| MyPFRootEventManager (const char *file) |
bool | processEntry (int entry) |
| process one entry (pass the TTree entry) More...
void | write () |
| ~MyPFRootEventManager () |
const reco::PFBlockCollection & | blocks () const |
int | chargeValue (const int &pdgId) const |
const reco::PFSimParticle & | closestParticle (reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::LayerType layer, double eta, double phi, double &peta, double &pphi, double &pe) const |
| find the closest PFSimParticle to a point (eta,phi) in a given detector More...
void | clustering () |
| read data from testbeam tree More...
void | connect (const char *infilename="") |
| open the root file and connect to the tree More...
bool | countChargedAndPhotons () const |
bool | eventAccepted () const |
| returns true if the event is accepted(have a look at the function implementation) More...
int | eventNumber () |
int | eventToEntry (int run, int lumi, int event) const |
std::string | expand (const std::string &oldString) const |
void | fillClusterMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PFClusterCollection &clusters) const |
| cluster mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG More...
void | fillOutEventWithBlocks (const reco::PFBlockCollection &blocks) |
| fills outEvent with blocks More...
void | fillOutEventWithCaloTowers (const CaloTowerCollection &cts) |
| fills outEvent with calo towers More...
void | fillOutEventWithClusters (const reco::PFClusterCollection &clusters) |
| fills OutEvent with clusters More...
void | fillOutEventWithPFCandidates (const reco::PFCandidateCollection &pfCandidates) |
| fills OutEvent with candidates More...
void | fillOutEventWithSimParticles (const reco::PFSimParticleCollection &ptcs) |
| fills OutEvent with sim particles More...
void | fillPhotonMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PhotonCollection &photons) const |
| photon mask set to true for photons inside TCutG More...
void | fillRecHitMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PFRecHitCollection &rechits) const |
| rechit mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG More...
void | fillTrackMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PFRecTrackCollection &tracks) const |
| track mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG More...
void | fillTrackMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection &tracks) const |
std::string | getGenParticleName (int partId, std::string &latexStringName) const |
| get name of genParticle More...
bool | highPtJet (double ptMin) const |
| returns true if there is at least one jet with pT>pTmin More...
bool | highPtPFCandidate (double ptMin, reco::PFCandidate::ParticleType type=reco::PFCandidate::X) const |
| returns true if there is a PFCandidate of a given type over a given pT More...
void | initializeEventInformation () |
bool | isHadronicTau () const |
| study the sim event to check if the tau decay is hadronic More...
void | mcTruthMatching (std::ostream &out, const reco::PFCandidateCollection &candidates, std::vector< std::list< simMatch > > &candSimMatchTrack, std::vector< std::list< simMatch > > &candSimMatchEcal) const |
void | particleFlow () |
| performs particle flow More...
void | pfCandCompare (int) |
| compare particle flow More...
| PFRootEventManager () |
| default constructor More...
| PFRootEventManager (const char *file) |
void | PreprocessRecHits (reco::PFRecHitCollection &rechits, bool findNeighbours) |
| preprocess a rechit vector from a given rechit branch More...
void | PreprocessRecTracks (reco::PFRecTrackCollection &rectracks) |
| preprocess a rectrack vector from a given rectrack branch More...
void | PreprocessRecTracks (reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection &rectracks) |
void | print (std::ostream &out=std::cout, int maxNLines=-1) const |
| print information More...
void | printCluster (const reco::PFCluster &cluster, std::ostream &out=std::cout) const |
void | printClusters (const reco::PFClusterCollection &clusters, std::ostream &out=std::cout) const |
| print clusters More...
void | printGenParticles (std::ostream &out=std::cout, int maxNLines=-1) const |
| print the HepMC truth More...
void | printMCCalib (std::ofstream &out) const |
| print calibration information More...
void | printRecHit (const reco::PFRecHit &rh, unsigned index, const char *seed=" ", std::ostream &out=std::cout) const |
void | printRecHits (const reco::PFRecHitCollection &rechits, const PFClusterAlgo &clusterAlgo, std::ostream &out=std::cout) const |
| print rechits More...
virtual bool | processEvent (int run, int lumi, int event) |
| process one event (pass the CMS event number) More...
void | readCMSSWJets () |
bool | readFromSimulation (int entry) |
| read data from simulation tree More...
void | readOptions (const char *file, bool refresh=true, bool reconnect=false) |
virtual void | readSpecificOptions (const char *file) |
void | reconstructCaloJets () |
| reconstruct calo jets More...
void | reconstructFWLiteJets (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &Candidates, std::vector< ProtoJet > &output) |
| used by the reconstruct*Jets functions More...
void | reconstructGenJets () |
| reconstruct gen jets More...
void | reconstructPFJets () |
| reconstruct pf jets More...
void | reset () |
| reset before next event More...
void | setRecHitNeigbours (reco::PFRecHit &rh, const std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &detId2index) |
edm::InputTag | stringToTag (const std::vector< std::string > &tagname) |
| returns an InputTag from a vector of strings More...
double | tauBenchmark (const reco::PFCandidateCollection &candidates) |
| COLIN need to get rid of this mess. More...
bool | trackInsideGCut (const reco::PFTrack &track) const |
| is PFTrack inside cut G ? yes if at least one trajectory point is inside. More...
