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cond Namespace Reference




class  AlignSplitIOV
class  Auth
struct  AuthorizationData
class  BaseKeyed
class  BasePayloadProxy
class  BaseValueExtractor
class  BlobStreamingService
class  Cipher
struct  ClassID
class  ClassInfo
class  CondDB
class  CondGetter
class  CoralServiceFactory
class  CoralServiceManager
struct  CredentialData
class  CredentialStore
class  CSScopedSession
class  DataProxyWrapperBase
class  DbConnection
class  DbConnectionConfiguration
class  DbOpenTransaction
class  DbScopedTransaction
class  DbSession
class  DbTransaction
class  DecodingKey
class  EcalDAQTowerStatusHelper
class  EcalDCSTowerStatusHelper
class  EcalDQMChannelStatusHelper
class  EcalDQMTowerStatusHelper
class  EcalGainRatiosHelper
class  EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosHelper
class  EcalPedestalsHelper
class  EcalTPGCrystalStatusHelper
class  EcalTPGLinearizationConstHelper
class  EcalTPGPedestalsHelper
class  EmptyIOVSource
class  Exception
class  ExportIOVUtilities
struct  ExtractWhat
struct  ExtractWhat< ecalcond::Container >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalDAQTowerStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalDCSTowerStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalDQMChannelStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalDQMTowerStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalPedestals >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalTPGCrystalStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< Pedestals >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObGas >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObImon >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObTemp >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObVmon >
struct  ExtractWhat< SiStripSummary >
class  FileReader
class  FipProtocolParser
class  FrontierProxy
class  FWIncantation
class  GenericSummary
class  HcalGainWidthsDataRepr
class  HcalLUTCorrsDataRepr
class  HcalLutMetadataDataRepr
class  HcalPedestalsDataRepr
class  HcalPFCorrsDataRepr
class  HcalQIEDataDataRepr
class  HcalRespCorrsDataRepr
class  HcalTimeCorrsDataRepr
class  HcalValidationCorrsDataRepr
class  HcalZSThresholdsDataRepr
class  IOVDescription
class  IOVEditor
class  IOVElement
class  IOVElementProxy
class  IOVImportIterator
class  IOVKeysDescription
class  IOVNames
class  IOVProvenance
class  IOVProxy
struct  IOVProxyData
class  IOVRange
class  IOVSchemaUtility
class  IOVSequence
class  IOVUserMetaData
class  IterHelp
class  KeyedElement
class  KeyGenerator
class  KeyList
struct  LessFrame
class  LogDBEntry
class  LogDBNames
class  Logger
class  MetaData
class  MetaDataEntry
class  noDataForRequiredTimeException
class  nonExistentGlobalTagException
class  nonExistentGlobalTagInventoryException
class  NullUserLogInfo
class  OracleProxy
class  PayLoadInspector
class  PayloadProxy
class  PayloadProxy< cond::KeyList >
class  PayloadRef
class  PfnEditor
class  PoolTokenParser
class  PoolTokenWriter
struct  PrincipalData
class  RDBMS
struct  RealTimeType
struct  RealTimeType< hash >
struct  RealTimeType< lumiid >
struct  RealTimeType< runnumber >
struct  RealTimeType< timestamp >
struct  RealTimeType< userid >
class  RefException
class  SequenceManager
class  SequenceState
struct  ServiceCredentials
class  SessionImpl
struct  SessionMonitor
 The session related book-keeping of monitored events. More...
class  SmallWORMDict
class  SQLiteProxy
class  SQLMonitoringService
class  SQLReport
class  Summary
class  TagCollectionRetriever
class  TagInfo
class  TagMetadata
class  TBufferBlobStreamingService
class  TBufferBlobTypeInfo
class  TechnologyProxy
struct  TimeTypeSpecs
struct  TimeTypeTraits
class  TransactionException
class  UnregisteredRecordException
class  UpdateStamp
class  UserLogInfo
class  Utilities
class  UtilitiesError
class  ValueExtractor
class  ValueExtractor< AlCaRecoTriggerBits >
class  ValueExtractor< Alignments >
class  ValueExtractor< BeamSpotObjects >
class  ValueExtractor< DTCCBConfig >
class  ValueExtractor< DTDeadFlag >
class  ValueExtractor< DTHVStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< DTLVStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< DTMtime >
class  ValueExtractor< DTPerformance >
class  ValueExtractor< DTRangeT0 >
class  ValueExtractor< DTReadOutMapping >
class  ValueExtractor< DTStatusFlag >
class  ValueExtractor< DTT0 >
class  ValueExtractor< DTTPGParameters >
class  ValueExtractor< DTTtrig >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalADCToGeVConstant >
class  ValueExtractor< ecalcond::Container >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalDAQTowerStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalDCSTowerStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalDQMChannelStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalDQMTowerStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalGainRatios >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalLaserAPDPNRatios >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalMappingElectronics >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalPedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalTBWeights >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalTPGCrystalStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalTPGLinearizationConst >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalTPGPedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalWeightXtalGroups >
class  ValueExtractor< FillInfo >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalChannelQuality >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalGains >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalGainWidths >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalLUTCorrs >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalLutMetadata >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalPedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalPFCorrs >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalQIEData >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalRespCorrs >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalTimeCorrs >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalValidationCorrs >
class  ValueExtractor< HcalZSThresholds >
class  ValueExtractor< L1TriggerScaler >
class  ValueExtractor< Pedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObGas >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObImon >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObPVSSmap >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObTemp >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObVmon >
class  ValueExtractor< RunInfo >
class  ValueExtractor< RunNumber >
class  ValueExtractor< RunSummary >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripApvGain >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripBadStrip >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripBaseDelay >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripConfObject >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripDetVOff >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripFedCabling >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripLatency >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripLorentzAngle >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripNoises >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripPedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripRunSummary >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripSummary >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripThreshold >


< ora::IBlobStreamingService *() > 
< ClassInfo *() > 
< coral::Service *(const
std::string &) > 
typedef std::vector
< coral::monitor::Event::Record > 
 The raw stream of recorder monitoring events. More...
typedef std::set
< cond::TagMetadata
typedef ora::Guid Guid
< IterHelp,
boost::counting_iterator< int > > 
< cond::DataProxyWrapperBase *() > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
< cond::TechnologyProxy *() > 
typedef unsigned long long Time_t
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, unsigned int > 
typedef std::pair< Time_t, Time_tValidityInterval


enum  DbAuthenticationSystem { UndefinedAuthentication =0, CondDbKey, CoralXMLFile }
enum  DbConfigurationDefaults {
  CoralDefaults, CmsDefaults, ProdDefaults, ToolDefaults,
enum  TimeType {
  runnumber =0, timestamp, lumiid, hash,


