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1 # idea stolen from:
2 #
3 # PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/tools/
4 import das_client
5 import json
6 import os
7 import bisect
8 import re
9 from FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList import LumiList
10 from TkAlExceptions import AllInOneError
13 class Dataset:
14  def __init__( self, datasetName, dasLimit = 0 ):
15  self.__name = datasetName
16  # check, if dataset name matches CMS dataset naming scheme
17  if re.match( r'/.+/.+/.+', self.__name ):
18  self.__dataType = self.__getDataType()
19  self.__predefined = False
20  else:
21  fileName = self.__name + ""
22  searchPath1 = os.path.join( os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"], "python",
23  "Alignment", "OfflineValidation",
24  fileName )
25  searchPath2 = os.path.join( os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"], "src",
26  "Alignment", "OfflineValidation",
27  "python", fileName )
28  searchPath3 = os.path.join( os.environ["CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"],
29  "python", "Alignment",
30  "OfflineValidation", fileName )
31  if os.path.exists( searchPath1 ):
32  pass
33  elif os.path.exists( searchPath2 ):
34  msg = ("The predefined dataset '%s' does exist in '%s', but "
35  "you need to run 'scram b' first."
36  %( self.__name, searchPath2 ))
37  raise AllInOneError( msg )
38  elif os.path.exists( searchPath3 ):
39  pass
40  else:
41  msg = ("The predefined dataset '%s' does not exist. Please "
42  "create it first or check for typos."%( self.__name ))
43  raise AllInOneError( msg )
44  self.__dataType = "unknown"
45  self.__predefined = True
46  self.__dasLimit = dasLimit
47  self.__fileList = None
48  self.__fileInfoList = None
49  self.__runList = None
51  def __chunks( self, theList, n ):
52  """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from theList.
53  """
54  for i in xrange( 0, len( theList ), n ):
55  yield theList[i:i+n]
57  def __createSnippet( self, jsonPath = None, begin = None, end = None,
58  firstRun = None, lastRun = None, repMap = None,
59  crab = False ):
60  if firstRun:
61  firstRun = int( firstRun )
62  if lastRun:
63  lastRun = int( lastRun )
64  if ( begin and firstRun ) or ( end and lastRun ):
65  msg = ( "The Usage of "
66  + "'begin' & 'firstRun' " * int( bool( begin and
67  firstRun ) )
68  + "and " * int( bool( ( begin and firstRun ) and
69  ( end and lastRun ) ) )
70  + "'end' & 'lastRun' " * int( bool( end and lastRun ) )
71  + "is ambigous." )
72  raise AllInOneError( msg )
73  if begin or end:
74  ( firstRun, lastRun ) = self.convertTimeToRun(
75  begin = begin, end = end, firstRun = firstRun,
76  lastRun = lastRun )
77  if ( firstRun and lastRun ) and ( firstRun > lastRun ):
78  msg = ( "The lower time/runrange limit ('begin'/'firstRun') "
79  "chosen is greater than the upper time/runrange limit "
80  "('end'/'lastRun').")
81  raise AllInOneError( msg )
82  goodLumiSecStr = ""
83  lumiStr = ""
84  lumiSecExtend = ""
85  if firstRun or lastRun:
86  goodLumiSecStr = ( "lumiSecs = cms.untracked."
