15 <<
"Illegal attempt to access the process top level parameter set ID\n"
16 <<
"before that parameter set has been frozen and registered.\n"
17 <<
"The parameter set can be changed during module validation,\n"
18 <<
"which occurs concurrently with module construction.\n"
19 <<
"It is illegal to access the parameter set before it is frozen.\n";
29 fillme[
i->first].pset() =
41 <<
"Unable to find the ParameterSet for id: "
43 <<
";\nthis was supposed to be the process ParameterSet\n";
50 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ThreadSafeRegistry.icc"
static ThreadSafeRegistry * instance()
bool getMapped(key_type const &k, value_type &result) const
std::map< ParameterSetID, ParameterSetBlob > regmap_type
const_iterator begin() const
collection_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Hash< ParameterSetType > ParameterSetID
ParameterSet const & getProcessParameterSet()
const_iterator end() const
ParameterSetID getProcessParameterSetID(Registry const *reg)
Associated free functions.
void fillMap(Registry *reg, regmap_type &fillme)