TTree * | tree () |
| get tree More...
virtual | ~PFRootEventManager () |
| destructor More...
typedef std::map< int, int > | EventToEntry |
typedef std::map< int,
EventToEntry > | LumisMap |
typedef std::map< int, LumisMap > | RunsMap |
enum | Verbosity { SHUTUP = 0,
} |
enum | View_t {
XY = 0,
RZ = 1,
EPE = 2,
EPH = 3,
NViews = 4
} |
| viewport definition More...
std::ofstream * | calibFile_ |
< PFEnergyCalibration > | calibration_ |
std::vector< ProtoJet > | caloJets_ |
| calo Jets More...
std::vector< reco::CaloJet > | caloJetsCMSSW_ |
edm::Handle< std::vector
< reco::CaloJet > > | caloJetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW calo Jets. More...
edm::InputTag | caloJetsTag_ |
reco::CaloMETCollection | caloMets_ |
| Calo MET. More...
reco::CaloMETCollection | caloMetsCMSSW_ |
< reco::CaloMETCollection > | caloMetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW Calo MET. More...
edm::InputTag | caloMetsTag_ |
CaloTowerCollection | caloTowers_ |
edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > | caloTowersHandle_ |
| input collection of calotowers More...
reco::CandidatePtrVector | caloTowersPtrs_ |
edm::InputTag | caloTowersTag_ |
PFClusterAlgo | clusterAlgoECAL_ |
PFClusterAlgo | clusterAlgoHCAL_ |
| clustering algorithm for HCAL More...
PFClusterAlgo | clusterAlgoHFEM_ |
| clustering algorithm for HF, electro-magnetic layer More...
PFClusterAlgo | clusterAlgoHFHAD_ |
| clustering algorithm for HF, hadronic layer More...
PFClusterAlgo | clusterAlgoHO_ |
| clustering algorithm for HO More...
PFClusterAlgo | clusterAlgoPS_ |
| clustering algorithm for PS More...
< pftools::PFClusterCalibration > | clusterCalibration_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersECAL_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersECALHandle_ |
| clusters ECAL More...
edm::InputTag | clustersECALTag_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHCAL_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHCALHandle_ |
| clusters HCAL More...
edm::InputTag | clustersHCALTag_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHFEM_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHFEMHandle_ |
| clusters HCAL More...
edm::InputTag | clustersHFEMTag_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHFHAD_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHFHADHandle_ |
| clusters HCAL More...
edm::InputTag | clustersHFHADTag_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHO_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersHOHandle_ |
| clusters HO More...
edm::InputTag | clustersHOTag_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersPS_ |
< reco::PFClusterCollection > | clustersPSHandle_ |
| clusters PS More...
edm::InputTag | clustersPSTag_ |
reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection | convBremGsfrecTracks_ |
< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > | convBremGsfrecTracksHandle_ |
| reconstructed secondary GSF tracks More...
edm::InputTag | convBremGsfrecTracksTag_ |
reco::PFConversionCollection | conversion_ |
< reco::PFConversionCollection > | conversionHandle_ |
| conversions More...
edm::InputTag | conversionTag_ |
std::vector< reco::CaloJet > | corrcaloJetsCMSSW_ |
edm::Handle< std::vector
< reco::CaloJet > > | corrcaloJetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW corrected calo Jets. More...
edm::InputTag | corrcaloJetsTag_ |
bool | debug_ |
| debug printouts for this PFRootEventManager on/off More...
double | DeltaMETcut |
double | DeltaPhicut |
reco::PFRecTrackCollection | displacedRecTracks_ |
< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > | displacedRecTracksHandle_ |
edm::InputTag | displacedRecTracksTag_ |
bool | doClustering_ |
bool | doCompare_ |
| comparison with pf CMSSW More...
bool | doJets_ |
| jets on/off More...
bool | doMet_ |
| MET on/off. More...
bool | doParticleFlow_ |
| particle flow on/off More...
bool | doPFCandidateBenchmark_ |
bool | doPFDQM_ |
bool | doPFJetBenchmark_ |
| PFJet benchmark on/off. More...
bool | doPFMETBenchmark_ |
| PFMET benchmark on/off. More...
bool | doTauBenchmark_ |
| tau benchmark on/off More...