87  "VLuminosityBlockRange()\n" )
88  lumiStr = " lumisToProcess = lumiSecs,\n"
89  if not jsonPath:
90  selectedRunList = self.__getRunList()
91  if firstRun:
92  selectedRunList = [ run for run in selectedRunList \
93  if run["run_number"] >= firstRun ]
94  if lastRun:
95  selectedRunList = [ run for run in selectedRunList \
96  if run["run_number"] <= lastRun ]
97  lumiList = [ str( run["run_number"] ) + ":1-" \
98  + str( run["run_number"] ) + ":max" \
99  for run in selectedRunList ]
100  splitLumiList = list( self.__chunks( lumiList, 255 ) )
101  else:
102  theLumiList = LumiList ( filename = jsonPath )
103  allRuns = theLumiList.getRuns()
104  runsToRemove = []
105  for run in allRuns:
106  if firstRun and int( run ) < firstRun:
107  runsToRemove.append( run )
108  if lastRun and int( run ) > lastRun:
109  runsToRemove.append( run )
110  theLumiList.removeRuns( runsToRemove )
111  splitLumiList = list( self.__chunks(
112  theLumiList.getCMSSWString().split(','), 255 ) )
113  if not len(splitLumiList[0][0]) == 0:
114  lumiSecStr = [ "',\n'".join( lumis ) \
115  for lumis in splitLumiList ]
116  lumiSecStr = [ "lumiSecs.extend( [\n'" + lumis + "'\n] )" \
117  for lumis in lumiSecStr ]
118  lumiSecExtend = "\n".join( lumiSecStr )
119  elif jsonPath:
120  goodLumiSecStr = ( "goodLumiSecs = LumiList.LumiList(filename"
121  "= '%(json)s').getCMSSWString().split(',')\n"
122  "lumiSecs = cms.untracked"
123  ".VLuminosityBlockRange()\n"
124  )
125  lumiStr = " lumisToProcess = lumiSecs,\n"
126  lumiSecExtend = "lumiSecs.extend(goodLumiSecs)\n"
127  if crab:
128  files = ""
129  else:
130  splitFileList = list( self.__chunks( self.fileList(), 255 ) )
131  fileStr = [ "',\n'".join( files ) for files in splitFileList ]
132  fileStr = [ "readFiles.extend( [\n'" + files + "'\n] )" \
133  for files in fileStr ]
134  files = "\n".join( fileStr )
135  theMap = repMap
136  theMap["files"] = files
137  theMap["json"] = jsonPath
138  theMap["lumiStr"] = lumiStr
139  theMap["goodLumiSecStr"] = goodLumiSecStr%( theMap )
140  theMap["lumiSecExtend"] = lumiSecExtend
141  if crab:
142  dataset_snippet = self.__dummy_source_template%( theMap )
143  else:
144  dataset_snippet = self.__source_template%( theMap )
145  return dataset_snippet
147  __dummy_source_template = ("%(process)smaxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( "
148  "input = cms.untracked.int32(%(nEvents)s) )\n"
149  "readFiles = cms.untracked.vstring()\n"
150  "secFiles = cms.untracked.vstring()\n"
151  "%(process)ssource = cms.Source(\"PoolSource\",\n"
152  "%(tab)s secondaryFileNames ="
153  "secFiles,\n"
154  "%(tab)s fileNames = readFiles\n"
155  ")\n"
156  "readFiles.extend(['dummy_File.root'])\n")
158  def __find_lt( self, a, x ):
159  'Find rightmost value less than x'
160  i = bisect.bisect_left( a, x )
161  if i:
162  return i-1
163  raise ValueError
165  def __find_ge( self, a, x):
166  'Find leftmost item greater than or equal to x'
167  i = bisect.bisect_left( a, x )
168  if i != len( a ):
169  return i
170  raise ValueError
172  def __getData( self, dasQuery, dasLimit = 0 ):
173  dasData = das_client.get_data( '',
174  dasQuery, 0, dasLimit, False )
175  jsondict = json.loads( dasData )
176  # Check, if the DAS query fails
177  if jsondict["status"] != 'ok':
178  msg = "Status not 'ok', but:", jsondict["status"]
179  raise AllInOneError(msg)
180  return jsondict["data"]
182  def __getDataType( self ):
183  dasQuery_type = ( 'dataset dataset=%s | grep dataset.datatype,'
184  ''%( self.__name ) )
185  data = self.__getData( dasQuery_type )
186  return data[0]["dataset"][0]["datatype"]
188  def __getFileInfoList( self, dasLimit ):
189  if self.__fileInfoList:
190  return self.__fileInfoList
191  dasQuery_files = ( 'file dataset=%s | grep, file.nevents, '
192  'file.creation_time, '
193  'file.modification_time'%( self.__name ) )
194  print "Requesting file information for '%s' from DAS..."%( self.__name ),
195  data = self.__getData( dasQuery_files, dasLimit )
196  print "Done."
