnoBS+=hnoBS["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->GetBinContent(i)/hnoBS["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->Integral();
670  hnoBS["matchVtxFractionCumSignal"]->SetBinContent(i,sumnoBS);
671 // sumPIX+=hPIX["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->GetBinContent(i)/hPIX["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->Integral();
672 // hPIX["matchVtxFractionCumSignal"]->SetBinContent(i,sumPIX);
673 // sumMVF+=hMVF["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->GetBinContent(i)/hMVF["matchVtxFractionSignal"]->Integral();
674 // hMVF["matchVtxFractionCumSignal"]->SetBinContent(i,sumMVF);
675  }
676  sumDA=0,sumBS=0,sumnoBS=0;
677  //sumPIX=0,sumMVF=0;
678  for(int i=1; i<1001; i++){
679  sumDA+=hDA["abszdistancetag"]->GetBinContent(i);
680  hDA["abszdistancetagcum"]->SetBinContent(i,sumDA/float(hDA["abszdistancetag"]->GetEntries()));
681  sumBS+=hBS["abszdistancetag"]->GetBinContent(i);
682  hBS["abszdistancetagcum"]->SetBinContent(i,sumBS/float(hBS["abszdistancetag"]->GetEntries()));
683  sumnoBS+=hnoBS["abszdistancetag"]->GetBinContent(i);
684  hnoBS["abszdistancetagcum"]->SetBinContent(i,sumnoBS/float(hnoBS["abszdistancetag"]->GetEntries()));
685 // sumPIX+=hPIX["abszdistancetag"]->GetBinContent(i);
686 // hPIX["abszdistancetagcum"]->SetBinContent(i,sumPIX/float(hPIX["abszdistancetag"]->GetEntries()));
687 // sumMVF+=hMVF["abszdistancetag"]->GetBinContent(i);
688 // hMVF["abszdistancetagcum"]->SetBinContent(i,sumMVF/float(hMVF["abszdistancetag"]->GetEntries()));
689  }
691  Cumulate(hBS["matchVtxZCum"]); Cumulate(hBS["matchVtxZCumSignal"]); Cumulate(hBS["matchVtxZCumPU"]);
692  Cumulate(hnoBS["matchVtxZCum"]); Cumulate(hnoBS["matchVtxZCumSignal"]); Cumulate(hnoBS["matchVtxZCumPU"]);
693  Cumulate(hDA["matchVtxZCum"]); Cumulate(hDA["matchVtxZCumSignal"]); Cumulate(hDA["matchVtxZCumPU"]);
694  /*
695  h->ComputeIntegral();
696  Double_t *integral = h->GetIntegral();
697  h->SetContent(integral);
698  */
700  // make a reference for ndofnr2
701  //hDA["vtxndof"]->ComputeIntegral();
702  //Double_t *integral = hDA["vtxndf"]->GetIntegral();
703  // h->SetContent(integral);
704  double p;
705  for(int i=1; i<501; i++){
706  if(hDA["vtxndf"]->GetEntries()>0){
707  p= hDA["vtxndf"]->Integral(i,501)/hDA["vtxndf"]->GetEntries(); hDA["vtxndfc"]->SetBinContent(i,p*hDA["vtxndf"]->GetBinContent(i));
708  }
709  if(hBS["vtxndf"]->GetEntries()>0){
710  p= hBS["vtxndf"]->Integral(i,501)/hBS["vtxndf"]->GetEntries(); hBS["vtxndfc"]->SetBinContent(i,p*hBS["vtxndf"]->GetBinContent(i));
711  }
712  if(hnoBS["vtxndf"]->GetEntries()>0){
713  p=hnoBS["vtxndf"]->Integral(i,501)/hnoBS["vtxndf"]->GetEntries(); hnoBS["vtxndfc"]->SetBinContent(i,p*hnoBS["vtxndf"]->GetBinContent(i));
714  }
715 // if(hPIX["vtxndf"]->GetEntries()>0){
716 // p=hPIX["vtxndf"]->Integral(i,501)/hPIX["vtxndf"]->GetEntries(); hPIX["vtxndfc"]->SetBinContent(i,p*hPIX["vtxndf"]->GetBinContent(i));
717 // }
718  }
720  rootFile_->cd();
721  for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=hsimPV.begin(); hist!=hsimPV.end(); hist++){
722  std::cout << "writing " << hist->first << std::endl;
723  hist->second->Write();
724  }
725  rootFile_->Write();
726  std::cout << "PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::endJob: done" << std::endl;
727 }
732 // helper functions
733 std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::SimPart> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimTrkParameters(
736  double simUnit)
737 {
738  std::vector<SimPart > tsim;
739  if(simVtcs->begin()==simVtcs->end()){
740  if(verbose_){
741  cout << " PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimTrkParameters no simvtcs" << endl;
742  }
743  return tsim;
744  }
745  if(verbose_){
746  cout << " PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimTrkParameters simVtcs n=" << simVtcs->size() << endl;
747  cout << " PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimTrkParameters 1st position" << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << simVtcs->begin()->position() << endl;
748  }
749  double t0=simVtcs->begin()->position().e();
751  for(edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator t=simTrks->begin();
752  t!=simTrks->end(); ++t){
753  if (t->noVertex()){
754  std::cout << "simtrk has no vertex" << std::endl;
755  }else{
756  // get the vertex position
757  //HepLorentzVector v=(*simVtcs)[t->vertIndex()].position();
758  math::XYZTLorentzVectorD v((*simVtcs)[t->vertIndex()].position().x(),
759  (*simVtcs)[t->vertIndex()].position().y(),
760  (*simVtcs)[t->vertIndex()].position().z(),
761  (*simVtcs)[t->vertIndex()].position().e());
762  int pdgCode=t->type();
764  if( pdgCode==-99 ){
765  // such entries cause crashes, no idea what they are
766  std::cout << "funny particle skipped , code=" << pdgCode << std::endl;
767  }else{
768  double Q=0; //double Q=HepPDT::theTable().getParticleData(pdgCode)->charge();
769  if ((pdgCode==11)||(pdgCode==13)||(pdgCode==15)||(pdgCode==-211)||(pdgCode==-2212)||(pdgCode==-321)||(pdgCode==-3222)){Q=-1;}
770  else if((pdgCode==-11)||(pdgCode==-13)||(pdgCode==-15)||(pdgCode==211)||(pdgCode==2212)||(pdgCode==321)||(pdgCode==3222)){Q=1;}
771  else {
772  //std::cout << pdgCode << " " <<std::endl;
773  }
774  math::XYZTLorentzVectorD p(t->momentum().x(),t->momentum().y(),t->momentum().z(),t->momentum().e());
775  if ( (Q != 0) && (>0.1) && (fabs(t->momentum().eta())<3.0)
776  && fabs(v.z()*simUnit<20) && (sqrt(v.x()*v.x()+v.y()*v.y())<10.)){
777  double x0=v.x()*simUnit;
778  double y0=v.y()*simUnit;
779  double z0=v.z()*simUnit;
780  double kappa=-Q*0.002998*fBfield_/;
781  double D0=x0*sin(p.phi())-y0*cos(p.phi())-0.5*kappa*(x0*x0+y0*y0);
782  double q=sqrt(1.-2.*kappa*D0);
783  double s0=(x0*cos(p.phi())+y0*sin(p.phi()))/q;
784  double s1;
785  if (fabs(kappa*s0)>0.001){
786  s1=asin(kappa*s0)/kappa;
787  }else{
788  double ks02=(kappa*s0)*(kappa*s0);
789  s1=s0*(1.+ks02/6.+3./40.*ks02*ks02+5./112.*pow(ks02,3));
790  }
791  SimPart sp;//ParameterVector par;
792  sp.par[reco::TrackBase::i_qoverp] = Q/p.P();
793  sp.par[reco::TrackBase::i_lambda] = M_PI/2.-p.theta();
794  sp.par[reco::TrackBase::i_phi] = p.phi()-asin(kappa*s0);
795  sp.par[reco::TrackBase::i_dxy] = -2.*D0/(1.+q);
796  sp.par[reco::TrackBase::i_dsz] = z0*sin(p.theta())-s1*cos(p.theta());
798  sp.pdg=pdgCode;
799  if (v.t()-t0<1e-15){
800  sp.type=0; // primary
801  }else{
802  sp.type=1; //secondary
803  }
805  // now get zpca (get perigee wrt beam)
806  double x1=x0-0.033; double y1=y0-0.; // FIXME how do we get the simulated beam position?
807  D0=x1*sin(p.phi())-y1*cos(p.phi())-0.5*kappa*(x1*x1+y1*y1);
808  q=sqrt(1.-2.*kappa*D0);
809  s0=(x1*cos(p.phi())+y1*sin(p.phi()))/q;
810  if (fabs(kappa*s0)>0.001){
811  s1=asin(kappa*s0)/kappa;
812  }else{
813  double ks02=(kappa*s0)*(kappa*s0);
814  s1=s0*(1.+ks02/6.+3./40.*ks02*ks02+5./112.*pow(ks02,3));
815  }
816  sp.ddcap=-2.*D0/(1.+q);
817  sp.zdcap=z0-s1/tan(p.theta());
818  sp.zvtx=z0;
819  sp.xvtx=x0;
820  sp.yvtx=y0;
822  tsim.push_back(sp);
823  }
824  }
825  }// has vertex
826  }//for loop
827  return tsim;
828 }
831 int* PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::supf(std::vector<SimPart>& simtrks, const reco::TrackCollection & trks){
832  int nsim=simtrks.size();
833  int nrec=trks.size();
834  int *rectosim=new int[nrec]; // pointer to associated simtrk
835  double** pij=new double*[nrec];
836  double mu=100.; // initial chi^2 cut-off (5 dofs !)
837  int nmatch=0;
838  int i=0;
839  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=trks.begin(); t!=trks.end(); ++t){
840  pij[i]=new double[nsim];
841  rectosim[i]=-1;
842  ParameterVector par = t->parameters();
843  //reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix V = t->covariance();
844  reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix S = t->covariance();
845  S.Invert();
846  for(int j=0; j<nsim; j++){
847  simtrks[j].rec=-1;
848  SimPart s=simtrks[j];
849  double c=0;
850  for(int k=0; k<5; k++){
851  for(int l=0; l<5; l++){
852  c+=(par(k)-s.par[k])*(par(l)-s.par[l])*S(k,l);
853  }
854  }
855  pij[i][j]=exp(-0.5*c);
857 // double c0=pow((par[0]-s.par[0])/t->qoverpError(),2)*0.1
858 // +pow((par[1]-s.par[1])/t->lambdaError(),2)
859 // +pow((par[2]-s.par[2])/t->phiError(),2)
860 // +pow((par[3]-s.par[3])/t->dxyError(),2)*0.1;
861 // +pow((par[4]-s.par[4])/t->dszError(),2)*0.1;
862 // pij[i][j]=exp(-0.5*c0);
864 // if( c0 <100 ){
865 // cout << setw(3) << i << " rec " << setw(6) << par << endl;
866 // cout << setw(3) << j << " sim " << setw(6) << s.par << " ---> C=" << c << endl;
867 // cout << " " << setw(6)
868 // << (par[0]-s.par[0])<< ","
869 // << (par[1]-s.par[1])<< ","
870 // << (par[2]-s.par[2])<< ","
871 // << (par[3]-s.par[3])<< ","
872 // << (par[4]-s.par[4])
873 // << " match=" << match(simtrks[j].par,
874 // << endl;
875 // cout << " " << setw(6)
876 // << (par[0]-s.par[0])/t->qoverpError() << ","
877 // << (par[1]-s.par[1])/t->lambdaError() << ","
878 // << (par[2]-s.par[2])/t->phiError() << ","
879 // << (par[3]-s.par[3])/t->dxyError() << ","
880 // << (par[4]-s.par[4])/t->dszError() << " c0=" << c0
881 // << endl <<endl;
882 // }
884  }
885  i++;
886  }
888  for(int k=0; k<nrec; k++){
889  int imatch=-1; int jmatch=-1;
890  double pmatch=0;
891  for(int j=0; j<nsim; j++){
892  if ((simtrks[j].rec)<0){
893  double psum=exp(-0.5*mu); //cutoff
894  for(int i=0; i<nrec; i++){
895  if (rectosim[i]<0){ psum+=pij[i][j];}
896  }
897  for(int i=0; i<nrec; i++){
898  if ((rectosim[i]<0)&&(pij[i][j]/psum>pmatch)){
899  pmatch=pij[i][j]/psum;
900  imatch=i; jmatch=j;
901  }
902  }
903  }
904  }// sim loop
905  if((jmatch>=0)||(imatch>=0)){
906  //std::cout << pmatch << " " << pij[imatch][jmatch] << " match=" <<
907  // match(simtrks[jmatch].par, <<std::endl;
908  if (pmatch>0.01){
909  rectosim[imatch]=jmatch;
910  simtrks[jmatch].rec=imatch;
911  nmatch++;
912  }else if (match(simtrks[jmatch].par,{
913  // accept it anyway if it matches crudely and relax the cut-off
914  rectosim[imatch]=jmatch;
915  simtrks[jmatch].rec=imatch;
916  nmatch++;
917  mu=mu*2;
918  }
919  }
920  }
922 // std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--------------supf----------------------" << std::endl;
923 // std::cout <<"nsim=" << nsim << " nrec=" << nrec << " nmatch=" << nmatch << std::endl;
924 // std::cout << "rec to sim " << std::endl;
925 // for(int i=0; i<nrec; i++){
926 // std::cout << i << " ---> " << rectosim[i] << std::endl;
927 // }
928 // std::cout << "sim to rec " << std::endl;
929 // for(int j=0; j<nsim; j++){
930 // std::cout << j << " ---> " << simtrks[j].rec << std::endl;
931 // }
933  std::cout << "unmatched sim " << std::endl;
934  for(int j=0; j<nsim; j++){
935  if(simtrks[j].rec<0){
936  double pt= 1./simtrks[j].par[0]/tan(simtrks[j].par[1]);
937  if((fabs(pt))>1.){
938  std::cout << setw(3) << j << setw(8) << simtrks[j].pdg
939  << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << " (" << simtrks[j].xvtx << "," << simtrks[j].yvtx << "," << simtrks[j].zvtx << ")"
940  << " pt= " << pt
941  << " phi=" << simtrks[j].par[2]
942  << " eta= " << -log(tan(0.5*(M_PI/2-simtrks[j].par[1])))
943  << std::endl;
944  }
945  }
946  }
947 // std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------supf----------------------" << std::endl;
949  //delete rectosim; // or return it?
950  for(int i=0; i<nrec; i++){delete pij[i];}
951  delete pij;
952  return rectosim; // caller must delete it
953 }
963  const ParameterVector &b){
964  double dqoverp =a(0)-b(0);
965  double dlambda =a(1)-b(1);
966  double dphi =a(2)-b(2);
967  double dsz =a(4)-b(4);
968  if (dphi>M_PI){ dphi-=M_2_PI; }else if(dphi<-M_PI){dphi+=M_2_PI;}
969  // return ( (fabs(dqoverp)<0.2) && (fabs(dlambda)<0.02) && (fabs(dphi)<0.04) && (fabs(dsz)<0.1) );
970  return ( (fabs(dqoverp)<0.2) && (fabs(dlambda)<0.02) && (fabs(dphi)<0.04) && (fabs(dsz)<1.0) );
971 }
975  const reco::Vertex &vrec){
976  return (fabs(vsim.z*simUnit_-vrec.z())<zmatch_);
977 }
980  double ctau=(pdt_->particle( abs(p->pdg_id()) ))->lifetime();
981  //std::cout << "isResonance " << p->pdg_id() << " " << ctau << std::endl;
982  return ctau >0 && ctau <1e-6;
983 }
986  return ( !p->end_vertex() && p->status()==1 );
987 }
991  const ParticleData * part = pdt_->particle( p->pdg_id() );
992  if (part){
993  return part->charge()!=0;
994  }else{
995  // the new/improved particle table doesn't know anti-particles
996  return pdt_->particle( -p->pdg_id() )!=0;
997  }
998 }
1003 void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::fillTrackHistos(std::map<std::string, TH1*> & h, const std::string & ttype, const reco::Track & t, const reco::Vertex * v){
1004  Fill(h,"rapidity_"+ttype,t.eta());
1005  Fill(h,"z0_"+ttype,t.vz());
1006  Fill(h,"phi_"+ttype,t.phi());
1007  Fill(h,"eta_"+ttype,t.eta());
1008  Fill(h,"pt_"+ttype,;
1009  Fill(h,"found_"+ttype,t.found());
1010  Fill(h,"lost_"+ttype,t.lost());
1011  Fill(h,"nchi2_"+ttype,t.normalizedChi2());
1012  Fill(h,"rstart_"+ttype,(t.innerPosition()).Rho());
1014  double d0Error=t.d0Error();
1015  double d0=t.dxy(vertexBeamSpot_.position());
1016  if (d0Error>0){
1017  Fill(h,"logtresxy_"+ttype,log(d0Error/0.0001)/log(10.));
1018  Fill(h,"tpullxy_"+ttype,d0/d0Error);
1019  }
1020  //double z0=t.vz();
1021  double dzError=t.dzError();
1022  if(dzError>0){
1023  Fill(h,"logtresz_"+ttype,log(dzError/0.0001)/log(10.));
1024  }
1026  //
1027  Fill(h,"sigmatrkz_"+ttype,sqrt(pow(t.dzError(),2)+wxy2_/pow(tan(t.theta()),2)));
1028  Fill(h,"sigmatrkz0_"+ttype,t.dzError());
1030  // track vs vertex
1031  if((! (v==NULL)) && (v->ndof()>10.)) {
1032  // emulate clusterizer input
1033  //const TransientTrack & tt = theB_->build(&t); wrong !!!!
