Classes | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

FourVectorHLTOffline Class Reference

#include <FourVectorHLTOffline.h>

Inheritance diagram for FourVectorHLTOffline:

List of all members.


class  PathInfo
class  PathInfoCollection

Public Member Functions

void cleanDRMatchSet (mmset &tempSet)
 Clean DR Match Set.
 FourVectorHLTOffline (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~FourVectorHLTOffline ()

Public Attributes

edm::Handle< reco::BeamSpotfBeamSpotHandle
< trigger::TriggerEvent
edm::Handle< edm::TriggerResultsfTriggerResults
PathInfoCollection hltPaths_
PathInfoCollection hltPathsDiagonal_

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
void beginLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock (const int &lumi)
void countHLTGroupHitsEndLumiBlock (const int &lumi)
void countHLTGroupL1HitsEndLumiBlock (const int &lumi)
void countHLTPathHitsEndLumiBlock (const int &lumi)
virtual void endJob ()
void endLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void endRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void fillHltMatrix (const edm::TriggerNames &triggerNames)
int getHltThresholdFromName (const std::string &pathname)
const std::string getL1ConditionModuleName (const std::string &pathname)
int getTriggerTypeParsePathName (const std::string &pathname)
bool hasHLTPassed (const std::string &pathname, const edm::TriggerNames &triggerNames)
bool hasL1Passed (const std::string &pathname, const edm::TriggerNames &triggerNames)
bool isVBTFMuon (const reco::Muon &muon)
std::string removeVersions (std::string histVersion)
void selectElectrons (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &eleHandle)
void selectJets (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &jetHandle)
void selectMet (const edm::Handle< reco::CaloMETCollection > &metHandle)
void selectMuons (const edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollection > &muonHandle)
void selectPhotons (const edm::Handle< reco::PhotonCollection > &phoHandle)
void selectTaus (const edm::Event &iEvent)
void setupHltBxPlots ()
void setupHltLsPlots ()
void setupHltMatrix (const std::string &label, std::vector< std::string > &paths)

Private Attributes

double bjetDRMatch_
double bjetEtaMax_
double bjetEtMin_
double bjetL1DRMatch_
int currentRun_
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, std::string > > 
float deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_
float deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_
float deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_
float deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_
std::string dirname_
bool doCombineRuns_
float dr03TkSumPtEB_
float dr03TkSumPtEC_
float dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEB_
float dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEC_
float dr04HcalTowerSumEtEB_
float dr04HcalTowerSumEtEC_
double dRMax_
double dxyCut_
double electronDRMatch_
double electronEtaMax_
double electronEtMin_
double electronL1DRMatch_
float eleMaxOver3x3_
float emEnergyFractionJet_
std::string fCustomBXPath
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, float > > 
std::vector< std::string > fGroupName
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, std::vector
< std::string > > > 
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, float > > 
float fHPDJet_
bool fIsSetup
bool fLumiFlag
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, std::vector
< int > > > 
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, float > > 
< reco::GsfElectronCollection
< reco::CaloJetCollection
< reco::CaloMETCollection
edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollectionfSelMuonsHandle
< reco::PhotonCollection
< reco::PFTauCollection
float hadronicOverEmEB_
float hadronicOverEmEC_
HLTConfigProvider hltConfig_
double htDRMatch_
double htEtaMax_
double htL1DRMatch_
double htMin_
bool isAlsoTrackerMuon_
double jetDRMatch_
double jetEtaMax_
double jetEtMin_
double jetL1DRMatch_
double LSsize_
double metDRMatch_
double metEtaMax_
double metL1DRMatch_
double metMin_
bool monitorDaemon_
double muonDRMatch_
double muonEtaMax_
double muonEtMin_
int muonHitsCut_
double muonL1DRMatch_
std::string muonRecoCollectionName_
int n90Jet_
unsigned int nBins2D_
unsigned int nBins_
unsigned int nBinsDR_
unsigned int nBinsOneOverEt_
unsigned int Nbx_
int nev_
unsigned int nLS_
int nMatchesCut_
double normalizedChi2Cut_
std::string pathsIndividualHLTPathsPerLSFolder_
std::string pathsSummaryFilterCountsFolder_
std::string pathsSummaryFilterEfficiencyFolder_
std::string pathsSummaryFolder_
std::string pathsSummaryHLTCorrelationsFolder_
std::string pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerBXFolder_
std::string pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_
double photonDRMatch_
double photonEtaMax_
double photonEtMin_
double photonL1DRMatch_
int pixelHitsCut_
bool plotAll_
std::string processname_
double ptMax_
double ptMin_
edm::InputTag recHitsEBTag_
edm::InputTag recHitsEETag_
unsigned int referenceBX_
float sigmaIetaIetaEB_
float sigmaIetaIetaEC_
float sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEB_
float sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEC_
std::vector< std::string > specialPaths_
double sumEtMin_
double tauDRMatch_
std::string tauDscrmtrLabel1_
std::string tauDscrmtrLabel2_
std::string tauDscrmtrLabel3_
double tauEtaMax_
double tauEtMin_
double tauL1DRMatch_
int theHLTOutputType
double thresholdFactor_
double trackDRMatch_
int trackerHitsCut_
double trackEtaMax_
double trackEtMin_
double trackL1DRMatch_
std::vector< std::vector< uint > > triggerFilterIndices_
std::vector< std::vector
< std::string > > 
edm::InputTag triggerResultsLabel_
edm::InputTag triggerSummaryLabel_
bool useUM
std::vector< MonitorElement * > v_ME_HLTAll_LS
std::vector< MonitorElement * > v_ME_Total_BX
std::vector< MonitorElement * > v_ME_Total_BX_Norm

Detailed Description

Description: This is a DQM source meant to plot high-level HLT trigger quantities as stored in the HLT results object TriggerResults

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 113 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FourVectorHLTOffline::FourVectorHLTOffline ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 15 of file

References bjetDRMatch_, bjetEtaMax_, bjetEtMin_, bjetL1DRMatch_, DQMStore::book1D(), custompathnamepairs_, dbe_, deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_, deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_, deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_, deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_, dirname_, doCombineRuns_, dr03TkSumPtEB_, dr03TkSumPtEC_, dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEB_, dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEC_, dr04HcalTowerSumEtEB_, dr04HcalTowerSumEtEC_, dRMax_, dxyCut_, electronDRMatch_, electronEtaMax_, electronEtMin_, electronL1DRMatch_, eleMaxOver3x3_, emEnergyFractionJet_, fCustomBXPath, fHPDJet_, fIsSetup, fLumiFlag, fSelectedElectrons, fSelectedJets, fSelectedMet, fSelectedMuons, fSelectedPhotons, fSelectedTaus, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hadronicOverEmEB_, hadronicOverEmEC_, hltPaths_, htDRMatch_, htEtaMax_, htL1DRMatch_, htMin_, isAlsoTrackerMuon_, jetDRMatch_, jetEtaMax_, jetEtMin_, jetID, jetL1DRMatch_, LogDebug, LSsize_, ME_HLT_BX, ME_HLT_CUSTOM_BX, ME_HLTAll_LS, metDRMatch_, metEtaMax_, metL1DRMatch_, metMin_, muonDRMatch_, muonEtaMax_, muonEtMin_, muonHitsCut_, muonL1DRMatch_, muonRecoCollectionName_, n90Jet_, nBins2D_, nBins_, nBinsDR_, nBinsOneOverEt_, Nbx_, nLS_, nMatchesCut_, normalizedChi2Cut_, NULL, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, EgammaValidation_cff::paths, pathsSummaryFilterCountsFolder_, pathsSummaryFolder_, pathsSummaryHLTCorrelationsFolder_, pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_, photonDRMatch_, photonEtaMax_, photonEtMin_, photonL1DRMatch_, pixelHitsCut_, plotAll_, processname_, ptMax_, ptMin_, recHitsEBTag_, recHitsEETag_, referenceBX_, scalersSelect, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), sigmaIetaIetaEB_, sigmaIetaIetaEC_, sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEB_, sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEC_, specialPaths_, sumEtMin_, tauDRMatch_, tauDscrmtrLabel1_, tauDscrmtrLabel2_, tauDscrmtrLabel3_, tauEtaMax_, tauEtMin_, tauL1DRMatch_, thresholdFactor_, trackDRMatch_, trackerHitsCut_, trackEtaMax_, trackEtMin_, trackL1DRMatch_, triggerResultsLabel_, triggerSummaryLabel_, and useUM.

                                                                        : currentRun_(-99)

  LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "constructor...." ;

  useUM = false;
  fIsSetup = false;
  fSelectedMuons = new reco::MuonCollection;
  fSelectedElectrons = new reco::GsfElectronCollection;
  fSelectedPhotons = new reco::PhotonCollection;
  fSelectedJets = new reco::CaloJetCollection;
  fSelectedMet = new reco::CaloMETCollection;
  //fSelectedTaus = new reco::CaloTauCollection;
  fSelectedTaus = new reco::PFTauCollection;

  dbe_ = Service < DQMStore > ().operator->();
  if ( ! dbe_ ) {
    LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "unabel to get DQMStore service?";
  if (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter < bool > ("DQMStore", false)) {
  dirname_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter("dirname", std::string("HLT/FourVector/"));
  //dirname_ +=  iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label");
  if (dbe_ != 0 ) {

  doCombineRuns_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doCombineRuns", false);
  processname_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("processname");
  fCustomBXPath = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("customBXPath", std::string("HLT_MinBiasBSC"));

  referenceBX_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("referenceBX",51);
  Nbx_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("Nbx",3564);

  // plotting paramters
  ptMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptMin",0.);
  ptMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptMax",1000.);
  nBins_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("Nbins",20);
  nBins2D_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("Nbins2D",40);
  dRMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dRMax",1.0);
  nBinsDR_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("NbinsDR",10);
  nBinsOneOverEt_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("NbinsOneOverEt",10000);
  nLS_   = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("NLuminositySegments",10);
  LSsize_   = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("LuminositySegmentSize",23);
  thresholdFactor_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("thresholdFactor",1.5);

  plotAll_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("plotAll", false);
     // this is the list of paths to look at.
  std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> paths = 
  iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("paths");

  for(std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::iterator pathconf = paths.begin() ; pathconf != paths.end(); pathconf++) {

    //std::pair<std::string, std::string> custompathnamepair;
    //custompathnamepair.first =pathconf->getParameter<std::string>("pathname"); 
    //custompathnamepair.second = pathconf->getParameter<std::string>("denompathname");   


  if (hltPaths_.size() > 0)
      // book a histogram of scalers
     scalersSelect = dbe_->book1D("selectedScalers","Selected Scalers", hltPaths_.size(), 0.0, (double)hltPaths_.size());


  triggerSummaryLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("triggerSummaryLabel");
  triggerResultsLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("triggerResultsLabel");
  muonRecoCollectionName_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter("muonRecoCollectionName", std::string("muons"));

  electronEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("electronEtaMax",2.5);
  electronEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("electronEtMin",3.0);
  electronDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("electronDRMatch",0.3); 
  electronL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("electronL1DRMatch",0.3); 

  muonEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("muonEtaMax",2.1);
  muonEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("muonEtMin",3.0);
  muonDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("muonDRMatch",0.3); 
  muonL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("muonL1DRMatch",0.3); 

  tauEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("tauEtaMax",2.5);
  tauEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("tauEtMin",3.0);
  tauDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("tauDRMatch",0.3); 
  tauL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("tauL1DRMatch",0.5); 

  jetEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("jetEtaMax",5.0);
  jetEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("jetEtMin",10.0);
  jetDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("jetDRMatch",0.3); 
  jetL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("jetL1DRMatch",0.5); 

  bjetEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("bjetEtaMax",2.5);
  bjetEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("bjetEtMin",10.0);
  bjetDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("bjetDRMatch",0.3); 
  bjetL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("bjetL1DRMatch",0.3); 

  photonEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("photonEtaMax",2.5);
  photonEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("photonEtMin",3.0);
  photonDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("photonDRMatch",0.3); 
  photonL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("photonL1DRMatch",0.3); 

  trackEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("trackEtaMax",2.5);
  trackEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("trackEtMin",3.0);
  trackDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("trackDRMatch",0.3); 
  trackL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("trackL1DRMatch",0.3); 

  metEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("metEtaMax",5);
  metMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("metMin",10.0);
  metDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("metDRMatch",0.5); 
  metL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("metL1DRMatch",0.5); 

  htEtaMax_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("htEtaMax",5);
  htMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("htMin",10.0);
  htDRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("htDRMatch",0.5); 
  htL1DRMatch_  =iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("htL1DRMatch",0.5); 

  sumEtMin_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("sumEtMin",10.0);

