![]() |
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#include <Validation/RecoVertex/src/V0Validator.cc>
Description: Creates validation histograms for RecoVertex/V0Producer
Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">
Definition at line 88 of file V0Validator.h.
V0Validator::V0Validator | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | iConfig | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 36 of file V0Validator.cc.
References genK0s, genLam, k0sCandFound, lamCandFound, noTPforK0sCand, noTPforLamCand, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, realK0sFound, realK0sFoundEff, realLamFound, realLamFoundEff, and theDQMstore.
: theDQMRootFileName(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("DQMRootFileName")), k0sCollectionTag(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("kShortCollection")), lamCollectionTag(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("lambdaCollection")), dirName(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("dirName")) { genLam = genK0s = realLamFoundEff = realK0sFoundEff = lamCandFound = k0sCandFound = noTPforK0sCand = noTPforLamCand = realK0sFound = realLamFound = 0; theDQMstore = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); }
V0Validator::~V0Validator | ( | ) |
Definition at line 47 of file V0Validator.cc.
{ }
void V0Validator::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 451 of file V0Validator.cc.
References abs, gather_cfg::cout, fakeKsMass, fakeLamMass, MonitorElement::Fill(), genK0s, genLam, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), goodKsMass, goodLamMass, i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), j, K0sCandEta, K0sCandpT, K0sCandR, K0sCandStatus, k0sCollectionTag, K0sGenEta, K0sGenpT, K0sGenR, K0sGenStatus, K0sPiCandStatus, K0sPiEff, k0sTracksFound, ksCandStatus, ksEffVsEta_denom, ksEffVsEta_num, ksEffVsPt_denom, ksEffVsPt_num, ksEffVsR_denom, ksEffVsR_num, ksFakeDauRadDist, ksFakeVsEta_denom, ksFakeVsEta_num, ksFakeVsPt_denom, ksFakeVsPt_num, ksFakeVsR_denom, ksFakeVsR_num, ksMassAll, ksTkEffVsEta_num, ksTkEffVsPt_num, ksTkEffVsR_num, ksTkFakeVsEta_num, ksTkFakeVsPt_num, ksTkFakeVsR_num, LamCandEta, LamCandpT, LamCandR, lamCandStatus, LamCandStatus, lamCollectionTag, lamEffVsEta_denom, lamEffVsEta_num, lamEffVsPt_denom, lamEffVsPt_num, lamEffVsR_denom, lamEffVsR_num, lamFakeDauRadDist, lamFakeVsEta_denom, lamFakeVsEta_num, lamFakeVsPt_denom, lamFakeVsPt_num, lamFakeVsR_denom, lamFakeVsR_num, LamGenEta, LamGenpT, LamGenR, LamGenStatus, lamMassAll, LamPiCandStatus, LamPiEff, lamTkEffVsEta_num, lamTkEffVsPt_num, lamTkEffVsR_num, lamTkFakeVsEta_num, lamTkFakeVsPt_num, lamTkFakeVsR_num, scaleCards::mass, ParticleBase::momentum(), nKs, nLam, noTPforK0sCand, noTPforLamCand, TrackingParticle::parentVertex(), TrackingParticle::pdgId(), realK0sFound, realK0sFoundEff, realLamFound, realLamFoundEff, mathSSE::sqrt(), and ParticleBase::vertex().
{ using std::cout; using std::endl; using namespace edm; using namespace std; //cout << "In analyze(), getting collections..." << endl; // Get event setup info, B-field and tracker geometry ESHandle<MagneticField> bFieldHandle; iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(bFieldHandle); ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> globTkGeomHandle; iSetup.get<GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord>().get(globTkGeomHandle); // Make matching collections //reco::RecoToSimCollection recSimColl; //reco::SimToRecoCollection simRecColl; Handle<reco::RecoToSimCollection > recotosimCollectionH; iEvent.getByLabel("trackingParticleRecoTrackAsssociation", recotosimCollectionH); //recSimColl= *( recotosimCollectionH.product() ); Handle<reco::SimToRecoCollection> simtorecoCollectionH; iEvent.getByLabel("trackingParticleRecoTrackAsssociation", simtorecoCollectionH); //simRecColl= *( simtorecoCollectionH.product() ); edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection> TPCollectionEff ; iEvent.getByLabel("mergedtruth", "MergedTrackTruth", TPCollectionEff); const TrackingParticleCollection tPCeff = *( TPCollectionEff.product() ); edm::ESHandle<TrackAssociatorBase> associatorByHits; iSetup.get<TrackAssociatorRecord>().get("TrackAssociatorByHits", associatorByHits); //VertexAssociatorBase* associatorByTracks; // edm::ESHandle<VertexAssociatorBase> theTracksAssociator; // iSetup.get<VertexAssociatorRecord>().get("VertexAssociatorByTracks",theTracksAssociator); // associatorByTracks = (VertexAssociatorBase *) theTracksAssociator.product(); // Get tracks Handle< View<reco::Track> > trackCollectionH; iEvent.getByLabel("generalTracks", trackCollectionH); Handle<SimTrackContainer> simTrackCollection; iEvent.getByLabel("g4SimHits", simTrackCollection); const SimTrackContainer simTC = *(simTrackCollection.product()); Handle<SimVertexContainer> simVertexCollection; iEvent.getByLabel("g4SimHits", simVertexCollection); const SimVertexContainer simVC = *(simVertexCollection.product()); //Get tracking particles // -->tracks edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection> TPCollectionH ; iEvent.getByLabel("mergedtruth", "MergedTrackTruth", TPCollectionH); const View<reco::Track> tC = *( trackCollectionH.product() ); // edm::Handle<TrackingVertexCollection> TVCollectionH ; // iEvent.getByLabel("trackingParticles","VertexTruth",TVCollectionH); // const TrackingVertexCollection tVC = *(TVCollectionH.product()); // Select the primary vertex, create a new reco::Vertex to hold it edm::Handle< std::vector<reco::Vertex> > primaryVtxCollectionH; iEvent.getByLabel("offlinePrimaryVertices", primaryVtxCollectionH); const reco::VertexCollection primaryVertexCollection = *(primaryVtxCollectionH.product()); reco::Vertex* thePrimary = 0; std::vector<reco::Vertex>::const_iterator iVtxPH = primaryVtxCollectionH->begin(); for(std::vector<reco::Vertex>::const_iterator iVtx = primaryVtxCollectionH->begin(); iVtx < primaryVtxCollectionH->end(); iVtx++) { if(primaryVtxCollectionH->size() > 1) { if(iVtx->tracksSize() > iVtxPH->tracksSize()) { iVtxPH = iVtx; } } else iVtxPH = iVtx; } thePrimary = new reco::Vertex(*iVtxPH); //cout << "Done with collections, associating reco and sim..." << endl; //reco::RecoToSimCollection r2s = associatorByHits->associateRecoToSim(trackCollectionH,TPCollectionH,&iEvent ); //reco::SimToRecoCollection s2r = associatorByHits->associateSimToReco(trackCollectionH,TPCollectionH,&iEvent ); // reco::VertexRecoToSimCollection vr2s = associatorByTracks->associateRecoToSim(primaryVtxCollectionH, TVCollectionH, iEvent, r2s); // reco::VertexSimToRecoCollection vs2r = associatorByTracks->associateSimToReco(primaryVtxCollectionH, TVCollectionH, iEvent, s2r); //get the V0s; edm::Handle<reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection> k0sCollection; edm::Handle<reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection> lambdaCollection; //iEvent.getByLabel("generalV0Candidates", "Kshort", k0sCollection); //iEvent.getByLabel("generalV0Candidates", "Lambda", lambdaCollection); iEvent.getByLabel(k0sCollectionTag, k0sCollection); iEvent.getByLabel(lamCollectionTag, lambdaCollection); //make vector of pair of trackingParticles to hold good V0 candidates std::vector< pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackingParticleRef> > trueK0s; std::vector< pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackingParticleRef> > trueLams; std::vector<double> trueKsMasses; std::vector<double> trueLamMasses; // Do vertex calculations // /* if( k0sCollection->size() > 0 ) { for(reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator iK0s = k0sCollection->begin(); iK0s != k0sCollection->end(); iK0s++) { // Still can't actually associate the V0 vertex with a TrackingVertexCollection. // Is this a problem? You bet. reco::VertexCompositeCandidate::CovarianceMatrix aErr; iK0s->fillVertexCovariance(aErr); reco::Vertex tVtx(iK0s->vertex(), aErr); reco::VertexCollection *tVtxColl = 0; tVtxColl->push_back(tVtx); reco::VertexRef aVtx(tVtxColl, 0); //if(vr2s.find(iK0s->vertex()) != vr2s.end()) { if(vr2s.find(aVtx) != vr2s.end()) { //cout << "Found it in the collection." << endl; std::vector< std::pair<TrackingVertexRef, double> > vVR = (std::vector< std::pair<TrackingVertexRef, double> >) vr2s[aVtx]; } } } */ // Do fake rate calculation // //cout << "Starting K0s fake rate calculation" << endl; // Kshorts double numK0sFound = 0.; double mass = 0.; std::vector<double> radDist; // radDist.clear(); //cout << "K0s collection size: " << k0sCollection->size() << endl; if ( k0sCollection->size() > 0 ) { //cout << "In loop" << endl; vector<reco::TrackRef> theDaughterTracks; for( reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator iK0s = k0sCollection->begin(); iK0s != k0sCollection->end(); iK0s++) { //cout << "In loop 2" << endl; // Fill mass of all K0S ksMassAll->Fill( iK0s->mass() ); // Fill values to be histogrammed K0sCandpT = (sqrt( iK0s->momentum().perp2() )); K0sCandEta = iK0s->momentum().eta(); K0sCandR = (sqrt( iK0s->vertex().perp2() )); K0sCandStatus = 0; //cout << "MASS" << endl; mass = iK0s->mass(); //cout << "Pushing back daughters" << endl; theDaughterTracks.push_back( (*(dynamic_cast<const reco::RecoChargedCandidate *> (iK0s->daughter(0)) )).track() ); theDaughterTracks.push_back( (*(dynamic_cast<const reco::RecoChargedCandidate *> (iK0s->daughter(1)) )).track() ); //cout << "1" << endl; for (int itrack = 0; itrack < 2; itrack++) { K0sPiCandStatus[itrack] = 0; } std::vector< std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp; TrackingParticleRef tpref; TrackingParticleRef firstDauTP; TrackingVertexRef k0sVtx; //cout << "2" << endl; // Loop through K0s candidate daugher tracks for(View<reco::Track>::size_type i=0; i<theDaughterTracks.size(); ++i){ // Found track from theDaughterTracks RefToBase<reco::Track> track( theDaughterTracks.at(i) ); //if(recSimColl.find(track) != recSimColl.end()) { if(recotosimCollectionH->find(track) != recotosimCollectionH->end()) { //tp = recSimColl[track]; tp = (*recotosimCollectionH)[track]; if (tp.size() != 0) { K0sPiCandStatus[i] = 1; tpref = tp.begin()->first; //if( simRecColl.find(tpref) == simRecColl.end() ) { if( simtorecoCollectionH->find(tpref) == simtorecoCollectionH->end() ) { K0sPiCandStatus[i] = 3; } //cout << "3" << endl; TrackingVertexRef parentVertex = tpref->parentVertex(); if(parentVertex.isNonnull()) radDist.push_back(parentVertex->position().R()); if( parentVertex.isNonnull() ) { if( k0sVtx.isNonnull() ) { if( k0sVtx->position() == parentVertex->position() ) { if( parentVertex->nDaughterTracks() == 2 ) { if( parentVertex->nSourceTracks() == 0 ) { // No source tracks found for K0s vertex; shouldn't happen, but does for evtGen events K0sCandStatus = 6; } for( TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP = parentVertex->sourceTracks_begin(); iTP != parentVertex->sourceTracks_end(); iTP++) { if( (*iTP)->pdgId() == 310 ) { //cout << "4" << endl; K0sCandStatus = 1; realK0sFound++; numK0sFound += 1.; std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackingParticleRef> pair(firstDauTP, tpref); // Pushing back a good V0 trueK0s.push_back(pair); trueKsMasses.push_back(mass); } else { K0sCandStatus = 2; if( (*iTP)->pdgId() == 3122 ) { K0sCandStatus = 7; } } } } else { // Found a bad match because the mother has too many daughters K0sCandStatus = 3; } } else { // Found a bad match because the parent vertices from the two tracks are different K0sCandStatus = 4; } } else { // if k0sVtx is null, fill it with parentVertex to compare to the parentVertex from the second track k0sVtx = parentVertex; firstDauTP = tpref; } }//parent vertex is null }//tp size zero } else { //cout << "5" << endl; K0sPiCandStatus[i] = 2; noTPforK0sCand++; K0sCandStatus = 5; theDaughterTracks.clear(); } } //cout << "6" << endl; theDaughterTracks.clear(); // fill the fake rate histograms if( K0sCandStatus > 1 ) { //cout << "7" << endl; ksFakeVsR_num->Fill(K0sCandR); ksFakeVsEta_num->Fill(K0sCandEta); ksFakeVsPt_num->Fill(K0sCandpT); ksCandStatus->Fill((float) K0sCandStatus); fakeKsMass->Fill(mass); for( unsigned int ndx = 0; ndx < radDist.size(); ndx++ ) { ksFakeDauRadDist->Fill(radDist[ndx]); } } if( K0sCandStatus == 5 ) { ksTkFakeVsR_num->Fill(K0sCandR); ksTkFakeVsEta_num->Fill(K0sCandEta); ksTkFakeVsPt_num->Fill(K0sCandpT); } ksFakeVsR_denom->Fill(K0sCandR); ksFakeVsEta_denom->Fill(K0sCandEta); ksFakeVsPt_denom->Fill(K0sCandpT); } } //cout << "Outside loop, why would it fail here?" << endl; //double numK0sFound = (double) realK0sFound; //cout << "numK0sFound: " << numK0sFound << endl; nKs->Fill( (float) numK0sFound ); numK0sFound = 0.; //cout << "Starting Lambda fake rate calculation" << endl; double numLamFound = 0.; mass = 0.; radDist.clear(); // Lambdas if ( lambdaCollection->size() > 0 ) { //cout << "In lam loop." << endl; vector<reco::TrackRef> theDaughterTracks; for( reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection::const_iterator iLam = lambdaCollection->begin(); iLam != lambdaCollection->end(); iLam++) { // Fill mass plot with ALL lambdas lamMassAll->Fill( iLam->mass() ); // Fill values to be histogrammed LamCandpT = (sqrt( iLam->momentum().perp2() )); LamCandEta = iLam->momentum().eta(); LamCandR = (sqrt( iLam->vertex().perp2() )); LamCandStatus = 0; mass = iLam->mass(); //cout << "Lam daughter tracks" << endl; theDaughterTracks.push_back( (*(dynamic_cast<const reco::RecoChargedCandidate *> (iLam->daughter(0)) )).track() ); theDaughterTracks.push_back( (*(dynamic_cast<const reco::RecoChargedCandidate *> (iLam->daughter(1)) )).track() ); for (int itrack = 0; itrack < 2; itrack++) { LamPiCandStatus[itrack] = 0; } std::vector< std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp; TrackingParticleRef tpref; TrackingParticleRef firstDauTP; TrackingVertexRef LamVtx; // Loop through Lambda candidate daughter tracks for(View<reco::Track>::size_type i=0; i<theDaughterTracks.size(); ++i){ // Found track from theDaughterTracks //cout << "Looping over lam daughters" << endl; RefToBase<reco::Track> track( theDaughterTracks.at(i) ); //if(recSimColl.find(track) != recSimColl.end()) { if(recotosimCollectionH->find(track) != recotosimCollectionH->end()) { //tp = recSimColl[track]; tp = (*recotosimCollectionH)[track]; if (tp.size() != 0) { LamPiCandStatus[i] = 1; tpref = tp.begin()->first; //if( simRecColl.find(tpref) == simRecColl.end() ) { if( simtorecoCollectionH->find(tpref) == simtorecoCollectionH->end() ) { LamPiCandStatus[i] = 3; } TrackingVertexRef parentVertex = tpref->parentVertex(); if( parentVertex.isNonnull() ) radDist.push_back(parentVertex->position().R()); if( parentVertex.isNonnull() ) { if( LamVtx.isNonnull() ) { if( LamVtx->position() == parentVertex->position() ) { if( parentVertex->nDaughterTracks() == 2 ) { if( parentVertex->nSourceTracks() == 0 ) { // No source tracks found for K0s vertex; shouldn't happen, but does for evtGen events LamCandStatus = 6; } for( TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP = parentVertex->sourceTracks_begin(); iTP != parentVertex->sourceTracks_end(); ++iTP) { if( abs((*iTP)->pdgId()) == 3122 ) { LamCandStatus = 1; realLamFound++; numLamFound += 1.; std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackingParticleRef> pair(firstDauTP, tpref); // Pushing back a good V0 trueLams.push_back(pair); trueLamMasses.push_back(mass); } else { LamCandStatus = 2; if( abs((*iTP)->pdgId() ) == 310 ) { LamCandStatus = 7; } } //if(iTP != parentVertex->sourceTracks_end()) { //cout << "Bogus check 1" << endl; //} } } else { // Found a bad match because the mother has too many daughters LamCandStatus = 3; } } else { // Found a bad match because the parent vertices from the two tracks are different LamCandStatus = 4; } } else { // if lamVtx is null, fill it with parentVertex to compare to the parentVertex from the second track LamVtx = parentVertex; firstDauTP = tpref; } }//parent vertex is null }//tp size zero } else { LamPiCandStatus[i] = 2; noTPforLamCand++; LamCandStatus = 5; theDaughterTracks.clear(); } } theDaughterTracks.clear(); // fill the fake rate histograms //cout << "Fill lam fake rate histos" << endl; if( LamCandStatus > 1 ) { //cout << "fake 1" << endl; //cout << "fake 1.5" << endl; lamFakeVsR_num->Fill(LamCandR); //cout << "fake 2" << endl; lamFakeVsEta_num->Fill(LamCandEta); //cout << "fake 3" << endl; lamFakeVsPt_num->Fill(LamCandpT); //cout << "fake 4" << endl; lamCandStatus->Fill((float) LamCandStatus); //cout << "fake 5" << endl; fakeLamMass->Fill(mass); //cout << "fake 6" << endl; for( unsigned int ndx = 0; ndx < radDist.size(); ndx++ ) { lamFakeDauRadDist->Fill(radDist[ndx]); } } //cout << "Fill lam Tk fake histos" << endl; if( K0sCandStatus == 5 ) { lamTkFakeVsR_num->Fill(LamCandR); lamTkFakeVsEta_num->Fill(LamCandEta); lamTkFakeVsPt_num->Fill(LamCandpT); } //cout << "Fill denominators" << endl; lamFakeVsR_denom->Fill(LamCandR); lamFakeVsEta_denom->Fill(LamCandEta); lamFakeVsPt_denom->Fill(LamCandpT); } } //cout << "Filling numLamFound" << endl; nLam->Fill( (double) numLamFound ); numLamFound = 0.; // Do efficiency calculation // //cout << "Starting Lambda efficiency" << endl; // Lambdas for(TrackingParticleCollection::size_type i = 0; i < tPCeff.size(); i++) { TrackingParticleRef tpr1(TPCollectionEff, i); TrackingParticle* itp1 = const_cast<TrackingParticle*>(tpr1.get()); if( (itp1->pdgId() == 211 || itp1->pdgId() == 2212) && itp1->parentVertex().isNonnull() && abs(itp1->momentum().eta()) < 2.4 && sqrt( itp1->momentum().perp2() ) > 0.9) { bool isLambda = false; if( itp1->pdgId() == 2212 ) isLambda = true; if( itp1->parentVertex()->nDaughterTracks() == 2 ) { TrackingVertexRef piCand1Vertex = itp1->parentVertex(); for(TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP1 = piCand1Vertex->sourceTracks_begin(); iTP1 != piCand1Vertex->sourceTracks_end(); iTP1++) { if( abs((*iTP1)->pdgId()) == 3122 ) { //double motherpT = (*iTP1)->pt(); // ----->>>>>>Keep going here for(TrackingParticleCollection::size_type j=0; j < tPCeff.size(); j++) { TrackingParticleRef tpr2(TPCollectionEff, j); TrackingParticle* itp2 = const_cast<TrackingParticle*>(tpr2.get()); int particle2pdgId; if (isLambda) particle2pdgId = -211; else particle2pdgId = -2212; if( itp2->pdgId() == particle2pdgId && itp2->parentVertex().isNonnull() && abs(itp2->momentum().eta()) < 2.4 && sqrt(itp2->momentum().perp2()) > 0.9) { if(itp2->parentVertex() == itp1->parentVertex()) { // Found a good pair of Lambda daughters TrackingVertexRef piCand2Vertex = itp2->parentVertex(); for (TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP2 = piCand2Vertex->sourceTracks_begin(); iTP2 != piCand2Vertex->sourceTracks_end(); ++iTP2) { LamGenEta = LamGenpT = LamGenR = 0.; LamGenStatus = 0; for(int ifill = 0; ifill < 2; ifill++) { // do nothing? } if( abs((*iTP2)->pdgId()) == 3122 ) { // found generated Lambda LamGenpT = sqrt((*iTP2)->momentum().perp2()); LamGenEta = (*iTP2)->momentum().eta(); LamGenR = sqrt(itp2->vertex().perp2()); genLam++; if(trueLams.size() > 0) { int loop_1 = 0; for(std::vector< pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackingParticleRef> >::const_iterator iEffCheck = trueLams.begin(); iEffCheck != trueLams.end(); iEffCheck++) { //cout << "In LOOP" << endl; if( itp1->parentVertex() == iEffCheck->first->parentVertex() && itp2->parentVertex() == iEffCheck->second->parentVertex() ) { realLamFoundEff++; //V0Producer found the generated Lambda LamGenStatus = 1; //cout << "Maybe it's here.." << endl; goodLamMass->Fill(trueLamMasses[loop_1]); //cout << "Did we make it?" << endl; break; } else { //V0Producer didn't find the generated Lambda LamGenStatus = 2; } loop_1++; } } else { //No V0 cand found, so V0Producer didn't find the generated Lambda LamGenStatus = 2; } std::vector< std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > rt1; std::vector< std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > rt2; //if( simRecColl.find(tpr1) != simRecColl.end() ) { if( simtorecoCollectionH->find(tpr1) != simtorecoCollectionH->end() ) { //rt1 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) simRecColl[tpr1]; rt1 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) (*simtorecoCollectionH)[tpr1]; if(rt1.size() != 0) { LamPiEff[0] = 1; //Found the first daughter track edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> t1 = rt1.begin()->first; } } else { LamPiEff[0] = 2;//First daughter not found } //if( (simRecColl.find(tpr2) != simRecColl.end()) ) { if( (simtorecoCollectionH->find(tpr2) != simtorecoCollectionH->end()) ) { //rt2 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) simRecColl[tpr2]; rt2 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) (*simtorecoCollectionH)[tpr2]; if(rt2.size() != 0) { LamPiEff[1] = 1;//Found the second daughter track edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> t2 = rt2.begin()->first; } } else { LamPiEff[1] = 2;//Second daughter not found } if( LamGenStatus == 1 && (LamPiEff[0] == 2 || LamPiEff[1] == 2) ) { // Good Lambda found, but recoTrack->trackingParticle->recoTrack didn't work LamGenStatus = 4; realLamFoundEff--; } if( LamGenStatus == 2 && (LamPiEff[0] == 2 || LamPiEff[1] == 2) ) { // Lambda not found because we didn't find a daughter track LamGenStatus = 3; } //cout << "LamGenStatus: " << LamGenStatus << ", LamPiEff[i]: " << LamPiEff[0] << ", " << LamPiEff[1] << endl; // Fill histograms if(LamGenR > 0.) { if(LamGenStatus == 1) { lamEffVsR_num->Fill(LamGenR); } if((double) LamGenStatus < 2.5) { lamTkEffVsR_num->Fill(LamGenR); } lamEffVsR_denom->Fill(LamGenR); } if(abs(LamGenEta) > 0.) { if(LamGenStatus == 1) { lamEffVsEta_num->Fill(LamGenEta); } if((double) LamGenStatus < 2.5) { lamTkEffVsEta_num->Fill(LamGenEta); } lamEffVsEta_denom->Fill(LamGenEta); } if(LamGenpT > 0.) { if(LamGenStatus == 1) { lamEffVsPt_num->Fill(LamGenpT); } if((double) LamGenStatus < 2.5) { lamTkEffVsPt_num->Fill(LamGenpT); } lamEffVsPt_denom->Fill(LamGenpT); } } } } } } } } } } } //Kshorts //cout << "Starting Kshort efficiency" << endl; for (TrackingParticleCollection::size_type i=0; i<tPCeff.size(); i++){ TrackingParticleRef tpr1(TPCollectionEff, i); TrackingParticle* itp1=const_cast<TrackingParticle*>(tpr1.get()); // only count the efficiency for pions with |eta|<2.4 and pT>0.9 GeV. First search for a suitable pi+ if ( itp1->pdgId() == 211 && itp1->parentVertex().isNonnull() && abs(itp1->momentum().eta()) < 2.4 && sqrt(itp1->momentum().perp2()) > 0.9) { if ( itp1->parentVertex()->nDaughterTracks() == 2 ) { TrackingVertexRef piCand1Vertex = itp1->parentVertex(); //check trackingParticle pion for a Ks mother for (TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP1 = piCand1Vertex->sourceTracks_begin(); iTP1 != piCand1Vertex->sourceTracks_end(); ++iTP1) { //iTP1 is a TrackingParticle if ( (*iTP1)->pdgId()==310 ) { //with a Ks mother found for the pi+, loop through trackingParticles again to find a pi- for (TrackingParticleCollection::size_type j=0; j<tPCeff.size(); j++){ TrackingParticleRef tpr2(TPCollectionEff, j); TrackingParticle* itp2=const_cast<TrackingParticle*>(tpr2.get()); if ( itp2->pdgId() == -211 && itp2->parentVertex().isNonnull() && abs(itp2->momentum().eta()) < 2.4 && sqrt(itp2->momentum().perp2()) > 0.9) { //check the pi+ and pi- have the same vertex if ( itp2->parentVertex() == itp1->parentVertex() ) { TrackingVertexRef piCand2Vertex = itp2->parentVertex(); for (TrackingVertex::tp_iterator iTP2 = piCand2Vertex->sourceTracks_begin(); iTP2 != piCand2Vertex->sourceTracks_end(); ++iTP2) { //iTP2 is a TrackingParticle K0sGenEta = K0sGenpT = K0sGenR = 0.; K0sGenStatus = 0; if( (*iTP2)->pdgId() == 310 ) { K0sGenpT = sqrt( (*iTP2)->momentum().perp2() ); K0sGenEta = (*iTP2)->momentum().eta(); K0sGenR = sqrt(itp2->vertex().perp2()); genK0s++; int loop_2 = 0; if( trueK0s.size() > 0 ) { for( std::vector< pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackingParticleRef> >::const_iterator iEffCheck = trueK0s.begin(); iEffCheck != trueK0s.end(); iEffCheck++) { //if the parent vertices for the tracks are the same, then the generated Ks was found if (itp1->parentVertex()==iEffCheck->first->parentVertex() && itp2->parentVertex()==iEffCheck->second->parentVertex()) { realK0sFoundEff++; K0sGenStatus = 1; //cout << "Maybe here?" << endl; goodKsMass->Fill(trueKsMasses[loop_2]); //cout << "We made it...." << endl; break; } else { K0sGenStatus = 2; } } } else { K0sGenStatus = 2; } // Check if the generated Ks tracks were found or not // by searching the recoTracks list for a match to the trackingParticles std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > rt1; std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > rt2; //if( simRecColl.find(tpr1) != simRecColl.end() ) { if( simtorecoCollectionH->find(tpr1) != simtorecoCollectionH->end() ) { rt1 = (std::vector< std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) (*simtorecoCollectionH)[tpr1]; //simRecColl[tpr1]; if(rt1.size() != 0) { //First pion found K0sPiEff[0] = 1; edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> t1 = rt1.begin()->first; } } else { //First pion not found K0sPiEff[0] = 2; } //if( simRecColl.find(tpr2) != simRecColl.end() ) { if( simtorecoCollectionH->find(tpr2) != simtorecoCollectionH->end() ) { rt2 = (std::vector< std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) (*simtorecoCollectionH)[tpr2]; //simRecColl[tpr2]; if(rt2.size() != 0) { //Second pion found K0sPiEff[1] = 1; edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> t2 = rt2.begin()->first; } } else { K0sPiEff[1] = 2; } //cout << "Status: " << K0sGenStatus << ", K0sPiEff[i]: " << K0sPiEff[0] << ", " << K0sPiEff[1] << endl; if(K0sGenStatus == 1 && (K0sPiEff[0] == 2 || K0sPiEff[1] == 2)) { K0sGenStatus = 4; realK0sFoundEff--; } if(K0sGenStatus == 2 && (K0sPiEff[0] == 2 || K0sPiEff[1] == 2)) { K0sGenStatus = 3; } if(K0sPiEff[0] == 1 && K0sPiEff[1] == 1) { k0sTracksFound++; } //Fill Histograms if(K0sGenR > 0.) { if(K0sGenStatus == 1) { ksEffVsR_num->Fill(K0sGenR); } if((double) K0sGenStatus < 2.5) { ksTkEffVsR_num->Fill(K0sGenR); } ksEffVsR_denom->Fill(K0sGenR); } if(abs(K0sGenEta) > 0.) { if(K0sGenStatus == 1) { ksEffVsEta_num->Fill(K0sGenEta); } if((double) K0sGenStatus < 2.5) { ksTkEffVsEta_num->Fill(K0sGenEta); } ksEffVsEta_denom->Fill(K0sGenEta); } if(K0sGenpT > 0.) { if(K0sGenStatus == 1) { ksEffVsPt_num->Fill(K0sGenpT); } if((double) K0sGenStatus < 2.5) { ksTkEffVsPt_num->Fill(K0sGenpT); } ksEffVsPt_denom->Fill(K0sGenpT); } } } } } } } } } } } delete thePrimary; }
void V0Validator::beginRun | ( | const edm::Run & | iRun, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 56 of file V0Validator.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::cd(), dirName, fakeKsMass, fakeLamMass, goodKsMass, goodLamMass, ksAbsoluteDistResolution, ksCandStatus, ksEffVsEta, ksEffVsEta_denom, ksEffVsEta_num, ksEffVsPt, ksEffVsPt_denom, ksEffVsPt_num, ksEffVsR, ksEffVsR_denom, ksEffVsR_num, ksFakeDauRadDist, ksFakeVsEta, ksFakeVsEta_denom, ksFakeVsEta_num, ksFakeVsPt, ksFakeVsPt_denom, ksFakeVsPt_num, ksFakeVsR, ksFakeVsR_denom, ksFakeVsR_num, ksMassAll, ksTkEffVsEta, ksTkEffVsEta_num, ksTkEffVsPt, ksTkEffVsPt_num, ksTkEffVsR, ksTkEffVsR_num, ksTkFakeVsEta, ksTkFakeVsEta_num, ksTkFakeVsPt, ksTkFakeVsPt_num, ksTkFakeVsR, ksTkFakeVsR_num, ksXResolution, ksYResolution, ksZResolution, lamAbsoluteDistResolution, lamCandStatus, lamEffVsEta, lamEffVsEta_denom, lamEffVsEta_num, lamEffVsPt, lamEffVsPt_denom, lamEffVsPt_num, lamEffVsR, lamEffVsR_denom, lamEffVsR_num, lamFakeDauRadDist, lamFakeVsEta, lamFakeVsEta_denom, lamFakeVsEta_num, lamFakeVsPt, lamFakeVsPt_denom, lamFakeVsPt_num, lamFakeVsR, lamFakeVsR_denom, lamFakeVsR_num, lamMassAll, lamTkEffVsEta, lamTkEffVsEta_num, lamTkEffVsPt, lamTkEffVsPt_num, lamTkEffVsR, lamTkEffVsR_num, lamTkFakeVsEta, lamTkFakeVsEta_num, lamTkFakeVsPt, lamTkFakeVsPt_num, lamTkFakeVsR, lamTkFakeVsR_num, lamXResolution, lamYResolution, lamZResolution, nKs, nLam, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and theDQMstore.