TFile * | dqmFile_ |
< reco::GsfElectronCollection > | egammaElectronHandle_ |
reco::GsfElectronCollection | egammaElectrons_ |
edm::InputTag | egammaElectronsTag_ |
fwlite::ChainEvent * | ev_ |
| NEW: input event. More...
edm::EventAuxiliary * | eventAuxiliary_ |
| event auxiliary information More...
TBranch * | eventAuxiliaryBranch_ |
bool | fastsim_ |
| Fastsim or fullsim. More...
TFile * | file_ |
| input file More...
bool | filterHadronicTaus_ |
unsigned | filterNParticles_ |
std::vector< int > | filterTaus_ |
bool | findRecHitNeighbours_ |
| find rechit neighbours ? More...
reco::GenJetCollection | genJets_ |
| gen Jets More...
reco::GenJetCollection | genJetsCMSSW_ |
< reco::GenJetCollection > | genJetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW gen Jets. More...
edm::InputTag | genJetsTag_ |
reco::GenParticleCollection | genParticlesCMSSW_ |
reco::GenParticleRefVector | genParticlesforJets_ |
< reco::GenParticleRefVector > | genParticlesforJetsHandle_ |
| input collection of gen particles More...
reco::CandidatePtrVector | genParticlesforJetsPtrs_ |
edm::InputTag | genParticlesforJetsTag_ |
< reco::GenParticleCollection > | genParticlesforMETHandle_ |
| CMSSW GenParticles. More...
edm::InputTag | genParticlesforMETTag_ |
reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection | gsfrecTracks_ |
< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > | gsfrecTracksHandle_ |
| reconstructed GSF tracks More...
edm::InputTag | gsfrecTracksTag_ |
TH1F * | h_deltaETvisible_MCEHT_ |
| output histo dET ( EHT - MC) More...
TH1F * | h_deltaETvisible_MCPF_ |
| output histo dET ( PF - MC) More...
int | iEvent_ |
| current event More...
std::vector< std::string > | inFileNames_ |
| input file names More...
bool | JECinCaloMet_ |
| propagate the Jet Energy Corrections to the caloMET on/off More...
PFJetAlgorithm | jetAlgo_ |
int | jetAlgoType_ |
| jet algo type More...
FWLiteJetProducer | jetMaker_ |
| wrapper to official jet algorithms More...
bool | jetsDebug_ |
| debug printouts for jet algo on/off More...
RunsMap | mapEventToEntry_ |
edm::HepMCProduct | MCTruth_ |
edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > | MCTruthHandle_ |
| MC truth. More...
edm::InputTag | MCTruthTag_ |
double | MET1cut |
| PFMET Benchmark. More...
std::auto_ptr< METManager > | metManager_ |
reco::MuonCollection | muons_ |
edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollection > | muonsHandle_ |
| muons More...
edm::InputTag | muonsTag_ |
IO * | options_ |
| options file parser More...
EventColin * | outEvent_ |
TFile * | outFile_ |
| output file More...
std::string | outFileName_ |
| output filename More...
TTree * | outTree_ |
| output tree More...
PFAlgo | pfAlgo_ |
| particle flow algorithm More...
PFBlockAlgo | pfBlockAlgo_ |
| algorithm for building the particle flow blocks More...
< reco::PFBlockCollection > | pfBlocks_ |
| reconstructed pfblocks More...
reco::PFCandidateCollection | pfCandCMSSW_ |
< reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection > | pfCandidateElectronExtras_ |
| PFCandidateElectronExtra. More...
< reco::PFCandidateCollection > | pfCandidateHandle_ |
| CMSSW PF candidates. More...
PFCandidateManager | pfCandidateManager_ |
< reco::PFCandidateCollection > | pfCandidates_ |
| reconstructed pfCandidates More...
reco::CandidatePtrVector | pfCandidatesPtrs_ |
edm::InputTag | pfCandidateTag_ |
PFJetBenchmark | PFJetBenchmark_ |
| PFJet Benchmark. More...
