Variables | |
tuple | AODSIMDimuonEventContent |
tuple | dimuonsEventContent |
tuple | dimuonsEventSelection |
tuple | dimuonsOutputModule |
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring() 00003 )
Definition at line 26 of file
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring( 00003 'keep *_selectedPatMuonsTriggerMatch_*_*', 00004 'keep *_selectedPatTracks_*_*', 00005 'keep *_dimuons_*_*', 00006 'keep *_dimuonsOneTrack_*_*', 00007 'keep *_dimuonsGlobal_*_*', 00008 'keep *_dimuonsOneStandAloneMuon_*_*', 00009 'keep *_muonMatch_*_*', 00010 'keep *_trackMuMatch_*_*', 00011 'keep *_allDimuonsMCMatch_*_*', 00012 ) 00013 )
Definition at line 5 of file
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( 00003 SelectEvents = cms.vstring( 00004 'dimuonsPath', 00005 'dimuonsOneTrackPath') 00006 ) 00007 )
Definition at line 18 of file
00001 cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule", 00002 AODSIMDimuonEventContent, 00003 dimuonsEventSelection, 00004 dataset = cms.untracked.PSet( 00005 filterName = cms.untracked.string('dimuon'), 00006 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('USER') 00007 ), 00008 fileName = cms.untracked.string('dimuons.root') 00009 )
Definition at line 32 of file