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TrackClusterSplitter Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for TrackClusterSplitter:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.


struct  ClusterWithTracks
class  FindCluster
struct  TrackAndState

Public Member Functions

void produce (edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
 TrackClusterSplitter (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
 ~TrackClusterSplitter ()

Private Types

typedef std::pair< uint32_t,
typedef boost::sub_range
< std::vector
< SiPixelClusterWithTracks > > 
typedef ClusterWithTracks
< SiPixelCluster
typedef boost::sub_range
< std::vector
< SiStripClusterWithTracks > > 
typedef ClusterWithTracks
< SiStripCluster

Private Member Functions

template<typename Cluster >
void markClusters (std::map< uint32_t, boost::sub_range< std::vector< ClusterWithTracks< Cluster > > > > &map, const TrackingRecHit *hit, const reco::Track *track, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos) const
void splitCluster (const SiPixelClusterWithTracks &c, const GlobalVector &vtx, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster >::FastFiller &output, DetId detId) const
void splitCluster (const SiStripClusterWithTracks &c, const GlobalVector &vtx, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &output, DetId detId) const
void splitCluster (const SiStripClusterWithTracks &cluster, const GlobalVector &dir, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &output, DetId detId) const
void splitCluster (const SiPixelClusterWithTracks &cluster, const GlobalVector &dir, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster >::FastFiller &output, DetId detId) const
template<typename Cluster >
void splitCluster (const ClusterWithTracks< Cluster > &cluster, const GlobalVector &dir, typename edmNew::DetSetVector< Cluster >::FastFiller &output, DetId detId) const
template<typename Cluster >
< edmNew::DetSetVector
< Cluster > > 
splitClusters (const std::map< uint32_t, boost::sub_range< std::vector< ClusterWithTracks< Cluster > > > > &input, const reco::Vertex &vtx) const

Static Private Member Functions

template<typename C >
static const C * equalClusters (const C &c1, const C &c2)
template<typename C >
static const C * getCluster (const TrackingRecHit *hit)

Private Attributes

< SiPixelClusterWithTracks
 working data
< SiStripClusterWithTracks
< GlobalTrackingGeometry
edm::ESHandle< MagneticFieldmagfield_
edm::InputTag pixelClusters_
edm::Handle< edm::DetSetVector
< PixelDigiSimLink > > 
edm::ESHandle< Propagatorpropagator_
std::string propagatorName_
bool simSplitPixel_
bool simSplitStrip_
std::map< uint32_t,
std::map< uint32_t,
SiStripTemplate strip_templ_
edm::InputTag stripClusters_
edm::Handle< edm::DetSetVector
< StripDigiSimLink > > 
SiPixelTemplate2D templ2D_
SiPixelTemplate templ_
bool tmpSplitPixel_
bool tmpSplitStrip_
edm::InputTag trajectories_
bool useStraightTracks_
bool useTrajectories_
edm::InputTag vertices_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 64 of file

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<uint32_t, EncodedEventId> TrackClusterSplitter::SimHitIdpr [private]

Definition at line 149 of file

typedef boost::sub_range<std::vector<SiPixelClusterWithTracks> > TrackClusterSplitter::SiPixelClustersWithTracks [private]

Definition at line 144 of file

Definition at line 139 of file

typedef boost::sub_range<std::vector<SiStripClusterWithTracks> > TrackClusterSplitter::SiStripClustersWithTracks [private]

Definition at line 145 of file

Definition at line 140 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TrackClusterSplitter::TrackClusterSplitter ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig)

Definition at line 231 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), propagatorName_, SiPixelTemplate::pushfile(), SiPixelTemplate2D::pushfile(), SiStripTemplate::pushfile(), simSplitPixel_, simSplitStrip_, strip_templ_, templ2D_, templ_, tmpSplitPixel_, tmpSplitStrip_, useStraightTracks_, and useTrajectories_.

  trajectories_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>(useTrajectories_ ? "trajTrackAssociations" : "tracks")),
  if ( !useTrajectories_ ) 
    propagatorName_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("propagator");
  produces< edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> >();

  produces< edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> >();
  simSplitPixel_ = (iConfig.getParameter<bool>("simSplitPixel"));
  simSplitStrip_ = (iConfig.getParameter<bool>("simSplitStrip"));
  tmpSplitPixel_ = (iConfig.getParameter<bool>("tmpSplitPixel")); // not so nice... you don't want two bool but some switch
  tmpSplitStrip_ = (iConfig.getParameter<bool>("tmpSplitStrip"));

  useStraightTracks_ = (iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useStraightTracks"));

    cout << "TrackClusterSplitter : " << endl;
    cout << endl << endl << endl;
    cout << "(int)simSplitPixel_   = " << (int)simSplitPixel_  << endl;
    cout << "(int)simSplitStrip_   = " << (int)simSplitStrip_  << endl;
    cout << "(int)tmpSplitPixel_   = " << (int)tmpSplitPixel_  << endl;
    cout << "(int)tmpSplitStrip_   = " << (int)tmpSplitStrip_  << endl;
    cout << "stripClusters_        = " << stripClusters_        << endl;
    cout << "pixelClusters_        = " << pixelClusters_        << endl;
    cout << "(int)useTrajectories_ = " << (int)useTrajectories_ << endl;
    cout << "trajectories_         = " << trajectories_         << endl;
    cout << "propagatorName_       = " << propagatorName_       << endl;
    cout << "vertices_             = " << vertices_             << endl;
    cout << "useStraightTracks_    = " << useStraightTracks_    << endl;
    cout << endl << endl << endl;

  // Load template; 40 for barrel and 41 for endcaps
  templ_.pushfile( 40 );
  templ_.pushfile( 41 );
  templ2D_.pushfile( 40 );
  templ2D_.pushfile( 41 );

  // Load strip templates
  strip_templ_.pushfile( 11 );
  strip_templ_.pushfile( 12 );
  strip_templ_.pushfile( 13 );
  strip_templ_.pushfile( 14 );
  strip_templ_.pushfile( 15 );
  strip_templ_.pushfile( 16 );

TrackClusterSplitter::~TrackClusterSplitter ( )

Definition at line 314 of file


Member Function Documentation

template<typename C >
static const C* TrackClusterSplitter::equalClusters ( const C &  c1,
const C &  c2 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 156 of file

    return nullptr; 
const SiPixelCluster * TrackClusterSplitter::getCluster< SiPixelCluster > ( const TrackingRecHit hit) [static, private]

Definition at line 288 of file

References Exception.

  if ( typeid(*hit) == typeid(SiStripRecHit2D) ) 
      return (static_cast<const SiStripRecHit2D &>(*hit)).cluster().get();
  else if ( typeid(*hit) == typeid(SiStripRecHit1D) ) 
      return (static_cast<const SiStripRecHit1D &>(*hit)).cluster().get();
    throw cms::Exception("Unsupported") << "Detid of type " << typeid(*hit).name() << " not supported.\n";
template<typename Cluster >
void TrackClusterSplitter::markClusters ( std::map< uint32_t, boost::sub_range< std::vector< ClusterWithTracks< Cluster > > > > &  map,
const TrackingRecHit hit,
const reco::Track track,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos 
) const [private]

Definition at line 518 of file

References TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), match(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, and DetId::rawId().

  boost::sub_range<std::vector<ClusterWithTracks<Cluster> > >& range = map[hit->geographicalId().rawId()];
  typedef typename std::vector<ClusterWithTracks<Cluster> >::iterator IT;
  IT match = std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), FindCluster<Cluster>(hit));
  if ( match != range.end() ) 
      match->tracks.push_back( TrackAndState(track,tsos) );
      edm::LogWarning("ClusterNotFound") << "Cluster of type " << typeid(Cluster).name() << " on detid " 
                                         << hit->geographicalId().rawId() << " from hit of type " << typeid(*hit).name();
void TrackClusterSplitter::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 319 of file