  // Muon quality cuts
  dxyCut_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DxyCut", 0.2);   // dxy < 0.2 cm 
  normalizedChi2Cut_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("NormalizedChi2Cut", 10.); // chi2/ndof (of global fit) <10.0
  trackerHitsCut_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("TrackerHitsCut", 11);  // Tracker Hits >10 
  pixelHitsCut_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("PixelHitsCut", 1); // Pixel Hits >0
  muonHitsCut_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("MuonHitsCut", 1);  // Valid Muon Hits >0 
  isAlsoTrackerMuon_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsAlsoTrackerMuon", true);
  nMatchesCut_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("NMatchesCut", 2); // At least 2 Chambers with matches 

  // Electron quality cuts
        eleMaxOver3x3_  =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("eleMaxOver3x3", 0.9);
  // Ecal Barrel
  dr03TkSumPtEB_ =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dr03TkSumPtEB", 3.0);
        dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEB", 4.0);
        dr04HcalTowerSumEtEB_ =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dr04HcalTowerSumEtEB", 5.0);
        hadronicOverEmEB_ =    iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("hadronicOverEmEB", 0.05);
        deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB", 0.2);
        deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB", 0.006);
        sigmaIetaIetaEB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("sigmaIetaIetaEB", 0.01);
        sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEB_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEB", 0.002);

  // Ecal Endcap
        dr03TkSumPtEC_ =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dr03TkSumPtEC", 1.5);
        dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEC_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEC", 2.5);
        dr04HcalTowerSumEtEC_ =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dr04HcalTowerSumEtEC", 0.7);
        hadronicOverEmEC_ =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("hadronicOverEmEC", 0.025);
        deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC", 0.2);
        deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC", 0.006);
        sigmaIetaIetaEC_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("sigmaIetaIetaEC", 0.03);
        sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEC_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEC", 0.002);

  // Jet ID cuts
  emEnergyFractionJet_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("emEnergyFractionJet",0.01);
  fHPDJet_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("fHPDJet",0.98);
  n90Jet_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("n90Jet",2);

  // Tau discriminators
  tauDscrmtrLabel1_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter("tauDscrmtrLabel1", std::string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackFinding"));
  tauDscrmtrLabel2_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter("tauDscrmtrLabel2", std::string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackPtCut"));
  tauDscrmtrLabel3_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter("tauDscrmtrLabel3", std::string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByIsolation"));

  specialPaths_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<std::string > >("SpecialPaths");

  pathsSummaryFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter ("pathsSummaryFolder",std::string("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/"));
  pathsSummaryHLTCorrelationsFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter ("hltCorrelationsFolder",std::string("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT Correlations/"));
  pathsSummaryFilterCountsFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter ("filterCountsFolder",std::string("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/Filters Counts/"));

  pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter ("pathsPerLSFolder",std::string("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT LS/"));
  //  pathsIndividualHLTPathsPerLSFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter ("individualPathsPerLSFolder",std::string("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT LS/Paths/"));
  //  pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerBXFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter ("individualPathsPerBXFolder",std::string("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT BX/"));

  fLumiFlag = true;

  jetID = new reco::helper::JetIDHelper(iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("JetIDParams"));

    recHitsEBTag_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("RecHitsEBTag",edm::InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEB"));
      recHitsEETag_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("RecHitsEETag",edm::InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEE"));

FourVectorHLTOffline::~FourVectorHLTOffline ( )

Definition at line 216 of file

References fSelectedElectrons, fSelectedJets, fSelectedMet, fSelectedMuons, fSelectedPhotons, and fSelectedTaus.

  // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
  // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
  delete fSelectedMuons;
  delete fSelectedElectrons;
  delete fSelectedPhotons;
  delete fSelectedJets;
  delete fSelectedMet;
  delete fSelectedTaus;


Member Function Documentation

void FourVectorHLTOffline::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 237 of file

References plotTTrigFromHistos::binNumber(), bjetDRMatch_, bjetEtaMax_, bjetEtMin_, bjetL1DRMatch_, BaseMonitor::clearSets(), dRMax_, electronDRMatch_, electronEtaMax_, electronEtMin_, electronL1DRMatch_, fBeamSpotHandle, fillHltMatrix(), BaseMonitor::fillL1Match(), BaseMonitor::fillOnlineMatch(), fSelElectronsHandle, fSelJetsHandle, fSelMetHandle, fSelMuonsHandle, fSelTausHandle, fTriggerObj, fTriggerResults, edm::Event::getByLabel(), gsfElectrons_cfi::gsfElectrons, hltConfig_, hltPaths_, hltPathsDiagonal_, i, edm::InputTag::instance(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), jetDRMatch_, jetEtaMax_, jetEtMin_, jetL1DRMatch_, edm::InputTag::label(), LogDebug, LogTrace, metDRMatch_, metEtaMax_, metL1DRMatch_, metMin_, HLTConfigProvider::moduleLabels(), LaserDQM_cfi::mon, BaseMonitor::monitorL1(), BaseMonitor::monitorOffline(), BaseMonitor::monitorOnline(), muonDRMatch_, muonEtaMax_, muonEtMin_, muonL1DRMatch_, muonRecoCollectionName_, nev_, NULL, photonDRMatch_, photonEtaMax_, photonEtMin_, photonL1DRMatch_, processname_, selectElectrons(), selectJets(), selectMet(), selectMuons(), selectPhotons(), selectTaus(), objMonData< T >::setLimits(), BaseMonitor::setPath(), objMonData< T >::setReco(), objMonData< T >::setRecoB(), tauDRMatch_, tauEtaMax_, tauEtMin_, tauL1DRMatch_, thresholdFactor_, trigger::TriggerBJet, trigger::TriggerElectron, trigger::TriggerJet, trigger::TriggerL1CenJet, trigger::TriggerL1ETM, trigger::TriggerL1ETT, trigger::TriggerL1ForJet, trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG, trigger::TriggerL1Mu, trigger::TriggerL1NoIsoEG, trigger::TriggerL1TauJet, trigger::TriggerMET, trigger::TriggerMuon, edm::Event::triggerNames(), trigger::TriggerPhoton, patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::triggerResults, triggerResultsLabel_, triggerSummaryLabel_, trigger::TriggerTau, trigger::TriggerTET, and v.


  //if(! fLumiFlag ) return;

  using namespace edm;
  using namespace trigger;
  LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline")<< " analyze...." ;

  Handle<GenParticleCollection> genParticles;
  iEvent.getByLabel("genParticles", genParticles);
  if(!genParticles.isValid()) { 
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "genParticles not found, "
      "skipping event"; 

  Handle<GenJetCollection> genJets;
  if(!genJets.isValid()) { 
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "genJets not found, "
      "skipping event"; 

  Handle<GenMETCollection> genMets;
  if(!genMets.isValid()) { 
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "genMets not found, "
      "skipping event"; 

  edm::Handle<TriggerResults> triggerResults;
  if(!triggerResults.isValid()) {
    edm::InputTag triggerResultsLabelFU(triggerResultsLabel_.label(),triggerResultsLabel_.instance(), "FU");
  if(!triggerResults.isValid()) {
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "TriggerResults not found, "
      "skipping event"; 
  fTriggerResults = triggerResults;
  const edm::TriggerNames & triggerNames = iEvent.triggerNames(*triggerResults);
  int npath = triggerResults->size();

  if(!fTriggerObj.isValid()) {

    edm::InputTag triggerSummaryLabelFU(triggerSummaryLabel_.label(),triggerSummaryLabel_.instance(), "FU");

    if(!fTriggerObj.isValid()) {

      edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "TriggerEvent not found, " "skipping event"; 



  // Beam spot
  if (!iEvent.getByLabel(InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"), fBeamSpotHandle)) {
        edm::LogInfo("") << ">>> No beam spot found !!!";

  edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> muonHandle;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "muonHandle not found, ";

  edm::Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> gsfElectrons;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "gsfElectrons not found, ";
  selectElectrons(iEvent, iSetup, gsfElectrons);

  //edm::Handle<reco::CaloTauCollection> tauHandle;
  edm::Handle<reco::PFTauCollection> tauHandle;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "tauHandle not found, ";

  edm::Handle<reco::CaloJetCollection> jetHandle;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "jetHandle not found, ";

   // Get b tag information
 edm::Handle<reco::JetTagCollection> bTagIPHandle;
 iEvent.getByLabel("jetProbabilityBJetTags", bTagIPHandle);
 if (!bTagIPHandle.isValid()) 
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "mTagIPHandle trackCountingHighEffJetTags not found, ";

   // Get b tag information
 edm::Handle<reco::JetTagCollection> bTagMuHandle;
 iEvent.getByLabel("softMuonBJetTags", bTagMuHandle);
 if (!bTagMuHandle.isValid()) 
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "bTagMuHandle  not found, ";

  edm::Handle<reco::CaloMETCollection> metHandle;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "metHandle not found, ";

  edm::Handle<reco::PhotonCollection> photonHandle;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "photonHandle not found, ";

  edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> trackHandle;
    edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "trackHandle not found, ";

  // ---------------------
  // Monitors
  // ---------------------

  // electron Monitor
  objMonData<reco::GsfElectronCollection> eleMon;
  eleMon.setLimits(electronEtaMax_, electronEtMin_, electronDRMatch_, electronL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);


  // muon Monitor
  objMonData<reco::MuonCollection>  muoMon;
  muoMon.setLimits(muonEtaMax_, muonEtMin_, muonDRMatch_, muonL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);

  // tau Monitor
  //objMonData<reco::CaloTauCollection>  tauMon;
  objMonData<reco::PFTauCollection>  tauMon;
  tauMon.setLimits(tauEtaMax_, tauEtMin_, tauDRMatch_, tauL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);

  // photon Monitor
  //objMonData<reco::PhotonCollection> phoMon;
  // -----------------------------------------------
  // Use RECO Electrons instead of RECO Photons 
  // to measure HLT_Photon efficiency
  // -----------------------------------------------
  objMonData<reco::GsfElectronCollection> phoMon;

  phoMon.setLimits(photonEtaMax_, photonEtMin_, photonDRMatch_, photonL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);


  // jet Monitor - NOTICE: we use genJets for MC
  objMonData<reco::CaloJetCollection> jetMon;
  jetMon.setLimits(jetEtaMax_, jetEtMin_, jetDRMatch_, jetL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);