< cond::TechnologyProxy
buildTechnologyProxy (const std::string &userconnect, const DbConnection &connection)
char const * className (const std::type_info &t)
std::string classNameForTypeId (const std::type_info &typeInfo)
unsigned int countslash (const std::string &input)
void draw (std::vector< TH2F > &graphData, std::string filename)
const TimeTypeSpecsfindSpecs (std::string const &name)
cond::Time_t fromIOVSyncValue (edm::IOVSyncValue const &time, cond::TimeType timetype)
void * genMD5 (void *buffer, unsigned long len, void *code)
void genMD5 (const std::string &s, void *code)
void genMD5 (const string &s, void *code)
std::string getLoginName ()
std::string getTotalErrors (const std::vector< EcalChannelStatusCode > &vItems)
unsigned long long hash64 (unsigned char *k, unsigned long long length, unsigned long long level)
std::string insertIOV (cond::DbSession &dbSess, const boost::shared_ptr< IOVSequence > &data, bool swapOIds=false)
const Time_t invalidTime (0)
const std::string invalidToken (" ")
edm::IOVSyncValue limitedIOVSyncValue (cond::Time_t time, cond::TimeType timetype)
edm::IOVSyncValue limitedIOVSyncValue (edm::IOVSyncValue const &time, cond::TimeType timetype)
Double_t linearF (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
< cond::IOVSequence
loadIOV (cond::DbSession &dbSess, const std::string &iovToken)
void parseLineForNamedParams (const std::string &line, std::map< std::string, std::string > &params)
std::pair< std::string, int > parseToken (const std::string &objectId)
const char * pluginCategory ()
std::string QIEDataCounter (const int nr, unsigned int &formated_nr, int base=4)
char randomChar ()
std::string schemaLabel (const std::string &serviceName, const std::string &userName)
std::string schemaLabelForCredentialStore (const std::string &connectionString)
bool selectAuthorization (coral::ISchema &schema, int principalId, const std::string &role, const std::string &connectionString, AuthorizationData &destination)
bool selectConnection (coral::ISchema &schema, const std::string &connectionLabel, CredentialData &destination)
bool selectPrincipal (coral::ISchema &schema, const std::string &principal, PrincipalData &destination)
void setErr (unsigned int const &statusCode, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > > &vTotalWithErr)
std::string StCodeToStr (unsigned int const &statusCode)
const std::string tagInventoryTable ("TAGINVENTORY_TABLE")
const std::string tagTreeTablePrefix ("TAGTREE_TABLE")
void throwException (std::string const &message, std::string const &methodName)
const Time_t TIMELIMIT (std::numeric_limits< Time_t >::max())
std::string const & timeTypeNames (int)
template<class T >
std::string to_string (const T &t)
edm::IOVSyncValue toIOVSyncValue (cond::Time_t time, cond::TimeType timetype, bool startOrStop)
static void topinit ()
unsigned long long toUNIX (int date, int time)
void updateIOV (cond::DbSession &dbSess, const boost::shared_ptr< IOVSequence > &data, const std::string &token)
std::string userInfo ()
std::string writeToken (const std::string &containerName, int oid0, int oid1, const std::string &className)
std::string writeTokenContainerFragment (const std::string &containerName, const std::string &className)


static const char * fmt_oid = "[OID=%08X-%08X]"
static const char * fmt_tech = "[TECH=%08X]"
const std::string tagInventoryTable
const std::string tagTreeTablePrefix
const unsigned int TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX =5
const cond::TimeType timeTypeList [TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX]
const TimeTypeSpecs timeTypeSpecs []
const cond::TimeType timeTypeValues []

Detailed Description

magic: works only if a file local registry exists in the file #define ELEM_CONSTR(xx_) \ cond::ClassInfo::ClassInfo(const std::type_info& t,int) : tinfo(t) {registry = registerMe(t);}

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 8 of file BlobStreamerPluginFactory.h.

Definition at line 69 of file ClassID.h.

typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< coral::Service*(const std::string&) > cond::CoralServicePluginFactory

Definition at line 24 of file CoralServiceFactory.h.

typedef std::vector<coral::monitor::Event::Record> cond::EventStream

The raw stream of recorder monitoring events.

Definition at line 24 of file SQLMonitoringService.h.

Definition at line 20 of file CondPyInterface.h.

Definition at line 26 of file Guid.h.

typedef boost::transform_iterator<IterHelp,boost::counting_iterator<int> > cond::iov_range_iterator

Definition at line 109 of file IOVProxy.h.

Definition at line 25 of file ProxyFactory.h.

typedef std::map< std::string, SessionMonitor > cond::Repository

The repository of monitored events for all sessions where event streams are identified by session key

Definition at line 38 of file SQLMonitoringService.h.

Definition at line 10 of file TechnologyProxyFactory.h.

typedef unsigned long long cond::Time_t

Definition at line 16 of file Time.h.

typedef unsigned long long cond::uint64_t

Definition at line 15 of file Time.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> cond::UnpackedTime

Definition at line 17 of file Time.h.

typedef std::pair<Time_t, Time_t> cond::ValidityInterval

Definition at line 19 of file Time.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 21 of file Time.h.

Function Documentation

std::auto_ptr<cond::TechnologyProxy> cond::buildTechnologyProxy ( const std::string &  userconnect,
const DbConnection connection 

Definition at line 17 of file

References SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(), edm::hlt::Exception, reco::get(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and pos.

Referenced by cond::DbSession::importMapping(), cond::SessionImpl::open(), and cond::SessionImpl::openReadOnly().

18  {
19  std::string protocol;
20  std::size_t pos=userconnect.find_first_of(':');
21  if( pos!=std::string::npos ){
22  protocol=userconnect.substr(0,pos);
23  std::size_t p=protocol.find_first_of('_');
24  if(p!=std::string::npos){
25  protocol=protocol.substr(0,p);
26  }
27  }else{
28  throw cond::Exception(userconnect +":connection string format error");
29  }
30  std::auto_ptr<cond::TechnologyProxy> ptr(cond::TechnologyProxyFactory::get()->create(protocol));
31  (*ptr).initialize(connection);
32  return ptr;
33  }
SurfaceDeformation * create(int type, const std::vector< double > &params)
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:56
char const * cond::className ( const std::type_info &  t)

Definition at line 8 of file

References ntuplemaker::status.

Referenced by cond::service::GetTokenFromPointer< T >::operator()(), cond::ClassInfo::pluginName(), and cond::IOVSequence::swapTokens().

8  {
9  int status=0;
10  return __cxxabiv1::__cxa_demangle(, 0, 0, &status);
11  }
tuple status
std::string cond::classNameForTypeId ( const std::type_info &  typeInfo)

Definition at line 38 of file PoolDBOutputService.h.

Referenced by cond::service::GetTokenFromPointer< T >::classNameForPointer(), l1t::WriterProxyT< Record, Type >::save(), and l1t::DataWriter::writeKeyList().