References allSiPixelClusters, allSiStripClusters, edmNew::DetSet< T >::begin(), edmNew::DetSet< T >::detId(), edmNew::DetSet< T >::end(), end, Exception, first, TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), geometry_, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), hitAssociator, trajectoryStateTransform::innerFreeState(), TrackingRecHit::isValid(), magfield_, Trajectory::measurements(), pixelClusters_, pixeldigisimlink, propagator_, edm::Event::put(), DetId::rawId(), reco::Track::recHitsBegin(), reco::Track::recHitsEnd(), reco::Track::recHitsSize(), simSplitPixel_, simSplitStrip_, siPixelDetsWithClusters, siStripDetsWithClusters, splitClusters(), errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::start, stripClusters_, stripdigisimlink, DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), testEve_cfg::tracks, trajectories_, useTrajectories_, and vertices_.

  using namespace edm;

  if ( !useTrajectories_ ) 
      iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get( magfield_ );
      iSetup.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get( "AnalyticalPropagator", propagator_ );
  Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> > inputPixelClusters;
  Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > inputStripClusters;
  iEvent.getByLabel(pixelClusters_, inputPixelClusters);
  iEvent.getByLabel(stripClusters_, inputStripClusters);
    hitAssociator = new TrackerHitAssociator(iEvent);

  allSiPixelClusters.clear(); siPixelDetsWithClusters.clear();
  allSiStripClusters.clear(); siStripDetsWithClusters.clear();

  allSiPixelClusters.reserve(inputPixelClusters->dataSize()); // this is important, otherwise push_back invalidates the iterators
  allSiStripClusters.reserve(inputStripClusters->dataSize()); // this is important, otherwise push_back invalidates the iterators

  // fill in the list of all tracks
  foreach(const edmNew::DetSet<SiPixelCluster> &ds, *inputPixelClusters) 
      std::vector<SiPixelClusterWithTracks>::iterator start = allSiPixelClusters.end();
      allSiPixelClusters.insert(start, ds.begin(), ds.end());
      std::vector<SiPixelClusterWithTracks>::iterator end   = allSiPixelClusters.end();
      siPixelDetsWithClusters[ds.detId()] = SiPixelClustersWithTracks(start,end);
  foreach(const edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster> &ds, *inputStripClusters) 
      std::vector<SiStripClusterWithTracks>::iterator start = allSiStripClusters.end();
      allSiStripClusters.insert(start, ds.begin(), ds.end());
      std::vector<SiStripClusterWithTracks>::iterator end   = allSiStripClusters.end();
      siStripDetsWithClusters[ds.detId()] = SiStripClustersWithTracks(start,end);
  if ( useTrajectories_ ) 
      // Here use the fully reconstructed tracks to get the track angle

      Handle<TrajTrackAssociationCollection> trajectories; 
      iEvent.getByLabel(trajectories_, trajectories);
      for ( TrajTrackAssociationCollection::const_iterator it = trajectories->begin(), 
              ed = trajectories->end(); it != ed; ++it ) 
          const Trajectory  & traj =  *it->key;
          const reco::Track * tk   = &*it->val;
          if ( traj.measurements().size() != tk->recHitsSize() ) 
            throw cms::Exception("Aargh") << "Sizes don't match: traj " << traj.measurements().size()  
                                          << ", tk " << tk->recHitsSize() << "\n";
          trackingRecHit_iterator it_hit = tk->recHitsBegin(), ed_hit = tk->recHitsEnd();
          const Trajectory::DataContainer & tms = traj.measurements();
          size_t i_hit = 0, last_hit = tms.size()-1;
          bool first = true, reversed = false;
          for (; it_hit != ed_hit; ++it_hit, ++i_hit) 
              // ignore hits with no detid

              if ((*it_hit)->geographicalId().rawId() == 0)
                  //cout << "It should never happen that a trackingRecHit has no detector ID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " << endl;

              // if it's the first hit, check the ordering of track vs trajectory
              if (first) 
                  if ((*it_hit)->geographicalId() == tms[i_hit].recHit()->hit()->geographicalId()) 
                      reversed = false;
                  else if ((*it_hit)->geographicalId() == tms[last_hit-i_hit].recHit()->hit()->geographicalId()) 
                      reversed = true;
                      throw cms::Exception("Aargh") << "DetIDs don't match either way :-( \n";

              const TrackingRecHit *hit = it_hit->get();
              if ( hit == 0 || !hit->isValid() )
              int subdet = hit->geographicalId().subdetId();
              if (subdet >= 3) 
                { // strip
                  markClusters<SiStripCluster>(siStripDetsWithClusters, hit, tk, tms[reversed ? last_hit-i_hit : i_hit].updatedState());
              else if (subdet >= 1) 
                { // pixel
                  markClusters<SiPixelCluster>(siPixelDetsWithClusters, hit, tk, tms[reversed ? last_hit-i_hit : i_hit].updatedState());
                  edm::LogWarning("HitNotFound") << "Hit of type " << typeid(*hit).name() << ",  detid " 
                                                 << hit->geographicalId().rawId() << ", subdet " << subdet;
      // Here use the pixel tracks to get the track angles

      Handle<std::vector<reco::Track> > tracks; 
      iEvent.getByLabel(trajectories_, tracks);
      //TrajectoryStateTransform transform;
      foreach (const reco::Track &track, *tracks) 
          FreeTrajectoryState atVtx   =  trajectoryStateTransform::innerFreeState(track, &*magfield_);
          trackingRecHit_iterator it_hit = track.recHitsBegin(), ed_hit = track.recHitsEnd();
          for (; it_hit != ed_hit; ++it_hit) 
              const TrackingRecHit *hit = it_hit->get();
              if ( hit == 0 || !hit->isValid() ) 
              int subdet = hit->geographicalId().subdetId();

              if ( subdet == 0 ) 
              const GeomDet *det = geometry_->idToDet( hit->geographicalId() );
              if ( det == 0 ) 
                  edm::LogError("MissingDetId") << "DetIDs " << (int)(hit->geographicalId()) << " is not in geometry.\n";
              TrajectoryStateOnSurface prop = propagator_->propagate(atVtx, det->surface());
              if ( subdet >= 3 ) 
                { // strip
                  markClusters<SiStripCluster>(siStripDetsWithClusters, hit, &track, prop);
              else if (subdet >= 1) 
                { // pixel
                  markClusters<SiPixelCluster>(siPixelDetsWithClusters, hit, &track, prop);
                  edm::LogWarning("HitNotFound") << "Hit of type " << typeid(*hit).name() << ",  detid " 
                                                 << hit->geographicalId().rawId() << ", subdet " << subdet;

  Handle<std::vector<reco::Vertex> > vertices; 
  iEvent.getByLabel(vertices_, vertices);
  // Needed in case of simsplit
  if ( simSplitPixel_ )
    iEvent.getByLabel("simSiPixelDigis", pixeldigisimlink);
  // Needed in case of strip simsplit
  if ( simSplitStrip_ )
    iEvent.getByLabel("simSiStripDigis", stripdigisimlink);