  // bjet Monitor - NOTICE: we use genJets for MC
  objMonData<reco::CaloJetCollection> btagIPMon; // CaloJet will not be used, this is only place holder
  btagIPMon.setLimits(bjetEtaMax_, bjetEtMin_, bjetDRMatch_, bjetL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);



  objMonData<reco::CaloJetCollection> btagMuMon; // CaloJet will not be used, this is only place holder
  btagMuMon.setLimits(bjetEtaMax_, bjetEtMin_, bjetDRMatch_, bjetL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);



  objMonData<reco::CaloJetCollection> btagMon; // Generic btagMon
  // met Monitor
  objMonData<reco::CaloMETCollection> metMon;
  metMon.setLimits(metEtaMax_, metMin_, metDRMatch_, metL1DRMatch_, dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);


  // tet Monitor
  objMonData<reco::CaloMETCollection> tetMon;
  //tetMon.setLimits(tetEtaMax_=999., tetEtMin_=10, tetDRMatch_=999);
  tetMon.setLimits(999., 10., 999., 999., dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);


  // default Monitor
  //objMonData<trigger::TriggerEvent> defMon;
  objMonData<reco::CaloMETCollection> defMon;
  defMon.setLimits(999., 3., 999., 999., dRMax_, thresholdFactor_);

  // vector to hold monitors 
  // interface is through virtual class BaseMonitor
  std::vector<BaseMonitor*> monitors;



  //  int bx = iEvent.bunchCrossing();
  // Fill HLTPassed_Correlation Matrix bin (i,j) = (Any,Any)
  // --------------------------------------------------------
  int anyBinNumber = ME_HLTPassPass_->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->FindBin("HLT_Any");      
  // any triger accepted

    ME_HLTPassPass_->Fill(anyBinNumber-1,anyBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter



  // Loop over paths
  // --------------------
  for(PathInfoCollection::iterator v = hltPathsDiagonal_.begin(); v!= hltPathsDiagonal_.end(); ++v ) { 

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " unique path " << v->getPath() << endl;

    unsigned int pathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(v->getPath());

    // path must be in the menu
    if(pathByIndex >= fTriggerResults->size() ) continue;

    // Fill HLTPassed Matrix and HLTPassFail Matrix
    // --------------------------------------------------------

//     if(triggerResults->accept(pathByIndex)){
//       int pathBinNumber = ME_HLT_BX->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->FindBin(v->getPath().c_str());      
//       ME_HLT_BX->Fill(bx,pathBinNumber-1);

//       //if(hasHLTPassed(fCustomBXPath,triggerNames)) {

//         //ME_HLT_CUSTOM_BX->Fill(bx,pathBinNumber-1);

//       //}

//     } // end if accept
    // Fill histogram of filter ocupancy for each HLT path
    // ---------------------------------
    unsigned int lastModule = triggerResults->index(pathByIndex);

    //check if hlt passed
    bool hltPathPassed = triggerResults->accept(pathByIndex);
    //go through the list of filters
    for(unsigned int filt = 0; filt < v->filtersAndIndices.size(); filt++){
      int binNumber = v->getFiltersHisto()->getTH1()->GetXaxis()->FindBin(v->filtersAndIndices[filt].first.c_str());      
      // if hlt path passed, then all the modules passed
      // otherwise the module that issued the decision is the first fail
      // this means that all modules before it passed
      if(hltPathPassed) {

        v->getFiltersHisto()->Fill(binNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
      else if(v->filtersAndIndices[filt].second < lastModule){
        v->getFiltersHisto()->Fill(binNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
    } // end for filt

  } // end for diag paths

  // Main loop over paths
  // --------------------
  for(PathInfoCollection::iterator v = hltPaths_.begin(); v!= hltPaths_.end(); ++v ) { 

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " path " << v->getPath() << endl;

    if (v->getPath().find("BTagIP") != std::string::npos ) btagMon = btagIPMon;
    else btagMon = btagMuMon;

    // set flag for muon monitor if L2-muon or L1-muon type path
    if (v->getPath().find("L2Mu") != std::string::npos || v->getPath().find("L1Mu") != std::string::npos ) muoMon.setL2MuFlag(true);
    else muoMon.setL2MuFlag(false);

    //if (v->getPath().find("HLT_Jet15U") == std::string::npos ) continue;
    //if(*v != "HLT_L1Jet6U") continue;

    unsigned int pathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(v->getPath());

    if(pathByIndex >= fTriggerResults->size() ) continue;
    // did we pass the denomPath?
    bool denompassed = false;  

    for(int i = 0; i < npath; ++i) {

     if (triggerResults->accept(i) && triggerNames.triggerName(i).find(v->getDenomPath()) != std::string::npos && triggerNames.triggerName(i).find("HLT_Mult") == std::string::npos )
        denompassed = true;

   if (denompassed)

     //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " denominator path " << v->getPath() << endl;

     // Get the righe monitor for this path
     // -----------------------------------
     BaseMonitor* mon = NULL;

     for(std::vector<BaseMonitor*>::iterator mit = monitors.begin(); mit!= monitors.end(); ++mit ) {
       if((*mit)->isTriggerType(v->getObjectType())) {

         mon = *mit;



     // if cannot find moniotor for the path, go to next path
     //if(!mon) continue;

     // if cannot find moniotor for the path, assign the default
     if(!mon) mon = &defMon;

     // attach this path to mon

     // clear sets of matched objects


     // monitor offline (RECO objects)

     // monitor L1 (only if L1 passed and can find GTSeed)
     bool l1accept = false;
     edm::InputTag l1testTag(v->getl1Path(),"",processname_);
     const int l1Index = fTriggerObj->filterIndex(l1testTag);
     if ( l1Index >= fTriggerObj->sizeFilters() ) {

       LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "Cannot find L1GTSeed of the path " << v->getPath() << endl;
       LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "\t L1GTSeed name = " << v->getl1Path() << endl;
       LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") <<  "\t tried with tag " << l1testTag << endl;
       LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") <<"\t module index = "<< l1Index << endl;


           // monitor L1 object
           mon->monitorL1(l1Index, this);
           // fill matching b/w Offline and L1 objects
    // monitor Online (only if HLT passed)
          bool numpassed = false;

    // did we pass the numerator path, i.e. HLT path?
    for(int i = 0; i < npath; ++i) {

      if ( triggerResults->accept(i) && triggerNames.triggerName(i) == v->getPath() ) numpassed = true;


    if (!numpassed) continue;

    if (!l1accept) {

            << "This should not happen.  HLT passed, but L1 Seed not passed for hlt path "<< endl 
            << "HLT path: " << v->getPath() << "\t HLTLevel1GTSeed: " << v->getl1Path();


    // fill scaler histograms
    edm::InputTag filterTag = v->getTag();

    // loop through indices and see if the filter is 
    // on the list of filters used by this path
    if (v->getLabel() == "dummy"){
    const vector<string> filterLabels = hltConfig_.moduleLabels(v->getPath());

    //loop over labels
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator labelIter= filterLabels.begin(); labelIter!=filterLabels.end(); labelIter++) {

      edm::InputTag testTag(*labelIter,"",processname_);

      int testindex = fTriggerObj->filterIndex(testTag);

      // last match wins...
      if ( !(testindex >= fTriggerObj->sizeFilters()) ) {

        filterTag = testTag; 


    } // end for
    const int hltIndex = fTriggerObj->filterIndex(filterTag);
    if ( hltIndex >= fTriggerObj->sizeFilters() ) {

      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "WTF no index "<< hltIndex << " of that name " << filterTag << endl;
      continue; // not in this event


    mon->monitorOnline(hltIndex, l1Index, this);

    mon->fillOnlineMatch(l1Index, this);

   } //denompassed

 } //pathinfo loop

void FourVectorHLTOffline::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 749 of file

References dirname_, nev_, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, DQMStore::rmdir(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

  nev_ = 0;
  DQMStore *dbe = 0;
  dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
  if (dbe) {
  if (dbe) {
void FourVectorHLTOffline::beginLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1790 of file


   //int lumi = int(;
   //if(lumi < 74 || lumi > 77) fLumiFlag = false;
   //else fLumiFlag = true;

void FourVectorHLTOffline::beginRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [private, virtual]

add dataset name and thier triggers to the list

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 776 of file

References bjetEtaMax_, DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), custompathnamepairs_, HLTConfigProvider::datasetContent(), HLTConfigProvider::datasetNames(), makeLayoutFileForGui::datasetNames, dbe_, dirname_, doCombineRuns_, dRMax_, electronEtaMax_, fGroupL1TempCountPair, fGroupName, fGroupNamePathsPair, fGroupTempCountPair, filters, first, fIsSetup, fPathBxTempCountPair, fPathTempCountPair, g, getHltThresholdFromName(), getL1ConditionModuleName(), getTriggerTypeParsePathName(), hltConfig_, hltPaths_, hltPathsDiagonal_, i, edm::RunBase::id(), HLTConfigProvider::init(), j, jetEtaMax_, gen::k, LogDebug, LogTrace, metEtaMax_, HLTConfigProvider::moduleEDMType(), HLTConfigProvider::moduleIndex(), HLTConfigProvider::moduleLabels(), HLTConfigProvider::moduleType(), muonEtaMax_, n, nBins2D_, nBins_, nBinsOneOverEt_, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, timingPdfMaker::pathname, EgammaValidation_cff::pathName, pathsSummaryFilterCountsFolder_, pathsSummaryFolder_, photonEtaMax_, Pi, plotAll_, processname_, jptDQMConfig_cff::ptMax, PtMinSelector_cfg::ptMin, removeVersions(), edm::second(), MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), setupHltMatrix(), HLTConfigProvider::size(), tauEtaMax_, indexGen::title, trackEtaMax_, trigger::TriggerBJet, trigger::TriggerElectron, trigger::TriggerJet, trigger::TriggerL1CenJet, trigger::TriggerL1ETM, trigger::TriggerL1ForJet, trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG, trigger::TriggerL1Mu, trigger::TriggerL1NoIsoEG, trigger::TriggerL1TauJet, trigger::TriggerMET, trigger::TriggerMuon, HLTConfigProvider::triggerName(), trigger::TriggerPhoton, trigger::TriggerTau, trigger::TriggerTET, trigger::TriggerTrack, useUM, and v.


  LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "beginRun, run " <<;

  if(fIsSetup) return;
  // HLT config does not change within runs!
  bool changed=false;
  if (!hltConfig_.init(run, c, processname_, changed)) {

    processname_ = "FU";

    if (!hltConfig_.init(run, c, processname_, changed)){

      LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "HLTConfigProvider failed to initialize.";


    // check if trigger name in (new) config
    //  cout << "Available TriggerNames are: " << endl;
    //  hltConfig_.dump("Triggers");

  if (1) {

    DQMStore *dbe = 0;
    dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
    if (dbe) {

    const unsigned int n(hltConfig_.size());

    if (plotAll_){

      for (unsigned int j=0; j!=n; ++j) {
        std::string pathname = hltConfig_.triggerName(j);  

        string l1pathname = getL1ConditionModuleName(pathname);

        int l1ModuleIndex = hltConfig_.moduleIndex(pathname, l1pathname);
        int objectType =  getTriggerTypeParsePathName(pathname);
        for (unsigned int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
          std::string denompathname = hltConfig_.triggerName(i);  
          int denomobjectType =  getTriggerTypeParsePathName(denompathname);

          std::string filtername("dummy");
          float ptMin = 0.0;
          float ptMax = 100.0;
          if (plotAll_ && denomobjectType == objectType && objectType != 0) {
            int hltThreshold = getHltThresholdFromName(pathname);
            int l1Threshold = getHltThresholdFromName(l1pathname);
            hltPaths_.push_back(PathInfo(denompathname, pathname, l1pathname, l1ModuleIndex, filtername, processname_, objectType, ptMin, ptMax, hltThreshold, l1Threshold));



    } // end if plotAll
    else {

      // plot all diagonal combinations plus any other specified pairs
      for (unsigned int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {

         std::string denompathname = "";  
         std::string pathname = hltConfig_.triggerName(i);  
         //parse pathname to guess object type
         int objectType =  getTriggerTypeParsePathName(pathname);

        string l1pathname = getL1ConditionModuleName(pathname);
        int l1ModuleIndex = hltConfig_.moduleIndex(pathname, l1pathname);
        std::string filtername("dummy");
        float ptMin = 0.0;
        float ptMax = 100.0;

        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerPhoton) ptMax = 400.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerElectron) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerMuon) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerTau) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerJet) ptMax = 700.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerBJet) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerMET) ptMax = 500.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerTET) ptMax = 1000.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerTrack) ptMax = 100.0;
        // keep track of all paths, except for FinalPath
        if (objectType != -1 && pathname.find("FinalPath") == std::string::npos){

          int hltThreshold = getHltThresholdFromName(pathname);
          int l1Threshold = getHltThresholdFromName(l1pathname);
          hltPaths_.push_back(PathInfo(denompathname, pathname, l1pathname, l1ModuleIndex, filtername, processname_, objectType, ptMin, ptMax, hltThreshold, l1Threshold));

          hltPathsDiagonal_.push_back(PathInfo(denompathname, pathname, l1pathname, l1ModuleIndex, filtername, processname_, objectType, ptMin, ptMax, hltThreshold, l1Threshold));

      } // end for i

      // now loop over denom/num path pairs specified in cfg, 
      // recording the off-diagonal ones
      for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator custompathnamepair = custompathnamepairs_.begin(); custompathnamepair != custompathnamepairs_.end(); ++custompathnamepair) {
        std::string numpathname = custompathnamepair->first;  
        std::string denompathname = custompathnamepair->second;  
        if (numpathname != denompathname) {
          // check that denominator exists
          bool founddenominator = false;
          for (unsigned int k=0; k!=n; ++k) {

            string n_pathname = hltConfig_.triggerName(k);

            if (n_pathname.find(denompathname) != std::string::npos) {
              LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "denompathname is selected to be = " << n_pathname << endl;;
              founddenominator = true;



          if (!founddenominator) {
            edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "denompathname not found, go to the next pair numearator-denominator" << endl;
            // go to the next pair

          // check that numerator exists
          for (unsigned int j=0; j!=n; ++j) {
          bool foundnumerator = false;

            string pathname = hltConfig_.triggerName(j);

            LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "check if path " << pathname << " is numpathname = " << numpathname << endl;
            if (hltConfig_.triggerName(j).find(numpathname)!= std::string::npos) {
              LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "pathname is selected to be = " << denompathname << endl;;
              foundnumerator = true;

            if (!foundnumerator) {
              edm::LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "pathname not found, ignoring " << pathname;
            string l1pathname = getL1ConditionModuleName(pathname);
            int l1ModuleIndex = hltConfig_.moduleIndex(pathname, l1pathname);
            int objectType =  getTriggerTypeParsePathName(pathname);
          std::string filtername("dummy");
          float ptMin = 0.0;
          float ptMax = 100.0;

        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerPhoton) ptMax = 400.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerElectron) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerMuon) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerTau) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerJet) ptMax = 700.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerBJet) ptMax = 300.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerMET) ptMax = 500.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerTET) ptMax = 1000.0;
        if (objectType == trigger::TriggerTrack) ptMax = 100.0;
          // monitor regardless of the objectType of the path
          if (objectType != 0) {
            int hltThreshold = getHltThresholdFromName(pathname);
            int l1Threshold = getHltThresholdFromName(l1pathname);
            hltPaths_.push_back(PathInfo(denompathname, pathname, l1pathname, l1ModuleIndex, filtername, processname_, objectType, ptMin, ptMax, hltThreshold, l1Threshold));

        } // end for j, loop over paths

       }  // end if not same num and denominator 
      } // end for pair

    } // end else

    vector<string> allPaths;
    // fill vectors of Muon, Egamma, JetMet, Rest, and Special paths

    int vi = 0;

    for(PathInfoCollection::iterator v = hltPathsDiagonal_.begin(); v!= hltPathsDiagonal_.end(); ++v ) {

      std::string pathName = removeVersions(v->getPath());
      //int objectType = v->getObjectType();

      vector<int> tempCount(5,0);





    for(unsigned int g=0; g<fGroupName.size(); g++) {




    vector<string> datasetNames =  hltConfig_.datasetNames() ;
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<datasetNames.size();i++) {

      vector<string> datasetPaths = hltConfig_.datasetContent(datasetNames[i]);


    for (unsigned int g=0;g<fGroupNamePathsPair.size();g++) {



    //    setupHltLsPlots();
    //    setupHltBxPlots();

    vi = 0;

    for(PathInfoCollection::iterator v = hltPathsDiagonal_.begin(); v!= hltPathsDiagonal_.end(); ++v ) {

       // -------------------------
       //  Filters for each path
       // -------------------------
       // get all modules in this HLT path
      std::string pathName = removeVersions(v->getPath());
      vector<string> moduleNames = hltConfig_.moduleLabels(v->getPath()); 

       int numModule = 0;
       string moduleName, moduleType, moduleEDMType;
       unsigned int moduleIndex;
       //print module name
       vector<string>::const_iterator iDumpModName;
       for (iDumpModName = moduleNames.begin();iDumpModName != moduleNames.end();iDumpModName++) {

         moduleName = *iDumpModName;
         moduleType = hltConfig_.moduleType(moduleName);
         moduleEDMType = hltConfig_.moduleEDMType(moduleName);
         moduleIndex = hltConfig_.moduleIndex(v->getPath(), moduleName);

         LogTrace ("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "Module "      << numModule
             << " is called " << moduleName
             << " , type = "  << moduleType
             << " , EDMtype = " << moduleEDMType 
             << " , index = " << moduleIndex
             << endl;


         if((moduleType.find("Filter") != string::npos && moduleType.find("HLTTriggerTypeFilter") == string::npos ) || 
            (moduleType.find("Associator") != string::npos) || 
            (moduleType.find("HLTLevel1GTSeed") != string::npos) || 
            (moduleType.find("HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET") != string::npos) ||
            (moduleType.find("HLTPrescaler") != string::npos) || 
            (moduleEDMType.find("EDFilter") != string::npos) ) {

           //std::pair<std::string, int> filterIndexPair;
           //filterIndexPair.first   = moduleName;
           //filterIndexPair.second  = moduleIndex;


       }//end for modulesName


       //int nbin_sub = 5;
       int nbin_sub = v->filtersAndIndices.size()+2;

       //TString thisPath = v->getPath();

       // count plots for subfilter
       MonitorElement* filters = dbe_->book1D("Filters_" + pathName, 
                                              "Filters_" + pathName,
                              nbin_sub+1, -0.5, 0.5+(double)nbin_sub);
       for(unsigned int filt = 0; filt < v->filtersAndIndices.size(); filt++){

         if (filters)
           filters->setBinLabel(filt+1, (v->filtersAndIndices[filt]).first);


       // bjk here
//        // book Count vs LS
//        dbe_->setCurrentFolder(pathsIndividualHLTPathsPerLSFolder_.c_str());
//        MonitorElement* tempME = dbe_->book1D(v->getPath() + "_count_per_LS", 
//                               pathName + " count per LS",
//                               nLS_, 0,nLS_);
//        tempME->setAxisTitle("Luminosity Section");


    } // end for paths

    // now set up all of the histos for each path-denom
    for(PathInfoCollection::iterator v = hltPaths_.begin(); v!= hltPaths_.end(); ++v ) {

      MonitorElement *NOn=0; 
      MonitorElement   *onEtOn=0; 
      MonitorElement   *onOneOverEtOn=0; 
      MonitorElement   *onEtavsonPhiOn=0;
      MonitorElement *NOff=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtOff=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtavsoffPhiOff=0;
      MonitorElement *NL1=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1EtL1=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1Etavsl1PhiL1=0;
      MonitorElement *NL1On=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1EtL1On=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1Etavsl1PhiL1On=0;
      MonitorElement *NL1Off=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtL1Off=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtavsoffPhiL1Off=0;
      MonitorElement *NOnOff=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtOnOff=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtavsoffPhiOnOff=0;
      MonitorElement *NL1OnUM=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1EtL1OnUM=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1Etavsl1PhiL1OnUM=0;
      MonitorElement *NL1OffUM=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtL1OffUM=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtavsoffPhiL1OffUM=0;
      MonitorElement *NOnOffUM=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtOnOffUM=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offEtavsoffPhiOnOffUM=0;
      MonitorElement *offDRL1Off=0; 
      MonitorElement   *offDROnOff=0; 
      MonitorElement   *l1DRL1On=0;
      std::string pathName = removeVersions(v->getPath());
      std::string labelname("dummy");
      labelname = pathName + "_wrt_" + v->getDenomPath();

      std::string histoname(labelname+"_NOn");
      std::string title(labelname+" N online");
      double histEtaMax = 2.5;

      if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerMuon || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1Mu) {

        histEtaMax = muonEtaMax_;

      else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerElectron || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1NoIsoEG || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG )
        histEtaMax = electronEtaMax_;
        else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerTau || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1TauJet )
        histEtaMax = tauEtaMax_;
      else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerJet || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1CenJet || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1ForJet )
        histEtaMax = jetEtaMax_; 
        else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerBJet)
        histEtaMax = bjetEtaMax_;
      else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerMET || v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerL1ETM )
        histEtaMax = metEtaMax_; 
        else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerPhoton)
        histEtaMax = photonEtaMax_; 
      else if (v->getObjectType() == trigger::TriggerTrack)
        histEtaMax = trackEtaMax_; 

      TString pathfolder = dirname_ + TString("/") + pathName;

      NOn =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);

       histoname = labelname+"_NOff";
       title = labelname+" N Off";
       NOff =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
       histoname = labelname+"_NL1";
       title = labelname+" N L1";
       NL1 =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
       histoname = labelname+"_NL1On";
       title = labelname+" N L1On";
       NL1On =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
       histoname = labelname+"_NL1Off";
       title = labelname+" N L1Off";
       NL1Off =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
       histoname = labelname+"_NOnOff";
       title = labelname+" N OnOff";
       NOnOff =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
       histoname = labelname+"_onEtOn";
       title = labelname+" onE_t online";
       onEtOn =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
       histoname = labelname+"_onOneOverEtOn";
       title = labelname+" 1 / onE_t online";
       onOneOverEtOn =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBinsOneOverEt_, 0, 0.1);
       onOneOverEtOn->setAxisTitle("HLT 1/Et [1/GeV]");
       histoname = labelname+"_offEtOff";
       title = labelname+" offE_t offline";
       offEtOff =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
       histoname = labelname+"_l1EtL1";
       title = labelname+" l1E_t L1";
       l1EtL1 =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
       histoname = labelname+"_onEtaonPhiOn";
       title = labelname+" on#eta vs on#phi online";
       onEtavsonPhiOn =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       histoname = labelname+"_offEtaoffPhiOff";
       title = labelname+" off#eta vs off#phi offline";
       offEtavsoffPhiOff =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       histoname = labelname+"_l1Etal1PhiL1";
       title = labelname+" l1#eta vs l1#phi L1";
       l1Etavsl1PhiL1 =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       histoname = labelname+"_l1EtL1On";
       title = labelname+" l1E_t L1+online";
       l1EtL1On =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
       histoname = labelname+"_offEtL1Off";
       title = labelname+" offE_t L1+offline";
       offEtL1Off =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
       histoname = labelname+"_offEtOnOff";
       title = labelname+" offE_t online+offline";
       offEtOnOff =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
       histoname = labelname+"_l1Etal1PhiL1On";
       title = labelname+" l1#eta vs l1#phi L1+online";
       l1Etavsl1PhiL1On =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       histoname = labelname+"_offEtaoffPhiL1Off";
       title = labelname+" off#eta vs off#phi L1+offline";
       offEtavsoffPhiL1Off =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       histoname = labelname+"_offEtaoffPhiOnOff";
       title = labelname+" off#eta vs off#phi online+offline";
       offEtavsoffPhiOnOff =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       if (useUM) {