38  {
39  Reflex::Type reflexType = Reflex::Type::ByTypeInfo( typeInfo );
40  //FIXME: should become Reflex::SCOPED?
41  return reflexType.Name();
42  }
unsigned int cond::countslash ( const std::string &  input)

Definition at line 57 of file

References prof2calltree::count.

Referenced by cond::FrontierProxy::makeRealConnectString().

57  {
58  unsigned int count=0;
59  std::string::size_type slashpos( 0 );
60  while( slashpos!=std::string::npos){
61  slashpos = input.find('/', slashpos );
62  if ( slashpos != std::string::npos ){
63  ++count;
64  // start next search after this word
65  slashpos += 1;
66  }
67  }
68  return count;
69  }
uint16_t size_type
void cond::draw ( std::vector< TH2F > &  graphData,
std::string  filename 

Definition at line 113 of file

References svgfig::canvas().

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot(), SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::setProbabilityQ(), SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::setProbabilityXY(), and examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm::terminate().

113  {
114  //Drawing...
115  // use David's palette
116  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
117  const Int_t NCont = 999;
118  gStyle->SetNumberContours(NCont);
119  TCanvas canvas("CC map","CC map",840,369*4);
121  TPad pad1("pad1","pad1", 0.0, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0);
122  pad1.Draw();
123  TPad pad2("pad2","pad2", 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.75);
124  pad2.Draw();
125  TPad pad3("pad3","pad3", 0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.5);
126  pad3.Draw();
127  TPad pad4("pad4","pad4", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25);
128  pad4.Draw();
132  graphData[0].SetStats(0);
133  graphData[0].Draw("colz");
136  graphData[1].SetStats(0);
137  graphData[1].Draw("colz");
140  graphData[2].SetStats(0);
141  graphData[2].Draw("colz");
144  graphData[3].SetStats(0);
145  graphData[3].Draw("colz");
147  canvas.SaveAs(filename.c_str());
148  }
def canvas
tuple filename
const TimeTypeSpecs & cond::findSpecs ( std::string const &  name)

Definition at line 33 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, i, TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX, and timeTypeSpecs.

Referenced by cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::fillRecord(), and cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::PoolDBOutputService().

33  {
34  size_t i=0;
35  for (; i<TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX; i++)
36  if (name==timeTypeSpecs[i].name) return timeTypeSpecs[i];
37  throw cms::Exception("invalid timetype: "+name);
38  return timeTypeSpecs[0]; // compiler happy
39  }
const TimeTypeSpecs timeTypeSpecs[]
int i
const unsigned int TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX
Definition: Time.h:22
cond::Time_t cond::fromIOVSyncValue ( edm::IOVSyncValue const &  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype 

Definition at line 29 of file

References edm::IOVSyncValue::eventID(), lumiid, edm::IOVSyncValue::luminosityBlockNumber(), edm::EventID::run(), runnumber, edm::IOVSyncValue::time(), timestamp, edm::LuminosityBlockID::value(), and edm::Timestamp::value().

Referenced by CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor().

29  {
30  switch (timetype) {
31  case cond::runnumber :
32  return time.eventID().run();
33  case cond::lumiid :
34  {
35  edm::LuminosityBlockID lum(time.eventID().run(), time.luminosityBlockNumber());
36  return lum.value();
37  }
38  case cond::timestamp :
39  return time.time().value();
40  default:
41  return 0;
42  }
43  }
boost::uint64_t value() const
void * cond::genMD5 ( void *  buffer,
unsigned long  len,
void *  code 

Definition at line 358 of file

Referenced by writeTokenContainerFragment().

358  {
359  MD5 checkSum((unsigned char*)buffer, len);
360  checkSum.raw_digest((unsigned char*)code);
361  return code;
362  }
void cond::genMD5 ( const std::string &  s,
void *  code 
void cond::genMD5 ( const string &  s,
void *  code 

Definition at line 363 of file

363  {
364  MD5 checkSum((unsigned char*)s.c_str(), s.length());
365  checkSum.raw_digest((unsigned char*)code);
366  }
std::string cond::getLoginName ( )

Definition at line 41 of file

References lumiQueryAPI::msg, and throwException().

Referenced by cond::DecodingKey::init().

41  {
42  std::string loginName("");
43  struct passwd* userp = ::getpwuid(::getuid());
44  if(userp) {
45  char* uName = userp->pw_name;
46  if(uName){
47  loginName += uName;
48  }
49  }
50  if(loginName.empty()){
51  std::string msg("Cannot determine login name.");
52  throwException(msg,"DecodingKey::getLoginName");
53  }
54  return loginName;
55  }
void throwException(std::string const &message, std::string const &methodName)
std::string cond::getTotalErrors ( const std::vector< EcalChannelStatusCode > &  vItems)

Definition at line 239 of file

References bits, i, getHLTprescales::index, and setErr().

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::summary().

239  {
240  unsigned int stcode = 0, index = 0, totalErrorCodes = 22;
241  std::stringstream ss;
242  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > > vTotalWithErr(totalErrorCodes);
245  // init error codes:
246  index = 0;
247  ss.str(""); ss << " No errors. "; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
248  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << "DAC settings problem, pedestal not in the design range, " << "Reco Action: standard reco."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;//1
249  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << "channel with no laser, ok elsewhere; " << "Reco Action: standard reco."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
250  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << "noisy; " << "Reco Action: standard reco."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
251  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << "very noisy; " << "Reco Action: special reco (to be decided)."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
252  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]: reserved for more categories of noisy channels."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
253  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]: reserved for more categories of noisy channels."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
254  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]: reserved for more categories of noisy channels."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
255  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " channel at fixed gain 6 (or 6 and 1); " << "Reco Action: 3+5 or 3+1, special reco."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
256  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " channel at fixed gain 1; " << "Reco Action: 3+5 or 3+1, special reco."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
257  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " channel at fixed gain 0 (dead of type this); " << "Reco Action: recovery from neighbours."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
258  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " non responding isolated channel (dead of type other); " << "Reco Action: recovery from neighbours."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
259  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " channel and one or more neigbors not responding (e.g.: in a dead VFE 5x1 channel) " << "Reco Action: no recovery."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
260  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " channel in TT with no data link, TP data ok; " << "Reco Action: recovery from TP data."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
261  ss.str(""); ss << "["<< index << "]:" << " channel in TT with no data link and no TP data; " << "Reco Action: none."; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
263  unsigned int bits = 6;
264  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " HV good/not good;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;//15
265  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " LV on/off;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
266  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " DAQ in/out;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
267  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " TP readout on/off;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
268  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " Trigger in/out;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
269  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " Temperature ok/not ok;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;
270  ss.str(""); ss << " bit["<< bits++ << "]:" << " Humidity ok/not;"; vTotalWithErr[index].first = ss.str(); ++index;//21
273  ss.str("");
274  //count error codes for each error:
275  for (std::vector<EcalChannelStatusCode>::const_iterator vIter = vItems.begin(); vIter != vItems.end(); ++vIter){
276  stcode = vIter->getStatusCode();
277  if (stcode !=0){
278  setErr(stcode, vTotalWithErr);
279  }
280  }
282  unsigned int i = 0;
283  for (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > >::const_iterator iTotalErr = vTotalWithErr.begin(); iTotalErr != vTotalWithErr.end(); ++iTotalErr){
284  if (iTotalErr->second != 0)
285  ss << "Total:" << iTotalErr->second << " Error:" << iTotalErr->first << std::endl;
286  ++i;
287  }
288  return ss.str();
289  }
int i
void setErr(unsigned int const &statusCode, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > > &vTotalWithErr)
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
ub8 cond::hash64 ( unsigned char *  k,
unsigned long long  length,
unsigned long long  level 

