Go to the documentation of this file.00001 '''
00003 Multiplex a cut on a PFTauDiscriminator using another PFTauDiscriminator as the
00004 index.
00006 Used by the anti-electron MVA, which needs to choose what cut to apply on the
00007 MVA output depending on what the category is.
00009 '''
00011 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00013 RecoTauDiscriminantCutMultiplexer = cms.EDProducer(
00014 "RecoTauDiscriminantCutMultiplexer",
00015 PFTauProducer = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
00016 toMultiplex = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
00017 Prediscriminants = cms.PSet(
00018 BooleanOperator = cms.string("and"),
00019 decayMode = cms.PSet(
00020 Producer = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
00021 cut = cms.double(0.)
00022 )
00023 ),
00024 key = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
00025 mapping = cms.VPSet(
00026 cms.PSet(
00027 category = cms.uint32(0),
00028 cut = cms.double(0.5),
00029 ),
00030 cms.PSet(
00031 category = cms.uint32(1),
00032 cut = cms.double(0.2),
00033 ),
00034 )
00035 )