197  data = [ entry["file"] for entry in data ]
198  if len( data ) == 0:
199  msg = ("No files are available for the dataset '%s'. This can be "
200  "due to a typo or due to a DAS problem. Please check the "
201  "spelling of the dataset and/or retry to run "
202  "''."%( ))
203  raise AllInOneError( msg )
204  fileInformationList = []
205  for file in data:
206  fileName = file[0]["name"]
207  fileCreationTime = file[0]["creation_time"]
208  for ii in range(3):
209  try:
210  fileNEvents = file[ii]["nevents"]
211  except KeyError:
212  continue
213  break
214  # select only non-empty files
215  if fileNEvents == 0:
216  continue
217  fileDict = { "name": fileName,
218  "creation_time": fileCreationTime,
219  "nevents": fileNEvents
220  }
221  fileInformationList.append( fileDict )
222  fileInformationList.sort( key=lambda info: info["name"] )
223  return fileInformationList
225  def __getRunList( self ):
226  if self.__runList:
227  return self.__runList
228  dasQuery_runs = ( 'run dataset=%s | grep run.run_number,'
229  'run.creation_time'%( self.__name ) )
230  print "Requesting run information for '%s' from DAS..."%( self.__name ),
231  data = self.__getData( dasQuery_runs )
232  print "Done."
233  data = [ entry["run"][0] for entry in data ]
234  data.sort( key = lambda run: run["creation_time"] )
235  self.__runList = data
236  return data
238  __source_template= ("%(importCms)s"
239  "import FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList as LumiList\n\n"
240  "%(goodLumiSecStr)s"
241  "%(process)smaxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( "
242  "input = cms.untracked.int32(%(nEvents)s) )\n"
243  "readFiles = cms.untracked.vstring()\n"
244  "secFiles = cms.untracked.vstring()\n"
245  "%(process)ssource = cms.Source(\"PoolSource\",\n"
246  "%(lumiStr)s"
247  "%(tab)s secondaryFileNames ="
248  "secFiles,\n"
249  "%(tab)s fileNames = readFiles\n"
250  ")\n"
251  "%(files)s\n"
252  "%(lumiSecExtend)s\n")
254  def convertTimeToRun( self, begin = None, end = None,
255  firstRun = None, lastRun = None,
256  shortTuple = True ):
257  if ( begin and firstRun ) or ( end and lastRun ):
258  msg = ( "The Usage of "
259  + "'begin' & 'firstRun' " * int( bool( begin and
260  firstRun ) )
261  + "and " * int( bool( ( begin and firstRun ) and
262  ( end and lastRun ) ) )
263  + "'end' & 'lastRun' " * int( bool( end and lastRun ) )
264  + "is ambigous." )
265  raise AllInOneError( msg )
267  runList = [ run["run_number"] for run in self.__getRunList() ]
268  runTimeList = [ run["creation_time"] for run in self.__getRunList() ]
269  if begin:
270  try:
271  runIndex = self.__find_ge( runTimeList, begin )
272  except ValueError:
273  msg = ( "Your 'begin' is after the creation time of the last "
274  "run in the dataset\n'%s'"%( self.__name ) )
275  raise AllInOneError( msg )
276  firstRun = runList[runIndex]
277  begin = None
278  if end:
279  try:
280  runIndex = self.__find_lt( runTimeList, end )
281  except ValueError:
282  msg = ( "Your 'end' is before the creation time of the first "
283  "run in the dataset\n'%s'"%( self.__name ) )
284  raise AllInOneError( msg )
285  lastRun = runList[runIndex]
286  end = None
287  if shortTuple:
288  return firstRun, lastRun
289  else:
290  return begin, end, firstRun, lastRun
292  def dataType( self ):
293  return self.__dataType
295  def datasetSnippet( self, jsonPath = None, begin = None, end = None,
296  firstRun = None, lastRun = None, nEvents = None,
297  crab = False ):
298  if self.__predefined:
299  return ("process.load(\"Alignment.OfflineValidation.%s_cff\")\n"
300  "process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(\n"