1034  TransientTrack tt = theB_->build(&t); tt.setBeamSpot(vertexBeamSpot_); // need the setBeamSpot !
1035  double z=(tt.stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).position().z();
1036  double tantheta=tan((tt.stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).momentum().theta());
1037  double dz2= pow(tt.track().dzError(),2)+wxy2_/pow(tantheta,2);
1039  Fill(h,"restrkz_"+ttype,z-v->position().z());
1040  Fill(h,"restrkzvsphi_"+ttype,t.phi(), z-v->position().z());
1041  Fill(h,"restrkzvseta_"+ttype,t.eta(), z-v->position().z());
1042  Fill(h,"pulltrkzvsphi_"+ttype,t.phi(), (z-v->position().z())/sqrt(dz2));
1043  Fill(h,"pulltrkzvseta_"+ttype,t.eta(), (z-v->position().z())/sqrt(dz2));
1045  Fill(h,"pulltrkz_"+ttype,(z-v->position().z())/sqrt(dz2));
1047  double x1=t.vx()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0(); double y1=t.vy()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0();
1048  double kappa=-0.002998*fBfield_*t.qoverp()/cos(t.theta());
1049  double D0=x1*sin(t.phi())-y1*cos(t.phi())-0.5*kappa*(x1*x1+y1*y1);
1050  double q=sqrt(1.-2.*kappa*D0);
1051  double s0=(x1*cos(t.phi())+y1*sin(t.phi()))/q;
1052  // double s1;
1053  if (fabs(kappa*s0)>0.001){
1054  //s1=asin(kappa*s0)/kappa;
1055  }else{
1056  //double ks02=(kappa*s0)*(kappa*s0);
1057  //s1=s0*(1.+ks02/6.+3./40.*ks02*ks02+5./112.*pow(ks02,3));
1058  }
1059  // sp.ddcap=-2.*D0/(1.+q);
1060  //double zdcap=t.vz()-s1/tan(t.theta());
1062  }
1063  //
1065  // collect some info on hits and clusters
1066  Fill(h,"nbarrelLayers_"+ttype,t.hitPattern().pixelBarrelLayersWithMeasurement());
1067  Fill(h,"nPxLayers_"+ttype,t.hitPattern().pixelLayersWithMeasurement());
1068  Fill(h,"nSiLayers_"+ttype,t.hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement());
1069  Fill(h,"expectedInner_"+ttype,t.trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits());
1070  Fill(h,"expectedOuter_"+ttype,t.trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits());
1071  Fill(h,"trackAlgo_"+ttype,t.algo());
1072  Fill(h,"trackQuality_"+ttype,t.qualityMask());
1074  //
1075  int longesthit=0, nbarrel=0;
1077  if ((**hit).isValid() && (**hit).geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker ){
1078  bool barrel = DetId((**hit).geographicalId()).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel);
1079  //bool endcap = DetId::DetId((**hit).geographicalId()).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap);
1080  if (barrel){
1081  const SiPixelRecHit *pixhit = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit*>( &(**hit));
1082  edm::Ref<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>, SiPixelCluster> const& clust = (*pixhit).cluster();
1083  if (clust.isNonnull()) {
1084  nbarrel++;
1085  if (clust->sizeY()-longesthit>0) longesthit=clust->sizeY();
1086  if (clust->sizeY()>20.){
1087  Fill(h,"lvseta_"+ttype,t.eta(), 19.9);
1088  Fill(h,"lvstanlambda_"+ttype,tan(t.lambda()), 19.9);
1089  }else{
1090  Fill(h,"lvseta_"+ttype,t.eta(), float(clust->sizeY()));
1091  Fill(h,"lvstanlambda_"+ttype,tan(t.lambda()), float(clust->sizeY()));
1092  }
1093  }
1094  }
1095  }
1096  }
1097  Fill(h,"nbarrelhits_"+ttype,float(nbarrel));
1098  //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1100 }
1103  // collect some info on hits and clusters
1104  int longesthit=0, nbarrel=0;
1105  cout << Form("%5.2f %5.2f : ",,t.eta());
1107  if ((**hit).isValid() && (**hit).geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker ){
1108  bool barrel = DetId((**hit).geographicalId()).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel);
1109  //bool endcap = DetId::DetId((**hit).geographicalId()).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap);
1110  if (barrel){
1111  nbarrel++;
1112  const SiPixelRecHit *pixhit = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit*>( &(**hit));
1113  edm::Ref<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>, SiPixelCluster> const& clust = (*pixhit).cluster();
1114  if (clust.isNonnull()) {
1115  cout << Form("%4d",clust->sizeY());
1116  if (clust->sizeY()-longesthit>0) longesthit=clust->sizeY();
1117  }
1118  }
1119  }
1120  }
1121  //cout << endl;
1122 }
1125  int ivtx=0;
1126  std::cout << std::endl << title << std::endl;
1127  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
1128  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
1129  string vtype=" recvtx ";
1130  if( v->isFake()){
1131  vtype=" fake ";
1132  }else if (v->ndof()==-5){
1133  vtype=" cluster "; // pos=selector[iclu],cputime[iclu],clusterz[iclu]
1134  }else if(v->ndof()==-3){
1135  vtype=" event ";
1136  }
1137  std::cout << "vtx "<< std::setw(3) << std::setfill(' ')<<ivtx++
1138  << vtype
1139  << " #trk " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << std::setw(3) << v->tracksSize()
1140  << " chi2 " << std::fixed << std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(1) << v->chi2()
1141  << " ndof " << std::fixed << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(2) << v->ndof()
1142  << " x " << std::setw(8) <<std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << v->x()
1143  << " dx " << std::setw(8) << v->xError()// << std::endl
1144  << " y " << std::setw(8) << v->y()
1145  << " dy " << std::setw(8) << v->yError()//<< std::endl
1146  << " z " << std::setw(8) << v->z()
1147  << " dz " << std::setw(8) << v->zError()
1148  << std::endl;
1149  }
1150 }
1154  int i=0;
1155  for(SimVertexContainer::const_iterator vsim=simVtxs->begin();
1156  vsim!=simVtxs->end(); ++vsim){
1157  if ( vsim->position().x()*vsim->position().x()+vsim->position().y()*vsim->position().y() < 1.){
1158  std::cout << i++ << ")" << std::scientific
1159  << " evtid=" << vsim->eventId().event() << "," << vsim->eventId().bunchCrossing()
1160  << " sim x=" << vsim->position().x()*simUnit_
1161  << " sim y=" << vsim->position().y()*simUnit_
1162  << " sim z=" << vsim->position().z()*simUnit_
1163  << " sim t=" << vsim->position().t()
1164  << " parent=" << vsim->parentIndex()
1165  << std::endl;
1166  }
1167  }
1168 }
1177  std::cout << " simTrks type, (momentum), vertIndex, genpartIndex" << std::endl;
1178  int i=1;
1179  for(SimTrackContainer::const_iterator t=simTrks->begin();
1180  t!=simTrks->end(); ++t){
1181  //HepMC::GenParticle* gp=evtMC->GetEvent()->particle( (*t).genpartIndex() );
1182  std::cout << i++ << ")"
1183  << t->eventId().event() << "," << t->eventId().bunchCrossing()
1184  << (*t)
1185  << " index="
1186  << (*t).genpartIndex();
1187  //if (gp) {
1188  // HepMC::GenVertex *gv=gp->production_vertex();
1189  // std::cout << " genvertex =" << (*gv);
1190  //}
1191  std::cout << std::endl;
1192  }
1193 }
1199  cout << "printRecTrks" << endl;
1200  int i =1;
1201  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=recTrks->begin(); t!=recTrks->end(); ++t){
1202  // reco::TrackBase::ParameterVector par = t->parameters();
1204  cout << endl;
1205  cout << "Track "<<i << " " ; i++;
1206  //enum TrackQuality { undefQuality=-1, loose=0, tight=1, highPurity=2, confirmed=3, goodIterative=4, qualitySize=5};
1207  if( t->quality(reco::TrackBase::loose)){ cout << "loose ";};
1208  if( t->quality(reco::TrackBase::tight)){ cout << "tight ";};
1209  if( t->quality(reco::TrackBase::highPurity)){ cout << "highPurity ";};
1210  if( t->quality(reco::TrackBase::confirmed)){ cout << "confirmed ";};
1211  if( t->quality(reco::TrackBase::goodIterative)){ cout << "goodIterative ";};
1212  cout << endl;
1214  TransientTrack tk = theB_->build(&(*t)); tk.setBeamSpot(vertexBeamSpot_);
1215  double ipsig=0;
1216  if (tk.stateAtBeamLine().isValid()){
1218  }else{
1219  ipsig=-1;
1220  }
1222  cout << Form("pt=%8.3f phi=%6.3f eta=%6.3f z=%8.4f dz=%6.4f, ipsig=%6.1f",t->pt(), t->phi(), t->eta(), t->vz(), t->dzError(),ipsig) << endl;
1225  cout << Form(" found=%6d lost=%6d chi2/ndof=%10.3f ",t->found(), t->lost(),t->normalizedChi2())<<endl;
1226  const reco::HitPattern & p= t->hitPattern();
1227  cout << "subdet layers valid lost" << endl;
1228  cout << Form(" barrel %2d %2d %2d",p.pixelBarrelLayersWithMeasurement(),p.numberOfValidPixelBarrelHits(), p.numberOfLostPixelBarrelHits()) << endl;
1229  cout << Form(" fwd %2d %2d %2d",p.pixelEndcapLayersWithMeasurement(),p.numberOfValidPixelEndcapHits(), p.numberOfLostPixelEndcapHits()) << endl;
1230  cout << Form(" pixel %2d %2d %2d",p.pixelLayersWithMeasurement(), p.numberOfValidPixelHits(), p.numberOfLostPixelHits()) << endl;
1231  cout << Form(" tracker %2d %2d %2d",p.trackerLayersWithMeasurement(), p.numberOfValidTrackerHits(), p.numberOfLostTrackerHits()) << endl;
1232  cout << endl;
1233  const reco::HitPattern & pinner= t->trackerExpectedHitsInner();
1234  const reco::HitPattern & pouter= t->trackerExpectedHitsOuter();
1235  int ninner=pinner.numberOfHits();
1236  int nouter=pouter.numberOfHits();
1238  // double d0Error=t.d0Error();
1239  // double d0=t.dxy(myBeamSpot);
1241  //
1242  for(trackingRecHit_iterator hit=t->recHitsBegin(); hit!=t->recHitsEnd(); hit++){
1243  if ((**hit).isValid() && (**hit).geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker ){
1244  bool barrel = DetId((**hit).geographicalId()).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel);
1245  bool endcap = DetId((**hit).geographicalId()).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap);
1246  if (barrel){
1247  const SiPixelRecHit *pixhit = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit*>( &(**hit));
1248  edm::Ref<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>, SiPixelCluster> const& clust = (*pixhit).cluster();
1249  if (clust.isNonnull()) {
1250  cout << Form(" barrel cluster size=%2d charge=%6.1f wx=%2d wy=%2d, expected=%3.1f",clust->size(),clust->charge(),clust->sizeX(),clust->sizeY(),1.+2./fabs(tan(t->theta()))) << endl;
1251  }
1252  }else if(endcap){
1253  const SiPixelRecHit *pixhit = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit*>( &(**hit));
1254  edm::Ref<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>, SiPixelCluster> const& clust = (*pixhit).cluster();
1255  if (clust.isNonnull()) {
1256  cout << Form(" endcap cluster size=%2d charge=%6.1f wx=%2d wy=%2d",clust->size(),clust->charge(),clust->sizeX(),clust->sizeY()) << endl;
1257  }
1258  }
1259  }
1260  }
1261  cout << "hitpattern" << endl;
1262  for(int i=0; i<p.numberOfHits(); i++){ p.printHitPattern(i,std::cout); }
1263  cout << "expected inner " << ninner << endl;
1264  for(int i=0; i<pinner.numberOfHits(); i++){ pinner.printHitPattern(i,std::cout); }
1265  cout << "expected outer " << nouter << endl;
1266  for(int i=0; i<pouter.numberOfHits(); i++){ pouter.printHitPattern(i,std::cout); }
1267  }
1268 }
1270 namespace {
1272  bool recTrackLessZ(const reco::TransientTrack & tk1,
1273  const reco::TransientTrack & tk2)
1274  {
1276  }
1278 }
1284  const Handle<reco::VertexCollection> &recVtxs,
1285  std::vector<SimPart>& tsim,
1286  std::vector<SimEvent>& simEvt,
1287  bool selectedOnly){
1288  // make a printout of the tracks selected for PV reconstructions, show matching MC tracks, too
1290  vector<TransientTrack> selTrks;
1291  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=recTrks->begin();
1292  t!=recTrks->end(); ++t){
1293  TransientTrack tt = theB_->build(&(*t)); tt.setBeamSpot(vertexBeamSpot_);
1294  if( (!selectedOnly) || (selectedOnly && theTrackFilter(tt))){ selTrks.push_back(tt); }
1295  }
1296  if (selTrks.size()==0) return;
1297  stable_sort(selTrks.begin(), selTrks.end(), recTrackLessZ);
1299  // select tracks like for PV reconstruction and match them to sim tracks
1300  reco::TrackCollection selRecTrks;
1302  for(unsigned int i=0; i<selTrks.size(); i++){ selRecTrks.push_back(selTrks[i].track());}
1303  int* rectosim=supf(tsim, selRecTrks);
1307  // now dump in a format similar to the clusterizer
1308  cout << "printPVTrks" << endl;
1309  cout << "---- z +/- dz 1bet-m ip +/-dip pt phi eta";
1310  if((tsim.size()>0)||(simEvt.size()>0)) {cout << " type pdg zvtx zdca dca zvtx zdca dsz";}
1311  cout << endl;
1313  cout.precision(4);
1314  int isel=0;
1315  for(unsigned int i=0; i<selTrks.size(); i++){
1316  if (selectedOnly || (theTrackFilter(selTrks[i]))) {
1317  cout << setw (3)<< isel;
1318  isel++;
1319  }else{
1320  cout << " ";
1321  }
1324  // is this track in the tracklist of a recvtx ?