Definition at line 45 of file

References a, b, trackerHits::c, testEve_cfg::level, and mix64.

Referenced by cond::KeyedElement::convert().

49  {
50  register ub8 a,b,c,len;
52  /* Set up the internal state */
53  len = length;
54  a = b = level; /* the previous hash value */
55  c = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13LL; /* the golden ratio; an arbitrary value */
57  /*---------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
58  if (((unsigned long)k)&7)
59  {
60  while (len >= 24)
61  {
62  a += (k[0] +((ub8)k[ 1]<< 8)+((ub8)k[ 2]<<16)+((ub8)k[ 3]<<24)
63  +((ub8)k[4 ]<<32)+((ub8)k[ 5]<<40)+((ub8)k[ 6]<<48)+((ub8)k[ 7]<<56));
64  b += (k[8] +((ub8)k[ 9]<< 8)+((ub8)k[10]<<16)+((ub8)k[11]<<24)
65  +((ub8)k[12]<<32)+((ub8)k[13]<<40)+((ub8)k[14]<<48)+((ub8)k[15]<<56));
66  c += (k[16] +((ub8)k[17]<< 8)+((ub8)k[18]<<16)+((ub8)k[19]<<24)
67  +((ub8)k[20]<<32)+((ub8)k[21]<<40)+((ub8)k[22]<<48)+((ub8)k[23]<<56));
68  mix64(a,b,c);
69  k += 24; len -= 24;
70  }
71  }
72  else
73  {
74  while (len >= 24) /* aligned */
75  {
76  a += *(ub8 *)(k+0);
77  b += *(ub8 *)(k+8);
78  c += *(ub8 *)(k+16);
79  mix64(a,b,c);
80  k += 24; len -= 24;
81  }
82  }
84  /*------------------------------------- handle the last 23 bytes */
85  c += length;
86  switch(len) /* all the case statements fall through */
87  {
88  case 23: c+=((ub8)k[22]<<56);
89  case 22: c+=((ub8)k[21]<<48);
90  case 21: c+=((ub8)k[20]<<40);
91  case 20: c+=((ub8)k[19]<<32);
92  case 19: c+=((ub8)k[18]<<24);
93  case 18: c+=((ub8)k[17]<<16);
94  case 17: c+=((ub8)k[16]<<8);
95  /* the first byte of c is reserved for the length */
96  case 16: b+=((ub8)k[15]<<56);
97  case 15: b+=((ub8)k[14]<<48);
98  case 14: b+=((ub8)k[13]<<40);
99  case 13: b+=((ub8)k[12]<<32);
100  case 12: b+=((ub8)k[11]<<24);
101  case 11: b+=((ub8)k[10]<<16);
102  case 10: b+=((ub8)k[ 9]<<8);
103  case 9: b+=((ub8)k[ 8]);
104  case 8: a+=((ub8)k[ 7]<<56);
105  case 7: a+=((ub8)k[ 6]<<48);
106  case 6: a+=((ub8)k[ 5]<<40);
107  case 5: a+=((ub8)k[ 4]<<32);
108  case 4: a+=((ub8)k[ 3]<<24);
109  case 3: a+=((ub8)k[ 2]<<16);
110  case 2: a+=((ub8)k[ 1]<<8);
111  case 1: a+=((ub8)k[ 0]);
112  /* case 0: nothing left to add */
113  }
114  mix64(a,b,c);
115  /*-------------------------------------------- report the result */
116  return c;
117  }
#define mix64(a, b, c)
unsigned long long ub8
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
tuple level
std::string cond::insertIOV ( cond::DbSession dbSess,
const boost::shared_ptr< IOVSequence > &  data,
bool  swapOIds = false 

Definition at line 26 of file

References cond::IOVNames::container(), cond::DbSession::isOldSchema(), cond::DbSession::storage(), and cond::DbSession::storeObject().

Referenced by cond::IOVEditor::create().

28  {
30  if( swapOIds && dbSess.isOldSchema() ){
31  PoolTokenWriter writer( );
32  data->swapOIds( writer );
33  }
34  // *****
35  return dbSess.storeObject( data.get(), cond::IOVNames::container());
36  }
std::string storeObject(const T *object, const std::string &containerName)
Definition: DbSession.h:131
bool isOldSchema()
static std::string container()
Definition: IOVNames.h:7
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
ora::Database & storage()
const Time_t cond::invalidTime ( )
const std::string cond::invalidToken ( " "  )
edm::IOVSyncValue cond::limitedIOVSyncValue ( cond::Time_t  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype 

Definition at line 46 of file

References edm::IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue(), prof2calltree::l, lumiid, edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), edm::EventID::maxEventNumber(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::run(), runnumber, and timestamp.

Referenced by CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor().

46  {
47  switch (timetype) {
48  case cond::runnumber :
49  // last lumi and event of this run
53  );
54  case cond::lumiid :
55  {
56  // the same lumiblock
58  return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(,
59  l.luminosityBlock(),
61  );
62  }
63  case cond::timestamp :
64  // next event ?
66  default:
68  }
69  }
static EventNumber_t maxEventNumber()
Definition: EventID.h:106
static const IOVSyncValue & invalidIOVSyncValue()
edm::IOVSyncValue cond::limitedIOVSyncValue ( edm::IOVSyncValue const &  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype 

Definition at line 71 of file

References edm::IOVSyncValue::eventID(), edm::IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue(), lumiid, edm::IOVSyncValue::luminosityBlockNumber(), edm::EventID::maxEventNumber(), edm::EventID::run(), runnumber, and timestamp.

71  {
72  switch (timetype) {
73  case cond::runnumber :
74  // last event of this run
75  return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(time.eventID().run(),
78  );
79  case cond::lumiid :
80  // the same lumiblock
81  return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(time.eventID().run(),
82  time.luminosityBlockNumber(),
84  );
85  case cond::timestamp :
86  // same lumiblock
87  return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(time.eventID().run(),
88  time.luminosityBlockNumber(),
90  );
91  default:
93  }
94  }
static EventNumber_t maxEventNumber()
Definition: EventID.h:106
static const IOVSyncValue & invalidIOVSyncValue()
Double_t cond::linearF ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 260 of file

References detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot().

