Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer Class Reference

#include <ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h>

Inheritance diagram for ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
 ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void endJob ()
 ~ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer ()

Private Member Functions

float ecalEta (float EtaParticle, float Zvertex, float plane_Radius)
void fillMcTruth (std::vector< SimTrack > &theSimTracks, std::vector< SimVertex > &theSimVertices)
std::vector< EcalSimPhotonMCTruthfindMcTruth (std::vector< SimTrack > &theSimTracks, std::vector< SimVertex > &theSimVertices)

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag BarrelSuperClusterCollection_
std::vector< float > e1
std::vector< float > e25
std::vector< float > e9
edm::InputTag EndcapSuperClusterCollection_
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > geantToIndex_
TH1F * h_EB_converted
TH1F * h_EB_e25EtrueReference
TH1F * h_EB_e9EtrueReference
TH1F * h_EB_eRecoEtrueReference
TH1F * h_EB_eTrue
TH1F * h_EE_converted
TH1F * h_EE_e25EtrueReference
TH1F * h_EE_e9EtrueReference
TH1F * h_EE_eRecoEtrueReference
TH1F * h_EE_eTrue
std::vector< int > iMC
std::vector< int > isConverted
std::vector< float > mcEnergy
std::vector< float > mcEta
std::vector< float > mcPhi
std::vector< float > mcPt
int nMCphotons
int nRECOphotons
edm::InputTag reducedBarrelRecHitCollection_
edm::InputTag reducedEndcapRecHitCollection_
std::vector< int > seedXtal
edm::InputTag SimTrackCollection_
edm::InputTag SimVertexCollection_
std::vector< float > superClusterEnergy
std::vector< float > superClusterEt
std::vector< float > superClusterEta
std::vector< float > superClusterPhi
std::vector< float > x_vtx
std::vector< float > y_vtx
std::vector< float > z_vtx

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]

Definition at line 11 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter().


  BarrelSuperClusterCollection_  = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("BarrelSuperClusterCollection");    
  EndcapSuperClusterCollection_  = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("EndcapSuperClusterCollection");
  reducedBarrelRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("reducedBarrelRecHitCollection");
  reducedEndcapRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("reducedEndcapRecHitCollection");
  SimTrackCollection_            = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("simTrackCollection");
  SimVertexCollection_           = ps.getParameter<InputTag>("simVertexCollection");
ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::~ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer ( )

Definition at line 21 of file

{ }

Member Function Documentation

void ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::analyze ( const edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 40 of file

References deltaR(), alignCSCRings::e, EcalClusterTools::e3x3(), EcalClusterTools::e5x5(), jptDQMConfig_cff::eMax, eta(), HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), EcalClusterTools::getMaximum(), i, edm::EventBase::id(), edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), interactiveExample::photons, pi, reco::CaloCluster::position(), funct::pow(), reco::SuperCluster::preshowerEnergy(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), reco::SuperCluster::rawEnergy(), reco::SuperCluster::seed(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

  LogInfo("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Analyzing event " << << "\n";
  // taking the needed collections
  std::vector<SimTrack> theSimTracks;
  Handle<SimTrackContainer> SimTk;
  if (SimTk.isValid() ) theSimTracks.insert(theSimTracks.end(),SimTk->begin(),SimTk->end());  
  else { LogError("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Error! can't get collection with label " << SimTrackCollection_.label(); }

  std::vector<SimVertex> theSimVertexes;  
  Handle<SimVertexContainer> SimVtx;
  if (SimVtx.isValid()) theSimVertexes.insert(theSimVertexes.end(),SimVtx->begin(),SimVtx->end());
  else {LogError("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Error! can't get collection with label " << SimVertexCollection_.label(); }
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* BarrelSuperClusters = 0;
  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> pHybridBarrelSuperClusters;
  evt.getByLabel(BarrelSuperClusterCollection_, pHybridBarrelSuperClusters);
  if (pHybridBarrelSuperClusters.isValid()) { BarrelSuperClusters = pHybridBarrelSuperClusters.product(); } 
  else {LogError("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Error! can't get collection with label " << BarrelSuperClusterCollection_.label(); }