  // gavril : to do: choose the best vertex here instead of just choosing the first one ? 
  std::auto_ptr<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> > newPixelClusters( splitClusters( siPixelDetsWithClusters, vertices->front() ) );
  std::auto_ptr<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > newStripClusters( splitClusters( siStripDetsWithClusters, vertices->front() ) );
  if ( simSplitStrip_ )
    delete hitAssociator;

  allSiPixelClusters.clear(); siPixelDetsWithClusters.clear();
  allSiStripClusters.clear(); siStripDetsWithClusters.clear();

void TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster ( const SiPixelClusterWithTracks cluster,
const GlobalVector dir,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster >::FastFiller &  output,
DetId  detId 
) const [private]
void TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster ( const SiStripClusterWithTracks cluster,
const GlobalVector dir,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &  output,
DetId  detId 
) const [private]
void TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster ( const SiPixelClusterWithTracks c,
const GlobalVector vtx,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster >::FastFiller &  output,
DetId  detId 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1215 of file

References SiPixelCluster::add(), BXM2, BYM2, PixelDigi::channelToPixel(), SiPixelCluster::charge(), GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl2, cluster_matrix_size_x, cluster_matrix_size_y, edm::DetSet< T >::data, Exception, geometry_, i, PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInX(), PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInY(), j, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localParameters(), Topology::localPosition(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), LocalTrajectoryParameters::momentum(), PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, pixeldigisimlink, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, SiPixelCluster::pixels(), SiPixelTemplateSplit::PixelTempSplit(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), SiPixelTemplate::qbin(), SiPixelTemplate::s50(), SiPixelCluster::setSplitClusterErrorX(), SiPixelCluster::setSplitClusterErrorY(), SiPixelTemplate::simpletemplate2D(), simSplitPixel_, findQualityFiles::size, SiPixelCluster::size(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), mathSSE::sqrt(), GeomDet::surface(), templ2D_, templ_, tmpSplitPixel_, Surface::toGlobal(), TXSIZE, TYSIZE, useStraightTracks_, SiPixelCluster::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), SiPixelTemplate::xsize(), SiPixelTemplate2D::xytemp(), SiPixelCluster::y(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), SiPixelTemplate::ysize(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  // The sim splitter:
  if ( simSplitPixel_ ) 
      // cout << "Cluster splitting using simhits " << endl;
      int minPixelRow = (*c.cluster).minPixelRow();
      int maxPixelRow = (*c.cluster).maxPixelRow();
      int minPixelCol = (*c.cluster).minPixelCol();
      int maxPixelCol = (*c.cluster).maxPixelCol();    
      int dsl = 0; // number of digisimlinks
      edm::DetSetVector<PixelDigiSimLink>::const_iterator isearch = pixeldigisimlink->find(;
      edm::DetSet<PixelDigiSimLink> digiLink = (*isearch);
      edm::DetSet<PixelDigiSimLink>::const_iterator linkiter =;
      //create a vector for the track ids in the digisimlinks
      std::vector<int> simTrackIdV;  
      //create a vector for the new splittedClusters 
      std::vector<SiPixelCluster> splittedCluster;
      for ( ; linkiter !=; linkiter++) 
        { // loop over all digisimlinks 
          std::pair<int,int> pixel_coord = PixelDigi::channelToPixel(linkiter->channel());
          // is the digisimlink inside the cluster boundaries?
          if ( pixel_coord.first  <= maxPixelRow && 
               pixel_coord.first  >= minPixelRow &&
               pixel_coord.second <= maxPixelCol &&
               pixel_coord.second >= minPixelCol ) 
              bool inStock(false); // did we see this simTrackId before?
              SiPixelCluster::PixelPos newPixelPos(pixel_coord.first, pixel_coord.second); // coordinates to the pixel
              //loop over the pixels from the cluster to get the charge in this pixel
              int newPixelCharge(0); //fraction times charge in the original cluster pixel

              const std::vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel>& pixvector = (*c.cluster).pixels();
              for(std::vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel>::const_iterator itPix = pixvector.begin(); itPix != pixvector.end(); itPix++)
                  if (((int) itPix->x) == ((int) pixel_coord.first)&&(((int) itPix->y) == ((int) pixel_coord.second)))
                      newPixelCharge = (int) (linkiter->fraction()*itPix->adc); 
              if ( newPixelCharge < 2500 ) 
              //add the pixel to an already existing cluster if the charge is above the threshold
              int clusVecPos = 0;
              std::vector<int>::const_iterator sTIter =  simTrackIdV.begin();
              for ( ; sTIter < simTrackIdV.end(); sTIter++) 
                  if (((*sTIter)== (int) linkiter->SimTrackId())) 
                      inStock=true; // now we saw this id before
                      //          //              std::cout << " adding a pixel to the cluster " << (int) (clusVecPos) <<std::endl;
                      //          //                std::cout << "newPixelCharge " << newPixelCharge << std::endl;
            ,newPixelCharge); // add the pixel to the cluster
              //look if the splitted cluster was already made before, if not create one
              if ( !inStock ) 
                  //            std::cout << "creating a new cluster " << std::endl;
                  simTrackIdV.push_back(linkiter->SimTrackId()); // add the track id to the vector
                  splittedCluster.push_back(SiPixelCluster(newPixelPos,newPixelCharge)); // add the cluster to the vector
      //    std::cout << "will add clusters : simTrackIdV.size() " << simTrackIdV.size() << std::endl;
      if ( ( ( (int)simTrackIdV.size() ) == 1 ) || ( *c.cluster).size()==1 ) 
          //        cout << "putting in this cluster" << endl;
          output.push_back(*c.cluster );
          //      std::cout << "cluster added " << output.size() << std::endl;
          for (std::vector<SiPixelCluster>::const_iterator cIter = splittedCluster.begin(); cIter != splittedCluster.end(); cIter++ )
              output.push_back( (*cIter) );   
  else if ( tmpSplitPixel_ )
      bool cluster_was_successfully_split = false;
      const SiPixelCluster* thePixelCluster = static_cast<const SiPixelCluster*>(c.cluster);

      if ( thePixelCluster )
          // Do not attempt to split clusters of size one
          if ( (int)thePixelCluster->size() <= 1 )
              // Do nothing.
              //cout << "Will not attempt to split this clusters: " << endl;
              //cout << "(int)thePixelCluster->size() = " << (int)thePixelCluster->size() << endl;
              // For barrel use template id 40 and for endcaps use template id 41
              int ID = -99999;
              if ( (int)detId.subdetId() == (int)PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel  )
                  //              cout << "We are in the barrel : " << (int)PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel << endl;
                  ID = 40;
              else if ( (int)detId.subdetId() == (int)PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap )
                  //              cout << "We are in the endcap : " << (int)PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap << endl;
                  ID = 41;
                  // cout << "Not a pixel detector !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " << endl;

              // Begin: determine incident angles ============================================================

              float cotalpha_ = -99999.9;
              float cotbeta_  = -99999.9;

              // First, determine track angles from straight track approximation
              // Find crude cluster center. 
              float xcenter = thePixelCluster->x();
              float ycenter = thePixelCluster->y();
              const GeomDetUnit* theDet = geometry_->idToDetUnit( detId );
              const PixelGeomDetUnit* pixDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>( theDet );
              const PixelTopology* theTopol = (&(pixDet->specificTopology()));
              // Transform from measurement to local coordinates (in cm)
              LocalPoint lp = theTopol->localPosition( MeasurementPoint(xcenter, ycenter) );
              // Transform from local to global coordinates
              GlobalPoint gp0 = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lp );
              // Make a vector pointing from the PV to the cluster center 
              GlobalPoint gp(gp0.x()-vtx.x(), gp0.y()-vtx.y(), gp0.z()-vtx.z() );
              // Make gp a unit vector, gv, pointing from the PV to the cluster center
              float gp_mod = sqrt( gp.x()*gp.x() + gp.y()*gp.y() + gp.z()*gp.z() );
              float gpx = gp.x()/gp_mod;
              float gpy = gp.y()/gp_mod;
              float gpz = gp.z()/gp_mod;
              GlobalVector gv(gpx, gpy, gpz);

