Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ParticleReplacerParticleGun Class Reference

#include <TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/src/>

Inheritance diagram for ParticleReplacerParticleGun:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
 ParticleReplacerParticleGun (const edm::ParameterSet &, bool)
std::auto_ptr< HepMC::GenEvent > produce (const reco::MuonCollection &muons, const reco::Vertex *pvtx=0, const HepMC::GenEvent *genEvt=0)
virtual ~ParticleReplacerParticleGun ()

Private Member Functions

void correctTauMass (const reco::MuonCollection &muons, std::vector< HepMC::FourVector > &corrected)
void forceTauolaTauDecays ()
float randomPolarization ()
float tauHelicity (int pdg_id)
void tauola_forParticleGun (int tau_idx, int pdg_id, const HepMC::FourVector &particle_momentum)

Private Attributes

std::string forceTauDecay_
int forceTauMinusHelicity_
int forceTauPlusHelicity_
std::string forceTauPolarization_
std::string generatorMode_
int gunParticle_
std::string particleOrigin_
float pol1_ [4]
float pol2_ [4]
bool printout_
gen::Pythia6Service pythia_
gen::TauolaInterface tauola_

Detailed Description

Description: Particle gun replacer algorithm

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 29 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ParticleReplacerParticleGun::ParticleReplacerParticleGun ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig,
bool  verbose 
) [explicit]

Definition at line 9 of file

References Exception, forceTauDecay_, forceTauMinusHelicity_, forceTauPlusHelicity_, forceTauPolarization_, generatorMode_, NULL, pol1_, pol2_, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

  printout_(verbose) {
  srand(time(NULL)); // Should we use RandomNumberGenerator service?

  if(forceTauPlusHelicity_ != 0) 
    edm::LogInfo("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacer::ParticleReplacer] "
                                    << "Forcing tau+ to helicity " << forceTauPlusHelicity_ << std::endl;
  if(forceTauMinusHelicity_ != 0)
    edm::LogInfo("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacer::ParticleReplacer] "
                                    << "Forcing tau- to helicity " << forceTauMinusHelicity_ << std::endl;
  if(forceTauPlusHelicity_ == 0 && forceTauMinusHelicity_ == 0)
    edm::LogInfo("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacer::ParticleReplacer] "
                                    << "     Forcing tau helicity as decayed from a " << forceTauPolarization_ << std::endl; 
  if(forceTauDecay_ != "" && forceTauDecay_ != "none")
    edm::LogInfo("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacer::ParticleReplacer] "
                                    << "Forcing tau decaying into " << forceTauDecay_ << std::endl;

  std::memset(pol1_, 0, 4*sizeof(float));
  std::memset(pol2_, 0, 4*sizeof(float));

  if(generatorMode_ != "Tauola")
    throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "Generator mode other than Tauola is not supported" << std::endl;

  throw cms::Exception("UnimplementedFeature") << "ParticleReplacerParticleGun is not usable yet." << std::endl;
ParticleReplacerParticleGun::~ParticleReplacerParticleGun ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 47 of file


Member Function Documentation

void ParticleReplacerParticleGun::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ParticleReplacerBase.

Definition at line 49 of file

References abs, gunParticle_, pythia_, and gen::Pythia6Service::setGeneralParams().

  gen::Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(&pythia_);


  if(abs(gunParticle_) == 15) {
    /* FIXME
void ParticleReplacerParticleGun::correctTauMass ( const reco::MuonCollection muons,
std::vector< HepMC::FourVector > &  corrected 
) [private]

Definition at line 220 of file

References abs, gunParticle_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and ParticleReplacerBase::tauMass.

Referenced by produce().

  if(abs(gunParticle_) == 15) {
    // Correct energy for tau
    for(reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator iMuon = muons.begin(); iMuon != muons.end(); ++iMuon) {
      const reco::Muon::LorentzVector& vec = iMuon->p4();

      double E = sqrt(tauMass*tauMass + vec.x()*vec.x() + vec.y()*vec.y() + vec.z()*vec.z());

      corrected.push_back(HepMC::FourVector(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), E));
  else {
    // Just copy the LorentzVector
    for(reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator iMuon = muons.begin(); iMuon != muons.end(); ++iMuon) {
void ParticleReplacerParticleGun::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ParticleReplacerBase.

