Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

CxCalculator Class Reference

#include <CxCalculator.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool checkUsed (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, const reco::BasicCluster *clu)
 CxCalculator (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, edm::InputTag barrelLabel, edm::InputTag endcapLabel)
double getAvgBCEt (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double eta, double phi1, double phi2, double threshold)
double getBCMax (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, int i)
double getCCx (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double i, double threshold)
double getCCxRemoveSC (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double i, double threshold)
double getCorrection (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double i, double j, double threshold)
double getCx (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double i, double threshold)
double getCxRemoveSC (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double i, double threshold)
double getJc (const reco::SuperClusterRef cluster, double r1=0.4, double r2=0.06, double jWidth=0.04, double threshold=0)
double getJcc (const reco::SuperClusterRef cluster, double r1=0.4, double r2=0.06, double jWidth=0.04, double threshold=0)
double getJurassicArea (double r1, double r2, double width)
double getNBC (const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, double eta, double phi1, double phi2, double threshold)

Private Attributes

const CaloGeometrygeometry_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file CxCalculator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CxCalculator::CxCalculator ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
edm::InputTag  barrelLabel,
edm::InputTag  endcapLabel 

Definition at line 38 of file

References edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), NULL, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), and edm::Handle< T >::product().

   Handle<BasicClusterCollection> pEBclusters;
   iEvent.getByLabel(barrelLabel, pEBclusters);
     fEBclusters_ = pEBclusters.product(); 
     fEBclusters_ = NULL;

   Handle<BasicClusterCollection> pEEclusters;
   iEvent.getByLabel(endcapLabel, pEEclusters);
     fEEclusters_ = pEEclusters.product(); 
     fEEclusters_ = NULL;

   ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geometryHandle;
     geometry_ = geometryHandle.product();
     geometry_ = NULL;


Member Function Documentation

bool CxCalculator::checkUsed ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
const reco::BasicCluster clu 

Definition at line 459 of file

   reco::CaloCluster_iterator theEclust = sc->clustersBegin();

   // Loop over the basicClusters inside the target superCluster
   for(;theEclust != sc->clustersEnd(); theEclust++) {
     if ((**theEclust) == (*bc) ) return  true; //matched, so it's used.
   return false;
double CxCalculator::getAvgBCEt ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  eta,
double  phi1,
double  phi2,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 561 of file

References dPhi(), eta(), phi, PI, and dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;

   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();

   double TotalEt = 0;    // Total E
   double TotalN = 0;     // Total N

   TotalEt = - cluster->rawEnergy()/cosh(cluster->eta());

   if (fabs(SClusterEta) < 1.479) {
      for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
          iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
         const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
         math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
         double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
         double phi = ClusPoint.phi();  

         double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
         double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
         while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;

         bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

         if (dEta<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false&&dPhi>phi1*0.1&&dPhi<phi2*0.1) {
            double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
            if (et<threshold) et=0;
            TotalEt += et;
            TotalN ++;
   } else {
      for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
          iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
         const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
         math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
         double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
         double phi = ClusPoint.phi();  
         double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
         double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
         while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;

         bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

         if (dEta<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false&&dPhi>phi1*0.1&&dPhi<phi2*0.1) {
            double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
            if (et<threshold) et=0;
            TotalEt += et;
            TotalN ++;
   return TotalEt / TotalN;
double CxCalculator::getBCMax ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
int  i 

Definition at line 470 of file

   reco::CaloCluster_iterator theEclust = cluster->clustersBegin();

   double energyMax=0,energySecond=0;
   // Loop over the basicClusters inside the target superCluster
   for(;theEclust != cluster->clustersEnd(); theEclust++) {
     if ((*theEclust)->energy()>energyMax ) {
     } else if ((*theEclust)->energy()>energySecond) {
   if (i==1) return energyMax;
   return energySecond;
double CxCalculator::getCCx ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  i,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 190 of file

References dPhi(), eta(), phi, PI, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, and x.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;
   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
      //       LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;
   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
      //       LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;
   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();
   double TotalEt = 0;

   TotalEt = - cluster->rawEnergy()/cosh(cluster->eta());

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();

      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
     if (dEta<x*0.1) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
      double phi = ClusPoint.phi();
      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
      while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;
      if (dPhi>PI) dPhi=2*PI-dPhi;
      if (dEta<x*0.1) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   double Cx = getCx(cluster,x,threshold);
   double CCx = Cx - TotalEt / 40.0 * x;

   return CCx;
double CxCalculator::getCCxRemoveSC ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  i,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 390 of file

References dPhi(), eta(), phi, PI, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, and x.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;

   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();
   double TotalEt = 0;

   TotalEt = 0;

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();

      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);

      // check if this basic cluster is used in the target supercluster
      bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);
     if (dEta<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
      double phi = ClusPoint.phi();

      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
      while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;
      if (dPhi>PI) dPhi=2*PI-dPhi;