              // Make unit vectors in local coordinates and then transform them in global coordinates
              const Local3DVector lvx(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
              GlobalVector gvx = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvx );
              const Local3DVector lvy(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
              GlobalVector gvy = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvy );
              const Local3DVector lvz(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
              GlobalVector gvz = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvz );
              // Calculate angles alpha and beta
              float gv_dot_gvx = gv.x()*gvx.x() + gv.y()*gvx.y() + gv.z()*gvx.z();
              float gv_dot_gvy = gv.x()*gvy.x() + gv.y()*gvy.y() + gv.z()*gvy.z();
              float gv_dot_gvz = gv.x()*gvz.x() + gv.y()*gvz.y() + gv.z()*gvz.z();
              //float alpha_ = atan2( gv_dot_gvz, gv_dot_gvx );
              //float beta_  = atan2( gv_dot_gvz, gv_dot_gvy );
              cotalpha_ = gv_dot_gvx / gv_dot_gvz;
              cotbeta_  = gv_dot_gvy / gv_dot_gvz;

              // Attempt to get a better angle from tracks (either pixel tracks or full tracks)
              if ( !useStraightTracks_ )
                  // Use either pixel tracks (useTrajectories_ = False) or fully reconstructed tracks (useTrajectories_ = True)
                  // When pixel/full tracks are not associated with the current cluster, will use angles from straight tracks
                  // These are the tracks associated with this cluster
                  std::vector<TrackAndState> vec_tracks_states = c.tracks;

                  if ( (int)vec_tracks_states.size() > 0 )
                      //cout << "There is at least one track associated with this cluster. Pick the one with largest Pt." << endl;
                      //cout << "(int)vec_tracks_states.size() = " << (int)vec_tracks_states.size() << endl;
                      int index_max_pt = -99999;  // index of the track with the highest Pt
                      float max_pt = -99999.9;
                      for (int i=0; i<(int)vec_tracks_states.size(); ++i )
                          const reco::Track* one_track = vec_tracks_states[i].track;
                          if ( one_track->pt() > max_pt )
                              index_max_pt = i;
                              max_pt = one_track->pt();
                      // Pick the tsos from the track with highest Pt
                      // gavril: Should we use highest Pt or best Chi2 ?
                      TrajectoryStateOnSurface one_tsos = vec_tracks_states[index_max_pt].state;
                      LocalTrajectoryParameters ltp = one_tsos.localParameters();
                      LocalVector localDir = ltp.momentum()/ltp.momentum().mag();
                      float locx = localDir.x();
                      float locy = localDir.y();
                      float locz = localDir.z();
                      //alpha_ = atan2( locz, locx );
                      //beta_  = atan2( locz, locy );
                      cotalpha_ = locx/locz;
                      cotbeta_  = locy/locz;
                    } // if ( (int)vec_tracks_states.size() > 0 )
                } // if ( !useStraightTracks_ )

              // End: determine incident angles ============================================================

              //cout << "Calling qbin to see if the cluster has to be split..." << endl;              
              int templQbin_ = templ_.qbin( ID, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, thePixelCluster->charge() );

              if ( templQbin_ < 0 || templQbin_ > 5  )
                  // gavril : check this....
                  // cout << "Template call failed. Cannot decide if cluster should be split !!!!!!! " << endl;
                  // cout << "Do nothing." << endl;
              else // if ( templQbin_ < 0 || templQbin_ > 5  ) {...} else
                  //cout << " Returned OK from PixelTempReco2D..." << endl;
                  // Check for split clusters: we split the clusters with larger than expected charge: templQbin_ == 0 
                  if ( templQbin_ != 0 ) 
                      // gavril: do not split this cluster
                      //cout << "TEMPLATE SPLITTER SAYS : NO SPLIT " << endl;
                      //cout << "This cluster will note be split !!!!!!!!!! " << endl; 
                  else // if ( templQbin_ != 0 ) {...} else
                      //cout << "TEMPLATE SPLITTER SAYS : SPLIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
                      //cout << "Found a cluster that has to be split. templQbin_ = " << templQbin_ << endl;
                      // gavril: Call the template splitter
                      //cout << "Calling the splitter..." << endl;
                      // Put the pixels of this clusters in a 2x2 array to be used by the template splitter
                      const std::vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel> & pixVec = thePixelCluster->pixels();
                      std::vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel>::const_iterator pixIter = pixVec.begin(), pixEnd = pixVec.end();
                      const int cluster_matrix_size_x = 13;
                      const int cluster_matrix_size_y = 21;
                      boost::multi_array<float, 2> clust_array_2d(boost::extents[cluster_matrix_size_x][cluster_matrix_size_y]);
                      int row_offset = thePixelCluster->minPixelRow();
                      int col_offset = thePixelCluster->minPixelCol();
                      // Copy clust's pixels (calibrated in electrons) into clust_array_2d;
                      for ( ; pixIter != pixEnd; ++pixIter ) 
                          int irow = int(pixIter->x) - row_offset;   // do we need +0.5 ???
                          int icol = int(pixIter->y) - col_offset;   // do we need +0.5 ???
                          if ( irow<cluster_matrix_size_x && icol<cluster_matrix_size_y )
                              clust_array_2d[irow][icol] = (float)pixIter->adc;
                      // Make and fill the bool arrays flagging double pixels
                      std::vector<bool> ydouble(cluster_matrix_size_y), xdouble(cluster_matrix_size_x);
                      // x directions (shorter), rows
                      for (int irow = 0; irow < cluster_matrix_size_x; ++irow)
                          xdouble[irow] = theTopol->isItBigPixelInX( irow+row_offset );
                      // y directions (longer), columns
                      for (int icol = 0; icol < cluster_matrix_size_y; ++icol) 
                          ydouble[icol] = theTopol->isItBigPixelInY( icol+col_offset );

                      // gavril: Initialize values coming back from SiPixelTemplateSplit::PixelTempSplit
                      float templYrec1_  = -99999.9;
                      float templYrec2_  = -99999.9;
                      float templSigmaY_ = -99999.9;
                      float templProbY_  = -99999.9;
                      float templXrec1_  = -99999.9;
                      float templXrec2_  = -99999.9;
                      float templSigmaX_ = -99999.9;
                      float templProbX_  = -99999.9;
                      float dchisq       = -99999.9;
                      float templProbQ_  = -99999.9;