1325  int vmatch=-1;
1326  int iv=0;
1327  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
1328  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
1329  if ( (v->ndof()<-1) || (v->chi2()<=0) ) continue; // skip clusters
1330  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
1331  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
1332  if(selTrks[i].track().vz()==RTv.vz()) {vmatch=iv;}
1333  }
1334  iv++;
1335  }
1337  double tz=(selTrks[i].stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).position().z();
1338  double tantheta=tan((selTrks[i].stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).momentum().theta());
1339  double tdz0= selTrks[i].track().dzError();
1340  double tdz2= pow(selTrks[i].track().dzError(),2)+ (pow(vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthX(),2)+pow(vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthY(),2))/pow(tantheta,2);
1342  if(vmatch>-1){
1343  cout << "["<<setw(2)<<vmatch<<"]";
1344  }else{
1345  //int status=theTrackFilter.status(selTrks[i]);
1346  int status=0;
1347  if(status==0){
1348  cout <<" ";
1349  }else{
1350  if(status&0x1){cout << "i";}else{cout << ".";};
1351  if(status&0x2){cout << "c";}else{cout << ".";};
1352  if(status&0x4){cout << "h";}else{cout << ".";};
1353  if(status&0x8){cout << "q";}else{cout << ".";};
1354  }
1355  }
1356  cout << setw (8) << fixed << setprecision(4)<< tz << " +/-" << setw (6)<< sqrt(tdz2);
1359  // track quality and hit information, see DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/HitPattern.h
1360  if(selTrks[i].track().quality(reco::TrackBase::highPurity)){ cout << " *";}else{cout <<" ";}
1361  if(selTrks[i].track().hitPattern().hasValidHitInFirstPixelBarrel()){cout <<"+";}else{cout << "-";}
1362  cout << setw(1) << selTrks[i].track().hitPattern().pixelBarrelLayersWithMeasurement();
1363  cout << setw(1) << selTrks[i].track().hitPattern().pixelEndcapLayersWithMeasurement();
1364  cout << setw(1) << hex << selTrks[i].track().hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement()-selTrks[i].track().hitPattern().pixelLayersWithMeasurement()<<dec;
1365  cout << "-" << setw(1)<<hex <<selTrks[i].track().trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits() << dec;
1368  Measurement1D IP=selTrks[i].stateAtBeamLine().transverseImpactParameter();
1369  cout << setw (8) << IP.value() << "+/-" << setw (6) << IP.error();
1370  if(selTrks[i].track().ptError()<1){
1371  cout << " " << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << selTrks[i].track().pt()*selTrks[i].track().charge();
1372  }else{
1373  cout << " " << setw(7) << setprecision(1) << selTrks[i].track().pt()*selTrks[i].track().charge() << "*";
1374  //cout << "+/-" << setw(6)<< setprecision(2) << selTrks[i].track().ptError();
1375  }
1376  cout << " " << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << selTrks[i].track().phi()
1377  << " " << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << selTrks[i].track().eta() ;
1381  // print MC info, if available
1382  if(simEvt.size()>0){
1383  reco::Track t=selTrks[i].track();
1384  try{
1385  TrackingParticleRef tpr = z2tp_[t.vz()];
1386  const TrackingVertex *parentVertex= tpr->parentVertex().get();
1387  //double vx=parentVertex->position().x(); // problems with tpr->vz()
1388  //double vy=parentVertex->position().y(); work in progress
1389  double vz=parentVertex->position().z();
1390  cout << " " << tpr->eventId().event();
1391  cout << " " << setw(5) << tpr->pdgId();
1392  cout << " " << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << vz;
1393  }catch (...){
1394  cout << " not matched";
1395  }
1396  }else{
1397  // cout << " " << rectosim[i];
1398  if(rectosim[i]>0){
1399  if(tsim[rectosim[i]].type==0){ cout << " prim " ;}else{cout << " sec ";}
1400  cout << " " << setw(5) << tsim[rectosim[i]].pdg;
1401  cout << " " << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << tsim[rectosim[i]].zvtx;
1402  cout << " " << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << tsim[rectosim[i]].zdcap;
1403  cout << " " << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << tsim[rectosim[i]].ddcap;
1404  double zvtxpull=(tz-tsim[rectosim[i]].zvtx)/sqrt(tdz2);
1405  cout << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << zvtxpull;
1406  double zdcapull=(tz-tsim[rectosim[i]].zdcap)/tdz0;
1407  cout << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << zdcapull;
1408  double dszpull=(selTrks[i].track().dsz()-tsim[rectosim[i]].par[4])/selTrks[i].track().dszError();
1409  cout << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << dszpull;
1410  }
1411  }
1412  cout << endl;
1413  }
1414  delete rectosim;
1415 }
1419  const std::vector<SimPart > & tsim,
1420  const edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> & recTrks)
1421 {
1422  // find all recTracks that belong to this simulated vertex (not just the ones that are used in
1423  // matching recVertex)
1425  std::cout << "dump rec tracks: " << std::endl;
1426  int irec=0;
1427  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=recTrks->begin();
1428  t!=recTrks->end(); ++t){
1429  reco::TrackBase::ParameterVector p = t->parameters();
1430  std::cout << irec++ << ") " << p << std::endl;
1431  }
1433  std::cout << "match sim tracks: " << std::endl;
1434  pv.matchedRecTrackIndex.clear();
1435  pv.nMatchedTracks=0;
1436  int isim=0;
1437  for(std::vector<SimPart>::const_iterator s=tsim.begin();
1438  s!=tsim.end(); ++s){
1439  std::cout << isim++ << " " << s->par;// << std::endl;
1440  int imatch=-1;
1441  int irec=0;
1442  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=recTrks->begin();
1443  t!=recTrks->end(); ++t){
1444  reco::TrackBase::ParameterVector p = t->parameters();
1445  if (match(s->par,p)){ imatch=irec; }
1446  irec++;
1447  }
1448  pv.matchedRecTrackIndex.push_back(imatch);
1449  if(imatch>-1){
1450  pv.nMatchedTracks++;
1451  std::cout << " matched to rec trk" << imatch << std::endl;
1452  }else{
1453  std::cout << " not matched" << std::endl;
1454  }
1455  }
1456 }
1457 /********************************************************************************************************/
1464 /********************************************************************************************************/
1466 void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getTc(const std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>& tracks,
1467  double & Tc, double & chsq, double & dzmax, double & dztrim, double & m4m2){
1468  if (tracks.size()<2){ Tc=-1; chsq=-1; dzmax=-1; dztrim=-1; m4m2=-1; return;}
1470  double sumw=0, sumwz=0, sumww=0,sumwwz=0,sumwwzz=0;
1471  double zmin=1e10, zmin1=1e10, zmax1=-1e10, zmax=-1e10;
1472  double m4=0,m3=0,m2=0,m1=0,m0=0;
1473  for(vector<reco::TransientTrack>::const_iterator it=tracks.begin(); it!=tracks.end(); it++){
1474  double tantheta=tan(((*it).stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).momentum().theta());
1475  reco::BeamSpot beamspot=(it->stateAtBeamLine()).beamSpot();
1476  double z=((*it).stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).position().z();
1477  double dz2= pow((*it).track().dzError(),2)+pow(beamspot.BeamWidthX()/tantheta,2);
1478  // t.dz2= pow((*it).track().dzError(),2) + pow(wxy0/tantheta,2) + 1./(1.+exp(pow(t.ip/t.dip,2)-pow(2.)))*pow(ip/tantheta,2);
1479  double w=1./dz2; // take p=1
1480  sumw += w;
1481  sumwz += w*z;
1482  sumwwz += w*w*z;;
1483  sumwwzz += w*w*z*z;
1484  sumww += w*w;
1485  m0 += w;
1486  m1 += w*z;
1487  m2 += w*z*z;
1488  m3 += w*z*z*z;
1489  m4 += w*z*z*z*z;
1490  if(dz2<pow(0.1,2)){
1491  if(z<zmin1){zmin1=z;} if(z<zmin){zmin1=zmin; zmin=z;}
1492  if(z>zmax1){zmax1=z;} if(z>zmax){zmax1=zmax; zmax=z;}
1493  }
1494  }
1495  double z=sumwz/sumw;
1496  double a=sumwwzz-2*z*sumwwz+z*z*sumww;
1497  double b=sumw;
1498  if(tracks.size()>1){
1499  chsq=(m2-m0*z*z)/(tracks.size()-1);
1500  Tc=2.*a/b;
1501  m4m2=sqrt((m4-4*m3*z+6*m2*z*z-3*m1*z*z*z+m0*z*z*z*z)/(m2-2*m1*z+z*z*m0));
1502  }else{
1503  chsq=0;
1504  Tc=0;
1505  m4m2=0;
1506  }
1507  dzmax=zmax-zmin;
1508  dztrim=zmax1-zmin1;// truncated
1509 }
1510 /********************************************************************************************************/
1516 /********************************************************************************************************/
1519 /********************************************************************************************************/
1520 // for a reco track select the matching tracking particle, always use this function to make sure we
1521 // are consistent
1522 // to get the TrackingParticle form the TrackingParticleRef, use ->get();
1523 {
1524  double f=0;
1525  try{
1526  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp = r2s_[track];
1527  for (std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> >::const_iterator it = tp.begin();
1528  it != tp.end(); ++it) {
1530  if (it->second>f){
1531  tpr=it->first;
1532  f=it->second;
1533  }
1534  }
1535  } catch (Exception event) {
1536  // silly way of testing whether track is in r2s_
1537  }
1539  // sanity check on track parameters?
1541  return (f>0.5);
1542 }
1543 /********************************************************************************************************/
1550 /********************************************************************************************************/
1551 std::vector< edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getTruthMatchedVertexTracks(
1552  const reco::Vertex& v
1553  )
1554 // for vertex v get a list of tracks for which truth matching is available
1555 /********************************************************************************************************/
1556 {
1557  std::vector< edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > b;
1558  TrackingParticleRef tpr;
1560  for(trackit_t tv=v.tracks_begin(); tv!=v.tracks_end(); tv++){
1561  edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> track=*tv;
1562  if (truthMatchedTrack(track, tpr)){
1563  b.push_back(*tv);
1564  }
1565  }
1568  return b;
1569 }
1570 /********************************************************************************************************/
1576 /********************************************************************************************************/
1577 std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::SimEvent> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimEvents
1579  // const Event& iEvent, const EventSetup& iSetup,
1582  edm::Handle<View<Track> > trackCollectionH
1583  ){
1585  const TrackingParticleCollection* simTracks = TPCollectionH.product();
1586  const View<Track> tC = *(trackCollectionH.product());
1589  vector<SimEvent> simEvt;
1590  map<EncodedEventId, unsigned int> eventIdToEventMap;
1591  map<EncodedEventId, unsigned int>::iterator id;
1592  bool dumpTP=false;
1593  for(TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator it=simTracks->begin(); it!=simTracks->end(); it++){
1595  if( fabs(it->parentVertex().get()->position().z())>100.) continue; // skip funny entries @ -13900
1597  unsigned int event=0; //note, this is no longer the same as eventId().event()
1598  id=eventIdToEventMap.find(it->eventId());
1599  if (id==eventIdToEventMap.end()){
1601  // new event here
1602  SimEvent e;
1603  e.eventId=it->eventId();
1604  event=simEvt.size();
1605  const TrackingVertex *parentVertex= it->parentVertex().get();
1606  if(DEBUG_){
1607  cout << "getSimEvents: ";
1608  cout << it->eventId().bunchCrossing() << "," << it->eventId().event()
1609  << " z="<< it->vz() << " "
1610  << parentVertex->eventId().bunchCrossing() << "," <<parentVertex->eventId().event()
1611  << " z=" << parentVertex->position().z() << endl;
1612  }
1613  if (it->eventId()==parentVertex->eventId()){
1614  //e.x=it->vx(); e.y=it->vy(); e.z=it->vz();// wrong ???
1615  e.x=parentVertex->position().x();
1616  e.y=parentVertex->position().y();
1617  e.z=parentVertex->position().z();
1618  if(e.z<-100){
1619  dumpTP=true;
1620  }
1621  }else{
1622  e.x=0; e.y=0; e.z=-88.;
1623  }
1624  simEvt.push_back(e);
1625  eventIdToEventMap[e.eventId]=event;
1626  }else{
1627  event=id->second;
1628  }
1631  simEvt[event].tp.push_back(&(*it));
1632  if( (abs(it->eta())<2.5) && (it->charge()!=0) ){
1633  simEvt[event].sumpt2+=pow(it->pt(),2); // should keep track of decays ?
1634  simEvt[event].sumpt+=it->pt();
1635  }
1636  }
1638  if(dumpTP){
1639  for(TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator it=simTracks->begin(); it!=simTracks->end(); it++){
1640  std::cout << *it << std::endl;
1641  }
1642  }
1645  for(View<Track>::size_type i=0; i<tC.size(); ++i) {
1646  RefToBase<Track> track(trackCollectionH, i);
1647  TrackingParticleRef tpr;
1648  if( truthMatchedTrack(track,tpr)){
1650  if( eventIdToEventMap.find(tpr->eventId())==eventIdToEventMap.end() ){ cout << "Bug in getSimEvents" << endl; break; }
1652  z2tp_[track.get()->vz()]=tpr;
1654  unsigned int event=eventIdToEventMap[tpr->eventId()];
1655  double ipsig=0,ipdist=0;
1656  const TrackingVertex *parentVertex= tpr->parentVertex().get();
1657  double vx=parentVertex->position().x(); // problems with tpr->vz()
1658  double vy=parentVertex->position().y();
1659  double vz=parentVertex->position().z();
1660  double d=sqrt(pow(simEvt[event].x-vx,2)+pow(simEvt[event].y-vy,2)+pow(simEvt[event].z-vz,2))*1.e4;
1661  ipdist=d;
1662  double dxy=track->dxy(vertexBeamSpot_.position());
1663  ipsig=dxy/track->dxyError();
1666  TransientTrack t = theB_->build(tC[i]);
1667  t.setBeamSpot(vertexBeamSpot_);
1668  if (theTrackFilter(t)){
1669  simEvt[event].tk.push_back(t);
1670  if(ipdist<5){simEvt[event].tkprim.push_back(t);}
1671  if(ipsig<5){simEvt[event].tkprimsel.push_back(t);}
1672  }
1674  }
1675  }
1679  AdaptiveVertexFitter theFitter;
1680  cout << "SimEvents " << simEvt.size() << endl;
1681  for(unsigned int i=0; i<simEvt.size(); i++){
1683  if(simEvt[i].tkprim.size()>0){
1685  getTc(simEvt[i].tkprimsel, simEvt[i].Tc, simEvt[i].chisq, simEvt[i].dzmax, simEvt[i].dztrim, simEvt[i].m4m2);
1686  TransientVertex v = theFitter.vertex(simEvt[i].tkprim, vertexBeamSpot_);
1687  if (v.isValid()){
1688  simEvt[i].xfit=v.position().x();
1689  simEvt[i].yfit=v.position().y();
1690  simEvt[i].zfit=v.position().z();
1691  // if (simEvt[i].z<-80.){simEvt[i].z=v.position().z();} // for now
1692  }
1693  }
1696  if(DEBUG_){
1697  cout << i <<" ) nTP=" << simEvt[i].tp.size()
1698  << " z=" << simEvt[i].z
1699  << " recTrks=" << simEvt[i].tk.size()
1700  << " recTrksPrim=" << simEvt[i].tkprim.size()
1701  << " zfit=" << simEvt[i].zfit
1702  << endl;
1703  }
1704  }
1706  return simEvt;
1707 }
1710 std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::simPrimaryVertex> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimPVs(
1711  const Handle<HepMCProduct> evtMC)
1712 {
1713  if(DEBUG_){std::cout << "getSimPVs HepMC " << std::endl;}
1715  std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::simPrimaryVertex> simpv;
1716  const HepMC::GenEvent* evt=evtMC->GetEvent();
1717  if (evt) {
1718 // std::cout << "process id " <<evt->signal_process_id()<<std::endl;
1719 // std::cout <<"signal process vertex "<< ( evt->signal_process_vertex() ?
1720 // evt->signal_process_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) <<std::endl;
1721 // std::cout <<"number of vertices " << evt->vertices_size() << std::endl;
1724  //int idx=0;
1725  for(HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vitr= evt->vertices_begin();
1726  vitr != evt->vertices_end(); ++vitr )
1727  { // loop for vertex ...