Definition at line 61 of file

References abs, and gunParticle_.

  if(abs(gunParticle_) == 15) {
    /* FIXME
void ParticleReplacerParticleGun::forceTauolaTauDecays ( ) [private]

Definition at line 239 of file

References forceTauDecay_.

Referenced by produce().

  if(forceTauDecay_ == "" || forceTauDecay_ == "none") return;

  // for documentation look at Tauola file tauola_photos_ini.f

  if(forceTauDecay_ == "hadrons"){
    /* FIXME
    taubra.gamprt[0] = 0; // disable branchings to electrons in Tauola
    taubra.gamprt[1] = 0; // disable branchings to muons in Tauola
  else if(forceTauDecay_ == "1prong"){
    /* FIXME
    taubra.gamprt[0]  = 0; // disable branchings to electrons in Tauola
    taubra.gamprt[1]  = 0; // disable branchings to muons in Tauola
    taubra.gamprt[7]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[9]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[10] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[11] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[12] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[13] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[17] = 0;
  else if(forceTauDecay_ == "3prong"){
    /* FIXME
    taubra.gamprt[0]  = 0; // disable branchings to electrons in Tauola
    taubra.gamprt[1]  = 0; // disable branchings to muons in Tauola
    taubra.gamprt[2]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[3]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[4]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[5]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[6]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[8]  = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[14] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[15] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[16] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[18] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[19] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[20] = 0;
    taubra.gamprt[21] = 0;
    edm::LogError("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacerAlgoParticleGun::forceTauoladecays] "
                                     << "Unknown value for forcing tau decays: " << forceTauDecay_ << std::endl;
std::auto_ptr< HepMC::GenEvent > ParticleReplacerParticleGun::produce ( const reco::MuonCollection muons,
const reco::Vertex pvtx = 0,
const HepMC::GenEvent *  genEvt = 0 
) [virtual]

Implements ParticleReplacerBase.

Definition at line 69 of file

References abs, call_py1ent(), call_pyexec(), call_pylist(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), conv, correctTauMass(), gather_cfg::cout, Exception, forceTauolaTauDecays(), gunParticle_, i, errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::id, metsig::muon, particleOrigin_, pi, point, printout_, pythia_, edm::shift, lumiQTWidget::t, tauola_forParticleGun(), reco::LeafCandidate::vx(), reco::LeafCandidate::vy(), reco::LeafCandidate::vz(), reco::Vertex::x(), x, reco::Vertex::y(), detailsBasic3DVector::y, reco::Vertex::z(), and z.

  if(genEvt != 0)
    throw cms::Exception("UnimplementedFeature") << "ParticleReplacerParticleGun does NOT support merging at HepMC level" << std::endl;

  std::auto_ptr<HepMC::GenEvent> evt(0);
  std::vector<HepMC::FourVector> muons_corrected;
  correctTauMass(muons, muons_corrected);

  gen::Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(&pythia_);

  for(unsigned int i=0; i<muons_corrected.size(); ++i) {
    HepMC::FourVector& muon = muons_corrected[i];
    call_py1ent(i+1, gunParticle_*muons[i].charge(), muon.e(), muon.theta(), muon.phi());

  // Let's not do a call_pyexec here because it's unnecessary

  if(printout_) {
    std::cout << " /////////////////////  After py1ent, before pyhepc /////////////////////" << std::endl;

  // Vertex shift
  call_pyhepc(1); // pythia -> hepevt

  if(printout_) {
    std::cout << " /////////////////////  After pyhepc, before vertex shift /////////////////////" << std::endl;
  // Search for HepMC/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h for the wrapper interface
  int nparticles = HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries();
  HepMC::ThreeVector shift(0,0,0); 
  if(particleOrigin_ == "primaryVertex") {
      throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Particle origin set to primaryVertex, but pvtx is null!" << std::endl;

    shift.setX(pvtx->x()*10); // cm -> mm
    shift.setY(pvtx->y()*10); // cm -> mm
    shift.setZ(pvtx->z()*10); // cm -> mm
  for(int i=1; i <= nparticles; ++i) {
    if(abs(HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i)) != abs(gunParticle_)) {
      throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Particle in HEPEVT is " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i)
                                         << " is not the same as gunParticle " << gunParticle_
                                         << " for index " << i << std::endl;

    if(particleOrigin_ == "muonReferencePoint") {
      const reco::Muon& muon = muons[i-1];
      shift.setX(muon.vx()*10); // cm -> mm
      shift.setY(muon.vy()*10); // cm -> mm
      shift.setZ(muon.vz()*10); // cm -> mm

                                        HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::x(i) + shift.x(),
                                        HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::y(i) + shift.y(),
                                        HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::z(i) + shift.z(),

  if(printout_) {
    std::cout << " /////////////////////  After vertex shift, before pyhepc/tauola /////////////////////" << std::endl;

  if(abs(gunParticle_) == 15){
    // Code example from TauolaInterface::processEvent()
    /* FIXME
    int dummy = -1;
    int numGenParticles_beforeTAUOLA = call_ihepdim(dummy);


    for(unsigned int i=0; i<muons_corrected.size(); ++i) {
      tauola_forParticleGun(i+1, gunParticle_*muons[i].charge(), muons_corrected[i]);

    if(printout_) {
      std::cout << " /////////////////////  After tauola, before pyhepc  /////////////////////" << std::endl;
    call_pyhepc(2); // hepevt->pythia
    if(printout_) {
      std::cout << " /////////////////////  After pyhepc, before vertex fix  /////////////////////" << std::endl;

    // Fix tau decay vertex position
    /* FIXME
    int numGenParticles_afterTAUOLA = call_ihepdim(dummy);
    tauola_.setDecayVertex(numGenParticles_beforeTAUOLA, numGenParticles_afterTAUOLA);

    if(printout_) {
      /* FIXME
      std::cout << "     numGenParticles_beforeTAUOLA " << numGenParticles_beforeTAUOLA << std::endl
                << "     numGenParticles_afterTAUOLA  " << numGenParticles_afterTAUOLA << std::endl;
      std::cout << " /////////////////////  After vertex fix, before pyexec  /////////////////////" << std::endl;
  else {
    call_pyhepc(2); // hepevt->pythia
    if(printout_) {
      std::cout << " /////////////////////  After pyhepc, before pyexec  /////////////////////" << std::endl;

  call_pyexec(); // taus: decay pi0's etc; others: decay whatever

  if(printout_) {
    std::cout << " /////////////////////  After pyexec, before pyhepc  /////////////////////" << std::endl;

  call_pyhepc(1); // pythia -> hepevt

  HepMC::IO_HEPEVT conv;
  evt = std::auto_ptr<HepMC::GenEvent>(new HepMC::GenEvent(*conv.read_next_event()));

  if(printout_) {

    std::cout << std::endl << "Vertices: " << std::endl;
    for(HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator iter = evt->vertices_begin(); iter != evt->vertices_end(); ++iter) {
      std::cout << "Vertex " << (*iter)->id() << ", barcode " << (*iter)->barcode() << std::endl;

      HepMC::ThreeVector point = (*iter)->point3d();
      std::cout << "  Point (" << point.x() << ", " << point.y() << ", " << point.z() << ")" << std::endl;

      std::cout << "  Incoming particles: ";
      for(HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator pi = (*iter)->particles_in_const_begin(); pi != (*iter)->particles_in_const_end(); ++pi) {
        std::cout << (*pi)->pdg_id() << " ";
      std::cout << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  Outgoing particles: ";
      for(HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator pi = (*iter)->particles_out_const_begin(); pi != (*iter)->particles_out_const_end(); ++pi) {
        std::cout << (*pi)->pdg_id() << " ";
      std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

  return evt;
float ParticleReplacerParticleGun::randomPolarization ( ) [private]

Definition at line 407 of file

Referenced by tauHelicity().

  uint32_t randomNumber = rand();
  if(randomNumber%2 > 0.5) return 1; 
  return -1;
float ParticleReplacerParticleGun::tauHelicity ( int  pdg_id) [private]

Definition at line 360 of file

References forceTauMinusHelicity_, forceTauPlusHelicity_, forceTauPolarization_, pol1_, pol2_, and randomPolarization().

Referenced by tauola_forParticleGun().

  /* tau polarization summary from Tauola source code:
     in all cases      W : pol1 = -1, pol2 = -1 (tau or neutrino)
     H+: pol1 = +1, pol2 = +1 (tau or neutrino)

     if neutral higgs    : pol1 = +1, pol2 = -1 OR pol1 = -1, pol2 = +1 (tau tau)
     if Z or undetermined: pol1 = +1, pol2 = +1 OR pol1 = -1, pol2 = -1 (tau tau)

  if(pdg_id < 0) { // tau+
    if(forceTauPlusHelicity_ != 0) {
      return forceTauPlusHelicity_;
    if(forceTauPolarization_ == "W") return -1;
    if(forceTauPolarization_ == "H+") return 1;
    if(pol2_[2] != 0) {
      if(forceTauPolarization_ == "h" ||
         forceTauPolarization_ == "H" ||
         forceTauPolarization_ == "A") return -pol2_[2];
      else return pol2_[2];
    else {
      return randomPolarization(); //all other cases random, when first tau
  else {           // tau-
    if(forceTauMinusHelicity_ != 0) {
      return forceTauMinusHelicity_;
    if(forceTauPolarization_ == "W") return -1;
    if(forceTauPolarization_ == "H+") return 1;
    if(pol1_[2] != 0){
      if(forceTauPolarization_ == "h" ||
         forceTauPolarization_ == "H" ||
         forceTauPolarization_ == "A") return -pol1_[2];
      else return pol1_[2];
    else {
      return randomPolarization(); //all other cases random, when first tau

  edm::LogError("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacerAlgoParticleGun::tauHelicity] "
                                   << "tauHelicity undetermined, returning 0" << std::endl;
  return 0;
void ParticleReplacerParticleGun::tauola_forParticleGun ( int  tau_idx,
int  pdg_id,
const HepMC::FourVector &  particle_momentum 
) [private]

Definition at line 288 of file

References abs, pol1_, pol2_, and tauHelicity().

Referenced by produce().

  if(abs(pdg_id) != 15) {
    edm::LogError("MuonReplacement") << "[ParticleReplacerAlgoParticleGun::tauola_forParticleGuns] "
                                     << "Trying to decay something else than tau: pdg_id = " << pdg_id << std::endl;

  // By default the index of tau+ is 3 and tau- is 4. The TAUOLA
  // routine takes internally care of finding the correct
  // position of the tau which is decayed. However, since we are
  // calling DEXAY routine directly by ourselves, we must set
  // the index manually by ourselves. Fortunately, this seems to
  // be simple.
  /* FIXME
    std::cout << " Tauola taupos common block: np1 " << taupos.np1 << " np2 " << taupos.np2 << std::endl;
  taupos.np1 = tau_idx;
  taupos.np2 = tau_idx;
    std::cout << " Resetting taupos common block to: np1 " << taupos.np1 << " np2 " << taupos.np2 << std::endl;

  if(pdg_id == -15){ // tau+

    pol1_[2] = tauHelicity(pdg_id);

    /* FIXME
    momdec.p1[0] = particle_momentum.x();
    momdec.p1[1] = particle_momentum.y();
    momdec.p1[2] = particle_momentum.z();
    momdec.p1[3] = particle_momentum.e();

    momdec.p2[0] = -momdec.p1[0];
    momdec.p2[1] = -momdec.p1[1];
    momdec.p2[2] = -momdec.p1[2];
    momdec.p2[3] =  momdec.p1[3];

    // "mother" p4
    momdec.q1[0] = 0;
    momdec.q1[1] = 0;
    momdec.q1[2] = 0;
    momdec.q1[3] = momdec.p1[3] + momdec.p2[3];

  else if (pdg_id == 15){ // tau-

    pol2_[2] = tauHelicity(pdg_id);

    /* FIXME
    momdec.p2[0] = particle_momentum.x();
    momdec.p2[1] = particle_momentum.y();
    momdec.p2[2] = particle_momentum.z();
    momdec.p2[3] = particle_momentum.e();

    momdec.p1[0] = -momdec.p2[0];
    momdec.p1[1] = -momdec.p2[1];
    momdec.p1[2] = -momdec.p2[2];
    momdec.p1[3] =  momdec.p2[3];

    // "mother" p4
    momdec.q1[0] = 0;
    momdec.q1[1] = 0;
    momdec.q1[2] = 0;
    momdec.q1[3] = momdec.p1[3] + momdec.p2[3];


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 58 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by ParticleReplacerParticleGun(), and tauHelicity().

Definition at line 57 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by ParticleReplacerParticleGun(), and tauHelicity().

Definition at line 53 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by ParticleReplacerParticleGun(), and tauHelicity().

Definition at line 55 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by ParticleReplacerParticleGun().

Definition at line 56 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), correctTauMass(), endJob(), and produce().

Definition at line 52 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 63 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 50 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and produce().

Definition at line 49 of file ParticleReplacerParticleGun.h.