  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* EndcapSuperClusters = 0;
  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> pMulti5x5EndcapSuperClusters;
  evt.getByLabel(EndcapSuperClusterCollection_, pMulti5x5EndcapSuperClusters);
  if (pMulti5x5EndcapSuperClusters.isValid()) EndcapSuperClusters = pMulti5x5EndcapSuperClusters.product();
  else {LogError("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Error! can't get collection with label " << EndcapSuperClusterCollection_.label(); }
  const EcalRecHitCollection *ebRecHits = 0;
  Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEBRecHits;
  evt.getByLabel( reducedBarrelRecHitCollection_, pEBRecHits );
  if (pEBRecHits.isValid()) ebRecHits = pEBRecHits.product();
  else {LogError("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Error! can't get collection with label " << reducedBarrelRecHitCollection_.label(); }
  const EcalRecHitCollection *eeRecHits = 0;
  Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > pEERecHits;
  evt.getByLabel( reducedEndcapRecHitCollection_, pEERecHits );
  if (pEERecHits.isValid()) eeRecHits = pEERecHits.product();
  else {LogError("ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer") << "Error! can't get collection with label " << reducedEndcapRecHitCollection_.label(); }
  const CaloTopology *topology = 0;
  ESHandle<CaloTopology> pTopology;
  if(pTopology.isValid()) topology = pTopology.product();
  std::vector<EcalSimPhotonMCTruth> photons=findMcTruth(theSimTracks,theSimVertexes);
  nMCphotons = 0;
  nRECOphotons = 0;
  int mc_size = photons.size();

  // loop over MC truth photons
  for (unsigned int ipho=0;ipho<photons.size();ipho++) {

    math::XYZTLorentzVectorD vtx = photons[ipho].primaryVertex();
    double phiTrue = photons[ipho].fourMomentum().phi();
    double vtxPerp = sqrt(vtx.x()*vtx.x() + vtx.y()*vtx.y()); 
    double etaTrue = ecalEta(photons[ipho].fourMomentum().eta(), vtx.z(), vtxPerp);
    double etTrue  = photons[ipho].fourMomentum().e()/cosh(etaTrue);

    // check histos for MC truth
    if(std::fabs(etaTrue) < 1.479) {
      h_EB_eTrue     ->Fill(photons[ipho].fourMomentum().e());
      h_EB_converted ->Fill(photons[ipho].isAConversion());
    if(std::fabs(etaTrue) >= 1.6) {
      h_EE_eTrue     ->Fill(photons[ipho].fourMomentum().e());
      h_EE_converted ->Fill(photons[ipho].isAConversion());

    // barrel
    if(std::fabs(etaTrue) < 1.479) {
      double etaCurrent; // , etaFound = 0; // UNUSED
      double phiCurrent;
      // double etCurrent,  etFound  = 0; // UNUSED
      const reco::SuperCluster* nearSC = 0;
      double closestParticleDistance = 999;      
      for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator aClus = BarrelSuperClusters->begin(); 
          aClus != BarrelSuperClusters->end(); aClus++) {           
        etaCurrent = aClus->position().eta();
        phiCurrent = aClus->position().phi();
        // etCurrent  = aClus->energy()/std::cosh(etaCurrent); // UNUSED
        double deltaR = std::sqrt(std::pow(etaCurrent-etaTrue,2)+std::pow(phiCurrent-phiTrue,2));
        if(deltaR < closestParticleDistance) {
          // etFound  = etCurrent; // UNUSED
          // etaFound = etaCurrent; // UNUSED
          closestParticleDistance = deltaR;

      if(closestParticleDistance < 0.3) {
        // Is a matched particle dumping informations

        reco::CaloClusterPtr theSeed = nearSC->seed();
        seedXtal[nRECOphotons-1] = EcalClusterTools::getMaximum(*theSeed, ebRecHits).first;
        e1[nRECOphotons-1]       = EcalClusterTools::eMax(*theSeed, ebRecHits);
        e9[nRECOphotons-1]       = EcalClusterTools::e3x3(*theSeed, ebRecHits, topology ); 
        e25[nRECOphotons-1]      = EcalClusterTools::e5x5(*theSeed, ebRecHits, topology ); 
    // endcap
    if(std::fabs(etaTrue) >= 1.6) {
      double etaCurrent; // , etaFound = 0; // UNUSED
      double phiCurrent;
      // double etCurrent,  etFound  = 0; // UNUSED
      const reco::SuperCluster* nearSC = 0;
      double closestParticleDistance = 999; 
      for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator aClus = EndcapSuperClusters->begin(); 
          aClus != EndcapSuperClusters->end(); aClus++) {
        etaCurrent = aClus->position().eta();
        phiCurrent = aClus->position().phi();
        // etCurrent  =  aClus->energy()/std::cosh(etaCurrent);
        double deltaR = std::sqrt(std::pow(etaCurrent-etaTrue,2)+std::pow(phiCurrent-phiTrue,2));
        if(deltaR < closestParticleDistance) {
          // etFound  = etCurrent; // UNUSED
          // etaFound = etaCurrent; // UNUSED
          closestParticleDistance = deltaR;
      if(closestParticleDistance < 0.3) {
        //Is a matched particle dumping informations
        float psEnergy = nearSC->preshowerEnergy();
        superClusterEnergy[nRECOphotons-1]=nearSC->rawEnergy() + psEnergy;
        superClusterEt[nRECOphotons-1]=(nearSC->rawEnergy() + psEnergy)/std::cosh(nearSC->position().eta());

