![]() |
![]() |
#include <PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h>
Definition at line 25 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
Definition at line 31 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
enum PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::DebugLevel_pi0 [private] |
Definition at line 62 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 43 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.cc.
References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter().
{ // use configuration file to setup input/output collection names preshClusterShapeCollectionX_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeCollectionX"); preshClusterShapeCollectionY_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeCollectionY"); preshClusterShapeProducer_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeProducer"); photonCorrCollectionProducer_ = ps.getParameter<string>("corrPhoProducer"); correctedPhotonCollection_ = ps.getParameter<string>("correctedPhotonCollection"); barrelRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelRecHitCollection"); endcapRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapRecHitCollection"); EScorr_ = ps.getParameter<int>("EScorr"); preshNst_ = ps.getParameter<int>("preshPi0Nstrip"); preshStripECut_ = ps.getParameter<double>("preshStripEnergyCut"); w0_ = ps.getParameter<double>("w0"); PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_ = ps.getParameter<string>("Pi0Association"); string debugString = ps.getParameter<string>("debugLevel"); if (debugString == "DEBUG") debugL_pi0 = pDEBUG; else if (debugString == "INFO") debugL_pi0 = pINFO; else debugL_pi0 = pERROR; string tmpPath = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("pathToWeightFiles","RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/data/"); presh_pi0_algo = new EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo(preshStripECut_, preshNst_, tmpPath.c_str()); produces< PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap >(PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_); nEvt_ = 0; }
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer | ( | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.cc.
{ delete presh_pi0_algo; }
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) | [explicit] |
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer | ( | ) |
void PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::produce | ( | edm::Event & | evt, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDProducer.
Definition at line 89 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, EcalClusterTools::covariances(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, EcalClusterTools::e2nd(), EcalClusterTools::e2x2(), EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom(), EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left(), EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top(), EcalClusterTools::e3x2(), EcalClusterTools::e3x3(), EcalClusterTools::e5x5(), EcalClusterTools::eBottom(), EcalClusterTools::eLeft(), jptDQMConfig_cff::eMax, EcalClusterTools::eRight(), EcalClusterTools::eTop(), create_public_lumi_plots::exp, geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::EventBase::id(), LogDebug, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::Event::put(), funct::sin(), and mathSSE::sqrt().
{ ostringstream ostr; // use this stream for all messages in produce if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << "\n PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: ....... Event " << evt.id() << " with Number = " << nEvt_+1 << " is analyzing ....... " << endl << endl; // Get ES clusters in X plane Handle<reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection> pPreshowerShapeClustersX; evt.getByLabel(preshClusterShapeProducer_, preshClusterShapeCollectionX_, pPreshowerShapeClustersX); const reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection *clustersX = pPreshowerShapeClustersX.product(); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << "\n PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: pPreshowerShapeClustersX->size() = " << clustersX->size() << endl; } // Get ES clusters in Y plane Handle<reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection> pPreshowerShapeClustersY; evt.getByLabel(preshClusterShapeProducer_, preshClusterShapeCollectionY_, pPreshowerShapeClustersY); const reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection *clustersY = pPreshowerShapeClustersY.product(); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << "\n PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: pPreshowerShapeClustersY->size() = " << clustersY->size() << endl; } auto_ptr<PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap> Pi0Assocs_p(new PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap); Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEBRecHits; evt.getByLabel( barrelRecHitCollection_, pEBRecHits ); const EcalRecHitCollection *ebRecHits = pEBRecHits.product(); Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEERecHits; evt.getByLabel( endcapRecHitCollection_, pEERecHits ); const EcalRecHitCollection *eeRecHits = pEERecHits.product(); ESHandle<CaloGeometry> pGeometry; es.