Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def doDebugDump
def doParametersOfInterest
def getHiggsSignalYieldScale
def setPhysicsOptions
def setup

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Definition at line 4 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs::__init__ (   self)

Definition at line 6 of file

00007                       :
00008         SMLikeHiggsModel.__init__(self) # not using 'super(x,self).__init__' since I don't understand it
        self.floatMass = False

Member Function Documentation

def HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs::doDebugDump (   self)

Definition at line 41 of file

00042                          :
00043         self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH").setConstant(False)
00044         self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH").removeRange()
00045         MHvals = [ 110 + (600.-110.)*i/4900. for i in xrange(4900+1) ]
00046         for p in [ "ggH", "qqH", "WH", "ZH" ]: 
00047             self.SMH.makeXS(p)
00048             self.SMH.dump("SM_XS_"+p, "MH", MHvals, "dump.XS_"+p+".txt")
00049         for p in [ "htt", "hbb", "hww", "hzz", "hgg", "hgluglu", "htoptop" ]:
00050             self.SMH.makeBR(p)
00051             self.SMH.dump("SM_BR_"+p, "MH", MHvals, "dump.BR_"+p+".txt")
00052         self.SMH.makeTotalWidth()
        self.SMH.dump("SM_GammaTot", "MH", MHvals, "dump.GammaTot.txt")
def HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs::doParametersOfInterest (   self)
Create POI out of signal strength and MH

Definition at line 19 of file

00020                                     :
00021         """Create POI out of signal strength and MH"""
00022         # --- Signal Strength as only POI --- 
00023         self.modelBuilder.doVar("CV[1,-5,5]")
00024         self.modelBuilder.doVar("CF[1,-5,5]")
00025         if self.floatMass:
00026             if self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH"):
00027                 self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH").setRange(float(self.mHRange[0]),float(self.mHRange[1]))
00028                 self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH").setConstant(False)
00029             else:
00030                 self.modelBuilder.doVar("MH[%s,%s]" % (self.mHRange[0],self.mHRange[1])) 
00031             self.modelBuilder.doSet("POI",'CV,CF,MH')
00032         else:
00033             if self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH"):
00034                 self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH").setVal(self.options.mass)
00035                 self.modelBuilder.out.var("MH").setConstant(True)
00036             else:
00037                 self.modelBuilder.doVar("MH[%g]" % self.options.mass) 
00038             self.modelBuilder.doSet("POI",'CV,CF')
00039         self.SMH = SMHiggsBuilder(self.modelBuilder)
00040         #self.doDebugDump()
def HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs::getHiggsSignalYieldScale (   self,

Definition at line 75 of file

00076                                                               :
00077         name = "CvCf_XSBRscal_%s_%s" % (production,decay)
00078         if self.modelBuilder.out.function(name) == None: 
00079             XSscal = 'CF' if production in ["ggH","ttH"] else 'CV'
00080             BRscal = "hgg"
00081             if decay in ["hww", "hzz"]: BRscal = "hv"
00082             if decay in ["hbb", "htt"]: BRscal = "hf"
00083             self.modelBuilder.factory_('expr::%s("@0*@0 * @1", %s, CvCf_BRscal_%s)' % (name, XSscal, BRscal))
00084         return name

def HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs::setPhysicsOptions (   self,

Definition at line 9 of file

00010                                            :
00011         for po in physOptions:
00012             if po.startswith("higgsMassRange="):
00013                 self.floatMass = True
00014                 self.mHRange = po.replace("higgsMassRange=","").split(",")
00015                 print 'The Higgs mass range:', self.mHRange
00016                 if len(self.mHRange) != 2:
00017                     raise RuntimeError, "Higgs mass range definition requires two extrema."
00018                 elif float(self.mHRange[0]) >= float(self.mHRange[1]):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Extrema for Higgs mass range defined with inverterd order. Second must be larger the first."
def HiggsCouplings::CvCfHiggs::setup (   self)

Definition at line 53 of file

00054                    :
00055         ## Coefficient for couplings to photons
00056         #      Based on Eq 1--4 of Nuclear Physics B 453 (1995)17-82
00057         #      ignoring b quark contributions
00058         # Taylor series around MH=125 including terms up to O(MH-125)^2 in Horner polynomial form
00059         self.modelBuilder.factory_('expr::CvCf_cgamma("\
00060         @0*@0*(1.524292518396496 + (0.005166702799572456 - 0.00003355715038472727*@2)*@2) + \
00061         @1*(@1*(0.07244520735564258 + (0.0008318872718720393 - 6.16997610275555e-6*@2)*@2) + \
00062         @0*(-0.5967377257521194 + (-0.005998590071444782 + 0.00003972712648748393*@2)*@2))\
00063         ",CV,CF,MH)')
00064         ## partial witdhs, normalized to the SM one, for decays scaling with F, V and total
00065         for d in [ "htt", "hbb", "hcc", "hww", "hzz", "hgluglu", "htoptop", "hgg", "hZg", "hmm", "hss" ]:
00066             self.SMH.makeBR(d)
00067         self.modelBuilder.factory_("expr::CvCf_Gscal_sumf(\"@0*@0 * (@1+@2+@3+@4+@5+@6+@7)\", CF, SM_BR_hbb, SM_BR_htt, SM_BR_hcc, SM_BR_htoptop, SM_BR_hgluglu, SM_BR_hmm, SM_BR_hss)") 
00068         self.modelBuilder.factory_("expr::CvCf_Gscal_sumv(\"@0*@0 * (@1+@2+@3)\", CV, SM_BR_hww, SM_BR_hzz, SM_BR_hZg)") 
00069         self.modelBuilder.factory_("expr::CvCf_Gscal_gg(\"@0*@0 * @1\", CvCf_cgamma, SM_BR_hgg)") 
00070         self.modelBuilder.factory_( "sum::CvCf_Gscal_tot(CvCf_Gscal_sumf, CvCf_Gscal_sumv, CvCf_Gscal_gg)")
00071         ## BRs, normalized to the SM ones: they scale as (coupling/coupling_SM)^2 / (totWidth/totWidthSM)^2 
00072         self.modelBuilder.factory_("expr::CvCf_BRscal_hgg(\"@0*@0/@1\", CvCf_cgamma, CvCf_Gscal_tot)")
00073         self.modelBuilder.factory_("expr::CvCf_BRscal_hf(\"@0*@0/@1\", CF, CvCf_Gscal_tot)")
00074         self.modelBuilder.factory_("expr::CvCf_BRscal_hv(\"@0*@0/@1\", CV, CvCf_Gscal_tot)")
        ## XS*BR scales

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 6 of file

Definition at line 9 of file

Definition at line 19 of file