        reco::CaloClusterPtr theSeed = nearSC->seed();
        seedXtal[nRECOphotons-1] = EcalClusterTools::getMaximum(*theSeed, eeRecHits).first;
        e1[nRECOphotons-1]       = EcalClusterTools::eMax(*theSeed, eeRecHits) + psEnergy;
        e9[nRECOphotons-1]       = EcalClusterTools::e3x3(*theSeed, eeRecHits, topology ) + psEnergy; 
        e25[nRECOphotons-1]      = EcalClusterTools::e5x5(*theSeed, eeRecHits, topology ) + psEnergy; 

  // containment analysis for unconverted photons in the reference region only
  for (int i=0;i<nRECOphotons;i++) {

    // barrel
    if (fabs(superClusterEta[i]) < 1.479 ) {
      if (isConverted[iMC[i]] != 1){
        int ietaAbs = (seedXtal[i]>>9)&0x7F;
        int iphi    = seedXtal[i]&0x1FF;
        if (ietaAbs > 5 && ietaAbs < 21 && ((iphi % 20) > 5) && ((iphi % 20) < 16) ) {
          h_EB_eRecoEtrueReference -> Fill(superClusterEnergy[i]/mcEnergy[iMC[i]]);
          h_EB_e9EtrueReference    -> Fill(e9[i]/mcEnergy[iMC[i]]);
          h_EB_e25EtrueReference   -> Fill(e25[i]/mcEnergy[iMC[i]]);
    // endcap
    if (fabs(superClusterEta[i]) > 1.6 ) {
      if (isConverted[iMC[i]] != 1) {
        if ( fabs(superClusterEta[i]) > 1.7 && fabs(superClusterEta[i] < 2.3)  &&
             ((superClusterPhi[i] > -CLHEP::pi/2. + 0.1 && superClusterPhi[i] < CLHEP::pi/2. - 0.1) ||
              (superClusterPhi[i] > CLHEP::pi/2. + 0.1) ||
              (superClusterPhi[i] < -CLHEP::pi/2. - 0.1) 
            h_EE_eRecoEtrueReference -> Fill(superClusterEnergy[i]/mcEnergy[iMC[i]]);
            h_EE_e9EtrueReference    -> Fill(e9[i]/mcEnergy[iMC[i]]);
            h_EE_e25EtrueReference   -> Fill(e25[i]/mcEnergy[iMC[i]]);
  } // loop over reco photons
void ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 23 of file


  Service<TFileService> fs;  

  // Define reference histograms
  h_EB_eRecoEtrueReference = fs->make<TH1F>("EB_eRecoEtrueReference","EB_eRecoEtrueReference",440,0.,1.1);
  h_EB_e9EtrueReference    = fs->make<TH1F>("EB_e9EtrueReference",   "EB_e9EtrueReference",   440,0.,1.1);
  h_EB_e25EtrueReference   = fs->make<TH1F>("EB_e25EtrueReference",  "EB_e25EtrueReference",  440,0.,1.1);
  h_EE_eRecoEtrueReference = fs->make<TH1F>("EE_eRecoEtrueReference","EE_eRecoEtrueReference",440,0.,1.1);
  h_EE_e9EtrueReference    = fs->make<TH1F>("EE_e9EtrueReference",   "EE_e9EtrueReference",   440,0.,1.1);
  h_EE_e25EtrueReference   = fs->make<TH1F>("EE_e25EtrueReference",  "EE_e25EtrueReference",  440,0.,1.1);
  h_EB_eTrue               = fs->make<TH1F>("EB_eTrue",              "EB_eTrue",              41,40.,60.);
  h_EE_eTrue               = fs->make<TH1F>("EE_eTrue",              "EE_eTrue",              41,40.,60.);
  h_EB_converted           = fs->make<TH1F>("EB_converted",          "EB_converted",          2,0.,2.);
  h_EE_converted           = fs->make<TH1F>("EE_converted",          "EE_converted",          2,0.,2.);
float ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::ecalEta ( float  EtaParticle,
float  Zvertex,
float  plane_Radius 
) [private]