         histoname = labelname+"_NL1OnUM";
         title = labelname+" N L1OnUM";
         NL1OnUM =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
         histoname = labelname+"_NL1OffUM";
         title = labelname+" N L1OffUM";
         NL1OffUM =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
         histoname = labelname+"_NOnOffUM";
         title = labelname+" N OnOffUM";
         NOnOffUM =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),10, 0.5, 10.5);
         histoname = labelname+"_l1EtL1OnUM";
         title = labelname+" l1E_t L1+onlineUM";
         l1EtL1OnUM =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
         histoname = labelname+"_offEtL1OffUM";
         title = labelname+" offE_t L1+offlineUM";
         offEtL1OffUM =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
         histoname = labelname+"_offEtOnOffUM";
         title = labelname+" offE_t online+offlineUM";
         offEtOnOffUM =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, v->getPtMin(), v->getPtMax());
         histoname = labelname+"_l1Etal1PhiL1OnUM";
         title = labelname+" l1#eta vs l1#phi L1+onlineUM";
         l1Etavsl1PhiL1OnUM =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
         histoname = labelname+"_offEtaoffPhiL1OffUM";
         title = labelname+" off#eta vs off#phi L1+offlineUM";
         offEtavsoffPhiL1OffUM =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
         histoname = labelname+"_offEtaoffPhiOnOffUM";
         title = labelname+" off#eta vs off#phi online+offlineUM";
         offEtavsoffPhiOnOffUM =  dbe->book2D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(), nBins2D_,-histEtaMax,histEtaMax, nBins2D_,-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
       histoname = labelname+"_l1DRL1On";
       title = labelname+" l1DR L1+online";
       l1DRL1On =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, 0, dRMax_); 
       histoname = labelname+"_offDRL1Off";
       title = labelname+" offDR L1+offline";
       offDRL1Off =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, 0, dRMax_);
       histoname = labelname+"_offDROnOff";
       title = labelname+" offDR online+offline";
       offDROnOff =  dbe->book1D(histoname.c_str(), title.c_str(),nBins_, 0, dRMax_); 

       v->setHistos( NOn, onEtOn, onOneOverEtOn, onEtavsonPhiOn, NOff, offEtOff, offEtavsoffPhiOff, NL1, l1EtL1, l1Etavsl1PhiL1, NL1On, l1EtL1On, l1Etavsl1PhiL1On, NL1Off, offEtL1Off, offEtavsoffPhiL1Off, NOnOff, offEtOnOff, offEtavsoffPhiOnOff, NL1OnUM, l1EtL1OnUM, l1Etavsl1PhiL1OnUM, NL1OffUM, offEtL1OffUM, offEtavsoffPhiL1OffUM, NOnOffUM, offEtOnOffUM, offEtavsoffPhiOnOffUM, offDRL1Off, offDROnOff, l1DRL1On 

    }  // end for hltPath

    // bjk here
//     // HLT_Any
//     // book Count vs LS
//     dbe_->setCurrentFolder(pathsIndividualHLTPathsPerLSFolder_.c_str());
//     MonitorElement* tempME = dbe_->book1D("HLT_Any_count_per_LS", 
//                            "HLT_Any count per LS",
//                            nLS_, 0,nLS_);
//     tempME->setAxisTitle("Luminosity Section");

  } // end if(1) dummy

 if(!doCombineRuns_) fIsSetup = true;


void FourVectorHLTOffline::cleanDRMatchSet ( mmset tempSet)

Clean DR Match Set.

Definition at line 1360 of file

References i, and LogDebug.

Referenced by objMonData< T >::fillL1OffMatch(), objMonData< T >::fillOnL1Match(), and objMonData< T >::fillOnOffMatch().


  LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "cleanDRMatchSet(mmset& tempSet) " << "size of the set (before CLEANING) = " << tempSet.size() << " maps." << endl;

  if(tempSet.size() < 2) return;

  if(tempSet.size() > 10) {

    LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "size of the set is too large.  It will be truncated to 10." << endl;
    mmset::iterator it = tempSet.begin();
    for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {    it++; }
    tempSet.erase( it, tempSet.end());
    LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "size of the set is now = " << tempSet.size() << " maps." << endl;

  bool cleanedOneMap = false;
  // cleaning needed if the set has at least two maps

  while(! cleanedOneMap && tempSet.size() > 1) {


    //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "cleaning: size of the set  = " << tempSet.size() << " maps." << endl;

    int imap = 0;
    for ( mmset::iterator setIter_i = tempSet.begin( ); setIter_i != tempSet.end( ); setIter_i++ ) {

      fimmap tempMap_j = *setIter_i;

      //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " map " << imap << endl;
      //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " --------" << endl;

      for (fimmap::iterator it = tempMap_j.begin(); it != tempMap_j.end(); ++it) {

        //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " " <<   (*it).first << " :  " << (*it).second << endl;




    // loop i
    for ( mmset::iterator setIter_i = tempSet.begin( ); setIter_i != tempSet.end( ); setIter_i++ ) {
      fimmap tempMap_i = *setIter_i;
      fimmap::iterator it = tempMap_i.begin();
      int topValue = (*it).second;
      //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " topValue = " << topValue << endl;
      mmset::iterator tempIter_i = setIter_i;
      // from all the other maps, clean entries that have mapped value "topValue"
      // loop j
      mmset::iterator setIter_j = ++tempIter_i;
      while ( setIter_j != tempSet.end( ) ) {
        fimmap tempMap_j = *setIter_j;
        //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "  size of the map  = " << tempMap_j.size() << endl;
        fimmap::iterator it = tempMap_j.begin();
        while ( it != tempMap_j.end() ) {
          if(topValue == (*it).second) {
            //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "   Ridding map of a doubly-matched object." << endl;
            fimmap::iterator tempIt = it;
            ++it; //no longer points to item that is going away
            cleanedOneMap = true;
          } else {
          } // end if

        } //end while
        if(cleanedOneMap) {
          //remove the old map from the set
          mmset::iterator tempIt = setIter_j;
          ++setIter_j; //no longer points to item that is going away
          // insert in the set the new map if it is not an empty map
          if(! tempMap_j.empty()) tempSet.insert(tempMap_j);
          break; // break from loop j
       } else {
       } // end if

      }// end while j
      if(cleanedOneMap) break; // break from loop i

    } // end loop i

    if(cleanedOneMap) { 

      // continue cleaning (in while loop)
      // but reset flag first

    else {

      // finished cleaing (break from while loop)


  } // end while

  //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "cleaned: size of the set  = " << tempSet.size() << " maps." << endl;
  int jmap = 0;

  for ( mmset::iterator setIter_i = tempSet.begin( ); setIter_i != tempSet.end( ); setIter_i++ ) 

    fimmap tempMap_j = *setIter_i;

    //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " map " << jmap << endl;
    //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " --------" << endl;

    for (fimmap::iterator it = tempMap_j.begin(); it != tempMap_j.end(); ++it) {

        //LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " " <<   (*it).first << " :  " << (*it).second << endl;


  } // end for


void FourVectorHLTOffline::countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock ( const int &  lumi) [private]

Definition at line 1813 of file

References b, plotTTrigFromHistos::binNumber(), fGroupNamePathsPair, fPathBxTempCountPair, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), j, gen::k, LogDebug, LogTrace, ME_HLT_BX, Nbx_, timingPdfMaker::pathname, referenceBX_, edm::second(), findQualityFiles::size, v_ME_Total_BX, and v_ME_Total_BX_Norm.


 LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock() lumiSection number " << lumi << endl;

   TH2F * hist_2d_bx = ME_HLT_BX->getTH2F();

   for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, vector<int> > >::iterator ip = fPathBxTempCountPair.begin(); ip != fPathBxTempCountPair.end(); ++ip) {
    // get the path and its previous count
    std::string pathname = ip->first;  
    vector<int> prevCount = ip->second;  

    // vector of 5 zeros
    vector<int> currCount (5,0);
    vector<int> diffCount (5,0);
    // get the current count of path up to now
    int pathBin = hist_2d_bx->GetYaxis()->FindBin(pathname.c_str());      

    if(pathBin > hist_2d_bx->GetNbinsY()) {
      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Cannot find the bin for path " << pathname << endl;


    for (unsigned int b =0;b<currCount.size();b++) { 

      int bxOffset = b-2;
      int bunch = referenceBX_+bxOffset;
      if(bunch < 1) bunch += Nbx_ ;
      int bxBin = bunch +1; // add one to get the right bin

      currCount[b] = int(hist_2d_bx->GetBinContent(bxBin, pathBin));  // add one to get the right bin

      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "currCount = " << currCount[b] << endl;

      // count due to prev lumi sec is a difference bw current and previous
      diffCount[b] = currCount[b] - prevCount[b];

      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " lumi = " << lumi << "  path " << pathname << "bxOffset = " << bxOffset << "  count = " << diffCount[b] <<  endl;

    } // end for bx b

    // set the counter in the pair to current count
    ip->second = currCount;  

   // fill the 2D Group paths' BX count per LS, using currCount
   LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline")  << "Find " << pathname << endl;

   //check if the path is in this group
   for (unsigned int j=0;j<fGroupNamePathsPair.size();j++) { 

      bool isMember = false;

      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline")  << " ---- Group " << fGroupNamePathsPair[j].first << endl;

      // decide if pathname is member of this group
      for (unsigned int k = 0; k<(fGroupNamePathsPair[j].second).size();k++) {

        LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline")  << " comparing to " <<  fGroupNamePathsPair[j].second[k] << endl; 

        if(fGroupNamePathsPair[j].second[k] == pathname) {

          isMember = true;


      } // end for k

      if(!isMember) {
      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline")  << "Could not find a group to which the path belongs, path = " << pathname << "    group = " << fGroupNamePathsPair[j].first << endl;


      MonitorElement* ME_2d = v_ME_Total_BX[j];

      if (! ME_2d) {

        LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find ME_2d for group " << fGroupNamePathsPair[j].first  <<  endl;


      vector<int> updatedLumiCount(5,0);

      float entireBXWindowUpdatedLumiCount = 0;
      TH2F* hist_All = ME_2d->getTH2F();

      for (unsigned int b = 0; b<diffCount.size();b++) {

        // find the bin
        int binNumber = b+1; // add one to get right bin

        // update  the bin content  (must do that since events don't ncessarily come in the order
        int currentLumiCount = int(hist_All->GetBinContent(lumi+1,binNumber));
        updatedLumiCount[b] = currentLumiCount + diffCount[b];

        entireBXWindowUpdatedLumiCount += updatedLumiCount[b];
      } // end for bx b

      MonitorElement* ME_2d_Norm = v_ME_Total_BX_Norm[j];

      if (! ME_2d_Norm) {

        LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find ME_2d_Norm for group " << fGroupNamePathsPair[j].first  <<  endl;


      TH2F* hist_All_Norm = ME_2d_Norm->getTH2F();

      for (unsigned int b = 0; b<diffCount.size();b++) {

        // find the bin
        int binNumber = b+1; // add one to get right bin

        // update  the bin content  but normalized to the whole columb (BX windw +/- 2)
        if(entireBXWindowUpdatedLumiCount != 0)

      } // end for bx b
    } // end for group j
  } // end for ip

void FourVectorHLTOffline::countHLTGroupHitsEndLumiBlock ( const int &  lumi) [private]

Definition at line 2031 of file

References dbe_, fGroupNamePathsPair, fGroupTempCountPair, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH1(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), i, LogDebug, LogTrace, LSsize_, timingPdfMaker::pathname, and pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().


 LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " countHLTGroupHitsEndLumiBlock() lumiSection number " << lumi << endl;
 for(unsigned int i=0; i<fGroupNamePathsPair.size(); i++){

   // get the count of path up to now
   string fullPathToME = "HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT_" + fGroupNamePathsPair[i].first + "_Pass_Any";
   MonitorElement* ME_1d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME);

   if(! ME_1d) {

     LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " could not find 1d matrix " << fullPathToME << endl;



   LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Looking in histogram "  << fullPathToME << endl;

   TH1F * hist_1d = ME_1d->getTH1F();

   for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> >::iterator ip = fGroupTempCountPair.begin(); ip != fGroupTempCountPair.end(); ++ip) {
    // get the path and its previous count
    string pathname = ip->first;  
    float prevCount = ip->second;  

    string binLabel = "HLT_"+pathname+"_Any";
    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Looking for binLabel = " << binLabel <<  endl;
    // get the current count of path up to now
    int pathBin = hist_1d->GetXaxis()->FindBin(binLabel.c_str());      

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " pathBin = " << pathBin <<  "  out of histogram total number of bins " << hist_1d->GetNbinsX() <<  endl;
    if(pathBin == -1) {
      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Cannot find the bin for path " << pathname << endl;


    float currCount = hist_1d->GetBinContent(pathBin)/LSsize_;

    // count due to prev lumi sec is a difference bw current and previous
    float diffCount = currCount - prevCount;

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " lumi = " << lumi << "  path " << pathname << "  count " << diffCount <<  endl;

    // set the counter in the pair to current count
    ip->second = currCount;  

    // fill the 1D individual path count per LS
    string fullPathToME_count = pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_ +"HLT_" + pathname + "_Total_LS";
    MonitorElement* ME_1d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME_count);
    if ( ME_1d) { 

      // update  the bin content  (must do that since events don't ncessarily come in the order
      float currentLumiCount = ME_1d->getTH1()->GetBinContent(lumi+1);
      float updatedLumiCount = currentLumiCount + diffCount;

    else {

      LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find ME " << fullPathToME_count  <<  endl;


   } // end for ip

 } // end for i

void FourVectorHLTOffline::countHLTGroupL1HitsEndLumiBlock ( const int &  lumi) [private]

Definition at line 1952 of file

References dbe_, fGroupL1TempCountPair, fGroupNamePathsPair, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH1(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), i, LogDebug, LogTrace, LSsize_, timingPdfMaker::pathname, and pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().


 LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " countHLTGroupL1HitsEndLumiBlock() lumiSection number " << lumi << endl;

 for(unsigned int i=0; i<fGroupNamePathsPair.size(); i++){

   // get the count of path up to now
   string fullPathToME = "HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT_" + fGroupNamePathsPair[i].first+ "_Pass_Any";
   MonitorElement* ME_1d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME);

   if(! ME_1d) {

     LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " could not find 1d matrix " << fullPathToME << endl;



   LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Looking in histogram "  << fullPathToME << endl;

   TH1F * hist_1d = ME_1d->getTH1F();

   for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> >::iterator ip = fGroupL1TempCountPair.begin(); ip != fGroupL1TempCountPair.end(); ++ip) {
    // get the path and its previous count
    string pathname = ip->first;  
    float prevCount = ip->second;  

    string binLabel = "HLT_"+pathname+"_L1_Any";
    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Looking for binLabel = " << binLabel <<  endl;
    // get the current count of path up to now
    int pathBin = hist_1d->GetXaxis()->FindBin(binLabel.c_str());      

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " pathBin = " << pathBin <<  "  out of histogram total number of bins " << hist_1d->GetNbinsX() <<  endl;
    if(pathBin == -1) {
      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Cannot find the bin for path " << pathname << endl;


    float currCount = hist_1d->GetBinContent(pathBin)/LSsize_;

    // count due to prev lumi sec is a difference bw current and previous
    float diffCount = currCount - prevCount;

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " lumi = " << lumi << "  path " << pathname << "  count " << diffCount <<  endl;

    // set the counter in the pair to current count
    ip->second = currCount;  

    // fill the 1D individual path count per LS
    string fullPathToME_count = pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_ +"HLT_" + pathname + "_L1_Total_LS";
    MonitorElement* ME_1d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME_count);
    if ( ME_1d) { 
      // update  the bin content  (must do that since events don't ncessarily come in the order
      float currentLumiCount = ME_1d->getTH1()->GetBinContent(lumi+1);
      float updatedLumiCount = currentLumiCount + diffCount;
    else {

      LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find ME " << fullPathToME_count  <<  endl;


   } // end for ip

 } // end for i

void FourVectorHLTOffline::countHLTPathHitsEndLumiBlock ( const int &  lumi) [private]

Definition at line 2110 of file

References dbe_, fPathTempCountPair, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), LogDebug, LogTrace, LSsize_, ME_HLTAll_LS, and timingPdfMaker::pathname.


   LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " countHLTPathHitsEndLumiBlock() lumiSection number " << lumi << endl;
    // get the count of path up to now
   string fullPathToME = "HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT_All_PassPass";
   MonitorElement* ME_2d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME);

   if(! ME_2d) {

     LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " could not fine 2d matrix " << fullPathToME << endl;



   TH2F * hist_2d = ME_2d->getTH2F();

   for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> >::iterator ip = fPathTempCountPair.begin(); ip != fPathTempCountPair.end(); ++ip) {
    // get the path and its previous count
    std::string pathname = ip->first;  
    float prevCount = ip->second;  
    // get the current count of path up to now
    float pathBin = hist_2d->GetXaxis()->FindBin(pathname.c_str());      

    if(pathBin > hist_2d->GetNbinsX()) {
      LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " Cannot find the bin for path " << pathname << endl;


    float currCount = hist_2d->GetBinContent(pathBin, pathBin)/LSsize_;

    // count due to prev lumi sec is a difference bw current and previous
    float diffCount = currCount - prevCount;

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " lumi = " << lumi << "  path " << pathname << "  count " << diffCount <<  endl;

    // set the counter in the pair to current count
    ip->second = currCount;  

    // fill the 2D All paths' count per LS
    if ( ME_HLTAll_LS) {

      TH2F* hist_All = ME_HLTAll_LS->getTH2F();

      // find the bin
      int pathBinNumber = hist_All->GetYaxis()->FindBin(pathname.c_str());
      // update  the bin content  (must do that since events don't ncessarily come in the order
      float currentLumiCount = hist_All->GetBinContent(lumi+1,pathBinNumber);
      float updatedLumiCount = currentLumiCount + diffCount;
    else {

      LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find ME_HLTAll_LS" <<  endl;

//     for (unsigned int i=0 ; i< v_ME_HLTAll_LS.size(); i++) {  
//       MonitorElement* tempME = v_ME_HLTAll_LS[i];

//       if (tempME && tempME->getName().find(pathname) != std::string::npos) {
//         TH1F* hist_All = tempME->getTH1F();
// //         // find the bin
// //         int pathBinNumber = hist_All->GetYaxis()->FindBin(pathname.c_str());
// //         // update  the bin content  (must do that since events don't ncessarily come in the order
//         float currentLumiCount = hist_All->GetBinContent(lumi+1);
//         float updatedLumiCount = currentLumiCount + diffCount;
//         hist_All->SetBinContent(lumi+1,updatedLumiCount);
//       }
//       else {
//         LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find tempME " <<  endl;
//       }

//     }

    // bjk here
//     ///////////////////////////////////////////
//     // fill the 1D individual path count per LS
//     ///////////////////////////////////////////
//     string fullPathToME_count = pathsIndividualHLTPathsPerLSFolder_ + pathname + "_count_per_LS";
//     MonitorElement* ME_1d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME_count);
//     if ( ME_1d) { 

//       // update  the bin content  (must do that since events don't ncessarily come in the order
//       float currentLumiCount = ME_1d->getTH1()->GetBinContent(lumi+1);
//       float updatedLumiCount = currentLumiCount + diffCount;
//       ME_1d->getTH1()->SetBinContent(lumi+1,updatedLumiCount);

//     }
//     else {

//       LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " cannot find ME " << fullPathToME_count  <<  endl;

//     }

  } // end for ip

void FourVectorHLTOffline::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 768 of file

References nev_.

   LogInfo("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "analyzed " << nev_ << " events";
void FourVectorHLTOffline::endLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1798 of file

References countHLTGroupHitsEndLumiBlock(), countHLTGroupL1HitsEndLumiBlock(), edm::LuminosityBlockBase::id(), LogTrace, fjr2json::lumi, and edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock().


   int lumi = int(;
   LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " end lumiSection number " << lumi << endl;

   //  countHLTPathHitsEndLumiBlock(lumi);

  //  countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock(lumi);

void FourVectorHLTOffline::endRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [private, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1352 of file

References edm::RunBase::id(), and LogDebug.


  LogDebug("FourVectorHLTOffline") << "endRun, run " <<;

void FourVectorHLTOffline::fillHltMatrix ( const edm::TriggerNames triggerNames) [private]

Definition at line 1603 of file

References dbe_, fGroupNamePathsPair, fTriggerResults, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), i, j, LogTrace, edm::second(), and edm::TriggerNames::triggerIndex().

Referenced by analyze().


 string fullPathToME; 

 //for (unsigned int mi=0;mi<fGroupName.size();mi++) {
  for (unsigned int mi=0;mi<fGroupNamePathsPair.size();mi++) {

  fullPathToME = "HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT_"+fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].first+"_PassPass";
  MonitorElement* ME_2d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME);
  fullPathToME = "HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT_"+fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].first+"_Pass_Any";
  MonitorElement* ME_1d = dbe_->get(fullPathToME);
  if(!ME_2d || !ME_1d) {  

    LogTrace("FourVectorHLTOffline") << " ME not valid although I gave full path" << endl;


  TH2F * hist_2d = ME_2d->getTH2F();
  TH1F * hist_1d = ME_1d->getTH1F();

  // Fill HLTPassed Matrix bin (i,j) = (Any,Any)
  // --------------------------------------------------------
  int anyBinNumber = hist_2d->GetXaxis()->FindBin("HLT_Any");      

  string groupBinLabel = "HLT_"+fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].first+"_Any";
  int groupBinNumber = hist_2d->GetXaxis()->FindBin(groupBinLabel.c_str()); 

  // any trigger accepted

    hist_2d->Fill(anyBinNumber-1,anyBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
    hist_1d->Fill(anyBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter


  bool groupPassed = false;
  //bool groupL1Passed = false;

  // Main loop over paths
  // --------------------

  //for (int i=1; i< hist_2d->GetNbinsX();i++) 
  for (unsigned int i=0; i< fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].second.size(); i++)

    //string hltPathName =  hist_2d->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(i);
    string hltPathName =  fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].second[i];

    // check if this is hlt path name
    //unsigned int pathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(hltPathName);
    unsigned int pathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].second[i]);
    if(pathByIndex >= fTriggerResults->size() ) continue;

    // check if its L1 passed
    // comment out below but set groupL1Passed to true always
    //if(hasL1Passed(hltPathName,triggerNames)) groupL1Passed = true;
    //groupL1Passed = true;