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(pGeometry); const CaloGeometry *geometry = pGeometry.product(); ESHandle<CaloTopology> pTopology; es.get<CaloTopologyRecord>().get(pTopology); const CaloTopology *topology = pTopology.product(); //make cycle over Photon Collection Handle<PhotonCollection> correctedPhotonHandle; evt.getByLabel(photonCorrCollectionProducer_, correctedPhotonCollection_ , correctedPhotonHandle); const PhotonCollection corrPhoCollection = *(correctedPhotonHandle.product()); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Photon Collection size : " << corrPhoCollection.size() << endl; } for( PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPho = corrPhoCollection.begin(); iPho != corrPhoCollection.end(); iPho++) { float Phot_En = iPho->energy(); float Phot_Et = Phot_En*sin(2*atan(exp(-iPho->eta()))); float Phot_eta = iPho->eta(); float Phot_phi = iPho->phi(); float Phot_R9 = iPho->r9(); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Photon index : " << iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin() << " with Energy = " << Phot_En << " Et = " << Phot_Et << " ETA = " << Phot_eta << " PHI = " << Phot_phi << " R9 = " << Phot_R9 << endl; } SuperClusterRef it_super = iPho->superCluster(); float SC_En = it_super->energy(); float SC_Et = SC_En*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta()))); float SC_eta = it_super->eta(); float SC_phi = it_super->phi(); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: superE = " << SC_En << " superEt = " << SC_Et << " superETA = " << SC_eta << " superPHI = " << SC_phi << endl; } // New way to get ClusterShape info // Find the entry in the map corresponding to the seed BasicCluster of the SuperCluster // DetId id = it_super->seed()->hitsAndFractions()[0].first; // get on-the-fly the cluster shapes // EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTool( evt, es, barrelRecHitCollection_, endcapRecHitCollection_ ); float nnoutput = -1.; if(fabs(SC_eta) >= 1.65 && fabs(SC_eta) <= 2.5) { // Use Preshower region only const GlobalPoint pointSC(it_super->x(),it_super->y(),it_super->z()); // get the centroid of the SC if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << "SC centroind = " << pointSC << endl; double SC_seed_energy = it_super->seed()->energy(); const CaloClusterPtr seed = it_super->seed(); EcalClusterTools::eMax( *seed, ebRecHits ); double SC_seed_Shape_E1 = EcalClusterTools::eMax( *seed, eeRecHits ); double SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 = EcalClusterTools::e3x3( *seed, eeRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 = EcalClusterTools::e5x5( *seed, eeRecHits, topology ); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: ( SeedBC_energy, E1, E3x3, E5x5) = " << SC_seed_energy << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E1 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 << endl; } // Get the Preshower 2-planes energy vectors associated with the given SC vector<float> vout_stripE1; vector<float> vout_stripE2; for(reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection::const_iterator esClus = clustersX->begin(); esClus !=clustersX->end(); esClus++) { SuperClusterRef sc_ref = esClus->superCluster(); float dR = sqrt((SC_eta-sc_ref->eta())*(SC_eta-sc_ref->eta()) + (SC_phi-sc_ref->phi())*(SC_phi-sc_ref->phi())); if(dR < 0.01 ) { vout_stripE1 = esClus->getStripEnergies(); } } for(reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection::const_iterator esClus = clustersY->begin(); esClus !=clustersY->end(); esClus++) { SuperClusterRef sc_ref = esClus->superCluster(); float dR = sqrt((SC_eta-sc_ref->eta())*(SC_eta-sc_ref->eta()) + (SC_phi-sc_ref->phi())*(SC_phi-sc_ref->phi())); if(dR < 0.01 ) { vout_stripE2 = esClus->getStripEnergies(); } } if(vout_stripE1.size() == 0 || vout_stripE2.size() == 0 ) { if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Attention!!!!! Not Valid ES NN input Variables Return NNout = -1" << endl; Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput); continue; } if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : vout_stripE1.size = " << vout_stripE1.size() << " vout_stripE2.size = " << vout_stripE2.size() << endl; cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : ES_input_vector = " ; for(int k1=0;k1<11;k1++) { cout << vout_stripE1[k1] << " " ; } for(int k1=0;k1<11;k1++) { cout << vout_stripE2[k1] << " " ; } cout << endl; } bool valid_NNinput = presh_pi0_algo->calculateNNInputVariables(vout_stripE1, vout_stripE2, SC_seed_Shape_E1, SC_seed_Shape_E3x3, SC_seed_Shape_E5x5, EScorr_); if(!valid_NNinput) { if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Attention!!!!! Not Valid ES NN input Variables Return NNout = -1" << endl; Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput); continue; } float* nn_input_var = presh_pi0_algo->get_input_vector(); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: NN_ESEndcap_input_vector+Et+Eta+Phi+R9 = " ; for(int k1=0;k1<25;k1++) { cout << nn_input_var[k1] << " " ; } cout << SC_Et << " " << SC_eta << " " << SC_phi << " " << Phot_R9 << endl; } nnoutput = presh_pi0_algo->GetNNOutput(SC_Et); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: Event : " << evt.id() << " SC id = " << iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin() << " with Pt = " << SC_Et << " eta = " << SC_eta << " phi = " << SC_phi << " contains: " << it_super->clustersSize() << " BCs " << " has NNout = " << nnoutput << endl; } Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput); } else if((fabs(SC_eta) <= 1.4442) || (fabs(SC_eta) < 1.65 && fabs(SC_eta) >= 1.566) || fabs(SC_eta) >= 2.5) { const CaloClusterPtr seed = it_super->seed(); double SC_seed_Shape_E1 = EcalClusterTools::eMax( *seed, ebRecHits ); double SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 = EcalClusterTools::e3x3( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 = EcalClusterTools::e5x5( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_E2 = EcalClusterTools::e2nd( *seed, ebRecHits ); std::vector<float> vCov = EcalClusterTools::covariances( *seed, ebRecHits , topology, geometry, w0_ ); double SC_seed_Shape_cEE = vCov[0]; double SC_seed_Shape_cEP = vCov[1]; double SC_seed_Shape_cPP = vCov[2]; double SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 = EcalClusterTools::e2x2( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2 = EcalClusterTools::e3x2( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = 0.0; double SC_seed_Shape_ELeft = EcalClusterTools::eLeft( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_ERight = EcalClusterTools::eRight( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_ETop = EcalClusterTools::eTop( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_EBottom = EcalClusterTools::eBottom( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double DA = SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 - SC_seed_Shape_E2 - SC_seed_Shape_E1; if(SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_ETop || SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_EBottom) { if( SC_seed_Shape_ELeft > SC_seed_Shape_ERight ) { SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_ELeft)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_ELeft); } else { SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_ERight)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_ERight); } } else if(SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_ELeft || SC_seed_Shape_E2==SC_seed_Shape_ERight) { if( SC_seed_Shape_ETop > SC_seed_Shape_EBottom ) { SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_ETop)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_ETop); } else { SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = (DA - SC_seed_Shape_EBottom)/(0.25+SC_seed_Shape_EBottom); } } double SC_seed_Shape_xcog = EcalClusterTools::eRight( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) - EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); double SC_seed_Shape_ycog = EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) - EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProduce: lazyTool (E1,E3x3,E5x5,E2,cEE,cEP,cPP,E2x2,E3x2_E3x2r,Xcog,Ycog,E2x5Bottom,E2x5Top,Et,Eta,PhiR9) = ( " << SC_seed_Shape_E1 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E2 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_cEE << " " << SC_seed_Shape_cEP << " " << SC_seed_Shape_cPP << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E3x2 << " " << SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r << " " << SC_seed_Shape_xcog << " " << SC_seed_Shape_ycog << " " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) << " " << EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top( *seed, ebRecHits, topology ) << " " << SC_Et << " " << SC_eta << " " << SC_phi << " " << Phot_R9 << " )" << endl; } float SC_et = it_super->energy()*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta()))); presh_pi0_algo->calculateBarrelNNInputVariables(SC_et, SC_seed_Shape_E1, SC_seed_Shape_E3x3, SC_seed_Shape_E5x5, SC_seed_Shape_E2, SC_seed_Shape_cEE, SC_seed_Shape_cEP, SC_seed_Shape_cPP, SC_seed_Shape_E2x2, SC_seed_Shape_E3x2, SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r, SC_seed_Shape_xcog, SC_seed_Shape_ycog); float* nn_input_var = presh_pi0_algo->get_input_vector(); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << " PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : NN_barrel_nonESEndcap_variables+Et+Eta+Phi+R9 = " ; for(int k3=0;k3<12;k3++) { cout << nn_input_var[k3] << " " ; } cout << SC_Et << " " << SC_eta << " " << SC_phi << " " << Phot_R9 << endl; } nnoutput = presh_pi0_algo->GetBarrelNNOutput(SC_et); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) { cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : Event : " << evt.id() << " SC id = " << iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin() << " with Pt = " << SC_Et << " eta = " << SC_eta << " phi = " << SC_phi << " contains: " << it_super->clustersSize() << " BCs " << " has NNout = " << nnoutput << endl; } Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), nnoutput); } else { Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,iPho - corrPhoCollection.begin()), -1.);} } // end of cycle over Photons evt.put(Pi0Assocs_p,PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_); if ( debugL_pi0 <= pDEBUG ) cout << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer: PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap added to the event" << endl; nEvt_++; LogDebug("PiZeroDiscriminatorDebug") << ostr.str(); }
virtual void PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::produce | ( | edm::Event & | evt, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDProducer.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::barrelClusterShapeMapCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 49 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::barrelClusterShapeMapProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
Definition at line 50 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::correctedPhotonCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 47 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::DebugLevel_pi0 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::debugL_pi0 [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
Definition at line 63 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::endcapClusterShapeMapCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 51 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::endcapClusterShapeMapProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 50 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
Definition at line 51 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
int PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::EScorr_ [private] |
Definition at line 53 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
int PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::nEvt_ [private] |
Definition at line 39 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::photonCorrCollectionProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 46 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
Definition at line 61 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshClusterShapeCollectionX_ [private] |
Definition at line 42 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshClusterShapeCollectionY_ [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshClusterShapeProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 44 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
int PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshNst_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
double PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshStripECut_ [private] |
Definition at line 57 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.
double PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::w0_ [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.