PFJetMonitor | pfJetMonitor_ |
reco::PFJetCollection | pfJets_ |
| PF Jets. More...
reco::PFJetCollection | pfJetsCMSSW_ |
< reco::PFJetCollection > | pfJetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW PF Jets. More...
edm::InputTag | pfJetsTag_ |
PFMETMonitor | pfMETMonitor_ |
reco::PFMETCollection | pfMets_ |
| PF MET. More...
reco::PFMETCollection | pfMetsCMSSW_ |
< reco::PFMETCollection > | pfMetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW PF MET. More...
edm::InputTag | pfMetsTag_ |
reco::PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection | pfNuclearTrackerVertex_ |
< reco::PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection > | pfNuclearTrackerVertexHandle_ |
| PFDisplacedVertex. More...
edm::InputTag | pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_ |
< reco::PhotonCollection > | photonHandle_ |
| photons More...
reco::PhotonCollection | photons_ |
edm::InputTag | photonTag_ |
reco::VertexCollection | primaryVertices_ |
< reco::VertexCollection > | primaryVerticesHandle_ |
| reconstructed primary vertices More...
edm::InputTag | primaryVerticesTag_ |
bool | printClusters_ |
| print clusters yes/no More...
double | printClustersEMin_ |
bool | printGenParticles_ |
| print MC truth yes/no More...
double | printGenParticlesPtMin_ |
bool | printMCTruthMatching_ |
bool | printPFBlocks_ |
| print PFBlocks yes/no More...
bool | printPFCandidates_ |
| print PFCandidates yes/no More...
double | printPFCandidatesPtMin_ |
bool | printPFJets_ |
| print PFJets yes/no More...
double | printPFJetsPtMin_ |
bool | printRecHits_ |
| print rechits yes/no More...
double | printRecHitsEMin_ |
bool | printSimParticles_ |
| print true particles yes/no More...
double | printSimParticlesPtMin_ |
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsCLEANED_ |
std::vector< edm::Handle
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > > | rechitsCLEANEDHandles_ |
std::vector< edm::InputTag > | rechitsCLEANEDTags_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsCLEANEDV_ |
| rechits HF CLEANED More...
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsECAL_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsECALHandle_ |
| rechits ECAL More...
edm::InputTag | rechitsECALTag_ |
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsHCAL_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsHCALHandle_ |
| rechits HCAL More...
edm::InputTag | rechitsHCALTag_ |
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsHFEM_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsHFEMHandle_ |
| rechits HF EM More...
edm::InputTag | rechitsHFEMTag_ |
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsHFHAD_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsHFHADHandle_ |
| rechits HF HAD More...
edm::InputTag | rechitsHFHADTag_ |
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsHO_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsHOHandle_ |
| rechits HO More...
edm::InputTag | rechitsHOTag_ |
reco::PFRecHitCollection | rechitsPS_ |
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > | rechitsPSHandle_ |
| rechits PS More...
edm::InputTag | rechitsPSTag_ |
reco::PFRecTrackCollection | recTracks_ |
< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > | recTracksHandle_ |
| reconstructed tracks More...
edm::InputTag | recTracksTag_ |
reco::TrackCollection | stdTracks_ |
< reco::TrackCollection > | stdTracksHandle_ |
| standard reconstructed tracks More...
edm::InputTag | stdTracksTag_ |
bool | tauBenchmarkDebug_ |
| tau benchmark debug More...
reco::METCollection | tcMets_ |
| TCMET. More...
reco::METCollection | tcMetsCMSSW_ |
edm::Handle< reco::METCollection > | tcMetsHandle_ |
| CMSSW TCMET. More...
edm::InputTag | tcMetsTag_ |
< PFEnergyCalibrationHF > | thepfEnergyCalibrationHF_ |
TTree * | tree_ |
| input tree More...
reco::PFSimParticleCollection | trueParticles_ |
< reco::PFSimParticleCollection > | trueParticlesHandle_ |
| true particles More...
edm::InputTag | trueParticlesTag_ |
bool | useAtHLT_ |
| Use HLT tracking. More...
bool | useConvBremGsfTracks_ |
| Use Secondary Gsf Tracks. More...
bool | useConvBremPFRecTracks_ |
| Use Conv Brem KF Tracks. More...
bool | useEGElectrons_ |
| Use EGElectrons. More...
bool | useEGPhotons_ |
| Use EGPhotons. More...
bool | useHO_ |
| Use of HO in links with tracks/HCAL and in particle flow reconstruction. More...
bool | useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_ |
| ECAL-track link optimization. More...
bool | usePFConversions_ |
| Use of conversions in PFAlgo. More...
bool | usePFElectrons_ |
| Use PFElectrons. More...
bool | usePFNuclearInteractions_ |
| Use of PFDisplacedVertex in PFAlgo. More...
bool | usePFV0s_ |
| Use of V0 in PFAlgo. More...
reco::PFV0Collection | v0_ |
edm::Handle< reco::PFV0Collection > | v0Handle_ |
| V0. More...
edm::InputTag | v0Tag_ |
int | verbosity_ |
| verbosity More...
Definition at line 17 of file MyPFRootEventManager.h.