    // Fill HLTPassed Matrix and HLTPassFail Matrix
    // --------------------------------------------------------


      groupPassed = true;
      //groupL1Passed = true;

      hist_2d->Fill(i,anyBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
      hist_2d->Fill(anyBinNumber-1,i);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter

      hist_2d->Fill(i,groupBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
      hist_2d->Fill(groupBinNumber-1,i);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
      hist_1d->Fill(i);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter

      //for (int j=1; j< hist_2d->GetNbinsY();j++) 
      for (unsigned int j=0; j< fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].second.size(); j++)

        string crossHltPathName =  fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].second[j];
        //unsigned int crosspathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(hist_2d->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(j));
        //unsigned int crosspathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(crossHltPathName);
        unsigned int crosspathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].second[j]);

        if(crosspathByIndex >= fTriggerResults->size() ) continue;
          hist_2d->Fill(i,j);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
        } // end if j path passed
      } // end for j 
    } // end if i passed

  } // end for i

  if(groupPassed) {
    hist_1d->Fill(groupBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
    hist_1d->Fill(groupBinNumber-2);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter -> Fill L1group as well
    hist_2d->Fill(groupBinNumber-1,groupBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
    hist_2d->Fill(anyBinNumber-1,groupBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
    hist_2d->Fill(groupBinNumber-1,anyBinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter


  string groupL1BinLabel = "HLT_"+fGroupNamePathsPair[mi].first+"_L1_Any";
  int groupL1BinNumber = hist_2d->GetXaxis()->FindBin(groupL1BinLabel.c_str());      

  if(groupL1Passed) hist_1d->Fill(groupL1BinNumber-1);//binNumber1 = 0 = first filter
 } // end for mi

int FourVectorHLTOffline::getHltThresholdFromName ( const std::string &  pathname) [private]

Definition at line 2565 of file

References i, and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

Referenced by beginRun().

  std::string pathname = name;
  //cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
  //cout << pathname << endl;

  //remove "L1" substr
  if(pathname.find("L1") != std::string::npos) pathname.replace(pathname.find("L1"),2,"");
  //remove "L2" substr
  if(pathname.find("L2") != std::string::npos) pathname.replace(pathname.find("L2"),2,"");
  //remove "8E29" substr
  if(pathname.find("8E29") != std::string::npos) pathname.replace(pathname.find("8E29"),4,"");

  int digitLocation=0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < pathname.length(); i++)
     if (isdigit( {

       digitLocation = i;


  // get the string from the location of the first digit to the end
  string hltThresholdString = pathname.substr(digitLocation);

  int hltThreshold = 0;

  // get intiger at the begining of the string
  sscanf (hltThresholdString.c_str(),"%d%*s",&hltThreshold);
  //printf ("%s -> %s -> %d\n",pathname.c_str(), hltThresholdString.c_str(), hltThreshold);

  return hltThreshold;

const std::string FourVectorHLTOffline::getL1ConditionModuleName ( const std::string &  pathname) [private]

Referenced by beginRun().

int FourVectorHLTOffline::getTriggerTypeParsePathName ( const std::string &  pathname) [private]

Definition at line 2479 of file

References trigger::TriggerBJet, trigger::TriggerElectron, trigger::TriggerJet, trigger::TriggerMET, trigger::TriggerMuon, trigger::TriggerPhoton, trigger::TriggerTau, trigger::TriggerTET, and trigger::TriggerTrack.

Referenced by beginRun().


   int objectType = 0;

         if (pathname.find("MET") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerMET;    
         if (pathname.find("SumET") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerTET;    
         if (pathname.find("HT") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerTET;    
         if (pathname.find("Jet") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerJet;    
         if (pathname.find("Mu") != std::string::npos)
           objectType = trigger::TriggerMuon;    
         if (pathname.find("Ele") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerElectron;    
         if (pathname.find("Photon") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerPhoton;    
         if (pathname.find("EG") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerPhoton;    
         if (pathname.find("Tau") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerTau;    
         if (pathname.find("IsoTrack") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerTrack;    
         if (pathname.find("BTag") != std::string::npos) 
           objectType = trigger::TriggerBJet;    

   return objectType;
bool FourVectorHLTOffline::hasHLTPassed ( const std::string &  pathname,
const edm::TriggerNames triggerNames 
) [private]

Definition at line 2563 of file

References edm::TriggerNames::triggerIndex(), and TrigResRateMon::triggerResults_.

  bool rc = false;

  unsigned int pathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(pathname);
  if(pathByIndex >= triggerResults_->size() ) return rc; // path is not in the menu

  rc  = triggerResults_->accept(pathByIndex);
  return rc;

bool FourVectorHLTOffline::hasL1Passed ( const std::string &  pathname,
const edm::TriggerNames triggerNames 
) [private]

Definition at line 2537 of file

References TrigResRateMon::hltPathsDiagonal_, timingPdfMaker::pathname, edm::TriggerNames::triggerIndex(), TrigResRateMon::triggerResults_, and v.

  bool rc = false;
  int l1ModuleIndex = 999;
  // --------------------
  for(PathInfoCollection::iterator v = hltPathsDiagonal_.begin(); v!= hltPathsDiagonal_.end(); ++v ) { 

    if(v->getPath() == pathname ) l1ModuleIndex = v->getL1ModuleIndex();


  unsigned int pathByIndex = triggerNames.triggerIndex(pathname);
  if(pathByIndex >= triggerResults_->size() ) return rc; // path is not in the menu

  // get index of the last module that issued the decision
  int lastModule = triggerResults_->index(pathByIndex);

  // if L1 passed, then it must not be the module that 
  // issued the last decision
  rc = (l1ModuleIndex < lastModule);

  return rc;

bool FourVectorHLTOffline::isVBTFMuon ( const reco::Muon muon) [private]

Definition at line 2603 of file

References dxyCut_, fBeamSpotHandle, reco::Muon::globalTrack(), reco::Muon::innerTrack(), reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), muonHitsCut_, nMatchesCut_, normalizedChi2Cut_, reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), pixelHitsCut_, and trackerHitsCut_.

Referenced by selectMuons().


  reco::TrackRef gm = muon.globalTrack();
  reco::TrackRef tk = muon.innerTrack();

  // Quality cuts
  // ------------

  // Must have BeamSpot for the 1st qualityCut
  if(!fBeamSpotHandle.isValid()) return 0;

  double dxy = gm->dxy(fBeamSpotHandle->position());
  double normalizedChi2 = gm->normalizedChi2(); 
  int trackerHits = tk->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
  int pixelHits = tk->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits();
  int muonHits = gm->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
  int nMatches = muon.numberOfMatches();

  if (fabs(dxy)>dxyCut_) {return 0;}
  //               if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNormChi2"]->Fill(normalizedChi2);}
  if (normalizedChi2>normalizedChi2Cut_) {return 0;}
  //               if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNHits"]->Fill(trackerHits);}
  if (trackerHits<trackerHitsCut_) {return 0;}
  //               if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNMuonHits"]->Fill(muonHits);}
  if (pixelHits<pixelHitsCut_) {return 0;}
  //               if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNPixelHits"]->Fill(pixelHits);}
  if (muonHits<muonHitsCut_) {return 0;}
  //               if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hTracker"]->Fill(mu.isTrackerMuon());}
  if (!muon.isTrackerMuon()) {return 0;}
  //               if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNMatches"]->Fill(nMatches);}
  if (nMatches<nMatchesCut_) {return 0;}

  return true;

string FourVectorHLTOffline::removeVersions ( std::string  histVersion) [private]

Definition at line 2640 of file

References pos, and BeamSplash_cfg::version.

Referenced by beginRun().

   for (int ii = 100; ii >= 0; ii--) {
     string ver = "_v";
     string version ="";
     stringstream ss;
     ss << ver << ii;
     ss >> version;
     size_t pos = histVersion.find(version);
     if (pos != std::string::npos)
   return histVersion;
void FourVectorHLTOffline::selectElectrons ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &  eleHandle 
) [private]

Definition at line 2348 of file

References deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_, deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_, deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_, deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_, dr03TkSumPtEB_, dr03TkSumPtEC_, dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEB_, dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEC_, dr04HcalTowerSumEtEB_, dr04HcalTowerSumEtEC_, EcalClusterLazyTools::e3x3(), eleMaxOver3x3_, EcalClusterLazyTools::eMax(), fSelectedElectrons, fSelElectronsHandle, edm::Event::getByLabel(), hadronicOverEmEB_, hadronicOverEmEC_, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::HandleBase::provenance(), recHitsEBTag_, recHitsEETag_, reco::CaloCluster::seed(), sigmaIetaIetaEB_, sigmaIetaIetaEC_, sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEB_, and sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEC_.

Referenced by analyze().


  // for every event, first clear vector of selected objects

  if(eleHandle.isValid()) { 

    for( reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator iter = eleHandle->begin(), iend = eleHandle->end(); iter != iend; ++iter )
      edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEBRecHits;
      iEvent.getByLabel( recHitsEBTag_, pEBRecHits );

      edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEERecHits;
      iEvent.getByLabel( recHitsEETag_, pEERecHits );

      if(pEBRecHits.isValid() && pEERecHits.isValid()) {
        EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTool(iEvent, iSetup, recHitsEBTag_, recHitsEETag_); 
        const reco::CaloCluster* bc = iter->superCluster()->seed().get(); // get the basic cluster
        float eleMaxOver3x3 = ( lazyTool.eMax(*bc) / lazyTool.e3x3(*bc)  );

        if(eleMaxOver3x3 > eleMaxOver3x3_) continue;


      // Only ecalDriven electrons
      if(! iter->ecalDriven() ) continue;

      // Barrel 
      if(iter->isEB()) {

        if (
                                  iter->dr03TkSumPt()         < dr03TkSumPtEB_ && 
                                  iter->dr04EcalRecHitSumEt() < dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEB_ && 
                                  iter->dr04HcalTowerSumEt()  < dr04HcalTowerSumEtEB_ &&
                                  iter->hadronicOverEm()      < hadronicOverEmEB_ &&
                                  fabs(iter->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx()) < deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_ && 
                                  fabs(iter->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx()) < deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEB_ &&
                                  iter->sigmaIetaIeta() < sigmaIetaIetaEB_ &&
                                  iter->sigmaIetaIeta() > sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEB_
        ) {



      } // end if

      // EndCap
      else if(iter->isEE()) {
        if (
                                  iter->dr03TkSumPt()         < dr03TkSumPtEC_ && 
                                  iter->dr04EcalRecHitSumEt() < dr04EcalRecHitSumEtEC_ && 
                                  iter->dr04HcalTowerSumEt()  < dr04HcalTowerSumEtEC_ && 
                                  iter->hadronicOverEm()      < hadronicOverEmEC_ && 
                                  fabs(iter->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx()) < deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_ && 
                                  fabs(iter->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx()) < deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtxEC_ && 
                                  iter->sigmaIetaIeta() < sigmaIetaIetaEC_ && 
                                  iter->sigmaIetaIeta() > sigmaIetaIetaSpikesEC_
        ) {



      } // end else if

    } // end for
    edm::Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> localSelElectronsHandle(fSelectedElectrons,eleHandle.provenance());
    fSelElectronsHandle = localSelElectronsHandle;

  } // end if

void FourVectorHLTOffline::selectJets ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  jetHandle 
) [private]

Definition at line 2467 of file

References reco::helper::JetIDHelper::calculate(), emEnergyFractionJet_, reco::helper::JetIDHelper::fHPD(), fHPDJet_, fSelectedJets, fSelJetsHandle, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), jetID, n90Jet_, and edm::HandleBase::provenance().

Referenced by analyze().