Definition at line 258 of file

References ETA, etaBarrelEndcap, create_public_lumi_plots::log, pi, R_ECAL, funct::tan(), and Z_Endcap.


  const float R_ECAL           = 136.5;
  const float Z_Endcap         = 328.0;
  const float etaBarrelEndcap  = 1.479;

  if(EtaParticle != 0.) {
    float Theta = 0.0  ;
    float ZEcal = (R_ECAL-plane_Radius)*sinh(EtaParticle)+Zvertex;
    if(ZEcal != 0.0) Theta = atan(R_ECAL/ZEcal);
    if(Theta<0.0) Theta = Theta+Geom::pi() ;
    float ETA = - log(tan(0.5*Theta));
    if( fabs(ETA) > etaBarrelEndcap ) {
      float Zend = Z_Endcap ;
      if(EtaParticle<0.0 )  Zend = -Zend ;
      float Zlen = Zend - Zvertex ;
      float RR = Zlen/sinh(EtaParticle);
      Theta = atan((RR+plane_Radius)/Zend);
      if(Theta<0.0) Theta = Theta+Geom::pi() ;
      ETA = - log(tan(0.5*Theta));
    return ETA;
  else {
    LogWarning("")  << "[ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::ecalEta] Warning: Eta equals to zero, not correcting" ;
    return EtaParticle;
void ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 256 of file

{ }
void ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::fillMcTruth ( std::vector< SimTrack > &  theSimTracks,
std::vector< SimVertex > &  theSimVertices 
) [private]

Definition at line 424 of file


  unsigned nVtx = simVertices.size();
  unsigned nTks = simTracks.size();
  if ( nVtx == 0 ) return;
  // create a map associating geant particle id and position in the event SimTrack vector
  for( unsigned it=0; it<nTks; ++it ) {
    geantToIndex_[ simTracks[it].trackId() ] = it;
std::vector< EcalSimPhotonMCTruth > ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::findMcTruth ( std::vector< SimTrack > &  theSimTracks,
std::vector< SimVertex > &  theSimVertices 
) [private]

store this electron since it's from a converted photon

Definition at line 292 of file

References abs, if(), SimVertex::parentIndex(), CoreSimVertex::position(), and query::result.


  std::vector<EcalSimPhotonMCTruth> result;

  // int   idTrk1_[10]; // UNUSED
  // int   idTrk2_[10]; // UNUSED
  // Local variables  
  // const int SINGLE=1; // UNUSED
  // const int DOUBLE=2; // UNUSED
  // const int PYTHIA=3; // UNUSED
  const int ELECTRON_FLAV=1;
  const int PIZERO_FLAV=2;
  const int PHOTON_FLAV=3;
  // int ievtype=0; // UNUSED
  int ievflav=0;
  std::vector<SimTrack*> photonTracks;
  std::vector<SimTrack*> pizeroTracks;
  std::vector<const SimTrack *> trkFromConversion;
  SimVertex primVtx;   
  std::vector<int> convInd;

  fillMcTruth(theSimTracks,  theSimVertices);
  int iPV=-1;   
  int partType1=0;
  int partType2=0;
  std::vector<SimTrack>::iterator iFirstSimTk = theSimTracks.begin();
  if (  !(*iFirstSimTk).noVertex() ) {
    iPV =  (*iFirstSimTk).vertIndex();
    int vtxId =   (*iFirstSimTk).vertIndex();
    primVtx = theSimVertices[vtxId];  
    partType1 = (*iFirstSimTk).type();
  // Look at a second track
  if ( iFirstSimTk!=  theSimTracks.end() ) {    
    if (  (*iFirstSimTk).vertIndex() == iPV) {
      partType2 = (*iFirstSimTk).type();  
  int npv=0;
  int iPho=0;
  for (std::vector<SimTrack>::iterator iSimTk = theSimTracks.begin(); iSimTk != theSimTracks.end(); ++iSimTk){
    if (  (*iSimTk).noVertex() ) continue;
    // int vertexId = (*iSimTk).vertIndex(); // UNUSED
    // SimVertex vertex = theSimVertices[vertexId]; // UNUSED
    if ( (*iSimTk).vertIndex() == iPV ) {
      if ( (*iSimTk).type() == 22) {
        photonTracks.push_back( &(*iSimTk) );
        // math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum = (*iSimTk).momentum(); // UNUSED
  if(npv > 4) { // ievtype = PYTHIA; // UNUSED
  } else if(npv == 1) {
    if( abs(partType1) == 11 ) { /* ievtype = SINGLE; ==UNUSED== */ ievflav = ELECTRON_FLAV; } 
    else if(partType1 == 111)  { /* ievtype = SINGLE; ==UNUSED== */ ievflav = PIZERO_FLAV; } 
    else if(partType1 == 22)   { /* ievtype = SINGLE; ==UNUSED== */ ievflav = PHOTON_FLAV; }
  } else if(npv == 2) {
    if (  abs(partType1) == 11 && abs(partType2) == 11 ) { /* ievtype = DOUBLE; ==UNUSED== */ ievflav = ELECTRON_FLAV; } 
    else if(partType1 == 111 && partType2 == 111)        { /* ievtype = DOUBLE; ==UNUSED== */ ievflav = PIZERO_FLAV; } 
    else if(partType1 == 22 && partType2 == 22)          { /* ievtype = DOUBLE; ==UNUSED== */ ievflav = PHOTON_FLAV; }
  //  Look into converted photons  
  int isAconversion=0;   
  if(ievflav == PHOTON_FLAV) {