260  {
261  Double_t y=0.;
262  y=par[0]*(*x);
263  return y;
264  }
boost::shared_ptr<cond::IOVSequence> cond::loadIOV ( cond::DbSession dbSess,
const std::string &  iovToken 

Definition at line 9 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, cond::DbSession::getTypedObject(), o2o::iov, cond::DbSession::isOldSchema(), cond::IOVSequence::loadAll(), geometryXMLtoCSV::parser, and cond::DbSession::storage().

10  {
11  if( iovToken.empty()){
12  throw cond::Exception("IOVEditor::loadIOV Error: token is empty.");
13  }
14  boost::shared_ptr<cond::IOVSequence> iov = dbSess.getTypedObject<cond::IOVSequence>( iovToken );
15  // loading the lazy-loading Queryable vector...
16  iov->loadAll();
17  //**** temporary for the schema transition
18  if( dbSess.isOldSchema() ){
19  PoolTokenParser parser( );
20  iov->swapTokens( parser );
21  }
22  //****
23  return iov;
24  }
void loadAll() const
tuple iov
bool isOldSchema()
boost::shared_ptr< T > getTypedObject(const std::string &objectId)
Definition: DbSession.h:125
ora::Database & storage()
void cond::parseLineForNamedParams ( const std::string &  line,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  params 

Definition at line 57 of file

References ItemSeparator.

Referenced by cond::DecodingKey::createFromInputFile().

57  {
58  std::stringstream str( line );
59  std::string paramName("");
60  std::string paramValue("");
61  while( str.good() ){
62  std::string item("");
63  getline( str, item, ItemSeparator);
64  if( item.size()>3 ){
65  paramName = item.substr(0,2);
66  paramValue = item.substr(2);
67  params.insert( std::make_pair( paramName, paramValue ) );
68  }
69  }
70  }
constexpr char ItemSeparator
std::pair< std::string, int > cond::parseToken ( const std::string &  objectId)

Definition at line 15 of file

References fmt_oid, p1, p2, p3, LaserTracksInput_cfi::source, ora::throwException(), and tmp.

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::dump(), ora::CondMetadataTable::getObjectByName(), and cond::PoolTokenParser::parse().

15  {
16  if( source.empty() ) ora::throwException("Provided token is empty.","PoolToken::parseToken");
17  std::string tmp = source;
18  std::pair<std::string,int> oid;
19  oid.first = "";
20  oid.second = -1;
21  for(char* p1 = (char*)tmp.c_str(); p1; p1 = ::strchr(++p1,'[')) {
22  char* p2 = ::strchr(p1, '=');
23  char* p3 = ::strchr(p1, ']');
24  if ( p2 && p3 ) {
25  char* val = p2+1;
26  if ( ::strncmp("[DB=", p1, 4) == 0 ) {
27  *p3 = 0;
28  } else if ( ::strncmp("[CNT=", p1, 5) == 0 ) {
29  *p3 = 0;
30  oid.first = val;
31  } else if ( ::strncmp(fmt_oid, p1, 5) == 0 ) {
32  int nn;
33  ::sscanf(p1, fmt_oid, &nn, &oid.second);
34  } else {
35  *p3 = *p2 = 0;
36  }
37  *p3 = ']';
38  *p2 = '=';
39  }
40  }
41  return oid;
42  }
static const char * fmt_oid
double p2[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:90
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
double p1[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:89
void throwException(const std::string &message, const std::string &methodName)
double p3[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:91
const char * cond::pluginCategory ( )

Definition at line 33 of file

34  {
35  return "CondProxyFactory";
36  }
std::string cond::QIEDataCounter ( const int  nr,
unsigned int &  formated_nr,
int  base = 4 

Definition at line 102 of file

References newFWLiteAna::base.

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot().

102  {
103  int numer = nr;
104  int tens = 0, ones = 0;
105  if (numer >= 16){
106  numer = numer -16;
107  }
108  tens = numer / base;
109  ones = numer - (tens*base);
110  formated_nr = tens*10 + ones;
111  std::stringstream ss;
112  ss << tens << ones;
113  return ss.str();
114  }
tuple base
Main Program
char cond::randomChar ( )

Definition at line 36 of file

References b64str, and rand().

Referenced by cond::KeyGenerator::make().

36  {
37  int irand = ::rand()%(::strlen(b64str));
38  return b64str[irand];
39  }
static const char * b64str
Signal rand(Signal arg)
std::string cond::schemaLabel ( const std::string &  serviceName,
const std::string &  userName 

std::string defaultConnectionString( const std::string& serviceConnectionString, const std::string& serviceName, const std::string& userName ){ size_t pos = serviceConnectionString.find( serviceName ); std::string technologyPrefix = serviceConnectionString.substr(0,pos); std::stringstream connStr; connStr << technologyPrefix; if( !userName.empty() ) connStr <<"/"<< userName; return connStr.str(); }

Definition at line 164 of file

References run_regression::ret, and serviceName.

Referenced by cond::CredentialStore::importForPrincipal(), and schemaLabelForCredentialStore().

165  {
166  std::string ret = userName;
167  if( !serviceName.empty() ){
168  ret += "@"+serviceName;
169  }
170  return ret;
171  }
static const std::string serviceName
std::string cond::schemaLabelForCredentialStore ( const std::string &  connectionString)

Definition at line 172 of file

References geometryXMLtoCSV::parser, schemaLabel(), and serviceName.

Referenced by cond::CredentialStore::installAdmin(), and cond::CredentialStore::updatePrincipal().

172  {
173  coral::URIParser parser;
174  parser.setURI( connectionString );
175  std::string serviceName = parser.hostName();
176  std::string schemaName = parser.databaseOrSchemaName();
177  return schemaLabel( serviceName, schemaName );
178  }
static const std::string serviceName
std::string schemaLabel(const std::string &serviceName, const std::string &userName)
bool cond::selectAuthorization ( coral::ISchema &  schema,
int  principalId,
const std::string &  role,
const std::string &  connectionString,
AuthorizationData &  destination 

Definition at line 301 of file

References AUTH_ID_COL(), AUTH_KEY_COL(), C_ID_COL(), COND_AUTHORIZATION_TABLE(), cond::AuthorizationData::connectionId, newFWLiteAna::found, cond::AuthorizationData::id, cond::AuthorizationData::key, P_ID_COL(), o2o::query, ROLE_COL(), and SCHEMA_COL().

Referenced by cond::CredentialStore::setPermission().