  // for every event, first clear vector of selected objects

  if(jetHandle.isValid()) { 

    for( reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator iter = jetHandle->begin(), iend = jetHandle->end(); iter != iend; ++iter )

       jetID->calculate(iEvent, *iter);
       if (iter->emEnergyFraction() > emEnergyFractionJet_ &&
           jetID->fHPD() < fHPDJet_ &&
           iter->n90() >= n90Jet_ 


    } // end for
    edm::Handle<reco::CaloJetCollection> localSelJetsHandle(fSelectedJets,jetHandle.provenance());
    fSelJetsHandle = localSelJetsHandle;

  } // end if

void FourVectorHLTOffline::selectMet ( const edm::Handle< reco::CaloMETCollection > &  metHandle) [private]

Definition at line 2497 of file

References fSelectedMet, fSelMetHandle, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), and edm::HandleBase::provenance().

Referenced by analyze().

  // for every event, first clear vector of selected objects

  if(metHandle.isValid()) { 

    for( reco::CaloMETCollection::const_iterator iter = metHandle->begin(), iend = metHandle->end(); iter != iend; ++iter )


    } // end for
    edm::Handle<reco::CaloMETCollection> localSelMetHandle(fSelectedMet,metHandle.provenance());
    fSelMetHandle = localSelMetHandle;

  } // end if

void FourVectorHLTOffline::selectMuons ( const edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollection > &  muonHandle) [private]

Definition at line 2323 of file

References fSelectedMuons, fSelMuonsHandle, muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight, muon::isGoodMuon(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), isVBTFMuon(), edm::HandleBase::provenance(), and muon::TrackerMuonArbitrated.

Referenced by analyze().

  // for every event, first clear vector of selected objects

  if(muonHandle.isValid()) { 

    for( reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator iter = muonHandle->begin(), iend = muonHandle->end(); iter != iend; ++iter )

       if(isGoodMuon(*iter, muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight) && 
          isGoodMuon(*iter, muon::TrackerMuonArbitrated))
            if(isVBTFMuon(*iter)) fSelectedMuons->push_back(*iter);
   } // end for
    edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> localSelMuonsHandle(fSelectedMuons,muonHandle.provenance());
    fSelMuonsHandle = localSelMuonsHandle;

  } // end if

void FourVectorHLTOffline::selectPhotons ( const edm::Handle< reco::PhotonCollection > &  phoHandle) [private]

Definition at line 2435 of file

References fSelectedPhotons, fSelPhotonsHandle, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), and edm::HandleBase::provenance().

Referenced by analyze().

  // for every event, first clear vector of selected objects

  if(phoHandle.isValid()) { 

    for( reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iter = phoHandle->begin(), iend = phoHandle->end(); iter != iend; ++iter )


                                  iter->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.002  &&
          iter->maxEnergyXtal() / iter->e3x3() < 0.9

        ) {


      }  // end if

    } // end for
    edm::Handle<reco::PhotonCollection> localSelPhotonsHandle(fSelectedPhotons,phoHandle.provenance());
    fSelPhotonsHandle = localSelPhotonsHandle;

  } // end if

void FourVectorHLTOffline::selectTaus ( const edm::Event iEvent) [private]

Definition at line 2520 of file

References fSelectedTaus, fSelTausHandle, edm::Event::getByLabel(), i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::HandleBase::provenance(), tauDscrmtrLabel1_, tauDscrmtrLabel2_, and tauDscrmtrLabel3_.

Referenced by analyze().

  // for every event, first clear vector of selected objects

  //first read the tau collection
  edm::Handle<reco::PFTauCollection> tauHandle;  

  //Now access a discriminator and see if it passed the tag
  edm::Handle<reco::PFTauDiscriminator> dscrmt1H;
  edm::Handle<reco::PFTauDiscriminator> dscrmt2H;
  edm::Handle<reco::PFTauDiscriminator> dscrmt3H;

  if(tauHandle.isValid() && dscrmt1H.isValid() && dscrmt2H.isValid() && dscrmt3H.isValid()) { 

    for(unsigned int i=0;i<tauHandle->size();++i) {

        //create a ref to the PF Tau 
        reco::PFTauRef pfTauRef(tauHandle,i);

        float outputDiscmnt1 = (*dscrmt1H)[pfTauRef]; // this should be >0.5 to pass
        float outputDiscmnt2 = (*dscrmt2H)[pfTauRef]; // this should be >0.5 to pass
        float outputDiscmnt3 = (*dscrmt3H)[pfTauRef]; // this should be >0.5 to pass

        if(outputDiscmnt1>0.5 && outputDiscmnt2>0.5 && outputDiscmnt3 >0.5) {



    } // end for

    edm::Handle<reco::PFTauCollection> localSelTauHandle(fSelectedTaus,tauHandle.provenance());
    fSelTausHandle = localSelTauHandle;

  } // end if

void FourVectorHLTOffline::setupHltBxPlots ( ) [private]

Definition at line 1726 of file

References DQMStore::book2D(), dbe_, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), hltPathsDiagonal_, ME_HLT_BX, Nbx_, pathsSummaryFolder_, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().


  //pathsSummaryFolder_ = TString("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/");

  // setup HLT bx plot
  unsigned int npaths = hltPathsDiagonal_.size();

  ME_HLT_BX = dbe_->book2D("HLT_bx",
                         "HLT counts vs Event bx",
                         Nbx_+1, -0.5, Nbx_+1-0.5, npaths, -0.5, npaths-0.5);
  ME_HLT_CUSTOM_BX = dbe_->book2D("HLT_Custom_bx",
                         "HLT counts vs Event bx",
                         Nbx_+1, -0.5, Nbx_+1-0.5, npaths, -0.5, npaths-0.5);
  ME_HLT_BX->setAxisTitle("Bunch Crossing");
  //ME_HLT_CUSTOM_BX->setAxisTitle("Bunch Crossing");

  // Set up bin labels on Y axis continuing to cover all npaths
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < npaths; i++){

  if (ME_HLT_BX)
    ME_HLT_BX->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (hltPathsDiagonal_[i]).getPath().c_str());
    //ME_HLT_CUSTOM_BX->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (hltPathsDiagonal_[i]).getPath().c_str());


void FourVectorHLTOffline::setupHltLsPlots ( ) [private]

Definition at line 1760 of file

References DQMStore::book2D(), dbe_, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), hltPathsDiagonal_, ME_HLTAll_LS, nLS_, pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

  unsigned int npaths = hltPathsDiagonal_.size();

  //pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_ = TString("HLT/FourVector/PathsSummary/HLT LS/");

  ME_HLTAll_LS  = dbe_->book2D("All_count_LS",
                    "All paths per LS ",
                         nLS_, 0, nLS_, npaths+1, -0.5, npaths+1-0.5);
  ME_HLTAll_LS->setAxisTitle("Luminosity Section");

  // Set up bin labels on Y axis continuing to cover all npaths
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < npaths; i++){
    if (ME_HLTAll_LS)
      ME_HLTAll_LS->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (hltPathsDiagonal_[i]).getPath().c_str());


  unsigned int i = npaths;

  if (ME_HLTAll_LS)
    ME_HLTAll_LS->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, "HLT_Any");

void FourVectorHLTOffline::setupHltMatrix ( const std::string &  label,
std::vector< std::string > &  paths 
) [private]

Referenced by beginRun().

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 252 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 250 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 251 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 253 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 224 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > FourVectorHLTOffline::custompathnamepairs_ [private]

Definition at line 312 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 291 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 301 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 290 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 300 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

std::string FourVectorHLTOffline::dirname_ [private]

Definition at line 324 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 223 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 286 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 296 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 287 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 297 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 288 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 298 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

double FourVectorHLTOffline::dRMax_ [private]

Definition at line 232 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 274 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and isVBTFMuon().

Definition at line 236 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 234 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 235 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 237 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 284 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 308 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectJets().

Definition at line 123 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and isVBTFMuon().

std::string FourVectorHLTOffline::fCustomBXPath [private]

Definition at line 192 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> > FourVectorHLTOffline::fGroupL1TempCountPair [private]

Definition at line 319 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and countHLTGroupL1HitsEndLumiBlock().

std::vector<std::string> FourVectorHLTOffline::fGroupName [private]

Definition at line 194 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun().

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > > FourVectorHLTOffline::fGroupNamePathsPair [private]
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> > FourVectorHLTOffline::fGroupTempCountPair [private]

Definition at line 318 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and countHLTGroupHitsEndLumiBlock().

Definition at line 309 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectJets().

Definition at line 166 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 165 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<int> > > FourVectorHLTOffline::fPathBxTempCountPair [private]

Definition at line 317 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock().

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> > FourVectorHLTOffline::fPathTempCountPair [private]

Definition at line 316 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and countHLTPathHitsEndLumiBlock().

Definition at line 205 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), selectJets(), and ~FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 208 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), selectMet(), and ~FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 213 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), selectTaus(), and ~FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 200 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 206 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectJets().

Definition at line 209 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectMet().

Definition at line 197 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectMuons().

Definition at line 203 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by selectPhotons().

Definition at line 214 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectTaus().

Definition at line 122 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillHltMatrix().

Definition at line 289 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 299 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 332 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().

Definition at line 697 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 699 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), setupHltBxPlots(), and setupHltLsPlots().

Definition at line 268 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 266 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 269 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

double FourVectorHLTOffline::htMin_ [private]

Definition at line 267 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 279 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 248 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 246 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 247 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 171 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectJets().

Definition at line 249 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 180 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 264 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 262 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 265 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 263 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 327 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 240 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 238 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 239 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 278 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and isVBTFMuon().

Definition at line 241 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 326 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 310 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectJets().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::nBins2D_ [private]

Definition at line 228 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::nBins_ [private]

Definition at line 226 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::nBinsDR_ [private]

Definition at line 227 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::nBinsOneOverEt_ [private]

Definition at line 229 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::Nbx_ [private]

Definition at line 163 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::nLS_ [private]

Definition at line 216 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and setupHltLsPlots().

Definition at line 280 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and isVBTFMuon().

Definition at line 275 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and isVBTFMuon().

Definition at line 190 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 188 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 187 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 185 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), FourVectorHLTOffline(), and setupHltBxPlots().

Definition at line 186 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 191 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 256 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 254 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 255 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 257 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 277 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and isVBTFMuon().

Definition at line 222 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

std::string FourVectorHLTOffline::processname_ [private]

Definition at line 325 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

double FourVectorHLTOffline::ptMax_ [private]

Definition at line 231 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

double FourVectorHLTOffline::ptMin_ [private]

Definition at line 230 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 331 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 331 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

unsigned int FourVectorHLTOffline::referenceBX_ [private]

Definition at line 334 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 292 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 302 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 294 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

Definition at line 304 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectElectrons().

std::vector<std::string> FourVectorHLTOffline::specialPaths_ [private]

Definition at line 322 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 270 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 244 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 174 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectTaus().

Definition at line 175 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectTaus().

Definition at line 176 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and selectTaus().

Definition at line 242 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 243 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 245 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 328 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 218 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 260 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 276 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline(), and isVBTFMuon().

Definition at line 258 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 259 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 261 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by FourVectorHLTOffline().

std::vector<std::vector <uint> > FourVectorHLTOffline::triggerFilterIndices_ [private]

Definition at line 315 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

std::vector<std::vector <std::string> > FourVectorHLTOffline::triggerFilters_ [private]

Definition at line 314 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 330 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 329 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 168 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and FourVectorHLTOffline().

Definition at line 181 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Definition at line 182 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock().

Definition at line 183 of file FourVectorHLTOffline.h.

Referenced by countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock().