![]() |
![]() |
#include <RecoVertex/V0Producer/src/V0Fitter.cc>
Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">
Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">
Definition at line 57 of file V0Fitter.h.
V0Fitter::V0Fitter | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | theParams, |
const edm::Event & | iEvent, | ||
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) |
Definition at line 49 of file V0Fitter.cc.
References chi2Cut, collinCut, doKshorts, doLambdas, fitAll(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), impactParameterSigCut, innerHitPosCut, kShortMassCut, lambdaMassCut, mPiPiCut, qualities, reco::TrackBase::qualityByName(), recoAlg, rVtxCut, tkChi2Cut, tkDCACut, tkNhitsCut, useRefTrax, vtxFitter, and vtxSigCut.
{ using std::string; // Get the track reco algorithm from the ParameterSet recoAlg = theParameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("trackRecoAlgorithm"); // ------> Initialize parameters from PSet. ALL TRACKED, so no defaults. // First set bits to do various things: // -decide whether to use the KVF track smoother, and whether to store those // tracks in the reco::Vertex useRefTrax = theParameters.getParameter<bool>(string("useSmoothing")); // -whether to reconstruct K0s doKshorts = theParameters.getParameter<bool>(string("selectKshorts")); // -whether to reconstruct Lambdas doLambdas = theParameters.getParameter<bool>(string("selectLambdas")); // Second, initialize post-fit cuts chi2Cut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("vtxChi2Cut")); tkChi2Cut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("tkChi2Cut")); tkNhitsCut = theParameters.getParameter<int>(string("tkNhitsCut")); rVtxCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("rVtxCut")); vtxSigCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("vtxSignificance2DCut")); collinCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("collinearityCut")); kShortMassCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("kShortMassCut")); lambdaMassCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("lambdaMassCut")); impactParameterSigCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("impactParameterSigCut")); mPiPiCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("mPiPiCut")); tkDCACut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("tkDCACut")); vtxFitter = theParameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("vertexFitter"); innerHitPosCut = theParameters.getParameter<double>(string("innerHitPosCut")); std::vector<std::string> qual = theParameters.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("trackQualities"); for (unsigned int ndx = 0; ndx < qual.size(); ndx++) { qualities.push_back(reco::TrackBase::qualityByName(qual[ndx])); } //edm::LogInfo("V0Producer") << "Using " << vtxFitter << " to fit V0 vertices.\n"; //std::cout << "Using " << vtxFitter << " to fit V0 vertices." << std::endl; // FOR DEBUG: //initFileOutput(); //-------------------- //std::cout << "Entering V0Producer" << std::endl; fitAll(iEvent, iSetup); // FOR DEBUG: //cleanupFileOutput(); //-------------------- }
V0Fitter::~V0Fitter | ( | ) |
Definition at line 102 of file V0Fitter.cc.
{ }
void V0Fitter::cleanupFileOutput | ( | ) | [inline, private] |
double V0Fitter::findV0MassError | ( | const GlobalPoint & | vtxPos, |
std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > | dauTracks | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 508 of file V0Fitter.cc.
return -1.;
void V0Fitter::fitAll | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file V0Fitter.cc.
References abs, ClosestApproachInRPhi::calculate(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), reco::Vertex::chi2(), chi2Cut, gather_cfg::cout, reco::Vertex::covariance(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::crossingPoint(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::distance(), doKshorts, doLambdas, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), TransientVertex::hasRefittedTracks(), impactParameterSigCut, reco::TransientTrack::impactPointTSCP(), trajectoryStateTransform::initialFreeState(), innerHitPosCut, TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint::isValid(), TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine::isValid(), TransientVertex::isValid(), kShortMass, kShortMassCut, lambdaMass, lambdaMassCut, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag2(), mag2(), magField, scaleCards::mass, TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint::momentum(), mPiPiCut, reco::Vertex::ndof(), reco::Vertex::normalizedChi2(), piMassSquared, protonMassSquared, qualities, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, recoAlg, TransientVertex::refittedTracks(), rVtxCut, AddFourMomenta::set(), reco::RecoChargedCandidate::setTrack(), Measurement1D::significance(), mathSSE::sqrt(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::status(), theKshorts, theLambdas, TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint::theState(), tkChi2Cut, tkDCACut, tkNhitsCut, TransientVertex::totalChiSquared(), trackerGeom, reco::TransientTrack::trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(), TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine::transverseImpactParameter(), useRefTrax, KalmanVertexFitter::vertex(), AdaptiveVertexFitter::vertex(), vtxFitter, vtxSigCut, reco::Vertex::x(), reco::Vertex::y(), and reco::Vertex::z().
Referenced by V0Fitter().
{ using std::vector; using std::cout; using std::endl; using namespace reco; using namespace edm; // Create std::vectors for Tracks and TrackRefs (required for // passing to the KalmanVertexFitter) std::vector<TrackRef> theTrackRefs; std::vector<TransientTrack> theTransTracks; // Handles for tracks, B-field, and tracker geometry Handle<reco::TrackCollection> theTrackHandle; Handle<reco::BeamSpot> theBeamSpotHandle; ESHandle<MagneticField> bFieldHandle; ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> trackerGeomHandle; ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> globTkGeomHandle; //cout << "Check 0" << endl; // Get the tracks from the event, and get the B-field record // from the EventSetup iEvent.getByLabel(recoAlg, theTrackHandle); iEvent.getByLabel(std::string("offlineBeamSpot"), theBeamSpotHandle); if( !theTrackHandle->size() ) return; iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(bFieldHandle); iSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get(trackerGeomHandle); iSetup.get<GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord>().get(globTkGeomHandle); trackerGeom = trackerGeomHandle.product(); magField = bFieldHandle.product(); // Fill vectors of TransientTracks and TrackRefs after applying preselection cuts. for(unsigned int indx = 0; indx < theTrackHandle->size(); indx++) { TrackRef tmpRef( theTrackHandle, indx ); bool quality_ok = true; if (qualities.size()!=0) { quality_ok = false; for (unsigned int ndx_ = 0; ndx_ < qualities.size(); ndx_++) { if (tmpRef->quality(qualities[ndx_])){ quality_ok = true; break; } } } if( !quality_ok ) continue; if( tmpRef->normalizedChi2() < tkChi2Cut && tmpRef->numberOfValidHits() >= tkNhitsCut ) { TransientTrack tmpTk( *tmpRef, &(*bFieldHandle), globTkGeomHandle ); FreeTrajectoryState initialFTS = trajectoryStateTransform::initialFreeState(*tmpRef, magField); TSCBLBuilderNoMaterial blsBuilder; TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine tscb( blsBuilder(initialFTS, *theBeamSpotHandle) ); if( tscb.isValid() ) { if( tscb.transverseImpactParameter().significance() > impactParameterSigCut ) { theTrackRefs.push_back( tmpRef ); theTransTracks.push_back( tmpTk ); } } } } // Good tracks have now been selected for vertexing. Move on to vertex fitting. // Loop over tracks and vertex good charged track pairs for(unsigned int trdx1 = 0; trdx1 < theTrackRefs.size(); trdx1++) { for(unsigned int trdx2 = trdx1 + 1; trdx2 < theTrackRefs.size(); trdx2++) { //This vector holds the pair of oppositely-charged tracks to be vertexed std::vector<TransientTrack> transTracks; TrackRef positiveTrackRef; TrackRef negativeTrackRef; TransientTrack* posTransTkPtr = 0; TransientTrack* negTransTkPtr = 0; // Look at the two tracks we're looping over. If they're oppositely // charged, load them into the hypothesized positive and negative tracks // and references to be sent to the KalmanVertexFitter if(theTrackRefs[trdx1]->charge() < 0. && theTrackRefs[trdx2]->charge() > 0.) { negativeTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx1]; positiveTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx2]; negTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx1]; posTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx2]; } else if(theTrackRefs[trdx1]->charge() > 0. && theTrackRefs[trdx2]->charge() < 0.) { negativeTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx2]; positiveTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx1]; negTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx2]; posTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx1]; } // If they're not 2 oppositely charged tracks, loop back to the // beginning and try the next pair. else continue; // Fill the vector of TransientTracks to send to KVF transTracks.push_back(*posTransTkPtr); transTracks.push_back(*negTransTkPtr); // Trajectory states to calculate DCA for the 2 tracks FreeTrajectoryState posState = posTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().theState(); FreeTrajectoryState negState = negTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().theState(); if( !posTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().isValid() || !negTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().isValid() ) continue; // Measure distance between tracks at their closest approach ClosestApproachInRPhi cApp; cApp.calculate(posState, negState); if( !cApp.status() ) continue; float dca = fabs( cApp.distance() ); GlobalPoint cxPt = cApp.crossingPoint(); if (dca < 0. || dca > tkDCACut) continue; if (sqrt( cxPt.x()*cxPt.x() + cxPt.y()*cxPt.y() ) > 120. || std::abs(cxPt.z()) > 300.) continue; // Get trajectory states for the tracks at POCA for later cuts TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint posTSCP = posTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint( cxPt ); TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint negTSCP = negTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint( cxPt ); if( !posTSCP.isValid() || !negTSCP.isValid() ) continue; /*double posESq = posTSCP.momentum().mag2() + piMassSquared; double negESq = negTSCP.momentum().mag2() + piMassSquared; double posE = sqrt(posESq); double negE = sqrt(negESq); double totalE = posE + negE;*/ double totalE = sqrt( posTSCP.momentum().mag2() + piMassSquared ) + sqrt( negTSCP.momentum().mag2() + piMassSquared ); double totalESq = totalE*totalE; double totalPSq = ( posTSCP.momentum() + negTSCP.momentum() ).mag2(); double mass = sqrt( totalESq - totalPSq); //mPiPiMassOut << mass << std::endl; if( mass > mPiPiCut ) continue; // Create the vertex fitter object and vertex the tracks TransientVertex theRecoVertex; if(vtxFitter == std::string("KalmanVertexFitter")) { KalmanVertexFitter theKalmanFitter(useRefTrax == 0 ? false : true); theRecoVertex = theKalmanFitter.vertex(transTracks); } else if (vtxFitter == std::string("AdaptiveVertexFitter")) { useRefTrax = false; AdaptiveVertexFitter theAdaptiveFitter; theRecoVertex = theAdaptiveFitter.vertex(transTracks); } // If the vertex is valid, make a VertexCompositeCandidate with it if( !theRecoVertex.isValid() || theRecoVertex.totalChiSquared() < 0. ) { continue; } // Create reco::Vertex object for use in creating the Candidate reco::Vertex theVtx = theRecoVertex; // Create and fill vector of refitted TransientTracks // (iff they've been created by the KVF) std::vector<TransientTrack> refittedTrax; if( theRecoVertex.hasRefittedTracks() ) { refittedTrax = theRecoVertex.refittedTracks(); } // Do post-fit cuts if specified in config file. // Find the vertex d0 and its error typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 3, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double, 3> > SMatrixSym3D; typedef ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3> SVector3; GlobalPoint vtxPos(theVtx.x(), theVtx.y(), theVtx.z()); GlobalPoint beamSpotPos(theBeamSpotHandle->position().x(), theBeamSpotHandle->position().y(), theBeamSpotHandle->position().z()); SMatrixSym3D totalCov = theBeamSpotHandle->rotatedCovariance3D() + theVtx.covariance(); SVector3 distanceVector(vtxPos.x() - beamSpotPos.x(), vtxPos.y() - beamSpotPos.y(), 0.);//so that we get radial values only, //since z beamSpot uncertainty is huge double rVtxMag = ROOT::Math::Mag(distanceVector); double sigmaRvtxMag = sqrt(ROOT::Math::Similarity(totalCov, distanceVector)) / rVtxMag; // The methods innerOk() and innerPosition() require TrackExtra, which // is only available in the RECO data tier, not AOD. Setting innerHitPosCut // to -1 avoids this problem and allows to run on AOD. if( innerHitPosCut > 0. && positiveTrackRef->innerOk() ) { reco::Vertex::Point posTkHitPos = positiveTrackRef->innerPosition(); double posTkHitPosD2 = (posTkHitPos.x()-beamSpotPos.x())*(posTkHitPos.x()-beamSpotPos.x()) + (posTkHitPos.y()-beamSpotPos.y())*(posTkHitPos.y()-beamSpotPos.y()); if( sqrt( posTkHitPosD2 ) < ( rVtxMag - sigmaRvtxMag*innerHitPosCut ) ) { continue; } } if( innerHitPosCut > 0. && negativeTrackRef->innerOk() ) { reco::Vertex::Point negTkHitPos = negativeTrackRef->innerPosition(); double negTkHitPosD2 = (negTkHitPos.x()-beamSpotPos.x())*(negTkHitPos.x()-beamSpotPos.x()) + (negTkHitPos.y()-beamSpotPos.y())*(negTkHitPos.y()-beamSpotPos.y()); if( sqrt( negTkHitPosD2 ) < ( rVtxMag - sigmaRvtxMag*innerHitPosCut ) ) { continue; } } if( theVtx.normalizedChi2() > chi2Cut || rVtxMag < rVtxCut || rVtxMag / sigmaRvtxMag < vtxSigCut ) { continue; } // Cuts finished, now we create the candidates and push them back into the collections. std::auto_ptr<TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint> trajPlus; std::auto_ptr<TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint> trajMins; if( useRefTrax && refittedTrax.size() > 1 ) { // Need an iterator over the refitted tracks for below std::vector<TransientTrack>::iterator traxIter = refittedTrax.begin(), traxEnd = refittedTrax.end(); // TransientTrack objects to hold the positive and negative // refitted tracks TransientTrack* thePositiveRefTrack = 0; TransientTrack* theNegativeRefTrack = 0; for( ; traxIter != traxEnd; ++traxIter) { if( traxIter->track().charge() > 0. ) { thePositiveRefTrack = &*traxIter; } else if (traxIter->track().charge() < 0.) { theNegativeRefTrack = &*traxIter; } } if (thePositiveRefTrack == 0 || theNegativeRefTrack == 0) continue; trajPlus.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(thePositiveRefTrack->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos))); trajMins.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(theNegativeRefTrack->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos))); } else { trajPlus.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(posTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos))); trajMins.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(negTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos))); } if( trajPlus.get() == 0 || trajMins.get() == 0 || !trajPlus->isValid() || !trajMins->isValid() ) continue; posTransTkPtr = negTransTkPtr = 0; GlobalVector positiveP(trajPlus->momentum()); GlobalVector negativeP(trajMins->momentum()); GlobalVector totalP(positiveP + negativeP); //cleanup stuff we don't need anymore trajPlus.reset(); trajMins.reset(); // calculate total energy of V0 3 ways: // Assume it's a kShort, a Lambda, or a LambdaBar. double piPlusE = sqrt( positiveP.mag2() + piMassSquared ); double piMinusE = sqrt( negativeP.mag2() + piMassSquared ); double protonE = sqrt( positiveP.mag2() + protonMassSquared ); double antiProtonE = sqrt( negativeP.mag2() + protonMassSquared ); double kShortETot = piPlusE + piMinusE; double lambdaEtot = protonE + piMinusE; double lambdaBarEtot = antiProtonE + piPlusE; using namespace reco; // Create momentum 4-vectors for the 3 candidate types const Particle::LorentzVector kShortP4(totalP.x(), totalP.y(), totalP.z(), kShortETot); const Particle::LorentzVector lambdaP4(totalP.x(), totalP.y(), totalP.z(), lambdaEtot); const Particle::LorentzVector lambdaBarP4(totalP.x(), totalP.y(), totalP.z(), lambdaBarEtot); Particle::Point vtx(theVtx.x(), theVtx.y(), theVtx.z()); const Vertex::CovarianceMatrix vtxCov(theVtx.covariance()); double vtxChi2(theVtx.chi2()); double vtxNdof(theVtx.ndof()); // Create the VertexCompositeCandidate object that will be stored in the Event VertexCompositeCandidate* theKshort = 0; VertexCompositeCandidate* theLambda = 0; VertexCompositeCandidate* theLambdaBar = 0; if( doKshorts ) { theKshort = new VertexCompositeCandidate(0, kShortP4, vtx, vtxCov, vtxChi2, vtxNdof); } if( doLambdas ) { if( positiveP.mag() > negativeP.mag() ) { theLambda = new VertexCompositeCandidate(0, lambdaP4, vtx, vtxCov, vtxChi2, vtxNdof); } else { theLambdaBar = new VertexCompositeCandidate(0, lambdaBarP4, vtx, vtxCov, vtxChi2, vtxNdof); } } // Create daughter candidates for the VertexCompositeCandidates RecoChargedCandidate thePiPlusCand(1, Particle::LorentzVector(positiveP.x(), positiveP.y(), positiveP.z(), piPlusE), vtx); thePiPlusCand.setTrack(positiveTrackRef); RecoChargedCandidate thePiMinusCand(-1, Particle::LorentzVector(negativeP.x(), negativeP.y(), negativeP.z(), piMinusE), vtx); thePiMinusCand.setTrack(negativeTrackRef); RecoChargedCandidate theProtonCand(1, Particle::LorentzVector(positiveP.x(), positiveP.y(), positiveP.z(), protonE), vtx); theProtonCand.setTrack(positiveTrackRef); RecoChargedCandidate theAntiProtonCand(-1, Particle::LorentzVector(negativeP.x(), negativeP.y(), negativeP.z(), antiProtonE), vtx); theAntiProtonCand.setTrack(negativeTrackRef); AddFourMomenta addp4; // Store the daughter Candidates in the VertexCompositeCandidates // if they pass mass cuts if( doKshorts ) { theKshort->addDaughter(thePiPlusCand); theKshort->addDaughter(thePiMinusCand); theKshort->setPdgId(310); addp4.set( *theKshort ); if( theKshort->mass() < kShortMass + kShortMassCut && theKshort->mass() > kShortMass - kShortMassCut ) { theKshorts.push_back( *theKshort ); } } if( doLambdas && theLambda ) { theLambda->addDaughter(theProtonCand); theLambda->addDaughter(thePiMinusCand); theLambda->setPdgId(3122); addp4.set( *theLambda ); if( theLambda->mass() < lambdaMass + lambdaMassCut && theLambda->mass() > lambdaMass - lambdaMassCut ) { theLambdas.push_back( *theLambda ); } } else if ( doLambdas && theLambdaBar ) { theLambdaBar->addDaughter(theAntiProtonCand); theLambdaBar->addDaughter(thePiPlusCand); theLambdaBar->setPdgId(-3122); addp4.set( *theLambdaBar ); if( theLambdaBar->mass() < lambdaMass + lambdaMassCut && theLambdaBar->mass() > lambdaMass - lambdaMassCut ) { theLambdas.push_back( *theLambdaBar ); } } if(theKshort) delete theKshort; if(theLambda) delete theLambda; if(theLambdaBar) delete theLambdaBar; theKshort = theLambda = theLambdaBar = 0; } } }
const reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection & V0Fitter::getKshorts | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 498 of file V0Fitter.cc.
References theKshorts.
Referenced by V0Producer::produce().
{ return theKshorts; }
const reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection & V0Fitter::getLambdas | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 502 of file V0Fitter.cc.
References theLambdas.
Referenced by V0Producer::produce().
{ return theLambdas; }
void V0Fitter::initFileOutput | ( | ) | [inline, private] |
Definition at line 115 of file V0Fitter.h.
References mPiPiMassOut.
{ mPiPiMassOut.open("mPiPi.txt", std::ios::app); }
double V0Fitter::chi2Cut [private] |
Definition at line 87 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::collinCut [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by V0Fitter().
bool V0Fitter::doKshorts [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
bool V0Fitter::doLambdas [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::impactParameterSigCut [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::innerHitPosCut [private] |
Definition at line 99 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::kShortMassCut [private] |
Definition at line 94 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::lambdaMassCut [private] |
Definition at line 95 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
const MagneticField* V0Fitter::magField [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll().
double V0Fitter::mPiPiCut [private] |
Definition at line 97 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
std::ofstream V0Fitter::mPiPiMassOut [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by cleanupFileOutput(), and initFileOutput().
std::vector<reco::TrackBase::TrackQuality> V0Fitter::qualities [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
edm::InputTag V0Fitter::recoAlg [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::rVtxCut [private] |
Definition at line 90 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
bool V0Fitter::storeRefTrax [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file V0Fitter.h.
Definition at line 69 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and getKshorts().
Definition at line 70 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and getLambdas().
double V0Fitter::tkChi2Cut [private] |
Definition at line 88 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::tkDCACut [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
int V0Fitter::tkNhitsCut [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
const TrackerGeometry* V0Fitter::trackerGeom [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll().
bool V0Fitter::useRefTrax [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
edm::InputTag V0Fitter::vtxFitter [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::vtxSigCut [private] |
Definition at line 91 of file V0Fitter.h.
Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().
double V0Fitter::vtxSigCut3D [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file V0Fitter.h.