{ //std::cout << "Running V0Validator" << std::endl; //theDQMstore = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); //std::cout << "In beginJob() at line 1" << std::endl; //edm::Service<TFileService> fs; theDQMstore->cd(); std::string subDirName = dirName + "/EffFakes"; theDQMstore->setCurrentFolder(subDirName.c_str()); ksEffVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksEffVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksEffVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; ksTkEffVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkEffVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksTkEffVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkEffVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksTkEffVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkEffVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksEffVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsR_num", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksEffVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsEta_num", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksEffVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsPt_num", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; ksTkEffVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkEffVsR_num", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksTkEffVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkEffVsEta_num", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksTkEffVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkEffVsPt_num", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; ksEffVsR_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsR_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksEffVsEta_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsEta_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksEffVsPt_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sEffVsPt_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; lamEffVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsR", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamEffVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamEffVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamTkEffVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkEffVsR", "#Lambda^{0} TrackingEfficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamTkEffVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkEffVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamTkEffVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkEffVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamEffVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsR_num", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamEffVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsEta_num", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamEffVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsPt_num", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamTkEffVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkEffVsR_num", "#Lambda^{0} TrackingEfficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamTkEffVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkEffVsEta_num", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamTkEffVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkEffVsPt_num", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamEffVsR_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsR_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamEffVsEta_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsEta_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamEffVsPt_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("LamEffVsPt_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); //theDQMstore->cd(); //subDirName = dirName + "/Fake"; //theDQMstore->setCurrentFolder(subDirName.c_str()); ksFakeVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksFakeVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksFakeVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksTkFakeVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkFakeVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksTkFakeVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkFakeVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksTkFakeVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkFakeVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksFakeVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsR_num", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksFakeVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsEta_num", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksFakeVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsPt_num", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksTkFakeVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkFakeVsR_num", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksTkFakeVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkFakeVsEta_num", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksTkFakeVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sTkFakeVsPt_num", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksFakeVsR_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsR_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksFakeVsEta_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsEta_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksFakeVsPt_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("K0sFakeVsPt_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamFakeVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsR", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamFakeVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamFakeVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamTkFakeVsR = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkFakeVsR", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamTkFakeVsEta = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkFakeVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamTkFakeVsPt = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkFakeVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamFakeVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsR_num", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamFakeVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsEta_num", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamFakeVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsPt_num", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamTkFakeVsR_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkFakeVsR_num", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamTkFakeVsEta_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkFakeVsEta_num", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamTkFakeVsPt_num = theDQMstore->book1D("LamTkFakeVsPt_num", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamFakeVsR_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsR_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamFakeVsEta_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsEta_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamFakeVsPt_denom = theDQMstore->book1D("LamFakeVsPt_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); theDQMstore->cd(); subDirName = dirName + "/Other"; theDQMstore->setCurrentFolder(subDirName.c_str()); nKs = theDQMstore->book1D("nK0s", "Number of K^{0}_{S} found per event", 60, 0., 60.); nLam = theDQMstore->book1D("nLam", "Number of #Lambda^{0} found per event", 60, 0., 60.); ksXResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("ksXResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex X coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); ksYResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("ksYResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Y coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); ksZResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("ksZResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Z coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); lamXResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("lamXResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex X coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); lamYResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("lamYResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Y coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); lamZResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("lamZResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Z coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); ksAbsoluteDistResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("ksRResolution", "Resolution of absolute distance from primary vertex to V0 vertex", 100, 0., 50.); lamAbsoluteDistResolution = theDQMstore->book1D("lamRResolution", "Resolution of absolute distance from primary vertex to V0 vertex", 100, 0., 50.); ksCandStatus = theDQMstore->book1D("ksCandStatus", "Fake type by cand status", 10, 0., 10.); lamCandStatus = theDQMstore->book1D("ksCandStatus", "Fake type by cand status", 10, 0., 10.); double minKsMass = 0.49767 - 0.07; double maxKsMass = 0.49767 + 0.07; double minLamMass = 1.1156 - 0.05; double maxLamMass = 1.1156 + 0.05; int ksMassNbins = 100; double ksMassXmin = minKsMass; double ksMassXmax = maxKsMass; int lamMassNbins = 100; double lamMassXmin = minLamMass; double lamMassXmax = maxLamMass; fakeKsMass = theDQMstore->book1D("ksMassFake", "Mass of fake K0S", ksMassNbins, minKsMass, maxKsMass); goodKsMass = theDQMstore->book1D("ksMassGood", "Mass of good reco K0S", ksMassNbins, minKsMass, maxKsMass); fakeLamMass = theDQMstore->book1D("lamMassFake", "Mass of fake Lambda", lamMassNbins, minLamMass, maxLamMass); goodLamMass = theDQMstore->book1D("lamMassGood", "Mass of good Lambda", lamMassNbins, minLamMass, maxLamMass); ksMassAll = theDQMstore->book1D("ksMassAll", "Invariant mass of all K0S", ksMassNbins, ksMassXmin, ksMassXmax); lamMassAll = theDQMstore->book1D("lamMassAll", "Invariant mass of all #Lambda^{0}", lamMassNbins, lamMassXmin, lamMassXmax); ksFakeDauRadDist = theDQMstore->book1D("radDistFakeKs", "Production radius of daughter particle of Ks fake", 100, 0., 15.); lamFakeDauRadDist = theDQMstore->book1D("radDistFakeLam", "Production radius of daughter particle of Lam fake", 100, 0., 15.); /* ksEffVsRHist = new TH1F("K0sEffVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksEffVsEtaHist = new TH1F("K0sEffVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksEffVsPtHist = new TH1F("K0sEffVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; ksFakeVsRHist = new TH1F("K0sFakeVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksFakeVsEtaHist = new TH1F("K0sFakeVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksFakeVsPtHist = new TH1F("K0sFakeVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksTkEffVsRHist = new TH1F("K0sTkEffVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksTkEffVsEtaHist = new TH1F("K0sTkEffVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksTkEffVsPtHist = new TH1F("K0sTkEffVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; ksTkFakeVsRHist = new TH1F("K0sTkFakeVsR", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksTkFakeVsEtaHist = new TH1F("K0sTkFakeVsEta", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksTkFakeVsPtHist = new TH1F("K0sTkFakeVsPt", "K^{0}_{S} Tracking Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); ksEffVsRHist_denom = new TH1F("K0sEffVsR_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksEffVsEtaHist_denom = new TH1F("K0sEffVsEta_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksEffVsPtHist_denom = new TH1F("K0sEffVsPt_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.);; ksFakeVsRHist_denom = new TH1F("K0sFakeVsR_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); ksFakeVsEtaHist_denom = new TH1F("K0sFakeVsEta_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); ksFakeVsPtHist_denom = new TH1F("K0sFakeVsPt_denom", "K^{0}_{S} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamEffVsRHist = new TH1F("LamEffVsR", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamEffVsEtaHist = new TH1F("LamEffVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamEffVsPtHist = new TH1F("LamEffVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamFakeVsRHist = new TH1F("LamFakeVsR", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamFakeVsEtaHist = new TH1F("LamFakeVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamFakeVsPtHist = new TH1F("LamFakeVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamTkEffVsRHist = new TH1F("LamTkEffVsR", "#Lambda^{0} TrackingEfficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamTkEffVsEtaHist = new TH1F("LamTkEffVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamTkEffVsPtHist = new TH1F("LamTkEffVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamTkFakeVsRHist = new TH1F("LamTkFakeVsR", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamTkFakeVsEtaHist = new TH1F("LamTkFakeVsEta", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamTkFakeVsPtHist = new TH1F("LamTkFakeVsPt", "#Lambda^{0} Tracking Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamEffVsRHist_denom = new TH1F("LamEffVsR_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamEffVsEtaHist_denom = new TH1F("LamEffVsEta_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamEffVsPtHist_denom = new TH1F("LamEffVsPt_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Efficiency vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); lamFakeVsRHist_denom = new TH1F("LamFakeVsR_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #rho", 40, 0., 40.); lamFakeVsEtaHist_denom = new TH1F("LamFakeVsEta_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs #eta", 40, -2.5, 2.5); lamFakeVsPtHist_denom = new TH1F("LamFakeVsPt_denom", "#Lambda^{0} Fake Rate vs p_{T}", 70, 0., 20.); nKsHist = new TH1F("nK0s", "Number of K^{0}_{S} found per event", 60, 0., 60.); nLamHist = new TH1F("nLam", "Number of #Lambda^{0} found per event", 60, 0., 60.); ksXResolutionHist = new TH1F("ksXResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex X coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); ksYResolutionHist = new TH1F("ksYResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Y coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); ksZResolutionHist = new TH1F("ksZResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Z coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); lamXResolutionHist = new TH1F("lamXResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex X coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); lamYResolutionHist = new TH1F("lamYResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Y coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); lamZResolutionHist = new TH1F("lamZResolution", "Resolution of V0 decay vertex Z coordinate", 50, 0., 50.); ksAbsoluteDistResolutionHist = new TH1F("ksRResolution", "Resolution of absolute distance from primary vertex to V0 vertex", 100, 0., 50.); lamAbsoluteDistResolutionHist = new TH1F("lamRResolution", "Resolution of absolute distance from primary vertex to V0 vertex", 100, 0., 50.); ksCandStatusHist = new TH1F("ksCandStatus", "Fake type by cand status", 10, 0., 10.); lamCandStatusHist = new TH1F("ksCandStatus", "Fake type by cand status", 10, 0., 10.); double minKsMass = 0.49767 - 0.07; double maxKsMass = 0.49767 + 0.07; double minLamMass = 1.1156 - 0.05; double maxLamMass = 1.1156 + 0.05; fakeKsMassHisto = new TH1F("ksMassFake", "Mass of fake K0s", 100, minKsMass, maxKsMass); goodKsMassHisto = new TH1F("ksMassGood", "Mass of good reco K0s", 100, minKsMass, maxKsMass); fakeLamMassHisto = new TH1F("lamMassFake", "Mass of fake Lambda", 100, minLamMass, maxLamMass); goodLamMassHisto = new TH1F("lamMassGood", "Mass of good Lambda", 100, minLamMass, maxLamMass); ksFakeDauRadDistHisto = new TH1F("radDistFakeKs", "Production radius of daughter particle of Ks fake", 100, 0., 15.); lamFakeDauRadDistHisto = new TH1F("radDistFakeLam", "Production radius of daughter particle of Lam fake", 100, 0., 15.);*/ //std::cout << "Histograms booked" << std::endl; /*ksEffVsRHist->Sumw2(); ksEffVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); ksEffVsPtHist->Sumw2(); ksTkEffVsRHist->Sumw2(); ksTkEffVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); ksTkEffVsPtHist->Sumw2(); ksFakeVsRHist->Sumw2(); ksFakeVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); ksFakeVsPtHist->Sumw2(); ksTkFakeVsRHist->Sumw2(); ksTkFakeVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); ksTkFakeVsPtHist->Sumw2(); lamEffVsRHist->Sumw2(); lamEffVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); lamEffVsPtHist->Sumw2(); lamTkEffVsRHist->Sumw2(); lamTkEffVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); lamTkEffVsPtHist->Sumw2(); lamFakeVsRHist->Sumw2(); lamFakeVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); lamFakeVsPtHist->Sumw2(); lamTkFakeVsRHist->Sumw2(); lamTkFakeVsEtaHist->Sumw2(); lamTkFakeVsPtHist->Sumw2();*/ }
void V0Validator::endRun | ( | const edm::Run & | iRun, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 1191 of file V0Validator.cc.