1729  HepMC::FourVector pos = (*vitr)->position();
1730  // if (pos.t()>0) { continue;} // skip secondary vertices, doesn't work for some samples
1732  if (fabs(pos.z())>1000) continue; // skip funny junk vertices
1734  bool hasMotherVertex=false;
1735  //std::cout << "mothers" << std::endl;
1736  for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator
1737  mother = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::parents);
1738  mother != (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::parents);
1739  ++mother ) {
1740  HepMC::GenVertex * mv=(*mother)->production_vertex();
1741  if (mv) {hasMotherVertex=true;}
1742  //std::cout << "\t"; (*mother)->print();
1743  }
1744  if(hasMotherVertex) {continue;}
1747  // could be a new vertex, check all primaries found so far to avoid multiple entries
1748  const double mm=0.1;
1749  simPrimaryVertex sv(pos.x()*mm,pos.y()*mm,pos.z()*mm);
1750  simPrimaryVertex *vp=NULL; // will become non-NULL if a vertex is found and then point to it
1751  for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator v0=simpv.begin();
1752  v0!=simpv.end(); v0++){
1753  if( (fabs(sv.x-v0->x)<1e-5) && (fabs(sv.y-v0->y)<1e-5) && (fabs(sv.z-v0->z)<1e-5)){
1754  vp=&(*v0);
1755  break;
1756  }
1757  }
1758  if(!vp){
1759  // this is a new vertex
1760  //std::cout << "this is a new vertex" << sv.x << " " << sv.y << " " << sv.z <<std::endl;
1761  simpv.push_back(sv);
1762  vp=&simpv.back();
1763 // }else{
1764 // std::cout << "this is not a new vertex" << std::endl;
1765  }
1768  // store the gen vertex barcode with this simpv
1769  vp->genVertex.push_back((*vitr)->barcode());
1772  // collect final state descendants and sum up momenta etc
1773  for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator
1774  daughter = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::descendants);
1775  daughter != (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::descendants);
1776  ++daughter ) {
1777  //std::cout << "checking daughter type " << (*daughter)->pdg_id() << " final :" <<isFinalstateParticle(*daughter) << std::endl;
1778  if (isFinalstateParticle(*daughter)){
1779  if ( find(vp->finalstateParticles.begin(), vp->finalstateParticles.end(),(*daughter)->barcode())
1780  == vp->finalstateParticles.end()){
1781  vp->finalstateParticles.push_back((*daughter)->barcode());
1782  HepMC::FourVector m=(*daughter)->momentum();
1783  //std::cout << "adding particle to primary " << m.px()<< " " << << " " << m.pz() << std::endl;
1784  vp->ptot.setPx(vp->ptot.px()+m.px());
1785  vp->ptot.setPy(vp->;
1786  vp->ptot.setPz(vp->ptot.pz()+m.pz());
1787  vp->ptot.setE(vp->ptot.e()+m.e());
1788  vp->ptsq+=(m.perp())*(m.perp());
1789  // count relevant particles
1790  if ( (m.perp()>0.2) && (fabs(m.pseudoRapidity())<2.5) && isCharged( *daughter ) ){
1791  vp->nGenTrk++;
1792  }
1794  hsimPV["rapidity"]->Fill(m.pseudoRapidity());
1795  if( (m.perp()>0.8) && isCharged( *daughter ) ){
1796  hsimPV["chRapidity"]->Fill(m.pseudoRapidity());
1797  }
1798  hsimPV["pt"]->Fill(m.perp());
1799  }//new final state particle for this vertex
1800  }//daughter is a final state particle
1801  }
1804  //idx++;
1805  }
1806  }
1807  if(verbose_){
1808  cout << "------- PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU simPVs -------" << endl;
1809  for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator v0=simpv.begin();
1810  v0!=simpv.end(); v0++){
1811  cout << "z=" << v0->z
1812  << " px=" << v0->ptot.px()
1813  << " py=" << v0->
1814  << " pz=" << v0->ptot.pz()
1815  << " pt2="<< v0->ptsq
1816  << endl;
1817  }
1818  cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
1819  }
1820  return simpv;
1821 }
1830 /* get sim pv from TrackingParticles/TrackingVertex */
1831 std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::simPrimaryVertex> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimPVs(
1833  )
1834 {
1835  std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::simPrimaryVertex> simpv;
1836  //std::cout <<"number of vertices " << tVC->size() << std::endl;
1838  if(DEBUG_){std::cout << "getSimPVs TrackingVertexCollection " << std::endl;}
1840  for (TrackingVertexCollection::const_iterator v = tVC -> begin(); v != tVC -> end(); ++v) {
1842  if(DEBUG_){
1843  std::cout << (v->eventId()).event() << v -> position() << v->g4Vertices().size() <<" " <<v->genVertices().size() << " t=" <<v->position().t()*1.e12 <<" ==0:" <<(v->position().t()>0) << std::endl;
1844  for( TrackingVertex::g4v_iterator gv=v->g4Vertices_begin(); gv!=v->g4Vertices_end(); gv++){
1845  std::cout << *gv << std::endl;
1846  }
1847  std::cout << "----------" << std::endl;
1848  }
1850  // bool hasMotherVertex=false;
1851  if ((unsigned int) v->eventId().event()<simpv.size()) continue;
1852  //if (v->position().t()>0) { continue;} // skip secondary vertices (obsolete + doesn't work)
1853  if (fabs(v->position().z())>1000) continue; // skip funny junk vertices
1855  // could be a new vertex, check all primaries found so far to avoid multiple entries
1856  const double mm=1.0; // for tracking vertices
1857  simPrimaryVertex sv(v->position().x()*mm,v->position().y()*mm,v->position().z()*mm);
1859  //cout << "sv: " << (v->eventId()).event() << endl;
1860  sv.eventId=v->eventId();
1862  for (TrackingParticleRefVector::iterator iTrack = v->daughterTracks_begin(); iTrack != v->daughterTracks_end(); ++iTrack){
1863  //cout <<((**iTrack).eventId()).event() << " "; // an iterator of Refs, dereference twice. Cool eyh?
1864  sv.eventId=(**iTrack).eventId();
1865  }
1866  //cout <<endl;
1867  simPrimaryVertex *vp=NULL; // will become non-NULL if a vertex is found and then point to it
1868  for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator v0=simpv.begin();
1869  v0!=simpv.end(); v0++){
1870  if( (sv.eventId==v0->eventId) && (fabs(sv.x-v0->x)<1e-5) && (fabs(sv.y-v0->y)<1e-5) && (fabs(sv.z-v0->z)<1e-5)){
1871  vp=&(*v0);
1872  break;
1873  }
1874  }
1875  if(!vp){
1876  // this is a new vertex
1877  if(DEBUG_){std::cout << "this is a new vertex " << sv.eventId.event() << " " << sv.x << " " << sv.y << " " << sv.z <<std::endl;}
1878  simpv.push_back(sv);
1879  vp=&simpv.back();
1880  }else{
1881  if(DEBUG_){std::cout << "this is not a new vertex" << sv.x << " " << sv.y << " " << sv.z <<std::endl;}
1882  }
1885  // Loop over daughter track(s)
1886  if(DEBUG_){
1887  for (TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP = v -> daughterTracks_begin(); iTP != v -> daughterTracks_end(); ++iTP) {
1888  std::cout << " Daughter momentum: " << (*(*iTP)).momentum();
1889  std::cout << " Daughter type " << (*(*iTP)).pdgId();
1890  std::cout << std::endl;
1891  }
1892  }
1893  }
1894  if(DEBUG_){
1895  cout << "------- PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU simPVs from TrackingVertices -------" << endl;
1896  for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator v0=simpv.begin();
1897  v0!=simpv.end(); v0++){
1898  cout << "z=" << v0->z << " event=" << v0->eventId.event() << endl;
1899  }
1900  cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
1901  }
1902  return simpv;
1903 }
1910 // ------------ method called to produce the data ------------
1911 void
1913 {
1915  std::vector<simPrimaryVertex> simpv; // a list of primary MC vertices
1916  std::vector<SimPart> tsim;
1917  std::string mcproduct="generator"; // starting with 3_1_0 pre something
1919  eventcounter_++;
1920  run_ =;
1921  luminosityBlock_ = iEvent.luminosityBlock();
1922  event_ =;
1923  bunchCrossing_ = iEvent.bunchCrossing();
1924  orbitNumber_ = iEvent.orbitNumber();
1926  dumpThisEvent_ = false;
1930  if(verbose_){
1931  std::cout << endl
1932  << "PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::analyze event counter=" << eventcounter_
1933  << " Run=" << run_ << " LumiBlock " << luminosityBlock_ << " event " << event_
1934  << " bx=" << bunchCrossing_ << " orbit=" << orbitNumber_
1935  //<< " selected = " << good
1936  << std::endl;
1937  }
1940  try{
1941  iSetup.getData(pdt_);
1942  }catch(const Exception&){
1943  std::cout << "Some problem occurred with the particle data table. This may not work !" <<std::endl;
1944  }
1947  bool bnoBS=iEvent.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVertices", recVtxs);
1950  bool bBS=iEvent.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVerticesWithBS", recVtxsBS);
1953  bool bDA=iEvent.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVerticesDA", recVtxsDA);
1955 // Handle<reco::VertexCollection> recVtxsPIX;
1956 // bool bPIX=iEvent.getByLabel("pixelVertices", recVtxsPIX);
1957 // bPIX=false;
1959 // Handle<reco::VertexCollection> recVtxsMVF;
1960 // bool bMVF=iEvent.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVerticesMVF", recVtxsMVF);
1963  iEvent.getByLabel(recoTrackProducer_, recTrks);
1966  int nhighpurity=0, ntot=0;
1967  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=recTrks->begin(); t!=recTrks->end(); ++t){
1968  ntot++;
1969  if(t->quality(reco::TrackBase::highPurity)) nhighpurity++;
1970  }
1971  if(ntot>10) hnoBS["highpurityTrackFraction"]->Fill(float(nhighpurity)/float(ntot));
1972  if((recoTrackProducer_=="generalTracks")&&(nhighpurity<0.25*ntot)){
1973  if(verbose_){ cout << "rejected, " << nhighpurity << " highpurity out of " << ntot << " total tracks "<< endl<< endl;}
1974  return;
1975  }
1981  if(iEvent.getByType(recoBeamSpotHandle_)){
1984  Fill(hsimPV, "xbeam",vertexBeamSpot_.x0()); Fill(hsimPV, "wxbeam",vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthX());
1985  Fill(hsimPV, "ybeam",vertexBeamSpot_.y0()); Fill(hsimPV, "wybeam",vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthY());
1986  Fill(hsimPV, "zbeam",vertexBeamSpot_.z0());// Fill("wzbeam",vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthZ());
1987  }else{
1988  cout << " beamspot not found, using dummy " << endl;
1989  vertexBeamSpot_=reco::BeamSpot();// dummy
1990  }
1993  if(bnoBS){
1994  if((recVtxs->begin()->isValid())&&(recVtxs->begin()->ndof()>1)&&(recVtxs->begin()->ndof()>(0.0*recVtxs->begin()->tracksSize()))){ // was 5 and 0.2
1995  Fill(hnoBS,"xrecBeamvsdxXBS",recVtxs->begin()->xError(),recVtxs->begin()->x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
1996  Fill(hnoBS,"yrecBeamvsdyXBS",recVtxs->begin()->yError(),recVtxs->begin()->y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
1998  if(printXBS_) {
1999  cout << Form("XBS %10d %5d %10d %4d %lu %5.2f %8f %8f %8f %8f %8f %8f",
2001  (unsigned long)(recVtxs->begin()->tracksSize()), recVtxs->begin()->ndof(),
2002  recVtxs->begin()->x(), recVtxs->begin()->xError(),
2003  recVtxs->begin()->y(), recVtxs->begin()->yError(),
2004  recVtxs->begin()->z(), recVtxs->begin()->zError()
2005  ) << endl;
2006  }
2008  }
2009  }
2012  // for the associator
2013  Handle<View<Track> > trackCollectionH;
2014  iEvent.getByLabel(recoTrackProducer_,trackCollectionH);
2016  Handle<HepMCProduct> evtMC;
2019  iEvent.getByLabel( simG4_, simVtxs);
2021  Handle<SimTrackContainer> simTrks;
2022  iEvent.getByLabel( simG4_, simTrks);
2030  bool gotTP=iEvent.getByLabel("mergedtruth","MergedTrackTruth",TPCollectionH);
2031  bool gotTV=iEvent.getByLabel("mergedtruth","MergedTrackTruth",TVCollectionH);
2034  iSetup.get<TransientTrackRecord>().get("TransientTrackBuilder",theB_);
2035  fBfield_=((*theB_).field()->inTesla(GlobalPoint(0.,0.,0.))).z();
2038  vector<SimEvent> simEvt;
2039  if (gotTP && gotTV ){
2041  edm::ESHandle<TrackAssociatorBase> theHitsAssociator;
2042  iSetup.get<TrackAssociatorRecord>().get("TrackAssociatorByHits",theHitsAssociator);
2043  associatorByHits_ = (TrackAssociatorBase *) theHitsAssociator.product();
2044  r2s_ = associatorByHits_->associateRecoToSim (trackCollectionH,TPCollectionH, &iEvent );
2045  //simEvt=getSimEvents(iEvent, TPCollectionH, TVCollectionH, trackCollectionH);
2046  simEvt=getSimEvents(TPCollectionH, TVCollectionH, trackCollectionH);
2048  if (simEvt.size()==0){
2049  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2050  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2051  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2052  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2053  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got TrackingParticles but no simEvt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2054  cout << " dumping Tracking particles " << endl;
2055  const TrackingParticleCollection* simTracks = TPCollectionH.product();
2056  for(TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator it=simTracks->begin(); it!=simTracks->end(); it++){
2057  cout << *it << endl;
2058  }
2059  cout << " dumping Tracking Vertices " << endl;
2060  const TrackingVertexCollection* tpVtxs = TVCollectionH.product();
2061  for(TrackingVertexCollection::const_iterator iv=tpVtxs->begin(); iv!=tpVtxs->end(); iv++){
2062  cout << *iv << endl;
2063  }
2064  if(iEvent.getByLabel(mcproduct,evtMC)){
2065  cout << "dumping simTracks" << endl;
2066  for(SimTrackContainer::const_iterator t=simTrks->begin(); t!=simTrks->end(); ++t){
2067  cout << *t << endl;
2068  }
2069  cout << "dumping simVertexes" << endl;
2070  for(SimVertexContainer::const_iterator vv=simVtxs->begin();
2071  vv!=simVtxs->end();
2072  ++vv){
2073  cout << *vv << endl;
2074  }
2075  }else{
2076  cout << "no hepMC" << endl;
2077  }
2078  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2080  const HepMC::GenEvent* evt=evtMC->GetEvent();
2081  if(evt){
2082  std::cout << "process id " <<evt->signal_process_id()<<std::endl;
2083  std::cout <<"signal process vertex "<< ( evt->signal_process_vertex() ?
2084  evt->signal_process_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) <<std::endl;
2085  std::cout <<"number of vertices " << evt->vertices_size() << std::endl;
2086  evt->print();
2087  }else{
2088  cout << "no event in HepMC" << endl;
2089  }
2090  cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
2092  }
2093  }
2098  if(gotTV){
2100  if(verbose_){
2101  cout << "Found Tracking Vertices " << endl;
2102  }
2103  simpv=getSimPVs(TVCollectionH);
2106  }else if(iEvent.getByLabel(mcproduct,evtMC)){
2108  simpv=getSimPVs(evtMC);
2110  if(verbose_){
2111  cout << "Using HepMCProduct " << endl;
2112  std::cout << "simtrks " << simTrks->size() << std::endl;
2113  }
2114  tsim = PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::getSimTrkParameters(simTrks, simVtxs, simUnit_);
2116  }else{
2117  // if(verbose_({cout << "No MC info at all" << endl;}
2118  }
2123  // get the beam spot from the appropriate dummy vertex, if available
2124  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2125  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2126  if ((v->ndof()==-3) && (v->chi2()==0) ){
2127  myBeamSpot=math::XYZPoint(v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
2128  }
2129  }
2134  hsimPV["nsimvtx"]->Fill(simpv.size());
2135  for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator vsim=simpv.begin();
2136  vsim!=simpv.end(); vsim++){
2137  if(doMatching_){
2138  matchRecTracksToVertex(*vsim, tsim, recTrks); // hepmc, based on track parameters
2139  }
2141  hsimPV["nbsimtksinvtx"]->Fill(vsim->nGenTrk);
2142  hsimPV["xsim"]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_);
2143  hsimPV["ysim"]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_);
2144  hsimPV["zsim"]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_);
2145  hsimPV["xsim1"]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_);
2146  hsimPV["ysim1"]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_);
2147  hsimPV["zsim1"]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_);
2148  Fill(hsimPV,"xsim2",vsim->x*simUnit_,vsim==simpv.begin());
2149  Fill(hsimPV,"ysim2",vsim->y*simUnit_,vsim==simpv.begin());
2150  Fill(hsimPV,"zsim2",vsim->z*simUnit_,vsim==simpv.begin());
2151  hsimPV["xsim2"]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_);
2152  hsimPV["ysim2"]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_);
2153  hsimPV["zsim2"]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_);
2154  hsimPV["xsim3"]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_);
2155  hsimPV["ysim3"]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_);
2156  hsimPV["zsim3"]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_);
2157  hsimPV["xsimb"]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
2158  hsimPV["ysimb"]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
2159  hsimPV["zsimb"]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_-vertexBeamSpot_.z0());
2160  hsimPV["xsimb1"]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
2161  hsimPV["ysimb1"]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
2162  hsimPV["zsimb1"]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_-vertexBeamSpot_.z0());
2163  }
2169  if(bnoBS){
2170  analyzeVertexCollection(hnoBS, recVtxs, recTrks, simpv,"noBS");
2171  analyzeVertexCollectionTP(hnoBS, recVtxs, recTrks, simEvt,"noBS");
2172  }
2173  if(bBS){
2174  analyzeVertexCollection(hBS, recVtxsBS, recTrks, simpv,"BS");
2175  analyzeVertexCollectionTP(hBS, recVtxsBS, recTrks, simEvt,"BS");
2176  }
2177  if(bDA){
2178  analyzeVertexCollection(hDA, recVtxsDA, recTrks, simpv,"DA");
2179  analyzeVertexCollectionTP(hDA, recVtxsDA, recTrks, simEvt,"DA");
2180  }
2181 // if(bPIX){
2182 // analyzeVertexCollection(hPIX, recVtxsPIX, recTrks, simpv,"PIX");
2183 // analyzeVertexCollectionTP(hPIX, recVtxsPIX, recTrks, simEvt,"PIX");
2184 // }
2188  if((dumpThisEvent_&& (dumpcounter_<100)) ||(verbose_ && (eventcounter_<ndump_))){
2189  cout << endl << "Event dump" << endl
2190  << "event counter=" << eventcounter_
2191  << " Run=" << run_ << " LumiBlock " << luminosityBlock_ << " event " << event_
2192  << " bx=" << bunchCrossing_ << " orbit=" << orbitNumber_
2193  << std::endl;
2194  dumpcounter_++;
2196  //evtMC->GetEvent()->print();
2197  //printRecTrks(recTrks); // very verbose !!
2199 // if (bPIX) printRecVtxs(recVtxsPIX,"pixel vertices");
2200  if (bnoBS) {printRecVtxs(recVtxs,"Offline without Beamspot");}
2201  if (bnoBS && (!bDA)){ printPVTrks(recTrks, recVtxs, tsim, simEvt, false);}
2202  if (bBS) printRecVtxs(recVtxsBS,"Offline with Beamspot");
2203  if (bDA) {
2204  printRecVtxs(recVtxsDA,"Offline DA");
2205  printPVTrks(recTrks, recVtxsDA, tsim, simEvt, false);
2206  }
2207  if (dumpcounter_<2){cout << "beamspot " << vertexBeamSpot_ << endl;}
2208  }
2210  if(verbose_){
2211  std::cout << std::endl;
2212  }
2213 }
2215 namespace {
2216 bool lt(const std::pair<double,unsigned int>& a,const std::pair<double,unsigned int>& b ){
2217  return a.first<b.first;
2218 }
2219 }
2221 /***************************************************************************************/
2222 void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::printEventSummary(std::map<std::string, TH1*> & h,
2224  const edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> recTrks,
2225  vector<SimEvent> & simEvt,
2226  const string message){
2227  // make a readable summary of the vertex finding if the TrackingParticles are availabe
2228  if (simEvt.size()==0){return;}
2231  // sort vertices in z ... for nicer printout
2233  vector< pair<double,unsigned int> > zrecv;
2234  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<recVtxs->size(); idx++){
2235  if ( (recVtxs->at(idx).ndof()<0) || (recVtxs->at(idx).chi2()<=0) ) continue; // skip clusters
2236  zrecv.push_back( make_pair(recVtxs->at(idx).z(),idx) );
2237  }
2238  stable_sort(zrecv.begin(),zrecv.end(),lt);
2240  // same for simulated vertices
2241  vector< pair<double,unsigned int> > zsimv;
2242  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<simEvt.size(); idx++){
2243  zsimv.push_back(make_pair(simEvt[idx].z, idx));
2244  }
2245  stable_sort(zsimv.begin(), zsimv.end(),lt);
2250  cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
2251  cout << "event counter = " << eventcounter_ << " " << message << endl;
2252  cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
2253  cout << " z[cm] rec --> ";
2254  cout.precision(4);
2255  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2256  cout << setw(7) << fixed << itrec->first;
2257  if (itrec->second==0){cout << "*" ;}else{cout << " " ;}
2258  }
2259  cout << endl;
2260  cout << " ";
2261  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2262  cout << setw(7) << fixed << recVtxs->at(itrec->second).tracksSize();
2263  if (itrec->second==0){cout << "*" ;}else{cout << " " ;}
2264  }
2265  cout << " rec tracks" << endl;
2266  cout << " ";
2267  map<unsigned int, int> truthMatchedVertexTracks;
2268  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2269  truthMatchedVertexTracks[itrec->second]=getTruthMatchedVertexTracks(recVtxs->at(itrec->second)).size();
2270  cout << setw(7) << fixed << truthMatchedVertexTracks[itrec->second];
2271  if (itrec->second==0){cout << "*" ;}else{cout << " " ;}
2272  }
2273  cout << " truth matched " << endl;
2275  cout << "sim ------- trk prim ----" << endl;
2279  map<unsigned int, unsigned int> rvmatch; // reco vertex matched to sim vertex (sim to rec)
2280  map<unsigned int, double > nmatch; // highest number of truth-matched tracks of ev found in a recvtx
2281  map<unsigned int, double > purity; // highest purity of a rec vtx (i.e. highest number of tracks from the same simvtx)
2282  map<unsigned int, double > wpurity; // same for the sum of weights
2284  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2285  purity[itrec->second]=0.;
2286  wpurity[itrec->second]=0.;
2287  }
2289  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itsim=zsimv.begin(); itsim!=zsimv.end(); itsim++){
2290  SimEvent* ev =&(simEvt[itsim->second]);
2293  cout.precision(4);
2294  if (itsim->second==0){
2295  cout << setw(8) << fixed << ev->z << ")*" << setw(5) << ev->tk.size() << setw(5) << ev->tkprim.size() << " | ";
2296  }else{
2297  cout << setw(8) << fixed << ev->z << ") " << setw(5) << ev->tk.size() << setw(5) << ev->tkprim.size() << " | ";
2298  }
2300  nmatch[itsim->second]=0; // highest number of truth-matched tracks of ev found in a recvtx
2301  double matchpurity=0,matchwpurity=0;
2303  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2304  const reco::Vertex *v = &(recVtxs->at(itrec->second));
2306  // count tracks found in both, sim and rec
2307  double n=0,wt=0;
2308  for(vector<TransientTrack>::iterator te=ev->tk.begin(); te!=ev->tk.end(); te++){
2309  const reco::Track& RTe=te->track();
2310  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
2311  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
2312  if(RTe.vz()==RTv.vz()) {n++; wt+=v->trackWeight(*tv);}
2313  }
2314  }
2315  cout << setw(7) << int(n)<< " ";
2317  if (n > nmatch[itsim->second]){
2318  nmatch[itsim->second]=n;
2319  rvmatch[itsim->second]=itrec->second;
2320  matchpurity=n/truthMatchedVertexTracks[itrec->second];
2321  matchwpurity=wt/truthMatchedVertexTracks[itrec->second];
2322  }
2324  if(n > purity[itrec->second]){
2325  purity[itrec->second]=n;
2326  }
2328  if(wt > wpurity[itrec->second]){
2329  wpurity[itrec->second]=wt;
2330  }
2332  }// end of reco vertex loop
2334  cout << " | ";
2335  if (nmatch[itsim->second]>0 ){
2336  if(matchpurity>0.5){
2337  cout << "found ";
2338  }else{
2339  cout << "merged ";
2340  }
2341  cout << " max eff. = " << setw(8) << nmatch[itsim->second]/ev->tk.size() << " p=" << matchpurity << " w=" << matchwpurity << endl;
2342  }else{
2343  if(ev->tk.size()==0){
2344  cout << " invisible" << endl;
2345  }else if (ev->tk.size()==1){
2346  cout << "single track " << endl;
2347  }else{
2348  cout << "lost " << endl;
2349  }
2350  }
2351  }
2352  cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
2354  // the purity of the reconstructed vertex
2355  cout << " purity ";
2356  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2357  cout << setw(7) << fixed << purity[itrec->second]/truthMatchedVertexTracks[itrec->second];
2358  if (itrec->second==0){cout << "*" ;}else{cout << " " ;}
2359  }
2360  cout << endl;
2362 // // classification of reconstructed vertex fake/real
2363 // cout << " ";
2364 // for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2365 // cout << setw(7) << fixed << purity[itrec->second]/truthMatchedVertexTracks[itrec->second];
2366 // if (itrec->second==0){cout << "*" ;}else{cout << " " ;}
2367 // }
2368 // cout << endl;
2369  cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
2374  // list problematic tracks
2375  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itsim=zsimv.begin(); itsim!=zsimv.end(); itsim++){
2376  SimEvent* ev =&(simEvt[itsim->second]);
2378  for(vector<TransientTrack>::iterator te=ev->tk.begin(); te!=ev->tk.end(); te++){
2379  const reco::Track& RTe=te->track();
2381  int ivassign=-1; // will become the index of the vertex to which a track was assigned
2383  for(vector< pair<double,unsigned int> >::iterator itrec=zrecv.begin(); itrec!=zrecv.end(); itrec++){
2384  const reco::Vertex *v = &(recVtxs->at(itrec->second));
2386  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
2387  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
2388  if(RTe.vz()==RTv.vz()) {ivassign=itrec->second;}
2389  }
2390  }
2391  double tantheta=tan((te->stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).momentum().theta());
2392  reco::BeamSpot beamspot=(te->stateAtBeamLine()).beamSpot();
2393  //double z=(te->stateAtBeamLine().trackStateAtPCA()).position().z();
2394  double dz2= pow(RTe.dzError(),2)+pow(beamspot.BeamWidthX()/tantheta,2);
2396  if(ivassign==(int)rvmatch[itsim->second]){
2397  Fill(h,"correctlyassigned",RTe.eta(),;
2398  Fill(h,"ptcat",;
2399  Fill(h,"etacat",RTe.eta());
2400  Fill(h,"phicat",RTe.phi());
2401  Fill(h,"dzcat",sqrt(dz2));
2402  }else{
2403  Fill(h,"misassigned",RTe.eta(),;
2404  Fill(h,"ptmis",;
2405  Fill(h,"etamis",RTe.eta());
2406  Fill(h,"phimis",RTe.phi());
2407  Fill(h,"dzmis",sqrt(dz2));
2408  cout << "vertex " << setw(8) << fixed << ev->z;
2410  if (ivassign<0){
2411  cout << " track lost ";
2412  // for some clusterizers there shouldn't be any lost tracks,
2413  // are there differences in the track selection?
2414  }else{
2415  cout << " track misassigned " << setw(8) << fixed << recVtxs->at(ivassign).z();
2416  }
2418  cout << " track z=" << setw(8) << fixed << RTe.vz() << "+/-" << RTe.dzError() << " pt=" << setw(8) << fixed<< << " eta=" << setw(8) << fixed << RTe.eta()<< " sel=" <<theTrackFilter(*te);
2420  //
2421  //cout << " ztrack=" << te->track().vz();
2422  TrackingParticleRef tpr = z2tp_[te->track().vz()];
2423  double zparent=tpr->parentVertex().get()->position().z();
2424  if(zparent==ev->z) {
2425  cout << " prim";
2426  }else{
2427  cout << " sec ";
2428  }
2429  cout << " id=" << tpr->pdgId();
2430  cout << endl;
2432  //
2433  }
2434  }// next simvertex-track
2436  }//next simvertex
2438  cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
2440 }
2441 /***************************************************************************************/
2446 /***************************************************************************************/
2447 void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::analyzeVertexCollectionTP(std::map<std::string, TH1*> & h,
2449  const edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> recTrks,
2450  vector<SimEvent> & simEvt,
2451  const string message){
2453  // cout <<"PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::analyzeVertexCollectionTP size=" << simEvt.size() << endl;
2454  if(simEvt.size()==0)return;
2456  printEventSummary(h, recVtxs,recTrks,simEvt,message);
2458  //const int iSignal=0;
2459  EncodedEventId iSignal=simEvt[0].eventId;
2460  Fill(h,"npu0",simEvt.size());
2463  for(vector<SimEvent>::iterator ev=simEvt.begin(); ev!=simEvt.end(); ev++){
2464  Fill(h,"Tc", ev->Tc, ev==simEvt.begin());
2465  Fill(h,"Chisq", ev->chisq, ev==simEvt.begin());
2466  if(ev->chisq>0)Fill(h,"logChisq", log(ev->chisq), ev==simEvt.begin());
2467  Fill(h,"dzmax", ev->dzmax, ev==simEvt.begin());
2468  Fill(h,"dztrim",ev->dztrim,ev==simEvt.begin());
2469  Fill(h,"m4m2", ev->m4m2, ev==simEvt.begin());
2470  if(ev->Tc>0){ Fill(h,"logTc",log(ev->Tc)/log(10.),ev==simEvt.begin());}
2473  for(vector<SimEvent>::iterator ev2=ev+1; ev2!=simEvt.end(); ev2++){
2474  vector<TransientTrack> xt;
2475  if((ev->tkprimsel.size()>0)&&(ev2->tkprimsel.size()>0)&&(ev->tkprimsel.size()+ev2->tkprimsel.size())>1){
2476  xt.insert (xt.end() ,ev->tkprimsel.begin(),ev->tkprimsel.end());
2477  xt.insert (xt.end() ,ev2->tkprimsel.begin(),ev2->tkprimsel.end());
2478  double xTc,xChsq,xDzmax,xDztrim,xm4m2;
2479  getTc(xt, xTc, xChsq, xDzmax, xDztrim,xm4m2);
2480  if(xTc>0){
2481  Fill(h,"xTc",xTc,ev==simEvt.begin());
2482  Fill(h,"logxTc", log(xTc)/log(10),ev==simEvt.begin());
2483  Fill(h,"xChisq", xChsq,ev==simEvt.begin());
2484  if(xChsq>0){Fill(h,"logxChisq", log(xChsq),ev==simEvt.begin());};
2485  Fill(h,"xdzmax", xDzmax,ev==simEvt.begin());
2486  Fill(h,"xdztrim", xDztrim,ev==simEvt.begin());
2487  Fill(h,"xm4m2", xm4m2,ev==simEvt.begin());
2489  }
2490  }
2491  }
2492  }
2494  // --------------------------------------- count actual rec vtxs ----------------------
2495  int nrecvtxs=0;//, nrecvtxs1=0, nrecvtxs2=0;
2496  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2497  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2498  if ( (v->isFake()) || (v->ndof()<0) || (v->chi2()<=0) ) continue; // skip clusters
2499  nrecvtxs++;
2500  }
2502  // --------------------------------------- fill the track assignment matrix ----------------------
2503  for(vector<SimEvent>::iterator ev=simEvt.begin(); ev!=simEvt.end(); ev++){
2504  ev->ntInRecVz.clear(); // just in case
2505  ev->zmatch=-99.;
2506  ev->nmatch=0;
2507  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2508  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2509  double n=0, wt=0;
2510  for(vector<TransientTrack>::iterator te=ev->tk.begin(); te!=ev->tk.end(); te++){
2511  const reco::Track& RTe=te->track();
2512  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
2513  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
2514  if(RTe.vz()==RTv.vz()) {n++; wt+=v->trackWeight(*tv);}
2515  }
2516  }
2517  ev->ntInRecVz[v->z()]=n;
2518  if (n > ev->nmatch){ ev->nmatch=n; ev->zmatch=v->z(); ev->zmatch=v->z(); }
2519  }
2520  }
2522  // call a vertex a fake if for every sim vertex there is another recvertex containing more tracks
2523  // from that sim vertex than the current recvertex
2524  double nfake=0;
2525  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2526  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2527  bool matched=false;
2528  for(vector<SimEvent>::iterator ev=simEvt.begin(); ev!=simEvt.end(); ev++){
2529  if ((ev->nmatch>0)&&(ev->zmatch==v->z())){
2530  matched=true;
2531  }
2532  }
2533  if(!matched && !v->isFake()) {
2534  nfake++;
2535  cout << " fake rec vertex at z=" << v->z() << endl;
2536  // some histograms of fake vertex properties here
2537  Fill(h,"unmatchedVtxZ",v->z());
2538  Fill(h,"unmatchedVtxNdof",v->ndof());
2539  }
2540  }
2541  if(nrecvtxs>0){
2542  Fill(h,"unmatchedVtx",nfake);
2543  Fill(h,"unmatchedVtxFrac",nfake/nrecvtxs);
2544  }
2546  // --------------------------------------- match rec to sim ---------------------------------------
2547  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2548  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2550  if ( (v->ndof()<0) || (v->chi2()<=0) ) continue; // skip clusters
2551  double nmatch=-1; // highest number of tracks in recvtx v found in any event
2552  EncodedEventId evmatch;
2553  bool matchFound=false;
2554  double nmatchvtx=0; // number of simvtcs contributing to recvtx v
2556  for(vector<SimEvent>::iterator ev=simEvt.begin(); ev!=simEvt.end(); ev++){
2558  double n=0; // number of tracks that are in both, the recvtx v and the event ev
2559  for(vector<TransientTrack>::iterator te=ev->tk.begin(); te!=ev->tk.end(); te++){
2561  const reco::Track& RTe=te->track();
2562  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
2563  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
2564  if(RTe.vz()==RTv.vz()){ n++;}
2565  }
2566  }
2568  // find the best match in terms of the highest number of tracks
2569  // from a simvertex in this rec vertex
2570  if (n > nmatch){
2571  nmatch=n;
2572  evmatch=ev->eventId;
2573  matchFound=true;
2574  }
2575  if(n>0){
2576  nmatchvtx++;
2577  }
2578  }
2580  double nmatchany=getTruthMatchedVertexTracks(*v).size();
2581  if (matchFound && (nmatchany>0)){
2582  // highest number of tracks in recvtx matched to (the same) sim vertex
2583  // purity := -----------------------------------------------------------------
2584  // number of truth matched tracks in this recvtx
2585  double purity =nmatch/nmatchany;
2586  Fill(h,"recmatchPurity",purity);
2587  if(v==recVtxs->begin()){
2588  Fill(h,"recmatchPurityTag",purity, (bool)(evmatch==iSignal));
2589  }else{
2590  Fill(h,"recmatchPuritynoTag",purity,(bool)(evmatch==iSignal));
2591  }
2592  }
2593  Fill(h,"recmatchvtxs",nmatchvtx);
2594  if(v==recVtxs->begin()){
2595  Fill(h,"recmatchvtxsTag",nmatchvtx);
2596  }else{
2597  Fill(h,"recmatchvtxsnoTag",nmatchvtx);
2598  }
2602  } // recvtx loop
2603  Fill(h,"nrecv",nrecvtxs);
2606  // --------------------------------------- match sim to rec ---------------------------------------
2608  int npu1=0, npu2=0;
2610  for(vector<SimEvent>::iterator ev=simEvt.begin(); ev!=simEvt.end(); ev++){
2612  if(ev->tk.size()>0) npu1++;
2613  if(ev->tk.size()>1) npu2++;
2615  bool isSignal= ev->eventId==iSignal;
2617  Fill(h,"nRecTrkInSimVtx",(double) ev->tk.size(),isSignal);
2618  Fill(h,"nPrimRecTrkInSimVtx",(double) ev->tkprim.size(),isSignal);
2619  Fill(h,"sumpt2rec",sqrt(ev->sumpt2rec),isSignal);
2620  Fill(h,"sumpt2",sqrt(ev->sumpt2),isSignal);
2621  Fill(h,"sumpt",sqrt(ev->sumpt),isSignal);
2623  double nRecVWithTrk=0; // vertices with tracks from this simvertex
2624  double nmatch=0, ntmatch=0, zmatch=-99;
2626  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2627  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2628  if ( (v->ndof()<-1) || (v->chi2()<=0) ) continue; // skip clusters
2629  // count tracks found in both, sim and rec
2630  double n=0, wt=0;
2631  for(vector<TransientTrack>::iterator te=ev->tk.begin(); te!=ev->tk.end(); te++){
2632  const reco::Track& RTe=te->track();
2633  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
2634  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
2635  if(RTe.vz()==RTv.vz()) {n++; wt+=v->trackWeight(*tv);}
2636  }
2637  }
2639  if(n>0){ nRecVWithTrk++; }
2640  if (n > nmatch){
2641  nmatch=n; ntmatch=v->tracksSize(); zmatch=v->position().z();
2642  }
2644  }// end of reco vertex loop
2647  // nmatch is the highest number of tracks from this sim vertex found in a single reco-vertex
2648  if(ev->tk.size()>0){ Fill(h,"trkAssignmentEfficiency", nmatch/ev->tk.size(), isSignal); };
2649  if(ev->tkprim.size()>0){ Fill(h,"primtrkAssignmentEfficiency", nmatch/ev->tkprim.size(), isSignal); };
2651  // matched efficiency = efficiency for finding a reco vertex with > 50% of the simvertexs reconstructed tracks
2653  double ntsim=ev->tk.size(); // may be better to use the number of primary tracks here ?