    int nConv=0;
    int iConv=0;
    for (std::vector<SimTrack*>::iterator iPhoTk = photonTracks.begin(); iPhoTk != photonTracks.end(); ++iPhoTk){
      for (std::vector<SimTrack>::iterator iSimTk = theSimTracks.begin(); iSimTk != theSimTracks.end(); ++iSimTk){
        if (  (*iSimTk).noVertex() )                    continue;
        if ( (*iSimTk).vertIndex() == iPV )             continue; 
        if ( abs((*iSimTk).type()) != 11  )             continue;
        int vertexId = (*iSimTk).vertIndex();
        SimVertex vertex = theSimVertices[vertexId];
        int motherId=-1;
        if ( vertex.parentIndex()  ) {
          unsigned  motherGeantId = vertex.parentIndex(); 
          std::map<unsigned, unsigned >::iterator association = geantToIndex_.find( motherGeantId );
          if(association != geantToIndex_.end() )
            motherId = association->second;
          //int motherType = motherId == -1 ? 0 : theSimTracks[motherId].type();
          if ( theSimTracks[motherId].trackId() == (*iPhoTk)->trackId() ) {
            trkFromConversion.push_back(&(*iSimTk ) );
      } // loop over the SimTracks      
      if ( trkFromConversion.size() > 0 ) {
        int convVtxId =  trkFromConversion[0]->vertIndex();
        SimVertex convVtx = theSimVertices[convVtxId];
        math::XYZTLorentzVectorD vtxPosition = convVtx.position();
        // math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum = (*iPhoTk)->momentum(); // UNUSED
        if ( nConv <= 10) {         
          if ( trkFromConversion.size() > 1) {
            // idTrk1_[iConv]= trkFromConversion[0]->trackId(); // UNUSED
            // idTrk2_[iConv]= trkFromConversion[1]->trackId(); // UNUSED
          } else {
            // idTrk1_[iConv]=trkFromConversion[0]->trackId(); // UNUSED
            // idTrk2_[iConv]=-1; // UNUSED
        result.push_back( EcalSimPhotonMCTruth(isAconversion, (*iPhoTk)->momentum(),,  vtxPosition.z() , vtxPosition,   primVtx.position(), trkFromConversion ));
       } else {
         math::XYZTLorentzVectorD vtxPosition(0.,0.,0.,0.);
         result.push_back( EcalSimPhotonMCTruth(isAconversion, (*iPhoTk)->momentum(),,  vtxPosition.z() , vtxPosition,   primVtx.position(), trkFromConversion ));
    } // loop over the primary photons
  }   // Event with one or two photons 

  return result;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 64 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::e1 [private]

Definition at line 75 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::e25 [private]

Definition at line 75 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::e9 [private]

Definition at line 75 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 65 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::map<unsigned, unsigned> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::geantToIndex_ [private]

Definition at line 79 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 89 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 83 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 82 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 81 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 87 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 90 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 86 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 85 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 84 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 88 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<int> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::iMC [private]

Definition at line 77 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<int> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::isConverted [private]

Definition at line 71 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::mcEnergy [private]

Definition at line 70 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::mcEta [private]

Definition at line 70 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::mcPhi [private]

Definition at line 70 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::mcPt [private]

Definition at line 70 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 69 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 73 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 66 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 67 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<int> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::seedXtal [private]

Definition at line 76 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 62 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 63 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

Definition at line 74 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::superClusterEt [private]

Definition at line 74 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::superClusterEta [private]

Definition at line 74 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::superClusterPhi [private]

Definition at line 74 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::x_vtx [private]

Definition at line 72 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::y_vtx [private]

Definition at line 72 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.

std::vector<float> ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer::z_vtx [private]

Definition at line 72 of file ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer.h.