      // check if this basic cluster is used in the target supercluster
      bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

      if (dEta<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   double Cx = getCxRemoveSC(cluster,x,threshold);
   double CCx = Cx - TotalEt / 40.0 * x;

   return CCx;
double CxCalculator::getCorrection ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  i,
double  j,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 489 of file

References dPhi(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, alignCSCRings::e, eta(), phi, PI, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, mathSSE::sqrt(), and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;

   // doesn't really work now ^^; (Yen-Jie)
   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();
   double TotalEnergy = 0;
   double TotalBC = 0;

   TotalEnergy = 0;

   double Area = PI * (-x*x+y*y) / 100.0;
   double nCrystal = Area / 0.0174 / 0.0174; // ignore the difference between endcap and barrel for the moment....

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      const GlobalPoint clusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = clusPoint.eta();
      double phi = clusPoint.phi();
      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
      while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;
      if (dPhi>PI) dPhi=2*PI-dPhi;
      double dR = sqrt(dEta*dEta+dPhi*dPhi);
     if (dR>x*0.1&&dR<y*0.1) {
         double e = clu->energy();
         if (e<threshold) e=0;
         TotalEnergy += e;
         if (e!=0) TotalBC+=clu->size();  // number of crystals

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      const GlobalPoint clusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = clusPoint.eta();
      double phi = clusPoint.phi();
      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
      while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;
      if (dPhi>PI) dPhi=2*PI-dPhi;
      double dR = sqrt(dEta*dEta+dPhi*dPhi);
     if (dR>x*0.1&&dR<y*0.1) {
         double e = clu->energy();
         if (e<threshold) e=0;
         TotalEnergy += e;
         if (e!=0) TotalBC += clu->size(); // number of crystals

  if (TotalBC==0) return 0;
  return TotalEnergy/nCrystal;
double CxCalculator::getCx ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  i,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 65 of file

References PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, eta(), and dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;

   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
//       LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
//       LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   math::XYZVector SClusPoint(cluster->position().x(),

   double TotalEt = 0;

   TotalEt = - cluster->rawEnergy()/cosh(cluster->eta());

   // Loop over barrel basic clusters 
   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();

      double dR = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(ClusPoint,SClusPoint);
      if (dR<x*0.1) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      const GlobalPoint clusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();

      double dR = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(ClusPoint,SClusPoint);

      if (dR<x*0.1) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   return TotalEt;
double CxCalculator::getCxRemoveSC ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  i,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 123 of file

References PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, eta(), and dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco.

   // Calculate Cx and remove the basicClusters used by superCluster

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;

   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   math::XYZVector SClusPoint(cluster->position().x(),

   double TotalEt = 0;

   TotalEt = 0;

   // Loop over barrel basic clusters 
   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();

      double dR = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(ClusPoint,SClusPoint);
      // check if this basic cluster is used in the target supercluster
      bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

      if (dR<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      const GlobalPoint clusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();

      double dR = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(ClusPoint,SClusPoint);

      // check if this basic cluster is used in the target supercluster
      bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

      if (dR<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false) {
         double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
         if (et<threshold) et=0;
         TotalEt += et;

   return TotalEt;
double CxCalculator::getJc ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  cluster,
double  r1 = 0.4,
double  r2 = 0.06,
double  jWidth = 0.04,
double  threshold = 0 

Definition at line 255 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, dPhi(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, eta(), phi, PI, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, and mathSSE::sqrt().

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;
   if(!fEBclusters_) {
      //       LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";                                                    
      return -100;
   if(!fEEclusters_) {
      return -100;
   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();
   double TotalEt = 0;
   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
      double phi = ClusPoint.phi();
      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = phi-SClusterPhi;
      if ( dPhi < -PI )    dPhi = dPhi + 2*PI ;
      if ( dPhi >  PI )    dPhi = dPhi - 2*PI ;
      if ( fabs(dPhi) > PI )   cout << " error!!! dphi > 2pi   : " << dPhi << endl;
      double dR = sqrt(dEta*dEta+dPhi*dPhi);
      // Jurassic Cone /////
      if ( dR > r1 ) continue;
      if ( dR < r2 ) continue;
      if ( fabs(dEta) <  jWidth)  continue;
      double theEt = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
      if (theEt<threshold) continue;
      TotalEt += theEt;
   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
      double phi = ClusPoint.phi();
      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = phi-SClusterPhi;
      if ( dPhi < -PI )    dPhi = dPhi + 2*PI ;
      if ( dPhi >  PI )    dPhi = dPhi - 2*PI ;
      if ( fabs(dPhi) >PI )   cout << " error!!! dphi > 2pi   : " << dPhi << endl;
      double dR = sqrt(dEta*dEta+dPhi*dPhi);
      // Jurassic Cone /////                                                                                                  
      if ( dR > r1 ) continue;
      if ( dR < r2 ) continue;
      if ( fabs(dEta) <  jWidth)  continue;
      double theEt = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
      if (theEt<threshold) continue;
      TotalEt += theEt;
   return TotalEt;
double CxCalculator::getJcc ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  cluster,
double  r1 = 0.4,
double  r2 = 0.06,
double  jWidth = 0.04,
double  threshold = 0 