301  {
302  std::auto_ptr<coral::IQuery> query(schema.tableHandle(COND_AUTHORIZATION_TABLE).newQuery());
303  coral::AttributeList readBuff;
304  readBuff.extend<int>(AUTH_ID_COL);
305  readBuff.extend<int>(C_ID_COL);
306  readBuff.extend<std::string>(AUTH_KEY_COL);
307  coral::AttributeList whereData;
308  whereData.extend<int>(P_ID_COL);
309  whereData.extend<std::string>(ROLE_COL);
310  whereData.extend<std::string>(SCHEMA_COL);
311  whereData[ P_ID_COL ].data<int>() = principalId;
312  whereData[ ROLE_COL ].data<std::string>() = role;
313  whereData[ SCHEMA_COL ].data<std::string>() = connectionString;
314  std::stringstream whereClause;
315  whereClause << P_ID_COL << " = :"<<P_ID_COL;
316  whereClause << " AND " << ROLE_COL << " = :"<<ROLE_COL;
317  whereClause << " AND " << SCHEMA_COL << " = :"<<SCHEMA_COL;
318  query->defineOutput(readBuff);
319  query->addToOutputList( AUTH_ID_COL );
320  query->addToOutputList( C_ID_COL );
321  query->addToOutputList( AUTH_KEY_COL );
322  query->setCondition( whereClause.str(), whereData );
323  coral::ICursor& cursor = query->execute();
324  bool found = false;
325  if ( ) {
326  const coral::AttributeList& row = cursor.currentRow();
327 = row[AUTH_ID_COL].data<int>();
328  destination.connectionId = row[C_ID_COL].data<int>();
329  destination.key = row[AUTH_KEY_COL].data<std::string>();
330  found = true;
331  }
332  return found;
333  }
static const std::string ROLE_COL("C_ROLE")
static const std::string SCHEMA_COL("C_SCHEMA")
static const std::string AUTH_ID_COL("AUTH_ID")
tuple query
static const std::string P_ID_COL("P_ID")
static const std::string C_ID_COL("C_ID")
static const std::string AUTH_KEY_COL("CRED3")
bool cond::selectConnection ( coral::ISchema &  schema,
const std::string &  connectionLabel,
CredentialData &  destination 

Definition at line 257 of file

References COND_CREDENTIAL_TABLE(), CONNECTION_ID_COL(), CONNECTION_KEY_COL(), CONNECTION_LABEL_COL(), cond::CredentialData::connectionKey, newFWLiteAna::found, cond::CredentialData::id, cond::CredentialData::password, PASSWORD_COL(), o2o::query, cond::CredentialData::userName, USERNAME_COL(), VERIFICATION_KEY_COL(), and cond::CredentialData::verificationKey.

Referenced by cond::CredentialStore::removeConnection(), cond::CredentialStore::setPermission(), cond::CredentialStore::updateConnection(), and cond::CredentialStore::updatePrincipal().

257  {
259  std::auto_ptr<coral::IQuery> query(schema.tableHandle(COND_CREDENTIAL_TABLE).newQuery());
260  coral::AttributeList readBuff;
261  readBuff.extend<int>( CONNECTION_ID_COL );
262  readBuff.extend<std::string>( USERNAME_COL );
263  readBuff.extend<std::string>( PASSWORD_COL );
264  readBuff.extend<std::string>( VERIFICATION_KEY_COL );
265  readBuff.extend<std::string>( CONNECTION_KEY_COL );
266  coral::AttributeList whereData;
267  whereData.extend<std::string>( CONNECTION_LABEL_COL );
268  whereData[ CONNECTION_LABEL_COL ].data<std::string>() = connectionLabel;
269  std::string whereClause = CONNECTION_LABEL_COL + " = :" + CONNECTION_LABEL_COL;
270  query->defineOutput(readBuff);
271  query->addToOutputList( CONNECTION_ID_COL );
272  query->addToOutputList( USERNAME_COL );
273  query->addToOutputList( PASSWORD_COL );
274  query->addToOutputList( VERIFICATION_KEY_COL );
275  query->addToOutputList( CONNECTION_KEY_COL );
276  query->setCondition( whereClause, whereData );
277  coral::ICursor& cursor = query->execute();
278  bool found = false;
279  if ( ) {
280  const coral::AttributeList& row = cursor.currentRow();
281 = row[ CONNECTION_ID_COL].data<int>();
282  destination.userName = row[ USERNAME_COL].data<std::string>();
283  destination.password = row[ PASSWORD_COL].data<std::string>();
284  destination.verificationKey = row[ VERIFICATION_KEY_COL].data<std::string>();
285  destination.connectionKey = row[ CONNECTION_KEY_COL].data<std::string>();
286  found = true;
287  }
288  return found;
289  }
static const std::string PASSWORD_COL("CRED5")
static const std::string CONNECTION_KEY_COL("CRED7")
static const std::string VERIFICATION_KEY_COL("CRED6")
static const std::string USERNAME_COL("CRED4")
static const std::string CONNECTION_ID_COL("CONN_ID")
tuple query
static const std::string CONNECTION_LABEL_COL("CONN_LABEL")
bool cond::selectPrincipal ( coral::ISchema &  schema,
const std::string &  principal,
PrincipalData &  destination 

Definition at line 213 of file

References ADMIN_KEY_COL(), cond::PrincipalData::adminKey, COND_AUTHENTICATION_TABLE(), newFWLiteAna::found, cond::PrincipalData::id, PRINCIPAL_ID_COL(), PRINCIPAL_KEY_COL(), PRINCIPAL_NAME_COL(), cond::PrincipalData::principalKey, o2o::query, VERIFICATION_COL(), and cond::PrincipalData::verifKey.

Referenced by cond::CredentialStore::importForPrincipal(), cond::CredentialStore::installAdmin(), cond::CredentialStore::removePrincipal(), cond::CredentialStore::setPermission(), cond::CredentialStore::startSession(), cond::CredentialStore::unsetPermission(), and cond::CredentialStore::updatePrincipal().