                      int ierr =
                        SiPixelTemplateSplit::PixelTempSplit( ID, 
                                                              cotalpha_, cotbeta_,
                                                              ydouble, xdouble,
                                                              templYrec1_, templYrec2_, templSigmaY_, templProbY_,
                                                              templXrec1_, templXrec2_, templSigmaX_, templProbX_,
                                                              templ2D_ );
                      if ( ierr != 0 )
                          // cout << "Cluster splitting failed: ierr = " << ierr << endl;
                          // gavril: Cluster was successfully split. 
                          // gavril: Make the two split clusters and put them in the split cluster collection
                          //cout << "Cluster splitting OK: ierr = " << ierr << endl;
                          // 2D templates have origin at the lower left corner of template2d[1][1] which is 
                          // also 2 pixels larger than the cluster container
                          float xsize = templ_.xsize();  // this is the pixel x-size in microns
                          float ysize = templ_.ysize();  // this is the pixel y-size in microns
                          // Shift the coordinates to the 2-D template system                     
                          float yrecp1 = -99999.9;
                          float yrecp2 = -99999.9;
                          float xrecp1 = -99999.9;
                          float xrecp2 = -99999.9;
                          if ( ydouble[0] ) 
                              yrecp1 = templYrec1_ + ysize;
                              yrecp2 = templYrec2_ + ysize;
                              yrecp1 = templYrec1_ + ysize/2.0;
                              yrecp2 = templYrec2_ + ysize/2.0;
                          if ( xdouble[0] ) 
                              xrecp1 = templXrec1_ + xsize;
                              xrecp2 = templXrec2_ + xsize;
                              xrecp1 = templXrec1_ + xsize/2.0;
                              xrecp2 = templXrec2_ + xsize/2.0;
                          //  The xytemp method adds charge to a zeroed buffer
                          float template2d1[BXM2][BYM2];
                          float template2d2[BXM2][BYM2];
                          for ( int j=0; j<BXM2; ++j ) 
                              for ( int i=0; i<BYM2; ++i ) 
                                  template2d1[j][i] = 0.0;
                                  template2d2[j][i] = 0.0;
                          bool template_OK 
                            = templ2D_.xytemp(ID, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, 
                                              xrecp1, yrecp1, 
                                              ydouble, xdouble, 
                            = template_OK && 
                            templ2D_.xytemp(ID, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, 
                                            xrecp2, yrecp2, 
                                            ydouble, xdouble, 
                          if ( !template_OK ) 
                              // gavril: check this
                              //cout << "Template is not OK. Fill out with zeros !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " << endl; 
                              for ( int j=0; j<BXM2; ++j ) 
                                  for ( int i=0; i<BYM2; ++i ) 
                                      template2d1[j][i] = 0.0;
                                      template2d2[j][i] = 0.0;
                              if ( !templ_.simpletemplate2D(xrecp1, yrecp1, 
                                                            xdouble, ydouble, 
                                                            template2d1) ) 
                                  cluster_was_successfully_split = false;
                              if ( !templ_.simpletemplate2D(xrecp2, yrecp2, 
                                                            xdouble, ydouble, 
                                                            template2d2) ) 
                                  cluster_was_successfully_split = false;
                            } // if ( !template_OK ) 
                              cluster_was_successfully_split = true;
                              // Next, copy the 2-d templates into cluster containers, replace small signals with zero.
                              // Cluster 1 and cluster 2 should line up with clust_array_2d (same origin and pixel indexing)
                              float q50 = templ_.s50();
                              float cluster1[TXSIZE][TYSIZE];
                              float cluster2[TXSIZE][TYSIZE];  //Note that TXSIZE = BXM2 - 2, TYSIZE = BYM2 - 2
                              for ( int j=0; j<TXSIZE; ++j ) 
                                  for ( int i=0; i<TYSIZE; ++i ) 
                                      cluster1[j][i] = template2d1[j+1][i+1];
                                      if ( cluster1[j][i] < q50 ) 
                                        cluster1[j][i] = 0.0;
                                      cluster2[j][i] = template2d2[j+1][i+1];
                                      if ( cluster2[j][i] < q50 ) 
                                        cluster2[j][i] = 0.0;

                                      //cout << "cluster1[j][i] = " << cluster1[j][i] << endl;
                                      //cout << "cluster2[j][i] = " << cluster2[j][i] << endl;
                              // Find the coordinates of first pixel in each of the two split clusters 
                              int i1 = -999;
                              int j1 = -999;
                              int i2 = -999;
                              int j2 = -999;
                              bool done_searching = false; 
                              for ( int i=0; i<13 && !done_searching; ++i)
                                  for (int j=0; j<21 && !done_searching; ++j)
                                      if ( cluster1[i][j] > 0 )
                                          i1 = i;
                                          j1 = j;
                                          done_searching = true;

                              done_searching = false; 
                              for ( int i=0; i<13 && !done_searching; ++i)
                                  for (int j=0; j<21 && !done_searching; ++j)
                                      if ( cluster2[i][j] > 0 )
                                          i2 = i;
                                          j2 = j;
                                          done_searching = true;
                              // Make clusters out of the first pixels in each of the two split clsuters

                              SiPixelCluster cl1( SiPixelCluster::PixelPos( i1 + row_offset, j1 + col_offset), 
                                                  cluster1[i1][j1] );
                              SiPixelCluster cl2( SiPixelCluster::PixelPos( i2 + row_offset, j2 + col_offset), 
                                                  cluster2[i2][j2] );

                              // Now add the rest of the pixels to the split clusters

                              for ( int i=0; i<13; ++i)
                                  for (int j=0; j<21; ++j)
                                      if ( cluster1[i][j] > 0.0 && (i!=i1 || j!=j1 ) )
                                          cl1.add( SiPixelCluster::PixelPos( i + row_offset, j + col_offset), 
                                                   cluster1[i][j] ); 

                                          //cout << "cluster1[i][j] = " << cluster1[i][j] << endl;
                                      if ( cluster2[i][j] > 0.0 && (i!=i2 || j!=j2 ) )
                                          cl2.add( SiPixelCluster::PixelPos( i + row_offset, j + col_offset), 
                                                   cluster2[i][j] );
                                          //cout << "cluster2[i][j] = " << cluster2[i][j] << endl;
                              // Attach errors and probabilities to the split Clusters
                              // The errors will be later attahed to the SiPixelRecHit

                              cl1.setSplitClusterErrorX( templSigmaX_ );
                              cl1.setSplitClusterErrorY( templSigmaY_ );
                              //cl1.prob_q = templProbQ_;
                              cl2.setSplitClusterErrorX( templSigmaX_ );
                              cl2.setSplitClusterErrorY( templSigmaY_ );
                              //cl2.prob_q = templProbQ_;

                              // Save the split clusters
                              output.push_back( cl1 );
                              output.push_back( cl2 );     
                              // Some sanity checks

                              if ( (int)cl1.size() <= 0 )
                                  edm::LogError("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                                    << "1) Cluster of size = " << (int)cl1.size() << " !!! " << endl;

                              if ( (int)cl2.size() <= 0 )
                                  edm::LogError("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                                    << "2) Cluster of size = " << (int)cl2.size() << " !!! " << endl;

                              if ( cl1.charge() <= 0 )
                                  edm::LogError("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                                    << "1) Cluster of charge = " << (int)cl1.charge() << " !!! " << endl;

                              if ( cl2.charge() <= 0 )
                                  edm::LogError("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                                    << "2) Cluster of charge = " << (int)cl2.charge() << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " << endl;
                            } // if ( !template_OK ) ... else 
                        } // if ( ierr2 != 0 ) ... else
                    } // if ( templQbin_ != 0 ) ... else
                } // else // if ( templQbin_ < 0 || templQbin_ > 5  ) {...} else
            } // if ( (int)thePixelCluster->size() <= 1 ) {... } else
          if ( !cluster_was_successfully_split )
        } // if ( theSiPixelCluster )
          throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter :") 
            << "This is not a SiPixelCluster !!! " << "\n"; 
      // gavril : Neither sim nor template splitter. Just add the cluster as it was.
      // original from G.P.
      output.push_back( *c.cluster );
void TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster ( const SiStripClusterWithTracks c,
const GlobalVector vtx,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &  output,
DetId  detId 
) const [private]

Definition at line 585 of file

References SiStripCluster::amplitudes(), TrackerHitAssociator::associateSimpleRecHitCluster(), SiStripCluster::barycenter(), begin, BXSIZE, GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl2, edm::DetSet< T >::data, end, Exception, first, SiStripCluster::firstStrip(), geometry_, hitAssociator, i, SiStripTemplate::interpolate(), j, prof2calltree::last, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localParameters(), StripTopology::localPosition(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), magfield_, max(), min, SiStripDetId::moduleGeometry(), LocalTrajectoryParameters::momentum(), GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), SiStripTemplate::qbin(), SiStripCluster::setSplitClusterError(), simSplitStrip_, findQualityFiles::size, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), mathSSE::sqrt(), strip_templ_, stripdigisimlink, SiStripTemplateSplit::StripTempSplit(), GeomDet::surface(), SiStripTemplate::sxtemp(), tmpSplitStrip_, Surface::toGlobal(), toLocal(), useStraightTracks_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), SiStripTemplate::xsize(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  if ( simSplitStrip_ )
      bool cluster_was_successfully_split = false;
      const SiStripCluster* clust = static_cast<const SiStripCluster*>(c.cluster);
      std::vector<SimHitIdpr> associatedIdpr;
      hitAssociator->associateSimpleRecHitCluster(clust, detId, associatedIdpr);

      size_t splittableClusterSize = 0;
      splittableClusterSize = associatedIdpr.size();
      std::vector<uint8_t> amp = clust->amplitudes();
      int clusiz = amp.size();