2654  double matchpurity=nmatch/ntmatch;
2656  if(ntsim>0){
2658  Fill(h,"matchVtxFraction",nmatch/ntsim,isSignal);
2659  if(nmatch/ntsim>=0.5){
2660  Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiency",1.,isSignal);
2661  if(ntsim>1){Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiency2",1.,isSignal);}
2662  if(matchpurity>0.5){Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiency5",1.,isSignal);}
2663  }else{
2664  Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiency",0.,isSignal);
2665  if(ntsim>1){Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiency2",0.,isSignal);}
2666  Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiency5",0.,isSignal); // no (matchpurity>5) here !!
2667  if(isSignal){
2668  cout << "Signal vertex not matched " << message << " event=" << eventcounter_ << " nmatch=" << nmatch << " ntsim=" << ntsim << endl;
2669  }
2670  }
2671  } // ntsim >0
2674  if(zmatch>-99){
2675  Fill(h,"matchVtxZ",zmatch-ev->z);
2676  Fill(h,"matchVtxZ",zmatch-ev->z,isSignal);
2677  Fill(h,"matchVtxZCum",fabs(zmatch-ev->z));
2678  Fill(h,"matchVtxZCum",fabs(zmatch-ev->z),isSignal);
2679  }else{
2680  Fill(h,"matchVtxZCum",1.0);
2681  Fill(h,"matchVtxZCum",1.0,isSignal);
2682  }
2683  if(fabs(zmatch-ev->z)<zmatch_){
2684  Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiencyZ",1.,isSignal);
2685  }else{
2686  Fill(h,"matchVtxEfficiencyZ",0.,isSignal);
2687  }
2689  if(ntsim>0) Fill(h, "matchVtxEfficiencyZ1", fabs(zmatch-ev->z)<zmatch_ , isSignal);
2690  if(ntsim>1) Fill(h, "matchVtxEfficiencyZ2", fabs(zmatch-ev->z)<zmatch_ , isSignal);
2693  Fill(h,"vtxMultiplicity",nRecVWithTrk,isSignal);
2695  // efficiency vs number of tracks, use your favorite definition of efficiency here
2696  //if(nmatch>=0.5*ntmatch){ // purity
2697  if(fabs(zmatch-ev->z)<zmatch_){ // zmatch
2698  Fill(h,"vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrk",(double) ev->tk.size(),1.);
2699  if(isSignal){
2700  Fill(h,"vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrkSignal",ev->tk.size(),1.);
2701  }else{
2702  Fill(h,"vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrkPU",(double) ev->tk.size(),1.);
2703  }
2704  }else{
2705  Fill(h,"vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrk",(double) ev->tk.size(),0.);
2706  if(isSignal){
2707  Fill(h,"vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrkSignal",(double) ev->tk.size(),1.);
2708  }else{
2709  Fill(h,"vtxFindingEfficiencyVsNtrkPU",(double) ev->tk.size(),1.);
2710  }
2711  }
2714  }
2716  Fill(h,"npu1",npu1);
2717  Fill(h,"npu2",npu2);
2719  Fill(h,"nrecvsnpu",npu1,float(nrecvtxs));
2720  Fill(h,"nrecvsnpu2",npu2,float(nrecvtxs));
2722  // --------------------------------------- sim-signal vs rec-tag ---------------------------------------
2723  SimEvent* ev=&(simEvt[0]);
2724  const reco::Vertex* v=&(*recVtxs->begin());
2726  double n=0;
2727  for(vector<TransientTrack>::iterator te=ev->tk.begin(); te!=ev->tk.end(); te++){
2728  const reco::Track& RTe=te->track();
2729  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++){
2730  const reco::Track & RTv=*(tv->get());
2731  if(RTe.vz()==RTv.vz()) {n++;}
2732  }
2733  }
2735  cout << "Number of tracks in reco tagvtx " << v->tracksSize() << endl;
2736  cout << "Number of selected tracks in sim event vtx " << ev->tk.size() << " (prim=" << ev->tkprim.size() << ")"<<endl;
2737  cout << "Number of tracks in both " << n << endl;
2738  double ntruthmatched=getTruthMatchedVertexTracks(*v).size();
2739  if (ntruthmatched>0){
2740  cout << "TrackPurity = "<< n/ntruthmatched <<endl;
2741  Fill(h,"TagVtxTrkPurity",n/ntruthmatched);
2742  }
2743  if (ev->tk.size()>0){
2744  cout << "TrackEfficiency = "<< n/ev->tk.size() <<endl;
2745  Fill(h,"TagVtxTrkEfficiency",n/ev->tk.size());
2746  }
2747 }
2749 /***************************************************************************************/
2756 /***************************************************************************************/
2758 void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::analyzeVertexCollection(std::map<std::string, TH1*> & h,
2759  const Handle<reco::VertexCollection> recVtxs,
2760  const Handle<reco::TrackCollection> recTrks,
2761  std::vector<simPrimaryVertex> & simpv,
2762  const std::string message)
2763 {
2764  //cout <<"PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::analyzeVertexCollection (HepMC), simpvs=" << simpv.size() << endl;
2765  int nrectrks=recTrks->size();
2766  int nrecvtxs=recVtxs->size();
2767  int nseltrks=-1;
2768  reco::TrackCollection selTrks; // selected tracks
2769  reco::TrackCollection lostTrks; // selected but lost tracks (part of dropped clusters)
2771  // extract dummy vertices representing clusters
2772  reco::VertexCollection clusters;
2773  reco::Vertex allSelected;
2774  double cpufit=0;
2775  double cpuclu=0;
2776  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
2777  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
2778  if ( (fabs(v->ndof()+3.)<0.0001) && (v->chi2()<=0) ){
2779  // this dummy vertex is for the full event
2780  allSelected=(*v);
2781  nseltrks=(allSelected.tracksSize());
2782  nrecvtxs--;
2783  cpuclu=-v->chi2();
2784  continue;
2785  }else if( (fabs(v->ndof()+2.)<0.0001) && (v->chi2()==0) ){
2786  // this is a cluster, not a vertex
2787  clusters.push_back(*v);
2788  Fill(h,"cpuvsntrk",(double) v->tracksSize(),fabs(v->y()));
2789  cpufit+=fabs(v->y());
2790  Fill(h,"nclutrkall",(double) v->tracksSize());
2791  Fill(h,"selstat",v->x());
2792  //Fill(h,"nclutrkvtx",);// see below
2793  nrecvtxs--;
2794  }
2795  }
2796  Fill(h,"cpuclu",cpuclu);
2797  Fill(h,"cpufit",cpufit);
2798  Fill(h,"cpucluvsntrk",nrectrks, cpuclu);
2802  if(simpv.size()>0){//this is mc
2803  double dsimrecx=0.;
2804  double dsimrecy=0.;//0.0011;
2805  double dsimrecz=0.;//0.0012;
2807  // vertex matching and efficiency bookkeeping
2808  int nsimtrk=0;
2809  for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator vsim=simpv.begin();
2810  vsim!=simpv.end(); vsim++){
2813  nsimtrk+=vsim->nGenTrk;
2814  // look for a matching reconstructed vertex
2815  vsim->recVtx=NULL;
2816  vsim->cluster=-1;
2818  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator vrec=recVtxs->begin(); vrec!=recVtxs->end(); ++vrec){
2820  if( vrec->isFake() ) {
2821  continue; // skip fake vertices (=beamspot)
2822  cout << "fake vertex" << endl;
2823  }
2825  if( vrec->ndof()<0. )continue; // skip dummy clusters, if any
2826  // if ( matchVertex(*vsim,*vrec) ){
2828  // if the matching critera are fulfilled, accept the rec-vertex that is closest in z
2829  if( ((vsim->recVtx) && (fabs(vsim->recVtx->position().z()-vsim->z-dsimrecz)>fabs(vrec->z()-vsim->z-dsimrecz)))
2830  || (!vsim->recVtx) )
2831  {
2832  vsim->recVtx=&(*vrec);
2834  // find the corresponding cluster
2835  for(unsigned int iclu=0; iclu<clusters.size(); iclu++){
2836  if( fabs(clusters[iclu].position().z()-vrec->position().z()) < 0.001 ){
2837  vsim->cluster=iclu;
2838  vsim->nclutrk=clusters[iclu].position().y();
2839  }
2840  }
2841  }
2843  // the following only works in MC samples without pile-up
2844  if ((simpv.size()==1) && ( fabs(vsim->recVtx->position().z()-vsim->z-dsimrecz)>zmatch_ )){
2845  // now we have a recvertex without a matching simvertex, I would call this fake
2846  // however, the G4 info does not contain pile-up
2847  Fill(h,"fakeVtxZ",vrec->z());
2848  if (vrec->ndof()>=0.5) Fill(h,"fakeVtxZNdofgt05",vrec->z());
2849  if (vrec->ndof()>=2.0) Fill(h,"fakeVtxZNdofgt2",vrec->z());
2850  Fill(h,"fakeVtxNdof",vrec->ndof());
2851  //Fill(h,"fakeVtxNdof1",vrec->ndof());
2852  Fill(h,"fakeVtxNtrk",vrec->tracksSize());
2853  if(vrec->tracksSize()==2){ Fill(h,"fake2trkchi2vsndof",vrec->ndof(),vrec->chi2()); }
2854  if(vrec->tracksSize()==3){ Fill(h,"fake3trkchi2vsndof",vrec->ndof(),vrec->chi2()); }
2855  if(vrec->tracksSize()==4){ Fill(h,"fake4trkchi2vsndof",vrec->ndof(),vrec->chi2()); }
2856  if(vrec->tracksSize()==5){ Fill(h,"fake5trkchi2vsndof",vrec->ndof(),vrec->chi2()); }
2857  }
2858  }
2861  Fill(h,"nsimtrk",float(nsimtrk));
2862  Fill(h,"nsimtrk",float(nsimtrk),vsim==simpv.begin());
2863  Fill(h,"nrecsimtrk",float(vsim->nMatchedTracks));
2864  Fill(h,"nrecnosimtrk",float(nsimtrk-vsim->nMatchedTracks));
2866  // histogram properties of matched vertices
2867  if (vsim->recVtx && ( fabs(vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_)<zmatch_ )){
2869  if(verbose_){std::cout <<"primary matched " << message << " " << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << vsim->x << " " << vsim->y << " " << vsim->z << std:: endl;}
2870  Fill(h,"matchedVtxNdof", vsim->recVtx->ndof());
2871  // residuals an pulls with respect to simulated vertex
2872  Fill(h,"resx", vsim->recVtx->x()-vsim->x*simUnit_ );
2873  Fill(h,"resy", vsim->recVtx->y()-vsim->y*simUnit_ );
2874  Fill(h,"resz", vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_ );
2875  Fill(h,"resz10", vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_ );
2876  Fill(h,"pullx", (vsim->recVtx->x()-vsim->x*simUnit_)/vsim->recVtx->xError() );
2877  Fill(h,"pully", (vsim->recVtx->y()-vsim->y*simUnit_)/vsim->recVtx->yError() );
2878  Fill(h,"pullz", (vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_)/vsim->recVtx->zError() );
2879  Fill(h,"resxr", vsim->recVtx->x()-vsim->x*simUnit_-dsimrecx);
2880  Fill(h,"resyr", vsim->recVtx->y()-vsim->y*simUnit_-dsimrecy );
2881  Fill(h,"reszr", vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_-dsimrecz);
2882  Fill(h,"pullxr", (vsim->recVtx->x()-vsim->x*simUnit_-dsimrecx)/vsim->recVtx->xError() );
2883  Fill(h,"pullyr", (vsim->recVtx->y()-vsim->y*simUnit_-dsimrecy)/vsim->recVtx->yError() );
2884  Fill(h,"pullzr", (vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_-dsimrecz)/vsim->recVtx->zError() );
2888  // efficiency with zmatch within 500 um (or whatever zmatch is)
2889  Fill(h,"eff", 1.);
2890  if(simpv.size()==1){
2891  if (vsim->recVtx==&(*recVtxs->begin())){
2892  Fill(h,"efftag", 1.);
2893  }else{
2894  Fill(h,"efftag", 0.);
2895  cout << "signal vertex not tagged " << message << " " << eventcounter_ << endl;
2896  // call XXClusterizerInZ.vertices(seltrks,3)
2898  }
2899  }
2901  Fill(h,"effvsptsq",vsim->ptsq,1.);
2902  Fill(h,"effvsnsimtrk",vsim->nGenTrk,1.);
2903  Fill(h,"effvsnrectrk",nrectrks,1.);
2904  Fill(h,"effvsnseltrk",nseltrks,1.);
2905  Fill(h,"effvsz",vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2906  Fill(h,"effvsz2",vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2907  Fill(h,"effvsr",sqrt(vsim->x*vsim->x+vsim->y*vsim->y)*simUnit_,1.);
2910  }else{ // no matching rec vertex found for this simvertex
2912  bool plapper=verbose_ && vsim->nGenTrk;
2913  if(plapper){
2914  // be quiet about invisble vertices
2915  std::cout << "primary not found " << message << " " << eventcounter_ << " x=" <<vsim->x*simUnit_ << " y=" << vsim->y*simUnit_ << " z=" << vsim->z*simUnit_ << " nGenTrk=" << vsim->nGenTrk << std::endl;
2916  }
2917  int mistype=0;
2918  if (vsim->recVtx){
2919  if(plapper){
2920  std::cout << "nearest recvertex at " << vsim->recVtx->z() << " dz=" << vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_ << std::endl;
2921  }
2923  if (fabs(vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_)<0.2 ){
2924  Fill(h,"effvsz2",vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2925  }
2927  if (fabs(vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_)<0.5 ){
2928  if(verbose_){std::cout << "type 1, lousy z vertex" << std::endl;}
2929  Fill(h,"zlost1", vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2930  mistype=1;
2931  }else{
2932  if(plapper){std::cout << "type 2a no vertex anywhere near" << std::endl;}
2933  mistype=2;
2934  }
2935  }else{// no recVtx at all
2936  mistype=2;
2937  if(plapper){std::cout << "type 2b, no vertex at all" << std::endl;}
2938  }
2940  if(mistype==2){
2941  int selstat=-3;
2942  // no matching vertex found, is there a cluster?