213  {
214  std::auto_ptr<coral::IQuery> query(schema.tableHandle(COND_AUTHENTICATION_TABLE).newQuery());
215  coral::AttributeList readBuff;
216  readBuff.extend<int>(PRINCIPAL_ID_COL);
217  readBuff.extend<std::string>(VERIFICATION_COL);
218  readBuff.extend<std::string>(PRINCIPAL_KEY_COL);
219  readBuff.extend<std::string>(ADMIN_KEY_COL);
220  coral::AttributeList whereData;
221  whereData.extend<std::string>(PRINCIPAL_NAME_COL);
222  whereData[ PRINCIPAL_NAME_COL ].data<std::string>() = principal;
223  std::string whereClause = PRINCIPAL_NAME_COL + " = :" + PRINCIPAL_NAME_COL;
224  query->defineOutput(readBuff);
225  query->addToOutputList( PRINCIPAL_ID_COL );
226  query->addToOutputList( VERIFICATION_COL );
227  query->addToOutputList( PRINCIPAL_KEY_COL );
228  query->addToOutputList( ADMIN_KEY_COL );
229  query->setCondition( whereClause, whereData );
230  coral::ICursor& cursor = query->execute();
231  bool found = false;
232  if ( ) {
233  found = true;
234  const coral::AttributeList& row = cursor.currentRow();
235 = row[ PRINCIPAL_ID_COL ].data<int>();
236  destination.verifKey = row[ VERIFICATION_COL ].data<std::string>();
237  destination.principalKey = row[ PRINCIPAL_KEY_COL ].data<std::string>();
238  destination.adminKey = row[ ADMIN_KEY_COL ].data<std::string>();
239  }
240  return found;
241  }
static const std::string ADMIN_KEY_COL("CRED2")
static const std::string VERIFICATION_COL("CRED0")
static const std::string PRINCIPAL_ID_COL("P_ID")
static const std::string PRINCIPAL_KEY_COL("CRED1")
tuple query
static const std::string PRINCIPAL_NAME_COL("P_NAME")
void cond::setErr ( unsigned int const &  statusCode,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > > &  vTotalWithErr 

Definition at line 199 of file

References bits.

Referenced by getTotalErrors().

199  {
200  unsigned int bits_1to5, bits, mask;
201  mask = 0x1F;//get first 5 bits;
203  bits_1to5 = mask & statusCode;
204  if ((bits_1to5 > 0) &&( bits_1to5 < 15)){
205  vTotalWithErr[bits_1to5].second += 1;
206  }
208  bits = 6;
210  mask = 1 << bits;
211  if (statusCode & mask) //case 15
212  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
214  mask = 1 << ++bits;
215  if (statusCode & mask)//case 16
216  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
218  mask = 1 << ++bits;
219  if (statusCode & mask)//case 17
220  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
222  mask = 1 << ++bits;
223  if (statusCode & mask)//case 18
224  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
226  mask = 1 << ++bits;
227  if (statusCode & mask)//case 19
228  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
230  mask = 1 << ++bits;
231  if (statusCode & mask)//case 20
232  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
234  mask = 1 << ++bits;
235  if (statusCode & mask)//case 21
236  vTotalWithErr[bits + 11].second += 1;
237  }
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
std::string cond::StCodeToStr ( unsigned int const &  statusCode)

Definition at line 139 of file

References bits.

139  {
140  unsigned int bits_1to5, bits, mask;
141  mask = 0x1F;//get first 5 bits;
142  bits_1to5 = mask & statusCode;
143  std::stringstream ss;
144  switch(bits_1to5){
145  case 0: break;
146  case 1: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << "DAC settings problem, pedestal not in the design range, " << "Reco Action: standard reco."; break;
147  case 2: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << "channel with no laser, ok elsewhere; " << "Reco Action: standard reco."; break;
148  case 3: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << "noisy; " << "Reco Action: standard reco."; break;
149  case 4: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << "very noisy; " << "Reco Action: special reco (to be decided)."; break;
150  case 5: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]: reserved for more categories of noisy channels."; break;
151  case 6: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]: reserved for more categories of noisy channels."; break;
152  case 7: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]: reserved for more categories of noisy channels."; break;
153  case 8: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " channel at fixed gain 6 (or 6 and 1); " << "Reco Action: 3+5 or 3+1, special reco."; break;
154  case 9: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " channel at fixed gain 1; " << "Reco Action: 3+5 or 3+1, special reco."; break;
155  case 10: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " channel at fixed gain 0 (dead of type this); " << "Reco Action: recovery from neighbours."; break;
156  case 11: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " non responding isolated channel (dead of type other); " << "Reco Action: recovery from neighbours."; break;
157  case 12: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " channel and one or more neigbors not responding (e.g.: in a dead VFE 5x1 channel) " << "Reco Action: no recovery."; break;
158  case 13: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " channel in TT with no data link, TP data ok; " << "Reco Action: recovery from TP data."; break;
159  case 14: ss<< "["<< bits_1to5 << "]:" << " channel in TT with no data link and no TP data; " << "Reco Action: none."; break;
160  default:
161  ss<< "no such bits can be set!";
162  }
163  bits = 6;
165  mask = 1 << bits;
166  if (statusCode & mask) //case 15
167  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " HV good/not good;";
169  mask = 1 << ++bits;
170  if (statusCode & mask)//case 16
171  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " LV on/off;";
173  mask = 1 << ++bits;
174  if (statusCode & mask)//case 17
175  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " DAQ in/out;";
177  mask = 1 << ++bits;
178  if (statusCode & mask)//case 18
179  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " TP readout on/off;";
181  mask = 1 << ++bits;
182  if (statusCode & mask)//case 19
183  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " Trigger in/out;";
185  mask = 1 << ++bits;
186  if (statusCode & mask)//case 20
187  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " Temperature ok/not ok;";
189  mask = 1 << ++bits;
190  if (statusCode & mask)//case 21
191  ss << " bit["<< bits << "]:" << " Humidity ok/not;";
193  //for debugging:
194  //ss << " StatusCode: " << statusCode << " bits_1to5: " <<bits_1to5 << std::endl;
195  ss << std::endl;
196  return ss.str();
197  }
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
const std::string cond::tagInventoryTable ( "TAGINVENTORY_TABLE"  )
const std::string cond::tagTreeTablePrefix ( "TAGTREE_TABLE"  )
void cond::throwException ( std::string const &  message,
std::string const &  methodName 
const Time_t cond::TIMELIMIT ( std::numeric_limits< Time_t >::  max())
std::string const & cond::timeTypeNames ( int  i)

Definition at line 15 of file

References i.

Referenced by CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor(), and cond::TimeTypeTraits< type >::specs().

15  {
16  static const std::string local[]=
17  {"runnumber","timestamp","lumiid","hash","userid"};
18  return local[i];
19  }
int i
template<class T >
std::string cond::to_string ( const T t)
edm::IOVSyncValue cond::toIOVSyncValue ( cond::Time_t  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype,
bool  startOrStop 

Definition at line 7 of file

References edm::IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue(), prof2calltree::l, lumiid, edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), edm::EventID::maxEventNumber(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::run(), runnumber, and timestamp.

Referenced by CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor().

7  {
8  switch (timetype) {
9  case cond::runnumber :
11  startOrStop ? 0 : edm::EventID::maxEventNumber(),
12  startOrStop ? 0 : edm::EventID::maxEventNumber())
13  );
14  case cond::lumiid :
15  {
17  return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(,
18  l.luminosityBlock(),
19  startOrStop ? 0 : edm::EventID::maxEventNumber())
20  );
21  }
22  case cond::timestamp :
24  default:
26  }
27  }
static EventNumber_t maxEventNumber()
Definition: EventID.h:106
static const IOVSyncValue & invalidIOVSyncValue()
static void cond::topinit ( )
unsigned long long cond::toUNIX ( int  date,
int  time 

Definition at line 240 of file

References cond::rpcobgas::day, min, LaserDQM_cfi::mon, and estimatePileup_makeJSON::trunc.

