
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #
00004 # module to make mvaTraining for jet parton associations
00005 #
00006 buildTraintree = cms.EDAnalyzer("TtFullHadSignalSelMVATrainer",
00007     #input tags used in the example
00008     jets   = cms.InputTag("selectedPatJets"),
00010     #three possibilities:
00011     # whatData=-1: in your training-file both, signal and background events are available
00012     # whatData=1: your training-file contains only signal events
00013     # whatData=0: your training-file contains only background events
00014     whatData = cms.int32(1),
00016     #maximum number of training events to be used
00017     # maxEv = -1: all events are used
00018     # for example maxEv = 5000: writes only the first 5000 events to the training tree
00019     maxEv = cms.int32(-1),
00020     #event weight to be put here:
00021     # standard is set to 1, so no weight is applied
00022     # for example if different samples with different integrated luminosities have to be combined
00023     weight = cms.double(1.0)
00024 )