2943  for(unsigned int iclu=0; iclu<clusters.size(); iclu++){
2944  if( fabs(clusters[iclu].position().z()-vsim->z*simUnit_) < 0.1 ){
2945  selstat=int(clusters[iclu].position().x()+0.1);
2946  if(verbose_){std::cout << "matching cluster found with selstat=" << clusters[iclu].position().x() << std::endl;}
2947  }
2948  }
2949  if (selstat==0){
2950  if(plapper){std::cout << "vertex rejected (distance to beam)" << std::endl;}
2951  Fill(h,"zlost3", vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2952  }else if(selstat==-1){
2953  if(plapper) {std::cout << "vertex invalid" << std::endl;}
2954  Fill(h,"zlost4", vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2955  }else if(selstat==1){
2956  if(plapper){std::cout << "vertex accepted, this cannot be right!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;}
2957  }else if(selstat==-2){
2958  if(plapper){std::cout << "dont know what this means !!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;}
2959  }else if(selstat==-3){
2960  if(plapper){std::cout << "no matching cluster found " << std::endl;}
2961  Fill(h,"zlost2", vsim->z*simUnit_,1.);
2962  }else{
2963  if(plapper){std::cout << "dont know what this means either !!!!!!!!!!" << selstat << std::endl;}
2964  }
2965  }//
2968  Fill(h,"eff", 0.);
2969  if(simpv.size()==1){ Fill(h,"efftag", 0.); }
2971  Fill(h,"effvsptsq",vsim->ptsq,0.);
2972  Fill(h,"effvsnsimtrk",float(vsim->nGenTrk),0.);
2973  Fill(h,"effvsnrectrk",nrectrks,0.);
2974  Fill(h,"effvsnseltrk",nseltrks,0.);
2975  Fill(h,"effvsz",vsim->z*simUnit_,0.);
2976  Fill(h,"effvsr",sqrt(vsim->x*vsim->x+vsim->y*vsim->y)*simUnit_,0.);
2978  } // no recvertex for this simvertex
2980  }
2982  // end of sim/rec matching
2985  // purity of event vertex tags
2986  if (recVtxs->size()>0){
2987  Double_t dz=(*recVtxs->begin()).z() - (*simpv.begin()).z*simUnit_;
2988  Fill(h,"zdistancetag",dz);
2989  Fill(h,"abszdistancetag",fabs(dz));
2990  if( fabs(dz)<zmatch_){
2991  Fill(h,"puritytag",1.);
2992  }else{
2993  // bad tag: the true primary was more than 500 um (or zmatch) away from the tagged primary
2994  Fill(h,"puritytag",0.);
2995  }
2996  }
2998  }else{
2999  //if(verbose_) cout << "PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::analyzeVertexCollection: simPV is empty!" << endl;
3000  }
3003  //******* the following code does not require MC and will/should work for data **********
3006  Fill(h,"bunchCrossing",bunchCrossing_);
3007  if(recTrks->size()>0) Fill(h,"bunchCrossingLogNtk",bunchCrossing_,log(recTrks->size())/log(10.));
3009  // ----------------- reconstructed tracks ------------------------
3010  // the list of selected tracks can only be correct if the selection parameterset and track collection
3011  // is the same that was used for the reconstruction
3013  int nt=0;
3014  for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator t=recTrks->begin();
3015  t!=recTrks->end(); ++t){
3016  if((recVtxs->size()>0) && (recVtxs->begin()->isValid())){
3017  fillTrackHistos(h,"all",*t,&(*recVtxs->begin()));
3018  }else{
3019  fillTrackHistos(h,"all",*t);
3020  }
3021  if(recTrks->size()>100) fillTrackHistos(h,"M",*t);
3025  TransientTrack tt = theB_->build(&(*t)); tt.setBeamSpot(vertexBeamSpot_);
3026  if (theTrackFilter(tt)){
3027  selTrks.push_back(*t);
3028  fillTrackHistos(h,"sel",*t);
3029  int foundinvtx=0;
3030  int nvtemp=-1;
3031  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
3032  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
3033  nvtemp++;
3034  if(( v->isFake()) || (v->ndof()<-2) ) break;
3035  for(trackit_t tv=v->tracks_begin(); tv!=v->tracks_end(); tv++ ){
3036  if( ((**tv).vz()==t->vz()&&((**tv).phi()==t->phi())) ) {
3037  foundinvtx++;
3038  }
3039  }
3041  }
3042  if(foundinvtx==0){
3043  fillTrackHistos(h,"sellost",*t);
3044  }else if(foundinvtx>1){
3045  cout << "hmmmm " << foundinvtx << endl;
3046  }
3047  }
3048  nt++;
3049  }
3052  if (nseltrks<0){
3053  nseltrks=selTrks.size();
3054  }else if( ! (nseltrks==(int)selTrks.size()) ){
3055  std::cout << "Warning: inconsistent track selection !" << std::endl;
3056  }
3060  // fill track histograms of vertex tracks
3061  int nrec=0, nrec0=0, nrec8=0, nrec2=0, nrec4=0;
3062  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
3063  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
3065  if (! (v->isFake()) && v->ndof()>0 && v->chi2()>0 ){
3066  nrec++;
3067  if (v->ndof()>0) nrec0++;
3068  if (v->ndof()>8) nrec8++;
3069  if (v->ndof()>2) nrec2++;
3070  if (v->ndof()>4) nrec4++;
3071  for(trackit_t t=v->tracks_begin(); t!=v->tracks_end(); t++){
3072  if(v==recVtxs->begin()){
3073  fillTrackHistos(h,"tagged",**t, &(*v));
3074  }else{
3075  fillTrackHistos(h,"untagged",**t, &(*v));
3076  }
3078  Float_t wt=v->trackWeight(*t);
3079  //dumpHitInfo(**t); cout << " w=" << wt << endl;
3080  Fill(h,"trackWt",wt);
3081  if(wt>0.5){
3082  fillTrackHistos(h,"wgt05",**t, &(*v));
3083  if(v->ndof()>4) fillTrackHistos(h,"ndof4",**t, &(*v));
3084  }else{
3085  fillTrackHistos(h,"wlt05",**t, &(*v));
3086  }
3087  }
3088  }
3089  }
3092  // bachelor tracks (only available through clusters right now)
3093  for(unsigned int iclu=0; iclu<clusters.size(); iclu++){
3094  if (clusters[iclu].tracksSize()==1){
3095  for(trackit_t t = clusters[iclu].tracks_begin();
3096  t!=clusters[iclu].tracks_end(); t++){
3097  fillTrackHistos(h,"bachelor",**t);
3098  }
3099  }
3100  }
3103  // ----------------- reconstructed vertices ------------------------
3105  // event
3106  Fill(h,"szRecVtx",recVtxs->size());
3107  Fill(h,"nclu",clusters.size());
3108  Fill(h,"nseltrk",nseltrks);
3109  Fill(h,"nrectrk",nrectrks);
3110  Fill(h,"nrecvtx",nrec);
3111  Fill(h,"nrecvtx2",nrec2);
3112  Fill(h,"nrecvtx4",nrec4);
3113  Fill(h,"nrecvtx8",nrec8);
3115  if(nrec>0){
3116  Fill(h,"eff0vsntrec",nrectrks,1.);
3117  Fill(h,"eff0vsntsel",nseltrks,1.);
3118  }else{
3119  Fill(h,"eff0vsntrec",nrectrks,0.);
3120  Fill(h,"eff0vsntsel",nseltrks,0.);
3121  if((nseltrks>1)&&(verbose_)){
3122  cout << Form("PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU: %s may have lost a vertex %10d %10d %4d / %4d ",message.c_str(),run_, event_, nrectrks,nseltrks) << endl;
3123  dumpThisEvent_=true;
3124  }
3125  }
3126  if(nrec0>0) { Fill(h,"eff0ndof0vsntsel",nseltrks,1.);}else{ Fill(h,"eff0ndof0vsntsel",nseltrks,0.);}
3127  if(nrec2>0) { Fill(h,"eff0ndof2vsntsel",nseltrks,1.);}else{ Fill(h,"eff0ndof2vsntsel",nseltrks,0.);}
3128  if(nrec4>0) { Fill(h,"eff0ndof4vsntsel",nseltrks,1.);}else{ Fill(h,"eff0ndof4vsntsel",nseltrks,0.);}
3129  if(nrec8>0) { Fill(h,"eff0ndof8vsntsel",nseltrks,1.);}else{ Fill(h,"eff0ndof8vsntsel",nseltrks,0.);}
3131  if((nrec>1)&&(DEBUG_)) {
3132  cout << "multivertex event" << endl;
3133  dumpThisEvent_=true;
3134  }
3136  if((nrectrks>10)&&(nseltrks<3)){
3137  cout << "small fraction of selected tracks " << endl;
3138  dumpThisEvent_=true;
3139  }
3141  // properties of events without a vertex
3142  if((nrec==0)||(recVtxs->begin()->isFake())){
3143  Fill(h,"nrectrk0vtx",nrectrks);
3144  Fill(h,"nseltrk0vtx",nseltrks);
3145  Fill(h,"nclu0vtx",clusters.size());
3146  }
3149  // properties of (valid) vertices
3150  double ndof2=-10,ndof1=-10, zndof1=0, zndof2=0;
3151  for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin();
3152  v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){
3153  if(v->isFake()){ Fill(h,"isFake",1.);}else{ Fill(h,"isFake",0.);}
3154  if(v->isFake()||((v->ndof()<0)&&(v->ndof()>-3))){ Fill(h,"isFake1",1.);}else{ Fill(h,"isFake1",0.);}
3156  if((v->isFake())||(v->ndof()<0)) continue;
3157  if(v->ndof()>ndof1){ ndof2=ndof1; zndof2=zndof1; ndof1=v->ndof(); zndof1=v->position().z();}
3158  else if(v->ndof()>ndof2){ ndof2=v->ndof(); zndof2=v->position().z();}
3161  // some special histogram for two track vertices
3162  if(v->tracksSize()==2){
3163  const TrackBaseRef& t1= *(v->tracks_begin());
3164  const TrackBaseRef& t2=*(v->tracks_begin()+1);
3165  bool os=(t1->charge()*t2->charge()<0);
3166  double dphi=t1->phi()-t2->phi(); if (dphi<0) dphi+=2*M_PI;
3167  double m12=sqrt(pow( sqrt(pow(0.139,2)+pow( t1->p(),2)) +sqrt(pow(0.139,2)+pow( t2->p(),2)) ,2)
3168  -pow(t1->px()+t2->px(),2)
3169  -pow(t1->py()+t2->py(),2)
3170  -pow(t1->pz()+t2->pz(),2)
3171  );
3172  if(os){
3173  Fill(h,"2trkdetaOS",t1->eta()-t2->eta());
3174  Fill(h,"2trkmassOS",m12);
3175  }else{
3176  Fill(h,"2trkdetaSS",t1->eta()-t2->eta());
3177  Fill(h,"2trkmassSS",m12);
3178  }
3179  Fill(h,"2trkdphi",dphi);
3180  Fill(h,"2trkseta",t1->eta()+t2->eta());
3181  if(fabs(dphi-M_PI)<0.1) Fill(h,"2trksetacurl",t1->eta()+t2->eta());
3182  if(fabs(t1->eta()+t2->eta())<0.1) Fill(h,"2trkdphicurl",dphi);
3183  // fill separately for extra vertices
3184  if(v!=recVtxs->begin()){
3185  if(os){
3186  Fill(h,"2trkdetaOSPU",t1->eta()-t2->eta());
3187  Fill(h,"2trkmassOSPU",m12);
3188  }else{
3189  Fill(h,"2trkdetaSSPU",t1->eta()-t2->eta());
3190  Fill(h,"2trkmassSSPU",m12);
3191  }
3192  Fill(h,"2trkdphiPU",dphi);
3193  Fill(h,"2trksetaPU",t1->eta()+t2->eta());
3194  if(fabs(dphi-M_PI)<0.1) Fill(h,"2trksetacurlPU",t1->eta()+t2->eta());
3195  if(fabs(t1->eta()+t2->eta())<0.1) Fill(h,"2trkdphicurlPU",dphi);
3196  }
3197  }
3200  Fill(h,"trkchi2vsndof",v->ndof(),v->chi2());
3201  if(v->ndof()>0){ Fill(h,"trkchi2overndof",v->chi2()/v->ndof()); }
3202  if(v->tracksSize()==2){ Fill(h,"2trkchi2vsndof",v->ndof(),v->chi2()); }
3203  if(v->tracksSize()==3){ Fill(h,"3trkchi2vsndof",v->ndof(),v->chi2()); }
3204  if(v->tracksSize()==4){ Fill(h,"4trkchi2vsndof",v->ndof(),v->chi2()); }
3205  if(v->tracksSize()==5){ Fill(h,"5trkchi2vsndof",v->ndof(),v->chi2()); }
3207  Fill(h,"nbtksinvtx",v->tracksSize());
3208  Fill(h,"nbtksinvtx2",v->tracksSize());
3209  Fill(h,"vtxchi2",v->chi2());
3210  Fill(h,"vtxndf",v->ndof());
3211  Fill(h,"vtxprob",ChiSquaredProbability(v->chi2() ,v->ndof()));
3212  Fill(h,"vtxndfvsntk",v->tracksSize(), v->ndof());
3213  Fill(h,"vtxndfoverntk",v->ndof()/v->tracksSize());
3214  Fill(h,"vtxndf2overntk",(v->ndof()+2)/v->tracksSize());
3215  Fill(h,"zrecvsnt",v->position().z(),float(nrectrks));
3216  if(nrectrks>100){
3217  Fill(h,"zrecNt100",v->position().z());
3218  }
3220  if(v->ndof()>2.0){ // enter only vertices that really contain tracks
3221  Fill(h,"xrec",v->position().x());
3222  Fill(h,"yrec",v->position().y());
3223  Fill(h,"zrec",v->position().z());
3224  Fill(h,"xrec1",v->position().x());
3225  Fill(h,"yrec1",v->position().y());
3226  Fill(h,"zrec1",v->position().z());
3227  Fill(h,"xrec2",v->position().x());
3228  Fill(h,"yrec2",v->position().y());
3229  Fill(h,"zrec2",v->position().z());
3230  Fill(h,"xrec3",v->position().x());
3231  Fill(h,"yrec3",v->position().y());
3232  Fill(h,"zrec3",v->position().z());
3233  Fill(h,"xrecb",v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3234  Fill(h,"yrecb",v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3235  Fill(h,"zrecb",v->position().z()-vertexBeamSpot_.z0());
3236  Fill(h,"xrecBeam",v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3237  Fill(h,"yrecBeam",v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3238  Fill(h,"zrecBeam",v->position().z()-vertexBeamSpot_.z0());
3239  Fill(h,"xrecBeamPull",(v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0())/sqrt(pow(v->xError(),2)+pow(vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthX(),2)));
3240  Fill(h,"yrecBeamPull",(v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0())/sqrt(pow(v->yError(),2)+pow(vertexBeamSpot_.BeamWidthY(),2)));
3242  Fill(h,"xrecBeamvsdx",v->xError(),v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3243  Fill(h,"yrecBeamvsdy",v->yError(),v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3244  Fill(h,"xrecBeamvsdxR2",v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0(),v->xError());
3245  Fill(h,"yrecBeamvsdyR2",v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0(),v->yError());
3246  Fill(h,"xrecBeam2vsdx2prof",pow(v->xError(),2),pow(v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0(),2));
3247  Fill(h,"yrecBeam2vsdy2prof",pow(v->yError(),2),pow(v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0(),2));
3248  Fill(h,"xrecBeamvsdx2",pow(v->xError(),2),pow(v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0(),2));
3249  Fill(h,"yrecBeamvsdy2",pow(v->yError(),2),pow(v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0(),2));
3250  Fill(h,"xrecBeamvsz",v->position().z(),v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3251  Fill(h,"yrecBeamvsz",v->position().z(),v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3252  Fill(h,"xrecBeamvszprof",v->position().z(),v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3253  Fill(h,"yrecBeamvszprof",v->position().z(),v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3254  Fill(h,"xrecBeamvsdxprof",v->xError(),v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3255  Fill(h,"yrecBeamvsdyprof",v->yError(),v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3258  Fill(h,"errx",v->xError());
3259  Fill(h,"erry",v->yError());
3260  Fill(h,"errz",v->zError());
3261  double vxx=v->covariance(0,0);
3262  double vyy=v->covariance(1,1);
3263  double vxy=v->covariance(1,0);
3264  double dv=0.25*(vxx+vyy)*(vxx+vyy-(vxx*vyy-vxy*vxy));
3265  if(dv>0){
3266  double l1=0.5*(vxx+vyy)+sqrt(dv);
3267  Fill(h,"err1",sqrt(l1));
3268  double l2=sqrt(0.5*(vxx+vyy)-sqrt(dv));
3269  if(l2>0) Fill(h,"err2",sqrt(l2));
3270  }
3273  // look at the tagged vertex separately
3274  if (v==recVtxs->begin()){
3275  Fill(h,"nbtksinvtxTag",v->tracksSize());
3276  Fill(h,"nbtksinvtxTag2",v->tracksSize());
3277  Fill(h,"xrectag",v->position().x());
3278  Fill(h,"yrectag",v->position().y());
3279  Fill(h,"zrectag",v->position().z());
3280  }else{
3281  Fill(h,"nbtksinvtxPU",v->tracksSize());
3282  Fill(h,"nbtksinvtxPU2",v->tracksSize());
3283  }
3285  // vertex resolution vs number of tracks
3286  Fill(h,"xresvsntrk",v->tracksSize(),v->xError());
3287  Fill(h,"yresvsntrk",v->tracksSize(),v->yError());
3288  Fill(h,"zresvsntrk",v->tracksSize(),v->zError());
3290  }
3292  // cluster properties (if available)
3293  for(unsigned int iclu=0; iclu<clusters.size(); iclu++){
3294  if( fabs(clusters[iclu].position().z()-v->position().z()) < 0.0001 ){
3295  Fill(h,"nclutrkvtx",clusters[iclu].tracksSize());
3296  }
3297  }
3301  // properties of (valid) neighbour vertices
3302  reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v1=v; v1++;
3303  for(; v1!=recVtxs->end(); ++v1){
3304  if((v1->isFake())||(v1->ndof()<0)) continue;
3305  Fill(h,"zdiffrec",v->position().z()-v1->position().z());
3306 // if(fabs(v->position().z()-v1->position().z())>1){
3307 // cout << message << " zdiffrec=" << v->position().z()-v1->position().z() << " " << v->ndof() << " " << v1->ndof() << endl;
3308 // dumpThisEvent_=true;
3309 // }
3311  double z0=v->position().z()-vertexBeamSpot_.z0();
3312  double z1=v1->position().z()-vertexBeamSpot_.z0();
3313  Fill(h,"zPUcand",z0); Fill(h,"zPUcand",z1);
3314  Fill(h,"ndofPUcand",v->ndof()); Fill(h,"ndofPUcand",v1->ndof());
3316  Fill(h,"zdiffvsz",z1-z0,0.5*(z1+z0));
3318  if ((v->ndof()>2) && (v1->ndof()>2)){
3319  Fill(h,"zdiffrec2",v->position().z()-v1->position().z());
3320  Fill(h,"zPUcand2",z0);
3321  Fill(h,"zPUcand2",z1);
3322  Fill(h,"ndofPUcand2",v->ndof());
3323  Fill(h,"ndofPUcand2",v1->ndof());
3324  Fill(h,"zvszrec2",z0, z1);
3325  Fill(h,"pzvspz2",TMath::Freq(z0/2.16),TMath::Freq(z1/2.16) );
3326  }
3328  if ((v->ndof()>4) && (v1->ndof()>4)){
3329  Fill(h,"zdiffvsz4",z1-z0,0.5*(z1+z0));
3330  Fill(h,"zdiffrec4",v->position().z()-v1->position().z());
3331  Fill(h,"zvszrec4",z0, z1);
3332  Fill(h,"pzvspz4",TMath::Freq(z0/2.16),TMath::Freq(z1/2.16) );
3333  //cout << "ndof4 pu-candidate " << run_ << " " << event_ << endl ;
3334  if(fabs(z0-z1)>1.0){
3335  Fill(h,"xbeamPUcand",v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3336  Fill(h,"ybeamPUcand",v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3337  Fill(h,"xbeamPullPUcand",(v->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0())/v->xError());
3338  Fill(h,"ybeamPullPUcand",(v->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0())/v->yError());
3339  //Fill(h,"sumwOverNtkPUcand",sumw/v->tracksSize());
3340  //Fill(h,"sumwOverNtkPUcand",sumw/v1->tracksSize());
3341  Fill(h,"ndofOverNtkPUcand",v->ndof()/v->tracksSize());
3342  Fill(h,"ndofOverNtkPUcand",v1->ndof()/v1->tracksSize());
3343  Fill(h,"xbeamPUcand",v1->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0());
3344  Fill(h,"ybeamPUcand",v1->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0());
3345  Fill(h,"xbeamPullPUcand",(v1->position().x()-vertexBeamSpot_.x0())/v1->xError());
3346  Fill(h,"ybeamPullPUcand",(v1->position().y()-vertexBeamSpot_.y0())/v1->yError());