References DQMStore::save(), theDQMRootFileName, and theDQMstore.
{ //theDQMstore->showDirStructure(); if(theDQMRootFileName.size() && theDQMstore) { theDQMstore->save(theDQMRootFileName); } }
std::string V0Validator::dirName [private] |
Definition at line 278 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::fakeKsMass [private] |
Definition at line 262 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::fakeLamMass [private] |
Definition at line 264 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
int V0Validator::genK0s [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
int V0Validator::genLam [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::goodKsMass [private] |
Definition at line 263 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::goodLamMass [private] |
Definition at line 265 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
float V0Validator::K0sCandEta [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
int V0Validator::k0sCandFound [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by V0Validator().
float V0Validator::K0sCandpT [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::K0sCandR [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::K0sCandStatus [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag V0Validator::k0sCollectionTag [private] |
Definition at line 276 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::K0sGenEta [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::K0sGenpT [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::K0sGenR [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::K0sGenStatus [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::K0sPiCandStatus[2] [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::K0sPiEff[2] [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
int V0Validator::k0sTracksFound [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 250 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksCandStatus [private] |
Definition at line 259 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 182 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsEta_denom [private] |
Definition at line 211 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 195 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 183 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsPt_denom [private] |
Definition at line 212 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 196 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsR [private] |
Definition at line 181 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsR_denom [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksEffVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 194 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeDauRadDist [private] |
Definition at line 271 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 188 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsEta_denom [private] |
Definition at line 208 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 201 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 189 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsPt_denom [private] |
Definition at line 209 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 202 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsR [private] |
Definition at line 187 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsR_denom [private] |
Definition at line 207 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksFakeVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 200 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
float V0Validator::KsGenX [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file V0Validator.h.
float V0Validator::KsGenY [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file V0Validator.h.
float V0Validator::KsGenZ [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file V0Validator.h.
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksMassAll [private] |
Definition at line 267 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkEffVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 185 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkEffVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 198 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkEffVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 186 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkEffVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 199 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkEffVsR [private] |
Definition at line 184 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkEffVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 197 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkFakeVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 191 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkFakeVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 204 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkFakeVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 192 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkFakeVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 205 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkFakeVsR [private] |
Definition at line 190 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksTkFakeVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 203 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksXResolution [private] |
Definition at line 247 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksYResolution [private] |
Definition at line 248 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::ksZResolution [private] |
Definition at line 249 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
Definition at line 254 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
float V0Validator::LamCandEta [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
int V0Validator::lamCandFound [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by V0Validator().
float V0Validator::LamCandpT [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::LamCandR [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::LamCandStatus [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamCandStatus [private] |
Definition at line 260 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
edm::InputTag V0Validator::lamCollectionTag [private] |
Definition at line 277 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 222 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsEta_denom [private] |
Definition at line 218 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 235 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 223 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsPt_denom [private] |
Definition at line 219 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 236 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsR [private] |
Definition at line 221 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsR_denom [private] |
Definition at line 217 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamEffVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 234 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeDauRadDist [private] |
Definition at line 272 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 228 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsEta_denom [private] |
Definition at line 215 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 241 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 229 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsPt_denom [private] |
Definition at line 216 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 242 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsR [private] |
Definition at line 227 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsR_denom [private] |
Definition at line 214 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamFakeVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 240 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
float V0Validator::LamGenEta [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::LamGenpT [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::LamGenR [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::LamGenStatus [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
float V0Validator::LamGenX [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file V0Validator.h.
float V0Validator::LamGenY [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file V0Validator.h.
float V0Validator::LamGenZ [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file V0Validator.h.
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamMassAll [private] |
Definition at line 268 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
unsigned int V0Validator::LamPiCandStatus[2] [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
unsigned int V0Validator::LamPiEff[2] [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkEffVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 225 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkEffVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 238 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkEffVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 226 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkEffVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 239 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkEffVsR [private] |
Definition at line 224 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkEffVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 237 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkFakeVsEta [private] |
Definition at line 231 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkFakeVsEta_num [private] |
Definition at line 244 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkFakeVsPt [private] |
Definition at line 232 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkFakeVsPt_num [private] |
Definition at line 245 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkFakeVsR [private] |
Definition at line 230 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamTkFakeVsR_num [private] |
Definition at line 243 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
int V0Validator::lamTracksFound [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file V0Validator.h.
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamXResolution [private] |
Definition at line 251 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamYResolution [private] |
Definition at line 252 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::lamZResolution [private] |
Definition at line 253 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::nKs [private] |
Definition at line 256 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
MonitorElement* V0Validator::nLam [private] |
Definition at line 257 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginRun().
int V0Validator::noTPforK0sCand [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
int V0Validator::noTPforLamCand [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
int V0Validator::realK0sFound [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
int V0Validator::realK0sFoundEff [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
int V0Validator::realLamFound [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
int V0Validator::realLamFoundEff [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and V0Validator().
std::string V0Validator::theDQMRootFileName [private] |
Definition at line 275 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by endRun().
DQMStore* V0Validator::theDQMstore [private] |
Definition at line 179 of file V0Validator.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), endRun(), and V0Validator().