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot().

241  {
242  int yea_ = (int)date/100;
243  int yea = 2000 + (date - yea_*100);
244  int mon_ = (int)yea_/100;
245  int mon = yea_ - mon_*100;
246  int day = (int)yea_/100;
247  int sec_ = (int)time/100;
248  int sec = time - sec_*100;
249  int min_ = (int)sec_/100;
250  int min = sec_ - min_*100;
251  int hou = (int)sec_/100;
252  int nan = 0;
253  coral::TimeStamp TS;
254  TS = coral::TimeStamp(yea, mon, day, hou, min, sec, nan);
256  long long UT = (TS.year()-1970)*31536000+static_cast<int>(trunc((TS.year()-1972)/4))*86400+
257  (((TS.month()-1)*31)*86400)+((*86400)+TS.hour()*3600+TS.minute()*60+TS.second();
259  if (TS.month() == 3) UT = UT - 3*86400;
260  if (TS.month() == 4) UT = UT - 3*86400;
261  if (TS.month() == 5) UT = UT - 4*86400;
262  if (TS.month() == 6) UT = UT - 4*86400;
263  if (TS.month() == 7) UT = UT - 5*86400;
264  if (TS.month() == 8) UT = UT - 5*86400;
265  if (TS.month() == 9) UT = UT - 5*86400;
266  if (TS.month() == 10) UT = UT - 6*86400;
267  if (TS.month() == 11) UT = UT - 6*86400;
268  if (TS.month() == 12) UT = UT - 7*86400;
270  return UT;
271  }
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161
void cond::updateIOV ( cond::DbSession dbSess,
const boost::shared_ptr< IOVSequence > &  data,
const std::string &  token 

Definition at line 38 of file

References cond::DbSession::isOldSchema(), cond::DbSession::storage(), and cond::DbSession::updateObject().

Referenced by cond::IOVEditor::append(), cond::IOVEditor::bulkAppend(), cond::IOVEditor::editMetadata(), cond::IOVEditor::freeInsert(), cond::IOVImportIterator::importMoreElements(), cond::IOVEditor::insert(), cond::IOVEditor::setScope(), cond::IOVEditor::stamp(), cond::IOVEditor::truncate(), and cond::IOVEditor::updateClosure().

40  {
42  if( dbSess.isOldSchema() ){
43  PoolTokenWriter writer( );
44  data->swapOIds( writer );
45  }
46  // *****
47  dbSess.updateObject( data.get(), token );
48  }
bool isOldSchema()
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
bool updateObject(const T *object, const std::string &objectId)
Definition: DbSession.h:142
ora::Database & storage()
std::string cond::userInfo ( )

Definition at line 9 of file

References alignCSCRings::pwd, and hcal_dqm_sourceclient-file_cfg::user.

Referenced by cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::appendIOV(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::closeIOV(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::createNewIOV(), cond::AlignSplitIOV::execute(), cond::IOVImportIterator::importMoreElements(), and popcon::PopCon::write().

9  {
10  // this are really static stuff
11  std::ostringstream user_info;
12  char * user= ::getenv("USER");
13  std::vector<char> hname(1024,'\0');
14  char * hostname = &hname.front();
15  ::gethostname(hostname, 1024);
16  char * pwd = ::getenv("PWD");
17  if (user) { user_info<< "USER=" << user <<";" ;} else { user_info<< "USER="<< "??;";}
18  if (hostname[0] != '\0') {user_info<< "HOSTNAME=" << hostname <<";";}
19  else { user_info<< "HOSTNAME="<< "??;";}
20  if (pwd) {user_info<< "PWD=" << pwd <<";";} else {user_info<< "PWD="<< "??;";}
21  return user_info.str();
22  }
std::string cond::writeToken ( const std::string &  containerName,
int  oid0,
int  oid1,
const std::string &  className 

Definition at line 44 of file

References fmt_oid, runonSM::text, and writeTokenContainerFragment().

Referenced by ora::CondMetadataTable::getNamesForObject(), ora::CondMetadataTable::setObjectName(), and cond::PoolTokenWriter::write().

47  {
48  std::string str = writeTokenContainerFragment( containerName, className );
49  char text[128];
50  ::sprintf(text, fmt_oid, oid0, oid1);
51  str += text;
52  return str;
53  }
static const char * fmt_oid
std::string writeTokenContainerFragment(const std::string &containerName, const std::string &className)
tuple text
std::string className(const T &t)
Definition: ClassName.h:30
std::string cond::writeTokenContainerFragment ( const std::string &  containerName,
const std::string &  className 

Definition at line 55 of file

References fmt_tech, genMD5(), ora::Guid::null(), runonSM::text, and ora::Guid::toString().

Referenced by ora::CondMetadataTable::getNamesForContainer(), and writeToken().

56  {
58  char buff[20];
59  std::string clguid("");
60  // first lookup the class guid in the dictionary
61  Reflex::Type containerType = Reflex::Type::ByName( className );
62  if( containerType ){
63  Reflex::PropertyList props = containerType.Properties();
64  if( props.HasProperty("ClassID")){
65  clguid = props.PropertyAsString("ClassID");
66  }
67  }
68  // if not found, generate one...
69  if( clguid.empty() ){
70  genMD5(className,buff);
71  Guid* gd = reinterpret_cast<Guid*>(buff);
72  clguid = gd->toString();
73  }
74  int tech = 0xB01;
75  char text[128];
76  std::string str = "[DB="+Guid::null()+"][CNT=" + containerName + "][CLID="+clguid+"]";
77  ::sprintf(text, fmt_tech, tech);
78  str += text;
79  return str;
80  }
std::string toString() const
static const char * fmt_tech
void * genMD5(void *buffer, unsigned long len, void *code)
tuple text
ora::Guid Guid
Definition: Guid.h:26
std::string className(const T &t)
Definition: ClassName.h:30

Variable Documentation

const char* cond::fmt_oid = "[OID=%08X-%08X]"

Definition at line 13 of file

Referenced by parseToken(), and writeToken().

const char* cond::fmt_tech = "[TECH=%08X]"

Definition at line 12 of file

Referenced by writeTokenContainerFragment().

const std::string cond::tagInventoryTable
const std::string cond::tagTreeTablePrefix
const unsigned int cond::TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX =5

Definition at line 22 of file Time.h.

Referenced by findSpecs().

const cond::TimeType cond::timeTypeList
Initial value:

Definition at line 9 of file

const TimeTypeSpecs cond::timeTypeSpecs
const cond::TimeType cond::timeTypeValues
Initial value:

Definition at line 12 of file