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DTCombinatorialPatternReco4DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple DTCombinatorialPatternReco4DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData

Variable Documentation

tuple DTCombinatorialPatternReco4DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData_cfi.DTCombinatorialPatternReco4DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  Reco4DAlgoName = cms.string('DTCombinatorialPatternReco4D'),
3  Reco4DAlgoConfig = cms.PSet(
4  # Parameters for the updator
5  # this is the RecHit1D algo!!
6  DTNoDriftAlgo_CosmicData,
7  # this are the RecSegment2D algo parameters!
8  DTCombinatorialPatternReco2DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData,
9  segmCleanerMode = cms.int32(1),
10  # Parameters for the cleaner
11  nSharedHitsMax = cms.int32(2),
12  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
13  nUnSharedHitsMin = cms.int32(2),
14  # the input type.
15  # If true the instructions in setDTRecSegment2DContainer will be schipped and the
16  # theta segment will be recomputed from the 1D rechits
17  # If false the theta segment will be taken from the Event. Caveat: in this case the
18  # event must contain the 2D segments!
19  AllDTRecHits = cms.bool(True),
20  # Parameters for T0 fit segment in the Updator
21  performT0SegCorrection = cms.bool(False),
22  hit_afterT0_resolution = cms.double(0.03),
23  performT0_vdriftSegCorrection = cms.bool(False)
24  )
25 )

Definition at line 13 of file