Definition at line 319 of file

References dPhi(), eta(), phi, PI, diffTwoXMLs::r1, and dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;
   if(!fEBclusters_) {
      //       LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";                                                         
      return -100;
   if(!fEEclusters_) {
      return -100;
   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();
   double TotalEt = 0;

   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
      double phi = ClusPoint.phi();

      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = phi-SClusterPhi;
      if ( dPhi < -PI )    dPhi = dPhi + 2*PI ;
      if ( dPhi >  PI )    dPhi = dPhi - 2*PI ;
      //      double dR = sqrt(dEta*dEta+dPhi*dPhi);

      if ( fabs(dEta) > r1 ) continue;
      if ( fabs(dPhi) <r1 ) continue;
      double theEt = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
      if (theEt<threshold) continue;
      TotalEt += theEt;
   for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
       iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
      const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
      math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
      double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
      double phi = ClusPoint.phi();
      double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
      double dPhi = phi-SClusterPhi;
      if ( dPhi < -PI )    dPhi = dPhi + 2*PI ;
      if ( dPhi >  PI )    dPhi = dPhi - 2*PI ;
      //      double dR = sqrt(dEta*dEta+dPhi*dPhi);
      if ( fabs(dEta) > r1 ) continue;
      if ( fabs(dPhi) < r1 ) continue;
      double theEt = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
      if (theEt<threshold) continue;
      TotalEt += theEt;
   double areaStrip = 4*PI*r1 -  4*r1*r1; 
   double areaJura  = getJurassicArea(r1,r2, jWidth) ;
   double theCJ     = getJc(cluster,r1,  r2, jWidth, threshold);
   //   cout << "areJura = " << areaJura << endl;
   //  cout << "areaStrip " << areaStrip << endl;
   double theCCJ   = theCJ - TotalEt * areaJura / areaStrip ;
   return theCCJ;
double CxCalculator::getJurassicArea ( double  r1,
double  r2,
double  width 

Definition at line 24 of file

References funct::cos(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

   float theta1 = asin( width / r1);
   float theta2 = asin( width / r2);
   float theA   = sqrt ( r1*r1 + r2*r2 - 2 * r1 * r2 * cos ( theta1 - theta2) );
   float area1 =  0.5 * r1*r1 * ( 3.141592 - 2 * theta1 )   ;
   float area2 =  0.5 * r2*r2 * ( 3.141592 - 2 * theta2 )   ;
   float area3 =  width * theA;
   float finalArea = 2 * ( area1 - area2 - area3);
   return finalArea;
double CxCalculator::getNBC ( const reco::SuperClusterRef  clus,
double  eta,
double  phi1,
double  phi2,
double  threshold 

Definition at line 634 of file

References dPhi(), eta(), phi, PI, and dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco.

   using namespace edm;
   using namespace reco;

   if(!fEBclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EBclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   if(!fEEclusters_) {       
      LogError("CxCalculator") << "Error! Can't get EEclusters for event.";
      return -100;

   double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
   double SClusterPhi = cluster->phi();

   double TotalEt = 0;    // Total E
   double TotalN = 0;     // Total N

   TotalEt = - cluster->rawEnergy()/cosh(cluster->eta());


   if (fabs(SClusterEta) < 1.479) {
      for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEBclusters_->begin();
          iclu != fEBclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
         const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
         math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
         double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
         double phi = ClusPoint.phi();  

         double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
         double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
         while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;

         bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

         if (dEta<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false&&dPhi>phi1*0.1&&dPhi<phi2*0.1) {
            double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
            if (et<threshold) et=0;
            TotalEt += et;
            TotalN ++;
   } else {
      for(BasicClusterCollection::const_iterator iclu = fEEclusters_->begin();
          iclu != fEEclusters_->end(); ++iclu) {
         const BasicCluster *clu = &(*iclu);
         math::XYZVector ClusPoint(clu->x(),clu->y(),clu->z());
         double eta = ClusPoint.eta();
         double phi = ClusPoint.phi();  
         double dEta = fabs(eta-SClusterEta);
         double dPhi = fabs(phi-SClusterPhi);
         while (dPhi>2*PI) dPhi-=2*PI;

         bool inSuperCluster = checkUsed(cluster,clu);

         if (dEta<x*0.1&&inSuperCluster==false&&dPhi>phi1*0.1&&dPhi<phi2*0.1) {
            double et = clu->energy()/cosh(eta);
            if (et<threshold) et=0;
            TotalEt += et;
            TotalN ++;
   return TotalN;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 39 of file CxCalculator.h.

Definition at line 40 of file CxCalculator.h.

Definition at line 41 of file CxCalculator.h.