3347  Fill(h,"zPUcand4",z0);
3348  Fill(h,"zPUcand4",z1);
3349  Fill(h,"ndofPUcand4",v->ndof());
3350  Fill(h,"ndofPUcand4",v1->ndof());
3351  for(trackit_t t=v->tracks_begin(); t!=v->tracks_end(); t++){ if(v->trackWeight(*t)>0.5) fillTrackHistos(h,"PUcand",**t, &(*v)); }
3352  for(trackit_t t=v1->tracks_begin(); t!=v1->tracks_end(); t++){ if(v1->trackWeight(*t)>0.5) fillTrackHistos(h,"PUcand",**t, &(*v1)); }
3353  }
3354  }
3356  if ((v->ndof()>4) && (v1->ndof()>2) && (v1->ndof()<4)){
3357  for(trackit_t t=v1->tracks_begin(); t!=v1->tracks_end(); t++){ if(v1->trackWeight(*t)>0.5) fillTrackHistos(h,"PUfake",**t, &(*v1)); }
3358  }
3360  if ((v->ndof()>8) && (v1->ndof()>8)){
3361  Fill(h,"zdiffrec8",v->position().z()-v1->position().z());
3362  if(dumpPUcandidates_ && fabs(z0-z1)>1.0){
3363  cout << "PU candidate " << run_ << " " << event_ << " " << message << " zdiff=" <<z0-z1 << endl;
3364 // cerr << "PU candidate " << run_ << " "<< event_ << " " << message << endl;
3365  dumpThisEvent_=true;
3366  }
3367  }
3369  }
3371  // test track links, use reconstructed vertices
3372  bool problem = false;
3373  Fill(h,"nans",1.,std::isnan(v->position().x())*1.);
3374  Fill(h,"nans",2.,std::isnan(v->position().y())*1.);
3375  Fill(h,"nans",3.,std::isnan(v->position().z())*1.);
3377  int index = 3;
3378  for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) {
3379  for (int j = i; j != 3; j++) {
3380  index++;
3381  Fill(h,"nans",index*1., std::isnan(v->covariance(i, j))*1.);
3382  if (std::isnan(v->covariance(i, j))) problem = true;
3383  // in addition, diagonal element must be positive
3384  if (j == i && v->covariance(i, j) < 0) {
3385  Fill(h,"nans",index*1., 1.);
3386  problem = true;
3387  }
3388  }
3389  }
3391  try {
3392  for(trackit_t t = v->tracks_begin();
3393  t!=v->tracks_end(); t++) {
3394  // illegal charge
3395  if ( (**t).charge() < -1 || (**t).charge() > 1 ) {
3396  Fill(h,"tklinks",0.);
3397  }
3398  else {
3399  Fill(h,"tklinks",1.);
3400  }
3401  }
3402  } catch (...) {
3403  // exception thrown when trying to use linked track
3404  Fill(h,"tklinks",0.);
3405  }
3407  if (problem) {
3408  // analyze track parameter covariance definiteness
3409  double data[25];
3410  try {
3411  int itk = 0;
3412  for(trackit_t t = v->tracks_begin();
3413  t!=v->tracks_end(); t++) {
3414  std::cout << "Track " << itk++ << std::endl;
3415  int i2 = 0;
3416  for (int i = 0; i != 5; i++) {
3417  for (int j = 0; j != 5; j++) {
3418  data[i2] = (**t).covariance(i, j);
3419  std::cout << std:: scientific << data[i2] << " ";
3420  i2++;
3421  }
3422  std::cout << std::endl;
3423  }
3424  gsl_matrix_view m
3425  = gsl_matrix_view_array (data, 5, 5);
3427  gsl_vector *eval = gsl_vector_alloc (5);
3428  gsl_matrix *evec = gsl_matrix_alloc (5, 5);
3430  gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace * w =
3431  gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc (5);
3433  gsl_eigen_symmv (&m.matrix, eval, evec, w);
3435  gsl_eigen_symmv_free (w);
3437  gsl_eigen_symmv_sort (eval, evec,
3440  // print sorted eigenvalues
3441  {
3442  int i;
3443  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
3444  double eval_i
3445  = gsl_vector_get (eval, i);
3446  //gsl_vector_view evec_i
3447  // = gsl_matrix_column (evec, i);
3449  printf ("eigenvalue = %g\n", eval_i);
3450  // printf ("eigenvector = \n");
3451  // gsl_vector_fprintf (stdout,
3452  // &evec_i.vector, "%g");
3453  }
3454  }
3455  }
3456  }
3457  catch (...) {
3458  // exception thrown when trying to use linked track
3459  break;
3460  }// catch()
3461  }// if (problem)
3465  } // vertex loop (v)
3468  // 2nd highest ndof
3469  if (ndof2>0){
3470  Fill(h,"ndofnr2",ndof2);
3471  if(fabs(zndof1-zndof2)>1) Fill(h,"ndofnr2d1cm",ndof2);
3472  if(fabs(zndof1-zndof2)>2) Fill(h,"ndofnr2d2cm",ndof2);
3473  }
3476 }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:42
double qoverp() const
Definition: TrackBase.h:115
double p() const
momentum vector magnitude
Definition: TrackBase.h:129
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
TrackFilterForPVFinding theTrackFilter
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:44
double z0() const
z coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:69
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
double d0Error() const
error on d0
Definition: TrackBase.h:211
bool matchVertex(const simPrimaryVertex &vsim, const reco::Vertex &vrec)
std::vector< SimPart > getSimTrkParameters(edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &simTrks, edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > &simVtcs, double simUnit=1.0)
int event() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (should be protected?)
TPRegexp parents
unsigned short lost() const
Number of lost (=invalid) hits on track.
Definition: Track.h:102
std::vector< PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::SimEvent > getSimEvents(edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection >, edm::Handle< TrackingVertexCollection >, edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > >)
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< double > > XYZTLorentzVectorD
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:15
void fillTrackHistos(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, const std::string &ttype, const reco::Track &t, const reco::Vertex *v=NULL)
std::vector< TrackingParticle > TrackingParticleCollection
trackRef_iterator tracks_end() const
last iterator over tracks
void setBeamSpot(const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot)
double normalizedChi2() const
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. (or chi-squared * 1e6 if n.d.o.f. is zero)
Definition: TrackBase.h:111
reco::TrackBase::ParameterVector ParameterVector
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > hsimPV
std::vector< SimVertex >::const_iterator g4v_iterator
edm::Handle< reco::BeamSpot > recoBeamSpotHandle_
std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > tk
double theta() const
polar angle
Definition: TrackBase.h:117
double dxyError() const
error on dxy
Definition: TrackBase.h:209
Divides< arg, void > D0
Definition: Factorize.h:143
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
std::vector< Track > TrackCollection
collection of Tracks
Definition: TrackFwd.h:10
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
int pixelLayersWithMeasurement() const
Definition: HitPattern.h:710
int bunchCrossing() const
Definition: EventBase.h:62
double error() const
Definition: Measurement1D.h:30
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
edm::LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventBase.h:59
static bool match(const ParameterVector &a, const ParameterVector &b)
edm::ESHandle< TransientTrackBuilder > theB_
double phi() const
azimuthal angle of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:139
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
std::vector< Vertex > VertexCollection
collection of Vertex objects
Definition: VertexFwd.h:9
bool getByType(Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:398
math::Vector< dimension >::type ParameterVector
parameter vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:70
double px() const
x coordinate of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:133
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
void printRecVtxs(const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > recVtxs, std::string title="Reconstructed Vertices")
const Point & position() const
Definition: Vertex.h:93
TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine stateAtBeamLine() const
double double double z
static int position[TOTALCHAMBERS][3]
void getData(T &iHolder) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:67
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > hnoBS
const math::XYZPoint & innerPosition() const
position of the innermost hit
Definition: Track.h:42
TrackAlgorithm algo() const
Definition: TrackBase.h:332
void Fill(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, std::string s, double x)
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > hDA
void analyzeVertexCollectionTP(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > recVtxs, const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > recTrks, std::vector< SimEvent > &simEvt, const std::string message="")
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:250
bool isFinalstateParticle(const HepMC::GenParticle *p)
bool isCharged(const HepMC::GenParticle *p)
int iEvent
const HitPattern & trackerExpectedHitsOuter() const
Access the hit pattern counting (in the Tracker) the number of expected crossed layers after the last...
Definition: TrackBase.h:227
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:141
bool truthMatchedTrack(edm::RefToBase< reco::Track >, TrackingParticleRef &)
bool isnan(float x)
Definition: math.h:13
float trackWeight(const TrackBaseRef &r) const
returns the weight with which a Track has contributed to the vertex-fit.
int trackerLayersWithMeasurement() const
Definition: HitPattern.h:705
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
int bunchCrossing() const
get the detector field from this detid
GlobalPoint position() const
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > bookVertexHistograms()
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
Definition: TrackBase.h:131
void printPVTrks(const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > &recTrks, const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > &recVtxs, std::vector< SimPart > &tsim, std::vector< SimEvent > &simEvt, const bool selectedOnly=true)
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
int qualityMask() const
Definition: TrackBase.h:286
virtual CachingVertex< 5 > vertex(const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &) const
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
unsigned int size_type
Definition: View.h:85
int numberOfHits() const
int j
double z() const
y coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:99
double lambda() const
Lambda angle.
Definition: TrackBase.h:119
std::vector< simPrimaryVertex > getSimPVs(const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > evtMC)
double f[11][100]
float ChiSquaredProbability(double chiSquared, double nrDOF)
double BeamWidthX() const
beam width X
Definition: BeamSpot.h:87
const HitPattern & trackerExpectedHitsInner() const
Access the hit pattern counting (in the Tracker) the number of expected crossed layers before the fir...
Definition: TrackBase.h:225
void printSimVtxs(const edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > simVtxs)
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:23
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:38
int orbitNumber() const
Definition: EventBase.h:63
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsBegin() const
Iterator to first hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:63
const HitPattern & hitPattern() const
Access the hit pattern, indicating in which Tracker layers the track has hits.
Definition: TrackBase.h:223
void printEventSummary(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > recVtxs, const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > recTrks, std::vector< SimEvent > &simEvt, const std::string message)
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
HepPDT::ParticleData ParticleData
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:356
double ndof() const
Definition: Vertex.h:89
virtual reco::RecoToSimCollection associateRecoToSim(edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH, const edm::Event *event=0, const edm::EventSetup *setup=0) const
compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections
int nt
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:32
double pz() const
z coordinate of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:137
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > hBS
std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > tkprim
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
double dzError() const
error on dz
Definition: TrackBase.h:215
reco::Vertex::trackRef_iterator trackit_t
std::string getReleaseVersion()
double vz() const
z coordinate of the reference point on track
Definition: TrackBase.h:147
TrackAssociatorBase * associatorByHits_
Definition: DetId.h:20
GlobalPoint position() const
void matchRecTracksToVertex(simPrimaryVertex &pv, const std::vector< SimPart > &tsim, const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > &recTrks)
double significance() const
Definition: Measurement1D.h:32
#define M_PI
bool isResonance(const HepMC::GenParticle *p)
const Track & track() const
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
tuple tracks
void printRecTrks(const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > &recTrks)
void getTc(const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &)
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:13
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
std::vector< TrackingVertex > TrackingVertexCollection
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:55
reco::RecoToSimCollection r2s_
int pixelBarrelLayersWithMeasurement() const
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:62
double BeamWidthY() const
beam width Y
Definition: BeamSpot.h:89
size_type size() const
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double value() const
Definition: Measurement1D.h:28
int * supf(std::vector< SimPart > &simtrks, const reco::TrackCollection &trks)
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:74
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU(const edm::ParameterSet &)
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:56
const EncodedEventId & eventId() const
Pixel cluster – collection of neighboring pixels above threshold.
double vy() const
y coordinate of the reference point on track
Definition: TrackBase.h:145
void printSimTrks(const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > simVtrks)
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:31
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
void add(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, TH1 *hist)
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
< trclass="colgroup">< tdclass="colgroup"colspan=5 > DT local reconstruction</td ></tr >< tr >< td >< ahref="classDTRecHit1DPair.html"> DTRecHit1DPair</a ></td >< td >< ahref="DataFormats_DTRecHit.html"> edm::RangeMap & lt
unsigned short found() const
Number of valid hits on track.
Definition: Track.h:100
std::vector< TrackBaseRef >::const_iterator trackRef_iterator
The iteratator for the vector&lt;TrackRef&gt;
Definition: Vertex.h:38
double y0() const
y coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:67
tuple cout
int charge() const
track electric charge
Definition: TrackBase.h:113
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:63
void printHitPattern(int position, std::ostream &stream) const
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
trackRef_iterator tracks_begin() const
first iterator over tracks
tuple status
void dumpHitInfo(const reco::Track &t)
T const * get() const
Returns C++ pointer to the item.
Definition: Ref.h:242
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
Definition: TrackBase.h:121
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
bool isValid() const
std::vector< edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > > getTruthMatchedVertexTracks(const reco::Vertex &)
value_type const * get() const
Definition: RefToBase.h:212
edm::ESHandle< ParticleDataTable > pdt_
std::map< double, TrackingParticleRef > z2tp_
tuple size
Write out results.
mathSSE::Vec4< T > v
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
size_t tracksSize() const
number of tracks
double py() const
y coordinate of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:135
void analyzeVertexCollection(std::map< std::string, TH1 * > &h, const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > recVtxs, const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > recTrks, std::vector< simPrimaryVertex > &simpv, const std::string message="")
double vx() const
x coordinate of the reference point on track
Definition: TrackBase.h:143
math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
5 parameter covariance matrix
Definition: TrackBase.h:72
T w() const
Pixel Reconstructed Hit.
const LorentzVector & position() const
double x0() const
x coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:65
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsEnd() const
Iterator to last hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:65