301  " input = cms.untracked.int32(%s)\n"
302  ")"
303  %( self.__name, nEvents ))
304  theMap = { "process": "process.",
305  "tab": " " * len( "process." ),
306  "nEvents": str( nEvents ),
307  "importCms": ""
308  }
309  datasetSnippet = self.__createSnippet( jsonPath = jsonPath,
310  begin = begin,
311  end = end,
312  firstRun = firstRun,
313  lastRun = lastRun,
314  repMap = theMap,
315  crab = crab )
316  return datasetSnippet
318  def dump_cff( self, outName = None, jsonPath = None, begin = None,
319  end = None, firstRun = None, lastRun = None ):
320  if outName == None:
321  outName = "Dataset"
322  packageName = os.path.join( "Alignment", "OfflineValidation" )
323  if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(
324  os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"], "src", packageName ) ):
325  msg = ("You try to store the predefined dataset'%s'.\n"
326  "For that you need to check out the package '%s' to your "
327  "private relase area in\n"%( outName, packageName )
328  + os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"] )
329  raise AllInOneError( msg )
330  theMap = { "process": "",
331  "tab": "",
332  "nEvents": str( -1 ),
333  "importCms": "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n" }
334  dataset_cff = self.__createSnippet( jsonPath = jsonPath,
335  begin = begin,
336  end = end,
337  firstRun = firstRun,
338  lastRun = lastRun,
339  repMap = theMap)
340  filePath = os.path.join( os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"], "src", packageName,
341  "python", outName + "" )
342  if os.path.exists( filePath ):
343  existMsg = "The predefined dataset '%s' already exists.\n"%( outName )
344  askString = "Do you want to overwrite it? [y/n]\n"
345  inputQuery = existMsg + askString
346  while True:
347  userInput = raw_input( inputQuery ).lower()
348  if userInput == "y":
349  break
350  elif userInput == "n":
351  return
352  else:
353  inputQuery = askString
354  print ( "The predefined dataset '%s' will be stored in the file\n"
355  %( outName )
356  + filePath +
357  "\nFor future use you have to do 'scram b'." )
358  print
359  theFile = open( filePath, "w" )
360  theFile.write( dataset_cff )
361  theFile.close()
362  return
364  def fileList( self ):
365  if self.__fileList:
366  return self.__fileList
367  fileList = [ fileInfo["name"] \
368  for fileInfo in self.fileInfoList() ]
369  self.__fileList = fileList
370  return fileList
372  def fileInfoList( self ):
373  return self.__getFileInfoList( self.__dasLimit )
375  def name( self ):
376  return self.__name
378  def predefined( self ):
379  return self.__predefined
381  def runList( self ):
382  if self.__runList:
383  return self.__runList
384  return self.__getRunList()
387 if __name__ == '__main__':
388  print "Start testing..."
389  datasetName = '/MinimumBias/Run2012D-TkAlMinBias-v1/ALCARECO'
390  jsonFile = ( '/afs/'
391  'Collisions12/8TeV/Prompt/'
392  'Cert_190456-207898_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt' )
393  dataset = Dataset( datasetName )
394  print dataset.datasetSnippet( nEvents = 100,jsonPath = jsonFile,
395  firstRun = "207983",
396  end = "2012-11-28 00:00:00" )
397  dataset.dump_cff( outName = "Dataset_Test_TkAlMinBias_Run2012D",
398  jsonPath = jsonFile,
399  firstRun = "207983",
400  end = "2012-11-28 00:00:00" )
def __getFileInfoList
def __createSnippet
def convertTimeToRun
def fileInfoList
static std::string join(char **cmd)
tuple __dummy_source_template
def datasetSnippet
def __getRunList
double split
def __getDataType
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run