      SiStripDetId ssdid( detId );

      // gavril : sim splitting can be applied to the forward detectors as well...

      if ( ( splittableClusterSize > 1 && amp.size() > 2 ) && 
           ( (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 1 || 
             (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 2 || 
             (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 3 || 
             (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 4 ) )
          edm::DetSetVector<StripDigiSimLink>::const_iterator isearch = stripdigisimlink->find(detId);
          int first  = clust->firstStrip();
          int last   = first + clusiz;
          uint16_t rawAmpl = 0, currentAmpl = 0;
          std::vector<uint16_t> tmp1, tmp2;
          std::vector<int> firstStrip;
          std::vector<bool> trackInStrip;
          std::vector<unsigned int> trackID;
          std::vector<float> trackFraction;
          std::vector< std::vector<uint16_t> > trackAmp;
          unsigned int currentChannel( 9999 );
          unsigned int thisTrackID = 0;

          if ( isearch != stripdigisimlink->end() ) 
              edm::DetSet<StripDigiSimLink> link_detset = (*isearch);
              for ( edm::DetSet<StripDigiSimLink>::const_iterator linkiter =;
                  linkiter !=; linkiter++)
                  if ( (int)(linkiter->channel()) >= first  && (int)(linkiter->channel()) < last  )
                      int stripIdx = (int)linkiter->channel()-first;
                      rawAmpl = (uint16_t)(amp[stripIdx]);  
                      // DigiSimLinks are ordered first by channel; there can be > 1 track, and > 1 simHit for each track
                      if ( linkiter->channel() != currentChannel ) 
                          // New strip; store amplitudes for the previous one
                          uint16_t thisAmpl;
                          for (size_t i=0; i<trackID.size(); ++i)  
                              if ( trackInStrip[i] ) 
                                  if ( ( thisAmpl=currentAmpl ) < 254 )
                                    thisAmpl = min( uint16_t(253), max(uint16_t(0), (uint16_t)(currentAmpl*trackFraction[i]+0.5)) );
                                  trackAmp[i].push_back( thisAmpl );
                              trackFraction[i] = 0;
                              trackInStrip[i] = false;
                          currentChannel = linkiter->channel();
                          currentAmpl = rawAmpl;
                      // Now deal with this new DigiSimLink
                      thisTrackID = linkiter->SimTrackId();
                      // Have we seen this track yet?
                      bool newTrack = true;
                      int thisTrackIdx = 9999;
                      for (size_t i=0; i<trackID.size(); ++i) 
                          if ( trackID[i] == thisTrackID ) 
                              thisTrackIdx = i;
                              newTrack = false;
                      if ( newTrack ) 
                          trackInStrip.push_back(false);  // We'll set it true below
                          std::vector<uint16_t> ampTmp;
                          thisTrackIdx = trackID.size()-1;
                      trackInStrip[thisTrackIdx] = true;
                      trackFraction[thisTrackIdx] += linkiter->fraction();
                      currentAmpl = rawAmpl;
                }// end of loop over DigiSimLinks
              // we want to continue here!!!!
              std::vector<SiStripCluster> newCluster;
              // Fill amplitudes for the last strip and create a cluster for each track
              uint16_t thisAmpl;
              for (size_t i=0; i < trackID.size(); ++i) 
                  if ( trackInStrip[i] ) 
                      if ( ( thisAmpl=rawAmpl ) < 254 ) 
                        thisAmpl = min(uint16_t(253), max(uint16_t(0), (uint16_t)(rawAmpl*trackFraction[i]+0.5)));
                      if ( thisAmpl > 0 )
                        trackAmp[i].push_back( thisAmpl );
                      //cout << "thisAmpl = " << (int)thisAmpl << endl;
                  newCluster.push_back( SiStripCluster( detId, 
                                                        trackAmp[i].end() ) );
              for ( size_t i=0; i<newCluster.size(); ++i )
                  // gavril : This is never used. Will use it below 
                  float clusterAmp = 0.0;
                  for (size_t j=0; j<trackAmp[i].size(); ++j ) 
                    clusterAmp += (float)(trackAmp[i])[j];
                  if ( clusterAmp > 0.0 && firstStrip[i] != 9999 && trackAmp[i].size() > 0  ) 
                      // gavril :  I think this should work
                      output.push_back( newCluster[i] );
                      //cout << endl << endl << endl; 
                      //cout << "(int)(newCluster[i].amplitudes().size()) = " << (int)(newCluster[i].amplitudes().size()) << endl;
                      //for ( int j=0; j<(int)(newCluster[i].amplitudes().size()); ++j )
                      //cout << "(newCluster[i].amplitudes())[j] = " << (int)(newCluster[i].amplitudes())[j] << endl;
                      cluster_was_successfully_split = true;
                      //std::cout << "\t\t Rejecting new cluster" << std::endl;
                      // gavril : I think this pointer should be deleted above
                      //delete newCluster[i];
            } // if ( isearch != stripdigisimlink->end() ) ... 
              // Do nothing...
      if ( !cluster_was_successfully_split )
        output.push_back( *c.cluster ); 
    } // end of   if ( strip_simSplit_ )...
  else if ( tmpSplitStrip_ )
      bool cluster_was_successfully_split = false;
      const SiStripCluster* theStripCluster = static_cast<const SiStripCluster*>(c.cluster);
      if ( theStripCluster )
          //SiStripDetId ssdid( theStripCluster->geographicalId() );
          SiStripDetId ssdid( detId.rawId() );

          // Do not attempt to split clusters of size less than or equal to one.
          // Only split clusters in IB1, IB2, OB1, OB2 (TIB and TOB).

          if ( (int)theStripCluster->amplitudes().size() <= 1 || 
               ( (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() != 1 && 
                 (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() != 2 && 
                 (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() != 3 && 
                 (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() != 4 ) )
              // Do nothing.
              //cout << endl;
              //cout << "Will NOT attempt to split this clusters: " << endl;
              //cout << "(int)theStripCluster->amplitudes().size() = " << (int)theStripCluster->amplitudes().size() << endl;
              //cout << "(int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() = " << (int)ssdid.moduleGeometry() << endl;
          else // if ( (int)theStripCluster->amplitudes().size() <= 1 )
              //cout << endl;
              //cout << "Will attempt to split this clusters: " << endl;

              int ID = -99999;
              int is_stereo = (int)( ssdid.stereo() ); 
              if      ( ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 1 ) // IB1 
                  if ( !is_stereo ) 
                    ID = 11;
                    ID = 12;
              else if ( ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 2 ) // IB2
                  ID = 13;
              else if ( ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 3 ) // OB1
                  ID = 16; 
              else if ( ssdid.moduleGeometry() == 4 ) // OB2
                  if ( !is_stereo )
                    ID = 14;
                    ID = 15;
                  throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster") 
                    << "\nERROR: Wrong strip teplate ID. Should only use templates for IB1, IB2, OB1 and OB2 !!!" << "\n\n";

              // Begin: determine incident angles ============================================================
              float cotalpha_ = -99999.9;
              float cotbeta_  = -99999.9;
              // First, determine track angles from straight track approximation
              // Find crude cluster center
              // gavril : This is in local coordinates ? 
              float xcenter = theStripCluster->barycenter();
              const GeomDetUnit* theDet = geometry_->idToDetUnit( detId );
              const StripGeomDetUnit* stripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>( theDet );
              if ( !stripDet )
                  throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                    << "\nERROR: Wrong stripDet !!! " << "\n\n";

              const StripTopology* theTopol = &( stripDet->specificTopology() );

              // Transform from measurement to local coordinates (in cm)
              // gavril: may have to differently if kicks/bows are introduced. However, at this point there are no tracks...:
              // LocalPoint lp = theTopol->localPosition( xcenter, /*const Topology::LocalTrackPred & */ trkPred );

              // gavril : What is lp.y() for strips ? It is zero, but is that the strip center or one of the ends ? 
              LocalPoint lp = theTopol->localPosition( xcenter );
              // Transform from local to global coordinates
              GlobalPoint gp0 = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lp );
               // Make a vector pointing from the PV to the cluster center 
              GlobalPoint gp(gp0.x()-vtx.x(), gp0.y()-vtx.y(), gp0.z()-vtx.z() );
              // Make gp a unit vector, gv, pointing from the PV to the cluster center
              float gp_mod = sqrt( gp.x()*gp.x() + gp.y()*gp.y() + gp.z()*gp.z() );
              float gpx = gp.x()/gp_mod;
              float gpy = gp.y()/gp_mod;
              float gpz = gp.z()/gp_mod;
              GlobalVector gv(gpx, gpy, gpz);

              // Make unit vectors in local coordinates and then transform them in global coordinates
              const Local3DVector lvx(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
              GlobalVector gvx = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvx );
              const Local3DVector lvy(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
              GlobalVector gvy = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvy );
              const Local3DVector lvz(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
              GlobalVector gvz = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvz );
              // Calculate angles alpha and beta
              float gv_dot_gvx = gv.x()*gvx.x() + gv.y()*gvx.y() + gv.z()*gvx.z();
              float gv_dot_gvy = gv.x()*gvy.x() + gv.y()*gvy.y() + gv.z()*gvy.z();
              float gv_dot_gvz = gv.x()*gvz.x() + gv.y()*gvz.y() + gv.z()*gvz.z();
              // gavril : check beta !!!!!!!!!!!!
              //float alpha_ = atan2( gv_dot_gvz, gv_dot_gvx );
              //float beta_  = atan2( gv_dot_gvz, gv_dot_gvy );
              cotalpha_ = gv_dot_gvx / gv_dot_gvz;
              cotbeta_  = gv_dot_gvy / gv_dot_gvz;
              // Attempt to get a better angle from tracks (either pixel tracks or full tracks)
              if ( !useStraightTracks_ )
                  //cout << " : " << endl;
                  //cout << "Should not be here for now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " << endl;

                  // Use either pixel tracks (useTrajectories_ = False) or fully reconstructed tracks (useTrajectories_ = True)
                  // When pixel/full tracks are not associated with the current cluster, will use angles from straight tracks
                  // These are the tracks associated with this cluster
                  std::vector<TrackAndState> vec_tracks_states = c.tracks;

                  if ( (int)vec_tracks_states.size() > 0 )
                      //cout << "There is at least one track associated with this cluster. Pick the one with largest Pt." << endl;
                      //cout << "(int)vec_tracks_states.size() = " << (int)vec_tracks_states.size() << endl;
                      int index_max_pt = -99999;  // index of the track with the highest Pt
                      float max_pt = -99999.9;
                      for (int i=0; i<(int)vec_tracks_states.size(); ++i )
                          const reco::Track* one_track = vec_tracks_states[i].track;
                          if ( one_track->pt() > max_pt )
                              index_max_pt = i;
                              max_pt = one_track->pt();
                      // Pick the tsos from the track with highest Pt
                      // gavril: Should we use highest Pt or best Chi2 ?
                      TrajectoryStateOnSurface one_tsos = vec_tracks_states[index_max_pt].state;
                      LocalTrajectoryParameters ltp = one_tsos.localParameters();
                      LocalVector localDir = ltp.momentum()/ltp.momentum().mag();
                      float locx = localDir.x();
                      float locy = localDir.y();
                      float locz = localDir.z();
                      //alpha_ = atan2( locz, locx );
                      //beta_  = atan2( locz, locy );
                      cotalpha_ = locx/locz;
                      cotbeta_  = locy/locz;
                    } // if ( (int)vec_tracks_states.size() > 0 )
                } // if ( !useStraightTracks_ )

              // End: determine incident angles ============================================================

              // Calculate strip cluster charge and store amplitudes in vector for later use
              //cout << endl;
              //cout << "Calculate strip cluster charge and store amplitudes in vector for later use" << endl;

              float strip_cluster_charge = 0.0;
              std::vector<float> vec_cluster_charge; 
              int cluster_size = (int)( (theStripCluster->amplitudes()).size() );
              int cluster_charge = 0;
              for (int i=0; i<cluster_size; ++i)
                  float current_strip_charge = (float)( (theStripCluster->amplitudes())[i] );

                  strip_cluster_charge += current_strip_charge;
                  vec_cluster_charge.push_back( current_strip_charge );  
                  cluster_charge +=current_strip_charge; 
              //cout << endl;
              //cout << "Calling strip qbin to see if the strip cluster has to be split..." << endl;          
              int strip_templQbin_ = strip_templ_.qbin( ID, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, strip_cluster_charge );

              if ( strip_templQbin_ < 0 || strip_templQbin_ > 5 )
                  // Do nothing...
                  // cout << "Wrong strip strip_templQbin_ = " << strip_templQbin_ << endl;
                } // if ( strip_templQbin_ < 0 || strip_templQbin_ > 5 )
              else // if ( strip_templQbin_ < 0 || strip_templQbin_ > 5 ) {...} else
                  if ( strip_templQbin_ != 0 ) 
                      // Do not split this cluster. Do nothing.
                      //cout << endl;
                      //cout << "Do NOT split this cluster" << endl;

                    } // if ( strip_templQbin_ != 0 ) 
                  else // if ( templQbin_ != 0 ) {...} else
                      //cout << endl;
                      //cout << "Split this cluster" << endl;

                      // gavril : Is this OK ?
                      uint16_t first_strip = theStripCluster->firstStrip();
                      LocalVector lbfield = ( stripDet->surface() ).toLocal( magfield_->inTesla( stripDet->surface().position() ) ); 
                      float locBy = lbfield.y();
                      // Initialize values coming back from SiStripTemplateSplit::StripTempSplit
                      float stripTemplXrec1_  = -99999.9;
                      float stripTemplXrec2_  = -99999.9;
                      float stripTemplSigmaX_ = -99999.9;
                      float stripTemplProbX_  = -99999.9;
                      int   stripTemplQbin_   = -99999;
                      float stripTemplProbQ_  = -99999.9;

                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "About to call SiStripTemplateSplit::StripTempSplit(...)" << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "ID        = " << ID        << endl;
                        cout << "cotalpha_ = " << cotalpha_ << endl;
                        cout << "cotbeta_  = " << cotbeta_  << endl;
                        cout << "locBy     = " << locBy     << endl;
                        cout << "Amplitudes: "; 
                        for (int i=0; i<(int)vec_cluster_charge.size(); ++i)
                        cout << vec_cluster_charge[i] << ", ";
                        cout << endl;

                      int ierr =
                                                             cotalpha_, cotbeta_, 
                                                             stripTemplProbQ_ );

                      stripTemplXrec1_ += 2*strip_templ_.xsize();
                      stripTemplXrec2_ += 2*strip_templ_.xsize();

                      if ( ierr != 0 )
                          //cout << endl;
                          //cout << "Strip cluster splitting failed: ierr = " << ierr << endl;
                      else // if ( ierr != 0 )
                          // Cluster was successfully split. 
                          // Make the two split clusters and put them in the split cluster collection
                          //cout << endl; 
                          //cout << "Cluster was successfully split" << endl;

                          cluster_was_successfully_split = true;

                          std::vector<float> strip_cluster1;
                          std::vector<float> strip_cluster2;

                          // gavril : Is this OK ?!?!?!?! 
                          for (int i=0; i<BXSIZE; ++i)

                          //cout << endl;
                          //cout << "About to call interpolate and sxtemp" << endl;

                          strip_templ_.interpolate(ID, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, locBy);
                          strip_templ_.sxtemp(stripTemplXrec1_, strip_cluster1);
                          strip_templ_.sxtemp(stripTemplXrec2_, strip_cluster2);
                          vector<SiStripDigi> vecSiStripDigi1;
                          int strip_cluster1_size = (int)strip_cluster1.size();
                          for (int i=2; i<strip_cluster1_size; ++i)
                              if ( strip_cluster1[i] > 0.0 )
                                  SiStripDigi current_digi1( first_strip + i-2, strip_cluster1[i] ); 
                                  vecSiStripDigi1.push_back( current_digi1 );
                          vector<SiStripDigi> vecSiStripDigi2;
                          int strip_cluster2_size = (int)strip_cluster2.size();
                          for (int i=2; i<strip_cluster2_size; ++i)
                              if ( strip_cluster2[i] > 0.0 )
                                  SiStripDigi current_digi2( first_strip + i-2, strip_cluster2[i] ); 
                                  vecSiStripDigi2.push_back( current_digi2 );
                          std::vector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator SiStripDigiIterBegin1 = vecSiStripDigi1.begin();
                          std::vector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator SiStripDigiIterEnd1   = vecSiStripDigi1.end();
                            std::vector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator> SiStripDigiRange1 
                            = make_pair(SiStripDigiIterBegin1, SiStripDigiIterEnd1);

                          //if ( SiStripDigiIterBegin1 == SiStripDigiIterEnd1 )
                          //  throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                          //<< "\nERROR: SiStripDigiIterBegin1 = SiStripDigiIterEnd1 !!!" << "\n\n";
                          std::vector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator SiStripDigiIterBegin2 = vecSiStripDigi2.begin();
                          std::vector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator SiStripDigiIterEnd2   = vecSiStripDigi2.end();
                            std::vector<SiStripDigi>::const_iterator> SiStripDigiRange2 
                            = make_pair(SiStripDigiIterBegin2, SiStripDigiIterEnd2);

                          // Sanity check...
                          //if ( SiStripDigiIterBegin2 == SiStripDigiIterEnd2 )
                          //  cout << endl;
                          //  cout << "SiStripDigiIterBegin2 = SiStripDigiIterEnd2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
                          // Save the split clusters

                          if ( SiStripDigiIterBegin1 != SiStripDigiIterEnd1 )
                              // gavril : Raw id ?
                              SiStripCluster cl1( detId.rawId(), SiStripDigiRange1 );

                              cl1.setSplitClusterError( stripTemplSigmaX_ );

                              output.push_back( cl1 );
                              if ( (int)cl1.amplitudes().size() <= 0 )
                                  throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                                    << "\nERROR: (1) Wrong split cluster of size = " << (int)cl1.amplitudes().size() << "\n\n";
                            } // if ( SiStripDigiIterBegin1 != SiStripDigiIterEnd1 )

                          if ( SiStripDigiIterBegin2 != SiStripDigiIterEnd2 )
                              // gavril : Raw id ?
                              SiStripCluster cl2( detId.rawId(), SiStripDigiRange2 );
                              cl2.setSplitClusterError( stripTemplSigmaX_ );
                              output.push_back( cl2 ); 
                              if ( (int)cl2.amplitudes().size() <= 0 )
                                  throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
                                    << "\nERROR: (2) Wrong split cluster of size = " << (int)cl2.amplitudes().size() << "\n\n";
                            } // if ( SiStripDigiIterBegin2 != SiStripDigiIterEnd2 )
                        } // else // if ( ierr != 0 )

                    } // else // if ( strip_templQbin_ != 0 ) {...} else 
                } // else // if ( strip_templQbin_ < 0 || strip_templQbin_ > 5 ) {...} else

            } // else // if ( (int)theStripCluster->amplitudes().size() <= 1 )

          if ( !cluster_was_successfully_split )
            output.push_back( *c.cluster );

        } // if ( theStripCluster )
          throw cms::Exception("TrackClusterSplitter : ") 
            << "\nERROR: This is not a SiStripCluster  !!!" << "\n\n";

    } // else if ( strip_tmpSplit_ )
      // gavril : Neither sim nor template splitter. Just add the cluster as it was. 
      output.push_back( *c.cluster );
template<typename Cluster >
void TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster ( const ClusterWithTracks< Cluster > &  cluster,
const GlobalVector dir,
typename edmNew::DetSetVector< Cluster >::FastFiller &  output,
DetId  detId 
) const [private]

Definition at line 575 of file

References Exception.

Referenced by splitClusters().

  //cout << "Should never be here: TrackClusterSplitter, TrackClusterSplitter::splitCluster(...)  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " << endl;
  throw cms::Exception("LogicError", "This should not be called");
template<typename Cluster >
std::auto_ptr< edmNew::DetSetVector< Cluster > > TrackClusterSplitter::splitClusters ( const std::map< uint32_t, boost::sub_range< std::vector< ClusterWithTracks< Cluster > > > > &  input,
const reco::Vertex vtx 
) const [private]

Definition at line 541 of file

References trackerHits::c, geometry_, LaserDQM_cfg::input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, splitCluster(), reco::Vertex::x(), reco::Vertex::y(), and reco::Vertex::z().

Referenced by produce().

  std::auto_ptr<edmNew::DetSetVector<Cluster> > output(new edmNew::DetSetVector<Cluster>());
  typedef std::pair<uint32_t, boost::sub_range<std::vector<ClusterWithTracks<Cluster> > > > pair;
  foreach(const pair &p, input) 
      const GeomDet* det = geometry_->idToDet( DetId(p.first) );
      if ( det == 0 ) 
          edm::LogError("MissingDetId") << "DetIDs " << p.first << " is not in geometry.\n";
      // gavril: Pass the PV instead of direction
      // GlobalVector dir(det->position().x() - vtx.x(), det->position().y() - vtx.y(), det->position().z() - vtx.z());
      GlobalVector primary_vtx( vtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z() );

      // Create output collection
      typename edmNew::DetSetVector<Cluster>::FastFiller detset(*output, p.first);
      // fill it
      foreach(const ClusterWithTracks<Cluster> &c, p.second) 
          splitCluster(c, primary_vtx, detset, DetId(p.first) );

  return output;

Member Data Documentation

working data

Definition at line 201 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 204 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 105 of file

Referenced by produce(), splitCluster(), and splitClusters().

Definition at line 150 of file

Referenced by produce(), and splitCluster().

Definition at line 103 of file

Referenced by produce(), and splitCluster().

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 108 of file

Referenced by produce(), and splitCluster().

Definition at line 104 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 102 of file

Referenced by TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by produce(), splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by produce(), splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 202 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 205 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 111 of file

Referenced by produce(), and splitCluster().

Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 116 of file

Referenced by splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 96 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 87 of file

Referenced by splitCluster(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 93 of file

Referenced by produce(), and TrackClusterSplitter().

Definition at line 99 of file

Referenced by produce().